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Mid Atlantic Wrestling 2010

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MAW The Rip Chord Invitational V Preview


It’s the New Year, so for all you independent wrestling fans in the Mid Atlantic that means just one thing – it’s time for the 2010 edition of the Rip Chord Invitational.


RCI10 will be headlined by the final of an 8-man tournament. The winner of this year’s tournament will not only be the Rip Chord Invitational Winner but will also earn themselves a title shot at the Mid Atlantic Championship at MAW Super Showdown in March.


This year’s RCI will feature 8 of the best in MAW today. The first wrestler highlighted is a newcomer to MAW, but shares a trait with a good number already present in our locker room. This newcomer is another second generation star, the son of the legendary Sam Keith – Matt Keith. He is hoping to make his mark on the US scene after recently losing the PSW National Title up in Philadelphia.


Keith will be joined by last year’s winner – Cameron Vessey – the self-proclaimed leader of The Succession. Vessey looks to take back to back RCI victories and has his sights firmly locked on the Mid Atlantic Title. His tag team partner, Casey Valentine is also one of the 8 participants and will be hoping to challenge his partner for the glory.


A further two participants come in the form of the big rough southerner Findlay O’Farraday and former Champion – Citizen X. Speaking of O’Farrelly – his former tag team partner Ricky Douglas has also been signed to compete. Rounding out the competitors are Ace Youngblood and a surprise entrant coming to us all the way from the Coastal Zone.


Aside from the main body of the tournament, the Rip Chord Invitational will see two title matches take place. The first will be for the Mid Atlantic Championship, where the current champion American Patriot is set to defend against long time rival and former champion Mean Jean Cattley. Our second title match is for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship which sees The Awesomeness defend their titles against Generation X of The Succession. The next generation stars looking to get their hands on the tag team gold.



American Patriot © vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Awesomeness © vs. Generation X

Rip Chord Invitational 2010 Quarter Finals

Matt Keith vs. Casey Valentine

Citizen X vs. Cameron Vessey

Findlay O’Farraday vs. Ricky Douglas

Ace Youngblood vs. Surprise Entrant



OOC: This is just a straight MAW diary, been thinking of ideas for this promotion for months but only just decided to give it a go in game.. no special gimmicks or anything like that, just a straight MAW diary.. hopefully you enjoy the 'basic' approach as I dont want to do anything too 'big' and different.. Im aiming for a 'realistic' approach (how a fictional wrestling promotion can be realistic im not sure.. but ill give it a go).. Enjoy..


Predictions Welcome..

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American Patriot © vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Awesomeness © vs. Generation X

Rip Chord Invitational 2010 Quarter Finals

Matt Keith vs. Casey Valentine

Citizen X vs. Cameron Vessey

Findlay O’Farrelly vs. Ricky Douglas

Ace Youngblood vs. Surprise Entrant



Matt Keith vs Cameron Vessey

Findley O'Farrelly vs Suprise Entrant



Cameron Vessey vs Surprise Entrant


Surprise Entrant... Matt Sparrow?

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American Patriot © vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Awesomeness © vs. Generation X

Rip Chord Invitational 2010 Quarter Finals

Matt Keith vs. Casey Valentine

Citizen X vs. Cameron Vessey

Findlay O’Farrelly vs. Ricky Douglas

Ace Youngblood vs. Surprise Entrant

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MAW The Rip Chord Invitational V Results


We come live from Stanley Hall for the fifth annual Rip Chord Invitational. Before the show officially began we had a four way bout between the guys not on the main card – it was won by Max Mayhem.


We kicked off with a debutant in the form of Matt Keith, who proclaimed that he wasn’t like all the other ‘next gen stars’ here in MAW – he wanted to rise to the top with his honour intact, and looked to add to the prestige of the Keith family name. And, he did just that in our opening contest as he battled against the challenge of Casey Valentine to win via the Proton Lock in 6:10.


After the failings of his tag team partner, Cameron Vessey looked to gain a degree of revenge for the Succession – as he fought a tight contest against Citizen X in our second quarter final. The Anarchist fell at the final hurdle as a Vessey Driver secured the win after 6:53.


Our third contest was a slight let down on the previous two, as Ernest Forthdyke-Hume got involved, but cost his man the match. After botched interference Findlay O’Farraday hit the Atomic Spinebuster to put Ricky Douglas down for the three count at the 4:36 mark.


It was now time for our ‘surprise entrant’ as a familiar tune played the crowd got to their feet – however a man dressed in a suit would appear. The crowd seemed unimpressed that a former favourite was now appearing as a sell out in a suit. The former ‘Mainstream’ proclaimed himself as James Hernandez – a representative of both CZCW and FREEDOM – the Mainstream was no-more. He claimed he was reluctant to return to this ‘cesspit’ – but the pay-off made it worthwhile.


The Native American, Ace Youngblood was quick to hit the ring in an effort to shut up the ‘sell-out’ and took the fight right to him. However, Ace was to eat a Super Kick and that was the end of his night after 6:01.


We left our tournament for the time being as the Tag Titles were now up for grabs, Brett Starr and Jay Chord looked to improve upon a mixed night for the Succession and controlled the Champions early on. A spirited fight back from Huey Cannonball lead to Jefferson Stardust entering on a hot tag and ending the challengers hopes with a Stage Dive on Starr at the 12:38 mark to retain their titles.


We returned to the first of our semi-finals, but before we could get to the opening bell Matt Keith was attacked by a masked man on his way to the ring. The masked assailant continued to beat down Keith before locking him in his own Proton Lock in the centre of the ring. With Keith incapacitated, the masked man revealed himself to be his brother – who grabbed a microphone. We were soon informed that Greg Gauge was unhappy with his brothers words earlier tonight, and was here to uphold the respect of the real family name.


After the ring was cleared of the unhappy sibling, Cameron Vessey took the chance and began to work over the fallen Keith. After a long battle Vessey seemed unable to put him away, as Keith continued to battle back and look for the Proton Lock to finish the bout. Vessey finally managed to prevail as exhaustion took over and a Vessey Driver sealed the deal at 10:43.


Our second semi-final was another tightly contested battle – which saw James Hernandez blow every chance he had at finishing the contest. Whenever he took control of the action, he would focus on rubbing the local fan’s faces in the fact that he was ‘better’ than them. Findlay O’Farraday eventually made him pay, and scored the victory following an Atomic Spinebuster in 13:22.


We then had a brief word from our Champion – American Patriot, who was looking forward to overturning the challenge of Mean Jean Cattley and make sure it was his name on everybody’s lips by the end of the night. In our co-main event, Mean Jean came at the Patriot with everything but the kitchen sink, but the resilient champion continued to kick out of every pinfall and following a strong ‘USA!’ chant took control of the contest and retained his title with an Inverted Piledriver in 15:24.


Our main event saw two exhausted warriors slug it out for the Rip Chord Invitational. While the action in the ring lacked compared to their earlier efforts the fans didn’t seem to mind as both Cameron Vessey and Findlay O’Farraday put everything they had into the final match. O’Farraday looked to have things wrapped up, but Vessey managed to reverse a second Atomic Spinebuster and hit the Vessey Driver to win back-to-back Invitational’s in 17:16.


Overall Show Rating: E+


Quick Results

Cameron Vessey def. Findlay O’Farraday to win the Rip Chord Invitational {E}

American Patriot def. Mean Jean Cattley to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship {D}

Findlay O’Farraday def. James Hernandez {D}

Cameron Vessey def. Matt Keith {D}

The Awesomeness def. Generation X to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship {D-}

James Hernandez def. Ace Youngblood {D-}

Findlay O’Farraday def. Ricky Douglas {E}

Cameron Vessey def. Citizen X {D-}

Matt Keith def. Casey Valentine {D+}



Thanks for the predictions guys, QFresh got 7/9 right.. while bgbuff scored a respectable 2/6.. congrats to both of you.. expect the preview for Wrestling Classic to come soon enough..


I welcome any comments on my first effort.. and hope you enjoyed the show..

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MAW Wrestling Classic Preview


On the back of a great night for the Rip Chord Invitational, Mid Atlantic Wrestling is back with February’s Wrestling Classic. After three gruelling battles Cameron Vessey became our second back-to-back winner of the RCI and in the process earned a shot at American Patriot and the Mid Atlantic Championship at next month’s Super Showdown.


Things weren’t straight forward for Vessey to come out victorious, as Matt Keith was brutally beaten down by his brother Greg Gauge prior to their semi-final clash. This leads to our main event for the Wrestling Classic as Keith looks to right a wrong as he battles against Vessey – with the winner taking Vessey’s title shot in March.


Our Champion will also be in action as he joins forces with Citizen X and Findlay O’Farraday to take on the remaining three members of The Succession in a six-man tag team match. Our tag team champions The Awesomeness try to continue their reign at the top as they battle The Aces of Mayhem.


After making his presence known at the Invitational, Greg Gauge gets his first chance to make an impact inside the ring – as he makes his debut against Keith Vegas in our opening contest.



Cameron Vessey vs. Matt Keith

American Patriot, Citizen X and Findlay O’Farraday vs. The Succession

The Awesomeness © vs. The Aces of Mayhem

Greg Gauge vs. Keith Vegas

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<p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MAW Wrestling Classic Results</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

We are live once again from Stanley Hall for the <strong>Wrestling Classic</strong>. We didn’t have any in-ring action during the pre-show, so we go straight to our opening contest.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> makes his in-ring debut and makes light work of <strong>Keith Vegas</strong>; slapping on the Proton Lock for the victory in 3:39. After his victory, Gauge grabbed a microphone and called out the leader of The Succession – <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> – and told him that they share a common view on many subjects and believes that he should be the newest member of The Succession.</p><p> </p><p>

The crowd notice a disturbance at the entrance way, as <strong>Ricky Douglas</strong> and <strong>Findlay O’Farraday</strong> brawled their way down to the ring and it looks like we’re having an impromptu match. And we do, as O’Farrady and Douglas go back and forth until the bigger man takes control and hits an Atomic Spinebuster to end the brutal contest in 8:16.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Atlantic Connection</strong> make their way down to the ring, but look unsure as to who they will be facing. Out comes <strong>Mean Jean Cattley</strong> who proceeds to beat them both down and left the handicap match victorious after the Mood Swing on McManus in 6:36. Cattley then complained about being overlooked tonight, and this showing was just to prove that he was worth the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

The Tag Team Titles were on the line next, with <strong>The Awesomeness</strong> successfully defending their titles over <strong>The Aces of Mayhem</strong>. Huey Cannonball using the Cannonball Run to put Max Mayhem away for the three in 12:01.</p><p> </p><p>

Our co-main event was the six man tag match, with <strong>The Succession</strong> using their chemistry as a team to their advantage early doors as they took control of the in-ring action. <strong>Findlay O’Farraday</strong> had obviously got his mind elsewhere as he was the subject of numerous near falls, the hot tag came as <strong>Citizen X</strong> took the initiative and allowed <strong>American Patriot</strong> to use the Backdrop Driver on Jay Chord for the well earned victory in 15:11.</p><p> </p><p>

On his way to the ring for the main event, <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> announced that there would be no new members to The Succession any time soon – no matter who your father was. <strong>Matt Keith</strong> then came out for the main event, and the two warriors picked up where they left off last month and went tooth and nail with each other. Both men came close on a number of occasions but when Keith locked in the Proton Lock, things looked destined to end. Unfortunately for Keith, his brother made an appearance and caused a big enough distraction to not only break the hold but allow Cameron to hit the Vessey Driver and steal the victory after 19:04.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>Overall Show Rating: D</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick Results</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Cameron Vessey def. Matt Keith {D+}</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

American Patriot, Citizen X and Findlay O’Farraday def. The Succession {D-}</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

The Awesomeness def. The Aces of Mayhem to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship {E}</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Mean Jean Cattley def. The Atlantic Connection {E+}</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Findlay O’Farraday def. Ricky Douglas {E+}</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Greg Gauge def. Keith Vegas {E}</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Disappointed by the lack of predictions of feedback, but ill keep plugging away as its early doors yet.. Just entering October in-game now so have plenty of shows lined up to post..</em></span></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">MAW Super Showdown Preview</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

On the back of an explosive <strong>Wrestling Classic</strong> we head into March with our targets firmly locked on a <strong>Super Showdown</strong> between the Current Mid Atlantic Champion <strong>American Patriot</strong> and the Number One Contender and Leader of The Succession <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

These two top warriors will go head to head for the ultimate glory, with the winner leaving as the Mid Atlantic Champion. Vessey and Patriot have been on a collision course ever since Vessey won his second <strong>Rip Chord Invitational</strong> back in January, in the process earning a title shot.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of Number One Contenders, the man who leaves as Champion will already have his next opponent lined up for our April event – Americana. Three men will go to war to determine the next man in line, as former champion <strong>Mean Jean Cattley</strong> gets a chance to prove himself as top dog once again. But Cattley will have to go through the battling brothers of <strong>Matt Keith</strong> and <strong>Greg Gauge</strong> to gain a title shot once again. The brothers have been at each other’s throats since arriving in MAW, with Keith being robbed of two potential title opportunities by his brother – now they will do battle inside the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Our Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions – <strong>The Awesomeness</strong> face a challenge from a tag team that find their home in PSW – <strong>The Good Ol’ Boys</strong>. The team that leaves <strong>Super Showdown</strong> as our tag champs will take next month off as Americana plays host to an eight man Lethal Lottery; which will see a four team tournament to crown number one contenders – the draw will take place before the title match.</p><p> </p><p>

A rivalry will be ended tonight, as <strong>Findlay O’Farraday</strong> wishes to put <strong>Ricky Douglas</strong> behind him as he moves towards the Mid Atlantic Title. Douglas has suffered two straight defeats at the hands of his former partner in recent months, so will be out for revenge.</p><p> </p><p>

After clashing in the six man tag at <strong>Wrestling Classic</strong>, we will see <strong>Jay Chord</strong> of the Succession take on <strong>Citizen X</strong> in one of our opening bouts. This grudge match could set the tone for the Succession, as the young group have a big night ahead of them.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>FINAL CARD</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

American Patriot © vs. Cameron Vessey</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Mean Jean Cattley vs. Matt Keith vs. Greg Gauge </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

The Awesomeness © vs. The Good Ol’ Boys</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Ricky Douglas vs. Findlay O’Farraday</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Citizen X vs. Jay Chord</span></p>

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MAW Super Showdown Results


We’re back in the Stanley Hall again, and it’s time for the Super Showdown. Once again we have no pre-show action of note, so it’s onwards to the big time and our opening contest.


Our opening contest kicks off the show in a great way, with Jay Chord and Citizen X putting their all into the contest. The Anarchist was in control, but a roll-up and a sneaky use of the ropes gave Chord the ‘upset’ victory in 11:46.


In our second match of the night, we saw the continuation of a long rivalry – with Findlay O’Farraday looking to put Ricky Douglas out of his life once and for all. Douglas was a new look man without Ernest Forthdyke-Hume in his corner and braved the onslaught from his much bigger former partner. Douglas caught O’Farraday and the fans completely by surprise when at 10:04 he used a roll-up to score the surprise victory.


We then had the draw for Americana’s Lethal Lottery Tournament; Citizen X and Ace Youngblood vs. Findlay O'Farraday and Ricky Douglas; Casey Valentine and Keith Vegas vs. Matt Keith and Greg Gauge.


The current Tag Champions looked pretty confident at seeing no real partnerships in the draw and enjoyed the prospect of facing teams who hated each other. Tonight, however, was a different matter as The Good Ol’ Boys brought the battle to them and ran the champions close until Jefferson Stardust landed a Stage Dive on Langton to score the victory in 13:22.


Greg Gauge made his way to the ring for our Three Way Dance; Gauge had a microphone and told us all that tonight wasn’t necessarily about winning – but preventing his ‘so-called’ brother from doing so. Matt Keith and then Mean Jean Cattley joined him in the ring and our contest was underway. With Cattley and Gauge seemingly double teaming Keith for much of the fight. Cattley was then taken out of action, as Keith fought back and looked to lock in the Proton Lock – following a misdirection of the referee by Gauge, a low blow took down Keith. Instead’ve following up on this unfair advantage, Gauge simply left the ring to allow Cattley to steal the victory with a handful of tights in 13:51.


Cattley then got on the microphone and challenged the winner of our title match to put the belt up for grabs inside a Steel Cage at Americana. Cameron Vessey made his way out, informed Cattley that it was fine by him – because tonight was his destiny. Tonight was what his whole life had been building up to, tonight was about Cameron Vessey becoming Champion.


American Patriot hit the ring and our Mid Atlantic Championship contest was underway. The two went back and forth early on in the match, until Patriot accidently caught the referee with a clothesline after Vessey dived out of the way. With no one in charge, Casey Valentine hit the ring to aid his partner and a double team ensued. Cameron planted Patriot with a Vessey Driver and made the cover as the referee came round, but Patriot’s spirit proved too much and he kicked out at two. Vessey looked again to use the Vessey Driver, but Patriot was too strong – and connected with a Backdrop Driver to score the victory and retain his title in 18:47.


Overall Show Rating: D-


Quick Results

American Patriot def. Cameron Vessey to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship {D}

Mean Jean Cattley def. Matt Keith and Greg Gauge to become Number One Contender {D}

The Awesomeness def. The Good Ol’ Boys to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship {E+}

Ricky Douglas def. Findlay O’Farraday {E}

Jay Chord def. Citizen X {D-}



Well done to QFresh for getting a solid 4/5 correct in the prediction contest.. April is a bit of a tough month.. but with hindsight what happened worked out for the best for all concerned.. although at the time it was a mega-blow.. anyway - more on that in an actual update later on..

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Ahead of MAW’s Americana event in April, news has filtered through that Matt Keith has signed a developmental deal to join RIPW – effective immediately. This has come as a massive blow to MAW, as Keith was set to be a centrepiece of the company over the coming months. Keith was in a feud with his brother Greg Gauge over the family name and we feel it necessary to tell our interested fans how this would’ve panned out.


• At Americana; Matt Keith and Greg Gauge were going to end up as reluctant winners of the Lethal Lottery.

• In the following Title Shot at Old School Rules – they were set to become Tag Team Champions.

• There first defence was to be against a team from The Succession at Fan Festival – with Gauge leaving his brother and gifting the Tag Titles to The Succession.

• This would lead to the first one-on-one clash at Summer Heatwave. With Gauge gaining victory thanks to assistance from Cameron Vessey.

• The brothers would then lead two teams of four into the Battle of the Mid Atlantic with the winning captain earning a title shot at the Mid Atlantic Title.


That is as far as had been planned for the feud, but it was expected to last the year with an undecided outcome. The news of Keith’s departure has led to a huge re-write of current plans and has left MAW in a bit of a hole creatively.

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MAW Americana 2010 Preview


After tough news during the month of April, MAW looks to bounce back with Americana. Not only will we see a Steel Cage Match, we will also have the four team Lethal Lottery tournament to determine the Number One Contenders for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship.


Our first focus is a rematch from The Rip Chord Invitational as we head inside the Steel Cage for the Mid Atlantic Championship, as American Patriot defends his title against the challenge of Mean Jean Cattley. These two men will do battle again, with the victor having to escape the cage to ensure victory and to capture the title.


Our Lethal Lottery Tournament sees Citizen X team with Ace Youngblood to take on former Tag Champions, turned enemies Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas. Our second semi final sees Casey Valentine form an unlikely partnership with Keith Vegas to take on Greg Gauge and a currently unknown partner.


MAW is known for its position as a breeding ground for great talent, with the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp producing another promising prospect by the name of Syd Collier. The newcomer will get his chance as he faces off against another newcomer, the young Mexican luchadore Amazing Fire Fly. The pair will do battle, with the winner earning the vacant place in the Lethal Lottery Tournament to team with Greg Gauge.



American Patriot © vs. Mean Jean Cattley inside a Steel Cage

Lethal Lottery Matches

Citizen X / Ace Youngblood vs. Findlay O’Farraday / Ricky Douglas

Casey Valentine / Keith Vegas vs. Greg Gauge / ???

Syd Collier vs. Amazing Fly Fire

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MAW Americana 2010 Results


Live from the Stanley Hall, this is MAW Americana 2010! A big night tonight as we see the Lethal Lottery Tournament and a Steel Cage Match for the Mid Atlantic Championship.


Our opening contest pits two newcomers against each other and the crowd were a little unhappy not knowing who either guy was. But Syd Collier made quick work of Amazing Fire Fly forcing the submission from the Texas Cloverleaf in 4:04. Greg Gauge then came to the ring and congratulated his new ‘partner’ and set his targets on the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles.


The new tag team were pretty dominant against the thrown together team of Casey Valentine and Keith Vegas. Valentine looked uninterested in our opening Lethal Lottery contest, as Vegas fell victim to the Proton Lock by Gauge in 8:23.


Our second semi final saw the former tag team champions Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas take on Citizen X and his young partner for the night Ace Youngblood. O’Farraday and Douglas, despite their recent animosity worked well as a team and managed to pull off the victory by submission as Douglas locked Youngblood with a Figure Four Leg Lock in 9:17.


Cameron Vessey hits the ring with microphone in hand, dressed in his street clothes – he is unhappy at main eventing last month and not even being on the card tonight. He talks about how he is here for the long term and wont jump at the first offer – The Succession will rule over this company for years to come. His opponent in this makeshift match is Riley McManus – who survives for a short period before a Vessey Driver halts proceedings at 5:51.


It was now time for our Lethal Lottery Final match, pitting former champions turned enemies Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas against Greg Gauge and the newcomer, fighting his third match of the night Syd Collier. O’Farraday and Douglas worked well as a team, but their desire to be better than each other some became their downfall and lead to O’Farraday falling victim to the Proton Lock in 12:15.


The victorious Greg Gauge then grabbed a microphone for the second time tonight, and proceeding to talk trash about his brother. He informed us that the real reason Matt Keith has left MAW, is because he was scared of losing over and over again to the better brother. He now has his targets set on the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles with his new protégé.


American Patriot talks about his title defence as the Cage is fitted around the ring. Patriot calls upon the fans to keep the ‘USA!’ chants ringing out all night to maintain the strength of America and the American Patriot. Mean Jean Cattley arrives as the cage is secured and our main event is under way. The power of the ‘USA!’ chants was clear to see as Patriot started the match like a house on fire and looked like easing to victory. However, Cattley fought back and proceeded to dominate proceedings almost taunting Patriot as he hit the Mood Swing and just sat at the top of the cage waiting for the champion to get back to his feet. This proved costly as Patriot gained a second wind and landed a picture perfect Backdrop Driver from the second rope – allowing him to climb out of the cage and retain his title at the 23:29 mark.

Overall Show Rating: D


Quick Results

American Patriot def. Mean Jean Cattley in a Steel Cage Match to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship {D+}

Greg Gauge and Syd Collier def. Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas {D-}

Cameron Vessey def. Riley McManus {E+}

Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas def. Citizen X and Ace Youngblood {E+}

Greg Gauge and Syd Collier def. Casey Valentine and Keith Vegas {E+}

Syd Collier def. Amazing Fire Fly {F+}

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MAW Old School Rules Preview


Following a fantastic night of action at Americana in April, MAW will return for Old School Rules. We will determine a new number one contender for the Mid Atlantic Championship as well as determine the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions.


Our main event pits four of the best singles competitors in MAW today against one another to determine the Number One Contender for the Mid Atlantic Championship. We see former champions Mean Jean Cattley and Citizen X as well as former partners turned enemies Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas.


Our one and only title match of the evening pits the winners of the Lethal Lottery Greg Gauge and Syd Collier – now dubbed Future Shock take on the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions The Awesomeness. Gauge and Collier battled past the other three teams to become the number one contenders at Americana.


We also see four more teams in action as C-V-2 take on The Aces of Mayhem and The Atlantic Connection battle with Generation X, with the two teams from The Succession then switching opponents. We will be one step closer to determining the next contenders for whoever the Champions are after this series of four matches.



Citizen X vs. Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley vs. Ricky Douglas

The Awesomeness © vs. Future Shock

C-V-2 vs. The Atlantic Connection

Generation X vs. The Aces of Mayhem

C-V-2 vs. The Aces of Mayhem

Generation X vs. The Atlantic Connection

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Citizen X vs. Findlay O’Farraday vs. Mean Jean Cattley vs. Ricky Douglas

The Awesomeness © vs. Future Shock

C-V-2 vs. The Atlantic Connection

Generation X vs. The Aces of Mayhem

C-V-2 vs. The Aces of Mayhem

Generation X vs. The Atlantic Connection

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MAW Old School Rules Results


We are back in the Stanley Hall once again for MAW Old School Rules. Tonight we will see a focus on tag team action as well as a new number one contender determined.


Our opening battle was the first of four Tag Contenders matches, pitting Generation X against The Atlantic Connection. In a relatively uninspiring effort, the two members of The Succession ended the misery of CJ after hitting the Generation Gap and securing their first victory of the night in 8:24.


The other half of The Succession, C-V-2 brought a much better performance to the table, and after a solid battle with The Aces of Mayhem a Flying V put away Max Mayhem in 8:52 to make it 2-0 to the Succession at the half way stage.


The Aces of Mayhem stayed in the ring and got a beating from their new opponents Generation X – but after almost zero offense Mayhem caught Brett Starr with a fast roll up and scored the upset victory at the 9:47 mark.


C-V-2 came back out and restored the natural order of things after a slight blip after the opening bell and make short work of The Atlantic Connection as a second Flying V of the night put away McManus for their second victory of the evening in 8:50. Vessey grabbed a microphone and decided to announce that he doesn’t care about the Tag Titles, his main focus was the Mid Atlantic Championship; however, Valentine seemed to disagree and the partners had a mild argument before heading to the back.


Our final tag team match of the evening was the big one, for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships. The reigning champions The Awesomeness started out well against the less experienced partnership known as Future Shock. The tenacity of the youngster Collier, led the charge and tied Jefferson Stardust up in the Texas Cloverleaf and the team that was formed just a month ago won the Tag Team Titles by submission in 12:44. Gauge grabbed a microphone and announced that the Future was Now!


Citizen X came to the ring with microphone and told us how The Anarchist was fed up of playing second fiddle, and his desire to be back on top has brought him to this challenge tonight. That challenge was a Four Way Dance against Ricky Douglas, Findlay O’Farraday and Mean Jean Cattley. After the early feeling out phase, the four wrestlers paired off with O’Farraday taking out Douglas while Cattley laid waste to Citizen X. This left O’Farraday and Cattley to battle things out, and after some back and forth action a Mood Swing left O’Farraday down and out and handed Cattley another chance at the Mid Atlantic Title, gaining victory in 18:01.


Overall Show Rating: D-


Quick Results

Mean Jean Cattley def. Citizen X, Findlay O’Farraday and Ricky Douglas to become Number One Contender {D-}

Future Shock def. The Awesomeness to become the new Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions {D}

C-V-2 def. The Atlantic Connection {D}

The Aces of Mayhem def. Generation X {E+}

C-V-2 def. The Aces of Mayhem {D}

Generation X def. The Atlantic Connection {D-}


QFresh - 2/6 - not so good this time out, but thanks for reading :)

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<p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MAW Fan Festival 2010 Preview</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

We rage into the <strong>Fan Festival 2010</strong> on the back of a successful <strong>Old School Rules</strong> – where we found new Tag Team Champions and a new Number One Contender.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mean Jean Cattley</strong> once again earned a shot at <strong>American Patriot</strong> and his Mid Atlantic Championship. In what many believe to be Cattley’s final shot at the gold, the two will square off once again – this time they will be held together by a leather strap.</p><p> </p><p>

We will also see the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles on the line, as the new champions <strong>Future Shock</strong> defend their titles against <strong>C-V-2</strong>. The duo from The Succession won a series of matches last month to earn their title shot. However, there is a twist as before the team’s square off for the titles – they will face off in back-to-back singles matches as Gauge and Vessey square off, while Valentine and Collier go head-to-head.</p><p> </p><p>

Two more matches have been announced as <strong>Citizen X</strong> takes on <strong>Findlay O’Farraday</strong> with the winner surely putting his name in the hat for the next title shot. While <strong>Ricky Douglas</strong> takes on <strong>Ace Youngblood</strong> – who ventures into singles competition.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Courier New';"><strong>FINAL CARD</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

American Patriot © vs. Mean Jean Cattley</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Future Shock © vs. C-V-2</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Citizen X vs. Findlay O’Farraday</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Ricky Douglas vs. Ace Youngblood</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Greg Gauge vs. Cameron Vessey</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Casey Valentine vs. Syd Collier</span></p>

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<p><strong>American Patriot ©</strong> vs. Mean Jean Cattley</p><p>

<strong>Future Shock ©</strong> vs. C-V-2</p><p>

<strong>Citizen X</strong> vs. Findlay O’Farraday</p><p>

Ricky Douglas vs. <strong>Ace Youngblood</strong></p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs. Cameron Vessey</p><p>

<strong>Casey Valentine</strong> vs. Syd Collier</p>

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