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Just got Witcher 3 on GOG instead of GMG (5€ for one different character :rolleyes:). In the end you're supporting the dev, plus you get some extra goodies (not that I care: I'm replaying II and got stuck and searched for FAQ ,while I apparently have a hardcopy of their own guide in the closet). You get about 25% off if you own both Witcher games somewhere. 44€ is an ok price for something you know will be great. Now to get Dragon Age III, but that thing is outragiously expensive.


150£ on 4 games? That's a lot. But I haven't gotten console games in a while. :p


To be totally fair, Dragon Age: Inq is also ridiculous large in terms of content, so it's kinda acceptable IMO.


Thanks for the offers, I'm sure I'll come to the NFL thread with plenty of questions later. ;)



As for Rugby 15... it's actually not as bad as I thought it'd be. Nowhere near a 'good' game you understand, but in terms of rugby games (which we get as much of as deserts get rain), it at least works.


Some things are wonky. Lineouts basically don't work at all (they're very RNG, but the dice sometimes fall off the table and you get no result at all). The general presentation of the game is half-baked. For instance, when you kick, you get absolutely no on-screen indication of where the ball is going to go. I know you don't in FIFA either, but in rugby it's a highly important and highly skilled part of the game. To get absolutely no indication is dumb, as it makes even the best kickers look silly due to no fault of the human behind the controller. I wouldn't expect the game to put the ball exactly where I aimed, but at least give some indication of WHERE I'm aiming would be good. FIFA gets around it by not giving you much chance to 'miss' (ie, if you hold the stick left, and your penalty taker has good skills, he'll rarely miss the goal entirely unless you fall asleep on the left analogue stick), but in rugby it's not a case of 'top left, top right, crossbar, post', it's a case of tactically deciding where on the pitch you want the kick to land. It's frustrating when you have NO IDEA except "in front of you" or "to the left/right".


There are several animation glitches too, players will run into 'invisible walls' because the computer has decided a tackler should be there, even though the actual model is a few seconds behind.


Passing is iffy. They use too many buttons (which is a common theme) to do a simple thing. The EA rugby games did a lot wrong, but one thing they did right was passing. R2 to pass right, L2 to pass left, hold it for a longer pass. This game only uses R2 to pass to the nearest player, and several other buttons to modify the pass. It's a lot more awkward than is necessary.


Another example of using the wrong buttons, tackling. To tackle you have to run into the ball carrier with the left stick. Fair enough. But to diving tackle it's R3. Why? Literally no other button is in use when chasing the ball (except L1 to change player), so why not use X like common sense would suggest? Meh.


The first few games were basically a panic of 'WTF button am I meant to use for this?!" but once I learned the controls it was ok. Still haven't got the hang of kicking in open play though.


There's also no tutorial. There's a series of screens explaining buttons, but that is NOT a tutorial!


They seem to have all the game modes you'd want (except a practice mode, you can only play full friendly games), but due to licensing issues there are no real players in International tournaments (or real tournaments for that matter). I don't blame them in the slightest for this, as licensing in rugby union is a complete... issue. That's why EA washed their hands of the sport ages ago.


Impressively all the northern hemisphere's major leagues, clubs and players are there (Aviva, Pro 12, Top 14 and D2). It doesn't have the southern hemisphere club league or teams, or a world cup (though there is a custom tournament creator to create a World Cup if you really wanted a WC with fake players). Some of the ratings are a bit suspect, but I guess they're all subjective anyway. The International tournaments are there (6N, Championship, World Cup), but as I said none of it is licensed so everyone uses fake names. Even though the real players are in the game. This is how screwed licensing is. They can have James Haskell playing for Wasps, but not for England. ¬_¬


I DO like the ruck system however. It's a great implementation. Basically when you're tackled, you have to release the ball yourself with R2. You can wait and get an advantageous position, at the risk of a penalty if you take too long. Similarly when a ruck forms, you twirl the right stick to find a 'sweet spot' (which constantly moves) with a red, yellow and green bar. Pressing R2 to try and take the ball too early results in a penalty (every time for red, sometimes for yellow). It's great because you instinctively want to press the button as soon as possible (the opponents use the exact same system, so you can see their bar on screen too) but you're not allowed to go too early. Has resulted in a lot of penalties against me in the first few games because I panicked when their bar went green and grabbed the ball even though mine was yellow. It's the best thing about the game by far.


So yeah, overall if you're a rugby fan desperate for a rugby game, it might be worth it. If you're not, stay away. It's definitely not like Madden where a casual fan can have fun.

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The more I play it, the more I realise Rugby 15 is a terrible game after all. ¬_¬


The AI is so bad on Easy and Medium that it's pitiful. On Hard it's ok, but you can still sometimes just run past the opposition with players that really couldn't do that in reality.

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The more I play it, the more I realise Rugby 15 is a terrible game after all. ¬_¬


The AI is so bad on Easy and Medium that it's pitiful. On Hard it's ok, but you can still sometimes just run past the opposition with players that really couldn't do that in reality.


Ouch. Let me put it this way - I really dunno much about a Rugby game but I do like sports games (all kinds really, and I am usually not even fan of the sports irl to still like a sports gamel). Do you think I could still somehow play and enjoy the game when in actual fact I don't really know about experts?


I learned this game is more about arcade than be a sim game and I usually ofc like more realistic and sim gaming more. Still, with what I mentioned about the game as is, I wonder if the game would still be somewhat ok for me here.


Oh and btw - are there multiple seasons or does it end after a year?

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I also love sports games, but haven't played any since PES2014 because the market seems to have dried up. I loved TopSpin4. They should make a new one, but then again: TS4's gameplay is quite good already so it'd be more like a HD version. The Cycling Manager have taken a FIFA-course and just release slight updates so it's not worth buying.


I cannot play EA UFC given I have no console, but if the next one gets released I might just buy one.


I also wonder who will make the next Olympics game. I always like those, too. I would play Beijing 2008 some more if the AI wasn't so damn easy. London 2012 was less fun.

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Yeah, while I cannot remember ever watching a tennis game from start to finish irl, there is supposedly a game on Steam right now that is supposedly pretty good. The game is called Tennis Elbow 2013 and from what a heard a bunch of folks said is the best tennis game out there. I can't really confirm or deny it right now but it does in fact seem very decent (it is on Steam) and I will eventually check it out.


But lets just say there are a few more sports games here I do care for - lets say Don Bradman Cricker seems decent (once again I do not watch this sport irl xD) and a few others too. Still not 100% sure about Rugby League Live 3 yet tho...

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Tennis Elbow seems interesting indeed. I might try the demo. Good how they replace a general 'power' stat to specific power ratings to each kind of technique. In TS4, power was just broken.


Those UFC glitches are indeed awesome. I laughed so hard the first time I saw that.

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Ouch. Let me put it this way - I really dunno much about a Rugby game but I do like sports games (all kinds really, and I am usually not even fan of the sports irl to still like a sports gamel). Do you think I could still somehow play and enjoy the game when in actual fact I don't really know about experts?


I learned this game is more about arcade than be a sim game and I usually ofc like more realistic and sim gaming more. Still, with what I mentioned about the game as is, I wonder if the game would still be somewhat ok for me here.


Oh and btw - are there multiple seasons or does it end after a year?


If you're desperate, truly desperate, for a rugby game, get it if you can find it cheap. If you can possibly do without, do without.


I'm not sure if there are multiple seasons, I can't imagine anyone finishing one season. :p But there are no management aspects, beyond selecting your team. No transfers or youth teams etc. You can use the editor to swap players between teams, but even that is laborious and you can't do that in-game, so you're basically stuck with the same exact squad even if you can play multiple seasons. It would basically be the same as if you'd played two separate seasons.



favorite part at 1:33 :D


Hah, the best part is that it's actually a pretty good Rogan impression. :D

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Apparently Fallout 4's release date is going to be announced at E3.




I've searched a little bit, i found that it will only be a gameplay video, but if your right, oh my god :D a mix between the 3 & New Vegas would be sooo perfect.


After a search (again) The video would be behind closed door and not for us :(


Maybe something for the next Elder scroll too, on their picture for the E3 there was a character from Skyrim

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Apparently Fallout 4's release date is going to be announced at E3.




I played Fallout 3 through earlier this year, after having failed to get into it 2 times before. I was not exactly overwhelmed; it was a good enough game, but it didn't blow me away and it didn't really feel like Fallout. I'm currently playing New Vegas, in the endgame, and that game... man, it's like a completely different thing entirely. It's so much better, it's so much more like the first 2 Fallout games that I fell in love with in the olden days. And while it's more buggy than Fallout 3 and (sadly) still retains some of the annoying aspects of that game (like the hopeless inventory system), it's just sooo much fun.


To sum it up: if Fallout 4 is like Fallout 3, I can live without it. If it's like New Vegas, I'm ready!

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I played Fallout 3 through earlier this year, after having failed to get into it 2 times before. I was not exactly overwhelmed; it was a good enough game, but it didn't blow me away and it didn't really feel like Fallout. I'm currently playing New Vegas, in the endgame, and that game... man, it's like a completely different thing entirely. It's so much better, it's so much more like the first 2 Fallout games that I fell in love with in the olden days. And while it's more buggy than Fallout 3 and (sadly) still retains some of the annoying aspects of that game (like the hopeless inventory system), it's just sooo much fun.


To sum it up: if Fallout 4 is like Fallout 3, I can live without it. If it's like New Vegas, I'm ready!




You are now a god to me Hive.

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Apparently the Strategy First sale on Steam features Flatout, of all games (though I do admit it takes a special kind of strategy to break someones car down).


Dragon Age is cool, though it doesn't lure me in like the first game, despite having a less cheesy story (but still way too cheesy for its own good). I don't like the combat, but it's not 'bad' either.

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See! I told you! And I told myself I had to wait more before playing, and here it is: "Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition". It has voiceover, a re-written story and new content and gameplay (almost an entirely new game). And to think I wasted several hours of my time playing through the normal game... <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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