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Who should main event a B-show?

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I will turn that over to the much more knowledgeable posters as I don't have any idea. I've read on here that it is alphabetical or shown live gets precedence or longer-running show (all which would work in your favor), but I've never run that kind of schedule so I just don't know. There isn't any way for you to know until you run that first show though.
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In my experiences the game is smart enough to realise that you should get the biggest of the possible crowd you'll get that night, regardless of the order of the shows you are putting on. For example, I've run my A show and B show on the same night (for multiplayer reasons) and always had A show crowds show up though the A show went first. I've also had a B show and my PPV run on the same day (Heat + PPV) and HEat always ends up with a PPV crowd despite going on first, so you should always get the good crowd.


As for knowing in advance which will go first, that I'm not sure about. I imagine it would take the order they were created (in game ID numbers) and use that and do TV before PPPv, but I can't confirm that.

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In my WWE 1998 game I keep my hardcore and cruiserweight divisions on my B show, mainly because the workers I have in these divisions are nowhere near over enough for RAW or PPV's.


On my 1 hour show I usually have a couple of squash matches featuring my jobbers to the stars destroying an enhancement talent (giving them momentum and overness for when they are jobbed out next week on Raw), a tag match between an up and coming tag team and a veteran tag team and either a cruiserweight or a hardcore title match (it varies each week).


As for angles, I run two 6 minute angles featuring a worker with great overness and entertainment skills (Austin, HBK, Rock etc) and other workers whose entertainment skills I want to develop. This definitely works! In 6 months of play The Hardy Boyz have improved their entertainment skills to around D's!

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