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Looking For Trouble



January 1st, 2010

By Daryl Daman, of ProWrestlingHits.com

The date, January 1st, 2010. The first day of the new decade, and what a way for wrestling fans to start the new decade. Canadian Wrestling fans that is. Let me catch you up.


A few weeks ago, on CGC television, on an episode of CGC's Title Bout Wrestling, you may have noticed a small promotional video for a press-conference on your television screen, or in my case, on the HD-GoldenTron. For those of you who didn't catch it, let me give you a short description of it. The video was of Phil Vibert, basically just telling the live audience, aswell as the television audience about a press conference coming up soon, to announce something about the future of Canadian Golden Combat. The video continued with Alex DeColt hyping up the next pay-per-view, essentially killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. Following Steve DeColt's departure from CGC, the company obviously had to change some things, whether it being establishing new main eventers, or bringing in new talent. Today however, was a much different environment. Compared to the excited, jubilant crowd at the Abbotsford Recreational Complex, the crowd of press and newspaper writers, instead of excitement, showed curiosity, and questioned the future of the promotion. Perhaps following the Pay-Per-View, lackluster funds could've caused the promotion to go bankrupt, perhaps Phil was stepping down, but who really knew other than the relatively new CEO of CGC, Alex DeColt.


Surrounded by other writers, naturally I began to ask them some questions. Perhaps they knew something that I didn't, and I needed to find out. All my questions were soon to be answered however, as Alex and Phil walked onto the stage. In front of Fifty or so Writers and News Reporters, they stepped up, and began to talk as the crowd hushed.




Phil Vibert - Good day everybody. To the press, to the web reporters and those who took time out of their day today to be in attendance here. As you can see, this is the Abbotsford Recreational Complex, and this is like a home away from home for us. For those of you who are wondering, the company is not, in financial debt, and not in a situation where bankruptcy is a possibility.


I wiped away a few drops of sweat that had began to go down my forehead. At least they weren't going under.


Phil Vibert - But, today, isn't just a press conference. It's more an unveiling of sorts. You see, if we continue to consider ourselves as 'CANADIAN Golden Combat'... than people are just going to consider us as a national sensation. But, if we call ourselves 'CHAMPIONSHIP Golden Combat'... than we'll be on the right track.


Alex DeColt - What my friend Phil is trying to say is... well... take a look for yourselves...


In just mere seconds, a curtain dropped, and behind it showed the new CGC logo. Almost a carbon copy of the original, but missing the Canadian Maple Leaf.




Alex DeColt - In other news, the Canadian Championship, is no more, as it states the fact that we are still just a Canadian promotion. However, Joey Poison, the last Canadian Champion will be getting an immediate World Championship title shot, to repay him for his good work as Canadian Champion.


Phil Vibert - And if there's one thing I learned in my time with DaVE, it's that you have to start wars, and win wars, which is why... starting this week... Championship Golden Combat will be moving to Wednesday Nights!


That got me to jump out of my seat. I instantly raised my hand.


Phil Vibert - Yes... You there, with the blue shirt.


Daryl Daman - So Mr. Vibert, Mr. DeColt, if I understand correctly, you're going directly at war with the Stones?


Alex DeColt - Yes. Now, even the locker room doesn't know this yet, you are the first to know, I'll be speaking with them about this in a short while. But, the main reason we are going to war with the Stones of NOTBPW. The fact is, they took one of our own, so with the threat of a much more dangerous company, us, we're certain that with the right tactics, we can dominate those Stones, and soon enough, Steve will be back here with us. It's really a matter of styles. They're traditionalists, we're entertainers, and really, people tune in to television to watch drama unfold, and baby, we've got the drama right here. That will end today's press conference. You're free to ask some questions to our secretaries, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Wow. Another War, this should be an interesting moment in Wrestling History.


To Be Continued

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Looking For Trouble




January 1st, 2010

By Daryl Daman, of ProWrestlingHits.com


Lucky for me, I managed to catch DeColt as he was leaving the press conference. I began to talk with him and Phil, and next thing you know, I wind up following them to the roster's locker room, and I find out I'm allowed to stay and take notes on the guys reactions to the loss of the Canadian Championship, the new logo, and the War on NOTBPW. Should be fun, so I'd hoped...




Phil Vibert - Boys, ladies, take a seat. Champions grab your belts. I want Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maximillion to bring me their tag belts, and come get the new tag belts. We've removed the Canadian Flag as per our new promotion name, Championship Golden Combat. Come get your new belts fellows.




The Guys came to get their belts, and they looked pretty impressed.


Alex DeColt - Second, we'll be placing the new logo around the locker room, if you want to see the new logo, you can go check it out in the conference room. Thirdly, Joey, come give me your Canadian Championship.


Joey gave him the title, expecting a new belt, but instead got a contract.


Alex DeColt - Sign it.


Poison skimmed through the contract, eventually signing it.


Alex DeColt - Ladies and Gents, congratulate your new Number One contender, Joey Poison. This is due to the fact that he'll no longer have the Canadian Championship. Finally, we'll be moving to Wednesday nights from now on, with the intention of beating NOTBPW ratings wise, and I firmly believe that with good wrestling like you guys are capable of, and good entertainment like I Know that you guys are capable of, we'll easily leap ahead of them. Everybody, let's put a hand in...








Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Wednesday Night Wars. For now however, this is Daryl Daman, signing off, and I'll see you Wednesday.

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Rumoured First Card for 'Championship Golden Combat?'


Less than 24 Hours following the press conference initiated by Canadi... err... Championship Golden Combat CEO's Phil Vibert and Alex DeColt, we have the first rumoured card for the very first Wednesday episode of CGC's Title Bout Wrestling. It seems that the war between Elite and The DeColts will continue to wage on. It'll be interesting to see how this will happen, being that the war on NOTBPW includes a war on the DeColts, Steve DeColt that is. Will CGC book the match in hopes that having the DeColts featured as winners on multiple occasions cause Steve to return to the promotion? Or will they book the match in a fashion that the Elite will prevail, hoping that DeColt will see the 'Error of his ways, and return to save his failing brothers...'


Get Real. It's pro wrestling, not a soap opera.


Hopefully this new era will go on to save CGC, as the booking has caused some problems with them, causing them to be seen as the second best in Canada. Maybe if this show turns out well, it'll 'Inspire' the booking crew to perform better every time. This could make Canadian Wrestling even more popular around the world, in hopes of it being seen with the same eyes that people view Total Championship Wrestling, Supreme Wrestling Federation, or Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. International Exposure could bring in some of the best wrestlers around, and that's good for us smarks here at ProWrestlingHits.com, *insert laughter here*. So, with out further ado. Here's the rumoured card.


Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

CGC World Championship

Jack was forced to give Joey Poison a title shot following Joey's having to give up the Canadian Championship. Who will win when these two collide in battle?


Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley vs Ricky & Alex DeColt

Elite vs DeColts. Simplicity at it's finest. Who takes it is the question. Will the 'Good Guys', The DeColts take it? Or will the antagonists... the 'Elite' stomp the hopes of the DeColts.


Gargantuan vs Warren Technique

Well... I guess some people 'might' show up late...


And the question of the week is...


Where do you stand on the 'Canadian War of Wrestling?'

A) Championship Golden Combat

B) North of the Border Pro Wrestling

C) Neither, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

D) Neither, All-Canada Pro Wrestling

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Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

CGC World Championship


Unless Joey Poison joins up with the Elite, there's no reason for Jack to drop the belt on free TV.


Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley vs Ricky & Alex DeColt

Being an old school CGC player, I would normally have gone with Dan and Shooter, although having not touched the promotion this year, I don't know if Ricky has gotten any better, hopefully his championship reign did him some good, so I go with the DeColts.


Gargantuan vs Warren Technique

Gargantuan did some good work for me in the first game he showed up in, I hope he'll do some good work for you.


Where do you stand on the 'Canadian War of Wrestling?'

A) Championship Golden Combat


I've only been able to touch the other promotions in Canada in small doses.

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Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

CGC World Championship


Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley vs Ricky & Alex DeColt



Gargantuan vs Warren Technique



And the question of the week is...


Where do you stand on the 'Canadian War of Wrestling?'

B) North of the Border Pro Wrestling


Who rules? STEVE DECOLT!

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Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

CGC World Championship


Although I love Joey Poison


Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley vs Ricky & Alex DeColt


A match that could be on a PPV... should end in DQ


Gargantuan vs Warren Technique


Using 40% us his effort.


And the question of the week is...



Where do you stand on the 'Canadian War of Wrestling?'

C) Neither, Canadian Charisma Championship Combat


The violent CZCW of Canada.

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Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

Too early for the other option imo and Joey isnt up there yet


Dan DaLay & Shooter Sean Deeley vs Ricky & Alex DeColt

SSD is a HUGE star in the making, Alex and Ricky can get back momentum any way they want.


Gargantuan vs Warren Technique.

Brute push


Where do you stand on the 'Canadian War of Wrestling?'

D) Neither, All-Canada Pro Wrestling


High Flying for the win

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Championship Golden Combat - Title Bout Wrestling

Wednesday, Week One, January 2010





Marty Papin - Hello Ladies and Gents, and welcome to the first 'Wednesday' edition... of Title Bout Wrestling! As always, my broadcast partner, and obviously 'UN-Biased' partner, Adrian Garcia

Adrian Garcia - My predictions for tonight are Gargantuan, The Elite, and Joey Poison. Because the DeColts suck.

Papin - There you have it, un-biased everybody. So let's head down to the ring as Joey Poison, the new Number One Contender prepares for his title shot against Jack DeColt.





Joey Poison - Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Poison era. The after party will be in the ballroom here at the King Edward Multiplex. And Jack... after losing your title, the worst thing possible will happen to you... You're... Not... Invited. That's right, cold beers, good food, and no DeColts. How great is that? Give me a 'POISON!'


The crowd chants Poison's name...


Poison - That's what I like to hear. Speaking of the DeColts... They've always been good to me, yet I've always treated them like total crap. What confuses me, is that they're so dim, and so stupid, that they don't know a single thing about what's going on around them! And Jack's the dumbest of all! He still thinks that he has a fighting chance in this title fight tonight. Let's face it, Elite's going to lay waste to Ricky & Alex, and I'm going to rip Jack to shreds. So... Jack? If you're listening to this... Picture the match going like this. You're Snow White, and you just took on a Poisoned Apple. I guess what I'm trying to say is... you're... going... to sleep.


The Crowd starts to cheer for Poison, who soaks in the lime light...



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/Gargantuan-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/WarrenTechnique-1.jpg

Gargantuan vs Warren Technique


Gargantuan steps straight forward, and looks down at the much smaller Warren Technique. Technique tries to take a shot right at Gargantuan, who justs takes it, and plants his gigantic hands on Technique's neck. Gargantuan tosses him straight into the corner by the neck, and hits a brutal body press in the corner that sends Warren straight to the ground. Gargantuan clutches him by the neck once more, hoisting him to his feet, and plants him with the Ultimate Backbreaker (Chokelift Backbreaker) before getting the cover and getting the three count.


Gargantuan defeats Warren Technique with an Ultimate Backbreaker

Rating - D-



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/AlexDeColt-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/RickyDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/ShooterSeanDeeley-1.jpghttp://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/DanDaLay-1.jpg


DaLay and Alex start in the ring, and Alex starts working the legs of Dan. Alex starts throwing leg kicks and a couple slaps to the head of DaLay, who just stands there and takes it. DaLay finally gets a shot in, allowing him to throw DeColt across the ring and into the ropes, hitting a brutal lariat on the way back. DaLay goes for the cover, but only gets a count of one. DaLay hits some stomps, but tags out to Deeley who starts to work the legs of Alex with submission holds. Deeley holds on to a Single Leg Boston Crab, before rotating to an Achilles Lock. Deeley then moves to a Toe Hold, before getting to his knees and applying the Ankle Lock. Alex tries to get to the ropes, but winds up in a Figure-Four Leglock now. Alex tries to pull himself across the ring, going to tag Ricky into the match. He makes it, but Deeley continues to hold onto the Figure-Four. Ricky climbs to the top turnbuckle, and hits a wicked knee drop to the head of Deeley, causing him to release the Figure-Four on Alex. Ricky goes to work on Sean, hitting some kicks to the skull and some stomps to the stomach. Ricky goes to work on the arms, with some kicks and stomps, before going for an Oklahoma Roll Pin, but only earning a One count. Ricky gets to his knees, a little disappointed about not getting the three. Ricky starts to attack the arms of Deeley once more, but Deeley applies an Ankle Lock, and stands up to regain control of the match. Deeley, still holding on to the leg, throws some boots to the thighs of Ricky DeColt, but Ricky continues to fight back. Deeley lets him stand up, but as Ricky takes a run at him, Deeley goes around him, and applies a back body lock, hitting a German Suplex in the process. Deeley gets the shoulders down, but only gets a One count once more. Deeley picks him up, and tosses him to the corner, hitting a Knife Edge Chop, before tagging out to DaLay. DaLay tries to blast him with a punch, but DeColt moves out of the way and boots him in the back of the knee. Ricky moves around him, but he gets planted with a fist from DaLay, who tags out to Deeley once more, apparently having hurt his knee from the boot of Ricky DeColt. Deeley locks in a Twisting Arm-Lock, but Ricky makes it to the ropes. Unfortunately, Deeley continues to hold onto the submission, and the referee gets to five, disqualifying Elite.


Ricky & Alex DeColt defeat Deeley & DaLay by Disqualification

Rating - B-


Following the match, Dan DaLay struggles his way into the ring to go help Deeley, but Alex DeColt comes flying out of his side of the ring and blasts DaLay with a dropkick to the knee, sending him to the canvas, face first. Ricky tries to struggle out of the ring as Deeley continues to hold on to that lethal Twisting Arm-Lock of his. This brawl continues on as other workers come down to the ring, trying to seperate the four men from each other. Ricky's arm is in danger of breaking now, and officials get down to the ring and pull Deeley off of him. Just as that's happening, DaLay pushes to his feet, and hits his DaLay Down (Inverted Piledriver) leaving The Two DeColts struggling on the canvas, as Elite leaves the ring.



http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JackDeColt-1.jpg vs http://i928.photobucket.com/albums/ad122/CGC_Dynasty/Workers/Miniatures/JoeyPoison-2.jpg

Jack DeColt © vs Joey Poison

CGC World Championship


Before the match started, Jack demands a microphone...


Jack DeColt - My last words are... No Joey, it's YOU that'll be going to sleep... because Joey... I! AM! GOLDEN!


Jack tosses the microphone out, in order to start the match...


DeColt and Poison circle each other, but that's short lived as DeColt immediately pushes forward with some punches. DeColt Irish Whips him into the ropes. Poison rebounds... DeColt Thrust (Double Handed Throat Thrust) from Jack DeColt! He goes for the pin already, but only gets a one count. Kick to the gut from Jack DeColt, and he locks up with Joey in attempts to grab a Suplex, but Poison pushes him off and hits a brutal kick right to the thigh of DeColt. Poison applies a Side Headlock and hits a flurry of uppercuts to the head of DeColt. He then pushes away DeColt and hits a Dropkick, sending both men to the canvas. Poison tries to go for an Elbow Drop, but DeColt rolls away, and takes control of the match. DeColt hits a Short Arm Knee Lift, sending Poison to the canvas, but Poison hops back to his feet and says 'Let's Go'. Poison again, goes on a tear of punches and kicks, threatening to knock the champion out. But, he gets overconfident, and goes for another elbow drop, allowing the Champ to roll away and take control once more. DeColt tries to stomp the confidence out of the challenger, before hitting a brutal leg drop. DeColt waits for Poison to stand up... kick to the gut... DDT! DeColt goes for another cover... another One count. DeColt starts to pick up momentum, stalking Poison as he gets up. He hits a nice Twisting Neckbreaker, and applies an armbar on the challenger. He picks Poison up to his feet, Irish Whip, big shoulder tackle from DeColt. DeColt has the crowd behind him... he raises his hands... and he goes for the End Of Days. Poison sees it coming, and kicks away from it. Poison recovers and gets to his feet. DeColt sends him to the corner, and hits a brutal Avalanche. Poison goes for a Bulldog, and sends DeColt on his face, to the canvas. Poison hits a flurry of punches from a mounted position. Poison takes a run to the ropes... Basement Dropkick. Lethal impact to the face of DeColt. Poison goes for a Vertical Suplex, and he hits it. Just as he does, Faith comes down to the ring, and Poison tells her to go back, but just as he does... DeColt locks in the End of Days (Inverted Sleeper Bow and Arrow Lock) and Poison tries to reach for the ropes. He struggles... and he taps out! Poison taps out, and DeColt retains the championship.


Jack DeColt defeats Joey Poison with an End of Days

Rating - C+


Just as DeColt gets up from a grueling match... Eddie Chandler of the Elite clan rushes down to the ring and continues an assault on him. Chandler grabs the belt and smashes it in the face of Jack DeColt... but just as he beats down on him, Alex and Ricky DeColt, who were in that brutal brawl earlier rush down to the ring. Eddie sees them, and escapes through the crowd, just as the show fades out...


Final Rating - C+/70

This Show should've increased our Popularity

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ProWrestlingHits.com Presents...


The Weekly 'Eh?'


Good day everybody, this is Daryl Daman, Canadian Wrestling Reporter here at PWHits.com, and on this week's inaugural segment of 'The Weekly Eh?' We'll be looking at all the recent happenings in Canada, the ratings war in the 'Wednesday Night Wars' and more news. So scroll on down and take a look.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling vs NOTBPW Canadian Wrestling

So last night was the inaugural Wednesday Night episode of Title Bout Wrestling. It ran straight against Canadian Wrestling, so it's time to find out what the statistics were.


Championship Golden Combat pulled a C+ Show in my opinion, with the star performance going to Alex DeColt, who was involved in the match of the night with Ricky DeColt against Shooter Sean Deeley and Dan DaLay.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling pulled a B Show in my opinion, the star performance going to Sean McFly. He was also involved in the match of the night, losing to Steve DeColt in the Main Event.





CGC Pulled 5,000 Fans to their show last night, while NOTBPW only got 2,000.





Championship Golden Combat managed to pull a 0.86 Rating last night, while North of the Border Pro Wrestling managed a 1.04.





So this week it seems that NOTBPW won the war. Good luck next week CGC.


Canadian Match of the Week

The Canadian Match of the week was at NOTBPW, with Steve DeColt vs Sean McFly. Congratulations boys, you did Canada Proud this week.


Extra News & Rumours

Nothing to report this week


The Poll for today is...


Should the DeColt WrestleFestival remain a Two Day event? Or should it be made one event, and have a new event replace it?


A) Remain Two Days

B) One Event, add a New Event (Include a Concept)

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The Poll for today is...


Should the DeColt WrestleFestival remain a Two Day event? Or should it be made one event, and have a new event replace it?


A) Remain Two Days

B) One Event, add a New Event (Include a Concept)


Definately remain as a Two Day Event. A uniqueness that CGC shouldn't lose.

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Next Card for CGC's Title Bout Wrestling

CGC has announced their next card, set for next Wednesday's episode of Title Bout Wrestling of course. Now, last week's episode was impressive to some, but I found it slightly underwhelming. Better than the usual booking, but not as good as it could've been. The Poison / DeColt match was decent, although didn't surpass expectations by any level. Speaking of which, Poison was actually scheduled to be in action tonight, but an 'Injury' has kept him off the card. The 'Injury', Kayfabe or not, is keeping Poison off the card, and he's apparently going to be out for the rest of the month, causing him to miss CGC's Elimination Pay-Per-View event.


Hype for Elimination has already started, with stipulation being that a battle royale will be held. CGC has been said to be going on a hiring spree, looking to bring new talent in for this event, hoping to make it a great start, for the road to the DeColt WrestleFestival. So, Here's the card.


The DeColts vs Elite

A 3 on 3 Match, as All three DeColts take on the Elite Three, Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay, and the man who almost ripped Ricky DeColt's arm off last week, Shooter Sean Deeley. Who will take this one?


Bobby Thomas vs Shane Nelson

Both men were involved in seriously credible tag teams, both former champions. But are they the better of the former teams, or is this just a match between the lesser men?


Ed Monton vs Ryan Powell

Powell has become a serious contender, but you can never count out the crafty veteran, Ed Monton. Who will take the opening match?


A New poll has come up, and today's is:


Were You Impressed By Last Week's Episode of Title Bout Wrestling ?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Didn't Watch

D) Didn't Care

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