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BAW: One man's dream

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Nigel Svensson vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Svensson retains here.


Panda Mask II vs Hijo Del Americana

Go Go Panda Mask!!!


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Joffy is a jobber.


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

He's Amazing.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Sanders push Go!!


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sensitive gets another defence.


Two Leaving Workers-

El Mitico

The Masked Outlaw

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Nigel Svensson vs The Masked Outlaw (New York Championship)

Nigel gets his first defense.


Panda Mask II vs Hijo Del Americana

Panda's still here... so he gets a win.


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Jobber Laine returns.


Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Fire Fly wins.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal would make a solid champion.


El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Justin gets another defense.


bonus: can you guess the two wrestlers leaving next month?

El Mitico

(since everyone else is guessing Outlaw, I'll go a different direction)DeCipher?

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BAW One Step Closer #30

Week 3 September 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 269

Pre Show

With a full complement of workers this week, our backstage atmosphere was back to perfect levels. Hopefully that would help us build on the success of our last show.


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs The Masked Outlaw

New York Championship

A good start to the show from these two, and a good start to Nigel’s reign a New York Champion. It was also most likely Outlaw’s final match in BAW, after I couldn’t match his recent contract demands. It’s a shame, as Outlaw has been with us since day one, and had but on a number of good matches in the past. If he ever dropped his contract demands, I’d certainly have him back.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:53

Panda Mask II vs Hiro Del Aguila Americana

This was a decent match, with Hijo Del Aguila Americana picking up what many would consider a shock win. The reason for this is that this is most likely Panda Mask’s last match in BAW. As much as I like Panda, his demands would have made him the highest paid man on the roster. His recent performances have been oksy, but certainly didn’t warrant that kind of money.


Winner: Hijo Del Aguila Americana in 7:53

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Last week I said that I would bring some pride back to this belt, and in my performance in the title match I took my first step in doing so. Tonight will see another step in the right direction as I defeat El Mitico Jr. It’s a lot of pressure to put on one man’s shoulders, but luckily I am the right man for the job.”


Notes: Good stuff from Sensitive, probably the best promo I’ve seen from him.

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, but nothing more than that. I gave Donte Dunn the win, as he needs to be kept strong for further down the line.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:41

Amazing Fire Fly vs DeCipher

Okay I wasn’t expecting that! This was a Main Event quality match... and it involved DeCipher! I am honestly shocked. These shorter matches certainly suit Fire Fly’s style much more than the longer title matches he has been struggling with in recent months. As an added bonus, Fire Fly looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:55

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Fire Fly and DeCipher bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.


Notes: A good promo from Brody, back to the levels he was reaching a few months ago.

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

This was another good match, despite a lack of Psychology being on show. I gave Cal the win to continue his build towards a title challenge, and Jayson looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 16:15

El Mitico Jr vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

A great match from these two, with both guys looking really good out there. The only negative of the match was that Harvey sometimes struggled to keep up with the action at times. Justin picked up the win to continue his reign as Champ.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:38


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nothing at all!


Next Time: Wow, we managed to put on two good shows in a month for the first time. Hopefully Danny can build on this going forward...

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Despite having a great month in terms of show quality, this month’s ‘Creative’ had the feel of a crisis meeting. The wrestling industry was currently in the toilet, with nobody interested in it. With the economy falling as well, we really needed to keep an eye on what we were doing or it could all go very wrong very quickly.


At least the local paper had better news for me.



BAW Call To Arms C/One Step Closer C





We’d managed to come in 2nd place! This was our best result in a long time, which would hopefully allow us to build towards maybe topping the table one month soon...



This Week

Zergon 5/6 & 1/2

1234 5/6 & 1/2

borman 48 5/6 & 0/2


This Year

1234 91/102

Zergon 83/96

borman 48 77/85

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Nobody got all 6 this month, with Panda Mask being the main reason why. You all had him to win his match, and you all missed him in your predictions of who’s leaving.

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I sent out a few offers for some new guys to take the place of a couple of outgoing faces, but couldn’t come to terms with anyone. Speaking of outgoing faces, Panda Mask II is now gone from the company. Unfortunately his contract demands meant that this was necessary, even though I would have liked to have kept him on. The Masked Outlaw is still here for one more show, as he still has another few days on his contract.



BAW Call To Arms #10

Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher (New York Championship)

El Mitico Jr vs Mustang Blanco Jr

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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<p><strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs DeCipher (New York Championship)</p><p>

<em>Too early for title change and DeCipher isn´t a great option as the next champ anyway</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Mitico Jr</strong> vs Mustang Blanco Jr</p><p>

<em>Since Mitico stays he will win this one</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Josh Jones</strong> vs Jayson Van Pelt</p><p>

<em>Not sure aboout this one</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amazing Fire Fly</strong> vs The Masked Outlaw</p><p>

<em>Outlaw is leaving</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cal Sanders vs <strong>Donte Dunn</strong></p><p>

<em>Sanders is getting more wins than earlier but Dunn is liekly still ahead of him in the ladders</em></p><p> </p><p>

Cheetah Boy vs J<strong>ustin Sensitive</strong>(BAW Championship)</p><p>

<em>Cheetah Boy? I don´t think so</em></p>

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<p><strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs DeCipher (New York Championship)</p><p>

DeCipher may have put on a good match last show, but that doesn't make him championship caliber.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Mitico Jr </strong>vs Mustang Blanco Jr</p><p>

Yeah</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Josh Jones</strong> vs Jayson Van Pelt</p><p>

A bit of a guess, but I think Jones is still higher in the pecking order than JVP.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amazing Fire Fly</strong> vs The Masked Outlaw</p><p>

Bye bye Outlaw, hopefully he'll put on a good match on the way out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs Donte Dunn</p><p>

Cal getting a title shot in the near future?</p><p> </p><p>

Cheetah Boy vs <strong>Justin Sensitive</strong> (BAW Championship)</p><p>

Ha. Cheetah Boy. Right.</p>

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<p>Panda Mask is gone??? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Nigel Svensson</span></strong> vs DeCipher (New York Championship)</p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">El Mitico Jr</span></strong> vs Mustang Blanco Jr</p><p>

Josh Jones vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jayson Van Pelt</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Amazing Fire Fly</span></strong> vs The Masked Outlaw</p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Cal Sanders</span></strong> vs Donte Dunn</p><p>

Cheetah Boy vs <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Justin Sensitive</span></strong> (BAW Championship)</p>

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BAW Call To Arms #10

Week 1 October 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 802

Pre Show

Nothing notable backstage this week, as the positive atmosphere continues...


Main Show

In the dark: We had El Mitico dominate Simon Ice in what turned out to be a decent match. El Mitico came out of this looking good, as Simon Ice worked off some of his rust and looked like he was learning out there.


© Nigel Svensson vs DeCipher

New York Championship

We open the show proper with a good title defence from Nigel Svensson. As usual there was a lack of Psychology on display, but as usual it didn’t affect the match too badly.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:26

El Mitico Jr vs Mustang Blanco Jr

A second squash of the night for El Mitico, with this one not being in the dark. Again this was a decent match, which will hopefully mean that Mitico will have built up some good momentum tonight.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 6:29

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Mitico and Mustang bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.


Notes: Brody back on form.

Josh Jones vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two, as I expected. Josh Jones is currently an opener, so I can’t give him the wins I want to. Hopefully a few matches like this will help change that...


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:02

Amazing Fire Fly vs The Masked Outlaw

This match wasn’t quite as good as I had hoped it would be. It was decent, but nothing more than that. From these two I would have expected a bit more. Not the brightest of matches for Outlaw to leave on, but he still had a good run here. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:29

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “After his loss last week, Panda Mask has had to leave BAW in disgrace! He was so embarrassed about how badly, and how easily, I beat him, he just couldn’t bear to see my face at every show. Tonight I plan to add another animal to my trophy case. With the Panda already marked off, next up is the Cheetah...”


Notes: Good stuff from the champ.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A good match from these two, despite a lack of Psychology being on display. I gave Cal another win, as I continue his build towards a title match with Sensitive.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 15:52

Cheetah Boy vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Wow, what a match! This was our second best ever match, and that’s with Cheetah Boy having an off night. These two have great chemistry, which really bought the best out of the two workers. I will certainly have to remember this match for the future.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 18:18


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: A third good show in a row! Almost unheard of...

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A mixed few weeks for me. It started with the release of long time BAW wrestler K-Squared (The Masked Outlaw). I did try some last minute negotiations, but K-Squared wouldn’t drop his wage demands. It’s a real shame to see him go, and I thanked him for his contributions here at BAW. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


The next day I had some good news, as I extended Donte Dunn’s contract for another 12 months. He extended on the same terms he had been on before, which I have to say are very reasonable.


Next I went on the search for a replacement for K-Squared. I continued my trend of signing young Luchadores by snapping up Delirium. This young man is a flashy worker, and will hopefully put on some decent matches in his time with us. Hopefully he would work well with our other Luchadores...



BAW One Step Closer #31

Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Ace Youngblood vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #10

1234 6/6

borman 48 5/6

Zergon 4/6


This Year

1234 97/108

Zergon 87/102

borman 48 82/91

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Well done to 1234 who was the only one to get all 6 this show. Coming towards the end of the year, a bit of a gap is opening up...

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Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium


Up until now it seems to be obvious picks.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Well Cal is getting a title shot soon.


Ace Youngblood vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Justins reign continues.

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Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Though Hijo won against leaving Panda Mask I doubt he´s going over Nigel here


Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Jobber squash


Josh Jones vs DeCipher

Not sure if DeCipher is high enough on the ladders to go over Jones but I take a risk here


Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

Newcomers are always hard to predict but I expect Fire Fly to go over


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Sanders will likely get title shot soon


Ace Youngblood vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Ace haven´t been all that impressive so this is just standard title defense for Sensitive

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Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana (New York Championship)

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs DeCipher

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

If Jones is still an opener, DeCipher goes over. The other 3 seem obvious enough.


Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

Cal continues to gain momentum for the title shot.


Ace Youngblood vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Standard defense.

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BAW One Step Closer #31

Week 3 October 2012

Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey

Attendance: 261

Pre Show

We continue our positive backstage, and hopefully that will mean we can continue our run of good shows...


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

New York Championship

A good opening to the show from these two, as Nigel’s New York Championship reign continues. This was Svensson’s third defence of the title.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:33

Joffy Laine vs Donte Dunn

A decent match from these two, and about as good as I had hoped it would be. I gave Donte Dunn the win to try and build his momentum back up after his loss last week to Cal Sanders.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 7:46

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “So my dominance over everyone else in BAW continues. This week’s victim is Ace Youngblood. Ace? I’m the only Ace in this company. Youngblood... you barely make the top half of the pack!”


Notes: Good stuff from Sensitive, right up there with the best promos I’ve seen from him.

Josh Jones vs DeCipher

A good match from these two, on par with the opener. Josh Jones continues to impress with his win here.


Winner: Josh Jones in 8:27

Amazing Fire Fly vs Delirium

This was a decent match, despite Delirium doing his best to stop it being so. I’ll admit that he is rusty, but his Psychology and Selling just weren’t up to scratch out there. On top of that he looked tired towards the end of this shortish match. At least Fire Fly looked good out there...


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 7:46

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Fire Fly and Delirium bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.

Notes: A decent promo from Brody, but it’s not quite at the levels he was reaching a few months ago.

Cal Sanders vs Jayson Van Pelt

I took a risk running this match again, with this being the fourth time I’ve run this one recently. Luckily the crowd didn’t hold that against us, and it turned out to be a good match. I continued Cal’s push here, as he picked up the victory.


Winner: Cal Sanders in 15:54

Ace Youngblood vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

Okay this was meant to be a filler title defence for Sensitive, but turned out to be a really good match. Ace hasn’t exactly set the world on fire since getting here, so I can only guess that Sensitive is really improving and can now carry almost anyone to a good match.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 16:35


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nothing!


Next Time: Another good show, maybe Danny has finally learnt how to book consistently? Can he keep it going?

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‘Creative’ was something of a celebration this month. BAW had officially made the jump up to a Regional size promotion. This was big news for us, but did mean that we would need to bring in some new faces over the next couple of weeks.


The good news continued when I picked up my monthly paper...



BAW Call To Arms C/ One Step Closer C





We were 2nd again this month. Another good result, could we force our way to the top?


Predcition Results

This Week

1234 6/6

Zergon 5/6

borman 48 5/6


This Year

1234 103/114

Zergon 92/108

borman 48 87/97

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6

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This was a busy few weeks for me. I started the month by extending the contract of Hijo Del Aguila Americana. He had shown signs of improvement recently, so he definitely deserves the chance to see if he can continue in that vein.


After a number of rejections I managed to make my first new signing three days after the show. Bradley Blaze is the latest addition to the BAW roster. A talented young brawler, he should be a useful lower card wrestler for us.


A few days later, I managed to bring Randy Maxx to the company. He would be wrestling for us under his Max Mayhem persona. While he looks slightly limited compared to some of our roster, he does have the advantage that he has an existing tag team alongside Ace Youngblood. If we ever did want to establish a tag division, they could be big players in it.


Although I contacted a number of prospects, I couldn’t find anyone for the price I was willing to pay. As a last ditch effort, I left messages with a young tag team in the hope they would work for cheap. On the morning of the show, one of them got back to me. Running out of time, and still one short of Harvey’s target roster level, I signed Luna Clara to the company. Hopefully, his partner will join in the near future, and then I may look into introducing a tag team division for the first time in company history.



BAW Call To Arms #11

Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

El Mitico vs Delirium

Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

El Mitico vs Delirium

Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn - Draw

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


The main & co-main are a bit unpredictable, but the rest of the card should be good, and hopefully not too many suprises.

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Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze (New York Championship)

Blaze won´t get the belt on his debut match


El Mitico vs Delirium

Mitico continues his winning ways


Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

I go with Hijo since he likely did gain some poparity when he beated Panda Mask


Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

Some support for DeCipher though I´m likely wrong again:p


Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

Pelt picks up the win against another new comer


Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

I go with Fire Fly here mainly because I expect Sensitive to retain


Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)

Sanders could actually get the belt here, but I´d say that Sensetive retains for now

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BAW Call To Arms #11

Week 1 November 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 753

Pre Show

I met all three of my new signings for the first time tonight. All of them seemed like nice enough guys, but Bradley Blaze stuck out to me as being a real stand up chap. Our backstage atmosphere seemed to be back to perfect levels, despite the rumours I had heard earlier that some workers weren’t overly happy with the backstage rules...


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Bradley Blaze

New York Championship

A good opening match, and a good win for Nigel over the debuting Bradley Blaze. Bradley Blaze looked a little rusty out there, but will hopefully work that off in a couple of weeks. Sill, a good start to the show.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 7:42

El Mitico Jr vs Delirium

A decent match from these two, despite it being an elongated squash. Delitium is still rusty, but hopefully he will work that off before too long.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 5:53

Brody ‘Promo’

Brody hits the ring and Mitico and Delirium bail. Brody remains in the ring for a few minutes looking menacing and intimidating.


Notes: Not bad from Brody, but not great.

Max Mayhem vs Jayson Van Pelt

A good match from these two, on par with the opener. I gave Jayson the win tonight, but Max looked better than I thought he would out there. Maybe a tag division wouldn’t be such a bad idea...


Winner: Jayson Van Pelt in 8:24

Josh Jones vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Wow, this was a really good match. This match could easily have main evented some of our shows, I certainly didn’t expect that from these two. Josh Jones continues to impress, as I put this match more down to him than to Hijo.


Winner: Josh Jones in 6:40

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “It may surprise you to hear that I am really looking forward to my match later tonight. Cal Sanders has been on a roll recently, and put on some really good matches. Beating him will prove once and for all that I am, without doubt, the greatest BAW Champion in this company’s otherwise nondescript history.”


Notes: Good stuff from the champ.

Cheetah Boy vs DeCipher

A decent match from these two, but nothing better than that. A cool down after the last few segments, I gave Cheetah Boy the win to build some momentum.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 7:56

Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

A really good match from these two, with their obvious chemistry shining through, the only problem being that this may very well overshadow the Main Event. Donte Dunn picked up the win, but only by grabbing a handful of Fire Fly’s tights. Post match Fire Fly looks livid, as Donte skulks away to the back. As a bonus, Dunn looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 11:50

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

I had high hopes for this match, but unfortunately it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. It wasn’t a bad match by any means, but it wasn’t a great match either, not even living up to the Fire Fly/Dunn match preceding it. At least Sanders looked like he was learning out there.


Winner: Justin Sensitive in 17:15


Match of the Night: Amazing Fire Fly vs Donte Dunn

Trash of the Night: nothing!


Next Time: Not a bad show, but not as good as it could have been, with the Main Event a slight let down.

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I started my move towards a tag team division by bringing a new man to BAW. He had an existing tag team with one of my current guys, and I believe could bring something interesting to my newest division. Speaking of the tag team division, I also extended Ace Youngblood’s deal for a further 9 months.



BAW One Step Closer #32

Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt (New York Championship)

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

El Mitico Jr vs Mustang Blanco Jr

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive (BAW Championship)


bonus: guess my new signing!


Prediction Results

BAW Call To Arms #11

1234 6/7

Zergon 4/7


This Year

1234 109/121

Zergon 96/115

borman 48 87/97

funkyzafara 76/88

Michigan Hero 8/12

Raijin Samurai 5/6

BHK1978 4/6


Quite a tough show to predict this month. With time running out on the year, can anyone make a late run to stop 1234 winning for a second time?

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BAW One Step Closer #32

Week 3 November 2012

The Ministry, Queens

Attendance: 369

Pre Show

Upon meeting our newest signing Bear Bekowski, I didn’t particularly like the guy. Looking around the locker room, I saw that a few of the other guys seemed to think the same. Still, he wasn’t enough of a problem to hurt our backstage atmosphere, so I guess we could put up with him for now...


Main Show

© Nigel Svensson vs Jayson Van Pelt

New York Championship

A great start to the show from these two, with a Main Event quality match. Nigel Svensson picked up the win, but Jayson reminded me why I rate him so highly. Nigel made defence number 5 of his New York Championship.


Winner: Nigel Svensson in 8:09

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

This match was only average from these two. I had hoped for more, but Bradley Blaze having an off night probably dragged the match quality down a little. I gave Cheetah Boy the win here to keep him strong.


Winner: Cheetah Boy in 8:07

Sara Silver Announcement

Sara Silver announces that a Tag Team division is to be introduced to BAW, complete with its own title belt. She also announces that some of the teams in the division will be revealed at Call To Arms next month.


Notes: A decent promo from Sara, which was a bonus.

El Mitico Jr vs Mustang Blanco Jr

A decent squash match from these two, as El Mitico dominated. Mustang looked like he was learning out there, which was an added bonus.


Winner: El Mitico Jr in 6:29

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

A good match from these two, despite Fire Fly having an off night. Surprisingly it was Fire Fly who looked like he was learning out there while he picked up the win.


Winner: Amazing Fire Fly in 8:05

Sensitive Promo

Sensitive: “Tonight I face Josh Jones for the BAW Championship... why? The kids what, 18? He is nowhere near ready to be facing the likes of me! I’m going to take that kid back to school, and beat some respect into him!”


Notes: Not a great promo from Sensitive, certainly not up to his recent standards. I’m not exactly sure why it was worse than usual... it just was.

Cal Sanders vs Donte Dunn

A good match from these two, worthy of being the Semi-Main event. I gave Donte Dunn the victory, as he needs to rebuild some momentum.


Winner: Donte Dunn in 15:44

Josh Jones vs Justin Sensitive ©

BAW Championship

I was hoping for a blow out match from these two, and they sure gave me one! This was the match in BAW history! These are my two top guys, and have great chemistry together. The only negative of the match was the announcing by Harvey. He just couldn’t keep up with the quality of the match.


With Sensitive doing so well recently; the result of this match could be seen as a big upset, as I put the belt on Josh Jones. The kid has impressed me since joining, and I want to see how he will do as champ. His lack of ability on the mic will possibly hurt me in the long run, but I rate Jones as my best guy in ring. This match did nothing to change my mind on that.


Winner: Josh Jones in 18:15


Match of the Night: Main Event

Trash of the Night: Nothing was terrible, but Cheetah Boy/Bradley Blaze was the weakest match.


Next Time: A new champ and a new tag division, exciting times for BAW.

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Sorry i missed the predictions...i didnt even see a new card had been put up. Nice suprise seeing Josh Jones getting the belt, i wouldnt have predicted that myself. Hopefully the tag division goes well.
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At ‘Creative’ this month, we discussed our options of how to run our tag team division. Would it slot into the Midcard or our Lower Card? After some arguing, we decided to make the title a ‘floating’ title. This way it could be used in the Midcard, and if necessary could be pushed higher or lower on the card as the situation dictates. Happy with this, I was a bit shocked when Dylan announced he was leaving at the end of the meeting. He explained that he had signed with SWF, and that he would only be with us for another week. I couldn’t blame Dylan, this was a great opportunity. We were going to miss him though, he was a great Road Agent, at least we had one more show out of him.


We continued our run of good placings in the monthly rankings.




BAW Call To Arms C-/BAW One Step Closer C




While 3rd wasn’t ideal, at this spoint we would take it.


Prediction Results

With no predictions this month, rankings stay the same. Hope to see people back for the next show...


BAW Call To Arms #12

Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody (New York Championship)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Ace Youngblood vs Jayson Van Pelt

El Mitico vs Delirium

Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Giant Brody (New York Championship)

Could go to Brody but i dont see the giant as a champion.


Amazing Fire Fly vs Hijo Del Aguila Americana

Same result as last show.


Cheetah Boy vs Bradley Blaze

Again same as last show.


Ace Youngblood vs Jayson Van Pelt



El Mitico vs Delirium



Cal Sanders vs Justin Sensitive

Rematch preperation,


Josh Jones vs Donte Dunn (BAW Championship)

Too soon for a title change, even though Dunn will probably end this reign.

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