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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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“This place is unlike anything you’ve been apart of, John. The whole ‘backstage rules’ thing doesn’t apply; you can’t walk in as an authoritative voice. These guys won’t listen to you; they won’t listen to anyone but themselves. Take it from me, It’s best to just ‘go with the flow’. If you don’t, they’ll find a way to force you into resigning.”


+ Sayeed Ali, 4C Veteran


The backstage environment for 4C shows can qualify as a re-birth of Bohemia. Drugs, Alcohol, and Sex runs ramped within any building these men currently occupy. In a way, given the average age of our roster, these gatherings tend to take the form of a Fraternity-like blow-out; men passing out, random women from the streets dressed in next-to-nothing, and a slew of illegal narcotics laying out upon a table as if they were spread as catering. Needless to say, such an environment can only manifest itself in the form of pure, utter, societal chaos.


Where is Troy Winner during all of this? Is it not his responsibility to keep order? If you find yourself asking this very question then you’ve still found a way to misinterpret Troy’s condition.


The reason why Troy is so beloved, despite his obvious detachment from reality, is due to the fact that he, in no way, acts as an authoritative voice of reason. Simply put, He’s a rabid wrestling fan who will do anything to keep his company afloat; however, his oblivious nature only further perpetuates the ‘rebellious’ tone behind the scenes. He isn’t there to be anyone’s father, to attempt to steer anyone in the right direction; rather, he simply wants to be intertwined with the industry he loves dearly. When you fuse that with his weakening grip on reality, there in lies how such an environment can surface.


I guess it makes sense. The 4C is known, above any other company that I’ve ever witnessed, to truly carry a ‘dare-devil’ mentality to their in-ring action. These men dabble in pure insanity once a month, putting their physical, and in some cases mental, health on the line in a form of combat that can only be described as: Suicidal.


So, who would you expect to fill out the roster but those who are reckless both in profession and in their personal lives.


There is a level of beauty as it pertains to their recklessness; the purest example of true ‘rebellious grit’, if you will. These men, these gravity-defying entertainers, would probably be more equip to ‘the big top’; however, their decision to embrace this sport has given us a truly unique vision. Unlike anything this industry has ever witnessed before.


While I stand in awe of their ‘living on the edge’ mantra, one cannot fear the repercussions of being forced into such an environment. I, a struggling addict myself, will most likely face my internal demons during each and every event. Attempting to remove myself from the psychological pull of my vices; ultimately keeping my focus, hopefully, on the task at hand.


All in all, with a modern-day-Bohemia before me, my underlying challenge comes down to this very thought:


Can I keep everyone alive? Both due to their risky in-ring approach as well as the Fraternity-like nature that permeates backstage.


It sounds rather grand, I know. However, it’s the real truth circulating such a collectively reckless (on both sides of the curtain) organization.



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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????


I've gone completely left hand side! Why, I don't know - I'm no expert on Cverse Canada so mostly guesses based on a) the unlikelihood of title changes on day 1 and b) they look cooler. Genius :p


Can't wait EV!

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Here are a few things I've realized while writing the first show:


1) It's a learning process; as it pertains to booking the 4C. I'm a 'newcomer' to the Canadian scene, and for the most part don't really know the 4C roster as a whole; however, there in lies the fun for me. From an in-game perspective my first show was pretty comfortable; grabbing a decent overall show grade. However, with time, I hope to find a way to get the best out of those in the company. My goal is to get the 4C as far along as possible (ie: TV deals, rising in size, etc.).


2) The match write-ups will be longer than the DOA's. Why? They are more important to the overall narrative of the 4C. The DOA was more rooted in the entertainment aspect of things; where as the 4C really relies pretty heavily on the 'dare-devil' in-ring like action. With that said, I still plan on pushing storylines as that's what interests me as a writer. However, this time around, the match write-ups will be much closer to what you saw with my PSW project.


3) Ted Ross is a psycho. haha. I'm playing him with this low, quite, voice that tends to speak in a strange, philosophical, tone. Needless to say, he fits in perfectly with the 'crazed nature' of the 4C (both in and out of the events).


4) The write-up itself will look like my previous ones with DOA and PSW. However, in this case, it's more in-line with my PSW write-ups as I don't plan on using any certain font. With my backstage writings, or thoughts of Greed, there is heavy indents and the usage of "Calibri" as a font. I want those to have their own, unique, look to them. Also, the show write-ups tend to take a lot of time, so, if I can cut out small things like implanting font codes then I'll be much happier in the end. That said, images will still be used quite a bit.


All in all, the show write-up is coming along well. I'm not sure when it will be up; as I want to make sure that it's a total quality posting.







<hr color="black">

"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????


Excellent read so far. 4C is one of my favourite feds to mess around with, so I'm looking forward to following this.

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Date of Event: Monday, Week 4, September 2010

Event #: 1

Location of Event: Windsor Arena Hall, Ontario (Canada)

Size of Event: Small

Duration of Event: 1 HOUR

Broadcasting of Event: Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com





”The Amazing” Jacob Jett

… “I am the Cornerstone” …


[“Demolition Derby”, the annual September 4C event, opens with a tight camera angle fixated on “The Amazing” Jacob Jett. While standing in a darkened room, with the red/black/and white 4C banner hanging behind him, Jett carries a smug, “I’m better than you”, look upon his face. While this isn’t an unfamiliar vision for most 4C fans, the narrative remains the same: Jacob Jett, The man with a raging “Death Wish”, teeters in between the traditional call for a proper disposition. In a sense, Jacob has masterfully conveyed the infamous “tweener” role with perfection; generating small pockets of ‘heel heat’, while also finding much love from the area fans for his coveted “Bad-Boy” persona. All in all, with an air of general confusion as to where he lies still permeating within, the resident “Risk-Taker” officially ushers in the beginning of this event with a, all to typical, self-obsessed promo.]


Jacob Jett: For four years I have been nothing short of this companies “Cornerstone”. As the weak minded moved on, seeking a ‘safe haven’… away from the chaos that engulfs this company, I have stood tall; remained on the same ground, and pushed 4C to the brink of insanity. [Pauses] I’ve been given offers to go elsewhere, to pack my bag and leave this company in my dust; however, each and every time… I’ve turned them down. [Pauses] For what? [Pauses again] Fame? Fortune? Legacy? [shakes his head “no” slowly; smirking in the process] No. [Pauses] I’ve stood my ground for one very reason… This company is my ‘home’. My playground in which to defy gravity; to give my entire body, like a soldier of war, to this companies message. A message… of defiance.


[Jacob pauses, yet again, as that infamous smirk continues to resonate from his perfectly tanned face.]


Jacob Jett: For four years I have led the 4C revolution; never asking a drop of support from anyone within the walls of our crumbling battlefields. [slight Pause] It wasn’t needed. [stares into the camera; pauses with a smirk upon his face.] I gladly accepted the reigns of this message of defiance because I believe in it’s necessity. [Pauses] During my time here, I’ve seen companies like CGC, and NOTBPW, attempt to squash us as simply a “reckless bunch of psychos”. While I can’t disagree with them… [smirks] I can say this… “F*ck you”; F*ck you and your holier than thou mentality. F*ck you and your hatred of the alternative to your endless amounts of crap, and F*ck you… For thinking I would ‘jump ship’ and leave this place for your mindless, uninspired, hell on earth.


[Jacob laughs to himself in a truly arrogant manner; never breaking eye-contact with the camera lens before him. Ultimately sending a message to everyone who opposes the 4C; as well as those within the company who oppose his undying attempt to be labeled as the true “Cornerstone” of the company.]


Jacob Jett: That’s why, here tonight, in this very arena, I will continue my ascent toward wrestling immortality. With a feverish crowd of psychos at my back, and a collection of bonafide killers before me in the “Demolition” cage, I… will… overcome. [Pauses] I… will… claim the ONLY thing that means ANYTHING in this god-forsaken company… The 4C Championship. [Pauses; stares into the camera with a smirk upon his face.] And when I do, There will be no denying the fact that I… am… the TRUE “Cornerstone” of the 4C; The greatest competitor this company has EVER seen…


[The opening segment comes to a close with the sight of an up-close Jacob Jett; smirking as if he already expects to walk away with the 4C Championship here tonight. While this could be true, No one in their right mind would ever try to talk Jett out of anything. Why? If it’s a thought in his mind already, Then it’s stuck there with an iron grip. He, without a shadow of a doubt, is his biggest fan & there’s no telling him that he will not succeed as he sees fit.]


Grade: C


Terry Smith: Can Jacob Jett find a way to become a 3-time 4C Champion in the “Demolition Derby” cage match? - OR - Will the youngster be forced to ‘watch from the sidelines’ yet again? Tune in for tonight’s main event to find out!

Ted Ross: This Jett figure, He believes his skills are enough to warrant victory; however, the truth of the matter is that he doesn’t stand a chance against Frankie Dee. This we know as truth already.

Terry Smith: Frankie is one of the most dominant figures in 4C history; however, even he has to understand the challenge that comes with competing against Jacob Jett. This guy’s unorthodox, ‘devil-may-care’, approach is something that can’t be studied. He does things on the fly; as he sees a window open. Competitors like that, while dubbed suicidal by most, are the ones who eventually find one of two outcomes: A) Absolute greatness or B) A career-ending, if not life-threatening, injury. Luckily for Jacob, He’s inching ever-so-closer to the first option.

Ted Ross: “The Book of Ross” proclaims he is nothing more than a pesky insect; an annoyance in need of being swatted.

Terry Smith: Really? More of this “Book of Ross” stuff? When will this stop?

Ted Ross: On Judgment day. “HE” will come soon… And when he does… This company will crumble under his wrath. Punks like Jett will see the end of their careers come in one… single… snap of a finger.

Terry Smith: Is that sermon from the Chapter you wrote at the bus stop?

Ted Ross: No. The bathroom at Hooters…




Raj vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match



It’s blatantly obvious that these two men have nothing in common. Their demeanors, style of dress, and differing mannerisms, perpetuate this narrative almost instantly as both TJ Bailey and Raj push past the black entrance curtain; on their way to do battle within the squared circle.


After a gentle pat-down in search of weapons, 4C Referee Andy Gordy quickly catapults his body backward; calling for the bell in his typical, over-dramatic, fashion. With that said, the struggle between America’s East Coast & West Coast comes to a head with an initial burst of violence coming straight from Rah; quite indicative of the East-Coast mentality of action-first, talk-never.


TJ Bailey does an amazing job of making Raj look like a violent fighter; selling each of his strikes as if he were seconds from slipping into an unconscious state. Meanwhile, Raj incorporates a glaring intensity that furthers the narrative that TJ Bailey is ‘well over his head’ in this one.


With that said, TJ isn’t totally shown to be as a lesser to Raj; mounting many short bursts in his favor through out their altercation. However, with time, Raj quickly turns the tables back in his direction; employing a combination of average move-selling with the rising aggression that his character so easily portrays, in which to overcome his opponent.


In the end, with TJ Bailey in the midst of perpetuating the fact that he’s staggering from Raj’s continual offense, Raj quickly slides in and executes his signature, “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick), maneuver in blinding fashion. The impact is so severe that the dim-witted surfer-boy finds himself folded in half upon the canvas floor; absolutely out-cold after such a powerful strike.


Raj defeats TJ Bailey in 9:59 via a “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick).

Grade: D


Terry Smith: Through flash, and fury, “Rated-R” is one of those competitors that you can’t give an inch to; for if you do, you’ll soon be ushered to the canvas via a “VIP Pass”.

Ted Ross: He’s a violator of all that’s good within 4C; a preacher of violence within his speech and an artist of carnage with his fists.

[brief silence from both…]

Terry Smith: You know, Ted, I’ve sat next to you every month for the last few years and even I don’t know what the hell is going on in that head of yours.

Ted Ross: My head consists of the very same thing that drives Raj to defy what you consider as ‘acceptable’ by societal terms.

Terry Smith: Oh…. [Pauses] So… you’re a ‘hip-hop’ artist in disguise?

Ted Ross: I am an agent of change.

Terry Smith: No, You are a crazy person with a mic.




”The White Angel” Frankie Dee ©

… The Narrative of a Warrior; Video segment …


[A short, one-minute, video package is shown at this point highlighting the peerless 4C Champion of 11 months, “The White Angel” Frankie Dee. With the adrenaline-pumping sound of an underground rock band hijacking your ear drums, We are all force-fed a narrative through images depicting Dee as a truly dominating figure. With each and every debilitating strike the music grows with intensity until we are shown one last, jaw-separating, standing-side-kick from the 4C Champion upon an un-named opponent. The identity of the victim is not needed as the overall tone is far more important as this video is used, more so, as a tool of furthering the development of the “White Angel” persona. So much so that the final image seen is that of Frankie Dee looking upward to the heavens, his eyes almost in the back of his skull, as a white glow from a nearby concentrated light makes him appear as if he’s truly a “White Angel”. Not taking the persona literally to be a messenger of any GOD; but rather, to create a sense of divine-power to his arsenal. Again, framing him as an intensely focused, extremely deadly, warrior with a masterful ability as it pertains to physically dismantling his opponents with ONLY the use of his hands & feet.]


Grade: D


Ted Ross: A GOD amongst men, Frankie Dee is one of the greatest things to have been spawned on this earth.

Terry Smith: Spawned? Really? That’s your choice of wording?

Ted Ross: I speak nothing but truth.

Terry Smith: Yes, you do speak, but I wouldn’t label it as ‘truth’. Sure, the overall idea of your statement is right; Frankie Dee is truly one of the greatest competitors this industry has EVER seen. However, where you lost everyone was in the way you said it. You know?

Ted Ross: I’ve only lost those who do not posses the ability to decode the ‘Book of Ross’; the sad, ignorant, few who only understand life through various social networking sites. The very same people who can only find happiness in the newest, latest, form of devil-craft-technology.

[An awkward pause follows]

Terry Smith: You really should tape yourself sometime.




The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championship Match




The comedic undertones of the 4C takes center stage as the pseudo-intense, gimmicky, tandem of “Thunder & Lightning” explode onto the scene like two crazed warriors in search of combat; their mannerisms comically over-the-top as they blatantly over-due everything to the fullest. Meanwhile, their competitors, the 4C Tag Team Champions, ignite the crowd of 300 into a state of brutish excitement. With the sound of a generic hockey theme blaring in the background, The Gilbert Brothers command the ringside area with their signature, crowd-friendly, entrance; forging onto the squared circle through the audience, aggressively celebrating with nearby fans in the process. Needless to say, tonight’s Tag Team Championships match feels more like a comedic party than anything else. Two overly-intense tandems set to square off in action; both simplistic in their fighting nature.


As the bell is rung, The Gilbert’s are seen throwing their gloves to the canvas below, their sticks finding the same placement seconds before, as they quickly meet their challengers in the middle of the ring; a heavy brawl forming straight out of the gate. While both teams are almost frantic in their swinging, The Tag Champs gain control pretty early on; flinging the more novice tandem around the ring like defenseless rag dolls.


With time, as Andy Gordy does his best to restore a sense of order to the first championship match of the night, “Thunder and Lightning” prove to be a formidable foe to the brutish Gilbert tandem. While the Tag Champs continue to push the overall tone of a chaotic brawl, their challengers attempt to ‘slow the pace down’ by using various technical maneuvers to keep the brutish pairing at bay. Their typical approach utilizes many rest-holds in which to A) keep Jesse and Joe from using their educated fists in battle and B) to hide the fact that neither man really knows how to ‘carry’ a match from a psychological perspective. With that said, the crowd starts to wane in their excitement; growing tired of the slower-pace as they are far more receptive to the wild, chaotic, brawls that the Gilbert Brother’s typically administer.


While “Thunder & Lightning” do a great job of keeping the action leveled at their desired pace, The Gilbert’s slowly begin to show signs of billowing frustration. At one point, as Lightning Lomas attempts to execute a simple snap suplex, Joe Gilbert is seen blocking such a maneuver; instead, landing a round of hard-hitting knee strikes to his gut. In turn, with his competitor staggered, Joe quickly lifts executes an ‘atomic drop’ of his own; forcing Lomas to stagger away while holding his crotch in a comical fashion. Sensing a potential moment of change, The Gilbert’s rile up into a super-human-like aggression; flooring their competitors with a heavy-handed a**-whooping from pillar to post.


With both Thunder and Lomas reeling from such an attack, The Gilbert’s quickly single-out the legal man at this point (Jason Thunder); setting him up for their signature double-team maneuver - “The Slap shot”.


Joe Gilbert executes a thunderous Irish-whip toward a nearby ring rope….


Once Jason hit’s the ropes and comes back, Joe is seen dropping him quickly with a drop-toe-hold…


As Jason Thunder’s body falls forward, due to the perfect drop toe-hold administered by Joe Gilbert, Jesse is seen sliding in; landing a Superkick square across the jaw of the descending Thunder.


As you can expect, the forceful kick causes Jason’s body to stop his forward momentum; instead collapsing backward in the process.


Overall, the twisting of his body looks rather grotesque as Jason appears to be completely out-cold within the middle of the ring; another victim of the dreaded “Slap-Shot” (Drop-toe-hold/Superkick combo).


It only takes a matter of a few seconds for Andy Gordy to deliver a dramatic 3 count in favor of the 4C Tag Champions; ultimately aiding in another successful title defense for the Hockey-obsessed-brothers. As always, following any victory, The Gilbert’s are seen collecting their championship gold and taking their celebration into the crowd; a symbol of a true ‘crowd-friendly’ tandem.


The Gilbert Brothers defeat “Thunder & Lightning” in 5:10 via a “Slap-Shot” (Drop-toe-hold/Superkick combo). This marks their 4th successful title defense of the 4C Tag Team Championships.

Grade: E+


Terry Smith: The Gilbert Brothers continue to dominate the competition! Is there ANYONE out there who can compete with these two?

Ted Ross: Their days are numbered…

Terry Smith: What? How could you know that?

Ted Ross: “They” have told me…

Terry Smith: They?

Ted Ross: Yes, “They”…




Antonio Del Veccio © and Joy DeWitt

… “Just stay down” …


[We transition backstage to see 4C Hardcore Champion, Antonio Del Veccio, leaning up against a nearby white-wash wall; his hands pinned behind his back as he rests his bruised cranium against the very wall in which he leans against. Meanwhile, the lovely, doe-eyed, Joy DeWitt, is seen standing before him; on the verge of tears as she appears to be overwhelmed with sadness. Overall, there seems to be a level of tension forming between the two.]


Joy DeWitt: I can’t stand aside and watch you kill yourself like this, Antonio. Do you understand what this does to me? Month-in, month-out, forced to watch the man I love on the verge of death. Even you have to know that this is suicidal…


[Joy, her emotions growing with intensity, can’t hold back her internal pain any longer as a waterfall of tears roll down her face. With the sight of such sadness resonating from her face, Antonio reaches outward; attempting to pull her in for a comforting hug. At first, Joy fights his advances, tired of always being told that things will be okay; however, with time, she succumbs to his gesture of comfort; collapsing in his arms in a dramatic fashion. Meanwhile, Antonio continues to look forward; trying his best to stay focused despite his love’s anguish.]


Antonio Del Veccio: It’ll be okay, Joy. Trust me. I’ll be okay.


[Joy fires back with an emotional plea; one that she knows he won’t agree too. With that said, she‘s become rather desperate by this point.]


Joy DeWitt: Just stay down, Antonio. Stay down and save your life… [sniffs as she pauses] How can we have a family, grow old together, if you continue to subject yourself to this kind of madness? It’s impossible… You’ll die before we even get to the alter.


[Joy, overwhelmed by her sadness, breaks down even more at this point; a truth that obviously puts Antonio into a saddened state as well. However, knowing he has to defend his championship tonight, he attempts to stay as focused as much as possible; shoving aside any sense of personal feelings as he knows it will only hurt his chances of retaining.]


Antonio Del Veccio: You know I can’t do that, Joy. [Pauses as Joy’s tears roll harder] I can’t just ‘stay down’. It’s not in my nature to do so; and you know that. [Antonio takes Joy’s face in his hands, looking straight into her tear-filled eyes] I promise you, everything will be okay. I’ve been ‘thrown to the wolves’ for the last year now & I’m still standing. Nothing that happens here tonight can possibly be any more deadly than what I’ve faced in the past. Tonight, like any other night, I will survive, Joy. That’s a guarantee. [A slight smirk forms upon his face] And when I do, We’ll be even closer to our wedding day. You and I as a family; forever. Okay?


[Joy fights it at first; however, succumbs to the fact that she knows he won’t change his mind; nodding in agreement of Antonio’s statement. All in all, the scene comes to a close as Joy attempts to fight back her second-wave of tears; meanwhile, Antonio pushes past her briefly, grabbing the 4C Hardcore Championship which sits atop a nearby steel chair. The stage has been set; the warrior is ready for action.]


Grade: D


Ted Ross: Worry not, damsel. You’re ‘knight in shining armor’ will find his final rest here tonight. Then, once he’s out of the way, you can upgrade to a REAL gentleman.

Terry Smith: Don’t tell me that YOU are the upgrade?

Ted Ross: Oh, Terry. Your ignorance is bliss I’m sure. Yes, I, the man of the GOD’s, will be her upgrade.

Terry Smith: Good god, Let’s hope that Antonio survives here tonight. I’d hate to see that beauty stuck with such a psychopath.




Antonio Del Veccio © w/ Joy DeWitt vs. Slim V

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match




There is an air of violent anticipation circulating through out the Windsor Arena Hall as the war-torn 4C Hardcore Champion, Antonio Del Veccio, slowly shuffles through the black entrance curtain; aggressively focused on the task at hand. With the lovely, porcelain-like, Joy DeWitt at his side, the obviously injured Veccio attempts to hide his weakened state by acting as if he’s 100%; something that couldn’t be farther from the truth. A continual victim of life-altering violence, Veccio does his very best to perpetuate a sub-human-like nature; free from the hell that is the reoccurring sense of pain raging through out his body. With that said, Joy appears to be what keeps him ‘going’; that motivation to ‘pick himself back up’, if you will. Even if, in reality, Joy would rather he ‘stay down’ instead of facing the slow destruction of his physical being.


On the other side of the ring stands the sadistically intense street fighter, and proud 187-member; Slim-V. His size, while rather small in stature, stands as the purest example of a ‘catcher’s’ muscle build. What that means is that he’s rather short; however, a ‘ball of muscle’ if you will; focused in his quads and upper-body. His stare influences all into a state of goose-bump forming fear; knowing that he will not rest until the 187 mantra is fulfilled: “The canvas will be stained in blood”. With that said, such fear doesn’t show on the face of Antonio. While it may be resonating within, The fiery Italian-fighter does his very best to appear ‘tough as nails’; removed from all fear.


The action itself continues the narrative that Antonio is indestructible; at least in the greater scheme of things. The MAW-trained fighter does his best to simply stay conscious as his opponent, Slim-V, administers a heavy-handed beat-down of the 4C Hardcore Champion. With a slew of weapons at his disposal, V inspires the Windsor Hall Arena into a state of shock; watching the uncomfortable sight of the systematic destruction of a human-being (Antonio). With each and every blow, the violent approach of the 187 member does nothing but turn the stomach’s of those watching.


A Stop Sign.

A Toaster.

A Singapore Cane.

A Baseball Bat.


These are all one of many weapons used through out the match as Antonio Del Veccio does his best to stay conscious after each and every blow; Joy wincing at ringside, crying at one point, and calling for Andy Gordy to “end this madness”.


However, he does not.


At one point, It seems like Slim-V is growing frustrated with his opponent; yelling at him to “stay down” after striking him over the head with steel chair to the forehead.


After feeling like this one-sided assault has gone on forever, Antonio finally shows signs that he’s less likely to return to his feet following a DDT onto a nearby stop sign. Slim goes for the pinfall attempt…








Antonio still kicks out; most likely by some supernatural-like subconscious nature. Was it smart for him to kick out? Probably not. However, that, in it’s basic form, is how Antonio got this far as the 4C Hardcore Champion; showing the ability to withstand an immense amount of pain and keep coming back for more.


With Veccio on his knees, bleeding from the top of his forehead like a waterfall raging over a cliff, Slim V raises the steel chair over his head for one final time… However, as he attempts to swing downward, Antonio is able to lunge forward… Striking Slim-V with a well-timed low-blow.


Slim drops the chair, comically staggering away from his victim for a second…


The 4C Hardcore Champion, somehow, someway, pulls himself back to his feet… Grabbing a nearby Singapore cane in an act of desperation. The weapon, while deadly in it’s use, is held rather awkwardly by the Champ. Funny enough, despite holding a title based on violence for almost a year, Antonio isn’t what you would call: “A Hardcore Wrestler”. Simply, he’s more of a “Survivor”. With that said, such competition is just as much about surviving as it is about Hardcore-strikes.


With the cane in hand, Antonio strikes the back of Slim’s head…









Four rapid-fire strikes to the back of Slim’s head causes the challenger to collapse onto a nearby ring rope; doing his best to fight his mind’s slumber.


With that, Antonio, a bloody-mess by this point, quickly pulls on the back of V’s baggy jeans… Rolling him up backward with a flash pinfall attempt using a “School-Boy-Roll-up” as the ultimate tool of victory.


Using the nearby ring ropes as his brace, Antonio gains a shocking victory over his challenger with a comically-simple maneuver; something that will most certainly enrage the 187 faction.


Seconds after Veccio’s successfully pinfall attempt, his challenger is seen accelerating into a state of frustration; pulling himself to his feet in a truly aggressive nature. Most likely, in this case, Veccio (or the referee for that matter) would end up as ‘punching bag’ for the frustrated 187 member; however, in this case, everyone is able to exit the ring before such a scenario takes place. Needless to say, my guess is, this will not be the end of this war by any means.


Antonio Del Veccio defeats Slim V in 6:41 via a flash pinfall using a “School-Boy-Roll-Up”. This marks Antonio’s 4th successful title defense of the 4C Hardcore Championship.

Grade: E


Ted Ross: Luck outweighs skill; yet again. Antonio was lucky. “Black Magic” must be his tool of trade; because, no such person could be THIS lucky; THIS consistently.

Terry Smith: What my ‘clinically insane’ partner is trying to say within his psycho babble is: Antonio comes away with another successful title defense despite barely possessing a single ounce of ‘Hardcore Ability’. In reality, This is a major feat. A man who can barely wield a weapon is able to continually beat those who can; all at their strength.

Ted Ross: He’s a sorcerer… I know it. A beacon of “Black Magic”. There’s no way a simple human-being could survive such a beating, month after month, and still be left standing.

Terry Smith: Is that what the ‘voices’ told you?

Ted Ross: I speak to no voices. I converse with the GOD’s.

Terry Smith: Sure you do.




Mystery Competitor

… His identity is unveiled …


[The anticipation within the Windsor Arena Hall is so strong that it’s practically palpable as the collectively intoxicated 4C fan base gears up for an impactful Main Event. While a million different questions resonate within the minds of a few hundred onlookers, one mysterious question has still gone unanswered: Who is the unknown competitor in tonight’s 4C Championship match? Luckily, for all involved, this glaring unknown finally finds the ‘light of day’ as the generic ring announcer proclaims the truth about his identity with one, simple, introduction.]


Generic Ring Announcer: And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… The Main Event… “The Demolition Derby” steel cage match for the 4C Championship!!!


[The inebriated, increasingly rabid, 4C fan base follows up such a proclamation with a loud, thunderous, show of excitement.]


Generic Ring Announcer: The first competitor for tonight’s ‘bone-crushing’ Main Event is, quite possibly, Canada’s true “Prodigal Son”; a man who has found success all over North America with his masterful blend of technical prowess and hard-nosed grit. He’s a four-time World Champion, a four-time World Tag Team Champion, and is known to many as the “King of New York” after his years of dominating the NYC independent scene. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you… The newest member of the 4C roster, and one of 6 competitors in tonight’s Championship Main Event,…


”The Remarkable”….





[Those live in attendance generate a monumental wave of excitement in favor of the Indy-Legend; knowing of his work due to the high prevalence of self-proclaimed ‘smarks’ within the aging arena. Within a matter of a few seconds, the man himself, Steve Flash, is seen proudly stepping through the black entrance curtain; on his way to the squared circle with a look of determination fixated upon his hardening face.]



Ted Ross: Well my-oh-my… The “Remarkable” one returns to his native homeland.

Terry Smith: I can’t believe my eyes… STEVE FLASH HAS JOINED 4C!!


[it all feels like some overpowering dream, Canada’s own, Steve Flash, has come back to his native country in which to compete for the underground, mainstream defiant, 4C. To say the least, the overall tone within the Windsor Arena Hall takes on a life of it’s own; growing louder with intensity as a hefty chant of “Welcome Home” is heard bouncing off of each and every wall.]


[Despite his typical stern demeanor, Steve is seen actually cracking a smile; raising his right hand in the air in an act of humility as he ultimately embraces the fans who are showering him with nothing but utter-respect. All in all, no matter where he turns up, Mr. Flash is often showered with the very same response as he’s receiving right now. The ‘Blue-Collar’, every-day-man, it’s-all-business, nature is something that many see as a desired character; easily finding a way to relate with such a narrative.]


[With the crowd still buzzing for the Indy-Legend, Steve is seen using a nearby ring rope to stretch his body slightly; focused on coming away with the ‘top prize’ on his first night with 4C.]


Grade: D-


Terry Smith: The crowd’s response to Steve’s arrival is almost deafening!

Ted Ross: We will see if he’s worth the hooplah…

Terry Smith: Worth the hooplah? It’s Steve Flash! He’s worth everything and then some.

Ted Ross: “The Book of Ross” doesn’t recognize Mr. Flash as a ‘true great of the sport’. A Canadian standout, yes. A beacon of greatness? No.

Terry Smith: I don’t think anyone really cares about your book, to be honest, Ross. This guy, this glorious man, cannot be stopped! Hold onto that title tight, Frankie; because, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash is now set his sights on you!





Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. Steve Flash

”Demolition Derby” Cage Match

4C Championship Match




The overwhelming tone within the Windsor Arena Hall is that of bloody-thirsty anticipation. The rabid 4C fan base, just as psychotic as the competitors they love to watch defy-gravity, stares on in their intoxicated-glory; calling for the winds of change to physically remove the 4C Championship from it’s current resting place: “The White Angel” Frankie Dee’s right shoulder. With that said, as you can expect, when the Champion enters the ringside area, The frenzied crowd showers him with explicit-laced responses; creating a stark contrast between the overly animated crowd and the subdued ’human weapon’ they’ve come to hate.


With time, the Windsor Arena Hall reacts accordingly to everyone’s entrance to the ringside area; with Steve Flash’s return to Canada being one of the loudest responses heard in company history. Needless to say, the typical 4C crowd is made up of passionate smarks who genuinely attempt to bask in a mark-like mentality; however, always rely on their feelings of ‘inside knowledge’ to perpetuate their understanding of the action before them. So, with that in mind, the smarks present shower the indy-legend with a continuous chant of “Flash is GOD” over and over again; a reality that forces the often focused competitor to crack an uncharacteristic smile in which to show his thankfulness.


With the stage set, Here are the overriding narratives that form through out the match:


(Just like my DOA project, I plan on fleshing out larger matches (as it pertains to matches with many competitors) in this manner. This way, it’s less focused on the actual action and more focused on the overall scenarios that play out.)


Steve Flash is beloved by the 4C crowd: It’s actually quite shocking how quickly the 4C fan base takes a liking to Steve Flash. Sure, he’s a national; however, he hasn’t stood upon the soil of his homeland in quite some time. In a way, he’s more seen as a “New Yorker” by definition since he embodies the ‘blue collar’ nature of such a hard-working city. That said, The indy-legend finds an instant place within the much heralded 4C main event scene in a matter of seconds.


Steve Flash CAN keep up: Despite being much, much, older than his opponents (double the age of some), Steve Flash shows his remarkable, youthful-like, ability to rebound from debilitating maneuvers with the best of them. Through out most of the match, actually, Flash is seen as ‘in control’ of the scenario at hand; even flooring the 4C Champion on a couple occasions.


Frankie Dee is an absolute force of destruction: While subdued before the bell, once it’s rung Frankie Dee becomes a deadly fighter fueled by an internal wave of focused aggression. Using an array of stiff kicks, back handed chops, and a speedy striking style, the systematic fighter truly delivers upon the idea that he’s a ‘Human Weapon’. Throughout the action, Dee is almost entirely in control of his opponents; very rarely looking weak as it’s obvious that he is designed to appear like a ‘peerless fighter’.


Weapons Galore: The usage of nearby steel chairs, ladders, tables, thumb-tacks, and even the steel cage walls, are quite prevalent in this truly devastating match-up. To say the least, blood begins to flow pretty early on as everyone outside of Frankie Dee utilizes the weapons positioned around the ring. Why wasn’t Frankie using the weapons? Ever since he debuted with 4C, Frankie has NEVER relied on weapons to do his dirty work. Instead, he often considers his appendages as ‘weapons of destruction’.


Despite being in a cage; Aerial Strikes are often used: Sure, they’re enclosed in a 4 sided steel cage; however, this doesn’t keep anyone from utilizing the unique confines of this match as a springboard to create Aerial Chaos. While everyone uses this approach at some point, Jacob Jett stands above the rest as someone who continually uses the cage as a ‘weapon of war’; executing twists, flips, and standard high risk-maneuvers off of the steel fencing and onto his opponents. Needless to say, Jacob continues to push the narrative that he’s a supreme ‘risk-taker’; defiant to the notion that, even in a cage match, one must stay grounded to best find victory.


The action unfolds rather swiftly; however, the actual eliminations don’t come until the closing moments of the match. One by one, people are finally forced into defeat after a full 12 minutes of body-destroying action. Here is the order of eliminations:


Davis Wayne Newton is eliminated in 14:38 by Duberry Excess.

Duberry Excess is eliminated in 14:45 by Frankie Dee.

Sayeed Ali is eliminated in 16:20 by Jacob Jett.

Steve Flash is eliminated in 17:00 by Frankie Dee.


That leaves the current 4C Champion himself, Frankie Dee, and the 2 time 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, barely standing within the ring; both men showing signs of being slowed down by the action at hand. The crazy thing is, as both men slowly gain their footing again, Frankie Dee is able to shrug off his injuries as if he’s functioning on a totally different level; most likely utilizing the inner-strength of a discipline warrior to shed his mortality in which to overcome all odds. Needless to say, with this in mind, Frankie quickly takes control of the situation at hand; violently picking Jacob Jett apart with an array of heavy-footed kicks all over his body. The attack becomes so brutal, so deadly, that Jacob is barely able to stand after repeated strikes to his legs; most likely suffering from many debilitating bruises. Possibly even some broken bones.


With this in mind, You would expect an easy victory for Frankie at this point.


However, as time continues to move forward, something very shocking begins to take form.


With his body obviously reeling from an array of injuries, Jacob Jett, somehow, finds a way to formulate an attack of his own. The rabid 4C fan base aggressively roars like a blood-thirsty Roman crowd; crying out for the ‘death’ of their hated rival.


While ‘death’ did not come…


A reality-defying outcome does…


With Frankie Dee immobilized by a shocking reversal off the ropes into a speeding tornado DDT; Jacob slowly starts his ascent of a nearby steel cage wall. While crouched at the top of the cage, inches from falling as he desperately attempts to keep his balance, the rebellious youngster lets go of his brace upon the top of the cage… and leaps, potentially, to his own ‘death’…




HOLY SH*T is heard chanted through out the aged Arena….


Jacob Jett just executed his signature, “Emergency Landing” (A 450 Splash), from atop the open steel cage!!!!


With the Windsor Arena Hall in a frenzied state, Jacob’s borderline lifeless body lays atop of the 4C Champion.








Just like that, The unthinkable has come to pass; Jacob Jett has won the 4C Championship for an ‘amazing’ 3rd time. Needless to say, seeing how Jett is widely considered to be the “Cornerstone” of this very company, the 4C fan base quickly showers him with a response that borders on a joyful riot. All in all, after almost a year of steam-rolling through opponents like a ‘classic legendary warrior’, Frankie Dee has finally seen his days as Champion come to a close.


Jacob Jett defeats all in 18:32 after being proclaimed as the Last Man Standing within the “Demolition Derby” cage. Jacob is now the NEW 4C Champion; marking his 3rd reign with said championship.

Grade: D+


Terry Smith: Jett’s done it! Jacob Jett has defeated “The White Angel”! I can’t believe my own eyes!

Ted Ross: The wrestling GOD’s have given this young flier the ability to defy all logic! He was left for dead, barely able to stand, and YET… He overcame the most dominating force in 4C History; Frankie Dee. I can’t say I like the guy entirely, but, even I can’t deny this act of greatness. Ha-Zah!, young Jett, Ha-Zah!

Terry Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen, after a year of destroying all-comers… Frankie Dee has seen his last moment as the 4C Champion. NOW, Jacob Jett wears the title for the 3rd time in his career! This feat ties him in the record books with the great, Joey Poison! With this win he has cemented his legacy within the 4C; Jacob Jett is one of the great competitors in 4C history! [Pauses] Let the ‘Amazing reign of Jett’ find it’s birth once again.

Ted Ross: He may be the overriding Champion here tonight; however, with time, Frankie will return to his post. I promise you that!

Terry Smith: That may be so, but, tonight… is Jacob’s night! [Pauses] It looks like the 4C roster has come out to celebrate such a monumental victory with Jett! What a moment!!!




”The Amazing” Jacob Jett © & The 4C Roster

… A celebration halted …


[The 4C masses slowly shuffle in a collective heap toward the ringside area; all showing their excitement for the new champion, Jacob Jett. While their reasoning for such joy may differ, It’s obvious to see that the are collectively excited as it pertains to the end of the former champion’s, Frankie Dee, reign. After eleven long months, a lengthy time frame where Frankie literally dominated the 4C scene like a brutal bully on a childhood playground, the companies ‘top prize’ has finally found a home with a new competitor; a great moment of sweeping change as the 4C, as a whole, appears to take on a new tone. This tone speaks to the notion that Jacob Jett is TRULY the most important figure on the companies roster, now, one of the most decorated competitors in 4C history as well.]


[With the herded roster on their way to the cage encompassed squared circle, Jacob Jett has now regained his footing; arrogantly flipping the 4C Championship over his right shoulder as if the title NEVER left his side in the first place. Meanwhile, now aware of the incoming roster members at ringside, Jett is seen quickly staggering toward the nearby steel cage door; his body showing glaring signals that the newly crowned champion is certainly not 100% physically. With that said, Jett quickly slams the steel cage door shut in a thunderous show of great defiance; actually locking the entire 4C roster out of the ring at the same time. At first, it seems like his friends amongst the motley crew, located a few feet from the door, appear to believe that such an act was simply a joke. However, with time, they all begin to embark upon a journey of feeling disrespected; all finding this state at different points in time. At different speeds of reasoning.]


Terry Smith: Jacob Jett is a punk!! Nothing but a punk!

Ted Ross: Your reasoning being?

Terry Smith: The 4C roster collectively came out of the back to celebrate his victory with him. Hell, there are people out here who typically have had beef with the youngster since day one and YET they’re out here to celebrate this major moment in our companies history, and what does Jacob do? He locks them out of the ring! He pretty much tells them “Screw you, This is MY time”! He’s a punk! A god-damn punk!

Ted Ross: Your anger confuses me. He doesn’t owe them anything… why celebrate with people who are only going to ‘suck onto’ him like a barnacle?


[The 4C’s September event, “Demolition Derby”, comes to a close with the sight of the newly crowned 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, standing within the ring; all alone as he arrogantly embraces this moment by himself. Meanwhile, the rest of the 4C roster stands on the outside looking in; all carrying different levels of being annoyed by the situation at hand. All in all, even with their varying levels of annoyance starting to show, no one can deny the truth: Jacob Jett is the new 4C Champion & he wants NOTHING to do with anyone else.]


[The final image is that of Jacob Jett standing in the middle of a blood soaked ring; projecting a smug look upon his face as the 4C Championship gleams in the bright lights from above.]


Grade: D+


Terry Smith: I’ll give it to you Jacob Jett. You’re the champion; however, that’s where my praise ends. Tonight, you showed me nothing more than the fact that you are out ONLY for you. This company, the place that has loved you for years despite your arrogant swagger, means nothing to you. These men you compete with month-in-and-month-out mean nothing to you.

Ted Ross: Maybe he’s finally accepting the inner-demon that lies underneath it all? Welcome, young Jett…welcome to the true understanding of the world. Dog eat dog… The battle of the fittest. If you take anything from this night, Jacob. Know this, All of these pathetic fools at ringside mean nothing to you! Embrace that reality for when you do… You’ll dominate this company much like Frankie did for the last year.

Terry Smith: That’s ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous…

Ted Ross: The GOD’s tell me it is not…

Terry Smith: Wait a minute, I’m sorry…. You…. Are ridiculous.

Ted Ross: You will sing a different tune when the fires of Ross overtake your soul.

[Terry Smith stares at Ted Ross with a “WTF” kind of look upon his face.]










Overall Show Grade: D

Internet Response: “The show was pretty good all around”.

Quick Synopsis by Greed: No one likes to work hardcore matches.


<hr color="black">

"Demolition Derby" Quick Results:


Raj defeated TJ Bailey via pinfall.

The Gilbert Brothers © defeated "Thunder & Lightning" via pinfall.

Antonio Del Veccio © defeated Slim-V via a 'flash' pinfall.

Jacob Jett survives the "Demolition Derby" cage match; he is the NEW 4C Champion

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There is a level of genius in writing as a whole, I find, where the creative mind behind it all can pick up a story part way through and the result can be a fluidity that defies any kind of real logic. How exactly can this show, the first to be written, make this world seem to have been full flowing in it's existance? It's startling...


I've read a lot on these forums, and to be honest I don't comment all that much, but I feel at this juncture something needed to be said; the level of skill required to make a reader give a crap from the moment they start to read is so high that very few reach it.


E-V hits that mark every time.


DOA and now 4C; both seem as though they actually exsist, which in turn makes us as readers care right from the get-go. Whilst some care about Greed, other's care about the product and the stories that are told "on-screen". Seriously, I've said this before and I'll say it again, if I can get my TRW diary to a quarter of this quality I'll be happy.



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Once again you wrote a great card! I will be the first to admit that I hardly ever read match write-ups, not sure why but I just normally don't. However, I do read the ones that you do, and they are always great!


You were right this reminded me of PSW, which is good!


I love what you have done with Antonio Del Veccio, I get a Spike Dudley vibe from him.


Glad to see the old man show up as the mystery man, he should help you out a lot.

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I know the signs were there but as the only one to call the Jacob Jett title win do I get a prize? :D


Loved the heel turn at the end btw, possibly one of the best heel turns I've seen on here for it's execution - simple, subtle yet also very effective.

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Sorry for being MIA since the show went up; this weekend was my Bachelors party. All in all, simply put, I survived...ha. ;)


Onto the feedback for "Demolition Derby"...


There is a level of genius in writing as a whole, I find, where the creative mind behind it all can pick up a story part way through and the result can be a fluidity that defies any kind of real logic. How exactly can this show, the first to be written, make this world seem to have been full flowing in it's existance? It's startling...


I've read a lot on these forums, and to be honest I don't comment all that much, but I feel at this juncture something needed to be said; the level of skill required to make a reader give a crap from the moment they start to read is so high that very few reach it.


E-V hits that mark every time.


DOA and now 4C; both seem as though they actually exsist, which in turn makes us as readers care right from the get-go. Whilst some care about Greed, other's care about the product and the stories that are told "on-screen". Seriously, I've said this before and I'll say it again, if I can get my TRW diary to a quarter of this quality I'll be happy.




I read this on my phone on Friday and was floored. Thank you, so much, MikeMelling! Honestly.


I've always been rooted in the fact that, as a writer, I wanted to portray the company I was booking for in the best way in which to create it's own, unique, brand. The 4C, in all of it's glory, is arguably the most unique company/situation I've ever booked for. With that said, It became pretty easy to formulate the tone of the company. Why? I'm generally interested, and actually quite excited, to flesh this project out on a daily basis. As you can see, A lot of work has gone into developing each character (both in the ring and out) in which to make the project seem more 'alive'. While it was a challenge to do so, It's given me the insight to really convey 4C in a way that I feel is truly indicative of the '4C experience'.


I guess that's what this all comes down to. I love to write, create, and brand an experience for the writer. I know every show may not be epic's; there def. could be some "hit and miss" moments with the readers; however, with time, I really hope I can create a 'life-like' world for all of you who stop by and read through.


All in all, thank you for your feedback, Mike. It was a great thing to read after putting together the final touches of the 1st 4C event!


Once again you wrote a great card! I will be the first to admit that I hardly ever read match write-ups, not sure why but I just normally don't. However, I do read the ones that you do, and they are always great!


You were right this reminded me of PSW, which is good!


I love what you have done with Antonio Del Veccio, I get a Spike Dudley vibe from him.


Glad to see the old man show up as the mystery man, he should help you out a lot.


Thank you, BHK! You've been a great source of support since my early days on these boards, so, it's much appreciated to see you still 'sticking around'. Yea, overall, this project feels more PSW-like; in a sense. The backstage environment, if you could ever think it, will be much more crazier in 4C than PSW; however, the in-ring product will still carry that: insane, dark, severely-cult-like entertainment that tends to come together with these projects. That said, it's become somewhat of a fusion of the PSW and DOA really as the PSW had really NO humor to speak of... where as the DOA had a great deal. This 4C project has humor interjected within the darkness. That way, there's more than one tone formulating from beginning to end.


As for Antonio and Spike; I can def. see the comparison. The smaller guy who doesn't seem to really fit the product entirely finds a way to simply 'survive' month-in-month-out despite being a victim more so than not. After seeing he was the Hardcore champion in my TEW game, and then also seeing that he wasn't much of a 'hardcore wrestler' to speak of, this unbreakable character came to a head. This way, it's understandable to see why he would hold such a title (when he really isn't a great example of the action that the title conveys). Instead of being a monster, weapon wielding, violator... (like most Hardcore Wrestlers); Antonio is simply a hard-headed, 'never-say-die', 'I will fight til my last breathe' kind of guy. He won't carry around a weapon very much (actually looking awkward when he does); however, will find a way to take EVERYTHING that his opponent throws at him, look like he's on death's door, and then find a way to outlast everyone despite barely being able to walk.


All in all, He's a favorite of mine thus far; especially when you throw in the Joy DeWitt factor of his character.


BIG note here: 4C is more than capable of running a medium sized show for about 2 hours in Ontario


The 4C totally is capable of doing so, especially with the Canadian Indy Scene on the rise, of putting on a 2 hour event. However, there are a few factors that come into why this isn't the case in this project:


1) As simply put, I don't really have a lot of time to flesh out a 2 hour show; to be honest. Pushing the DOA from 60 minutes to 90 minutes was the thing that ultimately killed it for me. So, I really want to make sure that I don't do the same thing with this 4C project.


2) There is a 'real-life' (as in John's life) storyline that will show it's head soon as to why the event will only last an HOUR. There are some expansion plans on his mind for the future, so, it's best to keep things this way right now. I don't want to go too far into detail; however, this unvailing will happen in my next few posts; so it won't be long.


I know the signs were there but as the only one to call the Jacob Jett title win do I get a prize? :D


Loved the heel turn at the end btw, possibly one of the best heel turns I've seen on here for it's execution - simple, subtle yet also very effective.


Thank you, Sheepy!


Funny enough, though, Jacob isn't truly a 'heel' quite yet. I really wanted to convey the image that Jacob was a true tweener; someone who didn't really care about being face of heel. The only thing he really cares about is himself & his own legacy. So, I thought up this idea of having him 'set the mood' with a 'me, me, me' kind of promo to start the event (Arrogant, yet, realistic as he truly is the "cornerstone" of the company). Then, have it drastically turn even more 'in your face' with the title victory & then locking the 4C roster out of the ring in which to celebrate alone. Overall, I thought it was a great way to make the guy appear to be only in it for himself; not afraid of what others think of him in the slightest as he's already shown his 'greatness' in this company since he debuted at 19.


With that said, He isn't a straight heel as people can't help but love him despite his arrogant-nature; Call it the Randy Orton-effect if you will. Jacob's persona screams 'flashy heel'; however, it's that very nature that makes it impossible to truly hate him. Plus, when you add in the years of service for the company (pulling off, as his bio says, lasting moments with his risk-taking aerial approach), It all comes together as a perfect storm to where Jacob lies within the boundaries of face/heel divide.


All in all, It'll be a lot of fun to tell the story of 'Jacob Jett' (both as a real person and as a showman) as he's easily one of the more interesting figures on the roster.

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I have a question.


Do all of your dynasties link together e.g. Doc Messing booking PSW after Greed's departure in the distant days of TEW 2008?


Yep, I edited such things as Doc taking over the booking of PSW and Mitch Naess exclusively in Canada. At this point, I created a guy who was part of the Pittsburgh Multi-media company and put him in the position of the owner of PSW. That way, it all flows from John's perspective.

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Yep, I edited such things as Doc taking over the booking of PSW and Mitch Naess exclusively in Canada. At this point, I created a guy who was part of the Pittsburgh Multi-media company and put him in the position of the owner of PSW. That way, it all flows from John's perspective.


How are PSW doing under the iron fist of a media company? Did anybody leave with Greed?

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How are PSW doing under the iron fist of a media company? Did anybody leave with Greed?


Nothing has really changed in PSW; truthfully. Ash Campbell won the PSW Title not too long after I left; however, other than that, things look pretty much all the same. Also, Larry Wood works exlusively in Japan now as they were unable to resign him I guess.


If you are looking to sign new wrestlers in the future just raid ACPW! That promotion has tons of great talent in it. Plus I would love to see you write for Sky King.


While I haven't really raided it yet, I did sign an ACPW worker to the 4C roster right away. He worked a dark match last month, held a decent promo grade wise, and all around looks ready for the main show. I'm thinking he'll make his debut sometime in the next month or so.


As for Sky King, he's definitely along the lines of the kind of people I would write for. After looking him up, I think I have something in mind for the guy sometime here in the near future. :D

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While I haven't really raided it yet, I did sign an ACPW worker to the 4C roster right away. He worked a dark match last month, held a decent promo grade wise, and all around looks ready for the main show. I'm thinking he'll make his debut sometime in the next month or so.


My prediction is Jamie Atherton for the ACPW guy coming in. He's a really interesting guy to write/book for and I hope I'm right and you find something awesome for him.

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My prediction is Jamie Atherton for the ACPW guy coming in. He's a really interesting guy to write/book for and I hope I'm right and you find something awesome for him.


Good choice, I would really like to see either Jayson Van Pelt or Mario da Silva.


And I am glad that Sky King is being looked into as he is an awsome talent.

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Thank you, everyone, for the varying ACPW members to look at. To be honest, pretty early on, I plan on keeping the 4C roster pretty close to it's original form. This was a goal of mine with PSW and certainly something that I want to do with 4C. With time; however, I plan on bringing in others who can ultimately help the company move forward; while also giving a great new mix of unique characters to the fold.


If we are suggesting workers, how about some of the ol' PSW crowd e.g. Ash Campbell, Nelson Callum and the like.


I was thinking about bringing some old PSW folks into 4C; however, didn't want to seem like John Greed was simply another Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff type who only hires those he has history with. Either way, I'm guessing that, at some point, at least Ash will be making his 4C debut.

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Critical-23's Mark-Out With Your C0ck review of 4C?!


Yeah, ya filthy downloaders!! I am showing off my logistic skills by following a true tortured soul of the wrestling world--one Jon Greed. Whether you fools know it or not, Greed has a massive online following that stretches to all corners of the globe. I'll get into that crap once this blog is fully operational again. For now, let's review this event, yo!!!


Raj defeats TJ Bailey in 9:59 via a “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick).

Oooh. Raj made TJ look like is b*tch throughout most of this match with big a$$ kicks and punches. Poor Bailey looked lost and dazed and confused and any other surf lingo you can use for the word "lost". BTW, don't buy Raj's upcoming album. My grandmother can rap better in her sleep. 2 outta 5 chairshots for this beatdown only because Raj sucks at rapping. Next!!!


The Gilbert Brothers defeat “Thunder & Lightning” in 5:10 via a “Slap-Shot” (Drop-toe-hold/Superkick combo). This marks their 4th successful title defense of the 4C Tag Team Championships.

Hockey fans--don't riot yet, ok?! The Gilberts still rule the tag scene, missing teeth and all. These guys are trule hilarious, in and out of the ring, and are one of the best tag teams north of the border, eh? Thunder & Lightning? Meh. Nicest guys you'll ever meet, sure, but their characters are just--meh. Either way, solid action under the regime of one John Greed. 3 outta 5 slapshots for this solid, if somewhat normal, title defense. Next!!!


Antonio Del Veccio defeats Slim V in 6:41 via a flash pinfall using a “School-Boy-Roll-Up”. This marks Antonio’s 4th successful title defense of the 4C Hardcore Championship.

My boy Antonio has turned over a new leaf, hasn't he? From Italian playboy to human crash dummy, ADV has come a long way since scratching out a nice career for himself in the Carolinas. This match made me cringe so much that I just knew that my face would stay frozen. Also gotta give props to Slim V, who told me afterwards that ADV scares the sh*t out of him simply from taking so much damage. 3 outta 5 chairshots for this public display of torture. Moving on, eh?


Jacob Jett defeats all in 18:32 after being proclaimed as the Last Man Standing within the “Demolition Derby” cage. Jacob is now the NEW 4C Champion; marking his 3rd reign with said championship.

Screw the aftermath, let's talk about who was the mystery guy!! Steve F*ck Flash?! Are you kidding me?! Mark out moment over. A few questions: Just how dominant can one man be (Frankie Dee)?! What will it take for the world to realize Sayeed Ali's true potential? How can Steve Flash keep up with these guys? When will it be 2013 so DWN can be the star we know that he is?! Anyways, Jett pulled it out and is once again at the top of the ladder but his post match antics will come back to haunt him. Match of the night, Canucks 5 outta 5 simply for Flash being in the friggin' building. Until next time, ya nerds! Peace!!!

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Critical-23's Mark-Out With Your C0ck review of 4C?!


Yeah, ya filthy downloaders!! I am showing off my logistic skills by following a true tortured soul of the wrestling world--one Jon Greed. Whether you fools know it or not, Greed has a massive online following that stretches to all corners of the globe. I'll get into that crap once this blog is fully operational again. For now, let's review this event, yo!!!


Raj defeats TJ Bailey in 9:59 via a “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick).

Oooh. Raj made TJ look like is b*tch throughout most of this match with big a$$ kicks and punches. Poor Bailey looked lost and dazed and confused and any other surf lingo you can use for the word "lost". BTW, don't buy Raj's upcoming album. My grandmother can rap better in her sleep. 2 outta 5 chairshots for this beatdown only because Raj sucks at rapping. Next!!!


The Gilbert Brothers defeat “Thunder & Lightning” in 5:10 via a “Slap-Shot” (Drop-toe-hold/Superkick combo). This marks their 4th successful title defense of the 4C Tag Team Championships.

Hockey fans--don't riot yet, ok?! The Gilberts still rule the tag scene, missing teeth and all. These guys are trule hilarious, in and out of the ring, and are one of the best tag teams north of the border, eh? Thunder & Lightning? Meh. Nicest guys you'll ever meet, sure, but their characters are just--meh. Either way, solid action under the regime of one John Greed. 3 outta 5 slapshots for this solid, if somewhat normal, title defense. Next!!!


Antonio Del Veccio defeats Slim V in 6:41 via a flash pinfall using a “School-Boy-Roll-Up”. This marks Antonio’s 4th successful title defense of the 4C Hardcore Championship.

My boy Antonio has turned over a new leaf, hasn't he? From Italian playboy to human crash dummy, ADV has come a long way since scratching out a nice career for himself in the Carolinas. This match made me cringe so much that I just knew that my face would stay frozen. Also gotta give props to Slim V, who told me afterwards that ADV scares the sh*t out of him simply from taking so much damage. 3 outta 5 chairshots for this public display of torture. Moving on, eh?


Jacob Jett defeats all in 18:32 after being proclaimed as the Last Man Standing within the “Demolition Derby” cage. Jacob is now the NEW 4C Champion; marking his 3rd reign with said championship.

Screw the aftermath, let's talk about who was the mystery guy!! Steve F*ck Flash?! Are you kidding me?! Mark out moment over. A few questions: Just how dominant can one man be (Frankie Dee)?! What will it take for the world to realize Sayeed Ali's true potential? How can Steve Flash keep up with these guys? When will it be 2013 so DWN can be the star we know that he is?! Anyways, Jett pulled it out and is once again at the top of the ladder but his post match antics will come back to haunt him. Match of the night, Canucks 5 outta 5 simply for Flash being in the friggin' building. Until next time, ya nerds! Peace!!!


Loved every second of this, Critical-23!


I was hoping that you would transition these blog posts from my DOA project to the 4C one. Call it selfish joy, but, it's cool to see someone interested enough to actually flesh out their own review of a recent event. Honestly, it's a great read (especially for the person who originally booked/wrote out the card).


Bravo, Bravo. :D

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“You put the title on a guy who won’t give you a second of his time?
[An abrupt, raspy, stint of laughter follows]
Do you enjoy putting yourself at odds with reality or is it just some sort of crazy circumstance that it always happens? Truthfully, John, you never seem to take the ‘easy road‘, huh?”


+ Larry Wood; via cell phone from Japan


What would be taking the ‘easy road’ in this situation? Leaving the Championship snapped around the waist of the ever-dominating “White Angel”? Possibly; however, there in lies the difference between uninspired, and inspired, booking.


Frankie has held the 4C within his iron grip for the last 11 months; destroying all-comers as he cements his legacy as a true, unquestionable, ‘human weapon’. With that said, His ‘shtick’ has become quite stale in the last few months it seems. The resounding wave of disdain that once plagued his entrance has recently been exchanged with a half-hazard, uninspired, response. Sure, most 4C fans are knowledgeable as it pertains to the respect given to someone of Dee’s caliber; however, by this point, his spotless record was starting to force others to perceive the ’deadly warrior’ as more of an annoyance than a ’great champion’. In a sense, even in the much-more traditional winds of Canada, the ever-emerging modern-view of pro wrestling is starting to take hold; more champions, shorter title reigns, and a call for more realism fused within the product. That is, in it’s essence, why 4C has done so well as an alternative to the “Big Two” in Canada; they offer this very notion of sweeping change on a consistent basis.


When you fuse this with the fact that Jacob [Jett] was riding a wave of absolute, untouchable, momentum…


There was no real choice in the matter. This was Jacob’s moment to seize the reigns of 4C.


Through my research, It was quite easy to see that Jacob was quickly surging toward a status barley rivaled by any in this sport. After four years of subconsciously waging a war from within; step by step, claiming this very company as his own, It was time for Jacob to finally meet his predecessors; standing above the rest.


Recently, by design of Too Hot, the former booker of 4C, Jacob was riding a tidal wave of momentum; an unstoppable force in the making. However, not in the way that Frankie had been projected. Jacob had flaws. He had a lack of focus from time-to-time. He wasn’t what you would call ‘lock-solid’. If anything, Jacob appeared to be battling himself just as much as those across from him in the ring. With that being said, Too Hot did an amazing job of portraying the youngster in the way that he should be portrayed: Reckless.


So, look at me as a replacement for ‘the man’; a coach that overtakes a superbowl winning organization a few years removed from said victory.


All the pieces are in place.


It’s just up to me to make sure these pieces continue in the manner they were constructed.


So what comes next for Frankie Dee?


If you ask me, which I know you didn’t but hear me out, I believe that Frankie’s persona is best served this way. He no longer has the Championship for validation, so to say the least, you can expect a hefty chip to reside upon his shoulder. The infamous, quiet but deadly, fighter will simply “re-load” as he violently rips through 4C on his way back to the top. While this position is typically set aside for babyfaces, Frankie will build his resume, once again, on the backs of those who dare stand before him….. Even those who don’t really ask for it….


Am I crazy for putting the title on Jacob? No. However, I can see where the fear comes as it pertains to centering the company around a man who doesn’t want to give you the time of day. Either way, with that known, there was no real other option in this decision.


Jacob Jett was due for his 3rd Championship reign…


He is due to officially be projected as the True… “Cornerstone”…



<hr color="black">

In-game details:


* Jacob is listed as the top “Franchise Player” in the Creative Team section.

* By popularity in Canada, Jacob is by far THE most popular worker on the roster (D+ in our regions).

* His momentum is currently at “B”.

* His gimmick, “Speed Kills”, is currently sitting at an “A”.

* Again, in the Creative Team section, It’s listed at the best ‘talker’. So, There’s more room for utilizing him as a ‘speaking champion’; able to create controversy/storylines in a way that Frankie can’t. I see this as important for the project straight out of the gate; having a champion who can relay narratives through voice (while also in the ring).

* When you look at that, How could you not put the title on him?

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As a giant Jacob Jett fan, I'm glad you gave him the title. I also love the way you write him (can you explain the "Speed Kills" gimmick for me, though?)


One thing that separates your dynasties from the rest, E-V, is that you give us some method behind the madness. And that's why I read whatever you put out. Great first show and I'll be sure to predict this next time around.

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As a giant Jacob Jett fan, I'm glad you gave him the title. I also love the way you write him (can you explain the "Speed Kills" gimmick for me, though?)


Thank you, LevitcalLawKid. I, also, am a big Jacob Jett mark, so, it was an easy call to put the title on him. To be honest, the first decision I made when joining the company was to center the company around Jett. There are many great characters on this roster; however, he stood out as a true 'big player' within the fray. Plus, it's not like he hasn't been 'atop the mountain' before as he's a 3-time 4C Champion now.


As for Speed Kills, as it pertains to his gimmick, It's rooted in the 'risk/reward' mentality that Jacob seems to carry. His bio in TEW itself says that he delivers on 'stunning daredevil tactics', so, this gimmick is pretty much in-line with that. He's so blindingly fast, so hell bent on doing WHATEVER he feels in the moment, that he can either find one of two outcomes in this state: 1) Execute the move, shock the crowd in the process, while defying the reality of gravity (or any self-law at all) or 2) Crash and burn.


So, speed Kills just speaks to that idea: He pushes himself to the extreme so much so that he can only have one of those two outcomes.


One thing that separates your dynasties from the rest, E-V, is that you give us some method behind the madness. And that's why I read whatever you put out. Great first show and I'll be sure to predict this next time around.


There in lies the reason why I love writing from John's perspective. As someone who always has internal monologue forging within my mind, I tend to write John in the same way; analyzing every move, deciding on what's best out of all outcomes, and justifying his reasoning in the end.


Also, as a writer, it gives any followers of this project the ability to know WHY such decisions were made. However, instead of just relaying that in a small OOC post, It's much more fun to incorporate John's experience/views in which to sell the story as to WHY it happened.


All in all, Thanks for the feedback man! I'm always excited to hear what others think! Truthfully.

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