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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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Thanks for all the comments. As a Hollywood The Game player it's really a change to have so many readers :) Of course this is also far shorter and simpler than anything I write for HTG.


Yes, I am using the Mr. Canada mod, May update. The only change I have made to the mod is importing Beef Wellington.


When did Austin Aries become an Upper Midcarder? No wonder he’d complained before. I announce a match for him to the card at the last minute.


Timmins sucks unless you are a Shania Twain fan. I’m not.


Tyson on Tour #22

Week 4 October 2010

The McIntyre Arena

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell out!)


We start the pre-show by seeing just how far chemistry will get you as Ruckus beats Pinkie Sanchez. The answer is “Not far”




Five midcarders mix it up in a one-fall match. Consequences Creed, Dan Paysan, Davey Richards, Kenn Doane and Kid Kash. The “creative” team pesters me until I give Doane the win.




We don’t want to exactly repeat last week’s tag match, so we throw in Madness and Chaos to make it a three-way. More importantly, it’s Kendrick and London who pick up the win this time. Even with the new team it’s a great match.




Sid Vicious is putting Little Sid through his weekly training regime and abusing him as usual. But this time Sidster rebels, attacking Sid and the two brawl to the backstage. We then announce the two will face each other for the Ontario championship tonight! Little Sid is underwhelming but we perk up the crowd.




Austin Aries and Mistico have to follow that and they do good. Aries gets the pin as I wonder why it’s mostly heels who do well on my show.




I face Matt Cross next in a standard match. I crush him quickly but our chemistry shows. Lack of selling is what drags us down.




I stick around to tear into Helms and keep up my popularity after these poor matches. It’s old hat by now but it turns out great.



Asking Daniels to carry Beef Wellington to a good match was asking a lot. Even with the title and a ladder it falls flat after my promo. Of course Daniels retains, for the 13th time.




The Sids are up next and Big Sid refuses to job to his own son. Come on, man. It’s Little Sid’s biggest match and he has one hell of an off night. After this we need one heck of a main event.




We give Sean Morely a live mic to tear into Charlie Haas, just in case the crowd were burned out by the Sids, which we didn’t need to worry about. He almost holds up to the previous match, almost.




That leaves the main event. A threeway Full Metal Mayhem match between Morely, Haas and Helms. We let them handle the pacing as they go almost twenty minutes. In the end it’s Haas pinning Morely to get the win. There was a time this would have been a top ten match, but that time has passed.




People felt Ruckus was on the show too much? Oh yeah, he wrestled twice. Oops. It’s not a great show, but it’s good enough we’ll be more popular next time. But I can’t leave heels controlling all the titles forever.


Final show rating: 66

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Both the guys I wanted to sign, signed. I was hoping the new guy would be a main eventer but he slotted in as an Upper midcarder. So the card shapes up like this:


Main Event: Teddy Hart (now with manager), Sid Vicious, Paul London, Charlie Haas, Gregory Helms


Upper midcard: Austin Aries, Brian Kendrick, Christopher Daniels, new guy, Sean Morely


Midcard: Kid Kash, Mistico, Jack Evans (with the same manager as Teddy), Beef Wellington, Consequences Creed, Ken Doanne, Davey Richards


Lower midcard: Matt Cross, Ruckus, Dan Paysan, Little Sid, Asylum


Opener: Pinkie Sanchez


Jobber: Tyler Veritas


Accounting guy tells me we lost over thirteen thousand dollars last month but that was actually better than every month since our first.


Media guy and I spent two days putting the finishing touches on our proposal to The Fight Network. Would they agree to three shows?


Sabu quietly retired having only worked once since May at an independent show. I really don’t see him having much of a backstage career. I worry so much about Sid either retiring or refusing to resign, what would I do without him?

Who is the new guy? And who is the Hart Foundation’s new manager?

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Dare I say it? Backstage is perfect. Everyone has forgotten about the Helms/Hudson incidents. Heck Hudson is chatting away with Sean Morely about raising pigeons.


Did I mention we’re in BC again? Worm Bait plays as usual as we begin…


Tyson on Tour #23

Week 1 November 2010

Nicola Valley Memorial Arena

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell out!)


Our whole pre-show is a Battle Royal as we try to get the roster exposure in BC. Daniels and Morely are the big names with Kid Kash and, amazingly, Ruckus also making it to the top 4. Morely picks up the surprise win and we check for a blue moon.




I open the show, dominating Consequences Creed until I knock him out after five minutes. It’s not terrible, but it’s a letdown after the pre-show.




I take to the mic to run down Helms. I promise tonight’s triple threat with The Sids will really be a handicap match and there is no way he’ll get the win.




Jack Evans takes on Mistico. He’s having an off night and only wins the match after his debuting manager, James Mitchell, interferes.




Teddy Hart joins them as Mitchell reveals he is now their new manager and he’s going to take them to new heights and new depths. This is… not good. And there’s no sign Teddy or Jack are learning from their new manager.




Next it’s the triple threat. At first it looks like my prediction will come true as The Sids double team Helms. But when Little Sid tries to steal a pin they turn on each other. We keep Sid strong while trying like hell to protect Lil Sid. We go 13 minutes before big Sid pins little Sid and the match is…ok.






The Sids beat down Helms until he is saved by…Petey Williams! Ok, Sid shines of course but Lil Sid looks dreadful and the whole segment is a failure. Not the way we wanted to debut Petey. At least it was in BC.




We get something right for a change as Austin Aries and Kenn Doane face off in a Top Rope Challenge. The match is very even, Austin needs Lacey’s help to eventually pick up the win but matches like this are going to help Doane reach his potential.




Teddy Hart faces Brian Kendrick in a non-title match and, once again, interference rears its ugly head as Jack Evans clocks Kendrick with the ring bell to give Hart an easy win.




We have a brief segment where Helms thanks Williams and they agree to watch each other’s backs.




That leaves the main event. Charlie Haas versus Paul London in a taser on a pole match. Eighteen minutes of trying to get the taser keeps the crowd on the edge of their seat and, when Paul London does retrieve it and zap Haas the crowd goes wild. Haas sells like a prostitute and London picks up a great win in one of TWA’s best matches ever.




Yeah we probably experimented too much with our angles, they dragged the show down. With that main event I had hoped for better.


Final rating: 64

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I got back to Ontario that night. Helms and Mistico were both complaining they were worn down. Did they expect time off? Helms was bordering on a permanent vacation anyway.


I picked up my phone before my morning coffee.


“Tyson here.”


“It’s Floyd Wellington.”


“Should I know you?”


“I’m from The Fight Network.”


I snapped awake. “Oh great.”


“We want to talk to you about a possible new show.”


“Great. We want a 2 hour show, live in prime time on Wednesdays with 10% of the revenue, you pay 20% of the costs and we want a 4 season deal.”


Well, we don’t get that. We get a one-hour live show, late night, with no ad money and no help with the costs. We commit to 3 seasons but this could easily be a disaster. And with only a one-hour show how would we keep all the roster happy?


I gather all the “guys” together and tell them we are officially splitting the roster into two groups or “Brands” the TV brand will appear on TV and at live events while the live roster will not appear on TV. I keep most of the talent on the TV brand but leave off enough that the roster becomes manageable.


On the TV brand

Beef Wellington

Brian Kendrick

Christopher Daniels

Dan Paysan

Gregory Helms

Jack Evans

James Mitchell

Kenn Doane

Lance Storm

Matt Cross

Mike Tyson

Paul London

Petey Williams

Scott Armstrong

Scott Hudson

Sid Vicious

Teddy Hart


On the live brand


Austin Aries

Charlie Haas

Consequences Creed

Davey Richards

Kid Kash


Larry Zbyszko

Little Sid


Pinkie Sanchez


Sean Morely

Tyler Veritas


I hoped the guys, and one gal, would understand.


Lenny Leonard left FIP freeing up the book. I wonder who will step up.


Somebody tells the press we plan to make Brian Kendrick a big star. It’s been a long time since I hit somebody but if I find that leak rest assured there will be another.


Still, we had a TV show!

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Man, Scott Hudson and Sean Morely must really love pigeons because they have become very loyal to each other. I’d say the backstage was better but I don’t think that’s possible.


I had been doing really well, containing my violent urges, until the drummer of the Nail Biters complained about not having the gig last week. A cymbal over the head makes a really satisfying sound.


The Kumar guy from creative complains we’ve been having too many tainted wins lately. I dump bottled water on his head then go and change half my plans.


Tyson on Tour #24

Week 2 November 2010

Si Miller Arena

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell out!)


We have to try to build future workers somehow. So the pre-show starts with Dan Paysan promoting himself. We let him talk for six minutes while the crowd chants “Boring”




We try to win back the crowd with a dark match between Daniels and Matt Cross. And, well we don’t want to put these two together again. It’s not a disaster but these two do not match up well.




On with the show this is it…


Sean Morely and Charlie Haas tangle again. Haas gets a clean win and it’s a good start to the show.




We decide to see just how much Lacey helps Austin Aries as we give him a promo to hype his match with Helms later tonight. Lacey does help and…not terrible at all.




Madness and Chaos get another crack at London and Kendrick. We keep the pace frantic for almost eleven minutes before Kendrick pins Ruckus but it’s London who really shines.




Me and The Sids take on the random team of Beef Wellington, Mistico and Consequences Creed. Sid does all the heavy lifting, looking dominant, while we protect the hell out of both Little Sid and myself. I still suck at this and I’m going to for a long time to come. We also turn the match into organized chaos. Helms sits in on commentary and his chemistry with Zbyszko helps out.




After the match Sid and I grab Helms, drag him into the ring, and beat him to a pulp. But Helms looks lost trying to jeep up with me and Sid.




Doane and Kash have to follow that but we planned to give the crowd a bit of a break anyway. They go fifteen minutes with about equal offense before Doane lands a Flying Legdrop for the pin. Remember what I said about giving the crowd a break? This is better than my match and, weirdly, it’s Kid Kash who is learning from Doane, not the other way around.




Helms, still selling the beating from earlier, faces Austin Aries in a dumpster match. Did I know these guys had great chemistry? Because wow. Almost fifteen minutes of pure awesome before Helms almost hits Lacey and Aries is so distracted checking on her Helms hits him with a Nightmare on Helms Street and locks him in the dumpster. Yeah I suspect this should have been the main event…




Teddy Hart and Petey Williams have the unenviable task of following this. It’s a two out of three falls match and it starts slow. Five minutes before there is even a cover, fifteen before Hart picks up a clean fall. Then, at the nineteen minute mark, just when it seems Williams is about to tie it up, Jack Evans pulls the ref out of the ring. Petey gets distracted by Evans and Hart hits a low blow then follows it up with an awesome Shooting Star Elbow Drop for the second fall. Wow. Just wow. They actually were better than the Helms/Aries match!




With the show officially over I have the announcers reveal that, next week, Petey Williams will face Jack Evans!




Wow, I know we need to give new guys some microphone time in order for them to improve but, DAMN, they really pulled down this show. I was expecting a lot more after those two blow out main events. This wasn’t even a top 10 show despite having the #2 and #7 matches of all time.


Final rating: 66

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It had been six months since our first show. Overall, our popularity was way down. Quebec and The Maritimes had forgotten about us. The Prairies were a little better because we’d maintained our popularity in BC. Ontario was better, that’s for sure. The tiny blip of popularity we’d had in Mexico was gone and the US was pretty close.


The TV show would probably make or break us. We’d have to tour more regularly, 8 shows a month in Ontario would be serious overkill.


Media guy bugged me to start using some real music for our wrestlers’ entrances. I told him he’d have to pay for it. That shut him up.


My lawyer reminded me in 3 months just about every contract on the roster was going to come up for renewal at once. If I lose any big names I don’t see a lot of free agents out there to replace them.


Zybszko came to me with good news, for him. He was the new head booker at FIP. I asked if this meant he was leaving but he said he could work both. That earned him a pat on the back instead of a broken nose. I asked Larry to give me his honest opinion of me as a wrestler. He was pretty harsh. I haven’t learned the first thing about the basics of wrestling yet, I was relying entirely on my boxing background to carry me. The only thing he could really say was I might be a tiny, tiny, bit more consistent now. And, to top it off, I had almost no respect in the business. Just booking wasn’t going to be enough to earn it either. I would need to keep trying to wrestle. Larry did feel I was getting better at booking.


Harley Race was done with wrestling forever. But WWE just wasn’t going to let a single star go were they? They locked up Big Show, even Teddy Long. I hated to wish failure on them…ah, who was a I kidding I hoped they crashed and burned.


The press was saying Davey Richards was playing backstage politics. But I couldn’t see him doing anything wrong. He wasn’t sucking up to anyone and the backstage atmosphere was still golden so I wasn’t going to lose sleep over it. Hmmm…Paul London turned down DGUSA. He was more popular in the US than Canada so it made sense for him to turn down their offer. Would he do the same to us, given he was less over in Canada?


Next week was both our six-month anniversary and our 25th show overall. We would need to pull out all the stops, add matches with chemistry where we could. I struggled with the card before I finally came up with:


Paul London vs. Teddy Hart (Heavyweight title)

Jack Evans vs. Petey Williams

Mike Tyson vs. Kenn Doane

Sean Morely vs. Austin Aries

Beef Wellington vs. Sid Vicious (Ontario title)

Kid Kash vs. Mistico

Brian Kendrick vs. Christopher Daniels (Canadian championship)


I don’t normally post cards or ask for predictions but this time, feel free!

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We’re spending an extra $7,000 to rent a bigger arena this week. I think the numbers justify it but when accountant guy tries to explain it to me I get annoyed and end up giving him noogies for five straight minutes. He leaves in tears. Sometimes I love my job.


I felt kinda bad telling Matt Cross we wouldn’t be using him. But Matt was on the TV brand so he should be going places.


Tyson on Tour #25

Week 3 November 2010

Markham Centennial Center

Attendance 2,174 (I hit the guy who projects these things)


We start our pre-show festivities with Little Sid dominating a six-man. Sorry Asylum, Ruckus, Pinkie, Tyler and Dan. At least you are getting paid. Pinkie is starting to worry me. He is having more off nights than on.




Surprisingly, Haas and Helms get relegated to the pre-show. Helms teams with Creed and Haas with Davey Richards in a short match that ends in a Double DQ. Creed and Helms must never team again.




Let’s get this show rolling with a ladder match. Daniels seeks to retain yet again, Kendrick is hungry. They go all out. Ladders impact flesh over and over again. When Kendrick hits a Moonsault off the top of the ladder the crowd goes wild. When he climbs the ladder to retrieve the belt and become the new Canadian champion they go mental.




Next up Kid Kash faces Mistico. We tell them to go all out and they do. We also keep the match nice and open and when Mistico pins Kash after La Mistica the crowd is really into it.




Sid Vicious tries to intimidate Beef Wellington before their match. Beef mocks him mercilessly. He’s nowhere near as strong as Sid but it turns out ok.




Sadly the follow-up tables match doesn’t live up to the war of words. When I told Beef the finish I wanted he told me he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Wimp. I have to settle for a nasty Powerbomb through a table as Sid continues his dominant ways.




Has nobody told my road agents most two out of three falls go three falls? I want Austin Aries and Sean Morely to look even. That’s why I wanted Lacey to interfere in the final fall. How does that help if Sean never wins a fall? Still, chemistry is a great thing and Aries’ 450 Splash is just stunning. The crowd absolutely loves it and, again, the main events have a lot to live up to.




We waste a hot crowd by having me face Ken Doane. It’s an over the top rope challenge and Doane also wimps out on the finish I had planned. I have to settle for crushing him and hopefully I stay popular thanks to interviews.




And yeah, my interview saves my ass as I compare Gregory Helms to farm animals.




Jack Evans and Petey Williams end up in the second main. It’s not that long and when Hart runs in and attacks Williams, drawing the DQ, the crowd is not entertained.




Teddy and Jack try to beat down Petey Williams but Paul London makes the save and we head straight into the main event match.




Letting Hart and London call the match in ring was not the best choice even with a nice build up. It’s another Taser on a pole match and, when Teddy finally does get a hold of the Taser, London doesn’t stand a chance. A fine match, I have to say, even if Aries and Morely stole the show.




What? You thought I’d change two titles in one night? Regardless, the big 25th show turns out exactly the way I wanted: our best show ever.


Final Show rating: 70

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What? Teddy Hart picked some kind of fight with Ruckus? Now they can’t stand each other. If my backstage weren’t so harmonious that would give me trouble. I can’t shake the feeling Teddy is to blame but, let’s face it, if I had to choose between the two it’s Ruckus who will be shown the door.


One more live event before the TV show airs. I talked to accounting guy and we decided we’d film the TV shows in BC while keeping the live events in Ontario. That should mitigate the financial damage of a TV show we get no ad revenue and no cost sharing on.


Terry Funk was leaving the ring once and for all. Hopefully he stuck around for a while in a backstage role. And, no sooner do I say that, then Terry starts up a brand new training school. Awesome. This time Cogeco sends a FAX to turn us down. They’re getting smarter.


Mike Mondo joins the roster. I decide not to give him a gimmick. That’s a fairly safe choice in this fed. He slots in as a heel midcarder so I need to turn a lower midcarder face. But who?


WWE held Survivor Series, yet they waited until the following Smackdown for a title change. Big Show gets a run as World Heavyweight Champion. Shawn Stasiak contacted me looking for a job. I laughed in his face. Scott Hudson was going to be moonlighting for FCW now. That’s fine. He’ll get more experience and they’re small so he’ll choose us over them. A few contracts notes for workers I was keeping an eye on. TNA had resigned Shannon Moore but it was on a PPA contract. Alex Shelly added RoH to his feds. That meant he was working three places and would be harder to approach if we wanted him or The Motor City Machineguns.


We now had four tag teams with a big difference in experience. London and Kendrick were really clicking now (90), Hart Foundation 2.0 had solid experience (75) but the Sids (4) and Madness and Chaos (3) still needed a lot of work if we planned to keep them around long term.


James Mitchell comes to me with a very controversial idea. I remind him we’re not a Risque federation. He reminds me our fans are against risky gimmicks, not angles. I tell him I’ll think about it. The man has balls, that’s for sure.


Predict the turn!


We have four heel Lower Midcarders:


Little Sid


Dan Paysan

Kid Kash


Who is going to turn?

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Before the show the fat guy from “creative” waddles up to me and tells me he thinks we’ve reached the point we can start changing gimmicks. I get so excited I actually clap him on the back, raising a cloud of Cheetos dust. I go running around until I find Ruckus and tell him to drop the Gangsta crap. He asks me what to replace it with I tell him to just be himself. He’s not sure about that but I remind him things can only get better. He complains about Teddy Hart and I realize my perfect backstage is a thing of the past. It’s still so close it doesn’t matter but if Hart starts pissing anyone else off it could become a problem.


Tyson on Tour #26

Week 4 November 2010

The McIntyre Arena

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell-out)


We open the pre-show with Little Sid crushing Tyler Vertitas in under two minutes.




Then we move on to a six-man: Haas, Richards, Evans, Kash, Mistico and London. I tell them to work the crowd. Other than Evans everybody pulls it off and we end up with a decent little warm up match.




We set the cage up for an MMA match as I face Beef Wellington. I knock him out in 3:27 while Gregory Helms takes shots at me from the color desk.




But Helms attacks me as soon as I leave the cage. We brawl for a while but he comes out on top and leaves me in a heap. Somehow I still come out ahead and he underwhelms.




We change a name around as Mondo Mike debuts against Pinkie Sanchez. Beef is still selling the KO and Helms walked off so Lacey guests on color. Again Pinkie has an off night. I’m losing what little faith I had in him. The action is ok but the crowd just doesn’t care. A bad debut for Mondo.




Beef returns, but the crowd is cold as Sid quickly squashes Matt Cross and it hurts the match.




We give Daniels a live mic:


“Last week I lost my precious Canadian championship. But is my faith shaken? Have I turned away from the one true path? No. Tonight I start my climb back to the top. Am I going to regain my Canadian championship? Yes, there is no question of that. But tonight, when I destroy the interloper Petey Williams, I will also start my path to the Heavyweight championship!”


Yeah the whole preacher gimmick needs changing.




Ruckus and Asylum take on the wacky mismatched tag team of Dan Paysan and Consequences Creed. Ruckus’s new lack of gimmick is a huge improvement (71). It looks like Paysan doesn’t really want to be there. He ends up throwing Creed to the wolves but, just when Ruckus whips Creed into the ropes Paysan blind tags in. Ruckus hits Creed with a huge clothesline and tries to pin him. Before referee Scott Armstrong can explain the situation to him Paysan hits Ruckus with a Hammerlock DDT and steals a pin. Paysan had an off night. The match didn’t go that well. But Paysan’s face turn went over ok. Now he just needs a new gimmick.




Aries and Kendrick turns out to be merely ok as I think Kendrick is stoned. Kendrick gets the win when Lacey tries to hit him with her stiletto boots only to hit Aries instead.




The Sids have mended ways and big Sid is back to teaching Little Sid.




Despite that the crowd is still cold for Williams/Daniels. It’s an open match and we also overbook the hell out of it in case it was overshadowed by the Sids. Luckily it wasn’t.


The steel cage returns for a Modern Cage Championship match between Teddy Hart and Sean Morely. An achingly slow build up as these two feel each other out for a long time. James Mitchell is left outside the cage and thus Hart loses his advantage. As we near the end the near falls continue to increase until the last two minutes (of twenty-two) are back and forth like crazy. Hart finally manages to hit a Flip Double Underhook Piledriver that just crushes Morely. Wow! That was way better than a Val Venus match has any right to be.




It contends for best show ever. But really I’d rank it five. And, after sober session thought, I think #25 wasn’t our best show. I’m afraid that honor still goes to #18. The Gregory Helms/Charlie Haas match from way back at Tyson on Tour #2 is finally knocked out of the top ten although the Helms/Haas/London Full Metal Mayhem match from #3 is still holding in at #10. But the Hart/Morely main event? #2 with a bullet! Nice job guys.

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I grab Paysan and Daniels and “creative” after the show to discuss new gimmicks. Paysan we go with a laid back dude style character, kind of like Edge and Christian as faces. I might as well make him and Creed a regular tag team under the name Credo. Wait, Mike Mondo and Kenn Doane were a tag team before? Pity they are on opposite sides of the face/heel line.


For Daniels more work is required. We decide to create a new gimmick: the Rule Breaker. We tell Daniels we want him to cheat early and often. Not in an entertaining way like Eddie Guerrero, in a way where the crowd will be totally against him. I hope we can pull this off…


Ring of Honor wants more and more of my stars. Now it’s Consequences Creed. Then Dragon’s Gate wants Hart, Aries and London for a tour.


Storm bitches like Hell when I tell him he and I have a match next week. But now I need to focus on TV. Everybody was keyed up, at least everybody on the TV brand. I promised some people would be rotated on and off TV later. Worm Bait was also unhappy to hear we wouldn’t need them for the TV shows. In an hour there was no room for a band. Heck, there would probably only be room for one angle. I checked things over at The Fight Nework with that Wellington guy I keep accidentally calling Beef. Turn out the network now had four wrestling shows. The big problem though was the network was no longer drawing as strong ratings in the timeslot we’d chosen as when we started. That bit. I catch a flight to BC a day in advance to prep; and hook up with some Greenpeace hippy chick for a little fun.

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I asked Paul London why he left Ring of Honor. “I was only there because you traded me.” He reminds me. That reminds me I can borrow someone new. I send RoH Kendrick in exchange for someone to bulk up the roster at the live events.


James Mitchell loves video games? He must, he just smoked everybody in a Halo 3 tournament.


Numbers guy tells me we’ll actually draw a decent crowd for the show. Wait, is that more than we draw for events in BC?


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 December 2010

Cowichan Valley Arena

Attendance 1,400 (Sellout!)


We start our pre-show with Mondo Mike taking down Matt Cross. It belongs in the pre-show and nowhere near TV.




Things pick up as Jack Evans and Kenn Doane go the distance in a ten-minute time limit draw. Aw man, neither of these guys can handle going all out.




Now let’s get down to bidness. Daniels gets his rematch against Kendrick. We keep it to a basic one-on-one match so Daniels’ new Rule Breaker gimmick can shine (74). But it’s Sliced Bread #2 that prevails as Kendrick retains the title.




We try a new angle. I talk, Sid looks menacing. We hype our handicap match against Petey Williams a bit but mostly I put over Sid. It works. It really works.




The match itself is a total let-down and should have opened the show not been stuck here. Twelve minutes was a bit too long for me and I still can’t maintain anything close to consistent, basic wrestling that tells a story. Am I too old to learn now?




The main event is a three-way Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. Teddy Hart, Paul London and Gregory Helms. It’s a pretty basic match since 16 ½ minutes isn’t long enough to really do anything special. London is on the verge of winning when James Mitchell pushes over the ladder and sets up Teddy Hart to retain. I think this was good enough for our first TV show. Not top 10 good, but good enough.




We needed to make sure we didn’t hurt our Ontario popularity with this show. I think we may have actually made it go up.


Final rating: 67

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They tell us the rating was actually high enough to register. A 0.02. Numbers guy had told me it might not even be that high so nobody get hit when I found out. Plus, I was in the middle of preparing for tonight’s live show.


Alex Shelley left TNA?! Well, despite a lot of good matches he didn’t seem much more over than when we started. He might not even make the midcard in our fed. No sense bringing him in now.


I took a long look in the mirror this morning. At 44 I wasn’t getting any younger. I was slipping. Like Charlie Haas I was past my peak and couldn’t put on a passable wrestling match no matter how popular I was. If only it were 20 years ago. I bet Sid feels the same way though he at least sees his son. How many sons did I have? At least 14. Most of whom I never planned to see…


It’s great to see and our backstage harmony is completely restored thanks James. We’re aiming for an attendance record tonight.


Tyson on Tour #27

Week 1 December 2010

Dave Andreychuk Arena

Attendance: 2,500 (Sellout!)


We start the pre-show with Little Sid squashing Matt Cross. It’s not great but should build Little Sid in Ontario.




Next a ten man Battle Royal. Austin Aries, Beef Wellington, Davey Richards, Kenn Doane, Kid Kash, Mistico, Paul London, Ruckus and Sean Morely. This is mostly to work the crowd as London gets the win while Morely also looks strong. Lacey sits in on color on the off chance she’ll improve.




On to the show proper as the most hyped match in our history is between an Occasional Wrestler and a Road Agent. Now I know how Vince faced Bret Hart. It’s a shoot fight between me and Lance Storm. Storm is rusty and, even though I knock him out in three minutes, my lack of selling combines with his rust to make for a poor match. I dominate but do I learn?




I swear the crowd will never tire of me insulting Gregory Helms. I gloat that tonight he faces the Hart Foundation and their manager James Mitchell.


Credo again faces Chaos and Madness and I tell them to go all out in hopes they aren’t totally overshadowed by my promo. Asylum has gotten ticked at being left off a few shows and he’s not giving his all. He’s only hurting himself, no way am I giving him a bonus when he’s so expendable. I could dump him and Ruckus if I could find an experience team to replace them. Paysan finally gets to debut his new gimmick and it goes over great (73).




In a match I hate to have in the middle of the card Charlie Haas takes on Petey Williams. To my complete surprise Haas agrees to put over Williams nice and clean in the middle of the ring. Way to go Charlie!




I take over ring announcer duties to give Sid a nice long intro before his match.




Did I know Sid and Brian Kendrick had pretty good chemistry? Well it is a big help. Kendrick gives Sid a real challenge but an attack by Little Sid softens him up enough for Sid to hit the Powerbomb and get the pin after 13:40. There was a time this would have been a top ten match.




But Kendrick’s not done as he next has to face Christopher Daniels in a Full Metal Mayhem match. It’s surprisingly close given it’s Kendrick’s second match of the night and after they go 20 minutes it’s a simple Schoolboy that catches Daniels off guard and secures the pin. Damn, not nearly as good as the last match. This screws up any hope of having a blow away show. Maybe the main event will surprise?




Gregory Helms has to fight off both of The Hart Foundation. He puts up an amazing fight, until James Mitchell blows a fireball in his face. Evans manages to distract the ref long enough for Mitchell to pull it off and Hart to lock on the Sharpshooter. Once the ref does turn back to the action it’s academic as Helms quickly taps out.




Thank you angles! So let’s recap: New #8 match of all time. BEST. SHOW. EVER. In front of the largest crowd ever. That ought to shut up the people who said I had no business doing this.


Final show rating: 72(!)

We had not even had the most minor of injury yet. We weren’t the most intense or dangerous style going but I’d still say we were damn lucky. Oh, there was that intern who’s nose I broke but that’s not what I’m talking about.


Dragon’s Gate makes offers to Teddy Hart, Austin Aries, Paul London and Jack Evans. I figure they’d share but I might as well renegotiate with Hart now before the flood of contract renewals in a few months.


I found myself bored. Never a good thing. When I go down to abuse “creative” they remind me I hadn’t officially put Mondo Mike on a brand; but he certainly was going to live. He had the worst momentum in the company. I made the Kumar guy hit himself for a while before I wandered off.


I talked to Larry and Lance. I wasn’t really getting better in the ring, just a tad more consistent. But putting myself out there was earning me a smid-smid- a tiny bit of respect in the business.


Poor Matt Cross had dropped down to an opener. But I had no idea how I would ever turn him around. Maybe the talent trade left he would pop back up. Speaking of which I had to remember to use him.


What can I say? Slow week.


Who is that talent swap anyway?

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Pinkie Sanchez and Matt Cross are into meditation? What is Pinkie even doing in BC?


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 December 2010

Cowichan Valley Arena

Attendance 1,400 (Sellout!)


We ask Beef Wellington to talk for a bit in the pre-show to “warm up” the crowd. It has the opposite affect of course but I want Beef to be an entertainment god so he needs practice.




Daniels and Kendrick round out the pre-show. Daniels has been taking his lumps lately so I let him cheat to win. Pity only 1,400 people from BC saw that.




And the real show starts with me and Sid double teaming Petey Williams in a handicap match. We let Petey look solid ok but Sid takes him down. Sid’s matches are not holding up but we’re staying over on angles.




Speaking of which, I stick around to sing Sid’s praises while he looks scarier than me.




On to the big matches. Paul London and Jack Evans go fifteen minutes with London looking strong the whole time. It’s ok but I was hoping for better. As is Daniels and Kendrick should have been here.




Teddy Hart faces Gregory Helms in a two out of three falls match. Guys I said OPEN MATCH. How is two straight falls an open match? Are we ever going to go three falls? Hart needs the tights to win but he’s still champion. Will we ever build a face to take him down?




The Wellington promo was in the pre-show! How can it drag down the show itself? That blows.


Final Show rating: 63

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Ratings were exactly the same. Yet another flight back to Ontario. Where were we this week? Chatham? WTF was a Chatham?


Tyson on Tour #28

Week 2 December 2010

Chatham Memorial Arena

Attendance: 2,454


It’s a short pre-show tonight. Just a Fourway Dance. Kid Kash utterly dominates against Pinkie, Tyler and Matt Cross. He gets all the pins. Vertias drops his gimmick and, while having no gimmick isn’t exactly good, it’s an improvement.




Me and Petey Williams square off and it’s such a grudge match the ref lose control after eight minutes and throws the match out.




With no rules to constrain me I beat the holy hell out of Williams until Helms makes the save and drives me off. I look fantastic while Helms underperforms.




Sid and Sid totally dominate Mistico as I start making Little Sid look like as much a monster as his dad. Dad looks the best of course but we’re getting somewhere here.




Then I let the two glare at the crowd for a while. Little Sid really can’t hang yet but I have to hope he learns something as he goes.




We introduce an annual tag team tournament, the Wayne and Shuster Invitational. All four of our tag teams square off. That’s London and Kendrick, Hart and Evans, Asylum and Ruckus and Creed and Paysan in case you forgot. We try to make Teddy look scary but he has an off night. It’s London who pins Asylum for the win and ends up looking the best out of the bunch.




Next it’s a fatal four-way: Beef Wellington, Mondo Mike, Davey Richards and special guest Roderick Strong. With two appearances still to come we decide to give Strong the win to get him some starting momentum.




Daniels and Morely mix it up for the umpteenth time. Daniels cheats like mad and gets the win this time after 16:35. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Morely is improving. I’m sure he’s a god now. Go away before I hit you.




Charlie Haas gets a quick win over Ken Doane. He’s the guy I want to see improving.




I see how far James Mitchell can go with Teddy Hart and Jack Evans just standing in the background.


“The Hart Foundation 2.0 is a new chapter in a long history. We respect history. We even respect some history others no longer do. For example, Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. One little murder suicide and everyone seems like they’re going to forget it. Well we will not be forgotten. We will do heinous, terrible things; but we will be remembered.”


He can’t get far.




Austin Aries and Gregory Helms close the night off. I hope great chemistry will justify giving them the main event. I act as the guest ref and stack the odds against Helms. It’s a top rope challenge and the action is good. The crowd reaction is good too. But merely “good” doesn’t cut it in our main events any more. Helms gets the win with a Shining Wizard and I reluctantly count three.




Yeah, shows like that won’t cut it in Ontario.


Final show rating: 60

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Charlie Haas wins the JAPW Heavyweight Belt. Let’s hope it doesn’t go to his head.


Oh crud. Paul London was touring with DG. Which meant soon he wouldn’t be available for the Thursday shows. So much for considering him as champion. Now DG is making more offers. If I moved the show to Sunday it would give more time to recover between shows and I’d just lose Brian Kendrick once a month to TNA. I might have to do it. Or could I trick Dragon’s Gate into a non-aggression pact?


Teddy Hart proves very hard to negotiate with. I hope I get another chance before his contract actually expires. He wants the moon but I can probably give it to him. Storm’s contract is coming up too. Will he come back for another 3-month tour?


WWE is treating the million dollar belt like a real title? Seems silly.


My storyline with Helms had advanced 24 times already. But the Sids were edging us out for popularity. Helms and Aries were the only people at all unhappy on the whole roster. Well, except a lot of the backstage staff. “Creative” wanted me to Jesus push Kenn Doane. Media guy wanted better music. Accounting guy wanted cheaper shows. Legal guy was driven to drink dealing with Teddy Hart and some construction guy was bugging me to get better sets. Ingrates.


Hmmm…I could add another lower level guy.

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Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 December 2010

Victoria Royal Theater

Attendance 1,434 (Sellout!)


One pre-show match tonight. Cross/Wellington/Daniels/Doane. We try to protect Beef Wellington but it’s Daniels who looks strong and picks up the win. Again, only seen in BC but not awful. Helms is on color and he won’t be seen again tonight.




Brian Kendrick has a nice back and forth match with Jack Evans but Teddy Hart’s attempt to interfere backfires and gives Brian the win.




I decide I’m going to handle the only angle tonight as I run down Helms, who is fatigued and I’m trying to keep out of the ring for a week.




We put Paul London versus Sid Vicious to see how far our best wrestler can carry him. Given it’s TV it’s only a ten minute match. It’s a surprisingly open match as London shows he has a chance time and again. As time ticks down London reverses a Powerbomb into a Hurricarana. He goes to the top rope. He prepares to fly and…time expires. London may well have beaten Sid if he could have beaten the clock. As is Sid no longer has a perfect record, though he is still undefeated.




That leaves the Aussie Rules title match main event. Teddy Hart versus Petey Williams. It’s a back and forth affair and the crowd really believes Williams will triumph. But since there’s no DQs Jack Evans is able to blashantly interfere and cost Petey the match.




I know this show increased our popularity overall. But did it in Ontario? I think so.


Final rating: 68

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We drew a 0.03 rating. A new record. Whoopee.


DG accepted the pact? Why? What did it benefit them? Still that hopefully stopped the conflicts at London. And since London’s contract was for one tour this problem would never arise again. Would NOAH fall for the same thing?


Wherever our popularity in the US and Mexico had come from it was gone now. Media guy begged me to stop doing DVD and put our library on the Internet, but I needed all the cash I could get. Our TV shows were losing a fortune.


Before the show I tell Kendrick to change his character a little more. Play down the fun, play up the clean cut. Maybe it will help him.


This time it’s Petey Williams who shows up with booze. At least he’s legal.


But the booze fuelled hijinx in the parking lot lead to Teddy Hart damaging Daniels’ rental car. And, of course, he won’t pay for it and almost causes a fight. Great. Why is it always my champions getting into fights? I try a fatherly approach in hopes of keeping him happy enough to renegotiate.


Tyson on Tour #29

Week 3 December 2010

St-Thomas Elgin Center

Attendance: 2,586


Six guys go at it in the pre-show. Kash, Doane, Cross, Mondo Mike, Ruckus and Asylum. It’s a surprise win for Mondo Mike as they try to warm up the crowd.




The pre-show ends with Petey Williams kicking around Davey Richards for seven minutes before hitting a Canadian Destroyer for the pin.




I continue my practice of opening the show by again dominating Beef Wellington. Helms, still resting, is on color again. The road agents don’t rag me out for anything in particular this time and it’s not awful.




Helms and I get into a brawl and I start to think this guy will never hold a candle to me in angles.




Aries and Misitico go all out for 14 minutes before Aries hits the Last Chancery for a clean win. This is the best thing on the show so far.




Sid faces Credo in a handicap match. I don’t even force Credo to tag in and out. Sid dominates and gets protected like crazy, as with most of his matches, but he needs the help of his son to puick up the victory.




The Sids take some time to menace the crowd. Little Sid is still a pale imitation of his dad. At least he’s earned his Lower midcarder push.




Little Sid gets the same treatment as his dad as he crushes Tyler Vertias. It’s terrible but it should still get Lil Sid more over.




We pick things back up with Daniels facing Roderick Strong. It’s time to start jobbing Strong so Daniels wins after exposing a steel turnbuckle and ramming Strong’s head into it.




Kendrick and London take to the mic to hype the match against The Hart Foundation 2.0. No sign either improves but it’s ok. Brian’s new gimmick is no better than the last (66).




I let Haas and Morely call the match themselves and it turns out really well. Haas gets a clean submission with the Haas of Pain. Larry tries to tell me Sean Morely is improving and I throw my Subway sub at him. I regret it as I’m hungry later.




Can the main event live up? It’s London and Kendrick versus Hart and Evans in an Aussie Rules match, although tags are enforced. Twenty minutes of slowly building. We start with pairs competing in traditional wrestling. We move on to double teams being traded. The crowd is into it. We bust out some big moves including Kendrick somehow pulling off a Powerbomb on Evans. Then it’s foreign object time as we move on to an assortment of weapons. But it’s a huge Pump kick from London that takes out Evans and the crowd explodes as the faces pick up the win.


Holy ****!




Well that was amazing. And the show reflects it. We have a new best match and show ever. Pity our TV can’t live up to this.


Final show rating: 75

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NOAH says no dice to the deal. Well, you can’t always get what you want. I jam out to The Rolling Stones in my head for like, an hour, until lawyer guy interrupts me. He’s just pestering me to tell me Roderick Strong only has one appearance left. I wonder who his going away job should be to? He had knocked Sean Morely down to the midcard. Would he job to him as he left?


London and Kendrick were actually hot, according to “Creative”. But it came at a cost, Teddy Hart had been knocked off that list. I would need to give him some singles wins.


Storm re-ups for another 3 months. Lawyer guy warns me we’re very close to the big wave or contract expiries. I hope I can pull this off. I check out WWE Tables, Ladder and Chairs. It’s not that much better than our best show. We’re a long way from being the WWE though.


Our newest Midcared is Shawn Davairi. We don’t want to use his typical “Evil Foreigner” gimmick. So we struggle to find a new gimmick. Then we realize he doesn’t need a gimmick and that can be a gimmick in itself. He stays a heel and I add him to the TV brand. “Creative” tells me he’s our fifth best microphone guy.


I have to admit, this is getting easier. Of course saying that is the best way to screw things up.


Big stuff is coming. Just wait until February!

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