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RIPW: The Ballad of Henry Lee

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Well our first show was not that great from an in ring standpoint but I think we did a decent job seeing how we had to introduce an entire new roster in one night. Of course, you are going to have hits and misses that is just the nature of the business.


Performance wise I think Herb Stately was the best performer. His Brian Cash-Man character has huge potential and this man knows how to turn a crowd on him. It always amazes me that all you have to do is mention the Yankees or New York in a positive light and the New England fans will turn on you and boo you like you are Josef Stalin.


In ring performance wise, nobody really stood head and shoulders above everyone else. In fact, I was none to pleased with any of the performances in the ring. The card just had a general feeling that the wrestler’s were just phoning it in.


Kintaro really disappointed me, for a man of his ability I thought he would have a great match. I did talk to him about it after the show and he said it was nerves. Having never fought in the States before, he was a bit overly cautious because he did not want to screw up. However, by him wrestling overly cautious he was not able to wrestle his style in the ring. Therefore, it looked like he was just not trying.


Finally, I would also like to say that I am disappointed in the crowd that we drew. Before the split, the company used to draw on an average three hundred to three hundred and fifty people per crowd. Now granted that is great for an indy promotion and it was expected that we would see a drop off in attendance.


The main reason why RIPW drew the big crowd’s before was because they were the minor league of the SWF. Of course, people would want to see the future stars of the most popular promotion in the world. However, once all of those wrestler’s left we no longer had the drawing power. Coupled with the fact that RIPW was closed down for a few months, meant that our audience would see some erosion. I just never expected we would see that drastic of an erosion.


I hope that our next show in Boston will draw better, after all RIPW has always drawn well in Boston. And I really hope that we put on a better in ring product for our next show. After all, our fans pay their hard-earned money to watch us and therefore I believe we owe it to them to put on the best show possible.

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RIPW Boston Brawl


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RobLMiskovsky_alt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> By Rob L. Miskovsky


I am very excited about our up and coming show! That is because we will be returning to Boston, Massachusetts for our next show, which will be called Boston Brawl! I have very fond memories of my time in Boston and I know that our next show, which will be held on Saturday March 6, will just add to my fondness for Boston.


On this night, we will be holding the qualifying round for the RIPW Championship tournament. If you win you are in the main tournament, if you don’t win you are out! Now this qualifying round is stacked with great match-ups. Including a match between two men who have held the RIPW Championship in the past, as Kentucky Bill will take on Justin Sensitive. Kentucky Bill had this to say about his upcoming match:


“Justin, you and I have beaten each other from pillar to post in the past. And it looks like we are about to do it again. On March 6 in Boston, Massachusetts I hope you mentally prepare yourself for the match of your life because that is what you’re gonna have. May the best man win son.”


Well Bill seemed to be really nice with that comment, but know this fellow RIPW faithful, he will not be so nice when he steps into the ring with Justin. Another qualifying match for the tournament will be RIPW newcomers Kintaro taking on Too Hot. Too Hot had this to say about his match:


“Kintaro, you and Too Hot are no strangers to one another. Too Hot has fought you many times in Canada, and now it is time to take our war across the border. You know what Too Hot is going to do to you and Too Hot knows what you are going to do to him. So my brother, when you get into the ring with Too Hot be prepared to lose, cause aint nobody gonna stop Too Hot from getting into the RIPW Championship tournament. And if you don’t know, now you know.”


Too Hot seems pretty emphatic that he is going to beat Kintaro. I do have one question though, why does Too Hot keep on referring to himself in the third person. Perhaps that is an answer I will never get. Well I hope all of you fans in the Boston area come out and support RIPW because it looks like we are going to have a humdinger of a show for you!


That is it for this month so come on down to Biker’s Paradise and witness what is sure to be another great RIPW event! The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:15p.m. so come early and make sure enjoy the show!



Prediction Key:

[Faces on the left, heels on the right.]


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

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Too Hot vs. Kintaro


Kentucky Bill defeated Justin Sensitive

Since it says defeated I am assuming he already won unles thats an error.


Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins


Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)

Don't Normally go with ??? for wins but will on this one.


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

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Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client) ( Client guess : Davis Wayne Newton)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Is it a spoiler or error when it says Kentucky Bill defeated Justin Sensitive? I changed the word on my predicton form but I was just wondering.

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Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill defeated Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

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Is it a spoiler or error when it says Kentucky Bill defeated Justin Sensitive? I changed the word on my predicton form but I was just wondering.


Yes it is!:o:D I copied it from my notes and forgot to replace the defeated with the vs.!:D Well everyone got it right so everybody will start up with a plus one and if anybody else picks they will get a plus one as well.:D


Man I am a moron....


Prediction Key:

[Faces on the left, heels on the right.]


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

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Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


There. I promised I would pick the next one. They are probably wrong but I don't know. :D

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Boy was I tempted to pick Sensitive...:p Sorry I missed the last show BHK, can't wait for this one.


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Too Hot goes in with the advantage I know who he is..

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Erm, do I really need to explain!

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

If Comradebot pushes him that means he is probably a) massive and b) useless. My kind of pick...

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)

As angeldelayette would say, Mr. Squiggles edges it.


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

Cowboys vs. Amish is like pirates vs. ninjas only with more beard...and hat. I guessed.

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Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro


Cause it's Too Hot, and he's too hot to drop. Okay, so it's just because 4 people in the crowd remember him jobbing once on a TV show.


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive


Just a guess. Based on no previous information. No sir-ee.


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins


I like the Wilkes as a tag team... not as singles wrestlers


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Raphael to job, cause he aint the leader of the group transformed from the norm by the nuclear goop... oh God, did I just type that? Move on...



Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand


Surely Ferdinand has some name power?

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Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Too Hot vs. Kintaro

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Kentucky Bill vs. Justin Sensitive

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Dutch Wilkes vs. Blackjack Robbins

Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament: Raphael vs. ??? (Brian Cash-Man’s client)


Plus in a non-qualifying match:


Jebediah vs. Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand

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Yes it is! I copied it from my notes and forgot to replace the defeated with the vs.! Well everyone got it right so everybody will start up with a plus one and if anybody else picks they will get a plus one as well.


Man I am a moron....


I am sure that you are not the only one who has ever done this I am sure it has happened before.

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I am sure that you are not the only one who has ever done this I am sure it has happened before.


Yeah it just seems that I am prone to stupid mistakes like these...


Anyway, I just finished writing up the show and it will probably go up sometime later today or early tomorrow (Thursday) morning.


While I am thinking about it, in his diary Dragonmack asked a question that I found interesting. Do you care if I use number or letters? I always use letters when I run the game and then I change it over to letters to see what the letter grade is.


So if anyone would like to tell me what they like better the feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah it just seems that I am prone to stupid mistakes like these...


Anyway, I just finished writing up the show and it will probably go up sometime later today or early tomorrow (Thursday) morning.


While I am thinking about it, in his diary Dragonmack asked a question that I found interesting. Do you care if I use number or letters? I always use letters when I run the game and then I change it over to letters to see what the letter grade is.


So if anyone would like to tell me what they like better the feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Based on the survey I did, the response was overwhelmingly in favor of letter grades. Probably this is due more to familiarity and while numbers do give a better indicator of whether it was a high, low or middle score in that range, after several years, I think most of us are conditioned on seeing and evaluating the letter grades. Plus. at least for me, letter grades seem a little more realistic as I think it would be tough to really tell the difference between a 54 or a 55 match, but it would not be as hard to judge between a D or a D+ match.

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Based on the survey I did, the response was overwhelmingly in favor of letter grades. Probably this is due more to familiarity and while numbers do give a better indicator of whether it was a high, low or middle score in that range, after several years, I think most of us are conditioned on seeing and evaluating the letter grades. Plus. at least for me, letter grades seem a little more realistic as I think it would be tough to really tell the difference between a 54 or a 55 match, but it would not be as hard to judge between a D or a D+ match.


Yeah I tend to agree that most people would want letters over numbers. I think that I was probably the only one to vote for numbers in your diary anyway.:D

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I think the grunge front shows both in game, so using that you could do both in diary as well.


Tested that its not the grunge front alone that does that. I pmed loganrodzen as I have seen screenshots of his with both being displayed.

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I think the grunge front shows both in game, so using that you could do both in diary as well.


Tested that its not the grunge front alone that does that. I pmed loganrodzen as I have seen screenshots of his with both being displayed.




There. People talked about doing the dual presentation of grades and numbers. You'll find a couple options people made.


ieffinrule also made his own topic on the matter : http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=135963


Damn just beat me too it and yeah they are very handy. Although they do round differently then just grades as they do not take the 0.1 thresholds into account.


Thanks Mr.Onu and Hyde, I have thought about using the letter/number combo when I started this but I went with just doing the letters. And I think I will stick with that as most readers seem to be fond of the letters.


I also thought about not doing anything at all, because the letter grades that I get for this diary are so low. In fact in the show that I am about to put up I believe one segment got a 2 rating! However, with the lack of match write-ups I decided to keep the letters in.

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RIPW Presents: Boston Brawl


<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=RIPW_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/RIPW_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Saturday March 6, 2010

Location: Biker’s Paradise, Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 64

Overall Show Rating: E


[The show starts with the arena in complete darkness. The multi-colored house lights come one and they start to move along the arena. The regular house lights come on and we see Rob L. Miskovsky and Mayhem Midden sitting at a table, which is on a balcony above the ring.]



Rob L. Miskovsky: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to Boston Brawl! We have a hum-dinger of a card for you tonight, as we are coming to you live from Boston, Massachusetts! I’m Rob L. Miskovsky and I am standing along side my broadcasting partner Mayhem Midden.


Mayhem, tonight we will see the qualifying matches for the RIPW Championship tournament. If you win tonight you are in the tournament, if you lose…well you are not in the tournament. We have some great qualifying matches for the folks to watch tonight. I think the major one will see Kentucky Bill taking on Justin Sensitive. In fact, Kentucky Bill beat Justin for the RIPW Championship last year!



Mayhem Midden: Oh yeah! That match is going to be a good one, these to men feuded for a good portion of the last year. And while the feud seems to have cooled down, it just might heat up tonight once again…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Also tonight, Brian Cash-Man will reveal the man that he calls his franchise player. Do you have any thoughts as to who this [Rob makes air quotes with his hands] franchise player might be?


Mayhem Midden: I tried to find out who he was but Mr. Cash-Man is keeping it a huge secret…dig it! He did say it was a big name free agent, so your guess would be as good as mine.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well I guess we will find out when everyone else finds out. In the mean time, our first match is about to start. Let us go down to the ring for our opening bout, this match will be between Kintaro and Too Hot! And this is the first qualifying match for the RIPW Championship tournament!



[The eerie theme song to Halloween starts to play over the sound system, a few seconds later Kintaro emerges from behind the backstage curtain. He walks slowly down to the ring almost as if he was an animal stalking his prey. He is met by indifference from the crowd, some in the crowd boo him, most just do not care about him.


One fan does give him a reaction, and that fan is Rowdy Roger who has apparently made the hour drive up 95 just to torment the heels in RIPW. The moment Kintaro walks by Roger, Rogers starts yelling insults at him. Kintaro enters the ring and walks over to his corner. He beings to pace back and forth in the ring like a caged animal.]


[The lights go out and a spotlight shines on the backstage curtain. A moment later, Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool starts to play and out from behind the backstage curtain comes Too Hot. He is carrying a microphone in his right hand, he just stands in front of the backstage curtain and begins to shout into the microphone:]


Too Hot: Party people in the house yell ohhhhh!


[The fans actually react this month by answering him with an ohhhh! Too Hot smiles and continues to walk down the aisle. When he gets half way to the ring, he yells:]


Too Hot: Clap your hands everybody! Everybody clap your hands! When I yell Too, you yell Hot! Too…


[The fans start to clap their hands and they yell hot back at Too Hot. It would appear that Too Hot’s entrance has finally caught on this month (Or at least with the Boston fans it has). Upon entering the ring, Too Hot hands his microphone over to a ring attendant.]


Match: Too Hot defeated Kintaro in 12:39 by pinfall with a Heat Seeking Missile.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Wow what a difference a few weeks can make! At our last show, Too Hot’s hype while coming down to the ring, hardly received any reaction what so ever. However, this month the crowd was going nuts! I knew this kid had the potential to be big here in RIPW!


Now onto the match, well what can I say this match just was not up to par. Which is a real shame because they two kids are not that bad in the ring. Once again, Kintaro seemed off his game, I asked him last month why he seemed off and he chalked it up to nerves. I wonder if that is happening to him once again. If so then it is something I will have to talk to him about yet again.


Winner: Too Hot

Time: 12:39

Match Rating: E-


Rob L. Miskovsky: Too Hot picks up a big win right there! With that win, he earned a spot in the RIPW Championship tournament!


Mayhem Midden: Too Hot just got lucky…dig it! We will see how hot he actually is when he does not cheat!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Cheat! When did he cheat? You need to stop wearing those sunglasses in doors friend. It will do you a world of wonder…


[before Mayhem could respond to this ridiculous comment, Theme from New York, New York by Frank Sinatra starts to play across the arena’s sound system.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: What the heck is going on here? I guess we are going to go back down to ringside…


[shortly after we are brought back down to the ring, Brian Cash-Man steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He has a New York Yankees jacket on, the minute the fans see him he is greeted to a “Yankees Suck” chant. Said chant continues while he walks down to the ring.


There are also some fans who throw garbage at him and Brian gets hit in the head with a red plastic cup. He finally enters the ring and gets a microphone from the ring announcer.]



Brian Cash-Man: My name is Brian Cash-Man and I come from the greatest city in the world, New York City!


[The crowd boos very loudly upon hearing this. They then start the “Yankees Suck” chant back up again. Which the crowd will keep up throughout this interview.]


Brian Cash-Man: Last month I told each and everyone of you that I came to this backwater promotion because I was sent on a mission by my boss. My goal is simple to form the greatest dynasty this backwater promotion has ever seen!


To do this, I am going to need talent. And after scouring over the free agent market, I have found the man that will be my franchise player! The man that will bring this franchise championship gold! The man who will be the MVP of my franchise, my own A-Rod…


[The minute he mentions the name A-Rod the pro Boston crowd stops the “Yankees Suck“ chant and begin a “Gay Rod“ chant.]


Brian Cash-Man: Chant all of the negative stuff you want! Hear this though, in New York, we breed champions! In Boston, you breed hate-filled drunks!


[The crowd is really starting to boo Brian big time and he loves every minute of it.]


Brian Cash-Man: Keep on booing me, it will do you no good you slime! Because I am here to introduce my franchise player the cornerstone of my dynasty! So without further ado here he is Hollywood Hank…


[The fans are violent with rage right now as Hollywood Hank comes down to the ring to Jay-Z and Alicia Keys‘ Empire State of Mind. Hank is pelted with various pieces of garbage as he makes his way down to the ring. And the “Yankee Sucks“ chant starts up once again.


Upon entering the ring, Hank pauses to soak in all of the hatred that is being displayed towards him. He then smiles and hugs Brian. Brian then hands him the microphone and Hank begins to speak.]



Hollywood Hank: Silence you pitiful, peons! When a living legend such as myself has the microphone, I expect complete and utter silence!


[The crowd is very loud at this point with their boos. Almost drowning out Hank.]


Hollywood Hank: I want each and everyone of you to take a mental picture of me right now. Because this is going to be the day, you will tell your grandchildren about! Fore on this day here, in this second rate city, the greatest free agent in wrestling history decided to grace you and this nickel and dime promotion with his presence!


[The crowd begins a “Shut the hell up“ clap clap clap clap clap “Shut the hell up“ chant. This makes the smile on Hank‘s face grow even larger.]


Hollywood Hank: I demand that you pitiful peons give me the respect that I deserve! After all this is a huge step down for me! I was one of the best wrestlers in the history of USPW!


[A “You were fired!” chant begins in response to Hank‘s last remark. Hank looks at Brian and Brian says something to calm him down.]


Hollywood Hank: I was not fired! I left that rest home of a promotion because I wanted to test the free agent market! And that is how I ended up here. You see this promotion is a little minor league for my tastes but Mr. Cash-Man and his Boss made me an offer that I could not refuse! And for that reason and that reason alone I decided to come to this two-bit promotion!


And now that I am here, I am going to take this place over! Take a good look at this face you pitiful peons…because this is not only the face of a true champion! It is also the future face of this crappy ass company!


[The fans are really pouring down the boos right now as Hank hands the microphone back over to Brian.]


Brian Cash-Man: This interview is officially over with…


[And with that, the two men exit the ring and are pelted with garbage as they make their way back to the backstage area.]


Segment Rating: E-


[We now go back up to the announcer’s desk where Rob is staring into the camera like a deer caught in headlights. He is obviously waiting for his cue to speak but nobody has done so yet. Finally, he gets the cue as he nods and begins to speak.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well it looks like we have a new player in town! The man formerly known as Lex Appeal sure thinks highly of himself! Who does he think he is talking all of the trash about RIPW!


Mayhem Midden: He is one of the biggest free agents in wrestling today…dig it! It should be our privilege that a star of his caliber would be willing to come to RIPW and slum it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Slum it! How dear you make a comment like that good sir! This is not some minor league promotion that he can come into and run roughshod through! He has only been here in this company for a few minutes and he has got my blood boiling…let us go back down to the ring for our next match…



Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand vs. Jebediah


[The next match has no bearing on the RIPW championship tournament. This Life by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers begins to play over the arena’s sound system and out steps Stuart Ferdinand. The very moment he comes out from behind the backstage curtain, the crowd (lead by Rowdy Roger) breaks out into a Y-M-C-A chant. Stuart does not appreciate the crowd mocking him as he walks down to the ring.


Stuart gives Rowdy Roger the stare of death before he enters the ring and grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.]


Stuart Ferdinand: You people all think that I am a joke? You think that you can do your silly little YMCA chants and that will bother me? It does not bother me in the least! But I do feel disrespected, after all, I am an international superstar!


I have fought all over this world and it is only here in this piss ant promotion that I get disrespected! If you don’t stop, your stupid little YMCA chants I will go back to Japan where a high caliber athlete such as myself is appreciated! Now bring out the jobber that I am facing tonight, I need to take out my rage…


[stuart hands the ring announcer back the microphone. Amish Paradise by Weird Al Yankovic begins to play and shortly thereafter Jebediah steps out from behind the backstage curtain. There is a moderate amount of cheers as he makes his way down to the ring.]


Match: Cowboy Stuart Ferdinand defeated Jebediah in 7:51 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Holy blue hell did this match stink! All the pre-match heat seemed to be sapped out of the crowd once the actual match began. I am not sure who to blame for this match. First of all Jebediah was really off his game. However, that is not that huge of a deal because he is a rookie and he is still very green in the ring.


Now when I brought Stuart in from Japan, I did so because he is a great worker. He could make anybody look good. I guess he could not make Jeb look good tonight…


Winner: Stuart Ferdinand

Time: 7:51

Match Rating: F+


[stuart Ferdinand leaves the ring happy about his victory. As he makes his way down the aisle, Jerry Martin comes running by him, kendo stick in hand.


Inside the ring a dazed Jebediah is being looked at by RIPW senior referee (and their only referee) David Poker. Jerry Martin slides under the bottom ring rope and enters the ring. He then pushes David Poker over. With Poker, out of the way Jerry Martin begins to clobber Jebediah with the kendo stick.


Jerry repeatedly beats the downed Jebediah with the kendo stick. Finally, Jerry gets out of the ring and gets the microphone from the ring announcer. He reenters the ring and screams at Jebediah:]



Jerry Martin: I’m hardcore! I’m hardcore! You here me Jebediah? I’m hardcore!


[He then looks directly into the camera and says:]


Jerry Martin: Mr. Lee I hope this is proof enough for you that I am worthy of being your protégé!


[Jerry laughs his infamous maniacal laugh, he then kicks Jebediah in the ribs for good measure. After that, Jerry leaves the battered and bruised Jebediah inside the ring as various RIPW officials come out to check on the condition of Jebediah.]


Segment Rating: F-


[occ: This is the segment that got rated a 2!]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Jerry Martin is a disgrace to each and every person on this planet! He is a poor excuse for a competitor! I am sick to my stomach!


Mayhem Midden: Chill out Rob…dig it! He is just trying to prove his worth to Henry Lee. There is no harm in showing off what ya can do…


Rob L. Miskovsky: No harm! That sadistic little punk has attacked two people without provocation and for no reason what so ever! He should be ashamed of himself! What kind of man would do such a thing! I need a moment to compose myself, let us go to the back where our colleague Sue Danes is standing by with Justin Sensitive…


[We go to the backstage area where Sue Danes, who has on a very tight low cut green dress, is standing in front of a white brick wall. Standing to the right of Sue is Justin Sensitive.]



Sue Danes: Thanks a lot Rob! Okies, right now I am totally standing next to Justin Sensitive. Now tonight Justin you are going to fight your long time rival Kentucky Bill for the right to see who will totally enter the RIPW championship tournament. So um,…what are you thoughts about your match?


[Justin admiringly looks Sue up and down for a moment and then begins.]



Justin Sensitive: Forgetabout my match baby girl, lets talk about sometin more interesting…like how can I get ya digits…


[sue gives Justin a dirty look and says:]


Sue Danes: Pah-lease! Like I would give a dirty little Guido like you my number! No way…not gonna happen…now please answer my question dude!


Justin Sensitive: Aight baby girl ya wanna play hard to get I understand. Now onto my match tonight…Kentucky Bill youz and I have had our problems in da past. Now I’ve been out of singles wrestling for a minute cuz me and my boy Johnny wanna kick some ass there.


But tonight, I’m all by myself! Tonight, Bill you’re standing in my way of getting another crack a da RIPW championship. So let me make this clear ya stupid hick, tonight I’m gonna kick ya ass and send ya back to whateva trailer park ya crawled outta. And after I’m through with ya, I’m gonna go down to Federal Hill and party with my boys!


[Justin walks off and Sue looks at the camera and says:]


Sue Danes: Well um,…I totally guess that is it. Back to you Rob…


Segment Rating: E


Rob L. Miskovsky: It looks as if Justin is going to have a hard time hitting on our colleague. That must mean some women are immune to his charm…


Mayhem Midden: She will come around…dig it!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Anyhow, let us go back down to the ring for our next match which will be the second qualifying match to see who will get into the RIPW Championship tournament. This match is going to be a humdinger of a match between the veteran Blackjack Robbins and the youngster Dutch Wilkes. Hopefully after this match we will have the answer to the aged old question. What usually prevails, youth or experience…



[Dirty Water by The Standells begins to play on the arena‘s sound system and the crowd goes nuts as it is a song about Boston being played in Boston. Dutch Wilkes steps out from behind the backstage curtain and the crowd cheers on the local boy as he makes his way down to the ring.]


[Renegade by Styx starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and a few moments later Blackjack Robbins steps out from behind the backstage curtain. Upon seeing Blackjack, the crowd starts to boo rather loudly. The entire time he walks down to the ring, his eyes are fixated on Dutch Wilkes. He enters the ring and just stares at his young opponent waiting for the bell to ring so he can beat the crap out of Dutch.]


Match: Blackjack Robbins defeated Dutch Wilkes in 10:18 by pinfall with a Leaping Side Suplex.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Yet another poor showing from Blackjack. I just can’t not fathom why he is doing so poorly in his matches. I hired him knowing full well that he was not all that great in the ring, but come on the fans absolutely hated this match. In fact, instead of yelling boring they started to chant “David Poker” throughout the match.


To top it all off Blackjack almost killed poor Dutch at the end of the match when he nearly dropped him on his head while performing a Leaping Side Suplex! I am not sure what to do with Mr. Robbins at this time…


Winner: Blackjack Robbins

Time: 10:18

Match Rating: E-


Rob L. Miskovsky: With that victory, Blackjack Robbins will join Too Hot in the tournament for the vacant RIPW Championship! That was a huge win for the man from Stone Mountain, Georgia!


Mayhem Midden: Oh yeah…dig it! That was a big win for Blackjack, he now has a chance to become the next RIPW Champion!


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well it looks as though our next bout is about to get under way. It is the third qualifying match to get into the RIPW Championship tournament. This is an interesting match-up as it is the only match in the qualifying round that will pit two former RIPW Champions against each other.


In our next match, we will see Justin Sensitive take on the man that beat him for the RIPW Championship Kentucky Bill. These two men had a bitter rivalry going on last year. But all that seems to have cooled down now that Justin has been spending his time in the tag team ranks. So Mayhem what our your thoughts on this next match?


Mayhem Middden: Justin Sensitive will join Too Hot and Blackjack Robbins in the RIPW Championship tournament after he beats the Hardcore Hillbilly…dig it!


[Rob was expecting a little bit more of an insightful comment from his broadcasting partner. And when Mayhem did not supply him with one Rob had no clue what to say.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: Ah…well then I guess we are ready for our next match…let us…ah…go back down to the ring…



[Volare by Dean Martin starts to play over the arena‘s sound system. A few seconds later Justin Sensitive steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He is immediately greeted with boos as he makes his way down to the ring. Justin once again has a copious amount of hair gel in his hair.


Upon entering the ring, he starts to take off his jewelry and he hands it to referee David Poker he then warns Poker not to steal or lose his jewelry because if he does he will end up like Luca Brasi.]


[American Badass by Kid Rock starts to play and the crowd gets as loud as they have all night! Kentucky Bill soon steps out from behind the backstage curtain and the fans get even louder. Justin Sensitive seems unimpressed at the fans reaction to Bill. Bill slowly makes his way down to the ring slapping the hands of the fans along the way.


Bill takes off his infamous Kentucky Wildcats hat and hands it to a little boy sitting in the front row. The little boy smiles and shows his souvenir to his father who gives Bill a thumbs up. Bill finally enters the ring and stands in his corner watching Justin Sensitive.]


Match: Kentucky Bill defeated Justin Sensitive in 13:12 by pinfall.


Henry Lee’s Thoughts: Well this was by far and away the best match of the night thus far. That however is not saying very much. Justin seemed to take a very lackadaisical approach to his performance tonight. It was almost as if he did not want to be in this match tonight. Now I understand that he does not enjoy wrestling in singles matches, which was the main reason why I put him in a tag team with Johnny. However, he just seemed not too care how bad he was tonight. Which is a real shame…


Winner: Kentucky Bill

Time: 13:12

Match Rating: E


[Luckily, for us we do not go back to the announcers table and listen to those two talent less hacks banter back and forth with their insipid talk. Instead, we are brought into an office where we see Brian Cash-Man, Hollywood Hank and Professor Nero standing. The three men are talking in hushed tones. Brian Cash-Man hands Nero a wad of cash and Nero looks at it gleefully.]



Professor Nero: You know that this is not charity…your boss does know that right?



Brian Cash-Man: Yes, yes my boss is fully aware that this is not charity. He just wants to make a donation to your fine promotion.


Professor Nero: Good…good, I am glad that your boss is such a fan of my promotion.


[Just then, there is a knock on the door Nero smiles and says:]


Professor Nero: Enter…


[Henry Lee enters the office and he looks at Nero and says:]



Henry Lee: You said you wanted to see me?


Professor Nero: Ah, yes…I want you to make an adjustment to tonight’s main event. I have decided that Jerry Martin will no longer be taking part in the qualifying match for the RIPW Championship. Competing in his stead will be Hollywood Hank.


[Henry Lee looks confused about this.]


Henry Lee: And this is happening why?


Professor Nero (in a curt sounding voice): Because I am your boss and I said so!


[Henry looks at Hank who has a smug smile on his face. Henry nods and says:]


Henry Lee: Will do, is there anything else you need me to do?


Professor Nero: No, you may leave us now…


Segment Rating: D-


[Once Henry Lee leaves the office, we go back to the announcers table.]


Rob L. Miskovsky: That is just despicable! I can’t believe that our boss Professor Nero would sell someone the right to compete in a match! I am outraged!


Mayhem Midden: That is capitalism at its finest brother…oh yeah…dig it! Professor Nero has a business to run and so I see no problem with him taking money from Brian Cash-Man.


Rob L. Miskovsky: I have a huge problem with him doing that! You are supposed to earn your spot here in RIPW! You are not supposed to be able to buy it!


Mayhem Midden: It is Professor Nero’s company, he has the right to do whatever he wants.


Rob L. Miskovsky: Well to me that is a very disgusting way to run a business! Having said that I guess we should go back down to the ring for our main event. Which is now a match between Hollywood Hank and Raphael in the fourth and final qualifying match for the RIPW Championship tournament.


Qualifying Match for the RIPW Championship Tournament:



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=Raphael.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/Raphael.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=vs.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/vs.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=OscarOzymandias.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/OscarOzymandias.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/?action=view&current=HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/HerbStately_jhdBHK.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Raphael vs. Hollywood Hank with Brian Cash-Man


[i Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys starts to play over the arena‘s sound system and the fans, who are mostly male, start to boo rather loudly.


Raphael has a wireless headset microphone on and he sings along with the Backstreet Boys as he makes his way down to the ring. The fans boo even more loudly as Raphael has a god-awful voice. Nobody can quite figure out how Raphael is considered a fan favorite when the fans hate his guts.


Much like last month, Rowdy Roger is seen dancing in the front row with a huge smile on is face, his stomach jiggling back and forth. Raphael pauses and high fives Roger and then he enters the ring and takes off his wireless headset microphone and hands it to the ring attendant.]


[Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys starts to blast over the arena‘s sound system as Brian Cash-Man steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He is immediately greeted with a “Yankees Suck“ chant. A few seconds later Hollywood Hank steps out from behind the backstage curtain.


As they make their way down to the ring, various pieces of garbage are flung in their general direction. One cup hits Hank right in on the left side of his face. And all though it did not hurt him, he did not seem to be all that pleased about being hit with a flying projectile.


When they get inside of the ring, Brian Cash-Man walks over to the ring announcer and asks for the microphone.]


Brian Cash-Man: Is this the best RIPW has to offer? A man bander! Raphael let me give you some advice, why don’t you take your man band-singing ass out of this ring and forfeit this match tonight. Nobody in this arena will think any less of you. I mean after all, you are looking at the MVP of my team right here. Do you honestly think you can defeat the best wrestler in this promotion? I mean look at you….


[before Brian Cash-Man could finish that thought, Raphael comes charging at him only to be nailed with a spear by Hollywood Hank and with that the match officially begins.]


Match: Hollywood Hank defeated Raphael in 12:49 by pinfall with an MVP (Full nelson facebuster).


Henry Lee Thoughts: Well this match was on par with the previous one. All though that is not saying very much. Both men did try to put on the best match possible but in the end, the lack of a crowd response kind of killed the quality of the match. Brian Cash-Man tried his hardest to get the fans into the match but it was to no avail.


I think a good reason for this might be the fact that the predominately-male crowd despises Raphael. Therefore, the fans really had nobody to cheer for during this match as they equally despised Hank for his anti-Boston comments earlier on in the show. I guess Raphael will not be in any main events in the foreseeable future. It is one thing for him to get a crappy reaction while wrestling in the middle of the card. However, it is an entirely different story to have him be in the main event and basically here crickets chirping in his match.


Winner: Hollywood Hank

Time: 12:49

Match Rating: E


Rob L. Miskovsky: What a fantastic match! It looks like Hollywood Hank will be joining Kentucky Bill, Too Hot and Blackjack Robbins in the tournament to crown the new RIPW Champion!


Well wrestling fans I hoped you all enjoyed the show tonight, and make sure that you join us for March Mayhem which is our next show! On that card, we will be crowing a new RIPW Champion! March Mayhem is shaping up to be another humdinger of a show. For my broadcast partner Mayhem Midden, I’m Rob L. Miskovsky wishing you all a good night!


[The show ends with Hollywood Hank and Brian Cash-Man standing in the center of the ring as the fans boo loudly and throw garbage at them.]

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Great show, BHK!


Sucks to hear that Raphael didn't do to well with the Boston crowd. I don't know why, but, I've always had a soft spot for him in most personal SE games; mostly because he's the perfect up-and-coming pretty boy (A persona that can go either way as it pertains to disposition thankfully). Either way, great work going into this one! :D

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The Jerry Martin run-in segments rank low all of the time. This time I actually got a two rating! That is something that I am proud of. I mean how bad do you have to be to get a two-rated segment?:D


I am not sure if I chose the right name for Hollywood Hank. He had so many different names to choose from I wanted to use Lex but I figured that if this was real life Sam Strong would have had that copyrighted. Therefore, I chose Hollywood Hank as it has the whole alliteration thing going for it.


I think that I may have written myself into a corner with the debut of Professor Nero. Now it would seem that Henry Lee has a direct boss that he has to answer to and who can overrule any decisions that Henry may make. The only reason why I chose to bring in Nero was because he has killer stats and I just could not turn down using those stats.


Any before match speeches are not part of the game and I just added them in. Much like the Lee Wright pre-match diatribes in my NYCW diary, these are used to give the wrestler’s interview time without having to give them in-game interview time because their mic stats suck.


Okay seeing how I do not have a contingency plan in place for a massive tie in the picks category, if anyone who went 5/5 has a question that they would like to ask anybody on my current roster please PM me.


I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to make picks and read this diary.


TakerNGN74 5/5

Hyde Hill 5/5

MichiganHero 5/5

Dragonmack 4/5

moon lit tears 5/5

jhd1 5/5

eayragt 5/5

Jingo 5/5

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Great show, BHK!


Sucks to hear that Raphael didn't do to well with the Boston crowd. I don't know why, but, I've always had a soft spot for him in most personal SE games; mostly because he's the perfect up-and-coming pretty boy (A persona that can go either way as it pertains to disposition thankfully). Either way, great work going into this one! :D


Thank you Eisen!


Raphael is more of a natural heel (His heel performance stats are 90%, while his Face performance stats are 50%.), and so I gave him this boyband gimmick. The way I see it Nero is trying to market him to the female fans of RIPW. However, the vast majority of the crowd is male. Therefore, they hate his guts because he comes out singing the Backstreet Boys song off key and he is a pretty boy.

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