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Tyson Wrestling Alliance (RW created fed)

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I’m looking right at the reading. It says 41 Importance in BC. But it must be rounding up because we’re still a damn regional fed. Maybe one more TV show? Maybe?


We sign one Luchador, Hornet, as a jobber. The other turns us down. Enough for now. Can we make something of the roster we have left or will we score a few new stars when we expand?


I don’t believe it. Vince MacMahon was retiring. This was a true historic moment. Would Stephanie take over? Would she honor our non-aggression pact? I called Vince to wish him well. We talked for a long time. He had seen a few of our shows and thought we had a chance to make it. Though he did ask me how I hoped to expand into the US if we couldn’t visit it? Afa and Al Snow were moving on, one from the business one from active competitor. But man, Vince’s news overshadows them.


I hadn’t thought of that. Visiting the US meant leaving me at home. We were a long way from that being possible.


Counting me we had 33 wrestlers on the roster. We could survive at Cult with that. Every one was aching to get there. It would determine if we could actually survive for the long haul. So close. So very close…

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Hornet and Asylum were already friends and the new kid is a nice guy so we get back to perfect backstage. Now is tonight the night? Until we reach Cult live shows stay in BC, TV tapes in Ontario.


Well, backstage was perfect, until Alex Shelly almost got in a fight with a fan. Yeah he’s the new troublemaker it seems. I try to be fatherly but he seems annoyed. I should just hit him. Lacey helps soothe jangled nerves by doing all kinds of voices from Saturday Night Live. Pity she’s not more popular she’d work well on screen.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 February 2011

St. Thomas-Elgin Center

Attendance: 2,600 (Sellout!)


Pre-show Paul London says he wants to get his hands on Austin Aries so badly tonight, even non-title, that he will put his hair on the line. This is better than I expected and I’m sorry it only lasted 3 minutes.




In the “we really need a two-hour show” ten man dark match, the Motor City Machineguns pair up early to dominate as a duo. Mike Knox, Shawn Daivari, Dan Paysan, Katsuzuki (or whatever his name is), Sean Morely and Matt Cross go early. The guns team up to take out Consequences Creed but Shelly then backstabs Sabin and dumps him! That leaves Shelly and Petey Williams. We let them go back and forth teasing finishes for the last three minutes until Williams narrowly avoids elimination by landing on the apron, only to be Dropkicked right in the face and knocked out.


Yes, yes Sean Morely is improving, I admit I see it now. But no more than anybody else; besides me.




Ok turn on the cameras. Petey Williams has to wrestle again immediately as he takes on the formerly Little Sid. We protect Sid of course but the match is very open. At least until I show up and distract Williams enough for Sid to land the Choke Slam and pick up the win in a match that’s better than Sid deserves to be putting on.




With Williams humiliated I hang around to praise Sid some more as this is one of our few “Go to” angles left.




In a quest for new tag teams we put Beef Wellington and the debuting Reid Flair against Tomko and Raven. And we find chemistry. Bad chemistry between Flair and Wellington. Well that sucks I had long-term plans for them. Time to change ‘em. The heels win as Tomko dominates.




Kendrick’s title defense against Charlie Haas is relegated to the semi-main. A while back this would have been one of our better matches but these days it seems blah. It was too short for one, but Kendrick’s fatigue continues to play a part too. He’s working for me and TNA and, while it’s helping his career, it’s taking its toll on his body.




I know Aries and London is going to be great. It always is. It’s an Aussie Rules match so Lacey plays a big role but, once she is ejected, London takes control and gets the win with a Pump Kick. The match drifts though. Next time maybe I should script these guys’ matches and see if that goes over even better.




Kendrick and Haas did well enough, I guess, but if they had only been able to warm up the crowd for the main event this could have been our best show ever. As is, it’s only the second episode of TTW to ever make the top 10 events and it takes #5 with a bullet. And that’s without a top ten match or even a blowaway angle.


Final Show Rating: 72

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I did the math. Our importance in BC is 40.97. We were /that/ close. The problem is we were going to hit Cult in week three or four of the month. Which means we’d get all the expenses of Cult with no time to take advantage of the benefits.


I thought it would be enough. I thought we’d make it on the strength of that show. Still we were about to tape another event in BC. If this wasn’t enough I’d kiss HR gal.


William Regal is turning heel. What the **** was Regal doing as a face? And why was the Elimination Chamber PPV on a Saturday?


And now Zero 1 wants Kendrick too. Arg! As it was we now had Kendrick, Tomko and Raven all working for TNA as well as us. Which means all three would miss next week’s live show. I tell the first three people I see to remind me of that; but I don’t recognize any of them, so I’m not sure they actually work here. Come to think of it, one was in a Purolator uniform. FiP had risen to Regional and signed on Mike Mondo. And now Daivari was working for DGUSA too. Respect, a small fed in the Tri-States, was more important than we were when we were on the brink of Cult. Ludicrous!


I dodge a bullet as Austin Aries goes on radio and it’s the RoH locker room he chooses to run down. See what a happy backstage will do for you?


Kendrick brought one of those mini-Karaoke machines to the show. It was a lot of fun. Even I got in on the action providing the Jay-Z part of Young Forever while Shannon Moore took the Mr. Hudson lines. Kendrick rocks.


Tyson on Tour #36

Week 3 February 2011

Victoria Royal Theater

Attendance: 1,434 (Sellout!)


To start the pre-show a rusty Tomko squashes Hornet. It’s heel vs. heel and I’m thinking I need at least one face turn somewhere on the roster.




Next up a 5 v 5 match. Aries/Kash/Mondo/Conway/Sid vs. Pinkie Sanchez/Matt Cross/Kazooki/Tyler Veritas/Mike Knox. We try to make Knox look strong but the heel side has far bigger names and Sid gets a clean win over Sanchez with his trademark Choke Slam. Weirdly, it’s Aries who really shines. And at least people learn in matches like this.




Charlie Haas and Petey Williams jerk the curtain tonight. It’s a decent match and Williams gets the win with the Canadian Destroyer.




Brian and Kendrick kick off a new storyline by getting on the mic. They tell the Motor City Machine-guns that, even though the guns have a tag match tonight Kendrick and London want them in singles. Kendrick puts the title up against Sabin. London challenges Shelley to a Last Man Standing Match.




Despite my shortage of heels I end up with a face/face match on the card. Dan Paysan takes on Reid Flair and gets an easy win. Flair is another guy I have to protect in every match but with real potential long-term.




This should be good. Shannon Moore vs. Tajiri for the…what do you mean I forgot to tell them it was a title match? It was a ladder match, what did they grab? Chinese takeout? Bizarre. Still, decent match.




Sid picks on Scott Hudson a bit more. This is BC so I have to remember Sid’s not hugely over here.




Tables! Raven vs. Davey Richards in the Inaugural Young Gun tournament final. This heel vs. heel match was what caused the face vs. face match earlier. It’s only 13 minutes but I tell them to go all out and that’s too much for Raven. He’s tired by the end. For the finish we have Richards Shooting Star Press Raven while he’s on a table to capture the low level title I promised him. Thing is, I promised Raven one too…




The Motor City Machine Guns crush Credo in three minutes.




I check for chemistry, and burn Strong’s second guest appearance, as Evans and Strong take on Beef Wellington and Sean Morely. This turns out better than I expected but no chemistry between Morely and Beef. Beef gets the win over Evans and no one complains.




I challenge Petey Williams to a five-minute time limit match, even though he’s already wrestled a match tonight.




Petey comes out with taped up ribs. I focus on them. He gets in his licks but his ribs keep costing him chances. Just when he finally sets me up for the Canadian Destroyer, time expires.




Kendrick and Sabin square off for the title. I leave this one entirely up to Lance and the boys and it turns out just fine. I expect the main to be better though.




Hmmm…I forgot both Kendrick and Shelley use Sliced Bread #2. I wonder if I should change that or use it? Now for London/Shelley. The Last Man Standing Match starts slow with basic back and forth moves. We introduce a chair early and London waffles on Shelley like he’s Bret Hart beating Vince MacMahon. Shelley barely beats the count then, as London moves in, Shelley low blows him. Shelley proceeds to hit aerial move after aerial move on the downed London. Each time he waits for the count and each time London beats it but Shelley takes him right back down and hits another move. Finally London manages to get the knees up on one of Shelley’s moves and takes him down. It looks like it might end in a draw but both men get to their feet in time. London takes over the offense and just beats on Shelley mercilessly. He has him set up for a Double Underhook Facebuster (Pedigree) when Sabin runs in and hits him with a baseball bat. Shelley picks up London and hits Sliced Bread #2. Scott Armstrong counts to ten and it’s over.




Yeah I just don’t have the go-to angles I used to and they drag the show down a bit but…This must have done it. It just must have!


Final Show Rating: 71

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I was on the plane when I got the text. My reaction was so extreme I almost got Tasered by an Air Marshall. We had done it. I was online the rest of the flight. First, two offers to free agents who we were too small for before. Next an email to The Fight Network asking for two hours. We get ninety minutes. We’re a day too late to try to get a second TV show. Man timing sucks sometimes. Ok e-mails to PPV carriers. That’s important. In the meantime we need to make the live shows bigger. We should be drawing more fans.


We were still the twelfth most important federation in the world but in terms of influence? We had jumped to fifth! Suddenly, we didn’t have to worry about conflicting with TNA and RoH because people were choosing US! Now if only we could draw crowds the size TNA did.


The whole team is hard at work. HR gal and lawyer guy are bringing in all kinds of new staff. Media guy is prepping new ads. “Creative” is working hard to make sure we stay at this size. All around me I see new faces. I miss Sid but other than that I’m pretty pleased with the roster we have right now. Creative points out to me that the Wayne and Shuster titles, which were supposed to be a tournament title, hadn’t been announced as one. And the champs had made their own belts and were wearing them to the ring now. Ok, so I guess we have tag belts.


Accounting guy was a wreck. He knew we were about to lose more money that we ever had before and he wasn’t sure it would turn around any time soon. At least we could go back to having our events in Ontario and TV tapings on the road.


Sid was in the main event. It had taken a long time and a lot of work but the fans bought a guy who couldn’t wrestle in a wrestling based federation. Of course his 24-2 record helped. His only losses had been to his dad.


I sat up late the night before our first ninety-minute show. There was a good chance that what we were trying to do wouldn’t work. This whole thing could come crashing down very fast. We’d be the new ECW…

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The death of Scott still hangs over the locker room but we’re strong enough to weather it. Time to try for an attendance record.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 February 2011

Brantford Civic Center

Attendance: 2,981 (Sellout!)


We fire up the pre-show with a very short tag match. Tomko and Shannon Moore squash Reid Flair and Dan Paysan. Tomko does the lion’s share of the work as I try to build him into a monster heel.




Still in the dark, we have a six-man match. Sabin, Cross, Daivari, Raven, Kazookee and Dan Paysan. Sabin picks up the win when he hits the Cradle Shock on Raven for the pin.




We turn on the cameras for a Sid/Petey Williams match. It’s an open affair that ends with Sid needing the ropes to actually pin Williams.




Sid is celebrating when Mike Knox hits the ring and attacks him, leaving him down and out. But somehow Sid comes out looking far better than Knox.




Our bathroom break match is…Wait Morely and Aries have chemistry? Who the hell told them to tear the house down? That was one of our best matches ever and it was wasted in the middle of the ****ing card! Aries wins, with Lacey’s help, and retains the Ontario Championship.




I come out to mock Petey Williams for his loss earlier today. While I top the last match I worry what the next one is going to look like.




Haas and London come out for the main event and…what the hell is in the water in this town? That’s two incredible matches and we haven’t had the main event yet. London pins Haas. And this is just perfect. Hot as it could be without burning out the crowd before the main event.




Ok main event, how will we top this? Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick for the Heavyweight Championship inside a steel cage. We start slow, as if this were any other wrestling match. We work in the middle of the ring, standard moves as it goes back and forth. Then they start using the cage. Just for the odd throw at first but soon they are raking each other’s faces into the mesh. We see some blood, which only serves to fire up the crowd even more. Kendrick hits a sick neck drop onto the top rope, Shelley’s head striking the cage as well, then tries to escape the cage. Shelley is just up in time to pull him down, slamming him to the mat. Shelley tries a pin. 1…2…and Kendrick kicks out.


We move on to bigger, high impact moves, some using the cage, some not. There’s near fall after near fall. We hit the twenty minute mark. Shelley ties Kendrick up in the ropes and heads for the door. Kendrick just frees himself in time to stop him. Kendrick whips Shelley into the corner. He seats him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up after him, positioning for a Superplex. The crowd is chanting his name. He falls backwards, but Shelly grabs the ropes and Kendrick falls on his back. Shelley leaps for a high Elbow Drop then rolls Kendrick up. 1, Shelley grabs the tights…2, Kenrdrick tries to roll out but can’t without pulling his trunks off…3!


Here is your winner and the NEW TWA Heavyweight Champion: Alex Shelley!


The crowd is livid. Some even start throwing garbage. Just what I want from a main event. Holy ****!




I want to bronze this show. No I want to marry this show. Tonight I’m buying the boatload of booze.


Final Show Rating: 82

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So, we celebrate our growth to Cult with our best show ever, by a lot, our best match ever (as well as a new #9 and 10) in front of our biggest crowd ever. Pity only a .05 rating though. Just jumping to Cult alone hasn’t drawn in TV viewers…yet.


Warrior is coming back. But he’s a joke as an actual wrestler and what else would I use him for? Color?


What do you mean we can’t get a PPV deal? We’re a Cult fed! Surely we’re popular enough Cogeco will sign us? No?! ****, ****, ****, ****, ****, ****, ****!!! And I just signed two expensive new guys. How the **** are we going to stay afloat? These Big live events better draw some big numbers.


In all the excitement I almost forgot Lance Storm’s contract was about to expire. Luckily I send a new offer in time.


The Nail Biters are happy to be back. Daivari organizes a poker tournament before the show. I tell them no gambling with real money. Then I crack up.


And we thought the TV show would set attendance records.


Tyson on Tour #36

Week 2 February 2011

Windsor Arena

Attendance: 4,119


We kick off with a 3 v 3 as Raven, Rob Conway and Davey Richards face Beef Wellington, Kuchikuhci and Reid Flair. The side with the complete rookie loses as Raven uses an exposed turnbuckle to knock out and pin Beef Wellington.




Have Sean Morely and Shannon Moore faced before? If so I should have remembered it was a bad idea. Good thing it’s dark. Too bad the title is on the line as this could hurt the belt.




Still, the actual opener is not much better as Aries and Sid team up to face Credo. Yes I teased an Aries/Haas alliance. No I have no clue if I’m doing it. Oh yeah, it was a tables match and Sid and Aries went over. It’s Sid I want improving, not Creed. Ah why complain?




When I went to book this on the card I wrote “Tyson taunts Helms” before I remembered where I was. People say I’ve been hit in the head too many times. So I write Williams in and it’s a pretty standard affair, lots of cheap heat. But it works.




My latest victim is Larry Zbysyko who I beat up and knock out in three minutes. It wastes a warmed up crowd.




Next is a squash as Mike Knox takes out Kid Kash.




I let media guy make a video to hype the main event: London & Kendrick vs. The Guns for the Wayne and Shuster titles in a Full Metal Mayhem Match. It turns out ok.




Daivari cheats to beat Tajiri in foreigner on foreigner violence. It’s entertains the crowd as much as the video.




Roderick Strong comes out to say this is his last night in TWA and he wants some competition. He is answered by new music and the debut of:






They have a good little match. It goes about 11 minutes before Evans botches interfering and Dreamer hits the Death Valley Driver (DVD) for the win.




Everyone leaves. It goes very quiet. The lights dim. The crowd waits in hushed anticipation as the loudspeakers crackle to life:




Yes, Booker T has come to TCW. Booker grabs the mic.


“Listen up you worthless fans… Hell, make that Canadian fans, that’s even worse. Booker T is in TWA. And I don’t give a rat’s ass what any of you think. There’s no stopping me. There’s no rule I won’t break. There’s no advantage I won’t take. There’s no title I won’t hold. There’s no woman I won’t steal. And if anyone doesn’t like that… Don’t hate the playa; hate the game!”


Looks like I have a new go to guy for angles.




Another squash. Damn it. This is supposed to be a fed about real wrestling and it’s starting to look like 80’s WWF around here. Guys are getting better but not fast enough. I’m relying on key guys who could outgrow me if they succeed…


Anyway Tomko squashes Matt Cross.




Ok…did I plan this right?


We start with a Submission match between Petey Williams and Charlie Haas. They go back and forth, move-countermove. Hold-escape. Finally, just before the nineteen minute mark, Williams locks on the Sharpshooter for the fourth time. This time Haas is trapped in the middle of the ring and, try as he does, he can’t escape. The tap out is humiliating but the match is incredible.




Ok, I knew that could be awesome so I booked an angle next. Shelley and Sabin hyping the main event. They should be fine on the mic and the others are pretty over so… YES! It fell slightly flat after the match, just what I wanted.




As the tag team Full Metal Mayhem match begins Lance and I gather to watch it. Midway through Lance starts yammering how Shelley is off his game. Then he starts whining about the match drifting. I figure with the slow build it works ok. But pretty soon Lance shuts his mouth because the match turns out to be amazing. Two tag teams with chemistry and experience. The right booking decisions for a change. Charisma all around plus Kendrick’s star quality means this one is a gem.




Yeah, the angles were the weakness again. But still we can be damn proud of this show.


Final Show Rating: 72

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OOC: At this point I've been running through my backlog of shows and I'm almost out. I haven't run a new card in weeks. It seems pretty obvious I'm going to either have to drastically overhaul the fed, go bankrupt or find some excuse to inject more money into the federation.


But not many people seem to be reading this and I'm wondering if I should even continue?

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People are reading we're just not posting. I think this diary is great, and I do think you should continue with it. Just have Tyson win the Canadian Lottery or something.


I agree that people are reading, but I disagree with the whole lottery thing. Reading about Tyson trying to be stringent with money should be hilarious :D

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OOC: At this point I've been running through my backlog of shows and I'm almost out. I haven't run a new card in weeks. It seems pretty obvious I'm going to either have to drastically overhaul the fed, go bankrupt or find some excuse to inject more money into the federation.


But not many people seem to be reading this and I'm wondering if I should even continue?


Write for you, y0. I like it (though I do think you need to feature Lacey more to get her some overness. She's gold) and I've read every show so far.


I agree that people are reading, but I disagree with the whole lottery thing. Reading about Tyson trying to be stringent with money should be hilarious :D


Exactly. Just the thought of Mike knowing the definition of 'budget' or 'restraint' makes me collapse in giggle fits.


As for money, Mike's had an ongoing suit against Don King for a few years now, hasn't he? Maybe that was settled, in a way that would prevent his baby mamas from seizing (maybe if the settlement was made directly to a corporate entity...)

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TWA has released the wrestlers known as Ruckus, Asylum and Hornet. We wish them well in their future endeavors.


BEST-MATCH-EVER! Only the #6 show though. I had hoped for more from Booker and Dreamer’s debut. And of course, most fans ever.


Hogan was finally leaving the ring? I bet he’s around for years more behind the scenes.


Let’s look over the roster eh?


Main Event

Brian Kendrick* – F

Tommy Dreamer – F

Mike Knox* – F

Alex Shelley* – H

Booker T* – H

Petey Williams* – F


Upper midcard

Shannon Moore* – H

Austin Aries* – H

Paul London* – F

Chris Sabin* – H

Sid* – H

Charlie Haas* – H



Jack Evans – H

Raven – H

Tomko* – H

Davey Richards – H

Tajiri – F

Beef Wellington* – F

Shawn Daivari* – H

Consequences Creed* – F

Sean Morely – F


Lower midcard

Dan Paysan* – F

Rob Conway – H

Katsuhiko Nakajima* – F

Mondo Mike – H



Matt Cross* – F

Kid Kash – H

Reid Flair* – F



Pinkie Sanchez – F

Tyler Vertias – F


Occasional Wrestler

Mike Tyson* – H



James Mitchell – H

Lacey* – H


*On TV Brand.


Ok turns were in order.


Accounting guy looked pale as a ghost.


“$368,691. That’s how much we lost last month.”


“Ok but we are going to sell more tickets now. And I cut a few guys.”


“You cut cheap guys. If you use everybody on every show it costs us a fortune!”


“Ok we’ll try doing most of our shows in Ontario this month.”


“You better try selling wrestlers’ used jocks or something. We’re sinking fast!”


“I’ll think of something.”


“You better.”


I stew for a bit. But the next day is a show so I can’t worry about it. I hear Helms is playing politics at NOAH and wonder if I’m better off without him.


Was there any way to come up with more money to keep us afloat until we started turning a profit? Could I make anything doing porn?

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My paperwork was a mess, I had to rewrite both the TV and live shows several times, days after matches had been announced, and really made a dog’s breakfast of the planning. Let’s hope it all works out.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 March 2011

Prince George Coliseum

Attendance: 1,800 (Sellout!)


In the dark we have Daivari try to teach Reid Flair a few things before he gets the win. Turns out these two are a natural pair.




I again take my frustrations out on Lance Storm. Not sure if I’ll ever learn to wrestle.




We open the show itself with the Machineguns taking down Credo. Shelley shines.




Then Tomko and Sid come face to face. They glare and growls for a while before Tomko extends a hand and the two shake.




Sid sticks around to beat Beef Wellington in a match, well let’s say I’m glad I buried it in the middle of the show.




Shannon Moore faces Matt Cross in a non-title match. It’s non-title so the audience think Cross might have a chance. But really, he doesn’t.




I call out Petey Williams and ask him if he’s going to play ball and do what I say. He attacks me and lays me out. I have got to find a way to not outshine the guys I’m trying to build up.




Booker T had his first match against Mike Knox and, for fun, we made it a Stretcher Match. Seeing two great brawlers go at it in a match suited to it was a rare treat for TWA but it seemed it might become more common. Anyway this match set the bar pretty high for the main event.




Damn, we burned out the crowd now the main event will never live up. Anyway we send London and Kendrick to face the potential new team of Haas and Aries. I can tell pretty quick that Aries and Haas are nothing special together. Oh well, I had a backup plan. Hmmm…this is getting good. This is getting damn good. They’ve won over the crowd too. And, oooh nice spot there. Yes, this is nice action. I should have put the title on the line because this is rocking. Of course, the tag titles aren’t very prestigious yet. Maybe this was for the…oooh nice move there. The crowd are really into it when, at the 18-minute mark The Guns run in, attack London and Kendrick, draw the DQ and leave the crowd still pretty satisfied.




But we’re not done yet as Sabin and Shelley just brutalize London and Kendrick. They beat on them, blood flowing. Lacey starts pleading with Aries to do something. Aries and Haas think it over… Then come to the rescue, driving off the Guns. They stick around to help London and Kendrick up as the shows comes to a close.




Of all three turns I wonder why Lacey’s went badly?


Final Show Rating: 74

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Lance re-signs without even asking for new perks. Teddy Hart finds a new home in Ring of Honor. I could bring him back down the line but right now the roster is pretty crowded.


You know, we still haven’t had an injury. A death, yes. But no injuries.


I arrive at Fort Williams Gardens to find Mike Knox loading in a few kegs of beer. Now that I don’t have to worry about Helms getting too drunk to perform I can just relax and listen to Tyler Vertias telling us about the “school” he once attended. It perks up the mood, but I’m about to drop some bad news.


“Guys,” I tell them, then quickly add, “And Lacey. The numbers aren’t quite working yet. So we’re going to stop putting on live shows every week. We’re still going to tape TV but we’ll only have one event per month. When we build up popularity, who knows what will happen, but for now it’s going to be a lighter schedule.”


Nobody seems upset, we have a very strong locker room. But part of it is because we have regular successful shows. We’re going to lose that benefit now…


Tyson on Tour #39

Week 1 March 2011

Fort Williams Gardens

Attendance: 4,396


We open with Sid squashing Pinkie Sanchez in under two minutes. Yes they have no psychology but it’s just a quick squash.




Not to be outdone, Mike Knox squashes Davey Richards just as quickly and it’s a better match to boot.




We end our dark show festities with a six-man. Consequences Creed, Dan Paysan, Tyler Vertias, Rob Conway, Sean Morely and Reid Flair. They get about 7 minutes before Paysan takes Conway down with his Spinning Fisherman’s Suplex and sneaks out a pin.




And we open with…what the heck? Paul London and Jack Evans put on a clinic. Even with a lack of flow to the match we just opened with what could have been the main event. London gets the win and we have a hot crowd all of the sudden.




Next, I’m out to break the news that we’re dropping 3 shows a month. I blame the fans and they really hate me for it.




What is going on tonight? I throw Shannon Moore and Kabukio into a thirteen minute match without even putting the title on the line and it outdoes the opener?! I know I told them to go all out but this is crazy.




Ok, we have to cool this crowd off at some point or they’ll be dead for the mains. So maybe a hardcore match, which our crowd never likes, between Raven and Tommy Dreamer will bring things down. Ten years ago, in a different style of fed, this could have been a classic main event. As is, it does it’s job and finally gives the crowd a breather.




Now let’s bring out Booker T to taunt Petey Williams and fire the crowd up again.




First though, it’s time to let some of the lower card guys get some exposure. A Fatal Fourway between Kid Kash, Matt Cross, Daivari and Tajiri. Not much heat to this match but it’s hardly a disaster as the ref goes down and Daivari chokes out Tajiri with the ring rope then locks on a Camel Clutch as the ref recovers. Before Kash or Cross can interfere Tajiri is forced to tap out.




Kendrick and Tomko are up next and…well we had to have a disaster at some point. These two do not competent each other and Kendrick lets it get to him and has a really off night. I’m glad this was in the midcard. Kendrick needs the win so it’s Sliced Bread #2 at the eighteen minute mark for the 1…2…3.




Now… oh boy Booker T and Petey Williams. And it looks like this should have been the main event. I didn’t think Booker was still skilled enough to put on a performance like this but let’s look at it. He has high momentum, he has high charisma, he has a good gimmick, his morale is high and he just looks like a star. Booker will be a big help around here, until he outgrows me.




I let Lacey and Austin have six minutes on the mic in hopes of the main event not being overshadowed. I know I need to get Lacey some screen time but she does not look good here.




Can the main event hold a candle to the semi-main? Short answer? Yes. It’s weird, I didn’t expect this match to drift so much. Doesn’t one of these guys have the psychology to call this? Well with a slow build the lack of psychology isn’t as apparent. The guns make a great team, no question about it. Haas and Aries have no chemistry to speak of but I have other plans than to keep them together. We break out the ladders and, the teams fight for a shot at the Wayne and Shuster titles. We tease and tease and tease the crowd until, nearly twenty-two minutes after the bell rings, Sabin manages to take Aries and Haas down with a Dropsault and give Shelly time to retrieve the contract. The crowd is furious but I’m overjoyed.




That Lacey Aries angle pulls the show down a bit but, when it’s this good, who the **** cares! We didn’t even have a title match all night!


Final show rating: 77



I'm booking new shows so this may continue. Mike will be trying some new tactics to keep the fed alive. Changing from weekly to monthly events will save a little money and make the game go faster for me as well.

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Just a few days until TV but the schedule will be easier soon. Speaking of easier schedules, Raven leaves TNA and Petey Williams leaves ROH.


Shelton Benjamin wants to explore other options? We seem like a good option these days. I guess Haas and Aries are a regular tag team now after all.


We head to BC for the next TV taping. Booker T leads a video game tournament but he wins it himself, which is annoying because I was doing good at first.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 2 March 2011

Prince George Coliseum

Attendance: 1,682


In the pre-show we look for tag chemistry between Shannon Moore and Daivari as they beat Credo. We find none.




In a bad match Mike Knox crushes three men: Reid Flair, Matt Cross and Kajuujuubee.




We open with Sid getting a real challenge as he faces Charlie Haas. Sid can’t dominate the veteran and, after thirteen minutes, he only steals a win with a roll-up and a handful of tights.




Before Sid leaves I come out to sing his praises before my ten-minute time limit match with Petey Williams.




Petey and I go to a ten-minute draw. It’s nothing special but it’s not a train wreck either.




Booker T and Beef Wellington have a war of words before their match. Booker runs rings around Wellington but maybe the kid will learn something.




The match doesn’t live up to the dialogue as Booker takes out Beef with an Axe Kick just after the ten-minute mark.




Austin Aries defends his Ontario championship against Tomko. I’m trying to make Tomko look good but he may never be as good as the original Sid. Aries retains with the Last Chancery.




That brings us to the main event. Once again London and Kendrick take on the Motor City Machine Guns for the Wayne and Shuster titles. It takes a lot of practice to get the finish right. We book the match out in every detail, throwing in a ton of twists and turns even with the slow build up. The finish has all four guys trying to escape at the same time. London drops first, then Shelley. But Sabin and Kendrick escape at exactly the same time and we end up with a draw. The belts’ low prestige hurts the match but the only way to improve that is to have more matches like this.




The angles and the action balance out for a change and we end up with a fine show.


Final show rating: 72

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Kazooky seems to be fatigued a lot so I trade him to Live brand for Raven. TV was face heavy, anyway.


WWE finally lets someone go and it’s Hornswoggle. Antonio Inoki is retiring for good soon.


But the big news is the final farewell of Vince MacMahon. I expected a big sendoff on Smackdown in Ontario but he didn’t even appear. I hear there was a big event the next day with every WWE staffer and a lot of former wrestlers attending. Stephanie is still head booker but there’s no owner now. I wonder who will step up?


Accounting guy appears to be in better shape since we cut some shows. We just need to get more popular in Canada so we can convince Cogeco to deal with us. It’s the Nail Biters who take the news about the cut shows the hardest, even though I pay them less than anybody else.


With that out of the way I turn my thoughts to money. Who the hell has money and would be interested in helping a wrestling fed?

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Ontario again tonight. Who knew Shannon Moore could do impressions? I’m preoccupied with my Hail Mary move before the show and Lance and Larry start to suspect something. I make the excuse I’m annoyed Shelton Benjamin chose DGUSA over us. I’m not even sure I got the right fed but they seem to buy it.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 3 March 2011

Brantford Civic Center

Attendance: 2,981 (Sellout!)


Sid and Creed start the pre-show and, despite it being very one-sided, it turns out ok.




Then I set Aries and Haas up against Moore and Daivari. Maybe I should make them a team after all because this turns out too be far too good for the pre-show. I told them not to burn the crowd out but they really put on a match above my expectorations.




I open the show with a mic. I taunt Petey Williams. Once again, if he can beat me in ten minutes he gets a title shot. But he never will.




How bad does the match suck this time? Pretty bad. It's another draw of course.




Reid Flair needs training so he has a terrible match, losing to Raven after Raven uses brass knuckles.




I’m starting to think Paul London can get a good match out of a broomstick as he carries Tomko to a match that would have cracked our top ten not that long ago. London goes over, of course.




Now I put two of our best stick men together to insult each other: Booker T and Brian Kendrick. It’s not stellar but Kendrick totally holds his own and the results aren’t bad at all.




Mike Knox gets a shot at the Heavyweight championship and damn if Shelley doesn’t make him look good out there. In the end it’s only the interference of Chris Sabin that allows Shelley to escape with his title.




And now, ladies and gentlemen, your main event: Booker T versus Brian Kendrick. The early part of the match is technical. Sticking to the mat they trade holds and attempt submissions. When that fails the pace picks up as both men start hitting higher impact moves. Booker keeps setting up Kendrick for the Axe Kick but Kendrick keeps avoiding it. Kendrick, in turn, keeps trying to set up Sliced Bread #2 only to have Booker T avoid it every time. Kendrick has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand while Booker T can draw boos just for a closed-fisted punch.


Booker whips Kendrick into the ropes but he collides with the ref on the way back. With Kendrick and the ref down Booker exposes a turnbuckle then rams Kendrick into it head-first. Kendrick is busted open by the impact. Seeing the ref recovering Booker sets up the Axe Kick and lands it for the 1…2…3! This may just be our best match ever and we had a burned out crowd!




Yes! We raised the bar for Best Match ever and turned in our #2 show of all time.


Final Show Rating: 81

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As I wait to meet with my potential savior I read the sad news. The wrestler known as Chris Masters was killed in a freak skydiving accident. I never thought much of the guy but he sure didn’t deserve that.


“No” he said to me.




“Or at least, not yet.”


“What do you mean?”


“Look at me. I’m a billionaire. I’m a TV star. I could buy and sell your rinky dink federation with the change in my couch. But I’m not going to associated with an upstart Canadian fed. You become a national force and maybe we can talk again.”


I knew hitting him would be a bad idea. Maybe all this camera time was making me a better actor because somehow I was able to smile. “Well, thanks anyway Mr. Trump.”


What now?

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Smackdown only had 2,158 tickets sold? I think they were in Hawaii but still, we outdrew them.


This whole free alcohol thing is getting crazy as tonight Charlie Haas brings in case after case of Molson Canadian. People take it easy until after their matches at least.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 4 March 2011

Jack Gatecliff Arena

Attendance: 3,032


The dark matches start off with two Brutes facing off as Mike Knox takes on Tomko. We let them go for six minutes before Knox claims the clean win.




Daivari and Moore form and official tag team called “Shhh!” Their first outing is against the thrown together teams of Consequences Creed and Reid Flair and, getting the big pop, Petey Williams and Paul London. Despite this being the debut of “Shhh!” it’s London who picks up the win when he pins Reid Flair.




The little red light on the camera goes on and we kick off the show with Brian Kendrick versus Chris Sabin. It’s a nice little match but Kendrick has eaten too many pins lately so, when Shelley runs in and tries to hit the good guy with the ring bell he ends up hitting his own partner and giving Kendrick the easy win.




The four brawl for a bit before disappearing into the back. This isn’t bad, really.




We milk a bit of chemistry as Sid puts on an extended squash against Dan Paysan.




Now that we finally opened up the storyline between Petey and myself I can just come out and taunt him and build the feud.




Booker T faces Austin Aries in a non-title match. The announcers reveal that Booker considers any title other than the Heavyweight belt beneath him. I really debated putting this on last and that might have been the best choice as these two put on a superb match.




The problem is they burned out the crowd. Haas and Shelley in a Steel Cage for the title is just ever so slightly a let down after that great match. Shelley wins by pinfall with Sliced Bread #2 but this should have been the semi-main.




Well…I’m not going to complain.


Final Show Rating: 75

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I had a new idea right after I booked the TV show and the next Tyson on Tour. He could help me. But would he be interested?


I sat down with Accouting Guy.


“What’s news?”


“Well, the good news is last month we lost 2/3 what we lost the month before.”


“Well, that’s something.”


“But we still lost almost a quarter of a million dollars.”




“We have five, maybe six months before we have to shut our doors.”


“Unless we come up with more money.”


“That might buy us time to turn around.”


“Well, let’s hope for that.”


“Whatever you say. At least until my paycheck bounces.”


“Want to see how high YOU can bounce?”


He gulped. “See you later boss.”


And, of course, WWE re-sign Bryan Danielson. Well, they… wait who is running that place now? GEORGE SOUTH???!!!! And Steph is out, he’s booking himself.


Of course I could apply to run WWE…


No. Not yet. If we go under and the job is still open, then sure. If not then my fate is my own. What do the rags have to say about George South? He likes very small rosters. That could mean a flood of free agents soon. Who knows who I could pick up? Of course can I afford anyone new? Mike Mondo is already hanging on to his job by a thread. I ponder this for a while on the flight to BC but soon I nod off and dream of pots of gold.


I almost forget to check our ratings. Turns out we set a new record with a 0.07. We need to get on a bigger network but there’s 20 weeks left on our contract.

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Packed show tonight.


Total Tyson Wrestling

Week 1 April 2011

Bill Copeland Sports Center

Attendance: 2,010 (Sellout!)


Filed under “If this is in the pre-show what’s the show like?” category we open with Kendrick and Mike Knox teaming to face Raven and Tomko. Poor Raven and Tomko are bleeding momentum and this match doesn’t help as they lose, though it is close.




Oddly, Shannon Moore versus Reid Flair for the Canadian championship turns out to be just as good a match.




But let’s get on with the real show. We open with Petey Williams versus Chris Sabin and it’s a good match. Sabin cheats to win.




Shelley and I come out and the three of us beat down Williams. It’s hard to be humble when you shine like this.




What was supposed to be a breather turns out to be a damn fine match as I discover Booker T and Matt Cross have great chemistry. For an extended squash this really shines. Now I start worrying about burning out the crowd.




Haas and Aries face Shhh! And Shhh! continues its losing streak. Where’s Credo to job to these two? Haas is fighting a losing battle with time but he continue to learn a little every match and that is keeping him in the game.




I thought London could get a better match out of Sid. This is not good, especially since Sid is on the losing side. At least Sid can learn from London.




Alex Shelley said no one on the roster answered his open challenge so that means he has the night off. But he’s interrupted by a rare TV appearance by Tommy Dreamer who says he wants a title shot RIGHT NOW!




Ok, a lot hinges on this and… as we lower the cage, I’m worried. We don’t bother starting slow we go right to using the cage as a weapon. Dreamer is willing to take so much punishment and he bleeds heavily as Shelley rakes his face against the cage over and over again. He keeps telling Dreamer to quit but the Innovator of Violence refuses. Dreamer finally makes a comeback with a series of power moves. He sets Shelley up for a DDT off the top turnbuckle but Shelley reverses into Sliced Bread #2 and pins Dreamer to retain his title in a top 10 of all time match!




Man, that main event really saved us after Sid and London stunk up the joint.


Final Show Rating: 75

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“Aw come on!”


“No. If I come back it will be on my own terms. And it won’t be for a second rate Canadian fed. If you were pushing into the US, maybe. But I’m not tarnishing my reputation now, even if my dad sold WWE.”


He could tell I was angry.


“I’m sure you’ll find somebody who will help you out.”


“I hope so.”


Man we are starting to face some serious fatigue problems even with the lighter schedule. TNA was starting to suffer, Ric Flair and Kurt Angle both rejected them since they weren’t big enough. Which means they’re probably too big for me too.


Damn, Davey Richards was choosing AJPW over us. Which meant unless we put him on TV we’d never use him. And tonight it’s Mike Mondo bringing in booze. Maybe I should give him a match.


Tyson on Tour #40

Week 1 April, 2011

Hershey Center

Attendance: 4,572


We kick off the festivities with some mult-man matches. First a fast Fatal Four-Way between Consequences Creed, his partner Dan Paysan, Pinkie Sanchez and Matt Cross. To everyone’s surprise it’s Matt Cross who picks up the win after a Phoenix Splash to Creed.




Next a Three Way Dance between Tommy Dreamer, Mike Knox and Tomko. Tomko goes down first and it’s Dreamer who comes out viticulous.




Overture, curtain, lights…


I start off facing Paul London. He’s carrying me as best he can, making my fists look like they are made of steel. But Petey Williams runs in and jumps on the apron. The distraction is enough for London to quickly roll me up for the win.




Furious I grab the mic and tell Williams he’s facing Booker T in a Cage Match tonight.




Jack Evans is in teacher mode as he walks Reid Flair through a poor match where neither can tell a proper story in the ring. James Mitchell reminds everyone he still works here by interfering to set up the 630 Senton and Evans picks up the win.




We continue with minor matches as Sean Morely faces Rob Conway. It’s a rare win for Morely in an average match.




Booker T hits the ring to run down Petey Williams and Canada in general. Cheap heat is still heat.




Another educational match as Sid beats up on Tajiri before the big Choke Slam for the win.




I promised Mondo Mike a match so he teams with Raven against two other teams: Aries and Haas and Shhh! Just for fun it’s a Full Metal Mayhem match. Lately it seems the Road Agents point out people improving less and less often but, here, Larry says both Charlie and Shannon learned something from this match. But I’ll never team Mike and Raven again.




Still in “kill time” mode we pit Kudzu against Kid Kash. The foreigner gets a rare win - which I hope makes him happy.




Ok, sure, Kendrick and Shelley don’t have the psychology to go for twenty minutes but, even with the drift, this turns out to be a fine match as Shelley just manages to hang on to his title after Sabin hits Kendrick’s jaw with a kendo stick and Shelley locks on the Crossface forcing the former champ to tap out. These days this isn’t a top ten match but it’s still pretty close.



Now comes our unannounced main event. Petey Williams versus Booker T in a modern cage match. Will Booker make Petey pay for disrespecting me? At first it sure seems so as Book beats Petey from pilfer to prose. But when Booker tries to slam Petey into the cage Petey stops himself in the ropes and Mule Kicks Booker. That gives him the advantage. He hits a Standing Moonsault then locks on a Surfboard. It’s a long hold but Booker never gives up. Petey releases him then Dropkicks him. He moves in again but Booker hits a low blow. Petey just kicks out of the pin attempt. Booker tries to escape the cage door and Petey has to quickly recover then sprint across the ring to tackle him.


Then we start bringing out big moves. Back and forth offense with the moves getting bigger and bigger. Booker hits an Axe Kick but, amazingly, Pete kicks out. Pete makes the big babyface comeback and finally lands the Canadian Destroyer. It looks like it’s over as Petey covers for the pin.






And Booker stretches out his leg and hooks the bottom rope. The ref counts three but then sees the foot. Petey is celebrating as the ref tries to stop him. Booker sneaks up behind the jubilant Williams and, with cheetah like speed, rolls up the Canadian. He grabs a handful of Petey’s trunks.








Booker races to the cage door and flees before Petey even realizes what happened. Booker taunts him from the entrance ramp while the crowd is on their feet screaming in anger.


If only this had been on TV. As is it’s going to be on DVD collections for years to come as this is our BEST! MATCH! EVER!




It’s only our third best show of all time but that match blows away Booker/Kendrick and far outshines the first time these two met. If only we had a PPV deal.


Final show rating: 80

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It all changes here.


Ok, here’s how two conversations, condensed into one, basically went.


Other guys: You want me to invest in your fed?


Me: Yeah, think of the possibilities.


Other guys: Forget it.


Me: Aw come on Paul/Bill, you can raise the money. We’re putting on great product we just need capital until we can start making money.


Other guys: Call me when you start making money.


So Heyman and Goldberg were out. I had one guy left I could think of who could help us out. After that I would be desperate.


Shelton Benjamin tore a stomach muscle. If he’d signed with us it would never have happened. Still, he’d only be out a month.


I stopped by the office before heading to the taping and he was waiting for me. We got the small talk out of the way.


“That’s the deal. I give you ten million dollars. You give me 51% of the company. And together we will bring this company to the heights of Mount Olympus and we will walk among the gods!”


“Ummm… ok.”


“And I want a main event title.”


“Ummm… sure.”


“And I still want a written contact with a wage.”




“Then it is decided. The forces have aligned. The world will shake from the steps we begin today.”


“Sure Mr… what should I call you?”


“Just call me Warrior.”

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