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For some reason my Destiny didn't come with any trophies. It was digital, I deleted it some time ago because I thought it was pretty boring. Yet, I'm still confused to this day.


My Destiny is digital too if your playing on XBOX then it is achievements for you that you earn not trophies. I do agree that before the DLCs the content on destiny was....yuck.

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My Destiny is digital too if your playing on XBOX then it is achievements for you that you earn not trophies. I do agree that before the DLCs the content on destiny was....yuck.


After the DLC, they have kinda screwed things up..


It was going dirt cheap so I picked up an XB1 copy of it. Got to Lv4 and running through the Cosmodrone and back to the point where you find your ship.


Suddenly.. Bamm. I've been one-shotted by a ?? Queenbreaker Captain. I respawn and try sneak past.. dead. My only option is to sprint through the entire area and hope he doesn't get me.


Then in another area of the Cosmodrone, an entire hunting party of ?? wolves drop in.. Also.. I don't even have that DLC


What the hell.. Its a newbie area.. Couldn't they have segregated people that wanted to do that somewhere else

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Also.. For those interested.


Humblebundle are offering Stealth Inc 2.... FOR FREE!!


It's not a game that interest me, but thanks for directing me to the Humble Bundle store - they have amazing discounts!


I'm getting myself the Telltale games I lack at a crazy price now. Thanks! :)

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It's not a game that interest me, but thanks for directing me to the Humble Bundle store - they have amazing discounts!


I'm getting myself the Telltale games I lack at a crazy price now. Thanks! :)


And I thought I had Game of Thrones cheap for 10€ months ago. Now it's a whopping 5€... The whole Walking Dead collection is 11€, but it's still somewhat too much for me, even though it's probably worth it. I don't like the zombie setting, but I might end up buying it somewhere along the road as I did appreciate Game of Thrones (-ep4) and Wolf Among Us. Good games, and worth 9€ as you basically pay a movie ticket.

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It's not a game that interest me, but thanks for directing me to the Humble Bundle store - they have amazing discounts!


I'm getting myself the Telltale games I lack at a crazy price now. Thanks! :)


I just paid ten bucks and I got five games, including GoT and Tales from Borderlands. Thanks for pointing this out!

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Attention all PC gamers! I am in need of another opinion. Here's the situation...


A coupe months ago I upgraded my GPU to a GTX 970. It was the best bang for the buck and at the time, I only had a 1080p / 60hz monitor so I didn't need the extra power of the 980.


But now, I have JUST purchased a new monitor that is rocking a 1440p resolution and 144hz refresh rate. While my 970 is still a capable card, I'm sort of wondering if it's already time to upgrade since I got the extra cash at the moment.


I was wondering if it would be wiser to buy another GTX 970 and SLI it up with my current 970 or if I should sell my current 970 and go for the newer 980ti???


My main concern is VRAM as the 970 only has ~4GB (3.5 usable or something lie that) and the 980ti has 6GB.


I hear DirectX 12 will support stackable VRAM for SLI, but I think that will only work if the game was made using DirectX 12. Am I wrong?


I would love to restart playing The Witcher 3 in 1440p with more than 60 fps if possible.


Also, I should note that I have a 1000w power supply, so I'm sure I could handle SLI.


Any help from my fellow PC gamers/nerds?



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If you got the extra cash: why not? Just ask yourself what else you're going to do with it. I wouldn't upgrade so soon, but I'm not u. :p


Would you keep the 970 (great card btw) as a second GPU or would you sell it? I assume it still fetches a nice price.


As for the Humble Telltales bundle: if you only want 3 games, just add some of the 1$-games to the bucket and you'll pay even less than the 3-game amount. Walking Dead bundle would be about 10,6€, but with 2 random 1€-games it's actually 9,4€.

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Attention all PC gamers! I am in need of another opinion. Here's the situation...


A coupe months ago I upgraded my GPU to a GTX 970. It was the best bang for the buck and at the time, I only had a 1080p / 60hz monitor so I didn't need the extra power of the 980.


But now, I have JUST purchased a new monitor that is rocking a 1440p resolution and 144hz refresh rate. While my 970 is still a capable card, I'm sort of wondering if it's already time to upgrade since I got the extra cash at the moment.


I was wondering if it would be wiser to buy another GTX 970 and SLI it up with my current 970 or if I should sell my current 970 and go for the newer 980ti???


My main concern is VRAM as the 970 only has ~4GB (3.5 usable or something lie that) and the 980ti has 6GB.


I hear DirectX 12 will support stackable VRAM for SLI, but I think that will only work if the game was made using DirectX 12. Am I wrong?


I would love to restart playing The Witcher 3 in 1440p with more than 60 fps if possible.


Also, I should note that I have a 1000w power supply, so I'm sure I could handle SLI.


Any help from my fellow PC gamers/nerds?





If power consumption is no object, then go for SLI every time. In all the benchmarks I've seen, 970 SLI slays a single 980 every time.


People say that video games aren't optimised for SLI and it makes no difference, but they're the ones who can't afford two video cards. :p

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And I thought I had Game of Thrones cheap for 10€ months ago. Now it's a whopping 5€... The whole Walking Dead collection is 11€, but it's still somewhat too much for me, even though it's probably worth it. I don't like the zombie setting, but I might end up buying it somewhere along the road as I did appreciate Game of Thrones (-ep4) and Wolf Among Us. Good games, and worth 9€ as you basically pay a movie ticket.


I believe you can play the first episode or so for free on Android/IOS, if you want to get a taste of those games.


I personally love most games by Telltale (Jurassic Park being the exception, that game was quite a stinker) and have had an amazing time playing The Walking Dead 1+2, Back to The Future and The Wolf Among Us.


And I can't wait to give Game of Thrones and Tales from The Borderlands a spin. :)

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Yes, I played the first episode for free back on Xbox 360, so I know they're good games. Ended up buying the whole zit for 10$ which is fine, though there's bound to be a humblebundle for it at one time, but since this action was on humblebundle, it should take half a year at the very least.


Too bad they're not DRM-free.

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Thanks for the response fellas! I decided to buy another GTX 970 and SLI with my current 970. If I run into SLI issues, I can always disable the second card. It might be a little bit of a hassle, but hopefully worth it. The card should be here tomorrow it looks like! Just in time for Phantom Pain!


Looks like it's time for me to finally play MGS5: Grounds Zeroes to prep for Phantom Pain! I hear it only takes a couple hours to beat, so hopefully I'll have it done tonight.


Also, the early reviews for Mad Max are very mixed from the ones I've read so far. I really wanted the game to be good, especially after seeing Fury Road. Think I might hold out a little bit longer for more reviews before I even consider getting it. I'm a little bit worried about the PC port too. Like I said, I'll wait to see what some of the Steam user reviews say and go from there.


EDIT: Looks like Mad Max is actually very well optimized for PC. I'm tempted to get it now...


Got my new 970 hooked up and SLI'd. Got quite a big improvement in The Witcher 3. I can play with just about everything maxed out at 1440p and I can get a little over 60 fps.



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I've just started playing Mad Max (figured Batman Arkham Knight needed a break) and have got to say I am actually really enjoying it. I'm not too far in at the moment but from what I have played I have to say I'm most impressed with the combat. It is very Batman-esque and for the most part uses the same fighting style (Y to counter, X to attack etc). Firing your weapon is something I'm still getting used to (LB then B doesn't feel right to me yet)


The handling of the vehicles are a bit similar to each other, but then apart from my car I've only driven 3 others that I may or may not have hijacked using my trusty harpoon to pull the driver out of the moving vehicle.

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I actually surprised myself and got Mad Max instead of MGSV. Mostly because I found Mad Max for a good price and can only afford one for the time being. I will likely get Phantom Pain after I complete Mad Max.


I'm using an Xbox One controller instead of M+K and similarly to Fleisch, I'm having a hard time getting used to firing my shotgun. I kind of wasted my ammo in the beginning of the game by accidentally firing the weapon just by pressing B thinking it was for something else... Oops... If ammo is as scarce as they say it is, I might be screwed. :o


Thankfully, I haven't had to use my shotgun too awful much yet.


I'm only a couple hours in, but the game is definitely fun. The PC port is actually top notch and I've had no issues with anything so far.

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