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Also, Steve Decolt is Angry with me. I've given him bonuses and time off and can't get it to change. He currently holds the Canadian Title, but I'd like to improve his morale. He hasn't lost a lot and he's on every show. The plan is to take the title off him soon and have him and Maverick win the tag titles. Is it me or is he the Rocky Golden of NOTBPW? Any thoughts on how long to give him off or how much of a bonus to give him to make him less angry?


Ouch! Don't let Self hear you say that.


And no, Steve DeColt is by no means the Rocky Golden of NOTBPW. In order to be the Rocky Golden of NOTBPW, he'd have to have little to nothing going for him besides his star quality/look and youth. Neither is the case. Just because he doesn't have A* in eight categories, doesn't mean he's Rocky Golden. Steve DeColt could have 5-star classic matches with everyone in TCW's main event, without being carried. He can also do the same thing in NOTBPW.


You've done something to infuriate your champion. The first step is to go back and figure out what that is. Perhaps then you can find a solution. Did you job him repeatedly? Use the 'lose a non-title match clean to set up a title match' method a lot? Some workers don't like that. Did you fire a friend or relative of his? Did you take another person's side in a backstage incident? Did you not use him for long stretches?


Workers don't usually get upset for literally no reason, after all.

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Gotta love being Cult and getting strong relationships formed. Steve Decolt, Steve Flash, Troy Tornado, and Sean McFly have all added proteges who for the most part I've been able to sign to written deals. Flash and TT were on PPAs, but Flash has since signed a written.
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