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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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Thank you for the 'nod' as it pertains to the first look into the Jerry Eisen character. To say the least, I'm really excited to continue his evolution as the diary moves forward.


With that in mind, The 'roster' section has now been updated. This can be found on the first page; right under the Glossary section. As you can see, The Tag Team Champions badge ended up a little bigger than the other two bit a bit. I plan on changing this but that won't come until tomorrow night as I really need to get to bed as I have to get up for work in 6 hours.






EDIT: I took down the Championship badges as they didn't look right and i'm not sure if that's how I want to display the champs in general. That said, the roster image is still in tact.

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O.O.C.: Hey EV, if this runs counter to your story I'll take this down. It's just a little C-Verse in-universe thing I felt like doign.


The Contentious 10

By the Celt for Pro Wrestling Hits.Com


This week in the Contentious 10 we look at a fairly controversial topic in wrestling; People who have been screwed by Richard Eisen.


Richard Eisen is known as thee most ruthless man in pro wrestling, having destroyed the territories that populated the American scene back in the day from the 50s to the early 80s by using his financial connections to take/steal/offer better deals (depending on who you ask) to the top stars of said promotions. But the controversy surrounding Eisen didn’t stop in 1983; Eisen would go on to ruin/mainstream/help/hurt (again, depending on who you ask) wrestling by filling SWF during the 80s with muscle-bound hulks he found in gyms around America and pushed them over more talented/smaller/vanilla midget workers.


Into the 90s and Eisen’s talent for alienating his own roster didn’t stop, as famous incidents such as the Cornell/Nemesis incident lead to two of Eisen’s most popular workers leaving to form/aid/create SWF’s greatest rivals.


Even today Eisen occasional finds someone to screw in his spare time...in fact the list of people wronged by Eisen is so long this article will include a number of honourable mentions as there’s no way to limit this to ten.


Honourable Mentions




Jim Force – Yes, he was never the most talented wrestler in the world, but in 1997 that didn’t matter. The man was beloved by the masses and what happened? Fired because of that old classic...creative has nothing for you. Force spent 3 years on the shelf before USPW was formed and brought him back into the business he loved.



Alex Braun – Often cited as the most charismatic and entertaining wrestlers in DAVE, Braun actually worked for Eisen back in the 80s. Did that charisma impress the boss? Seemingly not as Braun was made a comedy jobber that almost ruined his credibility. If it wasn’t for Braun’s hard work during the 90s he might have never impacted on business at all.



Death Row – Okay; they haven’t been screwed...yet. But I think most people would admit that while the exciting tag team of Shady K and Knuckles did get some breaks after debuting, in recent months the boys have been sitting around with nothing to do on television. Sounds like another dreaded case of “Creative has nothing for you”.



Smith pictured with and without the mask

Bulldozer Brandon Smith aka The Masked Patriot aka American Patriot – Brandon Smith has never even meet Richard Eisen and he’s been screwed by him. A full year ago Smith began continuing the legacy of the legendary Masked Patriot to much success in Rip Chord’s Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Well guess what? Eisen claims he and his organisation has bought the rights to the mask and they’re going to put it on one of their development workers, so they send Smith a cease and desist. Smith is just a indy worker and can’t afford to speak up against SWF’s lawyer and has been forced to alter his gimmick accordingly.



Danger and Violence Extreme – Eisen never liked DAVE to begin with, or Phil Vibert or the concept of Hardcore, or their in-your-face attitude, but when Nemesis joined them and became their head booker he went nuclear. Whatever he could do to hurt DAVE he did, such as taking a number of high profile workers from them such as Kurt Laramee, who was seen the next DAVE figurehead, and Vengeance, who was a massive part of DAVE shows before he departed.




Rip Chord/Sam Strong/Micky Starr -True Legends of wrestling, all who became absolute megastars during their time in SWF. But do you hear their names mentioned much on SWF programming now that they’re no longer affiliated with SWF? Of course not. Even Rip Chord, who did join HGC back in the day, hasn’t been part of the real scene in years just isn’t talked about on Eisen’s television.




Andre Jones – Bland as hell when he first arrived in SWF, Jones did prove himself a hard worker though and would become increasingly more interesting as the The Guru’s interfere runner. His paring with Guru lead to Jones becoming far more rounded character, with his charisma starting to grow. However that was throw out the window and Jones was made into a silent character backing up Frederique Antonio Garcia that never went anywhere. Jones must have been pretty smart because he could see the “Creative has nothing for you” line coming and left before they could say it. He’s now doing well in USPW as their television champion.




The Darkness Warriors – Raul might get some stick today for his skills, but bear in mind he is 37. Anyways Raul and Jay were pretty much DAVE’s premier team in the late 90s and early 2000s and where picked up SWF. For all their efforts the Warriors’ did get one title reign and that’s about it. A classic case of “Creative has nothing for you”, especially in the case of Jay, was that really the best Eisen and his crew could do?




Grandmaster Phunk – Phunk was winning the fans over in droves with his awesome mic work as a manager. But Phunk’s ambition wasn’t just limited to the stick, he wanted a shot in the ring. Eisen’s response? A resounding NO. Why? Because the now 230 pound Grandmaster Phunk was “too small”. Great logic Eisen. Cue the Phunky one leaving SWF.




The Dirty White Boys – Big, Strong, Powerful. A tag team that actually had SWF fans interested in straight brawlers again. Yet despite having some great battles with the rest of the SWF tag team division...creative had nothing for them. That’s almost painful to write. The DWBs got less than a year, less than 365 days! Before they were booted out of SWF. You just have to shake your head at Eisen. Thankfully Phil Vibert knows a good thing when he sees it and has picked up the hot free agents.




Engyma – Look, I’m not going to argue to you that Engyma is the most charismatic wrestler in the world or the flashiest or the most technical...but he is definitely a solid hand in the ring, and in between 2002 and 2004 he was the hottest act in years in SWF. Eisen had money on his hands. Cue a crappy title reign where Engyma came out looks like either an idiot or weak and that two years of hard work fell apart. Engyma made the right choice for himself by jumping ship, because he was being screwed on a individual level by Eisen.




Tommy Cornell and Nemesis – Ok, I know some readers are going to like this, but yes Richard Eisen screwed both men. The Cornell/Nemesis was shocking, and not what Eisen wanted on his television, over-the-top even, but Eisen’s wrath? Now THAT was over-the-top. Eisen got so angry with both men that each one was forced out of the promotion. Nemesis was almost as popular as any main eventer in SWF but Eisen forced him to job for the remainder of his time in SWF. Nemesis didn’t want to stick around for that...he walked out of SWF not long after. Famously he was suited for breach of contract, but having saved up his money Nemesis was able to settle the case out of court before making his way to DAVE. Cornell as a young worker wasn’t in a position to do what Campbell had did, and had to suffer months of directionless jobbing, despite his talent, before his contract came up and he could finally quit.


The result? Both men would go on to book for SWF’s greatest rivals and lead them to greatest. For one night of not doing what Eisen wanted Eisen created literally years worth of problems for his company that ended SWF’s monopoly on wrestling in the USA.




Barney LaRusso – For younger readers Barney LaRusso is probably not a name you’re aware of. However for anyone familiar with SWF in the 70s then you’ll know that LaRusso was one of the star names in SWF, a mainstay for years. However one off-hand comment in early 1975 set off one of the biggest firestorms of the decade, and perhaps decades to come. As the story goes LaRusso said something off key with regards to Eisen and word got back to the boss, who really, really, didn’t take it well. LaRusso was shamelessly jobbed out over the coming months, and LaRusso’s career went into complete freefall. By July 1975 LaRusso was at wit’s end, and snapped at a SWF house show in Wisconsin. Grabbing the house microphone, LaRusso cut the first recorded shoot promo in wrestling history, cutting Eisen to shreds in-front of an utterly shocked crowd.


LaRusso was fired on the spot. Word got out to the rest of America’s promoters about the incident (and there are still rumours to this day that Eisen made sure they did) and LaRusso never got work again. He retired one year after the shoot and opened his own wrestling school in Michigan.




Sam Keith – Ok, so you’re booking the biggest wrestling company on Earth and your boss comes to you and says he wants his two mildly talented sons to be the centre of months of programming. You don’t think they can pull it off, but keep in mind your boss has screwed dozens and dozens of people over multiple decades? What do you do?


Sam Keith, a legend in this industry and one of the greatest wrestling minds ever, was forced to cave to Eisen. Having to review show after show of the Eisen brothers have boring back and forths on the mic that seemed to go nowhere was sheer torture for me personally. I imagine it was the same for countless millions who either had to endure on or flick over to TCW.


The entire storyline was a ratings disaster for SWF that really boasted USPW viewership as more and more fans tuned in to catch their favourite stars from yesteryear and even yestermonth get it on...and guess who got the blame?


Sam F’N Keith.


Old slick dick put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the legend, claiming he just didn’t execute his vision correctly. Go figure. Well that was enough for Sammy who left the company at exactly the right time to show up in TCW as the fifth member of Syndicate in what was a major victory for TCW.




Gene Plumelli (and by extension all the regional promoters of the territories)

– So far on this list I’ve noted many a man totally screwed by perhaps the dirtiest promoter in the game, well as bad as some of those screw-jobs were, none was a bad as the one done on the late, great Gene Plumelli.


Before Richard Eisen came a knocking, Plumelli was the promoter of the best territory in American, Championship Wrestling from Boston. Gene opened CWB in 1960, and for 8 years was really the only promotion in the game. However that didn’t stop Gene putting on an incredible show, leading an unbelievable roster that included legends such as Iron Mike Mulligan and the Boston Bomber. Up until 1972 the territory was positively booming, and the Italian immigrant Plumelli was living the American Dream.


By the 70s there were several territories all around America in places like Florida, New York, California and Texas. All the promoters of these territories had met and agreed that each promoter would stick to his own territory and profit from the people in those areas as each promoter felt they were well enough without expansion.


1972 and Enter Richard Eisen. Eisen (along with some other minor people in the wrestling business) decided he knew better than everyone else and forwent the wrestling promoters’ agreement. Using his financial connections Eisen offered lucrative contracts to the very top stars in the business and brought them into his new company, Supreme Wrestling Federation, a company that vowed to reach fans all across America. Eisen’s first big signing was Micky Starr but certainly wasn’t the last.


Out of all the promoters Gene Plumelli was the most vocal against Eisen. Yes, Plumelli was the one who stood to lose the most, but he did have good reason to speak up. Out of all the territories Eisen stole/raided/took the most wrestlers from Boston, including two Boston Champion and Icon Iron Mike Mulligan (this is the days when it normal for a title reigns to be measured in years, not months). But besides the personal attacks on his promotion, Gene didn’t think much of SWF’s product, which he felt pandered FAR too much to “television suits”. Gene’s philosophy had always been that wrestlers should work the marks, not the other way around, and that Eisen let the television companies work him.


Eisen’s response? He declared war on Boston. Anything that could work was poached from the area. Even youth talent were made massive offers to leave for SWF, including a young Corporal Doom. Frankly, Eisen just didn’t want any competition at all, and made Gene his number one enemy. It got to the point where only the most loyal workers stayed, and that impacted heavily on the promotion. The fans in Boston (famously the Den in South Boston) were used to high quality action and with Eisen’s attack they no longer got that. More casual fans began to stop attending rather then bear that out. The stress on Gene must have been huge, who was 84 at the time and still in charge of every aspect of his empire under siege.

Sadly Gene passed away in 1978. Although a number of parties were interested in taking over CWB and continuing to run it, Eisen made absolutely sure that he got the rights to Boston and all it’s assets. He took from it anything of value, including the wrestlers and dumped the rest.

Out of all the promoters, Gene took the worst punishment and was screwed the hardest. Considering he was the man who took wrestling from one off bit shows and side shows at larger entertainment events to a completely separate industry, a profitable one at that. Gene was genius with a vision that Eisen put in the ground.





Always beware the Eisens. Always. And that goes for Peter Michaels too. Recent reports claim Eisen may be about to screw him too, blaming him already for not turning the ship around.




OOC: I did because I was bored. [/shrug]

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Off to an amazing start my friend keep it up


Thank you, mad! I'm really happy with how things have come out so far. The Jerry Eisen character is inspiring thus far from a writing perspective. A complete 360 from John Greed. ha.


Well written E-V. I enjoy your thought out writing. Really brings a sense to what is going on. I eagerly await your take on the "Supreme life"




Thank you, Trevor. I find that the whole 'though out process of writing' is really the only way I can go about things with this project especially. I really want people to know the Eisen family (Jerry's character as the most important since he's my 'user character'), how we got to this point, and a general idea of how things are run behind the scenes; while giving the best representation of the grand-feeling that the SWF creates from a company perspective (both in product and in practice). That said, There will probably be quite a few posts before the first card even goes up. I hope that's okay with most.


That was very well-written. I wonder if Jerry and Eric will clash at some point.


It's possible; I won't lie. With that said, without giving too much away, Eric isn't really focused on actually taking hold of the company from a business perspective; that would only get in the way of what he deems as most important. So, while he will certainly clash with his brother just as brothers typically do, it won't probably be over who will control the company once 'pops' decides to step away. That said, things could change. Eric's character is intriguing though... Should be an interesting view on him to say the least as things come forward.


O.O.C.: Hey EV, if this runs counter to your story I'll take this down. It's just a little C-Verse in-universe thing I felt like doign.


The Contentious 10

By the Celt for Pro Wrestling Hits.Com


wow! That was an amazing post, Celt! You have truly outdone yourself with that post; very informative for those getting to know the 'crude nature' of Richard Eisen. It's a great back-drop sense of knowledge going forward. :D Thank you for that!


I love that it's a very nice touch to add depth to the Eisen Family


I agree. It was a great post by Celt; a good way to give a background to the oppressive ways of one, Richard Eisen. I'm sure, before it's all said and done, that list will grow immensely.... ;)

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Thank you, mad! I'm really happy with how things have come out so far. The Jerry Eisen character is inspiring thus far from a writing perspective. A complete 360 from John Greed. ha.




Thank you, Trevor. I find that the whole 'though out process of writing' is really the only way I can go about things with this project especially. I really want people to know the Eisen family (Jerry's character as the most important since he's my 'user character'), how we got to this point, and a general idea of how things are run behind the scenes; while giving the best representation of the grand-feeling that the SWF creates from a company perspective (both in product and in practice). That said, There will probably be quite a few posts before the first card even goes up. I hope that's okay with most.




It's possible; I won't lie. With that said, without giving too much away, Eric isn't really focused on actually taking hold of the company from a business perspective; that would only get in the way of what he deems as most important. So, while he will certainly clash with his brother just as brothers typically do, it won't probably be over who will control the company once 'pops' decides to step away. That said, things could change. Eric's character is intriguing though... Should be an interesting view on him to say the least as things come forward.




wow! That was an amazing post, Critical-23! You have truly outdone yourself with that post; very informative for those getting to know the 'crude nature' of Richard Eisen. It's a great back-drop sense of knowledge going forward. :D Thank you for that!




I agree. It was a great post by Critical-23; a good way to give a background to the oppressive ways of one, Richard Eisen. I'm sure, before it's all said and done, that list will grow immensely.... ;)


Psst... Eisen! That was the Celt :p

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The sporadic flickering of sunlight dances inbetween the towering skyscrapers that stand guard like an ancient Egyptian sphinx; both constructed in which to convey dominance to the masses while also aiding in a societal footprint projected to the ages. While such a collection of towering behemoths may inspire others to gasp in ‘awe’ of their surreal grandeur, I for one am not amused. When you travel 300+ days a year, constantly ‘on the move’ in a blurred kind of fashion, each and every city begins to look exactly like the last. Those cities who tout beautiful cityscapes, buzzing metropolises, and hardened business mentalities; often feel as if they are ‘special’, but in reality, they come a ‘dime-a-dozen’. To be honest, at this point, I couldn’t even remotely relay to you what city I currently reside within as it’s only a temporary existence; hours from maintaining my typical ‘re-locating’ approach to daily life. From the second I touch down, ushered from our families private jet, the only destinations that appear before me are my corporate issued limo, my complimentary hotel room (on the company dime), and the arena we will inhabit later that evening. There really isn’t much in the way of spontaneity truthfully; however, that’s the way I like it. To be spontaneous is to take your eye off of the ‘prize’; a fact that I cannot abide by as too much is continuously at stake.


Another nameless city. Another faceless crowd. In reality, while it may sound rather cold, their individual identities are not necessarily that important to me. Just as long as they buy a ticket, or two, and spend their ‘hard earned’ money on what we’re projecting then I’m more than happy to be present in their hometown. With that said, a business that doesn’t look to push further, developing a stronger sense of incoming profit, is a company that will find it’s ‘death bed’ straight around the corner. While I’m happy with their contribution to our organization, rabidly spending money like a 2 dollar coke wh*re looking for a fix, I’m not comfortable with the outcome. Why? Yes, they are spending money but it could be more. Much, much, more.


As I flawlessly conclude a lengthy business call with a respected account executive overseas in Japan, confident that Mr. Satoshi would accept our offer as it pertains to introducing the SWF-brand to the Japanese masses through the usage of their widespread medium, I’m reminded of a truly influential statement once proclaimed by my Father:


“If you’re not thinking globally; You’re not thinking.”


The essence of his greatness lies in that single statement; a window into HOW he tirelessly constructed HIS Empire from the ground up. The SWF-Empire, known the world-over, is quickly becoming THE most trusted source of Pro Wrestling Entertainment. It’s a simple fact. Those who deny it are doing so solely based upon personal vendetta’s; not absolute truth. The thing is, such a status wasn’t hand-delivered overnight. It took years of strategic planning, decades of product marketing, to develop such an international following. While some other companies may wish of such a scenario, My father made it possible all through grit and determination.


It is our most beloved goal to become the FIRST Global Pro Wrestling Brand; a statement that most can only dream about while we inch ever-so-closer too. Our competitors, light-years behind at this point, have done their best to limit our ascension but to no avail. You simply can’t walk onto the field with 2 minutes left on the clock, absent for the entire previous moments, and expect to overcome a 60-0 point margin. It’s just not possible; and that’s where the Cornell’s, and the Strong’s, currently realistically reside. They may eagerly, almost obsessively, push to ‘over-throw’ our monopolizing rule; but, their attempts are nothing more than that of an annoying fly looking to land on our collective face. While they worry of creating a strong ‘National Brand’; We continue to steamroll toward the overpowering status of a true ‘Global Brand’. Again, as said before, light years away.


As I finally slide my next-gen blackberry into it’s resting place, within my front pant pocket; always ready to ‘close’ a deal in that way, My eyes quickly make contact with the impeding Arena; The home for the SWF for one night only, then off to another nameless destination as always.


With the limo now at a complete stop, vibrating lightly as it sits in idle, the door nearest to me quickly flings open in a powerful gesture; much like you would expect to see Julius Cesar introduced to the Romans moments before an epic Gladiator exhibition. As I swiftly slide across the genuine black leather that resides beneath my body, my mind severely focused on the task at hand: Tonight’s Event, I find myself muttering a familiar phrase; indicative of the truest nature of my existence as an Eisen:


“Where are we?”


I squint harshly; meanwhile, the limo driver quickly subsides any discomfort by handing me a pair of black designer sunglasses. His tone appears to be rather confused as a sense of shock flows from his lips.


“Dallas, sir.”


I expel a rapid sigh; maneuvering my way toward the Arena with my briefcase in hand.


“Great, Dallas it is.”
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His stare is traditionally stern; the kind of polarizing demeanor that tends to leave the wrong impression with the public. In most circles, He’s portrayed as nothing short of ‘pure evil’; a claim that is not only disheartening to hear but also rooted in the same ‘evil’ it attempts to corner. Regardless of their slanderous claims, He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest businessman this world has ever seen. He’s my father; Richard Eisen.


As his ‘inner circle’ promptly takes their seats around the hollowed out conference room of tonight’s event center, an anxious anticipation permeates from within the ‘chosen few’. This collection of trusted writers, road agents, wrestlers, and legal department members, all await the answer to a truly uncomfortable question: What happens now that Peter [Michaels] has taken a ‘leave of absence’? Well, to most within the fray, It’s common knowledge that Peter has opted to accept a temporary ‘hiatus’ from the company; however, with that said, such a scenario is actually quite false. There was no ‘temporary leave’ in play. In reality, Peter was unable to deal with the immense pressures that come with the job; forcing him down a dreary road toward a potential heart attack. Yes, this truth did come to pass; Peter was admitted to a nearby hospital in the past few weeks due to such a situation. However, by the simple genius of my father, Peter was given two options. A) Stay on board as the headbooker and continue your roll despite your fading health or B) Simply walk away from the company and forfeit any unemployment payments. With no blood-sucking union in which to battle his case, Peter was forced to listen to his families plea for a ‘lessened schedule’. With that in mind, only a week ago, He begrudgingly put in his request for release; an offer that we granted immediately.


Was this an evil practice?




To me, It was simply business. As my Father always reiterates:


”Business is cold; void of emotions. The second you allow your ‘emotions’ to play a role in your decisions you might as well forfeit any chance at success.”


Despite being a valued employee, and single-handedly bringing our product back toward a high-point (cleaning the mess that Sam [Keith] left for him), Peter was to be dealt with the same ‘emotionless’ approach as any other business decision. He’s an asset of the company, or else he WAS, and that gave us every right to do with that asset what we please. Simple as that.


All in all, while it was somewhat disheartening to see him go, we need someone more focused upon the overall agenda at the helm anyways. If we are serious about Global Expansion than the headbooker must do more than just simply ‘keep up afloat’; We need to aggressively end any chance of our competitors standing in our way as it pertains to absolute success. In my mind, and in my best advice, there was only one man seated within this room that could unquestionably steer the SWF-empire in the right direction. That man is me; Jerry Eisen.


“As you know, Peter has decided to leave the company due to health concerns raised over the last year. While his presence will be missed, I feel that this is a budding new opportunity for the SWF.”


His voice commands complete respect; almost as a drill-sergeant would. With that said, Pop’s tone was often rather quiet in nature; however, never let that simple demeanor fool you. In one swift moment his anger can encompass a room like the war-obsessed field general; accelerating aggressively toward a violent end for others in his path.


“Now, as you know, I’ve been on the phone with various replacements over the last week; attempting to forge a new bridge as we continue to push toward making the SWF the first, true, Global brand of Wrestling Entertainment. As time went on, and as I began to review those resumes before me, it all clicked masterfully.”


A slight smirk forms upon my face; knowing that this was my moment. Meanwhile, my kid-brother was only a few seats down from where I sat; his feet resting atop a nearby linen covered table as it appears that he’s somewhat bored with the preceding’s. This is pretty typical with Eric as he often holds his ‘head in the clouds’; something that my Father repeatedly seems uneasy with. With that said, the proud SWF Champion smacks away at his gum rather loudly; occasionally looking downward at the actual Championship laying in his lap like a young boy would with a recently won baseball trophy. Amazed at his own success; however, oblivious to what’s actually being touched upon in this meeting of the minds.


“Is the replacement already among us?”


A nameless writer peers from behind his cup of coffee; unaware of the heated look of annoyance forming upon pop’s face. At this point, anyone should know that it’s not really ‘wise’ to interject while my Father is speaking. People have been fired for less, here, within his Empire. Needless to say, following a short, awkward, silence; My father continues his statement in a typically stern manner.


“I’ve decided to hand the position over to my son, Jerry.”


At first, I start to stand up as if to say ‘thank you’ and reap the benefits of my new position of power; however, before I can, My father continues to speak; all the while looking down upon a piece of paper that sits before him. While his tone continuous forward, I slowly ease back into my seat; making eye contact with my Father despite the fact that he does not reciprocate. It’s okay though, He’s a busy man. He was probably deep in thought.


“This change is effective immediately, so, if you have any questions about creative decisions; speak to Him.”


Just like that, I was finally given a position in which to ‘flex my muscle’ within the organization. Product development is, quite possibly, the most important facet of this Empire’s business model. So, to stand above the rest in such a position is a true-tale sign that my Father trusts in my decision making. My tireless hours of dedication was finally paying off after 13 years of unwavering services. With that said, the shift in power came and went without any real ‘fan-fare’; a truth that is typical to the personal Eisen-approach.


With time, our meeting was brought to a close; however, not before pop’s masterfully fired half of the writing staff due to general laziness. While this may be shocking to some, that’s how business is typically carried out within this organization. You’re expected to do your job well; if you do not, you will be fired on the spot.


As the, now, smaller ‘inner circle’ slowly shuffles out of the room, Eric included, I slowly glide my way over the richly colored red carpet in which to thank my Father for the opportunity. We embrace as we always do, A firm handshake that lasts for a matter of 4 seconds; followed up by an awkward collective stumbling into our ‘own corners’. I know there are some out there who look to their Father’s for love, and support, but that simply was not me. The men of our Family were more like business associates versus ‘over-the-top’, lovie-dovie, bi-polar, saps that most American men have become. We needed nothing from each other but what we already possessed:


The Eisen family name.

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Looking good, EV! Glad I can sit here and read the entire thing from the start. Eric seems like such an arrogant young punk though. lol.


Yea, Eric is a little full of himself (as any entitled youth would feel I guess). His last name, and recent zuccess, has only 'fueled the beast'. There are a few levels to him though (something that will be seen with time) but yea.... he's not really the most compassionate person in the world (bred by his family).

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While the lasting impression of me paints an unfavorable picture of a man ‘disconnected’ with the very industry he appears to covet, nothing could be farther from the truth. While I did not grow up with my dad, as he was typically on the road all year long, the family ‘vice’ infested my brain at a very early age. My mother, a strong opponent of the SWF life-style, practically begged my brother and I to ‘steer clear of our father’s Empire’; attempting to frame his business, and business practices, as ‘poisonous to the soul’. However, with that said, even at a younger age, it was obvious to see that her hatred of the industry, and my father of course, was more so rooted in their nasty divorce than anything else. She was a young lady scorned and vengeful; deeply enraged at a man who, she claims, abandoned her emotionally from ‘day one’. Either way, whether true or not, her desperate plea fell by the wayside as Eric and I quickly joined the ‘Supreme Ranks’ straight after high school graduation; adopting a new, vagabond-like, life-style as we vow to ‘do right’ by our Family name.


Now, 13 years later, I stand as the ultimate symbol of defiance to my mother’s plea. I must say, I love my Mother dearly; however, there would be no denying me of my fate. My entire life’s work, my catalog of success, has brought me to this point; the newest headbooker for the “Land of Supreme”.


The moment is now.


The Jerry Eisen era has begun.




<hr color="black">

This marks the FINAL backstory post. I was mulling over some other scenarios to write about; however, I feel that the story has been developed well enough to start getting into the nitty-gritty of things. With that said, there is still so much more to come in between shows/cards (as you can expect from most of my projects). All in all, I'm not really sure when the first SupremeTV card will go up as I really want to make sure that all my basis's are covered before doing so.
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You have got me stoked, E-V. We've got a good handle of where Jerry Eisen is coming from as a character, without completely blowing your wad in that regard. This empire has always been waiting for him, and now it's time to see what the next generation of Eisens can do.


Good luck, man.

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This is an amazing backstory my friend, really your best work I think and that says A lot. I can't wait to see the first card


Wow. That's awesome of you to say, Mad. Honestly, I think the whole story is just really inspiring to write about; something new versus the Greed saga. Also, when you factor that the SWF is my favorite company, and that the SWF deserves as much fleshing out as possible due to it's immense popularity, it's easy to keep writing. :D


The first card is currently in the working process as we speak; however, I'm not sure when it will hit the boards? My guess is, Not until the end of the weekend at the earliest? Then again, I always set these deadlines and then find an inspiration to write; pumping them out alot earlier. So, I guess it'll be sometime in the next 1-3 days.


You have got me stoked, E-V. We've got a good handle of where Jerry Eisen is coming from as a character, without completely blowing your wad in that regard. This empire has always been waiting for him, and now it's time to see what the next generation of Eisens can do.


Good luck, man.


I'm pumped that you're 'stoked', Greg. It's cool to know that there are others out there really excited about this project; as it only furthers my excitement for it all as well.


I certainly did hold back a little on some of the character details as I didn't want to just simply expell it all out in the beginning. ya know? There are subtle things that will come up that will better describe Jerry, his family, and how he (and his family) became the way that they are. More or less, This is just as much a character study of the Eisen's as it is an SWF 'novel'. To be honest, That's what excites me the most; that I can relay both stories (the Eisen Family with Jerry as my main character and the SWF from a wrestling perspective).

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Date of Event:
Tuesday, 1st week of January 2010


Show Length:
90 minutes

Clover Fields, Mid-South (Texas)

Tuesday, LIVE in Primetime on C.A.N.N.




Program Synopsis

SupremeTV is the epitome of Pro Wrestling entertainment; Hands down.


Since it’s inception, the flagship program for Supreme Wrestling Federation, has consistently garnered an unrivaled sense of success; mostly due to Richard Eisen’s masterful vision as it pertains to developing a company-wide brand rooted in a ‘larger than life’ mentality. The formula, while quite simple, is to litter their 90 minute telecast with as much ‘entertainment’ as possible; utilizing break-out matches and storylines as it’s tone-setting agent. More or less, with a roster filled of immense talent, popular house-hold names, and eager trend-setters, within the ranks, It’s easy to see WHY Eisen’s “A-Brand”, weekly, broadcast has become a HUGE success! While others attempt to follow in their path, and in some cases blatantly ‘steal’ the SWF’s approach all together, NO ONE can truly stand toe-to-toe with SupremeTV. It has, and will continue to be, the ‘gold standard’ as it pertains to weekly Pro Wrestling Entertainment.





Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Singles Match


Their disdain for each other was not necessarily immediate; however, over time, it seemed inevitable that these two ‘ring generals’ would cross paths in a heated manner. In the weeks prior to this week’s altercation, there seemed to be an underlying challenge taking form. Said challenge, while never truly touched upon by either competitor, was further perpetuated by the consistent argument brought forth by the SWF announcing team; that argument being: Who is the best matt technition is in the SWF?


In the end, with their heated, externally built, challenge finally coming to a head, which man will walk away with a heavier ego; legitimately laying claim that they ARE the best wrestler in the SWF today?


While both want to prove the other wrong, cementing their status within the SWF ranks, the reality is that only ONE MAN can be so lucky.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Who is the better matt technition?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.









Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

8-Man Tag Match

”Texas Round-up” Match


Texas is good for two things… Football and Rodeo’s.


With that in mind, The SWF is proud to bring to you the 1st ever; “Texas Round-up” match! In this scenario, two teams of four will step into the ring with one purpose in mind: Cattle-tying a member of the opposite team. With a hefty bull-rope at their disposal, each foursome must find a way to work as one; their success riding on whether or not they can actually subdue their opponents enough to simply tie their legs and feet together in a fetal position. Sound easy? If you think so then you’re only fooling yourself.


While it’s impossible to predict what may come to pass, one thing is for sure: Massive Ego’s, ‘crazy’ personalities, and ‘larger-than-life’ characters will all clash in an altercation fit for a Texan.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Which team can ‘cattle-tie’ one of their opponents? With so many ‘crazy’ personalities within the fold, Can either team actually function as one?

Match Details:
8-man tag match, Special Rules, ‘Comedy’-based match, The Winning team is the one who can cattle-tie one of their opponents with a bull-rope.







Jack Giedroyc and Valiant ©
w/ Hannah and Dawn the Cheerleader
vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Tag Team Match

SWF World Tag Team Championships Match



The only championship match of the night carries a questioning narrative as it pertains to absolute cohesion; or the potential for the lack there of. While it’s obvious that the Bumfhole brothers are practically dripping with an unbreakable sense of collective focus, the real question in cohesion falls within the newly established SWF Tag Team Champions; Valiant and Jack Giedroyc. Yes, their speedy rise to the top of the tag team ranks is something that most tandems would ‘kill for’; however, their general lack of experience poses a glaring red flag for continued success. On top of that, there’s not much time for a learning curve as the championship duo is set to square off against, arguably, THE most exciting tag teams in SWF history.


With all of this stacked against them, Can Valiant and Jack Giedroyc find a way to retain their championship gold; only one month into their shocking title reign? – OR – Will the Amazing Bumfhole brothers obtain the SWF Tag Team Championships for an astounding 4th time? Only time will tell…



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Is the team of Valiant and Jack Giedroyc legit? Can they retain their championships only a month after gaining them?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Rules, SWF Tag Team Championships Match.







”The Aerial Ambassador” Greg Black vs. Remo

Singles Match


What will happen when a high-speed, high octane, fan favorite clashes with a brutal, intensely gifted, monster of a street fighter? This is the obvious question circulating around this week’s altercation between the newly focused Greg Black and the ruthlessly aggressive Remo.


While the writing on the wall would typically favor Remo almost certainly in such a match-up, we must find a way to keep an unbiased focus as Greg Black is no longer the ‘push-over’ he once was. Recently lifted from the ‘death-grip’ of his previous “Groucho Bling” persona, “The Aerial Ambassador” is focused, and determined, to make a new name for himself; itching to remove the stain that once plagued his SWF existence. In reality, Black was truly loved by most while working under the “High Concept” banner; however, with time, the extremely talented Canadian began to repeatedly suffer from a case of ‘dwindling fate’. Now, with a new outlook on life, can the speedy G-B find a way to overcome the odds; defeating the highly touted Remo in the process?


Even with his new persona, this is a very, very, lofty mountain to climb.


Remo is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most enigmatic figure in Pro Wrestling history. A young heavyweight with unrivaled strength, athleticism, and intensity, it’s easy to see why many have labeled this brutal ‘street-fighter’ as the next great competitor to this industry. His skill-set seems like something out of a sci-fi novel; removed from any thought of reality as men Remo’s size are not supposed to bare the athletic gifts that he does. Needless to say, anyone would have a difficult time trying to defeat this juggernaut of a fighter.


Will Greg Black defy logic; defeating this modern-day gladiator? – OR – Will Black’s potential rise have to wait for another day? Regardless of what happens, It’s expected that these two will do their best to push eachother to the edge and back.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Does “The Aerial Ambassador” have what it takes to overcome the ‘rabid dog’ that is Remo?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

Singles Match

The winner will face Eric Eisen for the SWF Championship at “When Hell Freezes Over”

Special Guest Referee: SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen



The tension is so strong between these two that it’s practically palpable. Only a few weeks removed from the youngest Eisen’s, first ever, SWF Championship victory, It’s obvious to see that these three individuals are destined for a lengthy altercation bent on brewing hatred.


After aimlessly watching from the sidelines for 18 months, December marked the shocking return of Eric Eisen. Now, under the new persona of the “Supremacist”, Eisen has quickly cemented his place atop the SWF in a truly conniving kind of manner; playing the ‘man you love to hate’ role to a “T” as he practically stole the SWF Championship away from it’s former owner, the widely beloved, Jack Bruce. While Rich Money was scheduled to compete against Bruce in a one-on-one scenario, Eric was seen storming to the ring for the first time in almost 2 years; barking at the referee that he was now being implemented into tonight’s main event (a provision to the ‘hoops’ that Jack was consistently forced to jump through by SWF management; all in the act of proving his worth as the top champion). 25 minutes later, the resurgent Eisen shocked the wrestling world by pinning Money’s shoulders to the canvas; a truth that gave him his first SWF Championship reign. With that said, as you can expect, Jack Bruce didn’t take the loss very lightly; knowing that he was never actually defeated in their previous meeting. This sparked a climactic exchange between the two Supreme Superstars in the weeks following; Jack attempting to corner the new champion into a re-match while Eric Eisen scampers off as any great cowardly champion would.


Now, almost a month removed from that ‘dark day’ in SWF history, Jack Bruce finally has the chance to legitimately obtain the re-shot he’s been seeking since early December. However, to gain such a status, Bruce will have to find a way to defeat, the recently unpredictable, Rich Money in what could, quite possible, go down as the BIGGEST MATCH in his SWF career.


The match is set. The war has begun. Which Supreme Superstar has what it takes to rise to the occasion? Realistically, Which Supreme Superstar will Eric Eisen ALLOW to gain the victory as the newly crowned SWF Champion appears to be in-line to choose his first title defense.


Must be
to be an Eisen.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Who will be the new #1 contender to the SWF Championship? Will Eric Eisen call the match down fairly? If not, who will he allow to win?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules, #1 Contendership match for the SWF Championship.




Your weekly home for, unrivaled, Supreme Action.





<hr color="black">

Supreme TV Prediction Guide:


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro

Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs.

Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Greg Black vs. Remo


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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I'm getting on board with this one


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Gilmore has more upside, Roberts is a solid hand but should be nothing more than a gatekeeper these days.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Wrestlecrap match of the night ! Whilst some of the workers in there are decent (FAG, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior) they have all been saddled with wrestlecrap gimmicks and are unfortunately forced to degrade themselves in 'comedy' matches. I'll stump for Lobby's gang to win.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Don't see the current champs dropping the belts yet


Greg Black vs. Remo


Glorified squash, Black will get in some token offence and will have Remo rattled for about a nano-second before being destroyed and then scraped off the mat.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


This has schmozz draw, both guys being screwed over written all over it.

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I'm getting on board with this one


Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts


Gilmore has more upside, Roberts is a solid hand but should be nothing more than a gatekeeper these days.


Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie Retro


Wrestlecrap match of the night ! Whilst some of the workers in there are decent (FAG, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior) they have all been saddled with wrestlecrap gimmicks and are unfortunately forced to degrade themselves in 'comedy' matches. I'll stump for Lobby's gang to win.


Valiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Don't see the current champs dropping the belts yet


Greg Black vs. Remo


Glorified squash, Black will get in some token offence and will have Remo rattled for about a nano-second before being destroyed and then scraped off the mat.


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


This has schmozz draw, both guys being screwed over written all over it.



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Angry Gilmore vs. Enforcer Roberts

Big Smack Scott, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Paul Huntingdon vs. Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, Lobster Warrior, and Robbie RetroValiant & Jack Giedroyc © vs. The Amazing Bumfholes

Greg Black vs. Remo

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

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