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It's the canadian version. What do you think ?


That's Alex Morgan, so I would assume that's the US version, not the Canadian one. I think it's a good idea though, she's the most high profile player in the womens' game.

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Yeah, there are separate covers for the US (pictured above), Canada and Australia featuring their respective women's world cup stars. I think it's a great idea.


I feel sorry for Lucy Bronze. She can't be on the cover of the UK version because she's English, so it would annoy the Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh (Disclaimer: I would not be annoyed in the slightest. If we wanted someone on the cover of FIFA 16, the least we could do was qualify for the bloody tournament).


The funny thing is, if Jordan Henderson DID play in the women's world cup, he wouldn't have been England's star player. ¬_¬


Anyway, this isn't a football thread, so...


Anyone played Dirty Bomb? It's a free to play FPS game in open beta. It's HILARIOUSLY broken in the balance department, but the idea of it is quite fun (if not necessarily original). You have three characters, and can switch between them after each death if you want. They're specialised in the ways you'd expect (medic, DPS guy, objective specialist, etc).


Maps are pretty big, and are objective based; think TF2s control point maps, where taking a CP opens up a new area of the map). Some are like Payload, where you have to repair an 'EV' (basically an APC) and escort it to a certain place to unlock the next 'area', where you have to do something else to win. Most maps also have side-objectives which when blown up or repaired will lower gates/open tunnels etc to aid your side (the other side can do the opposite to hinder you, too).


The game modes and maps are really fun, but the classes are horribly, horribly broken right now.


There's a Phantom class, which is basically an I Win button. He's invisible, has a melee weapon that one-shot-kills most classes (and a second hit will kill virtually everything else), and also has one of the best ranged weapons in the game. It's ridiculous. You just can't do anything against them. The only chance you have is if either they make a huge mistake, or you happen to be standing behind the guy they kill first.


On the other end of the scale, there's Aura the medic (there are several different medics, Aura is the most useless however). Her weapons are awful, she has below-average health, and while her health station ability is pretty useful in protracted firefights, you need to keep picking it up and taking it with you if your team is advancing quickly.


Then there are classes like Arty and Skyhammer, who both call down artillery strikes. Useless indoors, but massively OP in the open maps (especially maps with an EV when you're defending, because one hit from the artillery basically takes the EV out instantly and the defenders have to repair it again). Playing an EV map as the attackers with the defending team mostly playing as Skyhammer is a new kind of hell. However on maps that are predominantly indoors, Skyhammer becomes a regular Man With Gun (although it is a better gun than most).


Don't get me wrong, it's fun for the most part. I'm not sure how, given the balance issues, but it is.


TTD (time to death) is pretty quick though, which means if you have a useless gun (like Aura's shotgun or SMG) then you're pretty much useless unless the opponent is almost dead. It creates the need for good teamwork (IF you're playing as Aura...) I guess, but it still feels bad when you're clinging on for dear life and Phantom and Skyhammer are murdering face.


It tries to balance it by giving you score for heals and other non-kill, objective based stuff (Skyhammer can give out ammo boxes, for instance. Repairing and taking out side objectives also helps), I've come top of the leaderboard in plenty of games playing as Aura. I've even come top of the entire game while on the losing team. But that doesn't do much to disguise the fact that most of the game was spent being frustrated at cheesy as hell kills I couldn't possibly avoid (other than by hiding and not doing anything, but that's not fun either).



TF2 will always be my favourite team-based FPS I feel, and will almost certainly be the only FPS that ever got the medic class right (unless anyone blatantly copies it, of course).

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That's Alex Morgan, so I would assume that's the US version, not the Canadian one. I think it's a good idea though, she's the most high profile player in the womens' game.


Sorry, i'm not very familiar with the other women's team :p there is also a women on the cover of the canadian one.


Just rent EA sport UFC. God.. UFC 3 was waaaaay better..

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I think most PS4 owners will say PS4 & most XBOX owners will say XBOX but I went PS4 for better specs & the fact I can play The Last Of Us.


I'm a PS4 player, but my other half plays both, so we broke down and picked up an Xbox one.


I don't know which to get him the Fifa on. He has Fifa 15 on PS4 and I have the companion for the iPad to help him get cool stuff, but I wanted to Pre order the new one that's coming out and i'm not sure which system to get it on and what the best deal is.

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The problem I have with Fifa is the online tactically clueless idiots who play it. They think flicking the trick stick makes them gods at the game, unfortunately it makes them too easy to smash. I mean an hour ago I just put 6 past someone who didn't have a clue what they were doing and just kept running at my players, hitting the right stick and failing miserably because they are too predictable and easy to play against. They are the Ronaldo & Messi brigade (Argentina/Barcelona/Real Madrid over and over). There's only so many times I can beat Barcelona with Arsenal before I get so bored and have to select smaller teams, but alas it is hard to find games because no one seems to play as the smaller teams.


If more people played a passing game and actually had some tactical awareness it would make the game so much better.I much prefer playing against a passing team than a one trick pony team, at least it's more of a challenge.


All that being said, I'll maybe get '16, but until EA release more features I'm not going to buy it on blind faith - especially as I've seen nothing that suggests the BS penalties and free kicks have been fixed. I mean my opponent kicking the ground, falling into my player and getting a penalty is an absolute joke. If there is an online manager mode (like Maddens online Franchise mode) then I'll buy it, if not I'll probably wait for a price drop.

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Playing on a X-Box, some of my friends on a PS4. PS4 has some good game (Last of Us, Killzone) but the Xbox doesn't do only game. It's a multimedia center. I can play games, watch a blu ray, watch a DVD, listen to a CD (the PS4 can't, i think) rent a movie , twitch, twitter, watch the UFC , i have EA access. I can play witcher, then listen to a radio and after relaunch Witcher without loading time at the same place that i have stopped, more and more. the PS4 do a lot a thing i've said, but not so good. With the retrocompability, i will play some game of my 360 (Skyrim, Mass Effect, Red Dead) and soon, the mouse will be compatible with the One. It's a real multimedia center.


But the PS4 still have very good game that I'd like to see on the One. The last of Us, Horizon New Dawn, etc.. so the PS4 is a Gaming console

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The problem I have with Fifa is the online tactically clueless idiots who play it. They think flicking the trick stick makes them gods at the game, unfortunately it makes them too easy to smash. I mean an hour ago I just put 6 past someone who didn't have a clue what they were doing and just kept running at my players, hitting the right stick and failing miserably because they are too predictable and easy to play against. They are the Ronaldo & Messi brigade (Argentina/Barcelona/Real Madrid over and over). There's only so many times I can beat Barcelona with Arsenal before I get so bored and have to select smaller teams, but alas it is hard to find games because no one seems to play as the smaller teams.


If more people played a passing game and actually had some tactical awareness it would make the game so much better.I much prefer playing against a passing team than a one trick pony team, at least it's more of a challenge.


All that being said, I'll maybe get '16, but until EA release more features I'm not going to buy it on blind faith - especially as I've seen nothing that suggests the BS penalties and free kicks have been fixed. I mean my opponent kicking the ground, falling into my player and getting a penalty is an absolute joke. If there is an online manager mode (like Maddens online Franchise mode) then I'll buy it, if not I'll probably wait for a price drop.


This is too true, hate playing against people like this. I usually play as lower teams in the BPL or MLS and even the occasional game as Boca Jnrs or PSV. It's miles better than playing again Real or Barca every game.

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This is too true, hate playing against people like this. I usually play as lower teams in the BPL or MLS and even the occasional game as Boca Jnrs or PSV. It's miles better than playing again Real or Barca every game.


Recently managed to get a few games against someone who used Exeter (I was Cambridge). It makes for a much better game with people like that as they know what they are doing, not just "give it to the fastest guy and combo trick your way to goal". I get some people just want to win at any cost, but there are some out there who want to try and win by playing an actual game of football as opposed to an arcade filled trick-shot-fest.

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While I quite like the trailer, I don't care much for playing as The Terminator. This is like like when EA put Bruce Lee into their UFC game. It makes zero sense, and I see it as a slot that is wasted (even if that slot was added specifically for The Terminator). Ah well, I'll still be buying the game, regardless.

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I will be getting it on Pre-Order, not for the Terminator, though. It's just that I'm really hopeful, and it is 2K's last chance with me after...you know. But I'm really curious as to how gameplay will be with him. Mike Tyson actually had some moves that fit him. I'm really, really curious about Arnie. And I wouldn't worry about a ''wasted spot'', since there will be more than 120 unique wrestlers in the game.
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There's going to be an expansion to the first one. Kind of an in-between. So many possibilities... Origin stories for every PC. *Drools* Imo the BG1-characters are very shallow. They should add more flair to them. I wouldn't want them changing the lore, but that doesn't matter if there's nothing to change.


After this, it's enough for the saga. I'd want them just using the engine for a new game.


Bundlestars has an RPG Heroes bundle that's worth it if you don't own any of the games yet. Nothing amazing but great value really.


The new Magic the Gathering game is due in a couple of days too. I will be playing that asap. Gotta love me some magic from time to time.


edit: so anyone who wants to join up for ESO? I'm going to stop playing otherwise because it's a little boring compared to SP Skyrim... So I'll play that. :p

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I just finished Dragon Age II yesterday. Not sure why it got such a bad rep, I mean yeah there were loose ends and the story didn't feel like it mattered as much but I thought the gameplay was infinitely better than Origins, if only because it was so smooth and there were less annoying glitches and bugs. I loved Origins too though. I think I need a break of a couple of weeks before I start Inquisition to avoid burnout.
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I just finished Dragon Age II yesterday. Not sure why it got such a bad rep, I mean yeah there were loose ends and the story didn't feel like it mattered as much but I thought the gameplay was infinitely better than Origins, if only because it was so smooth and there were less annoying glitches and bugs. I loved Origins too though. I think I need a break of a couple of weeks before I start Inquisition to avoid burnout.


Two things that annoyed me: There were only two choices at the end of the game and neither let you just say, "Screw you guys, I'm going home". The other is that in both choices, you fight the same boss battles in the same order.

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I just finished Dragon Age II yesterday. Not sure why it got such a bad rep, I mean yeah there were loose ends and the story didn't feel like it mattered as much but I thought the gameplay was infinitely better than Origins, if only because it was so smooth and there were less annoying glitches and bugs. I loved Origins too though. I think I need a break of a couple of weeks before I start Inquisition to avoid burnout.


I also like the game but the repetition of both locations and enemies gets very boring especially compared to Origins grander story.

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