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I'd say it's slightly closer to the direction they went in F3 (obviously, because they didn't do NV), but it's better than F3 by a mile.


It's similar in the way that you're 'given' a backstory (you can still create your character however you want, but there IS a backstory which sets you up, like F3 with your father, instead of NV where you just get shot in the head and are left to fend for yourself), but then like NV you're basically left to fend for yourself once you leave the starting vault. Like in both games, you're looking for a thing. But there's no direct route to the thing, at least in the beginning. You get sidetracked needing to establish yourself, before you can carry on with the 'main' quest.


Where I am in the story right now, I'm not actually sure what my next quest has to do with the overall story at all. My character seems to have forgotten about it. :p But I guess it'll lead me there eventually.


Edit: Actually I think one of what I assumed was a side mission is actually the main quest. Which does sort of make sense. It involves giving an old women hard drugs. So it's got that going for it.


For me it's the best of both games. Which feels like a copout answer. :p

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Same I bought Fallout 4 yesterday, last two months I got a 360 for $70 with Assassins Creed, Dead Island, Halo Reach, and Red Dead Redemption then went to a nearby mall and saw the store had 4 for $10 on some Xbox games and got Mafia 2, Saints Row 3, Fable III, and XCOM The Bureau.


Add in CK2 with the new Game of Thrones Mod, the new Elderkings mod, and the iffy Warhammer mod.


Too much to do.

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I'd say it's slightly closer to the direction they went in F3 (obviously, because they didn't do NV), but it's better than F3 by a mile.


It's similar in the way that you're 'given' a backstory (you can still create your character however you want, but there IS a backstory which sets you up, like F3 with your father, instead of NV where you just get shot in the head and are left to fend for yourself), but then like NV you're basically left to fend for yourself once you leave the starting vault. Like in both games, you're looking for a thing. But there's no direct route to the thing, at least in the beginning. You get sidetracked needing to establish yourself, before you can carry on with the 'main' quest.


Where I am in the story right now, I'm not actually sure what my next quest has to do with the overall story at all. My character seems to have forgotten about it. :p But I guess it'll lead me there eventually.


Edit: Actually I think one of what I assumed was a side mission is actually the main quest. Which does sort of make sense. It involves giving an old women hard drugs. So it's got that going for it.


For me it's the best of both games. Which feels like a copout answer. :p


Thanks for the answer. :)

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I'm with Bigpapa on this period being amazing on games. From the recent batch, I have WWE 2K16, Black Ops 3 and Syndicate for my PS4, and I'll also be getting another one on Christmas, and I'm thorn between Nathan Drake Collection, Until Dawn and Fallout. No idea on which one I'm getting at all. Too much gaming to do indeed. Thankfully, the Brazilian summer vacation is coming in less than 2 weeks!


One glaring problem with Black Ops 3 is the multiplayer lag. I don't seem to have this issue on any other game, nor in any other Online mode in the game. What gives? It makes you retreat every time you walk after some seconds, and it breaks the mode, quite frankly.

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I actually really enjoyed EA UFC. Very simple and lacking on game modes, but nonetheless fun with a friend or online if you played with the right people. Hope the next one features some more offline features and gets rid of some of the outlandish strikes and suplexes. By the way, I'm on PSN: kisstopher5 playing mostly WWE2K and Madden if anyone wants an add.


And I should add you today, bud.

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I got the season pass type thing where you pay for the full game, and obviously get it gradually as it comes out. Can't remember how much that was. But yeah, anyone who buys each episode individually is definitely insane.


Also, don't worry guys, I know a guy. He can make you forget things... well, maybe not. But he can make it safe for others!

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I got the season pass type thing where you pay for the full game, and obviously get it gradually as it comes out. Can't remember how much that was. But yeah, anyone who buys each episode individually is definitely insane.


Also, don't worry guys, I know a guy. He can make you forget things... well, maybe not. But he can make it safe for others!


Is that even an option? That's even weirder. But I meant: you know it's going to drop in price (steam sales and all), and you know it's going to take half a year before it's finished. Why do you 'pledge' the money already, if not to support the devs?

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...because I wanted to play it? :p


An two hours or so every couple of months is fine for me. I've got enough games to play as it is. I'm fine with the episodic thing.


Plus, although they're hardly indy any more, I like supporting devs that I like and know are good.


How many Paradox games and DLC do we own between us...? You really got all of those on sale? :p

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I GOT ALL OF IT, including the converter.




ok, just kidding. that might be the one I missed. But in hindsight, I used very little of that DLC. I got a lot of worth out of the core game, and paid them back through the DLC purchase. But the DLC is minor, really.


Just finished Walking Dead s2 yesterday. Almost as good as the first one, if not just as good. Did ep5 of AGOT and will do ep6 today. Can't get myself to start Witcher 3 or Batman:AK for whatever reason.

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How many Paradox games and DLC do we own between us...? You really got all of those on sale? :p


I never had the proper time to count the Paradox DLC i bought, especially Crusader Kings II and Europa Universalis IV.


But i'm actually more interested in Hearts of Iron IV, which the more screenshots i see from them... the more interested i am in buying it.

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I'll probably be getting GoT and Life is Strange before the year is over. In DLC news, Moves Pack is coming this Tuesday for WWE 2K16, and I'm excited for the Syndicate Jack the Ripper DLC.


Life is Strange was great. I still haven't played the last episode of GoT yet, but I've generally felt that was ok, haven't been super impressed with it.


If you don't have it yet, I'd definitely recommend Tales from the Borderlands, though. I'd say it's definitely one of Telltale's strongest. Even though I loved Walking Dead Season 1, it may be my new favorite of theirs.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've heard bad things about GoT Ep6. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Will probably get to it tomorrow.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I personally didn't find it as bad as everyone is saying. Sure, it was a bit of an unfulfilling ending setting up season 2 but Telltale said when they launched the original trailer that this was going to be a multi-season game and with the way they end each season of the tv show, are we really surprised?</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Crychon" data-cite="Crychon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Life is Strange was great. I still haven't played the last episode of GoT yet, but I've generally felt that was ok, haven't been super impressed with it.<p> </p><p> If you don't have it yet, I'd definitely recommend Tales from the Borderlands, though. I'd say it's definitely one of Telltale's strongest. Even though I loved Walking Dead Season 1, it may be my new favorite of theirs.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tales from the Borderlands episode 5 is probably the best episode of any Telltale game IMO. I still prefer TWD s/1 overall but TftB surprised me</p>
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