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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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really liked the last show sir


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

The Demons and the Lords of war? Nero is a great scout.


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Have you seen the disasters? Theyre MASSIVE


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Shannon tips the balance here


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Poor F***in Floyd

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

- Probably by DQ when the Demons show the new level of violence Professor Nero has unleashed upon Texas.


Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

- The Leader of the New School is not about to drop his precious titles this quickly. So shiny he can do his hair in the reflection.


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

- Cornell? Oh Handell. Right. Luis take it home to the border.


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

- Much as I the F-BOMB~! The Chief showcases his talent and sends a warning the Man who would be Lawless.

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Couple of things.


First, the inaugural episode of Texas Wrestling on Channel 7 will be up in a few hours.


Second, thanks to all who nominated and/or voted for me for Diary of the Month. I realize that I've been less than consistent (both in terms of posting shows and show quality) but it is still nice to be recognized!


And finally, I'm super exicted about writing for television. In all honesty, I was a bit hesitant to jump to TV, if only because of changing format (introducing commentators, cutting from 6 matches to 4, etc.) But I like the idea of switching it up a bit and having Billy 'watch' the episodes on TV and report what happens. It is a pain to write around cheap finishes when the person giving the report is a referee! So bear with me as I try to transition into this new style. I have a lot planned for 1979 and am looking forward to ending 1978 with a bang (only one big event and four tv tapings until the end of the year)!

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Texas Wrestling

The Junkyard (Midwest)

December (Week One) 1978

Attendance: 1,000

Rating: 0.14 on Channel 7 Regional




Texas Wrestling kicked off with a shot of the commentary team, The Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, sitting behind a table near ringside. “Welcome fans to Texas Wrestling, bringing you the best in hard-hitting mat action,” Stampy began in his deep twang. “That’s right folks, tonight we have got some real barn-burners. But first up is a match for the TWL Tag Team belts pitting the challengers, the Demons of Rage, led to the ring by their manager Professor Mycroft Nero, against the champions, Cobra and Viper, known collectively as the Crimson Serpent Cult.”




VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonAnger1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonSpite1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Nero’s young Demons of Rage could be quite a destructive duo if properly trained as they demonstrated both an innate understanding of one another and raw power. They dominated the early part of the match before the champions could regroup. And just when it looked like the Cult would retain their titles after Viper hit the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick, Professor Nero leapt into the ring, brandishing his trademark cane. He slammed the handle into the face of Viper before smashing the entire length of wood across the back of the unsuspecting Cobra. The Demons of Rage assisted their manager in assaulting the champs, leaving the Cult winners of the match, but perhaps losers of the battle.

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Demons of Rage by Disqualification when Professor Nero interfered

Match Rating: D+



The Lone Star Stampeder was back on commentary, introducing the next segment. “Well now folks I’m afraid that to be fair to all points of view, we have to bring you a big mouth Arab and a stinkin’ Commie. Here’re Sheik Mustafa and Comrade Popinowski …damn Reds,” Stampy mumbled the last part under his breath, though the microphone clearly picked it up.





Sheik Mustafa and Comrade Popinowski strode out to the ring. The fans booed lustily and, as they are wont to do, started up a spontaneous chant of “U…S…A” aimed at the foreign duo. “Tonight Comrade, we show pitiful Americans the true strength of Communism. We demonstrate how strong is Russia,” Sheik slapped Popinowski on the chest, “and how strong is Iraq,” he beamed proudly. Popinowski, on cue, brought out a chain from under the ring and began pulling it apart with both hands. He continued to exert more force until suddenly the chain snapped, leaving the steroid-induced Communist with incredibly musculature standing in the ring, flexing and growling. C



“What a display of strength. I must admit that even though I hate the man’s politics, I have to respect his awesome power! What do you think Stampy?”


“I think those may be two of the scariest men that I’ve ever seen! Did ya’ see him break that chain like it was a piece of licorice? Un-be-liev-able. Now back to the action with the Six Man Title belts on the line. I’m with Team Texas on this one, but I’ve gotta admit that the champions will be hard to beat. Jason Jackson may be a whiner, but his mammoth tag team partners known as Double Disaster are certainly double tough!”




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DaveWylde.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ArchiJudge1977.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg


TWL Six-Man Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie ‘The Governor’ Judge/‘Double-Wide’ Dave Wylde) v. West Coast Warriors (‘New School’ Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) ©

Billy’s Take: The crowd was firmly behind the challengers here, loudly cheering every near-fall and booing when the champions took control. Unfortunately for the viewers, the heels dominated much of the match, save when the Trailer Park Kid was in the ring. In the end, Jason Jackson grabbed hold of Wylde’s tights when the latter flew into the corner, leaving him prone to a crushing corner splash from both members of Double Disaster. As the Samoan duo turned their attention to the Trailer Park Kid and Archie Judge, Jackson tagged himself in and leaped on top of Wylde, cinching in the unnecessary California Dream to pick up the victory.

West Coast Warriors d. Team Texas to retain the TWL Six-Man Titles

Match Rating: D



“What a tough break there for Team Texas. I thought they had it wrapped up, but Jason Jackson is nothing if not resourceful. Well, Lawrence do you want to tell the folks about our next contest?”


“Absolutely Stampy. Our next match pits a relative newcomer to TWL, ‘Handsome’ Tommy Handell, accompanied by his manager Shane Sneer, against a true Texas superstar, Luis Montero, accompanied to the ring by the lovely Shannon. Let’s go to the ring!”


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TommyHandell.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShaneSneer1977.jpg


Luis Montero w/Shannon v. ‘Handsome’ Tommy Handell w/Shane Sneer

Billy’s Take: Only the presence of Shane Sneer at ringside garnered any heat for the unknown Handell. Sure, he acted arrogantly in the ring, but the crowd was hesitant to boo (though Sneer did manage to rile up fans sitting at ringside). Similarly, most of the cheers for Montero seemed aimed at his gorgeous valet. Despite the relatively apathetic crowd, the match itself was actually quite good, remaining primarily on the mat. In the end, Montero was simply too much for Handell and connected with a jumping piledriver to pick up the win.

Montero d. Handell via Jumping Piledriver

Match Rating: C-



Instead of a dialogue between Stampy and Lawrence, fans at home were presented with a slickly edited video presentation highlighting some of Texas’ other wrestlers, letting viewers get a taste of what to expect in the coming weeks. It started with a shot of Johnny Lawless, the TWL champion, holding his belt aloft, followed by footage of Chief Two Eagles defeating George DeColt to become the number one contender to the belt. Then it featured Professor Nero and his sadistic Disciples of Evilness before concluding with the Texas Outlaws running roughshod over TWL, cementing them as the top heels in the promotion. C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpg


Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman

Billy’s Take: Double-yuck. I really expected more from these two men but, despite their experience and relatively strong in-ring work, they simply did not produce. At one point, they ran the ropes and then collided in the middle of the ring then followed it up with Chief going for a suplex but stumbling and Floyd falling on top for the near three count. But in the end, they were on the same page long enough for Floyd to miss a Salute ‘n Boot and Chief to counter with a bodyslam and a Tomahawk Chop from the second rope to pick up the win.

After the match, Mean Mark Green and the TWL Champion Johnny Lawless hit the ring, ostensibly to attack Chief Two Eagles. But the Chief outsmarted the Texas Outlaw trio and slipped under the bottom rope, leaving a seething Lawless in the center of the ring, vowing to beat up Two Eagles the next time they met.

Two Eagles d. Bowman via Tomahawk Chop

Match Rating: D+



From the Notebook of Referee Billy


After the show, Stampy called the booking committee (myself and Professor Nero) into his office, where a seething Floyd Bowman and Chief Two Eagles already sat in folding chairs. “What the **** was that?” Stampy asked, uncharacteristically cursing. Chief stared at the ground, unable to meet his boss’ eye and apparently unwilling to speak. Floyd, contrarily, seemed only too eager to get it off his chest. “It was a steaming pile of horse****. What the **** do you ****in’ think it was? We just didn’t ****in’ click tonight. What the **** do you want me to say? I ain’t ****in’ apologizin’, if that’s what you wanted, you son of a *****. I’d rather give a ***-damned lap dance to Giant Grimsley’s mother than ****in’ apologize!” I had to cough into my hand to keep from laughing. “This ain’t funny Billy,” the furious Stampy continued. “This TV deal may be our one and only shot at bein’ somethin’ more than…” he cut himself off. “Never mind. Chief, Floyd, get the hell outta here. I need to talk to Mike and Billy.” When the wrestlers had left, Stampy flopped on his desk. “Now it’s up to you two to fix this. Chief needs to be kept strong since he’s main eventing Year End Spectacular with Johnny. But we ain’t buryin’ Floyd either. Earn your money boys and spin this. The next card better be a damn sight better than tonight’s!” Nero and I left wondering both how to ‘spin this’ and what Stampy meant when he said he wanted to be something more…

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Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


3/4. Just missed on the tag title match. The Demons of Rage will (most likely) get the belts eventually...just not yet.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


Another 3/4 - missed on the tag match.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


4/4. Nice work bg!


really liked the last show sir

Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

The Demons and the Lords of war? Nero is a great scout.

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Have you seen the disasters? Theyre MASSIVE

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Shannon tips the balance here

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

Poor F***in Floyd


Glad you enjoyed the last show. Hoedown was tough to write. Both because I spread it out over multiple sittings and because of the exclusively 3 on 3 format. As for this one, 3/4. Like others, you missed the title match.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


4/4. Nicely done smurphy!


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman


2/4. Tripped you up on q couple.


Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

- Probably by DQ when the Demons show the new level of violence Professor Nero has unleashed upon Texas.

Six Man Title Match: West Coast Warriors ('New School' Jason Jackson/Eruption/Tsunami) v. Team Texas (Trailer Park Kid/Archie 'The Governor' Judge/'Double Wide' Dave Wylde) w/The Lone Star Stampeder

- The Leader of the New School is not about to drop his precious titles this quickly. So shiny he can do his hair in the reflection.

Luis Montero w/Shannon v. 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

- Cornell? Oh Handell. Right. Luis take it home to the border.

Chief Two Eagles v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman

- Much as I the F-BOMB~! The Chief showcases his talent and sends a warning the Man who would be Lawless.


4/4. And, as always, your ideas are pretty much spot-on!

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Damn that was a **** main event. :eek: How did the show rate?


The show was a D+. That is by far the worst grade I've ever received (my previous low was a C - in front of 175 fans in Las Vegas). Hence Stampy's anger. I apparently had never run Chief against F-Bomb in a singles match. Who knew they'd suck so badly?


But I've redeemed myself. I just ran Year End Spectacular and it received a good score (2nd best of all-time - including a new addition to my promotion's Top Ten).

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The show was a D+. That is by far the worst grade I've ever received (my previous low was a C - in front of 175 fans in Las Vegas). Hence Stampy's anger. I apparently had never run Chief against F-Bomb in a singles match. Who knew they'd suck so badly?
Indeed. :eek:


But I've redeemed myself. I just ran Year End Spectacular and it received a good score (2nd best of all-time - including a new addition to my promotion's Top Ten).


That's good to know. :)


Can I ask how the tag-teams are, in terms of experience?

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




TWL is in full gear, excited for the next appearance of Texas Wrestling on Channel 7! Here is the advertised card:


Pain v. Lee Wright

Pain has been on quite a run since breaking away from Professor Nero. Can he continue his dominance against young Lee Wright?


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Nero replaced the Lords of War with the Demons of Rage. If anything, they may be even more sadistic than their predecessors. How will they fare against the high-flying Show Stealers?


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Cheatin' Mike is undefeated in TWL. Will his run continue against Texas' own Trailer Park Kid?


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

What an exciting main event! DeColt and his protege against Nero and his canine minion. Who will prevail? And was impact will this have on Nero and DeColt's anticipated match at Year End Spectacular?



Quick Picks:


Pain v. Lee Wright


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

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Can I ask how the tag-teams are, in terms of experience?


As of Year End Spectacular, here are my tag teams and their experience level:


*Mystery* F-

Bowman and Lawless F

Crimson Serpent Cult A*

Demons of Rage D-

Double Disaster A*

Handell and Wright F-

*Mystery* A*

*Mystery* B-

Show Stealers C+

*Mystery* A*

Team Texas F-

Texas Outlaws (Green and Bowman) A*

The Executioners F-

The Sadistic Duo D-


The *Mystery* teams will be introduced in the next two-three shows.

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Pain v. Lee Wright


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

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I think I got this right...




Crimson Serpent Cult A*

Demons of Rage D-

Double Disaster A*

Texas Outlaws (Green and Bowman) A*

Team Texas F-

Show Stealers C+

The Executioners F-

Not bad, for the most part. I've got a soft-spot for tag-teams, so for me, having anything less than 6 tag-teams with C- minimum for all kills me. :p


Once you get Demons of Rage, Show Stealers, Team Texas and Executioners trained up, this should be a nice set of tag-team divisions you have. (Even though a Brass Knuckles division would be better...)



Bowman and Lawless F

Handell and Wright F-

The Sadistic Duo D-

Not bad in terms of semi-active, but except for the Sadistic Duo, I don't see much in terms of long-term potential for any of these guys...



*Mystery* A*

*Mystery* A*

*Mystery* F-

*Mystery* B-


No clue about these, obviously, but the A* and B- has me in a good mood. Hopefully they won't all be jobbers or jump to SWF anytime soon. :p



Quick Picks:

Pain v. Lee Wright

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

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Not bad, for the most part. I've got a soft-spot for tag-teams, so for me, having anything less than 6 tag-teams with C- minimum for all kills me. :p


Once you get Demons of Rage, Show Stealers, Team Texas and Executioners trained up, this should be a nice set of tag-team divisions you have. (Even though a Brass Knuckles division would be better...)


No clue about these, obviously, but the A* and B- has me in a good mood. Hopefully they won't all be jobbers or jump to SWF anytime soon. :p


I also have a soft spot for tag teams. Unfortunately, events somewhat outside my control have limited my ability to build a quality division. Workers stolen (SWF taking Warlord Agony, 1/2 of another A* team), workers demanding too much (Don Juan Martinez (Reyes) was a prick, forcing me to break up the Border Runners), and the limitations of running just two shows per month limits how quickly I can build. Hopefully with weekly programming and keeping SWF away from my guys, I'll be able to more quickly build the Demons, Team Texas, and the Executioners!


Of the mystery teams, two are full-time, one is occassional, and the other brings together wrestlers with similar gimmicks and great chemistry. So expect to see a much more competitive tag division quite soon!

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I also have a soft spot for tag teams. Unfortunately, events somewhat outside my control have limited my ability to build a quality division. Workers stolen (SWF taking Warlord Agony, 1/2 of another A* team), workers demanding too much (Don Juan Martinez (Reyes) was a prick, forcing me to break up the Border Runners), and the limitations of running just two shows per month limits how quickly I can build.
I've had that same problem myself, but I tend to take risks and go for weekly shows in most games I do with Regional/Small feds. :p Or in the case of my Cult NYCW fed, create a one-hour show exclusively for tag-team wrestling to get my teams experienced enough. 3 months later 8 teams = 6 A* teams, 2 C-. :p


Hopefully with weekly programming and keeping SWF away from my guys, I'll be able to more quickly build the Demons, Team Texas, and the Executioners! Hopefully.


Of the mystery teams, two are full-time, one is occassional, and the other brings together wrestlers with similar gimmicks and great chemistry. So expect to see a much more competitive tag division quite soon!


Yay. :p

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Pain v. Lee Wright


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

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Pain v. Lee Wright

- I'm not a fan of the UnderPainer but oh well, he's still going to get way more of a push than Sad Lee Wright.


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

- Exciting or not, they're going to be excitingly kablooied by the Demons.


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Cheatin' on TV is custom made for Barstow become one of the top heels in Texas.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

- Hardest match to pick of the night. Which in the late 70s the Main Event SHOULD be up for grabs. Giving it to DeColt and Maynard since TimidPup needs to be released or reinvented.

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*Mystery* F-

*Mystery* A*

*Mystery* B-

*Mystery* A*


Ive got a tag team called Mystery so this was weird. Im fairly sure Jeffrey McPterson and Jonathan Faust wouldnt pop in 70s Texas though... I fun that tag teams are SO much more effective than in the last TEW its really cost-effective to build teams that fit your product and just hurl them all together.




Pain v. Lee Wright

That alt demands a singles push


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

The Demons cant lose 2 in a row can they?


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Coin-toss here really


'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Timberwolf doesnt win matches!

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Texas Wrestling

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

December (Week Two) 1978

Attendance: 4,263

Rating: 0.14 on Channel 7 Regional


This week’s program kicked off with a brand-new opening. It opened with a camera zoomed in on a young girl kneeling beside her bed, hands folded as if in prayer. “And God bless Mother, and God bless Father. But most of all, God bless Texas!” Then the screen cut to the Lone Star Stampeder and Lawrence Grove, seated as usual behind a desk at ringside.




“Welcome everyone to Texas Wrestling. Folks, we’ve got another night full of hard-hitting mat action for you this evening. In our main event, the team of ‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt and “The Mayne Event” Kenny Maynard tackle two of the most devious, most sinister men I’ve ever had the misfortune of meetin’, the Sadistic Duo, Professor Mycroft Nero and his canine protégé TimberWolf! But first, a relative newcomer to TWL, ‘Luscious’ Lee Wright, tackles the man known simply as Pain.”


“That’s right Stampy,” Grove interjected, “Pain is a monster of a man. He’s not had a real challenge in singles competition since escaping the clutches of the evil Professor Nero. But I fully expect Lee Wright to give him a run for his money, especially with that sniveling Shane Sneer in his corner. Here they come now, let’s watch what promises to be a fine matchup!”



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/WarlordPain_jhdAJ2.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LeeWright1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShaneSneer1977.jpg


Pain v. ‘Luscious’ Lee Wright w/Shane Sneer

Billy’s Take: Wright and Sneer emerged first, the crowd booing Sneer mercilessly. Pain’s entrance made everyone suddenly quiet, as if breaking the silence would earn the wrath of the painted warrior. Inside the ring, this was much more one-sided than Grove predicted. Instead of an even match, Pain smashed Wright from pillar to post, repeatedly raining clubbing forearm shivers into Wright’s chest, slowly pummeling the smaller man to the mat. Even Sneer jumping on the ring apron failed to slow the Pain as he turned and rammed into Sneer, tossing him to the floor. Then Pain returned his full attention to Wright and lifted him into position for the Painkiller, bringing him crashing down on his head. The pinfall was academic.

Pain d. Wright via Painkiller

Match Rating: D



“What a performance from Pain! He just took that boy apart. Un-be-lieve-able!”


“Woo-eee Stampy, you got that right. Well, we’re headed back down to the ring where, in the spirit of being equal, Sheik Mustafa has requested and received some air time.” “Dirty Ruskie,” Stampy muttered under his breath.




Sheik Mustafa and Comrade Popinowski lumbered arrogantly to the ring. “Comrade, tonight I think we give puny Americans chance to take on you in arm-wrestling. What say you Comrade?” “Da” Popinowski bellowed, “I do this.” Some local guy strolled out to the ring, slapping hands with fans and warming up his right arm. The man sat down at a rickety card table, across from the Polish behemoth. The two locked hands, Sheik Mustafa apparently acting as the judge for this farce of a contest. Unsurprisingly, Popinowski almost immediately slammed the unfortunate man’s hand into the card table, causing the table to break (and possibly the man’s arm as well). Then Sheik unrolled a package he’d brought with him to the ring and unfurled a huge Soviet flag. He handed it to Comrade Popinowski, who waved it above his head as the crowd erupted in boos and a chant of “U…S…A!” C-



“If I weren’t sittin’ behind this dadgummed desk, I’d take my cowboy boot and shove it right up his…”


“Ok fans, let’s get back to the action,” Lawrence Grove interjected. “And what a clash of styles we have for you in this next one. The high-flying, super-exciting team of the Show Stealers battles Professor Nero’s ultra-powerful and incredibly-vicious Demons of Rage!”



VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonAnger1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/DemonSpite1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Like the Pain match, this one was never in doubt. The Show Stealers attempted, and even connected on, several high-flying moves. But it was not nearly enough to even faze the demonic duo. In the end, the Demons of Rage combined on a devastating Double Demon Drop, sending Red Falcon sprawling to the mat where Anger pinned him for the easy three count.

Demons of Rage d. Show Stealers via Double Demon Drop

Match Rating: D



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MikeyMontana.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CheatinMikeBarstow.jpg


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin’ Mike Barstow

Billy’s Take: The Trailer Park Kid received a really strong reception when he came out to the ring, lit cigarette dangling precariously from his lips. He put it out at ringside and then slid into the squared circle, awaiting his opponent. Barstow came down to the ring next. As I always do, I checked both men’s tights and boots for foreign objects. Somewhat unsurprisingly, I found a pair of brass knuckles and a small steel chain hidden in Barstow’s boots. He acted surprised by the revelation and begged ignorance. I rolled my eyes, but let the match begin. Inside the ring, these two men were obviously evenly matched. This ‘forced’ Barstow to cheat, using the drawstring on his tights to choke out the Trailer Park Kid until I counted a break. Barstow certainly knows how to near being disqualified without actually losing. In the end, Trailer Park Kid went for a sunset flip but Barstow dropped to his knees and smashed the Kid in the head with a pair of brass knucks apparently hidden in the front of his tights. I didn’t see this while refereeing because I was watching for the sunset flip, but caught it on the television broadcast. The Lone Star Stampeder did catch it live and jumped to his feet. Stampy demanded that he referee a rematch between the Trailer Park Kid and Cheatin’ Mike at Year End Spectacular.

Barstow d. TPK via pinfall

Match Rating: C-





A little video package played hyping the upcoming Year End battle royal. Included in the highlights were the “King of the Battle Royal” Giant Grimsley, Comrade Popinowski, “The Mayne Event” Kenny Maynard, and Pain. It also promised a mystery contestant who would be revealed at the show. B



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/KennyMaynard-1.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg


‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt/‘The Mayne Event’ Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Billy’s Take: The crowd stood and cheered for the entrance of DeColt and Maynard and then booed Nero and TimberWolf unmercifully. The match itself revolved around one distinct story. DeColt and Nero obviously hate one another, yet Nero refused to step into the ring against DeColt, playing his typical mind games. When DeColt finally entered, it was against TimberWolf and the Canadian superstar pummeled the fur-coated Disciple, Nero still unwilling to face DeColt. When Nero finally did engage his nemesis, it was after TimberWolf had gained an upper-hand, allowing to attack DeColt without retribution. Finally DeColt did manage to grab hold of the nefarious Nero and pulled him to the outside. As Decolt and Nero brawled, Maynard grabbed TimberWolf and lifted him into position for the running powerslam. He connected and scored the pinfall for his team.

DeColt/Maynard d. Sadistic Duo via Running Powerslam

Match Rating: C+





Johnny Lawless, flanked by the Texas Outlaws, came out to the ring, the TWL Championship belt buckled around his waist. “Big Chief Dodo Bird, get your red Injun *** out here right now.” Chief Two Eagles obliged, looking regal in his full ornamental headdress while striding to the ring. Lawless, though perhaps a bit intimidated, resumed talking. “At Year End Spectacular, I know you got your eyes on this,” he pointed at the belt, “but take a good look right now because this is as close as you’re ever gonna get to it. Now I’m a smart guy. I know I could just have Floyd and Mark jump in and cause a DQ when you do actually get your shot. But I don’t wanna just win the match. I wanna embarrass you. Shouldn’t be too hard since you already look like a damn freak. Whaddya think Chieffy? Or are you playing the ‘strong silent type’?” Chief Two Eagles walked slowly to the ring, hesitating slightly to shoot daggers from his eyes at Bowman and Green. “What do I think? I think you better not get used to that belt. Because I’m taking it from you…soon,” Chief spoke softly into the microphone. As if on cue, the Texas Outlaws jumped Two Eagles, leaving him in a heap. Lawless took the microphone one last time. “Remember Chief, I don’t play by the rules. I am above the law. I…am…lawless…” B


“Well folks,” Stampy concluded, “we’ve got quite a Year End Spectacular coming to you at Irvine Hall on the 14th. And next week, we’ll be back with another exciting night of Texas Wrestling. Until then, goodnight and God bless Texas!”

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Pain v. Lee Wright

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)


4/4. Nice bg!!


Pain v. Lee Wright

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)


2/4. The last two matches honestly could've gone either way Jingo.


Pain v. Lee Wright

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)


4/4 Hashasheen. Nice work!


Pain v. Lee Wright

- I'm not a fan of the UnderPainer but oh well, he's still going to get way more of a push than Sad Lee Wright.

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

- Exciting or not, they're going to be excitingly kablooied by the Demons.

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

- Cheatin' on TV is custom made for Barstow become one of the top heels in Texas.

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

- Hardest match to pick of the night. Which in the late 70s the Main Event SHOULD be up for grabs. Giving it to DeColt and Maynard since TimidPup needs to be released or reinvented.


4/4. As always, your insight is particularly interesting (and welcome)!


Pain v. Lee Wright

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)


3/4...just missed on the main event Midnight.


Ive got a tag team called Mystery so this was weird. Im fairly sure Jeffrey McPterson and Jonathan Faust wouldnt pop in 70s Texas though... I fun that tag teams are SO much more effective than in the last TEW its really cost-effective to build teams that fit your product and just hurl them all together.


Pain v. Lee Wright

That alt demands a singles push

Show Stealers (Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement) v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

The Demons cant lose 2 in a row can they?

Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

Coin-toss here really

'Gorgeous' George DeColt/'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard v. The Sadistic Duo (Professor Nero/TimberWolf)

Timberwolf doesnt win matches!


4/4. Nice work Bolt. And no, the teams indicated as "Mystery" are not McPeterson and Faust. I don't think a time-travelling gimmick would fare well in TWL...

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




The TWL Year End Spectacular has become one of the company's biggest shows of the year, rivaled only by Showdown in June and Wanted: Dead or Alive in August. This year promises to be the company's biggest show yet and is highlighted by the following matches:


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow

The Lone Star Stampeder is the Special Guest Referee for this match. Will he call it down the line or favor one of his proteges, the Trailer Park Kid? And will Trailer Park Kid be the man to end Cheatin' Mike's winning streak in TWL?


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero

The last time these two teams met, I had to disqualify the Demons of Rage after Professor Nero interfered. How will Nero's presence affect the outcome of this match?


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

This is one for the ages. Father pitted against son. Old school versus new. The past against the future. Only one thing is certain - that a Jackson will emerge victorious.


Annual Year End Battle Royal: 'King of the Battle Royal' Giant Grimsley, 'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard, Luis Montero, Executioner I, Executioner II, Pain, Mystery Participant, Comrade Popinowski, Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman, Mean Mark Green, Eruption, Tsunami, TimberWolf, Sheik Mustafa, 'Handsome' Tommy Handell

Grimsley is the prohibitive favorite, but anything can happen in TWL, particularly with the inclusion of a mystery entrant...


Falls Count Anywhere in the Arena: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

This is a blood feud finally coming to an end. Will the Canadian legend George DeColt prevail or has the mindgames played by Nero taken enough toll to swing the match in favor of the sadistic Professor?


TWL Title Match: Chief Two Eagles v. Johnny Lawless ©

For weeks, Lawless has berated Chief Two Eagles and his proud Indian heritage. Lawless has claimed to be the people's champion, yet has done nothing to win the hearts and minds of TWL's fans. Can Chief unseat the champ or will Lawless once again walk away with the gold?



Quick Picks:


Trailer Park Kid v. Cheatin' Mike Barstow


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) © v. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger/Demon Spite) w/Professor Nero


'Old School' Edmond Jackson v. 'New School' Jason Jackson


Annual Year End Battle Royal: 'King of the Battle Royal' Giant Grimsley, 'The Mayne Event' Kenny Maynard, Luis Montero, Executioner I, Executioner II, Pain, Mystery Participant, Comrade Popinowski, Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman, Mean Mark Green, Eruption, Tsunami, TimberWolf, Sheik Mustafa, 'Handsome' Tommy Handell


Falls Count Anywhere in the Arena: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


TWL Title Match: Chief Two Eagles v. Johnny Lawless ©

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