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Gaining popularity

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Right now I have 70% pop across Mexico (C+, almost B-). If I put on a TV show that gets a B rating my pop doesn't move by even 0.1%.


My main competitors have 75% pop across Mexico (B-, almost B). If they put on a TV show that gets a B rating their pop increases.


My show is 90 minutes on a medium network and gets .38 ratings.

Their show is 120 minutes on a very small network and gets .70 ratings.


They seem to have a much easier time gaining popularity (and when they put on C+ shows they still don't lose any popularity). Is this simply an extra challenge for the human player or is it due to their show having higher ratings or is their some other factor I'm not considering?


I am aware that a B-rated show covers a range of percentages, but my shows usually have a B semi main event and a B main event so I would guess my B-rated shows are, at worst, in the middle of that range.

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My show is 90 minutes on a medium network and gets .38 ratings.

Their show is 120 minutes on a very small network and gets .70 ratings.


I think this may be what the issue is. As near as I understand it, being on a bigger network means you can get higher ratings as they have a higher coverage cap, however the ratings themselves are still weighted the same. Therefore, even though you are on a medium network and they are on a small network, they are still being seen by much more people than you are.


How to fix this, I'm not sure about. I tend to play smaller promotions so I don't know how much prestige and momentum play into the ratings television shows pull in. But that should explain why you're not getting the same gains in pop as your competition.

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Also keep in mind there is a difference within a B rating. You could be butting in just barely B's while they are putting on high B's. Its not so much the coverage. Try numbers instead of grades for a while or look back with that and see if they score higher. If that is not the case I am stumped other then that the AI gets a slight advantage, but I am not sure on that.
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The TV ratings difference would make the most sense so I will try to get a better time slot in the future and see if that helps.


If not I'll be stuck because I would have to regularly put on A rated shows just to have a shot at national.

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Are you sure it's your POPULARTIY that's at C+? Or is it your IMPORTANCE?


Because popularity gains are based on the former, not the latter. So although you might be C+ in Importance, you might actually have B popularity. Having said that, for Mexico that seems a big far-fetched.


Are you sure you're not gaining pop after the show but losing it again for some other reason? Ratings shouldn't have anything to do with it, you should still gain popularity in the area your show was physically held.

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Are you sure it's your POPULARTIY that's at C+? Or is it your IMPORTANCE?


Because popularity gains are based on the former, not the latter. So although you might be C+ in Importance, you might actually have B popularity. Having said that, for Mexico that seems a big far-fetched.


Are you sure you're not gaining pop after the show but losing it again for some other reason? Ratings shouldn't have anything to do with it, you should still gain popularity in the area your show was physically held.


I'm using the editor to look at my POPULARITY immediately after each show. I changed my user preferences to numbers and looked at last week's results. My show got a 78, so it was a low B. My popularity is 69.9. So my show was 8 points better than my current popularity but I did not see any increase. If I put on an 81 or above show then I gain 0.2 in popularity.


This is only an issue with TV shows. On PPVs it's easier to gain popularity. I can put on a B- PPV and still gain popularity.

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