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A Good Way For Jennifer Cornells's Return

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Got any good ideas? Whether should she return to TCW and manage Cornell, start a bitter rivalry with Cornell, new fed? Headbooker? Anything that would be good? lol


Jennifer Cornell has never been active in the wrestling world in any way... she's only in the database so that we know what Tommy is up to in his spare time. :)


Having said that... I'd love for her to be an active part of the wrestling world. Some kind of messy divorce would seem to be the most obvious way in for her given that Tommy seems to own TCW on his own now... but she could probably me a good manager for some young talent going up against Tommy. That could be fun.

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I always thought a divorce storyline where she gets half of TCW as a brand or new company would be creative.


Advance to the year 2025 when Tommy Jr debuts and have Jennifer open a promotion in the UK with her baby boy as the headliner. ;)


"Tommy, we hate the US and we're going home. I want a divorce and half of your assets." :eek:

Or possibly combine these two. Wait until Jr debuts, and have Jennifer have a brand at TCW. Then Jr has to pick between his parents

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Although, as was stated, Jennifer Cornell can't "return". She was never there to begin with.


Anyway, divorces are fun stories to run. I'd go with Tommy as the babyface. I've always figured that he would eventually become the saviour of TCW, burying the hatchet with RDJ. It'll be a touching moment, and the perfect send-off for RDJ, before he starts working his way out of the main event scene.

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