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What matches count as really important on a card?

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What matches count as really important on a card? I was reading a thread where some people said that the opener, the semi-main event and the main event count as the most important matches. If so, then what counts as the opener? The first dark match or the first live match? Also, what counts as the semi-main event? The match right before the last match (main event)?
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Actually, the third to last match is fairly important. The third to last match should be you're second to worst match. That way, it's the "valley" before your semi main event starts the last "peak".


I've noticed (using PGHW) that a fairly poor third to last match (C range) could mean the difference between a B+ semi main event (which could in turn affect whether or not your main event is an A or A*) and a B-.


Edit: This is of course assuming you play with the Perfect Show theory on.

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Actually, the third to last match is fairly important. The third to last match should be you're second to worst match. That way, it's the "valley" before your semi main event starts the last "peak".


I've noticed (using PGHW) that a fairly poor third to last match (C range) could mean the difference between a B+ semi main event (which could in turn affect whether or not your main event is an A or A*) and a B-.


Edit: This is of course assuming you play with the Perfect Show theory on.


Yep. I book it like this also. The second match on my card is usually the worst and the match before the semi-main event is the second worst. Take 'worst' to mean less important and not crap. :p

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Yeah, my cards usually look like this (for PGHW):


1st Match: 3rd best match

2nd Match: Worst Match

3rd Match: Middle Match

4th Match: Middle Match

5th Match: 2nd Worst Match

6th Match: 2nd Best Match

7th Match: Best Match


Since the third match really affects the semi main event which in turn affects the main event, imo the 3rd to last match is the "most important match" in terms of the bigger picture.


Yep. I book it like this also. The second match on my card is usually the worst and the match before the semi-main event is the second worst. Take 'worst' to mean less important and not crap. :p


Yeah, imo the 3rd to last match should be a letter grade lower than what you want your semi main event to be.

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Those percentages only count if you have Perfect Show Theory turned on though right?


No. Perfect Show Theory governs how "Everything Else" is calculated, as well as playing around with how the mood of the crowd changes, and how it effects segments.


Regardless of which option you choose, the 70/20/10 formula still applies.

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Here is my opinion on this matter while you may or may not agree with it.


Opening Match

This match important because it sets the standard for the show and what is expected from the entire night.


Co-Main Event

Again a big match usually involving some of your most popular workers.


Main Event

Usually your Main Title match unless you are doing a feud and have some sort of stip match then that could be your main event as well.


These are your most important matches on any card in my opinion. The rest rae just filler that could tell a great story here or there!

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