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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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Enygma vs. James Justice – Stipulation to be Decided via Online Poll


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews – PWC TV Title Rematch


EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade


Peter Valentine vs. “AJ” Andre Jones – Million Dollar Title Match


Brutus O’Reilly vs. Roderick Remus


El Leon vs. American Optimus



Main Event Match Stipulation: One of Big Smack Scott's ladies on a pole Match.


Barring that, a Womens' Championship on a pole Match.


Barring that,

Exploding Death Match


Barring that, Santa's Little Helper match.



Picked Enygma to keep the pattern I had going.

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Enygma vs. James Justice – Stipulation to be Decided via Online Poll

Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews – PWC TV Title Rematch

EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade

Peter Valentine vs. “AJ” Andre Jones – Million Dollar Title Match

Brutus O’Reilly vs. Roderick Remus

El Leon vs. American Optimus


Main Event Match Stipulation: Exploding Death Match

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Enygma vs. James Justice – Stipulation to be Decided via Online Poll

Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews – PWC TV Title Rematch

EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade

Peter Valentine vs. “AJ” Andre Jones – Million Dollar Title Match

Brutus O’Reilly vs. Roderick Remus

El Leon vs. American Optimus

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Live This Wednesday on Sports America



Enygma vs. James Justice – Stipulation to be Decided via Online Poll


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews – PWC TV Title Rematch


EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade


Peter Valentine vs. “AJ” Andre Jones – Million Dollar Title Match


Brutus O’Reilly vs. Roderick Remus


El Leon vs. American Optimus



Main Event Match Stipulation:A good ol' fashioned Strap Match! :p

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  • 2 weeks later...






















Big Smack Scott leans back in the overstuffed leather chair that sits behind the desk of his office with the Women's Championship sitting folded on the desk in front of him. The air around him gets cloudy from the huge cigar he smokes. The relaxed atmosphere is broken as Belle Bryden angrily pushes the door open.



BB: “Give me my title, Smack. I don’t know who you think you are, but…..”



Scott pauses, puffing a bit more on his cigar. He then leans forward, looks at Belle, and blows a wide smoke ring around her head.



BSS: “Your title?”



BB: “This isn't some game, Scott. That one….”



She points to the new PWC Women’s Title.



BB: “…..was supposed to replace the old one; the USPW strap, wasn’t it?”



Scott ashes the stogie and rests it in the ashtray before opening a drawer. He pulls out the old, dusty USPW Women's Championship, sliding it across the desk to Belle, his gaze never wavering from her.



Belle, annoyed, waves away the smoke and looks at "her" title.



The nameplate is missing.



BB: “Jesus Christ, Scott, where is the nameplate?”



Scott takes another puff of the cigar before putting it back in the ashtray again.



BSS: “Huh? Oh, your name there? Yeah, I put it up on my board.”



Big Smack gestures to his left, and Belle turns to see a bulletin board with the following header:



Women to Invite to the Smack Hotel



Various names dot the board, but perhaps most noticeable is the nameplate from the USPW title on top: Belle Bryden’s nameplate. Aside from being made of metal compared to the paper slips the other names are on, it is accompanied by a picture.



BB: “What the...”



Bryden walks to the board, confused as to what she sees, her mouth growing agape as she takes it all in and makes sense of it.



The picture is an 8x10 glossy, of "Wanda Fish" in a bikini. A rather small bikini. Belle rips it off the board and slams it onto the desk.



BB: “Where in the hell did you get this?!”



BSS: “The picture? Oh, it's from my personal collection. You see…”



The Big Smack stands up, putting the cigar out in his hand before reaching into another drawer behind his desk, pulling out a folder. He spreads the contents of it on his desk for Belle.



BSS: “…..making a brand new PCDub Women's division isn't just about parading ass around on PPV. And no, it's not just about parading some asses around on TV, either. Though I'll do that.”



Belle slowly flips through the pictures as Scott talks.



BSS: “No, it's about brand recognition. The Big Smack? Don't matter if this is PCDub, TCDub, SCDub or whatever the hell promotion you want. People know me, recognize me, buy my merchandise.”



Scott turns the bulletin board over, revealing a calendar.



BSS: “Behold the Smack’s new project.”



BB: “But how….how did you...?”



BSS: “Make a calendar? That's the thing: women, they're good at some stuff. Not wearing clothes is probably my favorite. So I figure: what are people going to want about women? And that's when it hit me: pictures. People don't want to actually touch you. If they did, they would. And seeing as how I don't see a ring on that finger…..”



Scott tries to lift up Belle's left hand but she pulls it away sharply.



BSS: “….looks like men don't be touching on you. Now I can fix that. Calendars, see, they got plenty of women on each page. People buy them, look at you, see you in the ring, it's perfect. Easy money. And girl, if you want Vibs to keep you on the payroll, going to have to work hard for the money. That's how you'll get treated right.



Belle slowly turns from Scott back to the photos. She sees one peeking out from behind a leggy figure and pulls it to the forefront.



Belle's jaw drops.



BB: “How...did you get...THIS?”



Bryden holds up the picture to Scott's face (and thereby the camera).



BSS: “That's you.”






BSS: “If that's what kids are calling it these days, then yes.”



BB: “When did I do that?”



BSS: “Pretty sure that was about 8 days ago. At our photo shoot.”



BB: “Eight days ago?! I was sleeping at home!”



BSS: Correct. You were sleeping at home. Then...well, I guess you put on a-what did you call it?”



BB: “A thong?”



BSS: Yeah, that. A thong; so it turns out that you're really easy to pose when you're unconscious.”



BB: “WHAT?!”



BSS: “You. Are really easy to pose…..”



Scott turns the picture back to her and points to said pose.



BSS: “….when you're unconscious. Did I stutter?”



BB: “So...you kidnapped me?”



BSS: “I didn't hear any protest, baby. The Smacker don’t get any negative press from the ladies.”











Copyright PWC 2011

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What does that mean?


Exploding Deathmatch is the current lead in your online poll.


And I haven't read the above segment but CHLORINNNNE IN MY NOSSSSEEEEE CAN'T BREATHEEEEE


BB: “Jesus Christ, Scott, where is the nameplate?”



Scott takes another puff of the cigar before putting it back in the ashtray again.



BSS: “Huh? Oh, your name there? Yeah, I put it up on my board.”



Big Smack gestures to his left, and Belle turns to see a bulletin board with the following header:



Women to Invite to the Smack Hotel


whyyyyyyy I can't sand it. I can't...stop laughing...



BSS: “The picture? Oh, it's from my personal collection. You see…”


Bleeding out the nose. I am bleeding from my nose I can't stifle my laughter.


BSS: “….looks like men don't be touching on you. Now I can fix that. Calendars, see, they got plenty of women on each page. People buy them, look at you, see you in the ring, it's perfect. Easy money. And girl, if you want Vibs to keep you on the payroll, going to have to work hard for the money. That's how you'll get treated right.


Will she have to work hard for it, honey?


And Big Smack Scott puts out his stogie, then magically takes a puff of another? Then puts it out in his hand?! wH...WHY? I CAN jalsd;a


BB: “So...you kidnapped me?”



BSS: “I didn't hear any protest, baby. The Smacker don’t get any negative press from the ladies.”


Oh god. It hurts so much. I think I busted a vein...

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Live on Sports America

Week 2 February

Miami Beach, FL









Brutus O’ Reilly vs. Roderick Remus



Result: Quite the kick off for the pre-show; Brutus O’ Reilly’s in ring debut is a monstrous squash as he plows through the overmatched Remus in just over two minutes, ending the whole thing with a huge left hook that sends Remus facefirst to the mat. Referee Baby Jamie starts checking him for signs of consciousness before O’Reilly rolls him over and covers him, barely breaking a sweat in the process.



SD: “Wow. An impressive debut for Brutus O’Reilly; Darryl Devine and Seduction are lucky to have him watching their backs.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Got to start getting him over at some point. The angles with Devine help, but the in ring stuff at this point in his career is irreplaceable. Remus is a good jobber and a good soldier who will have a job here for quite some time doing jobs like this.



Brutus O’ Reilly wins via pinfall @ 2:09









A Fed Ex driver, his blue company ballcap pulled low, walks around backstage, looking at the name on his package and trying to match it up with the correct office door. A pair of young blonde interns pass him on their way to get coffee and ask him if he needs help.



Driver: “I’m looking for Phil Vibert. I have a registered letter from Sports America for him.”



One of the blondes points down the hall toward the CEO’s office, sending the smiling driver on his way, whistling as he heads off.









El Leon vs. American Optimus



Result: When the loud lion’s growl fills the arena and El Leon walks out onto the stage, fists raised, our webcast show fans have come to expect a super fast paced match with a taste of lucha libre. This match doesn’t disappoint, with Leon outworking the too-clever-for-his-own-good AE and catching him unaware with his handspring back elbow finisher to take the match.



SD: “Once again, the Mexican import El Leon scores a solid victory here in PWC. The sky is the limit for this youngster, I’m sure of it.”



Phil’s Story Notes: A basic squash match, even though it was as high octane as we could make it. I’m going to make sure that the fans have a taste for this style of wrestling before I fully launch the division and I’m going to give a few guys some traction in the process.



El Leon wins via pinfall @ 5:33










Matt Hocking gets a rub down from Sara Silver and the two go over their strategy for tonight’s match up against Glenn & Spade. They both seem to notice at the same time that Remmy Skye is not there.



MH: “Where’s Remmy anyway?”



Silver continues rubbing Hocking’s shoulders.



SS: “I’m not sure; he’s been staying in a lot more lately…..”



Hocking sighs and then holds up his hair so she can get his neck.



MH: “Maybe he’s partied out or something?”



It only hangs in the air for a second before they both have a good laugh at the prospect of Remmy being partied out.



MH: “Nah, he’s always been a bit of a weirdo. He’ll be ready to go when the bell rings tonight, I’m sure of it. Regardless of what he does after the show.”



SS: “So you’re still good to hit the clubs tonight though, right?”



Hocking smirks.



MH: “You know it.”







Show Open










The show opens with the pop-pop-pop of the pyro and the now typical camera cruise of the ringside fans, focusing on the two or three very, very good looking women in the front row.





When the cameras go backstage, Phil Vibert is on his way to the ring. Law and Thatcher, beside him on either side, are on high alert, keeping their eyes peeled for The Brotherhood, who have it known they are hunting Vibert. From off to the left, Koshiro Ino walks up with some paperwork that he forces into Vibert’s hands. Vibert gives them a quick once over.



PV: “You want another match with Tyson Baine?”



He slaps the papers back into Ino’s chest.



PV: “Take it up with him yourself. I’ve got other things to worry about.”



As if on cue, the Fed Ex delivery driver from earlier whistles his way past the angered but walking away Ino and puts the letter into the exasperated Phil’s hands.



Driver: “Phil Vibert, right?”



Vibert nods.



Driver: “That’s for you, then. Have a nice day.”



Phil tears the envelope open and begins reading the enclosed letter. He looks like he is about to explode before stifling it, turning back to his normal color, and smirking slightly. Suddenly, he turns his head, getting the attention of both Law and Thatcher in doing so.



PV: “You know what? One of you; go and bring the car around.”



He looks around and listens to the silence. Is someone there?



PV: “I don’t want to be here; get me out of here.”



Thatcher nods at Law before hustling off, keys in hand. Law draws his baton and gets closer to Vibert.



PV: “I’ve got some thinking to do.”



He looks around, stopping dead in his tracks.



PV: “And besides……”



The company car comes roaring around the corner, its engine wide open; Law opens the door and waits as Thatcher sit in the driver’s seat, waiting for Phil.



PV: “Something’s not right here.”



As the car screeches off…..





The cameras pull back to reveal The Brotherhood, lying in wait, just beyond the corridor that Vibert was inevitably headed toward. Nemesis just smiles as he holds an arm out, keeping the frothing Eddie and Doug just under the cover of shadows.











<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RemmySkye_Self2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RemmySkye_Self2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=MattHocking_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/MattHocking_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS



Result: These teams really jive; they put together some awesome sequences and draw the capacity crowd’s attention instantly. And the friction following last week’s ladder match is tangible between them. Spade and Hocking get paired off time and time again in the early going, facing off three or four times with neither man coming out on top, despite both men being on top of their game.



EXCESS takes the reigns a couple of minutes in, and quickness shows on the double team opportunities they have; this time they score, turning a jaw breaker attempt by KC Glenn into a double wheelbarrow driver that almost nets a three count.



But Glenn and Spade start rebuilding their momentum, first with a questionable punch from Spade that lands below Hocking’s belt, and finally with a plethora of suplexes in the same run that causes Glenn to pull down his straps and yell out to no one in particular.



They move in for the kill and separate Hocking from his partner, dropping him on his head with a double DDT before going for their finisher.



Remmy Skye thinks he might have an angle and climbs to the top turnbuckle as Glenn and Spade set up Hocking. At the last possible second, Skye extends, leaping, going for it all…….and missing.



Hocking gets caught in the finisher, and predictably gets pinned. Silver rushes to the aid of Hocking even though Skye is also hurt, having fallen out of the ring, holding his ribs at ringside.



SD: “And that’s a familiar sight: Hocking hurt, Silver at his side…..”



MS: “Hey Remmy’s hurt, too. He took a big chance and almost won them the match.”



ER: “Yeah, but where’s his hug? Silver’s still managing him too, right?”





“Hello again!”



The DWB comes rumbling down the ramp headed toward the ring with obviously bad intentions. But before we get a replay of last week’s post ladder match beatdown….





The Flying Elvises come cruising down the ramp behind them, each pompadoured crooner wielding a guitar in his right hand.



And they don’t wait, letting the surprise drop onto Hogg’s and Harley’s head with extreme prejudice, dropping both massive bikers to their knees. There is a small trickle of blood finding its way down the bridge of Hogg’s nose as he gets back up and turns around in time to see Memphis and Allen hightailing it back up the ramp.



SD: “Well, it looks like the Flying Elvises saved both EXCESS and Glenn & Spade a beatdown at the hands of those two big nasties!”



MS: “Yeah, but now they’ve gotta keep their eyes out for the DWB themselves. I wouldn’t want those monsters thinking they had a score to settle with me; not at all.”



Phil’s Story Notes: More development on this feud/storyline and some outstanding economy in getting as many people on screen in position to shine as possible. And everyone benefited from this match, I guarantee it. The DWB are getting over quickly, too, you might want to keep that in mind.



Glenn & Spade win via pinfall @ 6:24












Peter Valentine comes honking out onto the arena floor behind the wheel of a vintage corvette, ready for his match against the struggling Andre Jones. And, as usual, he takes his time getting to the ring, soaking in all the boos with a smile as he raises the diamond studded Million Dollar Belt over his head.



Andre Jones is already in the ring, ready to go, but the entitled elitist Valentine, struts across the ring and grabs the ring announcer’s microphone, holding up the proceedings so he can talk.



PV: “Aaron Andrews, I don’t know who you think you are, or who your lawyers think they are……”



He smiles again; wide enough that you’d think he was running for office.



PV: “But MY lawyers are a pack of wolves and they can’t wait to get your glorified public defenders into court to tear them limb from limb!”



Valentine loosens his tie, realizing he has blown up somewhat, trying to relax a bit.



PV: “But in business, there’s always another way, isn’t there?”



PV: “Why would you even want to get lawyers and take me to court if you didn’t want to get paid? That’s what this is really about, isn’t it Andrews? That’s why you came out and threatened me last week, isn’t it?”



He can’t continue; his words drowned out by Aaron Andrews’ music blasting and filling in the building. Andrews comes out onto the stage in a new to PWCShop.com t-shirt and his gear, holding a microphone of his own.



AA: “Are you offering me money? Like you want me to settle with you? Why shouldn’t I take you to the cleaners? You hit me with your car!”



Valentine shakes his head in denial.



AA: “I COULD put you out on the street couldn’t I, rich guy? I could take everything you have…..”



Valentine suddenly turns and goes a different direction, deciding to plead with Andrews instead.



PV: “Look, we can keep this out of the courts, Aaron. Realistically, there’s no way that your lawyers will be able to put me behind the wheel of that car. No way.”



Andrews surprisingly nods. With the blacked out windows, it was impossible to tell who was driving when it happened on TV.



PV: “Let’s make some sort of deal and put all of this behind us. What do you want? Make this lawsuit go away and you can name your price. Anything.”



Andrews doesn’t flinch.



AA: “Anything? I guess that’s something I’d need to think about.”



With that he turns the microphone over and flicks it off, leaving Valentine staring at him from the ring as the bell rings, signaling the start of the tycoon’s match.











Result: With Aaron Andrews lurking on the stage after his challenge, Peter Valentine has a hard time focusing and turning back the constant pressure that Andre Jones brings to this match.



MS: “He needs to get his head in the game, Doakes!”



SD: “I agree.”



That said, when it counts, Valentine reverses an irish whip, knees AJ in the belly, and disposes of Jones with his longtime finisher, his vaunted shoulderbreaker.



SD: “His eyes might’ve spent more time trained on Aaron Andrews than they have on his opponent tonight, but Peter Valentine retains his million dollar title.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Another victory for Peter, another loss for Andre Jones; all is right with the PWC hierarchy. And I’d hate to mention it again, but I’m amazed at how much heat one throwaway segment turned storyline has gathered.



Peter Valentine wins via pinfall @ 5:09












T-Rex is walking backstage as we head into the commercial, his headband already soaked with sweat as though he has just come from the weight room, where he is a near permanent resident.



SD: “That’s a dangerous man, right there.”



MS: “I wonder what he’s doing? Is he coming to the ring, Doakes?”



















Prodigy Jay Chord is in the ring when the program’s longest cluster of commercial breaks is over, clad in his leather jacket and his ring gear.



JC: “I believe my time paying dues around here are just about over……”



He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence and brood before some familiar loud rock fills the arena and the fans begin craning their heads toward the stage; some begin chanting.



Streak! Streak! Streak! Streak! Streak! Streak! Streak! Streak!



SD: “Does that answer your question from earlier, Mickey?”



T-Rex’s oiled and massive shoulders glow under the ring lights and he completely dwarfs Jay Chord, who strips off his leather and stands toe to toe with the undefeated beast.



Referee Baby Jamie slides under the bottom rope behind them and calls for the bell.











T-Rex vs. Prodigy Jay Chord



Result: Give the upstart Prodigy some credit; he takes the fight right to T-Rex. But that doesn’t appear to be a great strategy either as Rex eats him up, tossing the young punk all over the ring with his collection of simple, power based offense. Dez Davidz, joining the broadcast team to add some color commentary to this match, is all over Chord, laughing at one point when Rex press slams him to the floor like he weighs nothing.



And, as so many have done before him, when Rex steps in behind the nearly out on his feet Chord and locks in the “Jurassic Crush”, Chord fights for a few seconds before tapping frantically, ending the match.



MS: “Another one bites the dust, guys. T-Rex just keeps piling up the bodies.”



SD: “And, I don’t think that’s enough for him any more. Look at him.”



Back in the ring, T-Rex is standing over the struggling Jay Chord looking directly into the hard camera, making a belt motion around his waist.



MS: “That says it all.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m really excited about T-Rex going forward. His arc can go as quickly or as slowly depending on what the rest of the card dictates. And having a couple of high profile losses on his record early (to Kudo and now T-Rex) will help Jay Chord get over just as much as beating up some jobbers will. Plus, it keeps me from having him in that “when was the last time he lost/have I booked him as unbeatable?” area that I can traditionally back myself into with some guys.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 4:04











Cameras shoot backstage where Tyson Baine and Koshiro Ino are once again brawling, picking up right where they left off last week in the back of the tractor-trailer truck. Ino lands a few hard knife edge chops before backing up (pushing his way through some now gathering staffers as he does so) and knocking Baine to one knee with a huge running boot. He looks around for just a second before spotting something he can use for a weapon, a baking sheet on a nearby catering table. But as he raises it over his head, Baine lashes out with an uppercut, his fist unsurprisingly wrapped in his ever present chain.



Ino topples backward instantly, grabbing at his face. Several staffers surround him and security begins pouring in from all sides. The blood on his face is substantial, and one of the staffers, road agent Craig Prince, holds a towel against the wound as six or seven security thicknecks redirect the still charged up Baine down the adjoining hallway.



But as Baine backpedals, he smiles, realizing the damage he has caused as a trio of paramedics rush up and begin treating Ino.
















Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews

-TV Title Rematch-



Result: Surprise, Devine and Andrews might steal the show with this barnburner, turning up the intensity in this match one hundred percent from their last encounter, while seemingly picking up right where they left off last week.



Darryl Devine asks for a microphone on the way to the ring, holding up his cast and saying that, after wrestling only seven days ago, that he’s too hurt and can’t compete this evening.



Eventually though, after Devine is cajoled into the ring by the jeering ringside fans, we are treated to some serious technical wrestling, with drop toe holds, front face-locks, bridges, and cravats galore; it is truly a display, a clinic for the wannabes and never were’s. And just like their last encounter, the time seems to fly by.



SD: “We’ve got a fight on our hands!”



MS: “An old school fight, Doakes. My favorite!”



But, as the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and Devine’s entourage, just by being at ringside, draws Aaron’s attention. At one point, after another glorious match, Andrews gets stuck on the floor and has a stand off with Brutus O’ Reilly, who is more interested in protecting Seduction than interceding on the TV champion’s behalf, as his job description demands.



But Devine sucker punches Andrews from behind with his cast as Seduction holds the referee’s attention with an amazing cleavage shot and rolls him under the rope.






SD: “ONE!”



SD: “TWO!”



Andrews does not move.






Devine rolls to the floor and quickly makes his way back up the ramp with his entourage, leaving the referee to watch the replay of the match’s finish on the jumbotron in the ring alone with the unconscious Andrews.



Phil’s Story Notes: I had to do it again. I had to. There was no other choice after their last match graded out so well, however, on this night, it couldn’t be the main event with the Enygma/Liberty confrontation. I hope that doesn’t come back to haunt me. What amuses me is that these grades are being attained without a real storyline of any kind to support it as both Devine and Andrews are doing completely different things.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 24:33










As has been being sold by the announce team in little bits throughout the broadcast, it is time to finally reveal the online voting results and find out what type of match Enygma and James Justice will engage in in tonight’s main event.


Strap: 30%


Ladder: 19%


Cage: 10%


Ballbat on a Pole: 41%













Enygma vs. James Justice

-Ballbat on a Pole Match-



Result: With the stipulation just revealed, tonight’s main event gets an extra layer of intrigue, which is crazy when you consider the recent history between the two men involved. Justice comes out to the ring doing the Liberty shtick, grinning widely, dancing around and tousling the hair of a young looking teenager who is sitting at ringside.



And try as he might, Enygma, obviously looking to tear into his hated rival, can’t quite get the fun loving hippie to engage him, with the blonde veteran insistent on doing everything but get in the ring.



Tired of waiting, Enygma makes for the corner and begins climbing the pole, reaching the ballbat with his fingertips and wrestling it down, jumping down off the turnbuckles with it drawn back, ready to strike, almost expecting Justice to have gotten behind him.



But Justice is still on the floor, now playing air guitar and looking every bit as goofy as he did in HGC years ago. Enygma, frustrated beyond belief, slides to the floor and gets right in behind Justice as he fingertap-solos a run on his air guitar only he can hear. Even the swell of the crowd as Enygma rears back with the bat doesn’t break his rhythm.



SD: “Look out!”



MS: “He has no idea it’s coming!”






Enygma lambastes Justice from behind, sending him straight to the concrete in a heap; the crowd’s reaction is oddly mixed as Enygma rears back and contemplates taking another shot at the downed hippie.



SD: “Okay, enough’s enough. Justice is obviously going to be unable to continue in this match. There’s no reason to hit a man when he’s down!”



ER: “No reason? I’m not Enygma’s biggest fan, but he’s got about a dozen reasons to lay another shot or two onto James Justice! Haven’t you been watching what’s unfolded between them over the last few months?”



SD: “I have, but it seems like…….”



Enygma, looking out over the crowd as they stand and watch, doesn’t see Justice get to his feet, his grinning face replaced by the gritted teeth scowl we’ve seen before.



SD: “It seems like he’s two different people!”



Justice reaches out and snatches the bat from a shocked Enygma’s grasp, loading up and swinging away before the mysterious one can even react.









Enygma is bleeding when he hits the ground and cannot defend himself as Justice stomps him a good three or four times with the heel of his boot before raising the bat over his head again.









Justice doesn’t wait anywhere near as long, dropping a second…..a third……and a fourth shot onto the fallen form. Referee Ryan Holland, standing by and watching the awkward proceedings cannot watch any longer and calls for the bell.



SD: “I don’t even know what the decision was in this one and frankly, to be honest, I don’t care. That was a disgusting display from a man I’m not sure anyone knows anymore.”



Paramedics rush to ringside and surround the downed Enygma, slowly loading him onto a wheeled gurney after gingerly positioning a safety collar around his head; Justice walks up the ramp, passing them as they fly by, his head down, his face blank.



Phil’s Story Notes: Hoping for a good grade out of this one; taking this storyline between two of our originals almost as far as I can. But there are a few tricks up the sleeves of even the most rudimentary bookers, and you know I’m one of the best.



Sports Entertainment Finish @ 15:59














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.... NoNeck says what?



Yeah, I had to do something. I got nowhere near the amount of responses I figured I would, so I just went with it and picked one myself. Dealer's choice, I guess, in this case.



And I did consider the ones that were submitted but I didn't think I could get away with having an exploding death match on TV, even with the Sports America vs. Phil storyline, and having one of BSS's ladies on a pole match is.....



......well, let's just save that for another day, shall we? ;)



Hope everyone enjoyed the show anyway.

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#Hello Again: Totally read this in Lobo's (Of DC comics fame) voice , lol'd heartily.


#Jay Chord: Trust me, Chord being a whiny b#tch heel, proclaiming himself the best, but losing to guys like T-Rex actually really fits his character rather well

#over20minutemaineventfortheTVtitle :cool:

#TheBrotherhood: You might kill me for saying this, but I think a Doug Peak turn is almost inevitable. Eddie is too valuable to be used as a tag team; Doug will join up with Vibert at some point down the road.

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By the way, that 2 minute squash didn't help anyone's popularity. Wasn't long enough.


Unless I'm wrong, in which case *shakes fist*



A Fed Ex driver, his blue company ballcap pulled low, walks around backstage, looking at the name on his package and trying to match it up with the correct office door. A pair of young blonde interns pass him on their way to get coffee and ask him if he needs help.



Driver: “I’m looking for Phil Vibert. I have a registered letter from Sports America for him.”



One of the blondes points down the hall toward the CEO’s office, sending the smiling driver on his way, whistling as he heads off.


*Hopes Big Smack Scott's door's nameplate hasn't changed.*




American Optimus is Roderick Remus, guys. It's so obvious. Look at the hair!




focusing on the two or three very, very good looking women in the front row.


Obvious BSS plants are obvious. Their tops are not going to stay on them for long.



Seduction holds the referee’s attention with an amazing cleavage shot


Dammit, somebody gif this!

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Some great comments to come back to. Let's get to them. :)



#Hello Again: Totally read this in Lobo's (Of DC comics fame) voice , lol'd heartily.


#Jay Chord: Trust me, Chord being a whiny b#tch heel, proclaiming himself the best, but losing to guys like T-Rex actually really fits his character rather well

#over20minutemaineventfortheTVtitle :cool:

#TheBrotherhood: You might kill me for saying this, but I think a Doug Peak turn is almost inevitable. Eddie is too valuable to be used as a tag team; Doug will join up with Vibert at some point down the road.



I hear you about Jay Chord, Celt. Game mechanics aside, losing to Haruki Kudo and T-Rex in story still sets his bar pretty high. He's come in with a strong push, promo wise and character set up wise and it's not as if he's getting squashed by El Leon; the unreal overness of both Rex and the heat on the undefeated storyline are the type of things you really need to take advantage of when you've got them.


Can't say you didn't pop into my head once or twice when I wrote the Devine/Andrews stuff. ;) They both have plus endurance and great chemistry as opponents, so figured I would give it a go; having a highlight film match for the sake of having a highlight film match to go alongside what both guys have going on storywise. To be completely honest, I was grade chasing a bit.


And I can see your point about Eddie Peak's value being to much to leave in a tag team. But, I would submit to you that Eddie, alongside Nemesis, is going to get Doug super over in no time, provided Doug doesn't have a cap. In my mind, it's a lot like what has happened with the team of Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher. Thatcher has gotten way more over due to his teaming with Law and his association with Phil than he should be based on his skill level, which is all pretty lacking, save his menace. And Law and Thatcher are only linked by their roles as Vibert's enforcer and bodyguard, the Peak brothers..... are brothers, a gimme for any booker, especially one like Phil (or me via Phil) that likes tag team wrestling so much.



And if your inevitable turn idea comes to pass......and I'm saying if.....Doug is going to need to be as over as he possibly can be, right?



Not to mention, I really love the name The Brotherhood. The day I thought of it, I remember feeling like I accomplished something. :)



Dammit, somebody gif this!


I'm sure you can find it online somewhere, EH. :D



Excellent show. Surprising main event finish, I hope it grades out well for you as well. And I enjoyed Vibert being able to "feel" that something wasn't right around the corner from him.


I got it! He has ESP!





Thanks Shutout. I'm having a lot of fun with the Enygma/Justice-Liberty story and am anxious to see what everyone's opinion is of the direction their storyline takes from here. I've been planning this particular part of things for a good while now. It's one of the bets parts of doing these diaries, getting to those big moments that you envisioned way back in the beginning. I'm set to start dropping those like dominoes.



The Vibert feeling the Brotherhood's presence thing just felt like such a scene from a suspense movie to me. I'm not giving too much away when I say that this Nemesis/Peaks/Vibert storyline is going to be huge as it builds and will have a huge effect on the entire game world going forward.



However, speaking for Phil, he doesn't have ESP. Or at least he says it doesn't come on his basic cable package. The only sport he likes is wrestling anyway.




The first part of a monumental Three Part Guest Booker segment posts tomorrow at noon (EST). Look for it. You'll like it. I promise.




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“You know, I’ve been trying to come up with a way to pay you back for the Eddie Peak editor incident for a little while now…..”



Phil smiles and begins rubbing his hands together.



“And you know, when you stuck us with the breakfast bill this morning…..as I was sitting there, watching you through the window as you laughed at us from your car in the parking lot……”











“I was recording that whole thing on my camera phone you know.”







“It’s hilarious.”






“I think I’m going to put it on Youtube.”











“While that was happening, I got a great idea.”



“You did? I don’t see ‘ideas’ being your strong suit.”









“When you were ‘mastering the game, Phil…..”



“Yeah, that’s what I said; it’s the truth. It’s getting pretty easy.”



“Did you happen to do any reading about Narratives?”



“I think I saw something about them on one of the discussion boards that talks about this game. A dedicated pack of nerds they are.”






“They’re for historical mods, right? To make things happen to the game world…..”






"What did you do?”

















Copyright PWC 2011

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EXCLUSIVE: Washington Post Article Rocks PWC; Champion Busted; Covered Up






(AP)- According to a recent story broken by Timothy Minchin of the Washington Post, which concerned the local attorney general's office's involvement in the cover up of several potentially high profile cases, one of the cases swept under the rug was the arrest of professional wrestler Nick Anderson, who performs under the name Nicky Champion.



It states in the now surfacing arrest report that Anderson, 27, was found to be in possession of over three hundred Oxycontin pills that were not prescribed to him after a routine traffic stop this past June. The officer on the scene said Anderson was cooperative but quite heavily under the influence of a substance, presumed to be the one he was found in possession of. He allowed a blood test at the county holding area, but the results are still unknown.



Anderson is employed by PWC, the re-branded version of the company he was working for at the time of his arrest, USPW. When approached for comment both Anderson, PWC directed all inquiries to their respective legal counsels.



It is worth noting that, after being informed of the pending release of the story's facts, PWC ownership held Anderson off of last week's television show.











Copyright PWC 2011

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"I hate you, do you know that?"



"I knew you wouldn't be pleased about it, but it is what it is; payback for the Eddie Peak editor incident."



"This is totally different. This is...."






"This is you taking advantage of me; taking advantage of the things I say in this interview and the things that I write in my post match booking notes."






"Because why else would you have picked Champion? Why not KC Glenn or Andre Jones?'








"I DID; I DID choose Champion intentionally, and I DID do it to screw with your long term booking plans. It's called payback, Phil."






"And you know something else....."






"If the truth is to be told, except for a few things here and there, I haven't been all that impressed with how you've done overall."






"I mean, you're just getting to national now, so unless you're suicidal, going head to head with either the SWF or TCW is quite a way off, which was really how this Guest Booker was supposed to play out."






"I mean, for someone that most everyone credits with revolutionizing the business, I'm beginning to think that your reputation as a 'genius' is a byproduct of DaVE's success and not the other way around. DaVE made you, Phil. You didn't make DaVE."






























































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