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Garrisan Cade


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I think it's because they weren't really getting that over with the crowd so they just cut them short. I don't agree with the move because they need more right now. I have no idea why they are pushing Murdoch instead of Cade...Cade is so much more talented. I remember when he was a loner before
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That's his character, I think it's because of the training he recieved in "old-school" wrestling...he's not an entertainer but he fights like Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch people like that in the good ol days of wrestling. He's sorta proof once again that you don't need a great body, just great training to make it to the big time. But, I agree, I liked Garrison Cade man,...and WWE is short on great tag-teams...
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Trevor Murdoch worked as Trevor Rhodes in WLW and as one of the Dupps in TNA. I know he isn't a real Murdoch and I haven't found any official proof that he is related to Dusty. He was trained by Harley Race. I was a big fan of the team and I hate the fact that they broke them up. Although they came across as WWE's version of AMW at times. There's just no patience in the un-creative department these days.
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As a I see this, it's a smart move to have them "break" up for a while and get some singles work in. The RAW Tag Title are on two main eventers that aren't going to lose them (unless it's against two other Main Eventers) until one of them turns on the other. So why not have the two get some time beating jobbers and fighting for the IC title till the Show/Kane fued starts.
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[QUOTE=jonlawson]What happened to him, I just saw Raw and Trevor Murdoch is going into singles action, I check the roster and he's not listed,...anyone hear what happened to him?[/QUOTE] I know not of this Garrison Cade, I'm sure you are refering to Lance Cade, a completely different person mind you. :) [url]http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/cade/[/url]
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