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WCW Saturday Night


Pre-show match:

Kurasawa vs. Scott D'Amore

In a short standard squash, Kurasawa defeated D'Amore with a German Suplex.

Winner: Kurasawa

Match length: 2:40

Rating: E+


The show starts out with Arn Anderson in the ring, explaining his attack on Road Warrior Hawk on last Nitro. He says that's what Hawk's getting for meddling in other people's affairs, and that he has more coming his way.

Rating: B


Meng, Zodiac and Shark vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman and The State Patrol

The Dungeon of Doom never looked like losing in a match where Meng pinned Parker after a Super Kick.

Winners: Meng, Zodiac and Shark

Match length: 5:01

Rating: D-


A hype video featuring Jake "The Snake" Roberts is aired.

Rating: B-


Scott Norton vs. Cobra

Norton got the win after a nasty looking Shoulder Breaker in a short match.

Winner: Scott Norton

Match length: 3:55

Rating: D-


Dean Malenko is seen arguing with his wife, Dawn Marie, backstage when Sabu suddenly appears and lays him out with a chair. Afterwards, Dawn Marie screams at him to get up and that he's embarrassing her.

Rating: C-


The Renegade vs. One Man Gang

A strong looking OMG got the pin after a 747 Splash.

Winner: One Man Gang

Match length: 5:53

Rating: D


Dusty Rhodes is in the ring talking about how Atsushi Onita should be ashamed of the way he won their match at Halloween Havoc. Onita then appears and enters the ring, with the two wrestlers engaging in a staredown. untill Onita savagely attacks Dusty and beats him down. Dusty is on the bad end of a beating untill an appearance that surprises everyone, when none other than Sgt. Slaughter runs to the ring and makes the save!

Rating: C-


The American Males vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

Once again, The Males are looking strong in a match they win after some good team work and an American-Plex on Slater.

Winners: The American Males

Match length: 4:33

Rating: D


Backstage, The Blue Bloods attacks The Nasty Boys. A huge brawl ensues, with The Blue Bloods finally getting the upper hand when Eaton got hold of a broom which he used as a weapon, leaving The Nasty Boys out.

Rating: D+


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho

In a solid match with lots of minor interference and distraction from both Greg Valentine and Tito Santana, Jericho won by submission with a Liontamer.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Match length: 9:16

Rating: C


Backstage, The American Males approaches Bischoff and tells him that he can't keep ignoring their efforts, for whatever reason he has, and that they won't leave his office untill he grants them a title match. Bischoff sighs and says that he already has a title match planned for tonight, but that he will give them the following offer: next week, they will get a non-title match against whoever the champions are, and if they win they will get a title match at the next PPV! However, should they agree to these terms they must also agree to NEVER bug him again about further title shots if they fail. The Males agrees to the terms and leaves.

Rating: D


Sting is in the ring and says that he's tired of Ric Flair and his constant meddling in his affairs. He wants this feud settled once and for all with one big match to end the feud. One big match to finally prove who is the better man. He says he'll give the coward Flair some time to think about it, and leaves.

Rating: B-


Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine

In match that mirrored the match earlier between Guerrero and Jericho, this match was full of interference from Jericho and Guerrero. In the end, Jericho managed to occupy Santana long enough for Valentine to make a sneak attack for a quick roll-up.

Winner: Greg Valentine

Match length: 7:22

Rating: D+


Ric Flair is in the ring and says that Sting should be very carefull who he choose to call a coward. Flair accepts the challenge and proclaims that he will undoubtly come out victorious. However, he will not accept just any stage for his glorious victory, it should be at the next coming PPV so as many people as possible all around the world will witness his superiority! Woo! Woo!

Rating: B+


WCW World Tag Team Championship match:

The Steiner Brothers vs. Harlem Heat ©

In a match with some pretty good action and good efforts by both sides, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin interfered against The Steiners, allowing Stevie Ray to pin Scott.

Winners, and still champions: Harlem Heat

Match length: 9:03

Rating: C+


A hype video showcasing some of Ric Flair's past achievements is shown.

Rating: A


V.K. Wallstreet vs. Johnny B. Badd

In spite of attempts to distract Badd by DDP, Badd got the pin after throwing Wallstreet into an exposed turnbuckle - which was exposed by DDP and aimed for Badd to suffer from.

Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Match length: 9:42

Rating: C


Show rating: C-

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I really like your booking of WCW. Hopefully you bring in the nWo and do something with that too.


Good luck!


Thanks. Too bad the fans ingame aren't quite as fond of my booking (yet). I hope I can win them over eventually. :D


Whether or not I bring in the nWo will likely depend on whether it will be possible to get suitable workers from WWF for such a storyline. But since it was one of the best (if not THE best) WCW storyline of all time, I would of course love to use the nWo in one form or the other. I'm going for a booking style that mixes real life wrestling storylines and ideas with those of my own.

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Thanks. Too bad the fans ingame aren't quite as fond of my booking (yet). I hope I can win them over eventually. :D


Whether or not I bring in the nWo will likely depend on whether it will be possible to get suitable workers from WWF for such a storyline. But since it was one of the best (if not THE best) WCW storyline of all time, I would of course love to use the nWo in one form or the other. I'm going for a booking style that mixes real life wrestling storylines and ideas with those of my own.


Very understandable. I think you are booking somewhat how WCW would but with a little more logic.

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WCW Monday Nitro


Pre-show match:

V.K. Wallstreet vs. Joey Maggs

In a short match, Wallstreet wins after an Airplane Spin.

Winner: V.K. Wallstreet

Match length: 3:05

Rating: D+


The show starts with Eric Bischoff making an announcement regarding WCW's next PPV, due in 3 weeks time; World War 3! And yes, as the name implies this event will be earthshaking and devastating! It will be filled with unbelievable action, and the main event will be a 60 - yes, 60! - man battle royal due in 3 rings, with the winner getting a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade! There will be war! And to further prove this point, the first singles match to be announced for the event is Sting vs. Ric Flair in a steel cage match! But enough about World War 3 for now... later tonight at this episode of Nitro, we'll see some great action as well when The Giant take on Hulk Hogan and Jake Roberts in a 3-way for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Rating: E+ (I still don't get why the audience hates Bischoff, he's got good mic skills!)


Jushin Liger vs. Ultimo Dragon

In spite of being a solid match, the crowd really didn't care for these two performers - who didn't seem to click either. Liger pins Ultimo after a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster.

Winner: Jushin Liger

Match length: 5:35

Rating: D


Backstage, Randy Savage and Lex Luger runs into each other. It's clear that these two doesn't like each other, as they are quick to engage in a heated argument, calling each other all sorts of ugly names. The whole thing is about to turn physical when Hulk Hogan, Sting, Ron Simmons, Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan and Paul Orndorff seperates them.

Rating: B+


WCW United States Championship match:

Meng vs. Ron Simmons ©

Meng looked fierce and aggressive, but nonetheless failed to pin Simmons in spite of several near-falls. Simmons was about to pin Meng after a strong-looking flying clothesline followed by a German Suplex when a frustrated Taskmaster attacked Simmons, thereby disqualifying Meng.

Winner, and still champion: Ron Simmons

Match length: 6:44

Rating: C


Hulk Hogan talks about how he will regain his lost title belt tonight when defeating The Giant and Jake Roberts. The power of all the Hulkamaniacs runs through his blood, and nothing will stop him from achieving his goal, brother!

Rating: B+


Sting and Road Warrior Hawk vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

There was obvious bad blood between these men in a great match the crowd loved. It had some good moves and the men involved looked strong. It was, however, cut short when Steve Austin and Brian Pillman attacked Sting and Hawk just as Sting was applying the Scorpion Deathlock on Arn, thus giving Sting and Hawk the win by DQ. The Steiner Brothers quickly followed and jumped Austin and Pillman, and The Four Horsemen soon bailed out. Rick Rude commented that it was typical Sting to get such a cheap win.

Winners: Sting and Road Warrior Hawk

Match length: 7:44

Rating: B


A video shows the recent re-formation of The Four Horsemen.

Rating: C+


WCW World Heavyweight Championship match:

Hulk Hogan vs. The Giant © vs. Jake Roberts

In a competitive match, Hogan got the upper hand when, after hulking up, he managed to throw the huge Giant out of the ring. He then delivered a Big Boot to Roberts and motioned for the Leg Drop. But just as he hit the ropes for the Leg Drop, The Taskmaster jumped the apron and held him back to stop him. Hogan turned around, pushed Taskmaster down and began yelling it him - thereby not noticing that The Giant got back into the ring. When Hogan turned around, he got caught by The Giant and suffered a huge Choke Slam, a faith shared with Roberts, after which The Giant got the pin on Hogan.

Winner, and still champion: The Giant

Match length: 7:50

Rating: C+


After the match, The Giant celebrates.

Rating: B+


Show rating: C+

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WCW Saturday Night


Pre-show match:

Paul Orndorff vs. The Gambler

Orndorff wins easily after a fierce Lariat.

Winner: Paul Orndorff

Match length: 3:05

Rating: D


Gene Okerlund is interviewing Bischoff about tonight's show. Bischoff says that the main event will, as promised last week, be The American Males vs. Harlem Heat in a non-title match. If The Males win, they will get a title shot at World War 3. Also fighting for title shots will be Eddie Guerrero and Tito Santana vs. Chris Jericho and Greg Valentine, with the winning team getting shots for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship and WCW World Television Championship next week!

Rating: E+


The Blue Bloods are in the ring with a mic, trash talking The Nasty Boys. The Nasties eventually show up and a huge brawl ensues untill officials break them up.

Rating: C-


Sabu vs. Ultimo Dragon

In a fast-paced and fun match, Sabu defeated Ultimo after an Arabian Facebuster.

Winner: Sabu

Match length: 5:50

Rating: C-


After the match, Sabu keeps viciously assaulting Ultimo Dragon for no apparant reason - untill Dean Malenko surprisingly shows up with a chair, chasing off Sabu. Dawn Marie comes to the ring afterwards, yelling at Malenko for bothering to help Ultimo.

Rating: D-


Jim Duggan vs. Chris Kanyon

Duggan wins after a Running Clothesline Tackle.

Winner: Jim Duggan

Match length: 3:55

Rating: E+


A hype video for Arn Anderson airs.

Rating: C+


One Man Gang vs. Cobra

A dominating OMG wins by pinfall.

Winner: One Man Gang

Match length: 4:22

Rating: D


A video montage showcasing WCW's top superstars airs.

Rating: B+


The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. Steve Austin and Brian Pillman

Austin pinned Morton in a pretty good wrestling match after the debut of his new finisher, the Stunner.

Winners: Steve Austin and Brian Pillman

Match length: 8:27

Rating: D+


A video to promote Sting vs. Ric Flair in a cagematch at World War 3 is shown.

Rating: B+


Title shots at the WCW Cruiserweight Championship and the WCW World Television Championship:

Eddie Guerrero and Tito Santana vs. Chris Jerico and Greg Valentine

After a good and even match, Guerrero pins Valentine after a Frog Splash. Jericho looks really pissed and yells at Valentine.

Winners: Eddie Guerrero and Tito Santana

Match length: 7:37

Rating: C


Atsushi Onita makes his usual claim about him being able to beat any American wrestler, and issues an open challenge to face him. Johnny B. Badd appears to accept the challenge!

Rating: C+


Johnny B. Badd vs. Atsushi Onita

Both men got their fair share of offense in this match. Early on, DDP appears at ringside to watch the match and throws insults at Badd throughout the match. In the end, Badd gets enough of it and leaves the ring to chase DDP backstage, resulting in Badd getting counted out.

Winner: Atsushi Onita

Match length: 8:27

Rating: C-


Onita grabs a mic and proclaims that this was yet more proof that American wrestlers are weak and unable to give him a proper challenge and calls Badd a coward for fleeing from the match. Sgt. Slaughter appears to say that he's not going to just stand around and listen to all this crap, and challenges Onita to a match next week at Saturday Night - which Onita accepts.

Rating: C+


The Renegade vs. Big Bubba Rogers

Big Bubba wins after a a low blow and a Bubba Slam.

Winner: Big Bubba Rogers

Match length: 5:35

Rating: D+


Diamond Dallas Page is interviewed by Okerlund. DDP mocks Badd and says that no matter how many times they fight and no matter how hard Badd tries, he will never get his clammy hands on DDP's title!

Rating: C


Non-title match:

The American Males vs. Harlem Heat ©

The Males got their much-desired victory after an open match when Booker T got disqualified for refusing to let go off a Choke Hold when Riggs got his hand on the ropes.

Winners: The American Males

Match length: 9:19

Rating: C+


The American Males vs. Harlem Heat for the WCW World Tag Team Championship is announced for World War 3.

Rating: C


Show rating: C

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<p><strong>WCW Monday Nitro</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Pre-show match:</p><p>

<strong>Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno</strong></p><p>

Disco pinned Wright after The Last Dance.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Disco Inferno</strong></p><p>

Match length: 6:41</p><p>

Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p>

Before the show starts, it is announced that Dusty Rhodes will from now on be joining Tony Schiavone and Rick Rude at the commentary table, as a colour commentator.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The American Males and The Steiner Brothers vs. Harlem Heat © and Steve Austin and Brian Pillman</strong></p><p>

The Males were looking to pick up their second consecutive victory over the tag team champions, whom they will face for the title at World War 3, but came up short when Pillman pinned Scott Steiner after an Air Pillman in an open match.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Harlem Heat and Steve Austin and Brian Pillman</strong></p><p>

Match length: 8:01</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan is in the ring, talking about how he will get his title back from The Giant, brother! The Giant's manager, Bobby Heenan, then appears and makes an offer to Hogan: he will get a title shot at World War 3 on the condition that if - or rather *when* - he in that match fails to win the belt, he will not get another title shot as long as The Giant is champion! Hogan accepts and says that he won't need other chances, as he'll take the belt off The Giant that night! While Hogan is distracted by Heenan, The Giant sneeks up behind him and lays him out with a chokeslam to end the segment.</p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake Roberts vs. Jim Duggan</strong></p><p>

Roberts defeated Duggan with a DDT and looked strong. The Taskmaster was pleased.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Jake Roberts</strong></p><p>

Match length: 6:21</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage is in the ring, asking out Lex Luger. Luger comes out, and Savage says that he's tired of Luger and his attitude. He proposes that they do what their common friend Sting does with Ric Flair; settle it once and for all at World War 3. And to make it count, the loser of the match will not be allowed to compete again in singles matches for the rest of the year! Luger smiles and says that stipulation works fine for him, as removing Savage from the singles picture will mean one guy less to compete with for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The match is on!</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage vs. Shark</strong></p><p>

The Taskmaster did his best to distract Savage, but the Macho Man made short work of Giant after a Flying Elbow.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Randy Savage</strong></p><p>

Match length: 5:57</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair is on the mic, taunting his upcoming opponent, Sting. He does an impersonation of Sting and tells the audience to enjoy Sting while they can, because after their match at World War 3, which will become a true warzone, they won't be seeing Sting walking again any time soon! Woo! Woo!</p><p>

Rating: A*</p><p> </p><p>

Non-title match:</p><p>

<strong>Ron Simmons © vs. The Giant ©</strong></p><p>

This champion vs. champion match, which the crowd really got behind and had great action as well, sadly didn't live up the expectations, as The Giant seemed a bit off today. The Giant predictably won the match when he Chokeslammed a hard-working Simmons.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>The Giant</strong></p><p>

Match length: 7:50</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C+</strong></p>

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WCW Saturday Night


Pre-show match:

Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater vs. The Barrio Brothers

Slater pinned Ricky Santana after a Leaping Piledriver.

Winners: Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

Match length: 3:43

Rating: D-


Eric Bischoff opens the show with an announcement. He says that he's getting tired of seeing The Blue Bloods and The Nasty Boys at each other's throats week after week, and that he's going to do something about it. Not that he cares about them beating each other up, but they often destroy equipment and disrupt the show while doing so. Therefore, the two teams will face each other tonight - in a match he will personally referee - with the winning team being moved to only fight on Nitro from now on, and the losing team only being allowed to fight on Saturday Night. This way, he won't risk the two teams running into each other anymore. He doesn't know nor care what they are fighting over, and doubt that they even know themselves, but it ends tonight!

Rating: C-


Meng vs. Hugh Morrus

The savage man Meng won by submission with the Tongan Death Grip.

Winner: Meng

Match length: 5:10

Rating: C


Steve Austin and Brian Pillman are in the ring, talking about how great it is to be united as a tag team again and how big an honour it is to be a part of The Four Horsemen. Great things will come from this, and they promise to become WCW World Tag Team Champions once again. But first, they feel they have to teach The Steiners a lesson - and therefore challenge them to a match at World War 3.

Rating: D+


WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko ©

This fine matchup was cut short when Sabu attacked Malenko and Jericho attacked Guerrero, resulting in a no-contest.

Winner: Draw

Match length: 5:06

Rating: D


The Steiner Brothers cuts a promo saying that they accept the challenge made to them earlier by Austin and Pillman, and that they will make them wish they never re-united.

Rating: C+


The Renegade vs. Scott Norton

Norton defeated Renegade with a Shoulder Breaker in what was sadly not a very good matchup.

Winner: Scott Norton

Match length: 5:38

Rating: E+


It is announced that as a result of the incident earlier tonight, at World War 3 we will see a Fatal 4-way WCW Cruiserweight title match between Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Sabu and Chris Jericho.

Rating: D


Big Bubba Rogers and One Man Gang vs. The Rock 'n' Roll Express

The two big and strong men never looked like losing and beat their opponents when Bubba pinned Gibson after a Bubba Slam.

Winners: Big Bubba Rogers and One Man Gang

Match length: 5:34

Rating: D+


Gene Okerlund is interviewing Chris Jericho about his title match at World War 3. Jericho says that neither Guerrero nor the other two losers will stand in his way, and that he *will* become champion.

Rating: C-


Sgt. Slaughter vs. Atsushi Onita

The veteran Slaughter was determined to defend the American honour but was rolled up and pinned after Onita's seemingly new ally, Genichiro Tenryu, poked Slaughter in the eyes behind the referee's back.

Winner: Atsushi Onita

Match length: 6:40

Rating: C+


WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat are talking about how they will dismantle The American Males with ease in their title match at World War 3, and that their loss to them a few weeks ago was nothing but a freak incident that will never happen again.

Rating: C+


Match for a shot at the WCW Television Championship at World War 3:

Arn Anderson vs. Johnny B. Badd

In an open match between two skilled workers with each their area of expertise, Badd got the victory after a sudden interference by Road Warrior Hawk. Anderson had kept choking Badd with the ropes several times and while the ref was checking on Badd, after having told Anderson off, Hawk delivered a Headbutt to Anderson and then left again, after which Badd rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Match length: 7:30

Rating: C+


After the match, a furious Anderson swears that he will take vengeance upon Hawk, whom Anderson says should have backed off after their last encounter. He will learn soon enough what it costs to mess with a Horseman!

Rating: B-


Match where the winner goes exclusively to Nitro:

The Nasty Boys vs. The Blue Bloods

Both teams gave it their all in this match that could mean the world to the winning team's career - and likewise to the team losing it. Bischoff himself refereed it, and did not allow any shenanigans. He is, however, not an experienced ref and thus failed to see Regal using the ropes for leverage when pinning Sags after a hard-fought match.

Winners: The Blue Bloods

Match length: 14:16

Rating: C-


Diamond Dallas Page is in the ring with a mic before his match, taunting Johnny B. Badd for winning his match earlier due to outside interference. He says that he's glad that he won the match, as he has proven before and will show again that Badd is no match for him at World War 3. And yes, he is certain that he will be the one going into that match as defender of the TV title!

Rating: C+


WCW Television Championship match:

Tito Santana vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©

The veteran Santana was close to outsmarting DDP a few times, but DDP got the pin after the lovely but misguided Diamond Doll distracted Santana.

Winner, and still champion: Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 8:53

Rating: C-


After the match, Greg Valentine assaults Santana. DDP ignores it and walks away, celebrating retaining his title.

Rating: C-


Show rating: C

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The Wrestling Enquirer is reporting that World Championship Wrestling are planning to air a new show as soon as from December 1995! This comes as quite a shock to most within the business, as their last new show, the live Monday Nitro that goes head to head with WWF Monday Night RAW and has only aired since September this year, has not yet been quite the success they had hoped. Adding another new show at this stage, which is also rumoured to be a live show, seems like quite a gamble. Inside sources in WCW are split between thinking it's a bold move and thinking it's suicide.


Noone seems to know exactly what the content of the show will be as of yet, and the feeling is that Bischoff and his closest associates will keep their cards tight to their bodies untill it is revealed on-air.

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WCW Monday Nitro


Pre-show match:

Alex Wright vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman

Wright made Pittman submit with an STF.

Winner: Alex Wright

Match length: 5:52

Rating: D+


Ron Simmons is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund and states how happy he is to be back in WCW and how proud he is to be the WCW United States Champion. He assures Gene that he plans to have this gold around his waist for a very very long time, and that he will be an amazing champion.

Rating: B-


Jake Roberts, accompanied by The Taskmaster, approaches Eric Bischoff. They say that Hogan needs to be taken down a notch, and requests a match between the two. They say that Hogan needs to prove he's worthy for his title match at World War 3, and Bischoff agrees that a matchup between Hogan and Roberts would indeed make for a good main event tonight.

Rating: D-


The Blue Bloods vs. The American Males

Now exclusively on Nitro, The Blue Bloods seems determined to make an impact. It won't be tonight, however, as they go down after a good match when Riggs pinned Regal.

Winners: The American Males

Match length: 7:24

Rating: C


Sting, Randy Savage and Lex Luger er backstage. Sting is trying to meddle between his two feuding friends, and tries to convince them to forget their match at World War 3 and bury their hatchet and band together against the many enemies they all face, like The Dungeon of Doom and The Four Horsemen. Sting fails to convince them to stop their feud and swears to resolve it at World War 3, but they both promise him that they'll have his back in case The Four Horsemen attempts to help Ric Flair in Sting's match with him.

Rating: B


Sting vs. Zodiac

Sting had no trouble defeating Zodiac, and pinned him after a Bulldog in a short match.

Winner: Sting

Match length: 3:13

Rating: C


After the match, Sting says that this match will be repeated at World War 3 - only with Flair in the place of Zodiac, and with a much heavier beating!

Rating: B+


Ric Flair vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Flair had Hawk submit after a Figure Four Leg Lock in a match where Arn Anderson constantly made attempts to distract Hawk in favour of Flair, which he in the end succeeded with.

Winner: Ric Flair

Match length: 5:17

Rating: C+


Backstage, Sting is talking to Hulk Hogan about the importance of them banding together against enemies with an advantage in numbers and they both agree to watch each others' backs at World War 3.

Rating: B+


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan is hyping his client, The Giant, and states that it doesn't really matter how much help Hogan will get at World War 3 because his client, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, will destroy any opposition and come out victorious of their encounter!

Rating: A


Hulk Hogan vs. Jake Roberts

Both men seemed filled with determination to get the win in this match, but Hogan eventually got the upper hand. Zodiac and Shark both tried to interfer in Robert's favour while The Taskmaster distracted the ref, but Hogan repelled them both and looked set to win the match when The Giant gets into the ring and Chokeslams both competitors, forcing the refereee to ring the bell for a no contest. Both Sting and Randy Savage came to the aid of Hogan, resulting in The Giant leaving the ring in a hush and The Dungeon following soon after.

Winner: Draw

Match length: 10:24

Rating: B-


Show rating: B-

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WCW Saturday Night


Scott Norton vs. Joey Maggs

Norton crushed Maggs in short time after a Shoulder Breaker.

Winner: Scott Norton

Match length: 1:45

Rating: D-


The Nasty Boys are approaching Eric Bischoff, saying that they should get another chance at The Blue Bloods because they cheated to win. They're saying they're too good to be completely excluded from Nitro and that the fans want to see them there as well as at Saturday Night. Bischoff says that they had their chance and that there won't be any rematches, and that they'll be kept apart from The Blue Bloods untill their mutual hatred cools off. The Nasty Boys stomp off seemingly pretty upset.

Rating: D


The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs Men at Work

Morton pinned Kanyon after The Express performed a Double Dropkick.

Winners: The Rock 'n' Roll Express

Match length: 5:08

Rating: E+


A video is hyping the WCW Tag Team Champions, Harlem Heat.

Rating: C


Jim Duggan vs. The Gambler

Duggan pinned The Gambler after an Old Glory Knee Drop.

Winner: Jim Duggan

Match length: 2:32

Rating: D


A video featuring The Dungeon of Doom is shown.

Rating: C+


The Nasty Boys vs. The State Patrol

Knobbs pinned Buddy Lee after a Trip to Nastyville.

Winners: The Nasty Boys

Match length: 3:23

Rating: D


Gene Okerlund is interviewing W.K. Wallstreet, who vows to check everyone working for WCW's taxes for irregularities.

Rating: C-


Greg Valentine vs. Hugh Morrus

Valentine pinned Morrus after a devastating Lariat.

Winner: Greg Valentine

Match length: 5:42

Rating: D+


Sonny Onoo is standing backstage with his clients Atsushi Onita and Genichiro Tenryu, who are to fight Sgt. Slaughter and Ron Simmons in tag team action later tonight. He's praising their abilities and promising that they'll win. He also says that the American fans should be more grateful that he has brought them two of Japan's finest wrestlers, as they have raised the bar for WCW. He promises the crowd that he was not done improving WCW yet, far from...

Rating: E+


V.K. Wallstreet vs. Ultimo Dragon

Wallstreet wins after a Flying Lariat, commenting afterwards that he let Ultimo off easy because his taxes checked out okay.

Winner: W.K. Wallstreet

Match length: 6:13

Rating: C-


Tito Santana is walking by himself backstage when Greg Valentine suddenly appears and beats him to the ground.

Rating: D+


Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero vs. Sabu and Chris Jericho

In a good bout with 4 eager contestants, Malenko had Sabu submit with a Texas Cloverleaf while Guerrero and Jericho were busy brawling. Sabu held out in the hold for a surprisingly long time though, and went crazy after the defeat. Dawn Marie was pretty unsupportive of Malenko's efforts throughout the match.

Winners: Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero

Match length: 7:52

Rating: C-


A video is promoting the World War 3 WCW Cruiserweight Championship match between Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Sabu and Chris Jericho.

Rating: D


Sgt. Slaughter and Ron Simmons vs. Atsushi Onita and Genichiro Tenryu

A true American patriot and the US champion vs. a couple of Japanese "invaders" in a classic international battle. The match was very open but ended when Simmons pinned Onita after a Dominator, thus having Onita suffer his very first defeat since arriving at WCW. Onita did not look one bit happy afterwards.

Winners: Sgt. Slaughter and Ron Simmons

Match length: 12:09

Rating: C


Steve Austin and Brian Pillman talk about making The Steiner Brothers wishing they hadn't moved up to the big boys' league again when facing them at World War 3.

Rating: C-


Johnny B. Badd vs. Paul Orndorff

DDP replaced Chris Cruise at the commentators table and did not talk kindly about Badd and his abilities, in spite of Badd getting the victory after a TKO.

Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Match length: 7:06

Rating: C-


After the match, Badd grabs a mic and tells DDP exactly what he thinks of him and vows to take his belt at World War 3.

Rating: C


Atsushi Onita approaches Bischoff backstage and pleads him for a singles match against Ron Simmons, stating that it's a matter of regaining lost honour. Bischoff replies that since Onita had racked up some impressive victories since arriving at WCW, and since Simmons has no opponent for World War 3, the two will face each other in a match for the WCW United States Championship!

Rating: C-


Show rating: D+

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WCW World War 3 1995 card


60-man battle royal for a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade, featuring all the top stars of WCW (excluding The Giant © and Hulk Hogan, who have a title match this same evening)


Cage match:

Sting vs. Ric Flair


Loser cannot compete in singles competition for the rest of the year match:

Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger


WCW World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Giant © vs. Hulk Hogan


WCW United States Championship match:

Atsushi Onita vs. Ron Simmons ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship match:

The American Males vs. Harlem Heat ©


Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Steiner Brothers


WCW Television Championship match:

Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko © vs. Sabu vs. Chris Jericho

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WCW World War 3 1995 card


60-man battle royal for a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade, featuring all the top stars of WCW (excluding The Giant © and Hulk Hogan, who have a title match this same evening)


"Macho Man" Randy Savage


Cage match:

Sting vs. Ric Flair


Loser cannot compete in singles competition for the rest of the year match:

Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger


WCW World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Giant © vs. Hulk Hogan


WCW United States Championship match:

Atsushi Onita vs. Ron Simmons ©


WCW World Tag Team Championship match:

The American Males vs. Harlem Heat ©


Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Steiner Brothers


WCW Television Championship match:

Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko © vs. Sabu vs. Chris Jericho

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I can't continue this game untill a new patch is released (ETA was next week), but I'll be posting results from World War 3 as soon as I get the patch (there's currently a bug preventing me from running the 60-man battle royal).
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WCW World War 3 1995


The new WCW announcing team for PPVs: Tony Schiavone, Eric Bischoff and Dusty Rhodes.


Pre-show match:

Tiger King vs. Disco Inferno

New to WCW is the Tiger King (known as the first Tiger Mask in Japan), who defeats Disco by pinfall after a Tiger Suplex.

Winner: Tiger King

Match length: 5:42

Rating: D+


WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko © vs. Sabu vs. Chris Jericho

In a good and open cruiserweight match, Malenko attempted to pin Sabu after a Texas Suplex when his wife, Dawn Marie, began pulling in his leg from the outside. He abandoned the pin and went outside to confront her, puzzled by her actions, when Jericho, having brawled with Guerrero outside the ring, sneaked in and pinned Sabu instead.Jericho and Dawn Marie leave together.

Winner, and new champion: Chris Jericho

Match length: 13:52

Rating: C


WCW Television Championship match:

Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©

Badd looked determined to finally take the belt off DDP when he set DDP up for his Shooting Star Press finisher. What he did not notice, however, was Diamond Doll slipping DDP some brass knuckles, which he got up and hit Badd with, without the ref noticing the foreign object in his hand, knocking Badd out of the ring. As a result, Badd got counted out.

Winner, and still champion: Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 10:47

Rating: C+


Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Steiner Brothers

This competitive ended with a DQ victory for The Steiners when Arn Anderson attempted to hit Rick Steiner with a chair behind the referee's back, though he was caught in the act.

Winners: The Steiner Brothers

Match length: 11:14

Rating: B-


WCW World Tag Team Championship match:

The American Males vs. Harlem Heat ©

The long and hard work by The American Males during the last couple of months finally paid off when they became tag team champions after Bagwell pinned Stevie Ray after a Yellow Jacket Suplex.

Winners, and new champions: The American Males

Match length: 14:14

Rating: C


WCW United States Championship match:

Atsushi Onita vs. Ron Simmons ©

Onita seemed extremely determined to defeat Simmons after having been pinned by him on Saturday Night earlier this week, but needed help from Sonny Onoo before achieving victory. While Onita was arguing with the ref, Onoo hit Simmons with the title belt thus allowing Onita to pin him.

Winner, and new champion: Atsushi Onita

Match length: 13:15

Rating: B-


WCW World Heavyweight Championship match:

The Giant © vs. Hulk Hogan

Before the match started, Bobby Heenan, on behalf of his client, grabbed a mic and reminded Hogan that if he failed to take the belt from The Giant in this match, he would not be given another chance while The Giant was champion. While Heenan was talking to Hogan, The Giant exploited the situation to attacked Hogan from behind and beat him down. Heenan then threw him a set of handcuffs, which he used to cuff Hogan to one of the corners. The ref started the match, and The Giant beat Hogan a bit before he and Heenan calmly walked backstage, getting counted out while Hogan could do nothing to prevent it. As a result of the countout, The Giant retains his title.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Match length: 1:46

Rating: C


Loser cannot compete in singles competition for the rest of the year match:

Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

In a superb but short match, Savage got a surprise early pin when he defeated "The Total Package" with a quick cradle.

Winner: Randy Savage

Match length: 6:30

Rating: B


Cage match:

Sting vs. Ric Flair

In a superb match between these two icons that had the crowd sizzling, the intense action had momentum go back and forth throughout the match. Flair's fellow Four Horsemen attempted to intervene in his favour, but Hogan, Savage and Luger all came out to fend them off. At one point, however, Savage accidently hit Luger, resulting in a heated argument between the two. Hogan miraculously managed to keep Anderson, Austin and Pillman at bay on himself during this - but failed to notice a mysterious masked man crawling up the cage and knocking Sting down just as he was about to escape for the win, after having floored Flair with a Scorpion Death Drop, after which Flair instead managed to escape. The masked man ran off before anyone could unmask him.

Winner: Ric Flair

Match length: 25:33

Rating: B+


60-man World War 3 battle royal for a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade

In this very first epic battle between 60 superstars in 3 rings, with the final 20 being merged in the middle ring, we saw some intense action throughout the match. The final 10 competitors were: Sting, Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Road Warrior Hawk, Arn Anderson, Jake Roberts, Scott Norton, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. The Four Horseman worked together and protected Flair, jointly eliminating a bunch of competitors. Anderson and Hawk eliminiated each other while Sting and Luger managed to elimiate Austin and Pillman. While distracted, though, Flair seized the opportunity to elimiate Sting while Savage took out Luger. Savage then eliminated Roberts and Norton while they were struggling at the ropes, after which Flair charged a distracted Savage who in turn managed to evade and instead eliminate Flair, becoming the sole survivor of the match.

Winner: Randy Savage

Match length: 26:31

Rating: C+


Show rating: B-

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WCW Monday Nitro


Pre-show match:

Meng vs. Joey Maggs

Meng won by submission after a Tongan Death Grip in a standard squash.

Winner: Meng

Match length: 3:22

Rating: D


Gene Okerlund is interviewing Sonny Onoo, who says he has a big announcement to make, in the ring. He says that the success of Atsushi Onita, who is by his side with his newly won US title, speaks for itself. And as a result of this success, the moneymen behind Onoo has decided to invest more money in bringing proper Japanese wrestling to the starved American audiences... and has negotiated with Ted Turner to launch a new weekly tv-show to run live from Japan every friday night! The show will be named 'Thunder' and will debut next week! As part of the deal, all Japanese wrestlers under contract with WCW - including US champion Atsushi Onita - will be featured exclusively on Thunder and will be joined by other big and exciting Japanese names. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a treat! The show will also be open to any Americans wanting to test themselves against the best, instead of the weak and decadent wrestling here in The States. So remember, tune in to Thunder next friday and be ready to be blown away!

Rating: E+


The Blue Bloods vs. The Barrio Brothers

Eaton defeated Sierra with an Alabama Jam in a standard squash.

Winners: The Blue Bloods

Match length: 2:43

Rating: D-


Backstage, Sting is approaching Jake Roberts. He wants to know, since there has been bad blood between the two in the past, whether Roberts is the one attacking Sting under a mask at World War 3, costing him the match against Flair. Roberts laughs and says that although enjoyed watching Sting lose the match and wouldn't mind teaching Sting a lesson or two in the ring again, he can't take credit for another man's work. He then walks away, laughing to himself.

Rating: C


Lex Luger then comes up to Sting and says that he understand Sting's frustration and that he want to help Sting find the culprit, but that the incident showed the importance of having each others' backs. They can't trust Savage, who caused the distraction in the first place and later went against them in the World War 3 match - and by extension, they cannot trust Hogan either, being a close friend and ally of Savage. So the logical conclusion should be Sting and Luger forming a team. And since Luger is barred from fighting in singles competition again for the rest of the year, what would be better than them challenging for the tag team belts? Sting hesitates a bit, but then agrees and shakes on it. Eric Bischoff overheard the conversation and says that this is great news, as he's been looking for suitable challengers for the title - and that they will get their chance real soon, in fact later tonight!

Rating: C+


WCW World Television Championship match:

Arn Anderson vs. Road Warrior Hawk vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©

It was to DDP's advantage that the two other competitors from the onset primarily targeted each other. DDP got the win after Anderson tried to hit a DDT on Hawk, who instead lifted him up and threw him out of the ring. DDP then surprised Hawk with a Diamond Cutter and got the 1-2-3.

Winner, and still champion: Diamond Dallas Page

Match length: 8:12

Rating: D+


Bobby Heenan is in the ring with WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The Giant. He starts talking about the upcoming match between The Giant and Hogan, before stating how forgetful he is; that there will be no more matches between the two as per stipulations, since Hogan failed to win the championship at World War 3. Heenan and The Giant both laugh, and Heenan hypes the strength and power of The Giant, saying that Randy Savage's win at World War 3 wil be for nothing and that he will be sent home dissapointed at Starrcade.

Rating: A


WCW World Tag Team Championship match:

Sting and Lex Luger vs. The American Males ©

The new champions start off with quite the challenge when facing these two former world champions. They do a good job holding their own in the match though, but eventually loses when Luger uses the ropes for leverage when pinning Riggs. Sting did not see this, but Rick Rude still lashes out at Sting on commentary, saying that this sort of behaviour is typical from Sting and anyone influenced by him.

Winners, and new champions: Sting and Lex Luger

Match length: 8:02

Rating: C+


Ric Flair is in the ring doing a promo. He says that he should have been the one coming out of World War 3 victorious, that he should be the one with a title shot at Starrcade. He was in a long, hard-fought match against Sting earlier in the evening while Savage had a match with Lex Luger that was so short that you'd miss it if you blinked. Even though Savage had this clear and unfair advantage, Flair still proved to be the best of the best when it mattered. Savage's win was nothing but an unjust and undeserved fluke, and Flair is going to prove this to the world! Woo! Woo!

Rating: A


Randy Savage vs. Jake Roberts

The Giant came down to ringside to watch this bout, and decided to take advantage of the referee being distracted by The Taskmaster, who kept jumping the apron and thus was reprimanded and eventually sent away; The Giant grabbed a chair and got on the apron himself, swinging the chair at his Starrcade opponent, Savage. Savage managed to duck, however, resulting in the shot connecting with Roberts instead, who was right behind Savage. Savage then knocked The Giant off the apron with an elbow, after which he pinned Roberts for the win.

Winner: Randy Savage

Match length: 8:01

Rating: C+


Show rating: C+


Does this game work a lot differently than 2008 did...? I can't get anywhere near the same results I got there with the same data... Savage vs. Roberts, in a match that according to the notes had great action and great heat is puzzling me to get such a low grade... :confused:

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<p><strong>WCW Saturday Night</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Pre-show match:</p><p>

<strong>Alex Wright vs. Tiger King</strong></p><p>

Wright defeated Tiger King by submission with a STF.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Alex Wright</strong></p><p>

Match length: 5:38</p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Rock 'n' Roll Express vs. The Barrio Brothers</strong></p><p>

In a short affair, The Express won when Morton pinned Sierra after a Douple Dropkick.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>The Rock 'n' Roll Express</strong></p><p>

Match length: 3:46</p><p>

Rating: E+</p><p> </p><p>

The American Males burst into Eric Bischoff's office, furious about the way they lost their title belts on Nitro, with Luger cheating. They demand an immediate re-match, but Bischoff shrugs. He says that their loss after just a single day as champions confirmed his fears all along; that they are not good enough to be in the title race for the tag team belts and that their win in the first place was a crazy fluke. He says that he is, in spite of that, willing to put them in a #1 contender match tonight against The Steiner Brothers, Austin and Pillman and Harlem Heat so they can earn another title shot, because he's feeling gracious today. The Males are furious however, saying that they have proved themselves more than enough already and are tired of being insulted and disrespected by Bischoff. The Males begin to get threatening and Bischoff gets up and tells them to leave, saying that they'll get suspended for 30 days if they as much as touches him. After some pushing from Riggs, Bagwell performs a Diving Neckbreaker on Bischoff, laying him out. The Males then leave the office, finding an envelope adressed to them from "a friend". Inside is a letter, not shown on camera. They read it, smile and walk away...</p><p>

Rating: D+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny B. Badd vs. Scott D'Amore</strong></p><p>

Badd got the win by pinfall after a Tutti Frutti.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Johnny B. Badd</strong></p><p>

Match length: 2:40</p><p>

Rating: D</p><p> </p><p>

Dawn Marie Malenko appears together with new WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chris Jericho. She says that she has filed divorce from Dean Malenko, the hopeless loser, and will from now on simply be known as "Dawn Marie". She also says that she has taken on a new client, Chris Jericho, who - unlike Dean Malenko - has all the qualities needed to succeed in this business.</p><p>

Rating: E-</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tito Santana vs. Genichiro Tenryu</strong></p><p>

Tenryu got the win with a Powerbomb and following pin after Santana got distracted by Greg Valentine, who was at ringside and kept jumping the apron to interfer with Santana's chances.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Genichiro Tenryu</strong></p><p>

Match length: 5:36</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

Diamond Dallas Page and his pretty valet, the Diamond Doll, is standing backstage. DDP takes a moment to laugh at Johnny B. Badd for his inadequacies to defeat DDP, who according to himself is the greatest TV champion of all time.</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Big Bubba Rogers and One Man Gang vs. The Nasty Boys</strong></p><p>

In a match with quite decent action that had more brawling than technical wrestling for quite obvious reasons, OMG pinned Knobbs after a 747 Splash.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Big Bubba Rogers and One Man Gang</strong></p><p>

Match length: 7:33</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan is in the ring with a mic, talking about how he was deceived and cheated at World War 3 and how that sort of behaviour is typical from Bobby Heenan. He assures all Hulkamaniacs around the world that he will get his chance once again, and that he will be patient. He is due to stipulations in the match at World War 3 not allowed to challenge for the title again during The Giant's title run, but The Giant will not be champion forever - in fact, he's certain that his good friend Randy Savage will defeat him at Starrcade. But this is not all bad news, brother, as it gives Hogan the chance to focus on the task he should have completed long time ago. The task of crushing The Taskmaster and his Dungeon of Doom! And it begins tonight, brother!</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:</p><p>

<strong>Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho ©</strong></p><p>

In a good match, Jericho made his first defence of his newly-won title when having Malenko submit to his Liontamer. This came as a result of Dawn Marie pulling Malenko's hair from ringside when he had Jericho in a Texas Cloverleaf, thus breaking the hold and distracting Malenko.</p><p>

Winner, and still champion: <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p>

Match length: 7:45</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Sabu enters the ring and attacks Malenko. Jericho and Dawn Marie walks away, not giving a damn.</p><p>

Rating: D-</p><p> </p><p>

A video is shown to hype The Steiner Brothers.</p><p>

Rating: C-</p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contendership match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship:</p><p>

<strong>The Steiner Brothers vs. Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. Harlem Heat</strong></p><p>

In a very fine tag team triangle match with lots of action, Harlem Heat got a cheap win by countout when the two other teams didn't stop brawling on the outside.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Harlem Heat</strong></p><p>

Match length: 9:51</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

A video is shown hyping The Dungeon of Doom.</p><p>

Rating: C+</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship match:</p><p>

<strong>Ron Simmons vs. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Atsushi Onita ©</strong></p><p>

Onita defended his title when pinning Slaughter as Simmons was distracted by Sonny Onoo and Tenryu, who kept meddling.</p><p>

Winner, and still champion: <strong>Atsushi Onita</strong></p><p>

Match length: 7:33</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Onita is in the ring with Onoo and Tenryu. He says that it's great to be champion and that this is the first time in the history of the US belt that it has a worthy champion, and that yet another win proves it. But before he takes off with the belt to Japan next week, he will offer Ron Simmons - being the only man who has pinned him in WCW so far - a chance to win it back, next week at Nitro. It will be a match with great honour, and he guarantees that neither Onoo or Tenryu (who both looks upon Onita as if he was crazy) will interfer. They have pinned each other 1 time each, and his honour demands that he proves his superiority!</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan and The Renegade vs. Shark and Zodiac</strong></p><p>

Hogan looked strong in this match, getting the pin on Zodiac after his usual Big Boot and Leg Drop. During the match, Meng attacked Hogan and The Taskmaster attacked The Renegade - both unsuccessfully.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>Hulk Hogan and The Renegade</strong></p><p>

Match length: 7:20</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C-</strong></p>

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<p><strong>WCW Monday Nitro</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Pre-show match:</p><p>

<strong>The Blue Bloods vs. Men at Work</strong></p><p>

Regal pinned Starr after an Exploder Suplex.</p><p>

Winners: <strong>The Blue Bloods</strong></p><p>

Match length: 3:36</p><p>

Rating: D-</p><p> </p><p>

Harlem Heat is cutting a promo on how they will soon be reunited with the WCW World Tag Team Championship belts, as they became #1 contenders on last episode of Saturday Night and will not fail to take the belts from Sting and Luger.</p><p>

Rating: B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Guerrero vs. Ultimo Dragon</strong></p><p>

The match was solid but failed to get much heat from the crowd. Guerrero won after a Frog Splash.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong></p><p>

Match length: 6:07</p><p>

Rating: D-</p><p> </p><p>

A video montage highlights some of the biggest stars of WCW with impressive footage of their achievements and ringwork.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

WCW United States Championship match:</p><p>

<strong>Atsushi Onita © vs. Ron Simmons</strong></p><p>

After a competitive bout in which Onita fought for honour and Simmons fought to prevent the US belt going with Onita to Japan, Onita came out victorious when having Simmons submit with an Armbar after a relatively clean match without interference.</p><p>

Winner, and still champion: <strong>Atsushi Onita</strong></p><p>

Match length: 12:08</p><p>

Rating: C</p><p> </p><p>

A video is hyping the upcoming Starrcade battle between Randy Savage and The Giant for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.</p><p>

Rating: B+</p><p> </p><p>

Non-title match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage vs. The Giant © vs. Ric Flair</strong></p><p>

In a superb bout with a sizzling crowd all 3 men seemed to determined to prove something in this match. In spite of it not being a title match, they all seemed to really want the victory. The Giant looked strong and fearsome, but was taken down and thrown out of the ring after some temporary teamwork by Savage and Flair. After that, they quicklky turned on each other, with Flair hitting Savage with a low blow and taking him to the ground for the Figure Four. Savage managed to get his hands on the ropes and have the hold broken up by the ref, after which he got the upper hand. The Giant came to himself and got on the apron, but Savage threw Flair into him so their heads hit each other; The Giant fell back off the apron and Savage used the opportunity for a quick roll-up on Flair.</p><p>

Winner: <strong>Randy Savage</strong></p><p>

Match length: 12:38</p><p>

Rating: B-</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Savage grabbed a microphone and stated that this was only the beginning and that he would soon become world champion, ooooh yeah!</p><p>

Rating: A</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I still for the love of God cannot understand why my shows keep getting such poor ratings...</em> <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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WCW Saturday Night


WCW Saturday Night is from now on 60 min instead of 120 per episode.


Pre-show match:

Cobra vs. The Gambler

Cobra pinned The Gambler.

Winner: Cobra

Match length: 4:10

Rating: E+


Pre-show match:

The Nasty Boys vs. The Barrio Brothers

Sags pinned Santana after a Trip to Nastyville.

Winners: The Nasty Boys

Match length: 4:09

Rating: D-


Hulk Hogan is in the ring with a mic. He says that last week at Saturday Night, when he and The Renegade defeated Shark and Zodiac from The Dungeon of Doom, it was the first step towards crushing The Taskmaster and his Dungeon. And after a lot of thinking during the week that passed, he now knows what he has to do, not only for himself but for Hulkamaniacs everywhere. Therefore, he issues a challenge to The Taskmaster: him and his minions shall face Hogan in 1 on 1 singles matches during the next weeks. If just ONE of them manage to defeat Hogan, he will leave WCW! But if he defeats them all, brother, "The Taskmaster" will become Kevin Sullivan once again and The Dungeon of Doom will be abolished and banned from meddling with his affairs again!

Rating: B+


WCW Cruiserweight Championship match:

Alex Wright vs. Chris Jericho ©

Jericho defeated Wright with a Liontamer after a solid match.

Winner, and still champion: Chris Jericho

Match length: 7:29

Rating: D


The Taskmaster appears to smilingly accept the challenge laid out by Hogan, stating that it begins tonight!

Rating: B-


Arn Anderson, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. Road Warrior Hawk and The Steiner Brothers

The Four Horsemen were disqualified when Arn refused to let go of a choke hold on Hawk in the ropes. After the match, the two sides kept brawling for a bit before officials managed to seperate them.

Winners: Road Warrior Hawk and The Steiner Brothers

Match length: 7:33

Rating: D+


Diamond Dallas is in the ring, doing a promo on how he is the greatest champion WCW has. He mocks the former US champion, Ron Simmons, for not being able to retain the belt and prevent a filthy foreigner from taking it with him to Japan, stating how Simmons is a hummiliation and that he himself would never had let something like that happen. He says that he's far superior to anyone else in WCW, and that noone can beat him. Ron Simmons then appears and says that if DDP is so sure about that, there's no reason why the two of them should not have a match for the TV title right now!

Rating: C


WCW World Television Championship match:

Ron Simmons vs. Diamond Dallas Page ©

After an open start to the match, Simmons quickly got the upper hand and began dominating the match. A shocked DDP then decided to make a run for it, losing by countout.

Winner: Ron Simmons

Match length: 6:08

Rating: C-


Tito Santana talks about his long feud with Greg Valentine, spanning multiple promotions and lots of years... and about how it is time to end it. Therefore, he want Valentine to come to the ring and shake his hand, burying the hatchet once and for all. After a few min with no response, Santana states that he didn't think Valentine would accept his offer, but that he wanted to try it before his next proposal: an "I quit" match with the loser leaving WCW for good! He then leaves the ring, before getting an answer.

Rating: D+


We are shown a montage of Hogan training earlier for his coming trials against The Dungeon of Doom.

Rating: B+


Hogan leaves WCW if he loses match:

Hulk Hogan vs. Zodiac

In spite of The Taskmaster trying his best to distract Hogan without getting involved himself, Hogan defeated Zodiac without much difficulty when - much to the surprise of most - he used the ropes for leverage during the pin.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Match length: 5:41

Rating: C


Show rating: C-

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WCW Thunder

This is the very first ever WCW Thunder, live from Korauken Hall, Tokyo on this groundbreaking day!


The announcers for Thunder are J Taro and Ichiro Furutachi for the Japanese audience and Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes for the American audience back home.


Pre-show match:

Kurasawa vs. Scott Norton

In this match to warm up the crowd, Norton pins Kurasawa after a Shoulderbreaker, which Norton calls the Flashbreaker.

Winner: Scott Norton

Match length: 7:12

Rating: C


Sonny Onoo opens the show telling the audience that they are in for quite a treat, as he will be running this show, and as a result will sadly no longer have time to manage Atsushi Onita and Genichiro Tenryu. He promises that this show will be action packed and feature the best Japan has to offer, and he hopes the WCW wrestlers back in USA is watching this so they can learn a thing or two. He will, in addition to the exciting Japanese workers already signed, be bringing in even more big names known and loved in Japan to make this the best wrestling show ever shown on American tv!

Rating: E-


A video is shown hyping Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, who is among the wrestlers expected to feature more heavily on Thunder than he did while working for WCW in America.

Rating: B-


Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs. Jushin Liger

In a good match between two highly regarded Japanese workers, Liger got the victory after a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster.

Winner: Jushin Liger

Match length: 6:41

Rating: B-


Sonny Onoo is interviewing one of the new faces, Masahiro Chono, before his first match. Chono says that he's here to show that he's the best wrestler of his generation, and that he will destroy anyone getting in his way.

Rating: B-


Hiroshi Hase and Jun Akiyama vs. Masahiro Chono and Genichiro Tenryu

In a great and open match, Chono and Tenryu, who seemed brutal and fond of dirty tricks, won when Tenryu pinned Akiyama after a Powerbomb.

Winners: Masahiro Chono and Genichiro Tenryu

Match length: 11:47

Rating: B


Atsushi Onita is in the ring with a mic, stating that he's the star of the show. He went to America and crushed all opposition in his way, bringing back a trophy to prove his superiority, the WCW United States Championship. He declares that each week from now on, he'll issue an open challenge to anyone with the guts to fight him - and that he will put his belt on the line for it! Someone is responding already... it's Vader! What time is it? It's time, it's Vader time!

Rating: A


WCW United States Championship match:

Vader vs. Atsushi Onita ©

The big man Vader was as dangerous as ever, but Onita outsmarted him and hit a good counter-move when Vader was at the top ropes, thus getting the pinfall.

Winner, and still champion: Atsushi Onita

Match length: 12:56

Rating: B


Show rating: B


Pretty good start to Thunder! :)

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WCW Monday Nitro


Pre-show match:

Disco Inferno vs. Mark Starr

Disco won with The Last Dance.

Winner: Disco Inferno

Match length: 3:01

Rating: D


Pre-show match:

The Blue Bloods vs. Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

Eaton pinned Buck after an Alabama Slam in a good match to get the crowd ready for the show.

Winners: The Blue Bloods

Match length: 6:57

Rating: C


We open the show with Eric Bischoff in the ring, about to make an announcement. Before doing so, however, he is interrupted by Ron Simmons. Simmons apologizes to Bischoff, WCW and especially the fans for failing to keep the WCW United States Championship in USA, where it belongs. He admits that in their last match, Onita beat him cleanly and without help - but he hopes that Bischoff will give him one last time to win back the belt. If not for Simmons, then for the many fans who doesn't want to see the US belt being defended in Japan on tv, but who wants to see it being defended here in America. Bischoff says that while Onoo in his agreement with Ted Turner has the right to keep all Japanese wrestlers off Nitro and Saturday Night and keep them on Thunder, they still have an obligation to show up at PPVs - and there, Bischoff is king. Bischoff will grant Simmons another title shot at Starrcade against whoever holds the belt after friday night's Thunder. But Simmons will not be the only one opting for another chance at the belt... a former foe of Simmons', Vader, will be in the match as well, which will be a triple threat match! Simmons nods and walks away. Bischoff says that he's here to announce another 2 matches for Starrcade that will consist of wrestlers from both USA and Japan; another triple threat match, for the WCW World Television Championship belt and a 6-man ladder match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. The participants, apart from the champions, will be decided on Thunder and Saturday Night, respectively.

Rating: D+


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jake Roberts

In match with two gifted performers who sadly both seemed slightly off tonight, Roberts took the win after a DDT, though Guerrero stood his ground.

Winner: Jake Roberts

Match length: 6:17

Rating: C


Sting and Lex Luger © vs. Harlem Heat is announced for Starrcade. Both teams will be featured in the main event tonight as well.

Rating: B


Ric Flair is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Flair hypes his own skills and says he's the champion WCW wants, the champion WCW deserves... and the champion they will get soon enough. He doesn't care who wins between Randy Savage and The Giant, because neither one is a true match for The Nature Boy! Woo!

Rating: B+


Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan are briefly seen talking to each other backstage, with Savage wishing Hogan luck in his final battle with The Dungeon of Doom and says that he has full faith in him and is looking forward to celebrate with soon enough, when Savage has the belt and The Dungeon is no more. Hogan agrees and shakes Savage's hand, wishing him likewise luck in his match against The Giant.

Rating: A


Hogan leaves WCW if he loses match:

Hulk Hogan vs. Meng

In spite of attacks from both Shark and The Taskmaster during the match, Hogan was able to repell them both and pin Meng after a powerslam and a Leg Drop.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Match length: 8:05

Rating: C+


After the match, Hogan cuts a promo stating that on this Saturday Night, he'll fight - and defeat - Shark... leaving only Jake Roberts, whom he will fight and defeat at Starrcade! So get ready, Dungeon of Doom, because Hulkamania will run wild on you! Yeah, brother!

Rating: A


Randy Savage, Sting and Lex Luger vs. The Giant and Harlem Heat

In a match where The Giant was a constant threat, Savage picked up the win after rolling up Stevie Ray.

Winners: Randy Savage, Sting and Lex Luger

Match length: 14:06

Rating: B-


Show rating: B-

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