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Gimmick Change Problem

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Hello guys!


Just a question I would like to ask...


While the first gimmick that I choose for a newcomer wrestler is successful 95% of the time (grade from B to A*) when the times comes to chance the gimmick (I usually make a Turn and gimmick change at the same time) the results vary from D+ to C+ and I get negatives on angles and matches.


My fans like the gimmicks to be simple, not subtle and risk free. I check each worker individually for strengths in their performance, so I KNOW that the choice of the gimmick is not wrong. It's not too early for the change either.


I usually use the Beatdown Backstage Angle for the job.


I suspect momentum... Any ideas?

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I think you need to make the turn first, then the gimmick change


Not necessarily. When you do a turn + gimmick change, it does the gimmick change first.


An example. I recently turned Brett Biggz heel and gave him a "Man on a Mission" gimmick. I put him in an angle and it tells me that the gimmick debuted at D+. I then click to complete the turn and it said it went down well. I check him after the show, his momentum has jumped to B and his gimmick is now C+.


The problem is, not everyone is going to have a B-A gimmick. Also, the gimmick rating isn't the end all. I've had guys with D gimmick still make it to main eventers. All it means is that you have to work harder to get them there.

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Not necessarily. When you do a turn + gimmick change, it does the gimmick change first.


An example. I recently turned Brett Biggz heel and gave him a "Man on a Mission" gimmick. I put him in an angle and it tells me that the gimmick debuted at D+. I then click to complete the turn and it said it went down well. I check him after the show, his momentum has jumped to B and his gimmick is now C+.


The problem is, not everyone is going to have a B-A gimmick. Also, the gimmick rating isn't the end all. I've had guys with D gimmick still make it to main eventers. All it means is that you have to work harder to get them there.


That's good to know, seeing as how I want to go ahead and change Shawn Gonzalez's gimmick (it's at B- right now) in hopes of giving him a better one, but I also plan to turn him very soon in order to have the super epic Gonzalez vs. PRP feud (with Billy Russel caught in the middle!!!!)


Which wouldn't be such a big deal if, you know... PRP wasn't forcing me to keep Shawn at over C+ momentum in a freakin' Regional company.

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