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ZEN: Art of Wrestling?....lol...

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Q: What is ZEN: Art of Wrestling?


A: ZEN is New Zealand's first and only wrestling promotion, created by local worker Halloween Knight in 2007 in order to give a place for the new wave of wrestlers who were coming through in the area.


Q: What type of Wrestling will I see at a ZEN Live Event?


A: ZEN mixes the cutting edge athletic and technical aspects of lucha libre with a healthy dose of off-the-wall humour and zany characters. The emphasis is primarily on producing fun shows that everyone can enjoy, and we do it well!


Q: So, where can I see ZEN's show?


A: Most of ZEN's live events take place in New Zealand but we're always looking to break out into other parts of Australia.


Q: What's the ZEN Conceptual Title?


A: The ZEN Conceptual Title is a Championship without being a Championship. In order to qualify as a challenger, you must accumulate "3 points", but we'll get to that later.


Q: Why does the ref count to twenty when a wrestler is on the floor, instead of ten?


A: A: Because most ZEN matches are conducted under Lucha Libre rules, not Pro-Wrestling rules. The basics of Lucha rules are as follows: Count outs occur when a wrestler fails to return to the ring before a count of twenty. Disqualifications are rendered immediately for lowblows (fouls), or unmasking an opponent. An automatic tag is registered if the legal man in the ring touches the arena floor. These rules also provide for an unusual call named "castigo excesivo" or "excessive punishment." That is to say, the referee can disqualify a wrestler or team that is not trying to win the match (not attempting any pins or submissions,) but is instead just beating up or attempting to otherwise injure an opponent. While rare, the referee does have the ability to disqualify for excessive punishment under this system of rules.


Q: What's the "Full Equality Rule" that I keep hearing about?


A:ZEN is very proud to have the first ever "full equality" rule, where gender or species is no barrier to being on their roster - women can fight men and animals can fight women.





Fouls & Disqualifications


-ZEN believes in giving their entire roster a fair warning before disqualifying them. In order to be disqualified, ZEN wrestlers must commit 3 Fouls.


You can be fouled by committing the following infractions...


  • Any hit to opponent's groin.

  • Failure to release a hold during an official's 5-count.

  • Outside Interference.

  • Attempted removal of an opponent's mask. (Complete removal of opponents mask consists of an automatic Disqualification)

  • Use of any object as a weapon.

  • Stalling

  • Excessive Punishment


ZEN's Conceptual Title Point System

-In order to qualify as a Challenger for the ZEN Conceptual Title, you must first accumulate 3 points in a licensed ZEN event.


Points can be earned by defeating the current Conceptual Champion in any type of exhibition non-title match.


Point System

  • Singles Match: Defeating the Conceptual Champion in a Non-Title Exhibition match will earn you 3 Points.

  • Tag Team Match: Defeating the Conceptual Champion in a Tag Team Exhibition match will earn you 2 Points. (In order to obtain the points, the Champion must be pinned or the point system will not take effect)

  • 6-Man Tag Team Match: Defeating the Conceptual Champion in a 6-Man Tag Team Exhibition match will earn you 1 Point. (In order to obtain the points, the Champion must be pinned or the point system will not take effect)

  • Multi-Man Scrambles: Defeating the Conceptual Champion in any type of Multi-Man Scramble will earn you 1 Point. (In order to obtain the points, the Champion must be pinned or the point system will not take effect)







F.E.A.R. - Four Extreme Agents of Revolution


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/HalloweenKnight.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Necromancer.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Cyanide.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Massacre.jpg">

Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Cyanide & Massacre




No Laughing Matter


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Jester.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/CWA.jpg">

The Jester & C-W-A (Clown with Attitude)



The Inmates


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/TheAnarchist.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Bile.jpg">

The Anarchist & Bile



<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Eraser.jpg">

"The Extreme Mercenary" Eraser



<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MirrorUniverseJonGordon.jpg"> with <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/GuruVishni.jpg">

Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni







<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Devilfish.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LoneShark.jpg">

Devil Fish & Lone Shark



The Horror Show


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareSlasher.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareStalker.jpg">

Nightmare Slasher & Nightmare Stalker



The Shadows


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Shaolin.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/QuickSilver.jpg">

Shaolin & Quicksilver


The Sky Kings


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Vertigo.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/SuperZero.jpg">

Vertigo & Super Zero




<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/ManOWar.jpg">

X-caliber & Man-O-War



<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MollyCuddle.jpg">

Molly Cuddle



<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MiltonHittlespitzALT.jpg">

Milton Hittlespitz





<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/wres/ZEN_Master.jpg">

ZEN Master Championship

Current Champion: Halloween Knight

Current #1 Contender: X-Caliber


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ZEN Conceptual Championship

Current Champion: Shaolin

Current #1 Contender: Massacre

3 Point System: #1.N/A






ZEN Harmony Championships

Current Champions: The Sky Kings - Vertigo & Super Zero

Current #1 Contenders: The Horror Show - Nightmare Slash & Stalker


Coming up next "ZEN: Way of the Scholar"....

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ZEN: Art of Wrestling presents...

"Way of the Scholar"

live in front of 48 people at the ZEN Temple


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MirrorUniverseJonGordon.jpg"> with <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/GuruVishni.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MiltonHittlespitzALT.jpg">

In the opening match, Mirror Universe Jon Gordon defeated Milton Hittlespitz in a very sloppy brawl. (8:22) E+


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/GuruVishni.jpg">

Guru Vishni: Greetings, slobs and peasants. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Guru Vishni and I'm on a journey to find complete enlightenment.


For years, I've traveled across the cosmos in search for that one thing to bring me total happiness, the ZEN Conceptual Title.


It's mysterious powers will let me open a dimension that has never been opened before and allow me to create an army of Mirror Opposites!! Ahahahaha!! Then nothing will stop me from taking over the world!!


ZEN, hear me now, you will all be bowing down to your new leader-no, no, no-your new GOD, Guru Vishni!!


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Vertigo.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/CWA.jpg">


Meanwhile, in the locker room


Vertigo tosses his gym bag on the ground and sits down on the bench - *POP* - a loud bursting noise came out from underneath one half of the Harmony Champion.


Vertigo: What the-


He stands up and looks underneath him to find a half-busted balloon animal. Vertigo looks distraught.


Vertigo: What did I doo?!?!


*FLUSH* - the washroom's door swings wide open following a loud flush. C-W-A walks out, smelling his hands while walking towards Vertigo.


C-W-A: What's going on? I heard a lot of commotion...


Vertigo: Uhhh..nothing-I-I just-


C-W-A looks down at his dead balloon animal, laying still in Vertigo's hands.


C-W-A: Mr. Waffletop?!?! WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU ANIMAL!!


Vertigo: I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry!


C-W-A: Nothing you can say can make up for the loss of my best friend!!


Vertigo: Look, I'll do anything to make it up to you. Uhhh...how about I give you a shot at the Harmony Championships?


C-W-A: A title shot?


Vertigo: Yeah, you can pick anyone as your partner too.


C-W-A: *sniffles* That sure sounds neat. *sniffles* Okay. How 'bout we shake on it?


*BUZZ!* Vertigo shakes C-W-A's hand only to get electrified. The Harmony Champion falls down, gripping his chest as C-W-A starts laughing uncontrollably.


C-W-A: AHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Vertigo, tonight you'll find out that Jester and I are a barrel of laughs!! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!



<IMG SRC="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/wres/ZENHarmony.jpg">

<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Jester.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/CWA.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Vertigo.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/SuperZero.jpg">

ZEN Harmony Championship Match

No Laughing Matter(Jester & C-W-A) vs The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero)

The Sky Kings retain the Harmony Championships when Vertigo defeats C-W-A with a Radar Leg Drop. (9:44) D-



Meanwhile, in the deepest and darkest corner of the ZEN Locker room...


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/HalloweenKnight.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Necromancer.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Cyanide.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/ManOWar.jpg">


The ZEN Master Champion, Halloween Knight, is sitting in a chair, covered in darkness.


Cyanide & Necromancer forcefully shove Man O' War into the room, forcing him to kneel before Halloween Knight.


Necromancer: Show some respect, kneel before the "Master of the Puppets"...


*ACK-POO* - Man O' War spits in Necromancer's eye, responding to his demand.


Man O' War: I would rather die!!


*SLAP* - Necromancer smacks Man O' War across his face, knocking him over.


Necromancer: Than you shall...


Halloween Knight: ENOUGH!! Necromancer, Cyanide, you've done well. Leave me to talk with our guest.


Necromancer: As you wish, master.


Man O' War: What the hell do you want from me?!


Halloween Knight: I had you brought here to make a proposition. I'm inviting you to join F.E.A.R. and help us on our crusade to destroy the world.


Man O' War: Me, join F.E.A.R.?!? Thanks but no thanks.


Halloween Knight: Man O' War, choose wisely because the next words that come out of your mouth may be your last.


Man O' War: Hmmm...okay, how's this sound: GO SCREW YOURSELF!!


Halloween Knight: Very well. Necromancer, Cyanide, lock our visitor in the dungeon.


Necromancer: Dungeon?


Halloween Knight: Arrghh...The dog cage that's sitting in the corner...


Necromancer: OOohhh...


Cyanide and Necromancer grab a hold of Man O' War and toss him inside of the cage.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/TheAnarchist.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Bile.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareSlasher.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareStalker.jpg">

#1 Contendership for the Harmony Championships

The Inmates(The Anarchist & Bile) vs The Horror Show(Nightmare Slasher & Stalker)

The Horror Show defeated The Inmates when Nightmare Slasher pinned Bile following a Slash & Burn. (9:08) F+


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Massacre.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Shaolin.jpg">

For 3 Points in the Conceptual Title Ranking System

Massacre vs Shaolin

Massacre defeated Shaolin in a brutal match following the Black Descent. (12:24) E


Meanwhile, in the ZEN Temple's parking lot...


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Devilfish.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LoneShark.jpg">


Devil Fish & Lone Shark are splashing around in a kiddie pool when X-Calibre interrupts.


X-Calibre: Devil Fish, Lone Shark, I'm sorry to interrupt your training but Man O' War has been captured by F.E.A.R.!


Lone Shark: We'll fight by your side, X-Calibre.


Devil Fish: Yeah. Let's go kick some F.E.A.R. butt!


X-Calibre: Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you...


X-Calibre and DEVILSHARK run off screen, getting ready to battle the evil members of F.E.A.R.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/QuickSilver.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Eraser.jpg">

Quick Silver vs Eraser

Quick Silver quickly defeated Eraser with a Moonsault Press. (7:09) F+


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/HalloweenKnight.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Necromancer.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Cyanide.jpg">


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Devilfish.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LoneShark.jpg">

F.E.A.R.(Halloween Knight, Necromancer & Cyanide) vs X-Calibre & DEVILSHARK(Devil Fish & Lone Shark)

F.E.A.R. defeated X-Calibre & DEVILSHARK when a mysterious man in a black hood ran out and distracted X-Calibre while Halloween Knight rolled him up for a 3-count. (14:43) D



Afterwards, the mysterious man attacks X-Calibre and knocks him out with the Warhammer.


To everyone's shock, he takes off his hood to reveal that he's MAN O' WAR!!


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/ManOWaralt.jpg">


Halloween Knight, Necromancer, Cyanide & Man O' War celebrate inside of the ring as the show comes to an end.





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See I read it the other way, as he was legit out of his mind and unable to control his emotions, a real loose cannon.


I really like how this dynasty didn't use the same stories as all the other ZEN dynasties, they all blended together, this one is fresh and new.

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Way of the Viral



Hello and thanks for stopping by, this is the official home of ZEN: The Art of Wrestling and the only place that you can have a piece of our delicious apple pie.





ZEN: Way of the Healer is 25 days away and we have just been informed of 3 special F.E.A.R. challenge matches.


The F.E.A.R. Challenge #1

Massacre will challenge Shaolin for the ZEN Conceptual Title


The F.E.A.R. Challenge #2

Necromancer & Cyanide challenges DEVILSHARK (Devil Fish & Lone Shark)


The F.E.A.R. Challenge #3

Halloween Knight w/Man O' War will take on X-Caliber, if X-Caliber wins then he will become the #1 Contender to the ZEN Master Championship





Welcome everyone to the ZEN Event Center, this is your one and only destination to find out where you can see live ZEN events.


ZEN: Way of the Healer (Sat, March, Week 2, 2010) at the ZEN Temple

F.E.A.R. Challenge Series:

-Massacre challenges Shaolin for the ZEN Conceptual Title

-Necromancer & Cyanide vs DEVILSHARK (Devil Fish & Lone Shark)

-#1 Contendership Match: Halloween Knight w/Man O' War vs X-Caliber

Also on the card:

-Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Quick Silver

-The Horror Show(Nightmare Slash & Stalker) take on The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) for the ZEN Harmony Championships

-Molly Cuddle vs Milton Hittlespitz


ZEN: Way of Philosopher (Sat, April, Week 2, 2010) at the ZEN Temple

Card T.B.D.



*Profile of the Month*


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MiltonHittlespitzALT.jpg">

Milton Hittlespitz


"Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz is a young daredevil of a fighter from Australia who has a very reckless style, hence his nickname, and loves to incorporate chairs and tables into his matches. This actually somewhat hides the fact that he can actually put on pretty good matches without needing weapons. A charismatic competitor, he is at his best when playing the underdog role.


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F.E.A.R. Challenge Series:

-Massacre challenges Shaolin for the ZEN Conceptual Title

Shaolin hasn't been developed enough to drop the title yet

-Necromancer & Cyanide vs DEVILSHARK (Devil Fish & Lone Shark)

I wanted to give this to DEVILSHARK, but I see Man O' War getting involved, Devil Fish taking the fall, and forwarding stories between Man O' War/Devil Fish and Lone Shark/Halloween Knight

-#1 Contendership Match: Halloween Knight w/Man O' War vs X-Caliber

A match like this is designed for X-Calibre to win, though I can see it happening by DQ when he just gets beat down by FEAR guys, so Knight doesn't look too weak

Also on the card:

-Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Quick Silver

Both guys won last show, but Gordon got a promo while Silver didn't

-The Horror Show(Nightmare Slash & Stalker) take on The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) for the ZEN Harmony Championships

Champs retain, I see it being more likely for a feud between Sky Kings/Barrel of Laughs to happen

-Molly Cuddle vs Milton Hittlespitz



EDIT: I wasn't saying I thought his crying made him look like a wimp, I just thought it did when I read it. It made him 10x more awesome when he buzzer'd Vertigo though, and it made him one of my favorites so far here. Don't get discouraged, the mood swing worked really well in making C-W-A an insane SOB

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-Massacre challenges Shaolin for the ZEN Conceptual Title

Don't believe he'll be dropping just yet.

-Necromancer & Cyanide vs DEVILSHARK (Devil Fish & Lone Shark)

I'm going to go with the faces, some measure of revenge.

-#1 Contendership Match: Halloween Knight w/Man O' War vs X-Caliber

Help from Man O' War to win this one,

-Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Quick Silver

Worker with more potential, in my humble opinion.

-The Horror Show(Nightmare Slash & Stalker) take on The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) for the ZEN Harmony Championships

Maybe by DQ from Barrel of Laughs, or something ..

-Molly Cuddle vs Milton Hittlespitz

Just for fun.

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-Massacre challenges Shaolin for the ZEN Conceptual Title He brings more to the table.

-Necromancer & Cyanide vs DEVILSHARK (Devil Fish & Lone Shark) Cause we need some face wins.

-#1 Contendership Match: Halloween Knight w/Man O' War vs X-Caliber Man O' War interference.

-Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Quick Silver Cause he is a bad bad man.

-The Horror Show(Nightmare Slash & Stalker) take on The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) for the ZEN Harmony Championships They are not losing them this fast.

-Molly Cuddle vs Milton Hittlespitz Never bought the women over men stuff.

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ZEN: Art of Wrestling presents...

"Way of the Healer"

live in front of 51 people at the ZEN Temple


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/wres/_BlankBackground.jpg">

<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Massacre.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Shaolin.jpg">

ZEN Conceptual Championship Match

Massacre vs Shaolin©

Shaolin managed to retain his Conceptual Championship by defeating Massacre with a quick roll-up. (6:53) E


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/ManOWaralt.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg">


Meanwhile, in X-Calibre's locker room...


X-Calibre is getting ready for his match when Man O' War walks in and confronts him.


X-Calibre: Man O' War! I've been looking for you all month! Where have you been?

Man O' War: Don't be a fool, X-Calibre. You know exactly where I've been. I have been serving my new leader, Halloween Knight.


X-Calibre: Huh?! What have they done to you? You've been brainwashed.


Man O' War: The only thing that F.E.A.R. has done to me was open up my eyes. X-Calibre, I've come to give you an opportunity to be re-born. Halloween Knight is offering you a spot in F.E.AR. and all you got to do is lay down tonight.


X-Calibre: A spot in F.E.A.R.?! No way!


Man O' War: I'm going to let you think about it, X-Calibre. Just remember, if you're not with us, you're against us!!


Man O' War walks away leaving X-Calibre speechless.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MiltonHittlespitzALT.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MollyCuddle.jpg">

"Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz vs Molly Cuddle

Milton Hittlespitz defeated Molly Cuddle following a Flying Knee Drop. (4:26) F+


<IMG SRC="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/CWA.jpg">


Meanwhile, in C-W-A's dressing room...


C-W-A is sitting on a chair, facing a large mirror while he's putting on his make-up. All we can see is the back of his head.


C-W-A:Vertigo, we all wear masks. AHAHAHAHA!


Sometimes, our faces become masks. Some others, wear masks that become their true faces. AAHAHAHAHAHA!!


There's masks for joy and sadness, love and hate, satisfaction and frustration, courage and fear, hope and despair. *Inhales deeply*


So Vertigo, why do you wear your mask? HAHA! I think it's time to find out who the REAL Vertigo is.


Tonight, please forgive me, Vertigo! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Forgive me!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!


C-W-A turns around, facing the camera on his chair to reveal a scary new makeover.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/C-W-AALT.jpg">


Moments before the Harmony Championship match...


Before Horror Show could get a chance to compete against the Sky Kings, The Inmates and No Laughing Matter jump them from behind. A huge 8-man brawl errupts untill The Inmates and No Laughing Matter get tossed out of the ring.


Vertigo: You guys want to jump us from behind?! Well how about you take us on, face-to-face, in a 8-man Tag? What do you say, Horror Show?


Horror Show nod their heads and shake the Sky Kings hands. Vertigo and Super Zero leap over the ropes and land ontop of the Inmates and No Laughing Matter, starting an impromptu 8-Man Tag.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/TheAnarchist.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Bile.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Jester.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/C-W-AALT.jpg">


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareSlasher.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/NightmareStalker.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Vertigo.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/SuperZero.jpg">

8-Man Tag Team Match

The Inmates(The Anarchist & Bile) & No Laughing Matter(Jester & C-W-A) vs The Horror Show(Nightmare Slasher & Stalker) & Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero)

Inmates & No Laughing Matter defeated Horror Show & Sky Kings when C-W-A sprayed Vertigo with Pepper Spray from a flower on his shirt. (10:21) E+


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/MirrorUniverseJonGordon.jpg"> with <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/GuruVishni.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/QuickSilver.jpg">

Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Quick Silver

Mirror Universe Jon Gorden defeated Quick Silver with a Goatee Driver. (12:12) E+


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/GuruVishni.jpg">


Guru Vishni: Slobs and peasants, lend me your ears. I am throwing out a one-time proposition to F.E.A.R.'s Massacre, we both have something in common, a quest to obtain the ZEN Conceptual Title. So next month, my Mirror Universe Jon Gordon is willing to team up with you to take on Quick Silver & Shaolin in an attempt to acquire points for Contendership. We are easy to find, just open your mind and you will find us...


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Devilfish.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LoneShark.jpg">


Meanwhile, in ZEN Temple's parking lot...


Devil Fish and Lone Shark are splashing in a kiddie pool when X-Calibre approaches them.


X-Calibre: Guys, I talked to Man O' War today.


Devil Fish: Man O' War?! You found him?


X-Calibre: He found me. In fact, he offered me a spot in F.E.A.R.


Lone Shark: There's no way you're going to join them, are you?


X-Calibre: No! Well, no, I don't think so. He said that I had to lay down to Halloween Knight if I wanted to join them.


Devil Fish: Hmm...it seems like you got a lot of thinking to do. I hope you make the right decision. Lone Shark, let's get ready for our match...


DEVILSHARK walk away leaving X-Calibre to think to himself.


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Devilfish.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LoneShark.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Necromancer.jpg"><img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/Cyanide.jpg">

DEVILSHARK(Devil Fish & Lone Shark) vs Necromancer & Cyanide

Necromancer & Cyanide defeated DEVILSHARK when Necromancer forced Devil Fish with his Death Scream Submission hold.(11:06) D-


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/HalloweenKnight.jpg">w/<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/ManOWaralt.jpg"> vs <img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/X-Calibre.jpg">

#1 Contendership Match

Halloween Knight w/Man O' War vs X-Calibre

X-Calibre defeated Halloween Knight by Disqualification. Foul #1: Low Blow, Foul #2: Interference by Man O' War, Foul #3: Striking the Referee. (10:01) D-





Halloween Knight and Man O' War double team X-Calibre, beating him down in the middle of the ring.


Halloween Knight: X-Calibre, you made a bad decision! I gave you a chance to live in paradise and all you had to do was give your soul to me!! Next month, you'll be getting your shot at my ZEN Master Championship but when you lose you'll be forced to join F.E.A.R!! MUAHAHAHAA!!


The show comes to an end with Halloween Knight & Man O' War celebrate inside of the ring.


The stage is set, Halloween Knight will defend his ZEN Master Championship but if X-Caliber loses then he'll have to join F.E.A.R.!!


Who will come out ontop?!


Final Rating: D-




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Way of the Viral





Halloween Knight will defend his ZEN Master Championship against X-Caliber at "Way of the Philosopher", but if X-Caliber loses then he is forced to join F.E.A.R.


Massacre has accepted Guru Vishni's proposal. At "Way of the Philosopher", Mirror Universe Jon Gordon will team up with F.E.A.R.'s Massacre to take on the ZEN Conceptual Champion, Shaolin, and Quick Silver. Both Massacre and Mirror Universe Jon Gordon have their eyes set on capturing 2 points towards the Conceptual Title Contendership.


ZEN has signed Louie Scorpio to a multi-fight deal. Louie will make his debut at "Way of the Philosopher" when he takes on "Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz.





ZEN: Way of Philosopher (Sat, April, Week 2, 2010) at the ZEN Temple

ZEN Master Championship Match (If X-Caliber loses he must join F.E.A.R.)

-Halloween Knight defends against X-Caliber

#1 Contendership for the ZEN Harmony Titles

-DEVILSHARK(Devil Fish & Lone Shark) vs Necromancer & Cyanide vs The Inmates(Bile & The Anarchist)

-Massacre & Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Shaolin & Quick Silver

-C-W-A vs Vertigo

-Jester vs Super Zero

-Louie Scorpio vs "Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz


ZEN: Way of Poet (Sat, May, Week 2, 2010) at the ZEN Temple

ZEN Harmony Championship Match

-The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) defend against The Horror Show(Nightmare Stalker & Slasher) & winners of the 3-Way Tag Team #1 Contendership match at "Way of the Philosopher".




*Profile of the Month*


<img src="http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae332/zenwrestling/LouieScorpioalt.jpg">

Louie Scorpio


Louie Scorpio is a young worker from Australian. He is quite green at this stage in his career - and pretty bland too if truth be told - but does show signs that he could improve to become a decent worker. In particular, his chain wrestling skills are quite impressive and he always keeps himself in good shape.


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ZEN Master Championship Match (If X-Caliber loses he must join F.E.A.R.)

-Halloween Knight defends against X-Caliber

Too early for X-Calibre to win, so I see X-Calibre joining FEAR (reluctantly)

#1 Contendership for the ZEN Harmony Titles

-DEVILSHARK(Devil Fish & Lone Shark) vs Necromancer & Cyanide vs The Inmates(Bile & The Anarchist)

DEVILSHARK don't need it and The Inmates don't have what it takes to beat either other team

-Massacre & Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Shaolin & Quick Silver

Need someone to challenge for the Conceptual title some time soon

-C-W-A vs Vertigo

Vertigo wins here

-Jester vs Super Zero

but Super Zero doesn't

-Louie Scorpio vs "Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz

Bad ass Mortal Kombat themed guy wins

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ZEN Master Championship Match (If X-Caliber loses he must join F.E.A.R.)

-Halloween Knight defends against X-Caliber

Cant picture X-Calibre joining F.E.A.R.

#1 Contendership for the ZEN Harmony Titles

-DEVILSHARK(Devil Fish & Lone Shark) vs Necromancer & Cyanide vs The Inmates(Bile & The Anarchist)

-Massacre & Mirror Universe Jon Gordon w/Guru Vishni vs Shaolin & Quick Silver

-C-W-A vs Vertigo

-Jester vs Super Zero

-Louie Scorpio vs "Crazy Blue" Milton Hittlespitz

Love that badass Louie Scorpio alt.

ZEN: Way of Poet (Sat, May, Week 2, 2010) at the ZEN Temple

ZEN Harmony Championship Match

-The Sky Kings(Vertigo & Super Zero) defend against The Horror Show(Nightmare Stalker & Slasher) & winners of the 3-Way Tag Team #1 Contendership match at "Way of the Philosopher".

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