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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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I've caught up, and the last show in particular was absolutely top notch. Fully deserved DOTM win in there too that I can't remember if I mentioned or not :D


Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

In the words of everyone else 'passing the torch'...

The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

Why not!?

EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

Debut win over Jobber Central ...

T-Rex vs. Java

Respect. The. Streak.

Enygma vs. Des Davids

Because he's a man of mystery and way out of Des' league.

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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

gonna go the other way. Instead of torch passing, Strong goes Jarrett and gives himself a Flair like winning send off against his protege.[/i]


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

just a guess


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

new team gets the win


T-Rex vs. Java



Enygma vs. Des Davids

a top talent gets back on the winning ways

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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion


As others have said, this will be a 'passing the torch' match


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson


Could go either way, just going on personal preference (as in who I think is hotter- how shallow am I?) :p


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams


Hyped new team gets easy win over a pair of jobbers


T-Rex vs. Java


Java has the size and power to give T-Rex a bit more trouble than the usual array of vanilla midget jobbers T-Rex gets to 'Jurassic Crush' but the streak continues. Hopefully this will be the start of some tougher tests for T-Rex, as the 'jobber' squashes have run their course.


Enygma vs. Des Davids


Enygma's the more established main event and he gets back to winning ways here.

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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion Schmozz finish with Strong and Champion uniting to fight off Peak et al for a fitting send-off


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson Been looking through the female workers recently, and Bomb is surprisingly good


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams What Dragonmack said


T-Rex vs. Java A vaguely competitive match for Rex? Still a win, though


Enygma vs. Des Davids Des ain't there yet

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Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

Pass the torch, Sammy...pass the torch.


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

Not too much of a toss-up for me. Raven might be prettier and not scary like The Bomb, but she's not as talented in-ring as The Bomb. And it seems like you've been pushing the psychotic one recently.


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

Dude...it's like, totally time for EXCESS to get in a match. And with team "Job Well Done" in the ring, it'll be a win for them...dude...


T-Rex vs. Java

And now we stop pounding jobbers and go to beating other older behemoths in the ring. RESPECT!


Enygma vs. Des Davids

I don't care if you have an alliance with Mr. Vibert, Des...you aren't beating the unmasked one.

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Last call for predictions, folks. The show will drop in the AM, tonight or tomorrow morning.




Next up: Phil Vibert delivers a King of the Bastards promo on the opening segment of the final ever USPW American Wrestling


Make it happen...Booker-man



And Celt, how could it happen any other way?



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Should be a really 'iconic' show and I can't wait


Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion

Passing the torch blah, blah :)

The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson

Either way this could go

EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams

Jobbes are gunna lose

T-Rex vs. Java

Do I need to say

Enygma vs. Des Davids

Enygma is on a long written contract so I'd always push him as high as I could, not like you'll have to resign him at any time soon

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Couldn't let this fall to page 3, plus I'm hoping my lack of predictions was the only thing stopping you from posting the show...


Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion


The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson


EXCESS vs. Brendan Idol/Ben Williams


T-Rex vs. Java


Enygma vs. Des Davids

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(OOC: Hey all. Sorry for the slight delay. Everyone in my house got really sick and, somehow, I had two seperate bouts with what I believe to be the same cold. In any case, I'm back to being able to breathe out of my nose and staying awake for more than a few hours at a time, so let's get back to it. :) )







USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 November

Miami, FL







We open the last USPW American Wrestling ever with Sam Strong in the ring, apparently ready to address the crowd. But as the crowd’s swell finally dies down and Sam appears set to talk…..




<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=PhilVibert_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/PhilVibert_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=charliethatcher.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/charliethatcher.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



…….new owner Phil Vibert and most of his entourage walk out and stand just outside the curtain. Flanked by Rick Law, Charlie Thatcher, and Des Davids, his arrogant tone is only matched by his confident strut as he moves ahead of the group and wags his finger at Sam Strong.



PV: “Do you realize what’s happening, Sam?”



Sam rolls his eyes.



PV: “Do any of you realize what I’m about to do?



He smiles and runs his hand alongside his slicked back hair.



PV: “I know a lot of you like to bring up DaVE when you talk about me.”



Some ringside fans begin a ‘you-f***ed-up’ chant that dies before it gets any real footing. But Phil points straight at them.



PV: “Sure. DaVE folded. But it was because of money. With the backing I have now, there’s no chance that my bills aren’t getting paid; money problems are a thing of the past for Phil Vibert.”



PV: “Tonight marks an important point in history, fans. You should be happy to be here.”



He points to the ring.



PV: “You too, Sam. Being part of a REAL moment in wrestling history will be good for your Hall of Fame resume.”



Phil Vibert straightens his tie. He picked this suit especially for tonight, you can tell.



PV: “Tonight, I put down USPW; I put this godforsaken po-dunk state-fair-visiting wrasslin’ company out of its misery.”



The fans boo him some more. The camera catches one fan in overalls screaming so vehemently that spittle sprays from his mouth onto some unfortunate fans below him in the expensive seats.



PV: “And next week when all you rednecks tune in, when you all line up to get your tickets to the show, you won’t find the company that Sam Strong built. You’ll be watching the only promotion bold enough to break the mold; the only promotion not afraid to rise out of the ashes of this business and do something new.”



Phil pulls a baseball hat from his pocket and tugs it on. It’s a perfect fit and it’s emblazoned with the new logo.



PV: “Phoenix Wrestling Company!”



More boos. Phil doesn’t care, in fact he seems to be enjoying it.



PV: “Now Sam, enjoy yourself tonight against Nicky Champion. Send your company off into the great beyond with style; I hope you have the match of your life.”



This elicits a small cheer, although the crowd can smell the condescending tone in his voice.



PV: “But don’t forget who’s in charge around here. Because from here on out, you’re in my world.”














The Bomb vs. Raven Robinson



Result: On the heels of her winning the Lucky Seven Invitational, Cherry Bomb shows up with a fairly tall order in having to face the cagy Raven Robinson. But Belle Bryden’s second can’t quite muster enough to keep up with the very focused Bomb, and falls to a Tiger Driver at just over the four minute mark.



SD: “The Bomb is on the fast track toward the Women’s Title; Belle Bryden had better watch out.”



MS: “If Belle can beat Alicia Strong in a two out of three falls match, she can handle a challenge from The Bomb.”



SD: “That’s not fair. There’s something going on with Alicia right now and, whatever it is, it’s weighing on her something fierce.”



MS: “Oh, I agree. But weary is the head that wears the crown, right? The best deal with their problems and still finds ways to win matches.”



Phil’s Story Notes: The Bomb gets another momentum bump before heading into a showdown with Belle Bryden. Raven keeps her heat by cheating throughout and, really, with where she’s at storywise, she doesn’t need in-ring wins.


The Bomb wins @ 4:05












We are instantly transported to the deepest recesses of the building where some poor, sniveling cameraman does his job and points his lens in the direction of the monster himself, USPW World Champion Tyson Baine.



TB: “There is no depth that I wouldn’t crawl toward to inflict pain and suffering upon those who attempt to wrest the USPW World Title from my grasp.”



He holds up Enygma’s mask, apparently a trophy he kept to commemorate the beatdown.



TB: “I took the only face you’ve ever shown this business; I took it from you.”



He smiles madly and begins trying to pull it over his own head. It is far too small and ill-fitting, but with his red hair poking out of it in all sorts of spots and his grin still very visible, he gets it into place.



TB: “I’ve gotten your face Enygma, and I’m coming for your soul.”



He laughs then stops and is dead serious again.



TB: “In the meantime though, I’ll settle for a little bit of your blood.”



With that he reaches out toward the cameraman, who smartly steps back before turning to run away from Baine. The shot shakes as he hustles to safety, but you can still hear the World Champion laughing and screaming behind him.
















<a href="

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EXCESS vs. Ben Williams/Brendan Idol



Result: The debut of EXCESS is an unqualified success, from their drawn out entrance to their high energy and pop-spot filled squash against the team Williams and Idol.



After a fist-bump tag, Remmy jumps to the top turnbuckle and waits for Hocking to plant Idol with a powerslam before he comes flying off with a ridiculously huge frog splash that nets the three count. As the pair celebrates, Sara Silver peeks her head out of the curtain to get a closer look at them.



SD: “These two guys are flat out exciting!”



MS: “I don’t think I heard you take a single breath during that whole match, Doakes, are you OK? Have you been partying with EXCESS?”



SD: “Haven’t been invited yet, Mickey, unlike our colleague Miss Silver, who rumor has it, partied in New Orleans with Remmy and Matt until early this morning.”



MS: “That’s three days? That’s excessive.”



SD: “No, that’s EXCESS.”



Phil’s Story Notes: A nice debut; this is a tag team that we will be getting behind.



EXCESS wins via pinfall @ 4:54













Phil Vibert walks onto the USPW’s backstage interview set, which is being dismantled around him. Sara Silver, fresh from the last segment, starts to ask him a question, but he just rudely snatches the microphone from her and shoos her away before squaring up on the camera himself.



PV: “I forgot to address this when I went out there earlier…..but this is one hundred percent my show now, so I’ll do what I want - when I want.”



Silver gives him a filthy look before walking off, leaving him there alone to stare a hole in the camera’s lens.



PV: “Why, Chris Caulfield? Is that what you want to know? Is that what you were yelling when you tried to attack me at the PPV? Why? Why would I do that to you?”



He shrugs.



PV: “You have always been a thorn in my side, Chris.”






PV: “You always presumed, because of our friendship, that you would get a push if I was in charge.”



The camera gets closer.



PV: “And you used to be right. Sometimes, I’m weak, just like everyone else. And you took advantage of that weakness.”






PV: “But not anymore. And not ever again. Not in my PWC. End of story.”



It’s just his face on your screen.



PV: “Now, I’m told……Chris Caulfield is not here tonight. But next week, when we’re in his backyard in New York City, where he feels the most comfortable, I bet he’ll show his face.”



His smile goes off the edge on both sides.



PV: “And, if he does, it’ll be the last thing he ever does.”



The fans back in the arena boo.



PV: “Stay at home, Chris. And don’t ever come back.”















T-Rex vs. Java



Result: Java looks more imposing than any of T-Rex’s recent opponents, coming to the ring with his partner Tribal Warrior in tow. But within just a few seconds, it is apparent that the massive savage might as well be just another hundred and seventy pound jobber in T-Rex’s way. A huge clothesline leads to Rex sliding in behind the loin-clothed beast and locking in the “Jurassic Crush” (Full Nelson) which nets him win via stoppage a few ticks later. Phil Vibert walks out onto the stage with a microphone as Rex gets his hand raised.



PV: “T-Rex, I don’t know if you’ve been watching the show or if you even know who I am, big man……but I’m the boss around here.”



He is soundly booed again and it’s only been a few minutes since we saw him last.



PV: “And starting two weeks from tonight on PWC TV, the level of your competition is going to go up a few steps.”



Rex nods and flexes, a roadmap of veins bulging out of his huge muscles.



PV: “The company commends you for accumulating so many wins on this so called streak you’re on…..”



Vibert is so snide. His newfound power has made it even worse.



PV: “…..but let’s see how good you really are.”



Phil’s Story Notes: So, there you go. I know people are dying for Rex to face anybody who isn’t classified as a jobber, so we’re going to go ahead and do just that. And we’re going to make a story out of it, too.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 3:13
















A short video rolls showing highlights of Sunday’s Ford Memphis/Andre Jones TV Title Match in which Memphis successfully defended his belt. A graphic announces that next week Memphis will appear to exchange the USPW TV Title belt for the new PWC TV Title. It also mentions that he and “the boys” aren’t here tonight because they are in the studio working through some material with the new band.












On the heels of the video, the next segment kicks off with a small but exciting series of pyro. While the display is rather mundane compared to the massive explosions that other American promotions use on a regular basis, it’s distinctive enough for USPW since they have almost never used pyrotechnics.







The boom show brings out two young workers who are unfamiliar to the fans. The pair are dressed in street clothes, fashionable and expensive. They don't get much of a reaction from the fans, so they heel it up as they make their way to the ring, gesturing and sneering. Inside the ring, teach of them take a microphone but it’s the blond one who does most of the talking.



Spencer Spade: “You lot probably don't recognize us. Which makes sense, since we aren't old men like the rest of the roster here in USPW.”



He sneers.



SS: “You will get to know us. And soon. See, I'm Spencer Spade. This is KC Glenn. We're the two best damned talents this business has seen in a long, long time. And we're out here tonight because we are the future.”



KC Glenn: “S'right.”



SS: “See, you fans need to be reminded about what great young talent can do. And we're not just great – we're the best. Glenn and I are going to rule this business. The way that names like Strong, Chord, Faith, Keith, and Cornell ruled it in the past. But first, we are going to rule USPW.”



KCG: “Count on it.”



SS: “See, this is USPW. United States Pro Wrestling. At least it is for tonight, anyway. The best that America has to offer, right? What a joke! But now that we're here, it’s not going to be a joke anymore. We're here to modernize this place and take over. So count this as a warning... Going out to everyone – all the old men in the back, all you fans, the commentators, even Phil Vibert... We're here to show the world what we can do and to show you fans what real professional wrestlers look like. Because we are The Future...”



KCG: “And the future is... Now.”

















Enygma vs. Des Davids



Result: Des Davids has definitely made some strides in recent weeks, but he is no match for the polished, ring tested, and much more motivated Enygma, who beats him in six languages before applying the “Enygma Variation” (anklelock). Charlie Thatcher, who accompanied his tag team partner to the ring, is visibly upset at Davids for losing and takes a swing at Enygma as he rants. He too is dropped on his belly and locked in an “Enygma Variation” for good measure. The whole thing draws out…..





….Tyson Baine, who walks about halfway down the aisle wide-eyed, grinning evilly, and as always, draped in a long length of chain.



MS: “Well, he said earlier that before taking Enygma’s soul, he’d settle for some blood. This must be what he meant. Watch out Enygma!”



Enygma spots him instantly and the two begin jawing and quickly moving toward each other, as Baine wraps part of the chain around his fist. But before they can come to blows, the festival train of security guards fill the aisle and keep them well apart.



SD: “These two have not settled their differences. Not by a long shot.”



MS: “Enygma needs to be careful, Doakes. World Title or not, Tyson Baine is a madman and one of the most dangerous men in the history of our sport.”



SD: “Yeah and when someone tells you they are coming to take your soul, you know that person is about as unbalanced as they come and you should proceed with caution.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Enygma is picking up a head of steam again, momentum wise, and once again heading to the top of the card. Des just got caught in the wrong spot, because he’s someone that I’m hopeful I can do something with, but there is no way he could’ve gone over Enygma without some serious shenanigans. Having Baine come out after his promo earlier only made sense, and I suspect it will help boost the whole segment.



Enygma wins via submission @ 7:39












After the match, the cameras go backstage where Eddie Peak is stretched out on a long leather couch in a plush backstage office. He is still wearing a straight jacket, but is sleeping so soundly that he doesn’t strain against it a single bit. A backstage staffer peeks her head into the room looking for someone, but upon seeing Peak, gets frightened and quickly slams the door shut, frantically running down the hallway soon afterward.



A nurse, who hadn’t been in the shot before, sits in a chair in the corner and thumbs through a magazine before laughing to herself and talking out loud to no one in particular.



“There’s no reason to run away from him now, sweetie.”



She walks over to Peak and makes sure his ankles are still shackled before stroking the sleeping maniac’s cheek.



“Run away from him when he’s awake for sure. But there’s no need to be afraid of him right now; he’s sleeping.”



The camera passes Peak and finds its focus on the table near his head. On it sits a small leather doctor’s bag and a collection of syringes and small dosage bottles.



“The doctor made sure of that.”



As the shot pulls back and eventually out of the room and into the hallway which is buzzing with backstage traffic, Shawn Doakes and Mickey Starr get the last word.



SD: “In unleashing Eddie Peak on this company, has Phil Vibert done something that can’t be undone? I mean, if he needs to be sedated for everyone’s safety…. that tells you pretty much all you need to know.”



MS: “Agreed.”















We head to the ring as it’s nearly time for the main event. But instead of the match beginning, Phil Vibert walks down to the ring and aggressively grabs the microphone from the ring announcer.



PV: “One more thing.”



He is drawing crazy heat; in one night he really has become the most hated man in wrestling.



PV: “Tonight’s main event between Sam Strong and Nicky Champion is sure to be one for the ages.”



He is dripping sarcasm and even the most simple southern fan sees it one hundred percent.



PV: “And since the caliber of the performers is so high…….”



He smiles.



PV: “I think we need to have an official of equal……stature.”



Everybody cranes their neck toward the curtain. A siren blares loudly.



PV: “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s special referee……”



The siren combines with a bass line, low and rumbling.








Law pushes through the curtain chewing a cigar nub and hustles toward the ring spinning his nightstick. When he gets there, he high fives Vibert and stands beside him as the two look toward the locker room, waiting for either Champion’s or Strong’s music to hit.



For a second or three as they wait, the screen splits, showing a long white limo pulling up to the backstage entrance and Peter Valentine arriving with his entourage.



SD: “Oh great, now HE’S here, too.”



MS: “Better late than never, right?”















Sam Strong vs. Nicky Champion



Result: On one hand, the fans are really excited to see this match. But on the other, they realize that it represents the end of an era. What they don’t realize is until the end is what a big set-up it is.



Strong and Champion start out tentatively, but pretty quickly they begin to get competitive. Law is nearly invisible as the young bull takes control of his mentor with a wicked body slam that makes Strong look every bit his age. During the action, Peter Valentine walks down through the crowd with his nephew Casey and Jumbo Jackson. All three are wearing nice suits and they arrogantly flash VIP passes at each confused security guard they pass.



Both Sam and Nicky see Valentine and stop for a second, letting the other know he’s there. Law orders them to continue and they lock up again, with Champion again gaining control before Strong begins his patented power-up. The crowd goes bananas, seeing Sam Strong do his thing for possibly the last time ever has them all on their feet. They are so focused in fact……





…….they don’t see Peter Valentine hop up onto the apron and peel off his jacket before brandishing the silver knobbed cane he knocked Strong out with last week.



Rick Law makes a big deal of slowly turning his back to the action to talk to Phil Vibert, blatantly giving Valentine the opportunity to nail Sam in the back of the head.



Nicky Champion is stunned and shoves Rick Law as Valentine retreats to his seat in the crowd smiling, yelling at Law to do his job but the Lawman shoves Nicky right back and orders him to pin his unconscious mentor. Nicky starts to, but then decides against it, getting back into Law’s face instead, jawing loudly with him forehead to forehead. In an instant, Law has bounced back off the ropes and reached out, leveling Champion with a “Long Arm of the Law” (Strong style Lariat), leaving both of the match’s combatants down. He lifts the now groggy Champion to his feet and stands him right over Sam Strong before blasting him with his nightstick, leaving Nicky’s body draped over Sam’s body.



Vibert cheers as Law drops to his knees and counts a comically slow three before calling for the bell. The new owner then motions to a cameraman.



PV: “Get that shot, right there. And hold on it.”



He points to the unconscious pile that is Sam Strong and Nicky Champion.



“Don’t pull away or move an inch.”



It is uncomfortable.



“Now roll that red-white-and-blue logo……”



He’s won, he knows it, and he’s rubbing it right in your face.



“……roll it for the last time.”



Phil’s Story Notes: There’s not much to say here, I guess. I think that segment kind of speaks for itself. One thing is for sure though, there’s no turning back now.



Nicky Champion wins via pinfall @ 13:04
















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2. Phil, why should the viewers tune in and watch PWC next week? Like, I was expecting some kind of hope spot there at the end to give the viewer an incentive to watch next week despite it going to be Vibert show, you know?

3. What are SWF doing dropping the ball with Spencer Spade?

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2. Phil, why should the viewers tune in and watch PWC next week? Like, I was expecting some kind of hope spot there at the end to give the viewer an incentive to watch next week despite it going to be Vibert show, you know?

3. What are SWF doing dropping the ball with Spencer Spade?



1. I'm glad you like EXCESS, Celt. I'm in love with the possibilities for them as well. Moving forward, tag teams are going to be featured more than they were in the beginning, especially if I am able to extend the show back to two hours when the current contract expires.



2. If you're asking Phil, I'm sure he'd tell you that having a completely Vibert run, Vibert booked, and Vibert produced show would be more than enough reason to tune in next week. Anyone who doesn't runs the risk of being left behind by the future of pro wrestling. Phil aside, I just couldn't get the image of Champion and Strong symbolically laying "dead" on the USPW logo to end the era out of my head. It was more of a "no-hope spot", I guess, but I liked it.



3. I ask no questions when it comes to why Spade was available. Maybe SWF is too busy pushing some of the "gems" they already have on the roster. In any case, I view it as a coup and can't wait to put him to use. To be quite honest, I'm very happy with the roster Phil has put together thus far and the way he was able to give some of the newbies a running start in the old USPW before getting to this point.



Speaking of Spade and Glenn, their debut promo and upcoming story has been penned by another writer on the board. Anyone have any idea who, based on the writing style?



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If we ask Phil, he'd tell you that the hillbillies haven't forgot about that Enygma chasing Baine.


Also, the Spade and Glenn promo lacks something: More southern drawl. I'm no stickler to C-verse canon sirs, but Glenn's inability to cut good promos is mentioned in his bio. *furiously tips his hat*


Also also, I'm seeing a Memphis face turn here. The fans will cheer for anyone who's still USPW'ish if PWC involves bringing a bunch of DAVE alumni and indy favorites.

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Also, the Spade and Glenn promo lacks something: More southern drawl. I'm no stickler to C-verse canon sirs, but Glenn's inability to cut good promos is mentioned in his bio. *furiously tips his hat*.



I think Glenn's adding less than ten words to his team's promo (he has eight, actually) counts toward sticking with canon and his inability to work the stick. If you notice, all the full sentences, save one, are spoken by Spade.



And is Spade southern, or just Glenn? Because if it's just KC, I think our guest writer did all he could to illustrate both his lack of promo skills and his southern-ness given his minor role in the vignette.



I mean, he said "S'right" instead of "That's right"; that has hick written all over it, man. :D





..........if PWC involves bringing a bunch of DAVE alumni and indy favorites.




My plan is not for this to turn into PSW with a bigger budget and some coverage, but leaving DaVE in the past, I would venture, is something that haunts Vibert a little bit. No doubt things will pop up that remind people of it. However, Paul Heyman's opposition said ECW was a niche company and that they would have to evolve to exist at a higher level, right? I believe that to be both true and false simultaniously. I think it's a question of balance and smart booking and is something I'm very excited about proving or disproving with this diary.



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I think Glenn's adding less than ten words to his team's promo (he has eight, actually)


But damn it, i understood those eight words! That's six too many!




My plan is not for this to turn into PSW with a bigger budget and some coverage, but leaving DaVE in the past, I would venture, is something that haunts Vibert a little bit.


Dont make Vibert cry :(



But hey, keep it up, and you not mentioning Memphis is a clear sign i'm right about him :p

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But hey, keep it up, and you not mentioning Memphis is a clear sign i'm right about him :p


Is it Waghlon, or could I have done that on purpose to make you think that? It is a twisted game we writers play with the readers, isn't it? ;):)



Show grade for the final USPW American Wrestling to follow today. I'm surprised and pleased, to say the least.

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 November

Miami, FL






Show Open (A*)

The Bomb over Raven Robinson (D)

Baine is Pain!! (A)

EXCESS over Williams/Idol (E+)

Four Way Match Announced For Next Week (C+)

Vibert Warns Caulfield (A*)

T-Rex over Java (D+)

Ford Memphis Video Package (B-)

Spade/Glenn Debut (B)

Enygma over Des Davids (C+)

Eddie Peak Medicated Backstage (B+)

Special Referee Introduced by Vibert (A*)

Champion over Strong ©




Show Grade: C+



TV Rating: 2.30

(+1.01) :eek:






September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)

October’s TV Grades: (C+, C+, C+,C+)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)

October’s TV Ratings: (1.24, 1.23, 1.26, 1.29)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (B+/7.41) TCW (B/5.07)


Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF/DaVE Dangerzone TV (C/0.65)






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(OOC: Happy Holidays, everyone. I thought as a sort of gift, I could cut through the usual predictions and pre-show discussion and just get on with posting the show itself. I hope it brings some wrestling filled joy to your holiday season. :) )








Live on Sports America

Week 2 November

New York, New York





The show opens with screaming new theme music and a crane camera panning over the sea of fist pumping New York City fans before it settles on the new PWC TV stage set-up, which is a whopping piece of steel with multi colored lights, a giant LCD screen, and adorned with the new PWC logo.



The pyro rings out; it pop-pop-pops and grabs the attention of the crowd. But as the camera comes cruising around the arena once again, it begins slowing and finally stops, settling on the entranceway.



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His music hits and Phil Vibert struts out onto the stage, joined by a cigar-nub-chewing Rick Law, Charlie Thatcher, and Des Davids.



PV: “Now that we’ve put USPW in the grave, let’s get on to the business at hand, shall we?”



PV: “And most important to me is the main event of this show, the first PWC TV in history…..live, here in New York City!”



Even the cheapy doesn’t really change the crowd’s attitude toward Phil, which even in his backyard, is mixed at best.



PV: “Last week, Nicky Champion, you put your hands on an official, my friend. And that’s ground for suspension, if I’m not mistaken.”



PV: “But that’s not how we do things here in PWC, is it boys?”



His three massive henchmen all nod. Law wrings his hands together and grits his teeth, burning a hole in the camera’s lens.


PV: “I think your punishment should be decided upon……”



He reaches out and pats Rick Law on the shoulder.



PV: “By the local justice enforcer.”



Law is booed as he steps forward, spitting out his cigar nub and crushing it with his black boot before taking the microphone.



RL: “Phil, I sentence him to die. Tonight, at my hands.”



Phil smiles and then slowly nods at Law, patting him on the back once again.



PV: “And so it shall be, Rick.”



He looks into the camera and raises his fist as his music hits, a man comfortable in his own house, in the city that he first made his name, and in full control of his very own company again.

















Shawn Doakes and Mickey Starr sit at a flashy new broadcast set up three quarters of the way up the aisle, up on a separate riser with a rack of lights all their own.



However, instead of wearing their usual ear-to-ear grins, they are remarkably stone faced.



SD: “Welcome to PWC TV, fans. Joined as always by the legend himself, Mickey Starr, I’m Shawn Doakes.”



The camera pulls back, revealing a third person sitting at the broadcast location to the left of Starr.



XX: “No need for an introduction, you guys. I doubt you’re happy at all that I’m here.”



Neither Doakes nor Starr say anything, which says everything.



XX: “I would be afraid of me, too, if I were you. I was hired to be here by Phil Vibert himself, and he’s the only person I report to.”



She smirks at them before looking back at the camera.



XX: “For those of you who might not recognize me…….”





XX: “I’m Emily Royal.”






ER: “All right then. So that how it’s going to be.”



The three sit awkwardly for a second or two before Doakes takes the initiative and sends the show to the ring for the opening match.









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Aaron Andrews vs. Casey Valentine vs. Andre Jones vs. Darryl Devine


Result: This one is all Andrews in the early going; he throws Valentine around the ring with a pair of sambo suplexes before letting him roll to the floor. Then he lets Casey recover long enough to get to his feet so he (and Jumbo Jackson, who accompanied him to the ring) can take a huge through-the-ropes press right in the chest. Eventually though, as this one pulls toward its finish, Casey gets some help from Jumbo Jackson on the floor and the two nearly steal the match by countout.



Devine, who had just “DDD”-ed Andre Jones on the other side of the ring, nails both Andrews and Valentine with his cast in one pratfallish motion when they scramble back into the ring. He lazily covers Casey for three just as referee Baby Jamie gets back into position.



MS: “That puts Darryl Devine at the top of the list, guys; he’ll probably be getting a shot at the TV Title before too long.”



ER: “I hope he’ll be able to make the most of it when it happens, Shawn. That broken hand has got to be hurting him.”



SD: “He might have a broken hand, but I don’t think that cast is doing anything but help him.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Andrews gets a bit of his momentum back after falling to Devine at the PPV, albeit without picking up the win. Jones gets a start on his new storyline and Casey gets a chance to be on TV with three wrestlers who could all teach him how to be a better wrestler. Win, win, win….win.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 6:01














Phil Vibert pushes open the two back loading doors awaiting the arrival of the small box truck that he uses to transport Eddie Peak. But when the doors swing open, the truck is already sitting there, idling, with the driver standing outside of it, smoking a cigarette.



Vibert’s motions for his security detail to go to the back and begin unloading the psychotic Peak, but the driver walks up and cuts them off, shaking his head.



Driver: “Who’s Mr. Vibert? Which one of you?”



Vibert shoves his way through the forest of polo shirted security and gets to the front, raising his hand.



PV: “It’s me. I’m Phil Vibert…..”



He straightens his tie.



PV: “…..I’m the owner of Phoenix Championship Wrestling.”



A beat.



Driver: “Phoenix, huh? How long does it take to get from Arizona all the way here?”



Vibert fumes. He now fully hates the driver, no question, and answers him with the most condescending tone he can.



PV: “Phoenix……like the mythical bird, not the dump town in the middle of the desert out West.”



The driver stands corrected.



Driver: “Either way, Mr. Owner, I’ve got some bad news for you. The car you hired dropped the Doctor and his assistant off at the arena after picking them up from the hotel. At that time we loaded Mr. Peak into the back of this truck.”



Vibert walks around and looks up at the back of the truck. It looks like it has been attacked by an animal.



Driver: “However, when we got to the building about ten minutes ago……”



The back door creaks loudly before falling clean off, landing right beside Phil on the concrete. He doesn’t even flinch. Instead, he sighs.



PV: “Let me guess……..Eddie wasn’t in there.”



The driver shakes his head and starts babbling on some more about the contract they had when the nurse we saw backstage with Peak last week appears beside Vibert.



Nurse: “Eddie’s gone?”



PV: “He got out somehow.”



Nurse: “If I know him as well as I think I do, I’d bet he’s on his way here right now.”



Phil snorts.



PV: “Why? Why would he come here? I’ve had him in restraints for the better part of three weeks.”



The nurse nods.



Nurse: “For Caulfield. On his terms.”



Vibert quickly gets the attention of the security guys outside with him and tells them to spread the word among the rest of the staff that a madman is on the loose and may be en route.



PV: “If and when he gets here, I want to be the first to know about it.”












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Belle Bryden, Raven Robinson, and The Neptune Twins walk briskly down a backstage hallway, heading toward the stage area for Bryden’s match, which is up next.



They cannot pass up the opportunity to talk trash to Alicia Strong on the way by as she is clearly looking for a quiet place to have a phone conversation. Belle pats the USPW Women’s title belt and mimes a “call me” with her thumb and pinkie. Alicia just scowls back at her and continues her call now that she is alone again.



AS: “You heard me, Dad, I’m not joking. Nicky told me that as soon as he can get to Vibert…..”



She pauses.



AS: “….he’s going to ask for his release.”



Another pause.



AS: “Really? I don’t know if you should.”



A close up on her.



AS: “All right, then. Come see me first when you get here.”



She snaps her phone shut and goes to find a monitor to watch the Women’s Title Match.
















Belle Bryden vs. The Bomb

-Women’s Title Match-


Result: Belle Bryden comes out raging, stopping the usually awesome start of The Bomb dead in its tracks. There is a rally, but The Bomb cannot over come the nit-picky interference of both Raven Robinson and The Neptune Twins and walks right into a wicked spinning back kick from Bryden that ends the match.



The whole group gets in the requisite strut and pose segment as The Bomb walks back up the ramp, cradling her head with her left arm.



Joanne Rodriguez’s music hits and the spicy firecracker comes out onto the stage and jaws with Bryden from afar. Belle doesn’t even need a microphone to get her point across, mouthing “next week” and “you and me” until J-Ro nods.



Phil’s Story Notes: Bryden’s faction keeps getting over so it’s hard to not give them a slightly more involved push than they deserve this quickly, considering the twins were virtually unknown before signing here. That said, I love the dog and pony show and, when it works, it makes for simple X’s and O’s booking.



Belle Bryden wins via pinfall @ 5:13










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Ford Memphis is backstage with his entire entourage: a couple of burly roadies, a scrawny longhaired half drunk looking guy with drumsticks, along with both of the Hillbillies and Roxy.



The entire group makes its way from their huge tour bus outside toward the inner part of the backstage area.



SD: “As we told you last week, Ford Memphis would be on hand tonight to exchange the USPW TV Title for the new PWC TV Title belt.”



MS: “I wonder what it looks like.”



ER: “I’ve seen it and it’s outstanding; it’s a Reaper.”



SD: “Those are the best in the business, without question.”



But when Ford gets to Phil Vibert’s office, the door is closed and everything is locked up.......





Charlie Thatcher is waiting in a chair down the hall, his match only a few minutes away.



CT: “Hey Elvis, you lookin’ for this? Mr. Vibert left it for you.”



The big bodyguard skids a steel suitcase along the floor that stops at Memphis’ feet. He snatches it up before Roxy leans forward, almost entirely out of the top of her dress, and snaps it open.





R: “It’s beautiful.”



Memphis curls up his lip. A smile. Kind of, anyway.



FM: “It ain’t a gold record or nothin’, but it’s still pretty sweet.”



He closes the case and snaps his fingers, pulling his gold rimmed sunglasses down over his eyes.



FM: “Now let’s roll out of here, ya’ll. More work to do on our video.”



Thatcher just shakes his head at the whole scene, before going back to using the wall to stretch out.














Somehow, PWC cameras have caught up with the psychotic Eddie Peak as he walks along a busy New York sidewalk shrieking and talking to himself, scaring most every single person that he stomps by. One man, a fairy round fellow in a backwards baseball cap, doesn’t see the raving madman coming and walks flush into him, hitting Peak in the chest.



There is only a second, long enough to get a shot of the rotund man’s eyes getting wide as he sizes up Peak, before he is lifted off of his feet and hurled headfirst through a storefront, leaving glass everywhere and an alarm blaring loudly.



It rings out its loud BEEP-BEEP-BEEP. The store’s owner comes out cursing in spanglish, reaching for a wall mounted telephone that is no longer there, staring at the man hanging half in and half out of what used to be his front window. Eddie sees something over his shoulder and pushes him out of the way. It is a poster for tonight’s PWC show with hometown legend Chris Caulfield’s picture on it.



Peak freaks out and rips it off the wall before covering his ears, yelling some garbled rage-speak and running down a dark alley. He is long lost in the darkness before the first NYC police car comes rolling up onto the scene, the uniformed officer scratching his head and having trouble describing the scene on his radio.











A short but intense video rolls, again detailing T-Rex’s amazingly physical workouts as a montage of his victories smash cut into it every few seconds. It ends with footage of Phil Vibert coming out after his victory last week, promising that on next week’s PWC TV, his opponent will be more impressive than the collection of local enhancement talents he has beaten thus far.
















Enygma vs. Charlie Thatcher


Result: Charlie Thatcher is such a bull in the ring; his offense is very simple but also very effective and early on he slows Enygma with a few forearm shots and a vicious bodyslam that really shows off his power. But Enygma is riding a rocketship straight to the toward a rematch with Tyson Baine and rallies against the big man, walloping him in the corner with a huge splash before locking him in the “Enygma Variation”. Enygma’s ring position is so good, even though Thatcher holds on longer than most, he is still forced to tap out to save his ankle from breaking. And as he celebrates his win in a very businesslike manner, Phil Vibert is shown on the split screen backstage, watching Enygma’s match on the monitor. He is a bit distressed. Shawn and Mickey, as per their contracts, offer their opinion why.



SD: “Phil is keeping a close eye on Enygma isn’t he, Mickey?”



MS: “Well, I think that Phil is still keeping an eye on Tyson Baine’s affairs somewhat and Enygma is the only guy crazy enough to be chasing the World Title while he has it.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Thatcher is still very over, like in the top ten or so in the company, thanks to the USPW vs. Vibert storyline, I think, and I’m glad to transfer some of that overness and momentum to Enygma. I bet I pushed Thatcher to the limit asking him to go nearly ten minutes, but I made sure to have Craig Prince protect him and to have both men to take it easy, regardless of the match’s position on the card.



Enygma wins via submission @ 9:49
















After the match, as the show is getting set to go to the next segment, Charlie Thatcher starts yelling at Des Davids who accompanied him to the ring. It becomes quite obvious as Thatcher limps closer to Davids that he is upset that Davids wasn’t in position to help him break the hold that cost him the match.



Des looks sorry and tries to slow Thatcher‘s anger, but Phil Vibert’s massive bodyguard isn’t having it. He violently shoves Davids backward with a great deal of force, leaving Des wide-eyed and confused in the corner as Thatcher storms back up the aisle, past the broadcast location, and onto the brand new sterling steel stage without looking back.



SD: “What was that about?”



MS: “I know, right? I thought Thatcher and those guys were supposed to be watching out for Davids and not the other way around.”



SD: “Charlie Thatcher is meathead anyway. Who knows what’s going on in his mind.”

















Remmy Skye and “Shocking” Matt Hocking are seen backstage in a quick pan by the camera, talking up a blushing Sara Silver at a table near the catering area, before it settles its focus on…..



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……Phil Vibert for second as he walks with his arm around brand new PWC referee Ryan Holland, pointing him toward the ring and not letting him get a word in edgewise as he lays out instructions. Trailing them is respected veteran referee Jay Fair, apparently being courted by Vibert as well. As Fair chats with a baton spinning Rick Law, the camera moves again and refocuses on….





…..Sam Strong, who unexpectedly walks right up to Nicky Champion and gets flush into his face, poking a finger into his chest to emphasize his talking points.



SS: “I heard what you were planning to do, Nicky. Walking out? Quitting? When did I ever teach you that, brother?”



Nicky breaks eye contact with Strong, but Sam moves to get back in front of him.



NC: “What are you even doing here, Sam?”



Sam again moves to get back into Nicky’s line of sight.



SS: “What do you have to gain by walking out that door?”



Strong shakes his head. But Nicky is suddenly fired up and raises his voice, getting in his mentor’s face a bit.



NC: “This isn’t USPW anymore, Sam! With a guy like Phil Vibert in charge, this place is going to go down the tubes. Look what he did to DaVE. And you know, I, for one, don’t need to be part of it. I’ve got the skills now; I could wrestle on Tuesday night’s just as easily as I do Wednesday’s.”



Champion grabs his bag from the bench he is standing near and starts for the door, passing Sam as he does so.



SS: “I know that Alicia won’t be going anywhere. Are you just going to leave her here? Alone?”



Nicky stops. He tries to keep his tone even, but can’t quite pull it off.



NC: “I…..That’s too…..uhhh….”



Sam puts his hand up, stopping Nicky.



SS: “You don’t have to pretend anymore, dude.”



It is Sam’s turn to break eye contact.



SS: “She told me about you guys a couple of days ago. The morning after the PPV, actually. You’ve been together for what? Three months? Four?”



It is awkward. Both men inhale and exhale deeply. They both try to talk at the same time, too. Nicky is more forceful.



NC: “We wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you.”



Sam puts his hand on Nicky’s shoulder, but then takes it off. It is so awkward, neither know what to do or say.



NC: “Listen, I…..”



But Sam cuts him off.



SS: “No, you listen, Nicky. This is your opportunity; the opportunity to become your own man in a company where you don’t have an in with the ownership.”



He lowers his voice.



SS: “And if you’re not man enough to do that, you’re not man enough to be with my daughter. Period.”



Nicky is stunned.



SS: “Now go out there and whip Rick Law’s ass.”



And as quickly as he appeared, the ring legend and owner of the now defunct USPW walks away, leaving Nicky Champion standing alone.
















Eddie Peak vs. Chris Caulfield

-NYC Streetfight-


Result: The show goes to the outside of the building in a flash after the last segment as cameras are on hand when Chris Caulfield pushes open the arena’s front doors and tackles a frothing Eddie Peak down hard onto the sidewalk. It is out and out shenanigans; the two tour the parking circle in the front of the building, destroying about a dozen construction barrels before they make their way over toward the loading dock on the side of the arena.



At one point, Chris Caulfield finds a crowbar on the ground and begins swinging it like it’s a baseball bat. Eddie Peak is nutty-nutty, his eyes bulging, and comes in swinging fists, crowbar be damned, before eating three or four shots and dropping to one knee.



Caulfield leads the dazed “Great White Shark” back into the arena through a side and shoves him toward one of the concession areas. In a flash, people have collapsed the empty space between the two men and the merchandise counter and are dangerously close to the action as Caulfield tries to slam Peak’s head into the display.



A woman screams as Peak hits the glass, forearm first. He is cut, dripping onto the floor but paying no attention to it as he gets back to his feet. There is a moment where Caulfield and Peak get set to launch into each other again, but it is gone in an instant as the area is flooded with uniformed police officers.



Considering there is no referee and this really wasn’t even a match, it just sort of comes to an end with the police struggling to pull Caulfield and Peak apart before they get back at it again.



Phil’s Story Notes: This is going to be one of the storylines that I use to push the envelope with what the old USPW fans expect.



Stoppage @ 8:22















Sam Strong is about thirty feet from his parked pickup truck when he is encircled by two or three dozen fans, all giving him pats on the back and extending things for him to sign. He smiles and grabs the one closest to him, a copy of Pro Wrestling Insider magazine from the late eighties that has him, young and pumped up to the max, in full color on the cover.



As he scribbles his name on it, a few uniformed security team members begin pushing through the throng, apparently trying to help Strong get to his truck by controlling the crowd. Strong looks distracted as he hands the man back to the fan and gets set to pose with another for a picture, probably thinking about all he has learned about Nicky Champion and his daughter.



Suddenly, one of the security guards lashes out and belts Sam……






….with a silver knobbed cane. When the camera refocuses on them, the three security guards are revealed to be Peter Valentine, Casey Valentine, and Jumbo Jackson. They beat Sam from pillar to post in the parking area as the many fans standing there scatter in all directions. Once they are satisfied that he is not moving, the three hustle to a nearby limo and hop into the back, screeching of moments later. But before they turn the corner and fade into the darkness, the limo stops and the back window comes down. A hand emerges, holding the PWI magazine that Sam signed, and drops it onto the wet pavement.


















Nicky Champion vs. Rick Law


Result: The personal issues are plain as day and those issues existence drive this match, which is as stiff and tight as it gets. In fact, there aren’t even any moves to call in the early going as the bout never ventures far from the ‘punches and kicks’ frame.


Things spill to the floor and the fight continues, but after starting his count, referee Ryan Holland looks over toward Phil Vibert, who is in Law’s corner, and comes to a stop.



SD: “This is NOT another streetfight, fans, but apparently referee Holland is relaxing the rules a bit to make sure there is a clear winner.”



ER: “I have no problem with that, Doakes. He’s the Hardcore Ref, what did you expect?”



MS: “It looked to me like Vibert had something to do with it; like he endorsed Holland’s leniency.”



Law finally is able to take control by whipping Champion into the new flat black wall style barricade. Nicky grimaces and tries to stand, but Law is on him quickly, flipping him backward over the wall with a vicious running boot.



Nicky is almost out on his feet and barely has time to think before Law puts him though the ringer, beating him around the floor some more before rolling him back into the ring and turning it on further.



Law follows up a spinebuster by lifting Champion onto the top turnbuckle and hooking him before superplexing him brutally back down to the canvas. It begins looking bleak until Nicky begins firing up, bringing up very obvious comparisons to Sam Strong, and weathers Law’s now fruitless forearm barrage.



It only takes the now-staggering Rick Law a second to sense he is being set up for Nicky’s superkick and he rolls to the floor. Holland follows him over but doesn’t see him pull his nightstick from the corner and come back into the ring, concealing it the whole way. Law pretends to weave a bit, drawing the still weathered Champion into the stance that he delivers his superkick from once again. But before Nicky can strike, Law charges forward, fitting the baton against his forearm and annihilating Champion with a running shot that knocks both men head over heels over the top rope and to the floor. The baton skitters away in the mayhem and, after a few seconds, Rick Law gets to his feet.



But Nicky Champion does not. He is out like a light, on his back with one arm crossed over his chest. If it weren’t for the shallow choppy breaths that make his chest rise and fall over and over again, he would look almost dead. Ryan Holland hops to the floor and gets a look before waving his arms and calling for the bell, stopping the match.



SD: “Looks like Rick Law’s promise came true. He damn near just killed Nicky Champion.”



MS: “He’s a bad, bad man, Doakes. And as the long arm of justice operating for one Mr. Phil Vibert, he’s one of the most dangerous men in our business today.”



ER: “Wow, how about that. For the first time tonight, I agree with you two clowns. Rick Law is a MAN among boys ‘round these parts, and you better not forget it. Nicky Champion sure won’t.”





Phil’s Story Notes: This is a pairing that I will be putting in my pocket for use later, as we got an unexpected good chemistry note. Champion is already very over due to his constant involvement with Sam Strong, so dropping a little bit of it to Law, who is going to be one the main men around here for the length of his contract, makes a lot of sense. And in the short term, Rick Law stays as strong as possible. For some reason, Nicky never drops below a certain point, which is awesome and awesomely exploitable.



Rick Law wins via stoppage @ 14:11













Copyright PWC 2010

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Absolutely Excellent, one of the best show write up I've ever seen, the new TV title is beautiful, a reaper best in the business was a great touch, Eddie Peak and the whole moving in, with the set being put up was really good< and the addition of Emily Royal will be cool. Now the transition to PWC I can really, really get behind this, can't wait for this going forward.
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