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SWF: Now with added chunks

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Rich Money v Marc Du Bois

During the start here, the Can't Miss Prospect is moreso the Can't Win Prospect.


Jungle Strike v the All North American Dream Team

Jungle Strike got some momentum last week to give to Gilmore and Roberts tonight.


Lobster Warrior v ???

It's always difficult to pick against Mr. Squiggles.


Randy Bumfhole v Remo

Remo powers through the Bumfhole.


Vengeance and John 'Squeeky' McClean v Steve Frehley and Joe Sexy

A close battle but Vengeance and McClean grab the win.


Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov v Christian Faith and Jack Bruce

The Russian Destruction Marat Khoklov puts them over the top.

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Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado

Attendance: 15,000

Your commentators:


Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry

SWF Supreme TV Episode #: 3

Episode Title: In which the ring is again the lord




As the pyros burst around another sold out arena, we hear the familiar tone of Peter Michaels.


Peter Michaels: John Denver was right man, this is Rocky Mountain high, and what a high we are on because tonight, Supreme Wrestling Federation delivers another outstanding show! I'm Peter Michaels, and with me as always, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen. Whoa, what a second...



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The Living Legend Christian Faith elates the crowd as he steps forth through the curtain, holding aloft a sledgehammer as the music of Jack Bruce plays. He has a semi-demonic look on his scarred face, and he is followed to the ring by the equally determined Jack Bruce, who unusually for him, looks all business at the top of the show.


Once in the ring, there is no posing on the turnbuckle, it is straight down to business as Christian Faith takes the microphone.


Christian Faith: To a man, we are all sick to death of the sanctimonious bull [beep] from the Corporate Supremacists. This promotion has been running in one form or another since 1972. And it's been built off this...


Faith pulls back the red bandana on his forehead, and a gouge of blood pours down his nose.


Christian Faith: Blood, sweat, tears. It's been built off each and every one of you in the crowd tonight, and watching around the world. Somewhere in the past year or so, that's all been lost in the translation, because Richard Eisen has changed the rules of engagement to procreate a society based off his chosen few. And tonight, we say... No more! We say... NO MORE! If the rules of this society have been torn down by the lunatics in the asylum, then we say....


He raises his sledge hammer high above his head.


Christian Faith: To hell with Mr Nice Guy.


Let me reiterate to all my fans that have watched me these past fifteen years here in Supreme Wrestling Federation, never in my entire career here have I seen societal decay like I am seeing now. This is a new frontier of lows. It's a new frontier of denying justice. All for the corporate dollar. All by a bunch of corporate sell outs. And if you think I'm [beep]ed off, wait till you here what this man here has to say. Ladies and gentlemen, JACK BRUCE!


Jack Bruce: I always believed this ring meant something. You see, I rather foolishly looked at it as being the confine where differences were settled. Man to man. I guess that was a respect thing. It was a respect thing where you earned your stripes and you learned who the best really was through the ultimate test of pain, endurance, and desire to sacrifice everything in the ultimate quest for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship...


Bruce stares down at his mid drift peculiarly.


Jack Bruce: As I look down at my barren waist, I now know that is no longer the case. As Christian said, the rules have changed. And we, the SWF locker room, are going to change with them. We will stop at nothing, if it means we tear down this ring and replace it with a pit of hell, then so be it.


Tonight, it starts. You see, Richard Eisen, you can throw around your corporate millions, you can do what you will... but, Christian and I at the least still believe deep down inside, this ring still means something. This is the true Lord of the Ring. And to emphasise that once again in what has become a very dark time for the sanctity of the wrestling ring, the long and winding road that leads to justice will never disappear, and it all starts right here tonight. Because Richard Eisen, a very smart ... maybe eclectic, maybe controversial... but very smart man none the less once said, instant karma's going to get ya. It's going to drop you right on your head. Better get yourself together Richard, because pretty soon your corruption's going to be dead.


And so, we will not leave this ring until we get our demands. And our demands are simple. We want two matches. Firstly, tonight, Christian Faith and myself against Marat Khoklov and Eric Eisen... and, at When Hell Freezes Over... we want a Corporate Sickle versus Sledgehammer match between Marat Khoklov and Christian Faith. Yeah, we're ready to kick our militant defiance up to a whole new level, so why don't you send down one of your little bean counters to the ring and let us know that you want the show to go on, by granting us our matches.


Bruce drops the microphone, as Faith and him stand back to back, Faith watching the crowd for any Corporate Supremacists drop ins, Jack Bruce watching the ring entrance.


Time ticks by, and the crowd begins to get a bit restless.


There is still no movement at the station.


The commentators begin to question whether infact we are going to get a show at all tonight.


Finally, a loud cheer erupts as a corporate suit walks to the ring. Once he gets to the base of the ring, he simply nods to Bruce, who nods back.


Jack Bruce: And a wise choice it is. Not for Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov, because the war intensifies tonight. The brutality truly takes centre stage. But it is better than what we .... had planned. You see, let me assure you of something Eisen and Khoklov, these ring ropes afford you some protection too.


Think about it.


The fans erupt, as Faith and Bruce finally raise their arms aloft for the crowd.


Jerry Eisen: They had no right holding the show sabotage like that.

Duane Fry: I think they just stole a play from daddy's play book.

Jerry Eisen: Daddy's play book? I don't think so. I'm sure he has something bigger planned than that.




Meanwhile, Rich Money runs into Runaway Train, the current and undisputed World Heavyweight Champion backstage. Train nods in acknowledgment, and extends his right hand. Money looks away to the wall, and then spits on the ground before walking off.



Rich Money v 'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois


This was a reasonably quick paced match to start off proceedings. There was a lot of good chain wrestling spots as the two men criss-crossed the ring. At times Marc Du Bois seemed to lose focus of the overall story-line being read, but Rich Money none the less carried him to a reasonable level.


The match suffered due to this as they fell back into the old 'heel takes control' routine. Clearly when Du Bois was trying to call the shots he simply wasn't even to enthrall the crowd with dramatic interest to anywhere near the same level as Rich Money did.


In the middle of the match however there was some very good reversals on the mat. Side headlocks twisted into bow and arrows, figure fours twisted into sharpshooters. This was followed by a minute or so of the competitors trading small packages and inside cradles, continually rolling their opponent through at 2 for a reversal into their own pinfall.


The match then floated into a bit of outside the ring anarchy, as Marc Du Bois tried to level the score against the naturally talented Money, by trying to get him to be greeted by the steel guardrails. And he succeeded. Money's ribs were exposed and they took the brunt of the impact. Du Bois took Money back into the ring and tried a variety of stretch type moves to further weaken the torso of Money, including an abdominal stretch. The abdominal stretch seemed to be locked in well, and off the back of the guardrail attack, it appeared as though it actually could beat Money. Du Bois arrogantly smiled as he tightened the hold, but he didn't have it well enough executed and Money was able to somehow grab back and drop Du Bois with a jaw breaker type move.


The two men traded blows in the center of the ring until Du Bois dropped looking for a low blow, but Money caught his hand, and with a test of strength brought him back up. An evil grin smeered over Money's face as he tossed Du Bois into the corner. He hammered his ribs with reverse knife edge chops, until Du Bois fell onto his knees in misery. He picked Du Bois up and hit a European Uppercut, further intensifying Du Bois' giddiness. He then went behind Du Bois... MONEY IN THE BANK!








Result: Your winner at 9:51, Rich Money


Grade: B-


Peter Michaels: Another very impressive win for Rich Money.

Duane Fry: Without a doubt, but what about the attitude?

Jerry Eisen: Why do you say he won?

Duane Fry: He got a pinfall, stupid!

Jerry Eisen: Oh... sorry. I lost count. Did he really pin his shoulders for a count of three?

Duane Fry: Of course he did.

Jerry Eisen: Oh.... my bad.


Suddenly we hear like a clicking intercom type noise.


Jerry Eisen: Ruben... Jerry here. Get corporate forensic analysis to replay that video. I beg to differ on it being a three-count. 10-4.




Rich Money picks up a microphone as Marc Du Bois rolls out of the ring.


Rich Money: People look at me and wonder what's wrong with me. I look at me and see what's right about me. Jack Bruce, you were in the ring before aluding to the ultimate quest being the earning of stripes for the World Heavyweight Championship. But in order to be the World Heavyweight Champion, to truly have earned your stripes, you have to be able to prove you can conquer the best of the best.


I agree, to a man, I agree, that the way you lost your World Heavyweight Championship was a disgrace. It truly was.












I was never truly convinced that you were any better than I. Money clouded my vision often in the past, but the only thing clouding my vision now is the augur of being recognised for the level of excellence Rich Money stands for.


That's why, at When Hell Freezes Over... as you expect that you have got your rematch against Runaway Train, with the corporate add on of Eric Eisen making the match a three way match... you should keep an eye out. For you see, a little bit of money can still influence. And for the first time in months, I repented against my vow to not influence using the mighty greenback. Because when the Corporate Supremacists were busy making some corporate investments, I was busy freeing up a financial pathway to support their endeavours. And in exchange for that, I gained a pathway into the now fatal fourway at When Hell Freezes Over.


Now, I'm sure you're sitting back thinking that I've changed. I haven't. I'm still the same bad [beep] lone wolf you've always known, the only difference is, come When Hell Freezes Over, I will be your World Heavyweight Champion.


Money holds his arm aloft as his music begins


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And as the crowd cheers, but really aren't fully into their support, as they don't really know what to take out of Rich Money's promo and where his allegiances truly stand now.


Peter Michaels: Holy hell!

Duane Fry: What an announcement. A four way match for the World Heavyweight Championship at When Hell Freezes Over! The only lingering question I have is what kind of transactions was Rich Money getting at?

Jerry Eisen: I believe that's classified information, Duane.

Duane Fry: In other words you don't know?

Jerry Eisen: Wouldn't have a clue.

Peter Michaels: Alright you two, after the break, we believe we are going to hear from the All North American Dream Team. Stay tuned!





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Not a happy reaction for the All North American Dream Team, as two of the best exponents of professional wrestling on the face of this planet today, Enforcer Roberts and Angry Gilmore, perhaps an unlikely 'super' tag-team but none the less without a doubt still a 'super' tag team, step forth to a chorus of wild boos.


Once in the ring, Gilmore hams it up for the crowd, while Enforcer as he usually does in an entertainment segment looks decidedly edgy and unsure.


Angry Gilmore: To some extent, I agree with what Jack Bruce and Christian Faith had to say earlier tonight.


The crowd cheer to that comment.


Angry Gilmore: BUT...


The crowd obviously boo to the BUT moment.


Angry Gilmore: As Enforcer Roberts and I stand before, I ask you, is there honestly a superior tag team in the world of professional wrestling today? And if everything is as clear cut as Jack Bruce claims, and it is all a tribute to legendary wrestling, why do you detest us so much? You detest us purely because we are that...damn...GREAT! And that's the big missing link in Jack Bruce's incongruent argument.


As you all know, at When Hell Freezes Over, the All North American Dream Team will finally get the match they rightfully deserve. A shot at the SWF World Tag Team Championships. Jack Geidroyc... Valiant... your days are truly numbered. I struggle to see how you can possibly beat the best all around package in professional wrestling today.


And to prove how excellent we are, we stand before you and ask for any team to grab their [beep] and get down to the ring, for a lesson in wrestilng excellence!


It is not long, before Jungle Strike step forth....




Jungle Strike (Gregory Black and Jungle Lord) v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)


The contrast in ring control was enormous as Gilmore and Roberts obviously with their skill set are past masters at controlling the tempo. Jungle Strike tend to be more 'spotty', but perhaps not as effective in their spot-work.


The All North American Dream Team largely controlled the contest with well executed tag-team work, cutting off the ring etc, and generally grinding their opponents into the mat before double teaming for a move. Intermittently, Jungle Strike fought back with high impact moves from the ropes, but mostly they were being constrained.


However, Jungle Lord got on a heated frenzy when the crowd really started getting in behind him. The match played to the crowd fever and he began hitting a succession of clotheslines and drop kicks as both Roberts and Gilmore attempted to derail him unsuccessfully.


However, just as their stocks rose...




Frederique Antonio Garcia raced to the ring, but before he get to the apron he was cut off by...




However, just when Retro seemed to have stopped the hit...




Paul Huntingdon appeared and breezed through Retro who could only stop FAG. Gregory Black was irish whipped into the guardrails, and Jungle Lord was given a jaw breaker onto the top steel cable.


With Jungle Lord stunned, he slipped back off balance and straight into the RCT! The referee checked, and despite defiance initially from Jungle Lord, the bell was called for.


Result: Your winners at 7:50, The All North American Dream Team


Grade: B-




Meanwhile, backstage, Corporate Supremacy, the tag team of Remo and McClean are again stalking Jessie, as she tries to refill her paper cup with water at the water cooler.


Remo: Look what we have here.


Squeeky: Well well well, if it's not the damsel in distress. We come into your dressing room to let you know what we think of you....


Remo: As the second most hottest chick in SWF behind the Corporate one herself, Emma Chase...


Squeeky: And you get saved by the Incredibles, Deputy Dooey and Goofey the Dog.


Remo: We just wanted to let you know something, sugar [beep]...


Squeeky: At When Hell Freezes Over, when Remo and I destroy the Incredibles within an inch of their lives...


Remo: The blood is squarely on your hands. Think about that!


Jessie has tears welling, as the hulking Remo is led away by Squeeky.



Lobster Warrior v A Mystery Opponent


Lobster Warrior does some leg flexes in the ring, as he awaits the naming of his mystery opponent. Suddenly, unfamiliar music begins...


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After about half a minute or so, a gold spotlight appears at the top of the stage, and out comes a newcomer to the Supreme Wrestling Federation, ....




It is James Prudence!


Lobster Warrior like a proud warrior steps forward and offers Prudence a hand... err, a claw... err, a rubber foam puppet something. Prudence goes to shake it, but all he does is pull the foam claw off Lobster Warrior and bash it over the head of the costume wearer!


Prudence drives Lobster Warrior into the mat and begins pounding on the face of Warrior, who tries to cover up as best he can. After this intense beat down, James Prudence steps to the ring turnbuckle, and poses like some sort of runway model, which of course does not go over well.


What does go over well is when Lobster Warrior comes to and uses the opportunity to hit a raised german suplex on Prudence off the ropes! Very crafty!






No, kick out. This match actually becomes a very open affair. The commentators are very impressed by Prudence, who offers a multitude of good momentum move series. Some of his chain wrestling is quite accurate and from this he is able to slowly grind Lobster Warrior to the mat.


From this, Prudence seems to be gaining some semblance of control. He points to his knee, and the fans start rallying behind Lobster.


Prudence sends Lobster into the ropes and gets ready for the Glittering Magician Knee, but Lobster instead moves his head, and grabs Prudence and twists him head over toe into the mat!


Prudence clutches at his lower back and gingerly gets up, as Lobster signals with his right hand like a Lobster claw... Lobster goes for the Lobster Trap, but Prudence dead weights him and refuses to go up. Lobster shakes his head in dismay and sends Prudence into the corner. Lobster follows in, charging hard, but Prudence moves at the last second and Lobster hits his head on the turnbuckle padding. Prudence tries to roll him up...






No, roll through from Lobster...








Result: Your winner at 8:26, Lobster Warrior


Grade: C-


Peter Michaels: A very competitive match!

Duane Fry: Yes, Lobster Warrior, a true ... well, warrior of this promotion was taken right to the limit by this impressive newcomer.

Peter Michaels: You know Duane, I turn up to commentate at these events and I never really know who is going to show up. That's the thing about Supreme Wrestling Federation, it continues to amaze me.

Duane Fry: It's must see TV Peter.

Jerry Eisen: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the both of you. What an impressive debut by young James Prudence. He looks a skillful competitor, and it took a clutch veteran move by Lobster Warrior to get the win.

Peter Michael: That right there is the definition of ring presence and awareness, and it's that extra 1% that makes guys like Lobster Warrior a true great of his generation.



Randy Bumfhole v Remo


Poor old Randy Bumfhole. It seemed like he was in for a world of hurt simply by looking in the eyes of Remo. The biggest mutha out there looked like a man possessed. It was clear tonight he was sending a message straight to the Incredibles for their chivalrous defiance over the beautiful Jessie.


Randy tried valiantly to make some kind of impact, and at times he genuinely did rattle the big collosus with some swift drop kicks, high rope cross body blocks, and stunning drop kicks. His strategy seemed very much to hit and move, but Remo seemed to be in no mood, and so no momentum really built off the snap moves of Randy.


Remo continued to use very basic rough-house brawling tactics. Clubbing blows, savage kicks, intense high knees into the ribcage, all designed to overpower the youngster with sheer brutality. Randy would try valiantly later in the match to get to the outside to recuperate his breath and his thoughts, but Remo would have none of it and continued to scrag Randy back like he was a mouse trying to get away from a playful cat. And much like a mouse, Randy indeed met his eventual end when Remo firstly squeezed and then squashed the living life out of Randy's defiance with the Remo Buster for an easy pinfall.


Result: Your winner at 6:04, Remo


Grade: B




Backstage, Ana Garcia stands by in the SWF Interview Center with a clearly excited Joe Sexy, who is anxiously jogging on the spot as he awaits his interview.


Ana Garcia: Joe Sexy, it's good to see you here in Denver, Colorado.


Joe Sexy: Oh sweet lord, my oh my! Damn! They say you can't touch this, but as I look at you and breathe in your sweet scent Ana, I can say that impresses me very much.


Ana Garcia: Tonight you will face Vengeance and Squeeky McClean, but we are yet to know who your tag partner is going to be...




Steve Frehley walks on the set, and the crowd goes wild at his appearance.


Steve Frehley: I was just passing through yo crib Ana, when I heard you ask the great man here, who would be his partner tonight? Steve Frehley ain't nothing but the truth baby, and Steve Frehley is always ready to bare his knuckles and his soul for yo in this Denver ghetto. So tonight Ana, I want to make two comments to your fine self. Vengeance, the first one is purely for you. And it's simply this. Get ready, because I'm coming to get ya! At When Hell Freezes Over, when all is said and done, my homies want a hero who can stop you ... stop you.... stop you.... stop you...




Dead in your tracks. And that man is me, brudda. It's me, Steve Frehley. You want some Vengeance, come get some, because I'm right here, baby. I'm sweet as sugar, tough as pork brudda, and come When Hell Freezes Over, Hell surely will freeze over because you will be stopped brudda.


And like many others have already said on this sweet night brudda, it all starts tonight. Because Joe Sexy ... bro... we better get this on, because brudda, I'm coming to tag with you!


The two men shake hands with a great big smile, as we fade away.




Vengeance and John 'Squeeky' McClean v 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley and Joe Sexy


Even the defiant, gallant and powerful Steve Frehley gulped as Vengeance set foot in the ring. You see, as is known to all, Vengeance is a legend of this sport with a mean streak longer than the north Russian coastline. And his mere entrance sends a shockwave up his competitors spine as they anticipate the frenzied brutality that is sure to follow.


So the two men danced and circled the ring, before finally Steve Frehley himself initiated the lock up. He was swatted away like a fly, as Vengeance released from the tie up and hit a discus lariat. It was like a warning from a caged cobra, the sizzle of the tongue, ready to unleash its venom if you re-enter its domain. Frehley fell backwards, and his eyes were as wide as dinner plates, as looking up, he can see the threatening mask of Vengeance. Vengeance pointed to the ramp to the ring, indicating it was high time for Frehley to save himself and leave.


Frehley though stood up, and crouched down, defiantly, and challenged Vengeance to come at him. And Vengeance did, but this time Frehley duckled under the swinging arm and picked Vengeance up for a crushing atomic drop. Vengeance hobbled but then spun around from nowhere and hit a devastating kick to the head of Frehley, sending the Dark Destroyer catapulting over the top rope to the floor. Frehley grabbed at his jaw as he convulsed, before Vengeance stalked him to the outside, picked him up and threw him back into the ring. Vengeance slid in, and then hit a demonic leg drop draipsing his leg straight across the throat of Frehley.


This would go on for three or four minutes, with Vengeance trying for a couple of pinfalls. But Frehley, unlike so many before him, would not give in. He kept getting back and demanding more. And more. And more. The sheer intensity of Vengeance's warfare opened up a gash on the forehead of Frehley, but again, he simply would not give in.


Eventually, out of frustration more than necessity, Vengeance tagged in McClean. This evened the scores up nicely. Frehley was able to get some command of the match, and almost used it to taunt Vengeance to show how powerful a wrestler he is. To keep Joe Sexy from getting a cold, Frehley tagged him in, and the two men connected with Frehley putting McClean into a Fireman's Carry, and Sexy delivering a drive by neckbreaker off Frehley's shoulders.


McClean though was also defiant, and quickly changed momentum with an inside cradle which met a two count, followed by a high arching drop kick. Sexy tried fighting back, but McClean was in dominant form.


Eventually though Sexy was able to do the same to McClean, from nowhere hitting a schoolboy roll up which McClean barely kicked out of. Vengeance raced in the ring, but Frehley also came in, and was able to hit a stunning drop kick of his own on Vengeance, sending the demonic man over the top rope to the outside. Frehley taunted him from the safety of the ring, as McClean tried to fight back, but McClean's neck was tilted dangerously with the One Night Stand for an upset victory.








Result: Your winners at 9:28, Steve Frehley and Joe Sexy


Grade: B-






A grainy video shows just some of the conflict between these four men, who will be paired off in a tag match next!



'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov v 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and Jack Bruce


Bravo! Finally a main event worthy of its name. This brought together many diverse characters; the brute Russian sambo powerhouse Marat Khoklov, the manipulative politician Eric Eisen, the outstanding veteran Christian Faith and the exuberant, flashy Jack Bruce. And it was this combination of skills that brought this match along so well, as with Christian Faith's excellent selling skills, it allowed for Faith to basically sell most of the match and keep some control, while intermittently allowing his exceptionally vibrant partner to come and hit spots that raised the intensity of the crowds support ten fold. Faith was largely the controlling conduit in this match, and the others blended in around him.


In the first stanza, Bruce and Eisen started it out. Bruce came with some of his flashy moves; the drop kick, the high cross body, the electric chair fall, and the like. Eisen seemed intent to take them, before callously low blowing Bruce to bring in Marat Khoklov. And the Russian Bear would show no mercy. Very quickly Bruce tried to get to the corner, but it would take a good two minutes before he could hit a snap jab into the eyes of Khoklov to distract him long enough to bring in Faith.


The two men brawled in the center of the ring showing utter contempt for one another. Eisen would spring into the match occaisionally and right any momentum shifts with a quick blow, before Shane Stones would get weary of iit, and stop Jack Bruce of all people from entering. Bruce in a way would provide the ultimate distraction for Eisen and Marat to double team Faith, who, whilst valiant, was certainly no match for the two men.


The Russian Bear continued on the assault, using his unique power arsenal to just pound Faith into submission. Everytime he looked set to be winding up for the Soviet Sledge or the Moscow Lariat, Faith would find some veteran move to prevent it, and thus Marat just reverted back to the pound into submission mode. Faith looked particularly dazed when Marat wore him down with a sustained suplex followed by the double power bomb.








NO! How many wrestlers over the past year have not only not responded to the pinfall off these moves, but needed assistance to the back? It was clear that Christian Faith was like no other. He is the most determined son of a you know what in Supreme Wrestling Federation. All this did for his safety was aggrieve it further because the Russian Bear continued to savage him with a furore of intensity. He brought out other favourites of his like the raised choke hold, the power body slam, the avalanche, the repeated shoulder ram... Faith was not going to get out of here in one piece it seemed.


Finally, after about 5 minutes of Marat unmercilessly pounding on the tactile Faith, Christian was able to mount a comeback as Marat strangely went to the irish whip. Faith ducked a thunderous clothesline and came back off the ropes looking for a Spinebuster... but he couldn't get Marat's huge frame up. Marat then picked Faith up in a high vertical suplex, but Faith fell on top of Marat...






NO! Marat flung him off with fury. But inaccurately he flung him into the corner of Jack Bruce, who tagged in. Faith rolled to the outside and choked up his lungs, as Bruce tried a cradle pin from behind, but Marat just stood still, and then dropped on top of him, crushing Bruce also.


Eisen called for the tag, and in he came. He hit a clothesline, then another, and then dropped to his knees before hitting a three stooges slap rally over the face of Bruce. Bruce wobbled, but Eisen went for it again, and Bruce caught his hand. He turned him into the mat with a hammerlock. Eisen grabbed at his shoulder, so Bruce released and hit a snap drop kick to Eisen's shoulder.


Eisen was struggling. Bruce picked him up and screamed to the crowd. Whoa, looks like we're going for the Long Island Trio... Up once... got him. Up again... got him... And a third time... NAILED IT! Bruce now with the cover...








NO!! Marat rushes in. Faith rushes in also, and clothelines Marat to the outside. Marat taunts Faith, who slides out of the ring, and into a fist fight with the big Russian comrade.


Eisen begs for mercy, and then delivers a crippling low blow to Bruce, who doubles over in agony. He tells Shane Stones that Faith is coming back in, which he is not, and with the distraction puts on a set of brass knucks... CABAM! Bruce is down. Brass knucks back into the pants... Stones turns around....








The ring begins to fill with debris, what the hell was that all about?


Result: Your winners at 10:02, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov


Grade: A









You have 1 new text message


This is the visual we get of someone's iPhone beeping old skool style backstage.


Peter Michaels: Whose phone is that? And what is the message? And why are we looking at it?

Duane Fry: That... that is confusing Peter.

Peter Michaels: Is this part of the master-plan, Jerry?

Jerry Eisen: A rolling stone gathers no moss Peter, a rolling stone gathers no moss.

Peter Michaels: I have no idea what you are on about Jerry, and I'm extremely suspicious. But... that's all we have time for, for Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry, as we roll on towards When Hell Freezes Over, it's goodnight from Denver, Colorado!


Show Rating: B+

TV Rating: 6.49

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Another really good show, Tristram. Really enjoying your foray into the CornellVerse and glad you made the jump.


Thanks man, appreciate that. I really enjoyed writing that show I must say.







Onto the tipping, what I've decided to do is to create a 'monthly run to the Pay-Per-View' tipping contest. The idea is, when the Pay-Per-View tipping sheet is announced, the reader with the most correct tips will get to interactively pick a scenario. Now, it could be a match type, it could to choose a particular 'match spot', it could be to pick a particular weapon of use for a particular match. It'll vary each month depending on the variety of storylines in use. With that in mind, I have put below where everybody is at this stage:


Bigpapa42	         16/17
angedelayette	       9/12
Zergon	                 9/12
Jingo	                  8/11
mad5226	                8/11
20LEgend	         6/6
BHK1978	                 5/5
Candyman	        5/6
Teh_Showtime	      3/5




Knowing that we all didn't know this was in place (and neither did I till drank I quite a quantity of Jack Daniels last night did it dawn on me in a drunken stupor), to keep everyone in with a chance, each match on the 'go home' show to When Hell Freezes Over will be worth triple marks.

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Lobster Warrior v John 'Squeaky' McClean


Did you know: New York Yankee Jorge Posada tried to meet up backstage with Lobster Warrior at a show in Philadelphia when the Yankees were away to the Phillies, only for the security bouncer to deny Posada access by claiming to not know who Jorge was. Jorge though got revenge - his New York Yankees would win the World Series that season. To this day, Lobster Warrior secretly seethes that Posada has not replied to his emails, believing Posada has in fact brushed him when this is not the case at all.



SWF World Tag Team Championships

Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma)


Did you know: Jack Geidroyc is a massive Queen fan. He owns their entire back catalogue.



Debuting, Roger 'Smooth' Cage v 'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v 'Platinum' James Prudence


Did you know: When Allan Thicke was asked how he was related to Marc Du Bois, he replied... "Who?"



'Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Angry Gilmore


Did you know: Angry Gilmore cracked his knee when he was a teenager trying to imitate a scene from one of his favourite movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Did he try to jump into the canyon below? No.. God no. No, he tried to ride a bike with his feet on the handlebars.



The Rematch: 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen and 'The Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov


Did you know: Christian Faith has been around long enough for him to have been featured on game platforms ranging from Nintendo DS, to Nintendo 64s, from games compatible for Windows ME to MS-Dos. Yes, that's right, Christian Faith featured in the text based wrestling thriller, Computer Wrestling.


Enter Code: Kick man to head.


Enter Code: Pin man.

Computer Wrestling does not understand the term 'pin'. Please choose a different word.


Quick Picks


Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

Lobster uses oil to make McClean no longer squeaky.


SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Still a little more time before Wrath of God and Valiant lose the belts.


Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

The Can't Miss Prospect finally gets a win!


Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

As everyone knows: Rich IS Money!


Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

Daddy's Little Boy hides behind the Russian Sickle and Khoklov SMASH! on Faith and Bruce.

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

I don´t have much faith on Squeaky though I don´t know why


SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

No title change yet


Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

No idea here just copying everyone else


Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Money seems to be more important right now


Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

I go with draw here

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Lobster Warrior v Squeaky McClean

SWF Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz

Roger Cage v Marc Du Bois v James Prudence

Rich Money v Angry Gilmore

Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov

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Down the Wrestling Highway

With Uncle Buck McLovin


Greetings again to all the readers of the Uncle Buck McLovin Arena Reports. Today I begin a somewhat different tangent in analysing the school of hard knocks that is professional wrestling. Yes, there will be still be the Arena Reports, but they will be somewhat more infrequent. You see, last night I got a massive opportunity to spend time with a professional wrestling legend, none other than Christian Faith. He had just sold a brutal beating from Marat Khoklov - a man claimed within professional wrestling circles as not being the safest man to work with and also being renowned for being quite stiff - and he had just received the tip off from Richard Eisen that he would be working the same match next week in Memphis, Tennessee, a somewhat poignant return to the city where Runaway Train turned his back on the Corporate Supremacists and somehow came up with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. A Championship swerve that my inside word suggests did not go down too well in the locker room.


Sweat poured from the brow of Faith, and you could literally hear the creak of his bones as he undid a morbidly long coil of white protective tape that he was using to bind together knee ligaments that simply refused to fuse properly just yet.


"Yeah, I've been working with this injury for a few months," Faith said as he winced as he allowed the ligaments to loosen without the restrictive bondage. "Picked up one night while fighting Akima Brave, he put on a single leg grapevine and he just didn't get it on technically that well, and well... you know I had two options. I could either sit it out for a couple of months, or I could try to fight on and adjust the matches I portrayed. The truth is, my contract comes up soon, and I know how fickle this game is."


Fickle isn't the word for it. As I looked into the strained eyes of Christian Faith, I wondered if a swerve was really necessary at Christmas Clash to give the traditional happy-go-lucky end to that particular Pay-Per-View, why a move couldn't be made to get the belt onto Christian Faith. It's no secret that the Supreme Wrestling Federation fans associate with Faith like no other. He has been the one common link. The one common bond. He had been like so few great legends who milked the Supreme Wrestling Federation gravy train and then were either unmercilessly cut at the lowest ebb or they decided that the promotion's lack of ethics were simply not worth enduring anymore. Through it all, through every change of direction, through every morbid twist in the professional wrestling sphere, Christian Faith fought on for SWF.


"It's the fans, bra," he uttered. "I go out there, and those fans give me a buzz. You know, bra, I know it's not the done thing to necessarily talk about that anymore, but I come from an old age era brudda. I come from a time when fans truly believed, and that the men inside the ring weren't just spot-monkeys, they were artisans who knew how to craft a story. I come from a time when your acts could really affect moral around the table as Dad came home from the factory to his three young kids and his stressed wife, you know, that to me is pro wrestling."


He let out a scream as he hopped onto his left leg, strategically trying to hop as much as possible to restrict the enormous pain that ebbed through his right leg. You could see the face of Christian Faith spoke truthfully, this was no character talking, this was the man deep down inside. This was his soul. This was Christian Faith ... the man. Christian Faith.... the myth. The myth that is substantiated into legend.


"I can't really answer that," he said when quizzed about his next move. "On one hand I have been here for so long. On the other hand it feels like everything has changed and that I really haven't. You know, I don't have any problems with Tommy Cornell, some people have said that I have and that Tommy and Sean and the likes should never have left Supreme Wrestling Federation, but I don't really look at it like that. And I wonder, now more than ever, if a calling to North of the Border Pro Wrestling or Total Championship Wrestling is the right one for Christian Faith. Beforehand, I doubted it ever was. But now I wonder."


The burning question that went through my mind was why would a man of Christian's standing think about leaving.


"The truth of the matter is, it's a variety of reasons. I know some have questioned how I felt about the swerve at Christmas Clash, look, to me that wasn't the way a prestigious Championship was handled. But it is what it is. People want to know if I have a problem with management, but in all honesty, I have never even met the guy who is supposedly writing the shows. People say maybe I don't like the booking, but the truth is, I know this guy only got the book after Christmas Clash, and there are some decent signs. I don't know, it's confusing, you know brudda."


The plan for the rest of the week for Christian was simple. Two days off recuperating, followed by a three night house show run in the south-west. He was hoping the matches would be short, but he wasn't counting on it. He had been worked like a mule over the past five or six years as the go-to guy for Supreme Wrestling Federation. As I looked at his face, into his glazed eyes, it was clear that in his mind he was wondering what lengths they would go to for their go-to guy. And all it seemed to take really was honesty, transparency, and a vision.


Is that too much to ask for to give to a legend?


PS: Happy fourth of July to all my American friends. Hope to be back there in a few years :D

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Location: The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee

Attendance: 15,000

Your commentators:


Peter Michaels, Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry

SWF Supreme TV Episode #: 4

Episode Title: In which there is an accidental yet feudal arousing lobster pinch




The exhilarating roar of several piercing red, white and blue pyros burst into the ceiling atmosphere of the Pyramid, as the usual dulcet tones of Peter Michaels takes over...


Peter Michaels: We are just days away from When Hell Freezes Over, and boy, I and the rest of the pro wrestling world cannot wait. Hello everyone, and welcome to Memphis, Tennessee, and to SWF Supreme TV, with you as always is Jerry Eisen and Duane Fry, and yours truly, good old Peter Michaels. And what a show we have in store for you tonight, including the World Tag Team Championships going on the line.

Duane Fry: You couldn't be any more correct Peter when you talk about the enormous hype surrounding When Hell Freezes Over. You could cut the tension in Supreme Wrestling Federation at the moment with a knife, and let me tell you, while everyone is expecting answers to so many questions at When Hell Freezes Over, the way things have been going lately I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a further heightened state of chaos following our trip to the big apple.

Peter Michaels: Can you believe it, we have a history breaking fatal four way match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at When Hell Freezes Over. We will have the current champion, Runaway Train defending the title against the former champion, Jack Bruce, against his former leader and now vaunted enemy Eric Eisen, and against the lone wolf of the entire organisation, Rich Money. The truth of the matter is that there will be no alliances, it's every man for himself.

Duane Fry: As it should be, this is the most coveted Championship in all of professional sports, Peter. Only a few select great men have held this Championship all the way back to Micky Starr in 1972.

Jerry Eisen: I've held it.

Duane Fry: What are you on about?

Jerry Eisen: When I was but a little nipper, Micky brought it to our house and I got to hold it.

Duane Fry: So you know it's extreme value then?

Jerry Eisen: Hmmm... good point.

Duane Fry: What do you mean good point?

Jerry Eisen: Well, what is the price of gold these days?




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The brave duo of Supreme Wrestling Federation, 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and Jack Bruce come through the curtain to a massive ovation. It is clear Christian Faith has a noticeable limp, as he holds aloft the Faith Sledgehammer, much to the delight of the fans.


The walk down the aisle is painfully slow as Faith struggles. Once in the ring, Christian Faith addresses the crowd.


Christian Faith: Four short weeks ago, we were right here in this very city. The city that made the King a legend. The city that continues to make Christian Faith your living legend. And what should happen on what should have been a momentous night? This man right here, Mr Sunset Boulevarde himself, the fashion plate of society, Mr Jack Bruce was deprived a fair shot at defending his World Heavyweight Championship. Come this Thursday in New York, Jack has a chance to right that wrong.


And come Thursday, at When Hell Freezes Over, yours truly has a chance to right a few wrongs too. You see, Marat Khoklov, when you continue to try and destroy a living legend, you find out that the substance you are made of is purely myth. You've given me your best shot, you've done your damndest, but I'm ... still.... standing!


In truth, I don't know how I am. The pain that ripples up and down every fibre of my body is incredulous. I find it difficult to stand up straight here and face my fans here tonight. And that's all because of you, Marat. A lesser man would have fallen over. But I haven't... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!... I still stand. I still defy. And tonight, when Jack and I take on yourself and Eric, I will triumph. You see, you may pin me, you may destroy me physically, but you will never ... never... STOP ... Christian Faith. Many men have tried, and they've all failed. And come When Hell Freezes Over, in the Corporate Sickle versus Faith Sledgehammer match which aptly comes straight from the pits of hell itself, you can bet your Russian commie [beep] that I will be STILL STANDING!


Jack Bruce: Eric Eisen... WOOOOO! You're looking at the playboy of professional wrestling. The Babe Ruth if you will. The ... King. You see, like Babe Ruth, like Elvis Presley, I'm here to excite and delight, make you tremble and quiver, drop down to my knees and give you the ultimate ... ''''shock treatment'''... and then pin you one ... two... three, before I head back to my Memphis hotel with one of the King's most desired for a night of sacrificial debauchery. You know why, Eric? Because I'm the people's champion. I'm the man these people can look into the eyes of and understand the truth, understand the justice, understand the liberty of a nation that despises corporate sell outs like.... like.... like.....




And that's all your group is, corporate sell outs. Infact, I'd like to refer to you as ... as... The Rat Pack. You have Marat Khoklov, the Russian Bear... you have Big Cat Brandon, some form of spot changing leopard... Eric Eisen, the chief rat... Emma Chase, the worlds sweetest *****......






Cat! And of course the French Snail Marc Du Bois.


But it's the Chief Rat of Madagascar that I'm most interested in. Tonight, you have the ultimate rematch. And tonight, I'm bringing hell. But if you think it's anything compared to what you're going to suffer in New York City, in that concrete jungle where dreams are made of, ... think again. Because hell hath no fury like Jack Bruce scorned. Tonight its about the plight of delight, at When Hell Freezes Over, its all about shocking and dismemberment, because brudda... I am bad, and they know I'm bad... and I won't stop at anything... ANYTHING.... to get back my World...Heavyweight... Championship.


For these fans, out in television land... they can reach out... I beg you.. REACH OUT! For my hand, is grasping your hand... and through the World Heavyweight Championship, all the dreams of justice will unite. One by one, hands across America, and Eric Eisen, when all these people out there who have suffered hard times due to the corporate element of America unite... WOOOOO!! Good God! Good God! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! You won't begin to believe our united fury!


Bruce drops the microphone, and both men head to opposite turnbuckle corners to pose for their fans.


Peter Michaels: It's quite clear how tumultuous this whole situation is, guys. I mean... I've never really seen a man withstand the damage Christian Faith has.

Duane Fry: That's why he is the living legend Peter. And it all must come to a head at When Hell Freezes Over.




Lobster Warrior v John 'Squeeky' McClean


This match started off with an obviously frenetic crowd from the Faith/Bruce promo, and it was quite clear that the pace of this match would be decidedly slowed up to try and restrain decorum before the ultimate match of the evening. And so it was set, Squeeky largely took control of the bout after a heel low blow to ground Lobster Warrior was initiated, and he proceeded to drive Lobster Warrior into the mat, trying to use a variety of leg stretches to keep the superstar grounded and his momentum lobster trapped.


The more McClean kept Lobster grounded though, particularly with his subtle use of cheap heel tactics, the more the crowd started to get riled up, and to release this tension, Lobster was able to drive his way out of an attempted sleeper hold and hit some insane momentum charged clotheslines off the ropes to continually knock over and destablise Squeeky. Clinical but basic wrestling.


Lobster tried to use his charisma to get some support in behind him, as he picked Squeeky up for a high vertical suplex. Lobster controlled Squeeky for the next two minutes with some highly charged slams and suplexes, basic, but authorative and demonstrative.


Squeeky tried to regain control with a low blow, but the crowd popped with Lobster caught his hand, and turned him inside and out with a hammerlock, before dropping in behind for the Lobster Pinch! Squeeky squirmed, and the bell was rang!


Result: Your winner at 8:11, Lobster Warrior


Grade: C


Peter Michaels: A very good effort from Lobster Warrior again guys.

Duane Fry: There's a lot to like about him, Peter, underneath the lobster attire beats the heart of a true warrior.

Jerry Eisen: Duh! That's why he has Warrior in his name. And they say I'm the idiot!

Duane Fry: Yes we do.




Joe Sexy walks down the ramp, and into the ring, clapping. Lobster Warrior looks humbled and surprised and goes to the alternate turnbuckle to raise his pincher to the fans for their support.




Big Cat Brandon races into the ring and clotheslines Joe Sexy to the mat, and looks down at him with an evil grin smeered over his face. Lobster Warrior is slow to turn around, and Joe Sexy slowly gets up. Lobster Warrior races in with his pincher held high to clothesline Brandon, but he ducks, and instead Lobster collects Joe Sexy.


Big Cat Brandon rolls out of the ring, seemingly laughing at what just transpired. Joe Sexy once again slowly gets up, but this time, instead of clapping Lobster Warrior, he grabs his red Lobster head and throws him over the top rope to the floor.


Sexy follows him outside, and begins pounding him on his red cracked chest, before security come to separate the two men.



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Emma Chase appears at the top of the ramp, and Big Cat Brandon whispers into her ear. She nods agreeingly, before raising the microphone.


Emma Chase: Take those men away, security!


The crowd boos Emma.


Emma Chase: And you sick pervs sit down next to your trailer-park trash daughter cum wife, and listen up. Big Cat Brandon here has requested to follow the comments last week of Christian Faith and Jack Bruce about the value of the ring. And he concurs. For you see, he's just demanded, and he will be granted, a three way match at When Hell Freezes Over. Big Cat Brandon James will defend the North American Championship, in a hardcore match against Joe Sexy... and Lobster Warrior!


Emma smiles her cute, vindictive smile, as Lobster Warrior and Joe Sexy look distraught at one another.


Peter Michaels: Poor Joe Sexy and Lobster Warrior, up to a few seconds ago they were the best of friends.

Duane Fry: Not only that Peter, but now they must enter Big Cat Brandon's leer. You see Peter, Big Cat Brandon was a superstar of DAVE... and Peter, it doesn't come any more dangerous or violent then being a predatory superstar of that organisation.



SWF World Tag Team Championships

Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma)


The agile Samoan Wildboyz started this off at a frenetic pace, but to be honest, the match lost a lot of shape as some of the moves they were trying to drive home had little impact due to them really not making any sense. This is something in particular Kid Toma is going to have to work hard at over the coming months.


Eventually, Valiant took advantage of an errant drop kick from Kid Toma which accidentally collected his double teaming partner, sending him over the top rope. From here, Valiant was able to hit a couple of hard snapping suplexes, before bringing in Jack Geidroyc. Geidroyc raised Kid Toma onto his shoulders in a firemans carry, Valiant sprung to the top rope and hit a startling DDT off Geidroyc's shoulders for the pinfall.


Result: Your winners at 6:11, and STILL SWF World Tag Team Champions, Jack Geidroyc and Valiant


Grade: C


Peter Michaels: Another gutsy win for Jack Geidroyc and Valiant, guys.

Jerry Eisen: The Samoan Wildboyz are two of the most dangerous men around today. They're agile and physical. I'm still stunned they didn't win.

Peter Michaels: Alright, we're going to the back to the SWF Interview Center, where Ana Garcia has a very special guest.

Jerry Eisen: Is it mom?

Peter Michaels: I somehow doubt it.

Duane Fry: I don't.




Backstage, Ana Garcia is standing by with 'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois. Du Bois, like a ravenous predator eyes her up and down, as she tries to concentrate.


Ana Garcia: Thank you Peter. I'm back here with Marc Du Boi..


Marc passes her a note, thrusts it in her face more likely.


Ana Garcia: Are you serious?


He nods slowly.


Ana Garcia: Let me start again. I am honoured, grateful, and extremely lucky to be back here with the man of the hour, the man of the tidal power, too sweet to be sour, the hero of Montreal, Ottawa, and all French outposts across the south pacific and Africa, ladies and gentlemen, Marc Du Bois... the can't... miss... prospect.


Marc Du Bois: Peppy-la-puex to you too. Ladies of love, look no further than me. For I am your ultimate beaux. French-Canadians are known for being amorous lovers. Infact, Ana-la-puex, let it be known that I wreak of amour, which is of course... French, just like me a true believer in French-Canadian indepedence from the American-Canadian cowards that cohort to stop freedom and liberty for me. Now, my little French love-poodle, I am not merely out here to excite you with my beauty. Non non non non. Non. I am here to talk to you about a man of no chivalry, who tried to stake a claim in my television time, denying all the beautiful blonds and brunettes their God given right to see the Can't Miss Prospect, the all around arondissement of amour. I speak of Gregory Le Black. Gregory Le Black, you think you are some pompous member of the bourgeoisie, but you are non nothing, missuer.


I want to tell you a fable, if I may, Gregory Le Black. There once was a little family of ‘me so good’ Americans called the Tanner family. They had a little television show, you may have heard of it, Full House. Have you heard of it, wi? There was once an episode called Martin the Fish. Wi, wi, it’s true. It was a story about the Yoplait petit bobbin Tanner child washing the fish-tank and killing the fish. Wi, it’s true. And you know what the moral of the story was? It was that you can’t put [beep] on television, and hope to stay on television. You see Gregory Le Black, SWF Supreme TV is the one longest running programs on TV today because of stars like moi, and the fable of the story is you don’t interrupt mon ami and expect to get away with it.


So let me lay down the battle-plan, wi? At When Hell Freezes Over, Gregory Le Black... you have been granted a match with moi. And you will see, that the plucky French-Canadian Rooster will destroy you like little shreds of snail at an al-fresco brasserie. You may not like me Gregory Le Black, because I am that damn magnifique. I may be how you say, brash, but I back it up with actions. Because I am that damn magnifique. And that worries you so my little Yankee-Doodle-Dandy, it worries you that I'm young, that I'm already great, that I am the now and I am the future. It's just how I roll, Gregory. It's just how I roll.


And you, mademoiselle, anytime, any place... you want to be "Frenched" up in the culture of amour... you just dial... 1800-Can't-Miss-Prospect.


Au Revoir!


Peter Michaels: After the break, guys, we will indeed see the little plucky French-Rooster in action. For he will be in three way action against James Prudence who defied so many odds last week in his debut, with another debutant, Roger Cage. Stay tuned!



Debuting, Roger 'Smooth' Cage v 'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v 'Platinum' James Prudence


The new debutant Roger Cage gave a good impression of himself. Certainly he had a rare ability to get the crowd popping just with subtle raises of his eye brows, and then with the more overt imploring of them to heat up.


The main component of the match was a three minute spot at the end of the match from James Prudence and Marc Du Bois. It went back and forth without much drama, but Prudence seemed to be coming home the stronger. The commentators were talking about a possible major upset here.


In the final stanza, Prudence took Du Bois into the corner, and accidentally tagged in Roger Cage. Cage whispered something in the ear of Prudence, which he wasn't sure about. Cage ran to the other side of the ring and charged in with a propelled shoulder, but Du Bois quickly grabbed Prudence and thrust him in his way, meaning Cage collected Prudence. Du Bois then hit a spinning heel kick to the back of the head of Cage, before lowering himself on the comatose Prudence for the pinfall.


Result: Your winner at 7:18, Marc Du Bois


Grade: C-


Peter Michaels: Look at that frustration on the face of James Prud... wait a second. A-huh... Ok... Fans, I've just got word through my ear-piece, that James Prudence will now be in action at When Hell Freezes Over. He will team with Aristocrat Paul Huntingdon, taking on the Disco Stud Robbie Retro and Smooth Roger Cage.

Duane Fry: I.. I don't know if James Prudence can wait that long for a shot at revenge.



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Rich Money begins a confident swagger down the aisle, raising his eyebrow almost contemptuously at the fans. The commentators try to give some clarity as to what has got into the Lone Wolf lately, who seems willing to give anything and everything, above board or below the table for this shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at When Hell Freezes Over.


Once in the ring, Money still receives a pop, but a confused one thats not sustained, before raising the microphone.


Rich Money: I feel like you fans think that I've abandoned you. That I've walked out on you. That I've burnt you.


He paces backwards and forth, before slowly shaking his head.


Rich Money: The truth is, that couldn't be any further from the truth. You see, I'm like all of you. Deep down inside I have fears, I have insecurities, I don't ride in a posse, I don't ride in a clan, I am who I say I am. The Lone Wolf of Supreme Wrestling Federation. So when every man under the sun is giving allegiances and using political support to mastermind their way to success, I sit back and I think to myself all they are doing is writing cheques their [beep] can't bank.


You don't see me out here with a posse, do you? I don't interrupt everyone's matches, do I? You see, I have heard people talk about me being complicated. Being complex. But that couldn't be any further from the truth. I am who I say I am. I am wealthy, and from time to time I make financial investments purely on the value they represent to me in the long run. I don't pretend to be associated with anyone, I don't stab people in the back, I am my own man. And I have said that at When Hell Freezes Over, I will walk out of the Manhattan National Center as the World ... Heavyweight... Champion. Because at the end of the day, nothing, and I mean nothing matters more than the World Heavyweight Championship.


So I stand before you tonight, trusting that you now understand that I haven't changed, that I am still the same Lone Wolf who has always proclaimed to be after the big prize, and now purely all I am doing is cashing in. I am cashing in because night after night, I put on five star shows. I put on wrestling exhibitions. I don't have to say I'm that damn good like so many others, I just get in the ring and I do my job, expertly. I'm like a commando in some senses, alone in a ravenous jungle, with people trained to take me down at every turn. But I survive. I prosper. I succeed. I don't need to make any bold slogan statements for When Hell Freezes Over, I will let my wrestling do the talking. You will see.


Tonight, I am after a tune-up match. So... when I went to my locker room earlier this evening I looked down the list of competitors here in Supreme Wrestling Federation. I could have taken the high road and looked for a rookie to give me an easy confidence boosting win before When Hell Freezes Over, but that is not the Lone Wolf way. The Lone Wolf way is to be the excellence of wrestling perfection, and as I stand here in this ring, I will call just one name. Just one name. A man who is synonomous with being outstanding, a man I don't agree to eye to eye, but a man who none the less I have the ultimate respect for.


So if you're back there, and I know you are, and you're brave enough, and hell, I'm sure you are.... Please come on down... Angry Gilmore!


Peter Michaels: And there he is! What a match we have in store for you after the break!



'Lone Wolf' Rich Money v Angry Gilmore


What great drama! What great stamina! These two men have no inhibitions in how to work an epic encounter, and they showed their very best here tonight in a 20 minute spectacular. One that unlike so many other 20 minute matches, grasped the concept of controlling the pace and drama of the match expertly, ultimately bringing the match home in complete and utter pandemonium amongst the patrons.


There was an unwordly number of pinfall attempts, particularly as both men hit the mat early in the match, and both men were able to use their technical expertise to reverse submission predicaments into pinfall predicaments purely knowing the basis that a pinfall simply means shoulders down for three seconds. The amount of quick paced reversals and then the extraordinarily good technique to put them together successively and with very good dramatic sense kept the crowd wowed.


After this extraordinary jedi mat battle, the match reverted to a series of chain wrestling spots where neither men could sustain any domination. Finally, by the grace of a heel eye rake, Angry Gilmore was able to take control of the match. As the heel, he tried to naturally slow the pace of the match with several nerve holds and leg strains designed to try to keep Rich Money suspended to the mat, or at least, futile in any attempts to hit a fast paced babyface comeback spot. For the next three minutes, this is all he concentrated on, various moves that slowed down the tension in the crowd, until Rich Money began tapping his hand on the mat to get the crowd clapping, and eventually he was able to get out of a crippling trapezoids nerve crunch only for Angry Gilmore to take him down again with a rake of the back.


Money clutched emphatically at his back, as Gilmore then went to work on his back. He used several moves like bow and arrow locks to seperate the shoulders, and even a Mexican Surfboard, again designed purely to stretch the torso, ribs and spine of Rich Money. It was a basic concept of trying to paralyse a point and render any momentum Money might be able to gain absolutely futile.


Eventually Money got free and got back to a wide vertical base, and with the crowd popping sent Gilmore into the ropes and dropped him with an atomic drop on return. He threw Gilmore into the ropes again, but the cagey superstar held the ropes and fell over the top rope to the floor, clearly trying to slow down Rich Money and regather his thoughts. But Money would have none of it, and with Gilmore preoccupied verbally battling this effusive crowd, Money leapt to the top steel cable and hit a diving cross body block on Gilmore. Gilmore's head crunched into the concrete, as both men laid prone on the floor outside.








The referee began counting both men out.











Eventually both men rose, and both men went to the apron and touched their hand inside, stopping the count briefly. Gilmore took avantage of this and sent Money cartwheeling into the unforgiving steel guardrails, with Money's back again taking huge punishment. Gilmore raced in and hit a high knee into the sternum of Money, again crushing his body against the steel guardrail.


Gilmore then raised Money and dropped him crotch first onto the unforgiving guard rail itself.


With Money unable to move due to the huge kenetic pain trembling through his body, Gilmore slid back into the ring, and demanded the referee count Money out...














Slowly Money got himself disentangled and he crawled on his hands and knees toward the ring.








Eventually he was able to touch his hands inside before Gilmore raced to the other side of the ring and came back with a baseball slide into the face of Money, knocking him back onto the mat outside. Gilmore put his hands up to celebrate as the crowd booed loudly, before Money, like the superstar he is, grabbed Gilmore's boots and pulled him outside.


The two men began fighting toe to toe up the aisle, as the referee took a very liberal approach and seemed to be counting the ten count extremely slowly, clearly responding to the fact that the crowd was enthralled by this. Gilmore and Money even ended up in the crowd, brawling, as security tried to keep the fans away from the superstars. Eventually Money grabbed Gilmore by the ear and threw him over the top rope, before rolling him back into the ring to narrowly avoid a very liberal, loose ten count.


Money strode back into the ring but Gilmore rolled up Rich Money with an inside cradle from nowhere, what ring presence!








NO! Somehow Money was able to get free. Gilmore rolled on top of him and hooked the leg...








NO! Now he went back to work, and he stood Money up... DRAGON SLEEPER! MY GOD! Where did that come from? Money's arms are flustering. He's trying to keep conscious. The arms... the.. the.. they've stopped?!


The referee checked once, no response. He checked twice... no response.. a thir.. No, well, Money is able to start propelling his legs backwards and he drives Gilmore into the corner turnbuckle, causing Gilmore to release the hold.


But Money was comatosed on the mat, giving Gilmore the time to signal that he was looking to go high. He lifted Money up... Sky High Set Up snaps Money down quickly. Quickly Gilmore springs to the top... looking for the Sky High!


Here he goes!




Gilmore drops to the mat, both men are down...




















Slowly Gilmore rises, he picks Money up, and looks to send him sky high for a vertical suplex, but Money deadweights him. He tries again, but again Money deadweights him. And again, but this time Money uses his positioning to inside cradle Gilmore...










Gilmore gets up slowly, as does Money, loose right from Gilmore with no impact, and again, no impact, he tries again, but Money ducks... DDT! Money hit a great DDT, he spiked him good.


He stumbles, he really struggles with his balance, but he signals he's going up. The crowd pops enormously. Up Money goes.... DOLLARS FROM HEAVEN!


Money hit so hard he rebounds off Gilmore. Slowly, ever slowly, he draipses his arm over...








Result: Your winner at 19:37, Rich Money


Grade: B+


Peter Michaels: What can I say to that match?

Duane Fry: Nothing Michaels, you just stand and applause.

Jerry Eisen: I... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I fully agree. What a great match!




A communist red grained video plays showing the heinous attacks that 'The Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov has put on Christian Faith over the past three weeks. The video concludes highlighting that these two men will face off in a Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer match at When Hell Freezes Over.



The Rematch: 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith and Jack Bruce v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen and 'The Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov


The problem with a main event coming a Rich Money-Angry Gilmore classic is that the bar is raised to such a point that usually disappointment abounds. And to try to settle the crowd, the match had to start off laboriously. So it was Marat Khoklov beating on Christian Faith initially, before Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen teased a mutual entrance that didn't arrive for the first six minutes. Faith was able to get some respite at times from Marat, and was able to dramatise his battling nature to defy several power moves from Marat resulting in pinfalls. It was like at times watching a caged rat defy a cat outside, as Faith fought valiantly.


Eventually, after the match was slowed right down, Faith was able to get out of a corner predicament and scramble in to tag Jack Bruce in. Bruce came charging in with a crippling clothesline to Marat, Eric Eisen threatened to come in, but merely straddled the ropes, as Marat sat up and turned to depacitate Bruce with a high knee as Eisen manipulately, sadistically, stood watching his prey be tormented by Marat.


Marat was able to dominate Bruce too, despite his enigmatic and charismatic attempts to spot up to get the crowd popping. Marat powered him down with various power slams and suplexes, before finally getting him into the Russian Giant Bear Hug! The crippling power around the lungs of Bruce was driving all power from him. The sweat beading from his body as his body tried to fight the torment in a futile manner. Eisen implored the referee to check on Bruce, and it appeared he was out, but from nowhere, he was able to hit a bell ringing clap to the ears of Marat, and again... and again... he still won't release... and again! And now he does! Marat scrambled back and bump tagged Eisen in. Eisen was not amused as Bruce dared him to come in. In came Eisen, and with Bruce barely able to move, his response was to drop him with a drop toe hold. Eisen scrambled to the outside, but all this did was give Bruce time to get air into his lungs.


After we returned from a commercial break, Bruce climbed off the apron and caught Eisen, throwing him back into the ring. Bruce got back up on the apron, but Eisen jabbed him in the face and hauled him back into the ring hard. Eisen went to hit a flurry of punches on the fallen Bruce, but Bruce turned himself over and began unleashing on Eisen. When the referee intervened, Eisen scrambled on all fours to Marat but wasn't quite able to tag him in, as Bruce hauled him back by his foot, much to the chagrin of the crowd.


Bruce though went to whip Eisen into his corner, but Eisen reversed it, leaving Bruce being double teamed in enemy territory. Eisen and Marat worked a succession of quick tags to work on him together, and separately, giving Bruce no respite. Eventually, Marat decided to charge into the corner for a shoulder block, but Bruce moved in the knick of time. Both men fell into the middle of the ring, as Bruce began to crawl to his partner. The crawl was slow, the crowd was right behind him, and eventually flesh touched flesh, as Faith bounded in. Faith charged for Marat, but he was able to tag in Eisen. Marat rolled to the floor to avoid Faith like the Russian coward he is, as Eisen and Faith went toe to toe, the crowd was right behind Faith and he got control.


He whipped Eisen into the corner and began to work him over, softening him up for some quick interchange tags with Bruce. Faith then tried to set Eisen on the top rope, looking for some kind of superplex. Faith followed Eisen up, but Eisen grabbed his head and hit an innovative tornado DDT! Both men crashed hard and laid in the middle of the ring. Bruce looked to come in to help out, but Marat had gone around outside the ring to his side and pulled him off the apron.


The count was launched...
















Eventually both men arose, and Eisen missed a punch, allowing Faith to lift Eisen... his legs kicking, nearly screaming... STALLING ATOMIC DROP!


Eisen slowly arose again... TEST OF FAITH! His arms gag like a scared spider running from water, and this match is over!


Result: Your winners at 9:48, Christian Faith and Jack Bruce


Grade: B




As Jack Bruce ran into celebrate, Eisen rolled out of the ring and took the ring announcers chair, before rolling back in.


Runaway Train, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion races down to the ring but he is not in time for Eric Eisen to slam a steel chair over the back of the head of Jack Bruce. Train though irish whips Eisen in, who ducks a clotheslines, comes back... double clothesline! All three men lay on the mat, eyes startled, looking towards the arena as we fade to black.


Show Grade: B+

Postscript: Full credit to jhd1 the Jedi Master of alts for the Jack Geidroyc/Valiant alts :D

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Even though I tend not to read Cornellverse, mainly because I've never sat down and played it and don't know many characters or any of its history, I'm going to have to catch up with this one. I know it'll be a truly brilliant diary just from the name of the writer. Good to see you back writing mate and I'll try to catch up over the weekend.
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I'm caught up with what you've been doing here now and while it's strange to see you not at the helm of WCW, I've thoroughly enjoyed what I've read here and it makes me wonder why I don't try any more C Verse.


You've done a great job with the main characters so far because somebody like me who knew very little about any of them now finds them self being about to relate to them.


Faith's promos have been brilliant so far and he is probably my favourite, but I just don't see how he survive the big Russian. :(


I'm looking forward to see how I do predicting the pay per view.

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Firstly, BigPapa42, you are on the clock. Despite my unworldly evilness in trying to rob you of the tipping victory, you scuttled my ultimate three point play Dick Dastardly super-move and still came through with the win. I will be PMing you in the next day or two to discuss the winning options.




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SWF North American Championship - Hardcore Match

'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior


Did you know: Brandon James, despite being known as Big Cat, never had a pet cat as a youngster. Nope, Brandon went straight for the snake as a pet. He's just that hardcore.




SWF World Tag Team Championships

Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)


Did you know: Last week when Jack Geidroyc and Valiant were driving 8 hours in between house shows, Jack Geidroyc double dared Valiant to listen to non stop Queen. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Next week, Valiant returns the favour with his back catalog of Mariah Carey, Pink, Billie (remember her, she had the song "Honey to the bee, that's you for me")(No, don't look at me funny for knowing that)(It was a very popular song when I was at high school)(Ok, it wasn't popular at all)(Fine, the Mrs made me listen to it)(Ok, fine, I admit it, I had it on cassette... there..THERE! Are you satisfied now?), Shawn Colvin, Alannis Morisette and Stevie Nicks (truth be known, the writer himself is a big time Fleetwood Mac fan..!)



'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black


Did you know: Due to his """"uncle"""" Alan Thicke, Marc Du Bois has DVD box series of Growing Pains.



'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon


Did you know: Robbie Retro has a secret eBay trading business specialising in Bee Gees memorabilia. Truth be known he has an entire room in his apartment stocked with Bee Gees merchandise, most of which he will never sell.



The Incredibles (Captain Atomic and American Machine) v Corporate Supremacy (Remo and John 'Squeeky' McClean)


Did you know: Captain Atomic's sister Sheree trialled for American Idol. She is seen in season three's trialist episode, as the one that Paula Abdul broke down crying in tears about... not because she was good, but because she was so terrible she was laughing so hard. Paula later apologised and signed an 'Opposites Attract' CD for Sheree.



Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia


Did you know: Frederique is a big fan of Sofia Vergara from Modern Family.



'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance


Did you know: Sam Keith agreed to do the job to Steve Frehley on Steve's SWF debut sight unseen based on meeting the young man. Sam was so impressed with Steve's physique, knowledge of wrestling and desire to excel that he actually changed the formatted debut five minutes before the match to ensure Steve got the win.



Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match

Rules: No disqualifications, no count outs, the loser is the competitor who cannot meet a ten count following a blow landed by the competitors weapon

'The Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'The Living Legend' Christian Faith


Did you know: Marat Khoklov reportedly attempted to pull out of an SWF European Tour when Peter Michaels got into a heated argument with the big man that the Romanov's were infact all murdered that fateful night in 1918. Marat as we know is a mad Romanov Conspiracy theorist who still believes that Anastasia survived that morbid revolutionary evening.




SWF World Heavyweight Championship

Fatal Fourway

Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money


Did you know: You all heard that Christian Faith featured in an MS-DOS text based game. But did you know that Runaway Train was in a pre-Playstation generation wrestling game of his own... the Milton Bradley board game classic, CGC Canadian Wrestling Wars. Don't roll double six, because you might end up in a Train of Pain.


Quick Picks


SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black

'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon

The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy

Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia

'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

Hardcore tips the scales too far in Big Cats way for the other two to come away with this, I think.


SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

A fan of Fleetwood Mac is a man I can respect. Let's go with win by DQ.


'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black

Always tough to pick against Du Bois.


'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon

I enjoy their nicknames more.


The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy

Love the Incredible alts. Not their chances to win though.


Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia

Who isn't a fan of Sofia Vergara from Modern Family?!?


'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

Here's me having no idea and randomly picking one of these two.


Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

Brutal match, will probably be my favorite match to read.


SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

I'm having too much fun watching Train as champion. I'm not ready for that to change yet.

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black

'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon

The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy

Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia

'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior


SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v

The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)


'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black


'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon


The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy


Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia


'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance


Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v

'Living Legend' Christian Faith


SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

I think he's looked a strong champion so far and I don't see him dropping the belt just yet.


SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

I think their a strong team and if they don't win the belts then I don't think the Champions will retain cleanly.


'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black


'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon


The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy


Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia


'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

I've really liked Frehley so far so I'll pump for him.


Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

I can see these feuding a lot longer and with the punishment Faith has taken and injuries hes sustained I think Khoklov will get first blood.


SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

It would be pointless giving Train the Title for a month. A win here would made his reign much more credible.

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

The one title change on the show.


SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

The Wrath of God in shades.


'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black

The Can't Miss Prospect transfers his momentum to Black.


'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon

No Disco Dancing tonight.


The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy

I would like to give the win to The Incredibles but Corporate Supremacy gets the win.


Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia

Jungle Lord reads the Jungle Book and gets the win.


'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

Vengeance is just the one I like better.


Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

Sickles all around!


SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

Runaway Train takes advantage of a brawl and gets the pinfall.

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“Surprised? Was I surprised to get the belt? What in the hell kind of question is that?”


It was hard to know whether this was as scheduled, a work interview for Radio U-HU FM, or whether Bowen was truly offended by the comment by rookie jock Sam S Grant. The former linebacker for his high school football team had genuinely never been petrified of another man, but seeing the current, reigning, and now clearly in his eyes undisputed Supreme Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion in his caged studio made him fear for his life to a degree.


“This is MY belt, Sam, and the fact of the matter is, no amount of whining, whinging, or politicking or anything else for that matter is going to derail the Train from holding his belt. Nothing will stop me Sam, nothing. And what’s more, no one’s going to get in my way or cause any confusion over my right to be the World Heavyweight Champion.”


Just then a light flickered in the mind of the Champion. What was he doing? This was a syndicated radio show. This was going out beyond the limits of Tulsa.


Face! Damn it! Barry, you’re a face now!


“You know Sam, it’s a great honour to be here, and… it’s a great honour to be back here as your Champion. So why don’t we open up the lines…?”


As Sam's heart beat dropped ten fold, Runaway Train snapped back to reality and remembered his role. He remembered how it could all be taken away from him, like the first time IT happened.



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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior


SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)


'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black


'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon


The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy


Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia


'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance


Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith


SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

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SWF North American Championship: 'Big Cat' Brandon James © v Joe Sexy v Lobster Warrior

SWF World Tag Team Championships: Jack Geidroyc and Valiant © v The All North American Dream Team (Angry Gilmore and Enforcer Roberts)

'The Can't Miss Prospect' Marc Du Bois v Gregory Black

'Smooth' Roger Cage and 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro v 'Platinum' James Prudence and 'Aristocrat' Paul Huntingdon

The Incredibles v Corporate Supremacy

Jungle Lord v Frederique Antonio Garcia

'Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley v Vengeance

Corporate Sickle v Faith Sledgehammer Match: 'Russian Bear' Marat Khoklov v 'Living Legend' Christian Faith

SWF World Heavyweight Championship: Runaway Train © v 'The Supremacist' Eric Eisen v Jack Bruce v 'The Lone Wolf' Rich Money

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