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Miami, eh LeBron? Well... I guess I'll simulate my dream scenario on NBA 2K9. :p


Man poor knicks. They spent years at the bottom waiting for this day and yet still they come out losers.


Anyways, Pat Riley for Ex. of the Year?


Okay final question. How many days until the Heat coach steps down and cites wanting to spend time with family as the reason?

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Man poor knicks. They spent years at the bottom waiting for this day and yet still they come out losers.


Anyways, Pat Riley for Ex. of the Year?


Okay final question. How many days until the Heat coach steps down and cites wanting to spend time with family as the reason?



We'll be a playoff team. For ultimate irony we'll beat Miami ala 1999.

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Lol someone on NBA tv just stated


"The Miami Heat have a trio of heroes with sidekick tryouts tomorrow. The one hero though these three have never beaten in the playoffs and wont be on this team is Superman. He is stationed at Disney World."


One more thing, does this mean Lebron failed compared to Wade, Bryant, and Jordan? They all won titles with their orignal teams and never left. Well Jordan left, but that's a little different.

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I actually love the Yankees. They are my favorite team other than my hometown Cardinals. It's not that I'm against stacking teams if you are able to, I already disliked the Heat, this would just push them over. I'm a Magic fan, and those two teams don't get along.


Yeah, I can see your point. I guess I'm just used to the blind hate from small market teams who can't contend because their teams have lint in their pockets. :p Orlando has a serious management problem though. Otis is just not the type of GM that's going to produce a championship caliber team. He's too risk averse. He seems like the antithesis of his boss.


Man poor knicks. They spent years at the bottom waiting for this day and yet still they come out losers.


Anyways, Pat Riley for Ex. of the Year?


Okay final question. How many days until the Heat coach steps down and cites wanting to spend time with family as the reason?


First, don't feel bad for the Knicks. They have enough cap space to really be players in the trade market, with teams looking to dump expensive but still productive players.


Secondly, if the Heat win it all, so does Pat Riley.


Third, Eric will coach one season, I think. If not, he'll step down in late August/early September (around the time the kids go back to school).



Personally, I don't think the Heat will have any trouble getting folks to sign on for dirt cheap. On paper, they're the frontrunner for East champion so anyone who wants a legit shot at the Finals (and a championship) would be glad to give the Karl Malone discount.

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Yeah, I can see your point. I guess I'm just used to the blind hate from small market teams who can't contend because their teams have lint in their pockets. :p Orlando has a serious management problem though. Otis is just not the type of GM that's going to produce a championship caliber team. He's too risk averse. He seems like the antithesis of his boss.




First, don't feel bad for the Knicks. They have enough cap space to really be players in the trade market, with teams looking to dump expensive but still productive players.


Secondly, if the Heat win it all, so does Pat Riley.


Third, Eric will coach one season, I think. If not, he'll step down in late August/early September (around the time the kids go back to school).



Personally, I don't think the Heat will have any trouble getting folks to sign on for dirt cheap. On paper, they're the frontrunner for East champion so anyone who wants a legit shot at the Finals (and a championship) would be glad to give the Karl Malone discount.


Talks going on about Harrington to the Magic for the TPE. Also Lee is probably as good as gone.

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Man I was really hoping for a swerve and Lebron going.


"I am involved in a sign and trade and I'm heading the the Lakers." That something even Vince himself couldn't have written better.


Well... except to really hit the swerve, he's join Miami or Cleveland and then at the Christmas Day game against the Lakers he'd grab the ball at midcourt... pause... and then drive to the Heat's rim, dunk it with authority and then pull off his Heat jersey to reveal his Laker jersey... which is why the Lakers have played with 11 men all year.


Now THAT would be a swerve.

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Did anyone lol at that one fan in the Miami bar being broadcasted wearing a Cleveland jersey, jumping up and down with the others? I don't know, could be for a multitude of viable reasons but it still came across as funny to me.


Now that the dust has settled I understand why Lebron went to the Heat


1) No state income tax.


2) Miami is a big market and he can still build his Brand. Maybe he steals Wade away from Jordan.


3) He'd be next to two things he's never had before. A dominating big man and a SG who can take the pressure off him.


4) He'll get to watch the Superbowl every four years.


5) The only way to match Ohio's winters in Miami is to find a McDonalds Frezzer and jump in.


6) The Beaches


7) Women at the beaches


8) Cuban cigars are only a speed boat away.


9) People in Ohio are still going to love you and blame this on the Cavs


10) Pat Riley on an off day is better than Mike Brown.

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Did anyone lol at that one fan in the Miami bar being broadcasted wearing a Cleveland jersey, jumping up and down with the others? I don't know, could be for a multitude of viable reasons but it still came across as funny to me.


it wasn't a Cavs jersey... it was a LeBron Cavs jersey...

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You sure about that? I was on Twitter a minute ago, and "Burning LeBron's jersey" was the #2 trending topic.


Interestingly, Scottie Pippen was #1. Make of that what you will. ;)


They're going to burn Scottie Pippen?

That's just cruel!

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Yeah. Classy.


What's the old saying, a women scorn. Im not saying dan is a women, but you get the point.


About Beasley, got the team right just not the return. Still favors the Heat though. They can now get three players in next years draft to build around the big three, smart move moving Beasley while he had some type of value. Would suck in Wolves get a top 5 pick next year!

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