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Ideas for Promotions to play as

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Sometimes you're in the mode for the C-Verse but just don't want to play as the established promotions. So instead you decide to come up with a new fed...but then you can't think of anything. Enter this thread and some suggestions.



A few of my ideas:

Women of Mass Destruction: A Joshi (women's) Deathmatch fed in Japan, similar to WEXXV. There's almost enough workers to pull this off and be fun. Personally when i did though I made my user character an active moderately skiled Joshi (sister to Battle Sakata in fact) and also added another two moderately skilled best friends to make things fun.


Championship Wrsestling from Boston 2010: Have you considered bringing back CWB from the dead? CWB's product is excellent for Brawlers and Technicans so guys like Nelson Callum, Mean Machine, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Cameron Vessey, American Patriot, and Kirk Jameson all do pretty well there while suiting the style of the promotion. When playing them I use a user character that's the son of the Boston Bomber


West Coast Xtreme: Think XPW; ECW but Vince McMahon would put it; "tawdier". A mix of high flyers and hardcore guys works. My user character is the owner/top manager, whose a legit adult movie operator, called John Wrong. Wrong uses his influence to makes the "right" champions emerge, plying them with money, women and power, and fueds with another opposes him. WCX's stars are Doug Peak (surpisingly good for me), Remmy Skye, Gareth Wayne and Titan (Wrong, Inc. My tag champs), Insane Heat as a face (got A* gimmick for Extremist!), Matt Sparrow (doing Eisenverse's Adult film star gimmick but as a heel and is Wrong's crown jewel.)



Anyone else got some custom feds that'd be good to play as?

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Sometimes you're in the mode for the C-Verse but just don't want to play as the established promotions. So instead you decide to come up with a new fed...but then you can't think of anything. Enter this thread and some suggestions.



A few of my ideas:

Women of Mass Destruction: A Joshi (women's) Deathmatch fed in Japan, similar to WEXXV. There's almost enough workers to pull this off and be fun. Personally when i did though I made my user character an active moderately skiled Joshi (sister to Battle Sakata in fact) and also added another two moderately skilled best friends to make things fun.


Championship Wrsestling from Boston 2010: Have you considered bringing back CWB from the dead? CWB's product is excellent for Brawlers and Technicans so guys like Nelson Callum, Mean Machine, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Cameron Vessey, American Patriot, and Kirk Jameson all do pretty well there while suiting the style of the promotion. When playing them I use a user character that's the son of the Boston Bomber


West Coast Xtreme: Think XPW; ECW but Vince McMahon would put it; "tawdier". A mix of high flyers and hardcore guys works. My user character is the owner/top manager, whose a legit adult movie operator, called John Wrong. Wrong uses his influence to makes the "right" champions emerge, plying them with money, women and power, and fueds with another opposes him. WCX's stars are Doug Peak (surpisingly good for me), Remmy Skye, Gareth Wayne and Titan (Wrong, Inc. My tag champs), Insane Heat as a face (got A* gimmick for Extremist!), Matt Sparrow (doing Eisenverse's Adult film star gimmick but as a heel and is Wrong's crown jewel.)



Anyone else got some custom feds that'd be good to play as?


I seem to remember a diary game a few years back using Boston as a backdrop. The Boston Bomber was brought in to make an appearance to put over the new champ...gimmick matches like the "Southie Street Fight" or the "Chelsea Chain Match" made for good entertainment as well. Like I said though, that was a while ago, so with the CVerse the way it is now I think there's plenty of mileage if you wanted to go that route.

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I had a game going on my old laptop that I really enjoyed, so I guess I'll share it here. I should mention that I started it as a 0/0/0/0 game.


Maverick Wrestling Experience

Basically a pretty Memphis-esque promotion, with wacky characters such as Hugh de Aske and Leisure Suit Morty (Mad Dog Mortimer), yet lots of blood (more old school than hardcore as such, though). My main guy was (Ant-Man) Johnny Heizenger who had gotten loyal towards me after I fired Xavier Reckless for fighting with him. Routinely having him win squash matches had gotten him pretty over in the Mid-South where I was running.


Pretty much every main event storyline was built around "Ace" Heizenger, as he had gotten pretty good in the ring and on the mic, in part due to a good destiny stat. Based on Jimmy Hart vs. Jerry Lawler & his First Family in Memphis, the main storylines were always that the top heel manager Sienna DeVille would bring in all kinds of guys to try and dispose of Heizenger - they might knock him down, but never out. This desire to see Heizenger brought down dated back to my third ever show, where she approached him after he became the first ever champion, and he turned down her services as a manager.



Not the most innovative game I ever played, but I really enjoyed it until my laptop broke.

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