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From what I understand, PGHW is set to a touring schedule because the matches take a huge toll on the wrestlers. Is it possible to change their schedule to a non touring type, running two shows a month?


Yep, at the start of the month (and I think during a non-touring month? Not positive) you can change the schedule. Then, simply make sure there's two events every month! Badda boom, badda bing.

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I wanted to try a non touring schedule because I want to try a different way of running PGHW. I was interested to see how things would go if I had a monthly PPV with using the TV as a B show to build up wrestlers leading to the PPV. I am just hoping the non touring schedule will not cripple my roster at a much faster rate.
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Or leave it as touring, but cut the no of shows per week down to one from the default 2. Given they have 5 months off from touring a year, this will give you approx 3 shows per month (averaged over the whole year) including the end of month PPV's.
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