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What is a pro wrestling "E-Fed"?

Wrestling Century

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I'm thinking he meant how the matches were described there. I've never heard of both of the "wrestlers" writing the match, and then using the winners. I've actually never heard of that. Most times there are a couple of people who do the writing, but, never doubling up on matches.


Exactly. That system for getting matches written is radical in the extreme. I've only really heard of it a handful of times and most of those were in the late 90's when I was first getting started. Did one early on where you wrote all the matches for your character yourself. But the place folded before we got to the point where we were going head to head with each other's characters for the most part.


Back when I fedded, there was usually 2-6 people in the power structure. They judged the promos, and the best won. Sometimes there would be pre-set up wins and losses, to move a storyline. I ran one for a while, and have written for quite a few. I can really get into my character, and have looked here and there for one for me to join.


The last two had all this hype, then just fizzled.


This is much more common a scenario. I was one of the judges on the booking committee in the last fed I was with before that women's fed I plugged on here over the weekend. I've pretty much played every role in a fed over the years except fedhead. I've co-headed with a couple guys but never run my own fed.


As for the point on pre-set wins and losses, being informed of it isn't always an issue. In several of the feds I've been in, I've worked out the perameters of feuds which the other handler. And in some of those cases, these pre-set losses for the sake of the storyline have been plotted out between us. But even when they haven't, as long as something's been good for the storyline I've been cool with it.


There are those me guys in the game of course. Younger handlers can often be somewhere in their teens and they haven't always learned perspective in life the way someone starting much older like I did would have. But the point still remains. Your better, more respectable handlers are usually more about the good of the storyline than they are the good of their personal stat sheets.

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I think it would be fun to be in an efed. I signed up for a few but they never got going. Still am not sure what its like to be in 1 but would love to be in an efed someday. Seems like most guys want to have a GOD like wrestler opposed to a well developed character with weaknesses.
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I think it would be fun to be in an efed. I signed up for a few but they never got going. Still am not sure what its like to be in 1 but would love to be in an efed someday. Seems like most guys want to have a GOD like wrestler opposed to a well developed character with weaknesses.


You've been looking in the wrong places then. Granted, it's not as easy to find feds in general since places like RSPWF and EWU became marginalized. There's already a link for RoughKut here and that could be a good place to start. I've never personally dealt with any feds on there. So I can't say for certain you still won't end up with the occasional demigods and "And that's the bottom line because Rock Hard Roger said so" types there.


Let me give a couple more sites to help you explore the world of E-wrestling.








These are both sites I visit regularly and should offer some really good insights. Some of the posters, especially on JTF, have been problem children in the past. But it seems like all of those guys have chilled out a great deal since the days when RSPWF was the clearinghouse of choice for our section of the e-w universe and they were at their most egorific.

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I think it would be fun to be in an efed. I signed up for a few but they never got going. Still am not sure what its like to be in 1 but would love to be in an efed someday. Seems like most guys want to have a GOD like wrestler opposed to a well developed character with weaknesses.


Back in the day my e-fed character wasn't very talented in the ring, but he made up for it with charisma and heart. :rolleyes: When it got to the point where it was a chore to write RPs I stopped completely - I used to write massive RPs that were pages and pages (who knows how many lines). I can definitely say I had a lot of character developing RP's where it read more like a story then your average wrestling promo - "I'm wrestling this dude and I'm going to beat his ass at the next show."


I had an RP one time where it was my character and another character in the fed at the time (I had permission from the person to use them in the RP) and we were on a road trip across the country to the next show. A lot of my RPs were based around outside interaction with other characters. My character was a massive drama queen. :o

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E-feds are fun. I still remember winning many titles through my years of e-fedding... most notably at http://www.shootclub.com where one of my characters (Derek B) is one of a handful of people who has achieved legendary status. The game there has been around for almost a decade and has it's own software to handle stats and stuff. Free to play at low levels too, so it's worth checking out if you're not sure about it. :)


I'm always tempted to make a return there, but my financial situation doesn't really lend myself to it and probably won't do for a looooong time. Shame really...


Derek B you were in shoot club? Do you know Cade Sydal he was big over there as well. I was there briefly as well but it wasn't for me.

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I loved storyline drivin efeds.....i guess because i never minded loosing a match. My char was always stroyline drivin....i almost never did a wrestling interview. I maybe did one for ever five or six storyline development rp's i did. I was in a fed called rage that was all storyline drivin. They knew what they wanted to do and have it all planed out for month ahead of time.
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found this in my old notes....had to brag a little bit ;)


Nww world heavyweight x2, shoot champion x3, tag team champion, TV champion x2

Rage world champion, mayhem champion, tag team champion

Isga shoot champion x2

Scw heavyweight champion, hardcore champion, pure champion

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"And that's the bottom line because Rock Hard Roger said so" types


I really want to roleplay a character called Rock Hard Roger :D


Anyway, I used to be involved in a few e-feds a while back, well probably 10 years or so now. Mainly with running them rather than involved as an active character as I was never the best writer. Been saying ever since I stopped that I'd make a return to it, but I wouldn't know where to start these days. Doubt I'd have the time either - it did take up a fair chunk.

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Derek B you were in shoot club? Do you know Cade Sydal he was big over there as well. I was there briefly as well but it wasn't for me.


I know the name but I've not been a part of the Shootclub community for a couple of years now. Don't remember Cade being a huge name, but I remember him vaguely. :)


found this in my old notes....had to brag a little bit ;)


Nww world heavyweight x2, shoot champion x3, tag team champion, TV champion x2

Rage world champion, mayhem champion, tag team champion

Isga shoot champion x2

Scw heavyweight champion, hardcore champion, pure champion


Derek B - The Wrestler :D


He was my top guy in Shootclub by a long way but "The Natural" Damian Devine was probably one of my favourites to write with ever. I knew what I wanted to do with him from the start and his feud with Turner The Metrosexual Cowboy was amazing. Devine was all about trying to take wrestling seriously, shunning gimmicks (despite having lots himself ;)) and treating things seriously... while Turner wasn't. It led to some of the best promos I think I ever wrote, way more focussed than my usual stuff AND really challenging what a heel could be. I loved that character to death, I really did. CM Punk is the closest to a real version of him I've ever seen... which probably helps explain why I love Punk so much too. :)

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