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Yeah I did have a long NOTBPW dynasty back with 08 although I never were able to get them past Cult in 08 as well. I am still at cult on the verge of becoming national but it just hasn't happened yet maybe I am being impatient but I was just curious to see how long it took to get them to national if anyone has done it yet.
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I think the shortest answer I can give is: have great matches. It's not easy. If you still have Dan Stone Jr., Jeremy Stone, and Sean McFly, pit them against one another. Try to build up Johnny Bloodstone to their level (shouldn't be hard) and have him have good matches with them as well.
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Oh sorry Logan I guess I really didn't realise that. Also Johnny Bloodstone is leaving the company after a bidding war with TCW and they ended up getting him because Dan Stone Jr. Blocked me from giving him the money that he wanted.


I was just messin' with ya. Don't apologize to me ever again. ;)


NOTBPW seems like a pretty cool company though. You have a ton of talent to work with, a TV show, and PPVs. Makes me want to play as them if I could only figure out how to stop playing in the year 2020. :o

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I've been moving towards National with Decolt as my champ. I'm probably about a month or two away at my current pace. There is plenty of talent so getting good matches shouldn't be hard. Really, use TV and PPV to have your main matches with your MEs and UMCs. Use pre show and post show to get your other workers some experience. I haven't booked a show below 83 since I started. Not that it's real hard to put together good matches. I do recommend having more singles matches as it's a waste to tie up 4-6 of your best wrestlers up into one match. I'd also suggest using unchained storylines with your MEs in one and your UMCs in another. My ME storyline has around 92 heat thanks to good matches and faceoff angles.


For the future, look at guys like Westybrook and Brown. They are young enough and versatile enough to be future players at the high level. Julian Watson isn't bad either, but he'll need more time. Not in love with Cavanaugh.


Get to National first and then start trying to sign talent to written deals. Don't only go for young guns, but also proven workers (Steve Flash, Steadyfast, etc) who can help train up the younger guys.

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thanks a lot bookerman, I have decent storylines at least in my view and I do use the pre and post shows in order to get my guys that I usually don't use on the shows some experience. Westybrooke is on his way to becoming a main eventer and when he does will probably be my next champion (He is currently a Upper Midcarder) but again I thank you for your advice and will try to stick to it as much as possible so I can get to national!
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Interesting. My momentum ranges from 95 (Decolt the champ)-73 (RK Hayes who is kinda my stepping stone).


I've found you can't really do 50/50 booking or use a job to setup a contender (as Flair and Lyger did in the past). You are better off letting guys go on win streaks before facing each other to get their momentum high. You might be able to use the Keep Strong note so the momentum drops aren't as bad, but I've found that sustained momentum is best kept by winning and being in hot angles (shocking I know).

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The problem lies in the importance (or lack thereof) of the non-Ontario/Quebec regions. Your home region is the least important in all of Canada. I ran into this problem when plotting my mod. NOTBPW had to be National by the start date so I had to raise their popularity to get them there. I had to raise it a bit higher than I initially planned because of the dearth of importance in most of the country. The cooling off period will allow them to bolster their position (they're only JUST National by way of British Columbia) which seems to be enough (they jump to Global by the end of the first year, most of the time. But then, I've made sure they KEEP their core stars).


I'd say you'd have to put on B rated shows at a minimum in order to continually march forward to National. However, once you get there, you're in a very strong position to skip International altogether. Look to Japan to bolster your talent roster, as many workers there fit your default product better than the US workers (many of whom seem ideally suited to the American/SE product).

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I'd say you'd have to put on B rated shows at a minimum in order to continually march forward to National.


With PPV and TV show airing in USA, you could jump from cult to international. Beware after, because SWF and TCW can whoop your ass in national battle and fall back to cult again :(

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With PPV and TV show airing in USA, you could jump from cult to international. Beware after, because SWF and TCW can whoop your ass in national battle and fall back to cult again :(


Couple things.


I don't think NOTBPW can get PPV of any size worth mentioning, in the default data. They start with PPV only in Canada (Canada-1 Choice) and TV only in Canada. While it's possible for them to skip National, it's more likely they'd skip International after hitting National.

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The thing is, when you jump to National, your first order of the day is attempt to switch everyone to written contracts that are as long as you can get them. Now, money is an issue, but only if you haven't saved up (which you should have, if you actually gotten to National).


Even when you fall back down, at least you have written contracts to slowly rebuild your promotion back up again.

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That's my thinking. Get to National and sign talent, current and future, to written deals. I've resisted grabbing too many workers on PPA right now as I want to get them on written and don't want them to be too big (Jacob Jett for one).


I did manage to get a PPV deal in the US. My importance there ranges between 31-37 (tri-state). What's the criteria for International/Global? Also TCW went International recently.


I have near 6 mill in the bank as I've resisted getting a developemental promotion for now.

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Couple things.


I don't think NOTBPW can get PPV of any size worth mentioning, in the default data. They start with PPV only in Canada (Canada-1 Choice) and TV only in Canada. While it's possible for them to skip National, it's more likely they'd skip International after hitting National.


Well, I've managed to do so and failed miserably after being world's #3 promotion for 3 months.. :(

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That's my thinking. Get to National and sign talent, current and future, to written deals. I've resisted grabbing too many workers on PPA right now as I want to get them on written and don't want them to be too big (Jacob Jett for one).


I did manage to get a PPV deal in the US. My importance there ranges between 31-37 (tri-state). What's the criteria for International/Global? Also TCW went International recently.


I have near 6 mill in the bank as I've resisted getting a developemental promotion for now.


I don't necessarily disagree, but my thinking is this... the biggest money killer later will be high-value PPA contracts, paying between (if not more) around 2000 to 4000 PER APPEARANCE. That's WAY too much. Second, there's no guarantee they will stay, even with that pay. With written contracts, you have a stable roster, at least for a while.


As a side note, I find it that the second biggest money killer is travel expenses. AFter lstening to Remianen's advice and tips, I think it's not necessarily a bad idea to give out more percentages of merchandise (it cuts into your profit, but doesn't really add to your cost). I'm less inclined to give PPV bonuses, but if it can save me money per month or appearance, an extra bonus per PPV (which, at most, should be per month) is not a bad idea.


However, I find it that paying travel expenses is a very bad idea, especially if the person has a lot of respect (that's used to calculated how much you pay them in travel expenses). I just bump up their pay per month or appearance instead and save on the travel, because respect goes up over time.


Ultimately, your role is to CONTROL COSTS FIRST. Until you reach National: don't do major music bands. Don't high quality merchandise or high quality DVD's. Stick with the basics first. On talent, don't pay for travel expenses, try to give PPV and merchandise bonuses as a way of lowering their pay base. The biggest reasons why Cult companies die is because their costs far exceed their revenue, even if their revenue is incredibly high.

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One thing is that if I skip national and go straight to international I am going to be quite mad because I set this game up with the intention that it would be my game to get the national achievement and if I were to skip it and go straight to international I wouldn't get it and I wouldn't get the international one because I already went international with TCW.
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I don't necessarily disagree, but my thinking is this... the biggest money killer later will be high-value PPA contracts, paying between (if not more) around 2000 to 4000 PER APPEARANCE. That's WAY too much. Second, there's no guarantee they will stay, even with that pay. With written contracts, you have a stable roster, at least for a while.


As a side note, I find it that the second biggest money killer is travel expenses. AFter lstening to Remianen's advice and tips, I think it's not necessarily a bad idea to give out more percentages of merchandise (it cuts into your profit, but doesn't really add to your cost). I'm less inclined to give PPV bonuses, but if it can save me money per month or appearance, an extra bonus per PPV (which, at most, should be per month) is not a bad idea.


However, I find it that paying travel expenses is a very bad idea, especially if the person has a lot of respect (that's used to calculated how much you pay them in travel expenses). I just bump up their pay per month or appearance instead and save on the travel, because respect goes up over time.


Ultimately, your role is to CONTROL COSTS FIRST. Until you reach National: don't do major music bands. Don't high quality merchandise or high quality DVD's. Stick with the basics first. On talent, don't pay for travel expenses, try to give PPV and merchandise bonuses as a way of lowering their pay base. The biggest reasons why Cult companies die is because their costs far exceed their revenue, even if their revenue is incredibly high.


Checking my current wages, my highest PPAs are Acid (2k), Adrian Garcia (2500), Steve Flash (2000), and Eric Tyler (2500). Granted, Tyler and Garcia are boosting the overall impact of several matches so their salaries are a little more acceptable. I understand your thinking though. In my game, I've got non-aggression pact with SWF and working agreement with TCW. I just signed a lot of low level/high reward guys (Natural Storm, K Jameson, etc) to PPAs with the thinking that even if I don't use them often, TCW can't sign them to a written deal and I can possibly sign them to a written deal when I hit National. How damaging is it to break a promotional pact with TCW for instance?


I've tried to keep my costs down for the most part. Using mainly written workers for TV shows or the cheap PPA workers as fodder. Any other tips you might have would be greatly appreciated.

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Get a bigger bank.


I know that sounds obvious, but it bears reminding. You can survive if you have two things: Time and Money. Cult is the biggest challenge in the game for any promotion. Unless you are high Cult, your costs are almost always higher than your revenue. Second, when you National, make sure all the talent you are signing also do house shows as well. If they ask for more to do it, give it them (except travel expenses). Hold as many house shows you can without tiring your talent. You make easy money from House Shows. Just make sure you have the minimum workers required.

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I know this post is right after my other one, but I think this deserves separate post.


Sponsorship Friendly Product Settings


1. Mainstream: Popularity > Performance

2. Comedy: Popularity > Performance

3. Lucha Libre: Popularity = Performance

4. Traditional: Popularity = Performance


Performance-based Product Settings


1. Modern: Popularity < Performance

2. Realism: Popularity < Performance

3. Pure: Popularity < Performance

4. Hyper Realism: Popularity < Performance


"Hard" Product Settings


1. Cult: Popularity = Performance

2. Daredevil: Popularity = Performance

3. Risque: Popularity > Performance

4. Hardcore: Popularity = Performance


The reason why I posted this is because certain product settings have better sponsorship than others. If you plan to be like DAVE have the "Hard" settings, you better be prepared to make a LOT more in merchandise and ticket sales, because you aren't going to get a lot of sponsorships. On top of that, TV stations and PPVs will be less likely to negotiate with you, and I have hunch they are less likely to give out favorable deals as well. You absolutely need the money, at least for the TV/PPV to pay for itself the very least. If they take the 100% revenue, then you are losing money, because you have to pay for the product costs.


Performance-based products also suffer a sponsorship penalty, though nowhere near the penalty that "Hard" settings have. Remember, at Cult, you need ALL the money you can get.

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Just lost my TV show even though ratings have been improving and I would not made any money on the show. Now trying to decide if I should run house shows and a PPV or schedule weekly events in conjunction with the house shows and PPVs, at least until I get a TV show again.


One thing I did which I recommend is turn the face/heel divide to NONE. This allows matches such as Jeremy vs DSJ, McFly vs DSJ or Jeremy, etc without worrying about penalties. I see NOTBPW as similar to mid 90's AJPW where some wrestlers were considered heelish for being more aggressive (or foreign), not because of their evil tactics.


Also, Steve Decolt is Angry with me. I've given him bonuses and time off and can't get it to change. He currently holds the Canadian Title, but I'd like to improve his morale. He hasn't lost a lot and he's on every show. The plan is to take the title off him soon and have him and Maverick win the tag titles. Is it me or is he the Rocky Golden of NOTBPW? Any thoughts on how long to give him off or how much of a bonus to give him to make him less angry?

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