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T-Zone 2010 Ongoing Beta Thread

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This thread is for the ongoing betas of the rejuvinated T-Zone set of stats updates.


BETA 0.5 Release




A brief note, there is no pictures available alongside this yet, so any that need filling in will come in due course, i do my cuts on my main pc which isnt set up in the new flat yet as photoshop is difficult on the laptop.


That aside, the reason for this beta is to show work is being done as i got a pm from a person i shall not name basically saying i wasn't even doing anything with it etc, some of the promotions are clearly not finished totally yet or need belts etc, it is a work in progress but any major faults noticed feel free to point them out



Link - http://www.sendspace.com/file/y4bxws


The data is compatible with the massive CW packs that are going around but here are some cuts needed that weren't available and i had to cut (For 0.1 and 0.2)



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Maybe keep NXT as a brand but in different data?


So release two sets, one with NXT with the Pros assigned as the Rookies managers and wise versa, with forced chemisty to make it work?


Ill come back soon with some feedback.

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This are only my opinions, so take or leave them...



- WWE Title has higher prestige than the World title? That should be switched to be honest.


-WWE Womens championship should have more prestige than the Divas title.


- I hope your planning on adding more titles to the WWE, the basic WCW/ECW but ive always wanted a mod that included many of the title that WWE now own such as the AWA?


- Bella Twins should have higher experience, they're twins! :) Same with the Colons really.


- Billy Kidman isnt a road agent, he is a trainer for FCW.


- Chavo seems VERY underated, if WWE let him this guy could be main eventing. He is highly skilled.


- Cody Rhodes again is very underated, his sex appeal should be at least 60, star quality around the same. His mat and chain wrestling should be in the 70s/80s! I have watched him since his early days and this guy can go.


- Daniel Bryans entertainment skills seem a tad too high, he needs better rumble skills.


- Darrens Youngs entertainment skills seem to high.


- David Otungas need his rumble and technical stats.


- Edge's technical skills seem to high.


- Bournes flying skills should be around B+/A. Look at his indy stuff.


- You have Cena's stats pretty spot on! Which mods tend to not do, well done!


- Matt Striker is set to announcer?


- Michael Cole's stats need lowering.


- Teddy Long is set to a colour commentator.


- Zack Ryder needs more sex appeal and star quality.


- Tiffany needs higher sex appeal.


- Serana skills seem very underated.


Ill be back soon! :)

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Hardcore is set very low in places it shouldn't be. In fact, any brawler not named The Undertaker or Abyss seems to have a conspicuously low set of Brawling stats. Out of 237 workers, only nine have a C+ in Brawling and only one as a B-.


Performance skills are way, way too high, pretty much across the board. Seamus shouldn't have Bs across the board, to pick one example.


I'd also strongly suggest researching the way Camera skills work before proceeding further with this mod. The Bella twins have only a C- in Sex Appeal, and Randy Orton has only an F+. Batista is not an E Star Quality wrestler.

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I'll take on board what people have suggested although a couple of points


World has less prestige because it is on a glorified midcarder in swagger when the main focus feud in modern times has been the WWE


Billy Kidman has recently been working backstage on the Smackdown brand including the UK tour


Sex Appeal is mainly for women iirc Adam himself said males should be 25-30 at their highest as its not a male stat really, as for Rhodes stats i have been nothing but underwhelmed from his matches in WLW and IWA all the way up to his modern work i find himvery bland


Watch Danielson on the independent scene he is quite charismatic when he wants to be, PWG work especially


Some people are automattically assigned a certain push, eg. if there is too many authority figures or whatever, that sort of thing is not determined in the editor

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Sex Appeal is mainly for women iirc Adam himself said males should be 25-30 at their highest as its not a male stat really


You do not recall correctly. While it should be set much lower for men than women, the "prettier" men's wrestlers should tend more toward D+ than E-. Even if the 25-30 range was accurate, it isn't represented in your data. Consult the Cornellverse for examples.


Additionally, you have some work to do on personalities and relationships. There are so many positive relationships and good influences in the WWE locker room that a user character with a zero in Leadership still has a 100% harmonious backstage environment.


Please also re-read my first post to the thread, which has been edited to provide additional suggestions.

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Hope I do not sound mean here but telling someone a certain rumble stat or flying stat should be different is just a difference of opinion it is not really wrong its his opinion.


Agreed, as I said in my post its only my opinion :)


Also, sex appeal affects the camera doesnt it? Rhodes has E in camera, id say C?

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Agreed, as I said in my post its only my opinion :)


Also, sex appeal affects the camera doesnt it? Rhodes has E in camera, id say C?


Sex Appeal is intended to have the odd side effect, but Star Quality is a major problem for this mod because it has such a big effect on popularity caps. Star Quality is one of Batista's main strengths, but the T-Zone data presents him as someone who has a look about as marketable as the Cornellverse's Pete the Hillbilly.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is being worked on i've just been a bit busy changing to a new job etc, thinking of doing a release once i hit about 12 promotions, atm as it stands there are 9 either complete or partially complete


CHIKARA (Complete)

CZW (85%)

Florida Championship Wrestling (Complete)

Inter Species Wrestling (80%)

IPW:UK (Complete)

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (Complete)

Ring of Honor (Complete)

TNA (Complete)

WWE (Complete)


Worker Count so far is 445, looking at about 600 for next release

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a little update on how this is going, worker count it 500 atm with the following promotions


CHIKARA (complete)

CZW (95%)

EVOLVE (Complete)

FCW (Complete)

FWA (80%)

Inter-Species (95%)

IPW:UK (complete)

PWG (Complete)

ROH (Complete)

TNA (Complete)

WWE (complete)


Stats of mod so far as it stands


Agers - 0 (Obviously)

Alter Egos - 154

Angles - 2002

Chemistry - 3

Dojo Graduates - 68

Dojos - 9

End of Year - 4

Eras - 0 (Obviously)

vents - 57

Gimmicks - 224

HOI - 12

Injuries - 164

Locations - 2516

Match Types - 148

Media Group - 8

Move Sets - 389

Moves - 541

Narrative - 0

PPV Agreements - 12

PPV Carriers - 47

Promotion Pacts - 5

Promotions - 11

Stables - 22

Start Injuries - 9

Starting Storylines - 0

Storylines - 207

Teams - 137

Title Lineage - 1439

Titles - 62

Tv Networks - 70

Tv show slots - 23

TV Shows - 6

User Characters - 1

Worker Relations - 129

Workers - 500


so thats the status of the update at the moment

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  • 1 month later...
Just thought I would ask how the mod is going at the moment.


to be honest it's going a bit slow as i have no internet access from today for a couple of weeks, you see ive just split up with my girlfriend i lived with of nearly 3 years and moved into a flat on my own and am waiting for virgin media to eventually come over and fit the internet, there is almost 600workers in the data atm and i will be working on it pretty hardcore once i get the net in as now i am single i have a lot more free time

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to be honest it's going a bit slow as i have no internet access from today for a couple of weeks, you see ive just split up with my girlfriend i lived with of nearly 3 years and moved into a flat on my own and am waiting for virgin media to eventually come over and fit the internet, there is almost 600workers in the data atm and i will be working on it pretty hardcore once i get the net in as now i am single i have a lot more free time


I am sorry to hear about that man. Hopefully you are dealing with things ok.

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Yeah I'm dealing with it ok, just got to get on with things, I'm posting this on. My phone but hopefully my internet should be put in this Saturday coming up then. I'll. Be able to crack on with the mod. In the meantime any major news id be greatful i$ you posted in here as its hard to keep up with what is going on without proper internet access. Thanks for the well wishes
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  • 2 weeks later...

BETA 0.3 Release



Worker Count - 597


A brief note, there is no pictures available alongside this yet, so any that need filling in will come in due course, i do my cuts on my main pc which isnt set up in the new flat yet as photoshop is difficult on the laptop.


That aside, the reason for this beta is to show work is being done as i got a pm from a person i shall not name basically saying i wasn't even doing anything with it etc, some of the promotions are clearly not finished totally yet or need belts etc, it is a work in progress but any major faults noticed feel free to point them out



Link - http://www.sendspace.com/file/y4bxws

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