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Question regarding TCW

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Just a quick question. I noticed in my game that TCW gets constantly B and B+ TV Shows but succeeds in keeping their popularity at A* in all regions of USA for years. I thought that is a show gets an equal or lower final grade in comparison to the region's popularity, then it hurts the popularity of the company in the region. In my game this situation is going on for years.


Can someone explain to me how is this possible?


Thank you very much for reading.

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Ok, I literally thought the exact same thing yesterday. As SWF I have had 63 shows, 8 of them "B+" (and 6 of them were my first 6 shows), one "A*" and the other 56 have been "A" yet my popularity in USA is the same at the start of the game, all B's and 5 B+'s in USA.


TCW in that same time have only had two "A" shows, 14 "B-", 33 "B" shows, and 14 "B+" shows, yet there popularity is B+ accross USA, and there B+ grades are higher than my "B+" grades in numbers in the editor.


They are on a bigger network (very big compared to big) but surely the network doesn;t matter if the shows are not good enough? I mean they are on B+ despite only having 16 shows in over a year that should improve populairty, and the same amount of "B-" shows as "B+" shows.

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As far as I know, it's to do with trends. Both TCW and SWF are on trend in terms of their product types so they get a bit of a boost to popularity with each show. That combined with the stability that National+ promotions now enjoy means that they will both gain and maintain popularity far above the actual show ratings they get.


I brought this up in technical support a while back since SWF were reaching 100 popularity with their best show at about 88... but since it's never changed I believe that it's working as it's intended to... it's just a more powerful effect than I realised.


On the plus side, everyone can take advantage of it if they want to... so if you like Mainstream it should be fairly easy to grow in the US. :)

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I thought the AI could gain popularity easier, ie dont need as good shows to improve there popularity. I think Adam put this down to us being able to use our brains and build up stars in the long term, and the computer just puts together a show without many guidelines.


I could be completely wrong though, so dont trust this unless someone else comfirms it.

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That makes sense, but the only 2 trends are "traditional popular" and "mainstream very popular".


I have Mainstream Key and Traditional Heavy, and TCW have Mainstream Heavy and Traditional Key, so you'd think I (as SWF) would have the advantage there.

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