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I don't know if I am the only one (I Hope I am not) but I am running a game with TCW (Along with other games) but in my TCW game Bryan Vessey is really starting to annoy me. For one he never wants to lose matches which I am fine with but another thing that really makes me mad about him is that he always starts trouble with people backstage. Has anyone else had problems with him because like I said I hope I am not the only one.
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He is always trouble only thing he responds to long term is a hardline response. If you drug test him and then select the fire option there is a good chance he will become loyal to you and he will always stop the roids so the next day you cancel the firring. Then you have more leaway with pissing him off as he is loyal to you. He is an ass but he is one of those guys that are worthwhile having them around despite being one. Big Smacker anyone? lolz.
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He is always trouble only thing he responds to long term is a hardline response. If you drug test him and then select the fire option there is a good chance he will become loyal to you and he will always stop the roids so the next day you cancel the firring. Then you have more leaway with pissing him off as he is loyal to you. He is an ass but he is one of those guys that are worthwhile having them around despite being one. Big Smacker anyone? lolz.


If memory serves, that is the approach I ended up taking with him. He still has the occasional incident, but its only been a couple in a few months so not too bad.

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He is always trouble only thing he responds to long term is a hardline response. If you drug test him and then select the fire option there is a good chance he will become loyal to you and he will always stop the roids so the next day you cancel the firring. Then you have more leaway with pissing him off as he is loyal to you. He is an ass but he is one of those guys that are worthwhile having them around despite being one. Big Smacker anyone? lolz.


So I clicked on Fire and his response was that "This was the wake up call that I have been needing I am going to do whatever I can to get my career back on track." The next day I canceled the firing proceedings so hopefully he will become loyal to me if not I am going to actually go though with his firing.

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Oh and now the day after I recalled his firing he pulls a tasteless prank backstage what a jerk.


He does not always become loyal but sometimes. For the rest he responds to tough love. With him off the roids and giving him tough love he should become more malleable. If he is very unhappy around the time contract negotiations come around sign someone he has a positive relation with and it will cheer him up a lot. Hey there Cameron or Larry.

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How do you find out what disciplinary measures are right for what worker? Just trial and error?


Yep and these boards as people have experience with some of them and know what they respond too. Some unfortunately remain bastards whatever you do.

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Has anyone ever successfully turned these guys around? I've never tried working with either of them, but I'm curious.


I've never done a game with Big Smack Scott but in my 2020 game Jay Chord is still only 29 years old and owner with a crap personality. I really think with age his personality could change. We'll see though.

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What has been your disciplinary style with Jay?


He hasn't had an incident in years (literally) but his problems in the past were getting in arguments with fans outside of shows. He did that two or three times before Rip retired and he took over as owner. I went fatherly approach most of the time and then slap on the wrist. I want to say he was the worker who did damage to another workers rental car, but I think that was Remo when I first signed him. It's hard to keep track of these punks sometimes. ;)

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