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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf


TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

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TWL 6 Feet Under

War Memorial Auditorium (Midwest)

November 1978

Attendance: 1,073


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheShaman.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpg


Non-Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless

Billy’s Take: Lawless seemed perturbed to be opening 6 Feet Under with a title defense and took out his frustrations on Chief Two Eagles’ mentor, pummeling the aging Shaman from pillar to post. After about eight minutes of merciless domination, Lawless ended the match with the Power Lariat to retain his title.

Lawless d. Shaman via Power Lariat

Match Rating: C-



After the match, Johnny Lawless took a microphone, the prone figure of the Shaman still lying on the mat. “Surprise, surprise. YOUR champion, Johnny Lawless, in the opening match. Can’t anyone find me a more worthy opponent than this washed-up old Injun? I realize that he took Chief Two Canaries to some mystical desert and probably smoked some peyote. But come on, that doesn’t make him a worthy opponent. No, YOUR champion is better than that. And when I get Chief Two Canaries in the ring, I’ll prove it!” C+





Professor Nero came out to the ring, obviously upset, his Lords of War in tow. Once in the ring, Nero made the lumbering duo kneel. “Lords who cannot win must be punished,” Nero intoned in a sing-song. “Lumbering little losing Lords of warbling, wandering, wasteful War.” Suddenly Nero’s grey eyes flashed and he brought his trademark cane down on the back of Warlord Agony. Agony crumbled while Pain’s expression never changed. “Perhaps now you will see what failure brings. When you lost the tag team titles, you failed me! Now you will pay!” As if on cue, a hooded duo ran down to the ring and attacked both the fallen Agony and the docile Pain. They beat on the Lords of War unmercifully as Nero cackled and urged the mystery attackers on. Suddenly Pain arose and pushed off the hooded duo. Nero cowered in the corner and called back his new duo as Pain backed down the ramp into the backstage area leaving a bloodied Agony still on the mat. C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MightyThor.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Mighty Thor v. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow

Billy’s Take: Mighty Thor is incredibly large and strong. But he is not a mental giant. Barstow, on the other hand, made up for the size differential with his incredible mental fortitude. In the end, Thor’s size cost him the match as he showed his frustration by swinging wildly at Barstow. Cheatin’ Mike caught him in an armbar, forcing the giant to submit.

Barstow d. Thor via armbar

Match Rating: D





Kenny Maynard, limping noticeably, came down to the ring and took a microphone. “Professor Nero,” he began, “at All or Nothing in September, you tried to take me out to get under the skin of George DeColt. And it looks like you succeeded at that. But what you didn’t anticipate, didn’t even consider, was what I would do to you in return. You think of me as a kid, as a non-threat. But I’m here to tell you and your Disciples of Evilness that you made the wrong man angry. Tonight, Nero, I’m going to beat up TimberWolf so badly that even his fleas will feel it!” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/KennyMaynard-1.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: TimberWolf used his veteran wiles, and some well-timed distractions from his manager Professor Nero, to take control of the early part of this match, keeping his much stronger opponent grounded on the mat. But Maynard was too powerful to keep down and he took control, whipping TimberWolf around the ring and using a variety of tosses to down his canine-pelted opponent. In the end, Maynard lifted TimberWolf over his shoulder, ran several steps and dropped TimberWolf right on his back with a vicious running powerslam to pick up the win.

Maynard d. TimberWolf via running powerslam

Match Rating: D+





Jason Jackson came out to the ring next, Double Disaster in tow. “This is so totally not fair,” Jackson whined, “like I just got news that Night Rider has left TWL. Now obviously it was because of me,” Jackson flashed a toothy grin before again moaning into the microphone, “but now I understand that the big dumb Giant Grimsley and my…dad…have found a new partner. And the idiots who run TWL are letting THEM defend the six-man titles. After these guys like stole the belts from us, now they get to pick and choose who gets to defend them. This is totally wrong. Like why don’t I, the Pride of Pasadena, the San Diego Superstar, the Inglewood Intellectual, get to fight for the belts? Totally not fair, not fair at all!” C+




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain1977.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Machete_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DrakeOberlin.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/RickHorn_97.jpg


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson/Warlord Pain © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

Billy’s Take: Grimsley and Jackson’s partner was a huge surprise, both literally and figuratively. When Warlord Pain entered the arena, the crowd was befuddled as, despite the attack suffered at the hands of Nero and his hooded hoodlums, Warlord Pain is not a sympathetic character. But when Grimsley and Jackson gave him an approving nod, the crowd seemed to reluctantly accept Pain. This match was more about making Pain an ally for Grimsley and Jackson than establishing their opponents as threats. After just a few minutes of punishment, Grimsley locked Machete in a bearhug while Jackson pinned Horn to the mat with an Eagle Claw and Pain hoisted Oberlin onto his shoulder, dropping him to the mat with a powerful inverted piledriver (which has been dubbed the Painkiller). The pinfall was academic.

Grimsley/Jackson/Pain d. Machete/Oberlin/Horn via Painkiller

Match Rating: D





Sheik Mustafa and his powerful charge, Comrade Popinowski, came out to the ring amidst a chorus of boos and shower of stale beer. Mustafa took the microphone. “Today Comrade Popinowski prove his strength and the power of communism by arm wrestling a puny American. Come here wimpy capitalist!” A well-built man came down to the ring and sat at a hastily-assembled folding table to face Popinowski. The Polish grappler flexed his huge biceps, taunting both the crowd and his opponent. As Popinowski and the unknown man locked hands, Mustafa whispered something to his charge. At Mustafa’s sign, the two men pulled. Popinowski quickly got the upper-hand and rammed the other man’s arm onto the table. Apparently unsatisfied with merely winning, Popinowski lifted the man’s arm again and slammed it full-force into the table, shattering the table in the process. The man howled, clutching his arm in pain while medics rushed to treat the injury. C




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman)

Billy’s Take: These are two of the most experienced and talented tag teams to ever grace the TWL ring. And they put on quite a wrestling match here. The Cult and the Outlaws went toe-to-toe, neither side gaining a substantial advantage or using many traditional wrestling holds. Instead, this was a fist fight and I had a difficult time keeping them from breaking the rules. As both sides began to tire, Johnny Lawless ran to the ring, taunting the Cult. To counter Lawless’ inclusion, Chief Two Eagles strode purposefully to the ring, the crowd erupting at his appearance. The match spilled onto the floor and Lawless and Two Eagles soon became involved as all six men brawled outside the ring. I had no option but to throw out the match and attempt to pull the wrestlers apart.

Cult drew with Outlaws following outside interference

Match Rating: C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: DeColt started this match off like a house on fire. He pummeled Nero until even the usually masochistic Professor seemed to no longer enjoy the pain. Finally Nero rolled to the outside of the ring and made a signal to the back. The hooded duo seen earlier in the night emerged from behind the curtain and then parted to reveal a small boy with a shaved head and wearing tinted glasses, just like Professor Nero. George DeColt did a double-take and then yelled “Alex!” turning his back on Professor Nero. Nero rolled up DeColt, grabbing a handful of tights (as I later learned), pinning DeColt for the three count, cackling hideously.

Nero d. DeColt via pinfall

Match Rating: B




Not concerned with the outcome of the match, ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt sprinted down the aisle toward his son, tackling one of the hooded men in the process. ‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard sprinted out from behind the curtain as well, tackling the second hooded man. DeColt scooped Alex into his arms, throwing the glasses to the floor and breaking them with a stomp. He spoke so loudly that he didn’t need a microphone, yelling “Nero, you’ll pay for this. No one messes with my family!” Professor Nero simply sat down in the ring and laughed, pulling his knees to his chest and gently rocking back and forth. C

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TWL Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


You mind putting up a complete listing of your roster?


4/5 (I'm not counting the tag team match since it went to a draw).

And I will probably do a complete roster listing at the end of 1978 (which is only three shows away) with a better rundown of where my whole roster is at. Typically I like some turnover at the end of the year (which in this case has been somewhat thrust upon me) so it makes better sense then I think. Remind me again if I don't!


TWL Title Match: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


3/5. The last match was a toss-up and could've really gone either way.


First published, 1966.

Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero




3/5. Ah yes, the poor Executioners. They'll be back next show. Always room for hooded face jobbers!


A lot of motorcycle clubs formed after World War II, as many veterans were jaded and didn't want to pursue the "American Dream in the suburbs" lifestyle. I think it was mid 50s when the first "outlaw" stuff about biker games entered pop culture through films and such, but it was definitely in place by the late 60s and the Hell's Angels role at Altamont.


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


3/5. And I appreciate the history lesson BP! I always see James Dean when I think 50s outlaw bikers.


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


4/5. Even non-title, Shaman was going to lose.


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero




Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

- I thought The Shaman went on a Vision Quest, got lost in the Dreamscape and was never to return.

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Mighty Thor is not known for his mental acuity and in-ring savvy. Thor: "Wha..? Thor hammer you!" Quiet Thor, go read an Avengers comic.

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

- Unless Maynard is here to be an All-Canadian Job boy, I think he might have more upside than TimidWolf does at this point.

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

- DustyPapaGiant for the squash. Who is Hornerlin? :)

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

- The real question is who gets caught obliterating the rules the most flagrantly. My call is... "What the F*** you mean I can't F***in hit a F***in J@p with a G**D*** piece of Bl***y F***in lumber?"... yah, him.

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

- The mind games work as Nero leads DeColt on those first few steps along dark paths of his depraved soul.


5/5. Nice work! As always Beeker, I love to see how your mind works. In many cases I slap my head and say "He gets it. He knows what I'm trying to do here!" I don't know if that is good or bad...


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


2/5. Better luck next time BYU!


Non-Title: The Shaman v. Johnny Lawless ©

Mighty Thor v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. TimberWolf

TWL Six Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Edmond Jackson/Night Rider © v. Machete/Drake Oberlin/Rick Horn

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Texas Outlaws (Mean Mark Green/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman)

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


5/5. Nice job Bolt!!!

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And I will probably do a complete roster listing at the end of 1978 (which is only three shows away) with a better rundown of where my whole roster is at. Typically I like some turnover at the end of the year (which in this case has been somewhat thrust upon me) so it makes better sense then I think. Remind me again if I don't!


Oh, I will. ;)


Next set of questions:


1. How are your finances at the moment, to consider a weekly lesser show?

2. How's the title prestige?

3. How's your popularity, and is it good enough for spill-over?

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




TWL Hoedown is always a fun event. The card is composed entirely of three-on-three matches and really leads in to the Year End Spectacular event. This year should be no different. Here are the advertised matches:


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

DeColt went north of the border to find his third partner, a former Canadian champion, Steve McFly. Meanwhile, Nero has stated that he plans to reveal his hooded duo as the newest members of the Disciples of Evilness!


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

The Lone Star Stampeder himself handpicked Team Texas. Will they prevail or will the animalistic insticts of their opponents prove to be too much?


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Classic America versus the world. We've seen Popinowski bend bars and break arms. But can he wrestle?


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

This promises to be a titanic encounter as there will be nearly one-ton of wrestlers in the ring. Who will prevail?


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

Chief Two Eagles is the number one contender to Johnny Lawless' prized championship while Lawless decimated Two Eagles' mentor last show. This obviously has implications reaching far beyond this match.


PLUS The Lone Star Stampeder promised a HUGE announcement!


Quick Picks:

Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

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Oh, I will. ;)


Next set of questions:


1. How are your finances at the moment, to consider a weekly lesser show?

2. How's the title prestige?

3. How's your popularity, and is it good enough for spill-over?


1. My finances are weak (just under $300k in the bank), but I need (or at least feel the need) to expand. So we'll see.


2. The TWL Title has been A* since Rip Chord held the belt in '77. The tag belts are at C+ while the 6-Man titles are at a D+ (in part because Night Rider left and I had to make a hasty switch...they were at C-).


3. My MidSouth popularity is 60.6%, MidWest is 32.9%, Southwest is 16.8%, Hawaii and Northwest are 5.0% and all others are 0.0%. So there was some spillover, but I've not hit the next spillover bump (in the 70s if I recall).

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement? The weekly shows are going to happen.


1. My finances are weak (just under $300k in the bank), but I need (or at least feel the need) to expand. So we'll see.
Consider it. It'll do you some good in terms of padding out the storylines.


2. The TWL Title has been A* since Rip Chord held the belt in '77. The tag belts are at C+ while the 6-Man titles are at a D+ (in part because Night Rider left and I had to make a hasty switch...they were at C-)
Where did Night Rider leave to again? And that's good, for the most part.


3. My MidSouth popularity is 60.6%, MidWest is 32.9%, Southwest is 16.8%, Hawaii and Northwest are 5.0% and all others are 0.0%. So there was some spillover, but I've not hit the next spillover bump (in the 70s if I recall).
Hm... If you do go weekly, I'd suggest focusing on Midwest first and Southwest next, with Mid-South getting monthly major event...
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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

Got to be some sort of TV thing...

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

- The Even Eviller Disciples of Evilness need to look well... evil on their big reveal.


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

- Feel good win for the faces. And I want Double Wide and the Double Wide Dive to somehow become a fixture in Texas.


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

- Gotta love Barstow, he even cheats when it comes to his passports. He's from Moscow, Texas. I'm sure of it!


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

- Fun, meaningless match (just ask New School after he loses) which helps establish Pain as a face and the Old Giant Pain as a real team.


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

- I think the Chief amps up his momentum before clashing with the Lawless champ.


PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

- Ref Billy quits because I understand his booking too well? No? Hrm. I think it's... the Return of Rip. Booted from SWF for appearing fall-down-drunk on TV he's back in Texas where TV is just fer football!

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?


Stampy retiring.....???

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


I am stuck in lazy mode today. So I'm taking the easy road and seconding PS' picks...

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Note: No clue why you placed Pain in the trios division, because a short singles push of squashes could have put him over quickly enough to resemble the Deadman.


Oh he's just filling a gap right now. With Hoedown as an entirely three-on-three event, I needed to replace The Night Rider. Pain will be on his own soon enough, don't you worry!

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v.West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

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OOC: Illness and grading final exams has knocked me out of commission for a week. Show should be up in the next 24 hours.


From the Notebook of Referee Billy


Referees in TWL may make decent money, but it certainly doesn't pay all of the bills (especially with an 11-month old in the house). My 'other' business interest is that I am a part-owner of a gym in Denton.


Well from time to time a muscle-bound hot-head thinks he can whip the wrestlers who work out there. Usually this means that someone like Floyd or even Nero twists them into a pretzel and makes them cry like a little girl.


One young man who has never challenged any of the wrestlers, but who has showed a keen interest in their workouts (especially in 'Old School' Edmond Jackson) pulled me aside this week. He told me that he plans to graduate from high school in May and then become a professional wrestler. I was honest with him. I told him that there was no way Stampy was hiring another 17-year old straight out of high school (he's still smarting from Warlord Agony's betrayal). So instead we chatted for about an hour. I told him that he should go to college and get some book learning. He argued that pro wrestling's school of tradition was enough education. I think we finally came to an understanding. He'll try out the college thing and then come back in a couple of years. What an outstanding young man. For some reason I don't think we've heard the last of Eric Tyler.

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TWL Hoedown

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

November 1978

Attendance: 4,336



Professor Nero opened the show, slinking out to the ring wearing his trademark glasses and carrying a slender black cane. When he entered the ring, he grabbed the microphone, pausing to clear his throat dramatically before speaking. “I made a mistake,” he began seriously into the microphone. “I put my faith into two thick-headed nitwits. Tonight I rectify that. Tonight I bring to you my newest disciples. Unlike the,” Nero spat on the mat, “imbecilic Lords of War, these two men are completely loyal to me. Meet…the…Demons…of…Rage!”


At that, two muscle-bound, mohawked men clumped to the ring, growling – I suppose in preparation for their upcoming match. B-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/KennyMaynard-1.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/SteveMcFly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonAnger1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonSpite1977.jpg


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/Demon Anger/Demon Spite)

Billy’s Take: DeColt and his partners came out to meet the Disciples, Maynard and McFly slapping hands with fans on their way down to the ring. Inside the ring, this was a very back-and-forth affair, although DeColt and Nero clearly stood head and shoulders above their partners. McFly ended up taking the fall after the Demons of Rage lifted him in the air and sent him to the mat with a Double Demon Drop while Nero and DeColt battled outside the ring.

Disciples of Evilness d. Team Canada via Double Demon Drop

Match Rating: C-





The Lone Star Stampeder came down to the ring, asking for (and receiving) a microphone. “Well folks, I wanna first thank y’all for comin’ out here tonight. But I got more important issues ‘ta discuss. First off, I’ve got a big announcement. Starting next week, you can find Texas wrestling on your televisions! Tune in to Channel 7 on Saturdays at 10 pm and you’ll be able to watch all your favorite TWL wrasslers! And finally, I wanna bring out my favorite guys in the whole company, Team Texas.” The Trailer Park Kid and his partners for the evening, ‘Double Wide’ Dave Wylde and Archie ‘The Governor’ Judge, came out and each shook hands with Stampy. The Trailer Park Kid put out a lit cigarette with his boots, handing an unlit smoke to Double Wide while Archie demurred. D+


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DaveWylde.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ArchiJudge1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheLoneStarStampeder.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Machete_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DrakeOberlin.jpg


Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde)w/The Lone Star Stampeder v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

Billy’s Take: Team Texas worked much more cohesively than their opponents in this one, in part thanks to the coaching of the Lone Star Stampeder at ringside. The end came when Archie and Machete brawled out the outside while the Trailer Park Kid clotheslined TimberWolf out of the ring and then teamed with Wylde on a devastating double cross-body (a double-wide dive) to put down Oberlin for the three count.

Team Texas d. Animal Instincts via Double-Wide Dive

Match Rating: D+





Sheik Mustafa and his Polish charge, Comrade Popinowski, strode purposefully down to the ring, ignoring both the incessant “U…S…A” chants from the crowd and thrown paper cups full of stale beer. Sheik Mustafa took a microphone while Popinowski flexed his gigantic arms. “Idiot Americans,” he spat on the ring floor, “still do not respect power of communism. So another demonstration is in order. Comrade!” he screamed at the muscle-bound giant. Popinowski snapped to attention and grabbed a cinderblock sitting at ringside. He smashed his melon-sized fist into the concrete, shattering it into dust while Sheik laughed maniacally in glee. C-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CalSanders_jtlant.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ErnieTurner_alt2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WileySteinway_alt3.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/BillPop_2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/SheikMustafa1977.jpg


American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Billy’s Take: Cheatin’ Mike Barstow strode arrogantly to the ring to join his tag team partners. When Captain USA and the masked Executioners emerged, the crowd roared (as much due to their intense hatred for the Foreign Legion as their love of the face team). The match itself was fairly predictable. The much larger and more powerful foreigners dominated their American challengers and, despite a heroic comeback by Captain USA, put the hometown heroes down. As Barstow grabbed hold of the leg of one of the Executioners, Comrade Popinowski lumbered at the other yellow-masked man and crushed him in the chest with a two-handed Polish Hammer. This second Executioner crumbled, allowing Popinowski to cover him for the easy three count.

Foreign Legion d. American Executioners via Polish Hammer

Match Rating: D-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain_jhdAJ2.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg (Thanks to JHD for the Pain alt!)


Giant Grimsley and ‘Old School’ Edmond Jackson came out to the ring, slapping the hands of fans at ringside. When they entered the ring, Jackson took a microphone. “Wow, what a reception. Tonight I want to bring out our partner, a man who needs no introduction. A man used to be under the thumb of Professor Nero, but is now free. Welcome…Pain!” The former Warlord Pain, now apparently just known as Pain, came out wearing new ring attire – black trunks trimmed in dark purple, a matching hat, and a long black trenchcoat. As Pain strode purposefully down to the ring, Double Disaster emerged from the back, attacking the newly-attired man. Grimsley and Jackson ran to his rescue and the following match began even before I could have the timekeeper ring the bell. C-


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/EdmondJackson.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain_jhdAJ2.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) © v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

Billy’s Take: This was an absolute war. These six men (ok, five…Jason did his best to hit-and-run) went toe-to-toe for nearly fifteen minutes of back and forth action. First, the West Coast Warriors had control, overpowering Edmond Jackson and using quick tags to keep him cornered. But a hot tag to Pain allowed the huge man to clean house, sending both members of Double Disaster and Jason Jackson to the floor. In the end, Double Disaster hit a Tidal Wave on Edmond Jackson while he was distracted, jawing with his son. Then the gigantic Samoan duo managed to goad Grimsley and Pain into fighting while Jason covered his dad for the three count.

After the match, Jason slid out and grabbed all three title belts, holding them aloft and screaming like a little girl watching John Travolta sing songs from Grease.

West Coast Warriors d. Old School Giants via to WIN the TWL Six-Man Titles

Match Rating: D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg


The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

Billy’s Take: This was another hard-hitting match, which fans in Texas seem to love. There were really no standout moments in this match, just straight-forward fighting. Chief and Johnny paired off and really went at one another while the Crimson Serpent Cult and the senior Outlaws team fought tooth and nail. In the end, Johnny Lawless went for a Power Lariat, but Chief ducked under it and connected with a clothesline of his own. Then he climbed to the second rope and connected with a thunderous Tomahawk Chop that blasted Lawless right between the eyes to pick up the win for his team.

The Nation d. The Texas Outlaws via Tomahawk Chop

Match Rating: C+




After the match, Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman and Mean Mark Green helped Johnny Lawless to his feet. The champion stumbled unsteadily to a table at ringside and took hold of his belt. He raised it above his head and pointed at it, reminding Chief Two Eagles who still stood atop TWL. B+

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Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement? The weekly shows are going to happen.


5/5 and correctly guessed Stampy's announcement. Well done!


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)




Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


4/5. Just missed on the title switch. So close!


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

Got to be some sort of TV thing...


3/5, but you guessed Stampy's announcement correctly!


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

- The Even Eviller Disciples of Evilness need to look well... evil on their big reveal.

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

- Feel good win for the faces. And I want Double Wide and the Double Wide Dive to somehow become a fixture in Texas.

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

- Gotta love Barstow, he even cheats when it comes to his passports. He's from Moscow, Texas. I'm sure of it!

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

- Fun, meaningless match (just ask New School after he loses) which helps establish Pain as a face and the Old Giant Pain as a real team.

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

- I think the Chief amps up his momentum before clashing with the Lawless champ.

PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

- Ref Billy quits because I understand his booking too well? No? Hrm. I think it's... the Return of Rip. Booted from SWF for appearing fall-down-drunk on TV he's back in Texas where TV is just fer football!


5/6. I was torn on the title match. On one hand, I wanted to keep Jason a whiny loser. But on the other, I have bigger plans for Pain (and his partners). Rip coming back would've been a more exciting reveal! And I think Cheatin' Mike IS from Moscow, Texas. He's Comradebot's neighbor.


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


3/5. You missed the same ones as others. Apparently the first, second and third matches weren't all that tricky!


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v. West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)

PLUS - Any guesses on Stampy's big announcement?

Stampy retiring.....???


Another 3/5. Stampy actually already retired. Not surprisingly, it flew under the radar. Stampy doesn't like to make a big deal about things like that.


I am stuck in lazy mode today. So I'm taking the easy road and seconding PS' picks...


And a 3/5 for you also!


Team Canada ('Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard/Steve McFly) v. The Disciples of Evilness (Professor Nero/???/???)

Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) v. Animal Instincts (Machete/TimberWolf/Drake 'The Snake' Oberlin)

American Executioners (Executioner I/Executioner II/Captain USA) v. Foreign Legion (Cheatin' Mike Barstow/Comrade Popinowski/Sheik Mustafa)

Six-Man Title Match: Old School Giants (Giant Grimsley/Pain/'Old School' Edmond Jackson) v.West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Tsunami/Eruption)

The Nation (Chief Two Eagles/Cobra/Viper) v. The Texas Outlaws (Johnny Lawless/Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Mean Mark Green)


3/5...just missed the first and fourth.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




I can hardly believe that Texas Wrestling is coming to television! Looks like I'll have to stay up late on Saturday nights to see myself on TV. Too bad video cassette recorders are so darn expensive or I'd tape record the shows. In any case, here's the card for the first show!


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Professor Nero has demanded a title shot for his newly-debuted Demons of Rage. Can they return the belts to the Disciples of Evilness or will the Cult keep their strangehold on the gold?


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Both teams are coming off huge victories at Hoedown. Will the Six Man titles change hands again or will the Warriors somehow retain their belts?


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Montero is a rising star, but so is Tommy. Who will prevail?


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Chief Two Eagles is after Johnny Lawless' title. Can Lawless' teammate keep Chief from realizing his dreams of gold?


Quick Picks:

Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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Quick Picks:

Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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