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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 4 August

St. Petersburg, FL















Sam Strong is behind his desk in his office, slowly putting all of his accumulated trophies and trinkets into boxes. He takes a long look at one particular photo, of he and Alicia the day he purchased USPW, for a long time before wrapping it in paper and placing it gently inside one of the boxes.



SS: “This is going to be the hardest part, brother, not coming back to work; not being here with the boys day in and day out, up and down those roads…..”



A pair of lawyers knock before opening the door and pushing past Alicia and Peter Valentine, urgently going over every possible scenario in which they could avoid or put off the corporate buyout by Phil Vibert and his backers.








And while Sam postpones his packing to hear out their theories, Nicky Champion walks in amidst the boxes and, with his eyes to the floor, moves toward a chair in the corner. But before he can sit down, Valentine steps in his way, glowering, nostrils flaring.



PV: “This is on you, young ‘un. You let him down. And I’m not going to let you forget it.”



Even though he is speaking softly, everyone stops what they are doing; the tension is instantaneous.



NC: “Peter, I…..”



But before he can get the rest of his sentence out, Valentine violently shoves him with two hands, knocking Sam’s protégé backward into the chair. Both Strongs move to get involved, but it is over, Valentine walks out in a huff leaving Champion dumbfounded and wide-eyed.


















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Alicia Strong/Alexis Lee vs. Belle Bryden/Cherry Bomb


Result: Belle Bryden is everything she has been advertised as, a top notch wrestler and sexy as hell. And her first face to face meeting with Alicia Strong comes a few intense minutes into the match. It is short but gets the crowd going. Then, soon afterward, everything devolves into disarray. With all four women battling on the floor and Baby Jamie counting the two legal competitors, Cherry Bomb and Alexis Lee, out Belle Bryden undercuts Alexis and causes her to lose her footing as she scrambles to get under the bottom rope. The Bomb does so by the skin of her teeth, securing the win for her and Bryden.



Phil’s Story Notes: There’s going to be a serious investment in the Women’s division over the next few months; it’s going to set us apart from everyone else. Alexis Lee takes her lumps here as the lowest on the totem pole, but she’s got a lot of promise, especially since we’re moving away from the silly Native American gimmick that she was saddled with in her last run here.



Belle Bryden/Cherry Bomb win via countout @ 5:33



















Tyson Baine is backstage, sweating, and sitting on a large crate in the arena’s boiler room, tightly wrapping a chain around his fist. He seems to enjoy it.



“I am the firstborn son of pure evil, born to anguish and despair; I have been bred to be the stuff of nightmares.”



He squeezes the chain wrapped fist until his fingers and knuckles go white.



“And when I speak, the language is fear.”



A close up on his face, which has twisted into a smile as he continues to squeeze.



“When I speak, you will listen.”



“I will continue traveling on the road that is littered with the bent and battered bodies of those who cross my path. And I will follow the only rule that rings true from cradle to grave…..”



He grits his teeth. Squeezing. Smiling.






A small drop of blood falls from his fist.



















T-Rex vs. Anger


Result: It is awkward, filled with punches, kicks, and even a rest hold (which is crazy in a match that is barely over two minutes long), but it is efficient; T Rex grabs Anger in the “Jurassic Crush” (full nelson) and holds it until the veteran tag legend passes out. The camera catches a fan waving a sign that reads “The streak is on!”; T-Rex hasn’t lost in recent memory.



Phil’s Story Notes: The fans are getting behind T Rex’s quick beatdowns and he is doing little to make them think he’s a heel at all while he goes about his business. In that regard I may give some thought to turning him sooner rather than later. However, in this business, and in this life, timing is everything is it not?



T-Rex wins via submission @ 2:13




















Phil Vibert and Charlie Thatcher are backstage in a half set up office, watching the show unfold on a pair of monitors. As Thatcher brings Vibert a large cup of coffee, James Justice knocks on the door and lets himself in. Thatcher takes offense to him just walking in and gets right in his face, towering over the fun loving veteran, but Vibert calls him off.


PV: “It’s alright, Mr. Thatcher, let him in. I’d imagine he has something to ask. Am I correct, James?”



Justice stands his ground until Thatcher moves aside.



JJ: “You are.”



Thatcher still glares at him as Justice walks over to Vibert’s desk.



JJ: “I assume you caught the PPV main event this past Sunday?”



PV: “I did.”



JJ: “Tyson Baine tried to chokeslam me off of the stage after our match; that dude is far out crazy. Did you see that promo earlier?”



Vibert nods.



JJ: “I was hoping that you’d see fit to make our rematch tonight a no-disqualification match, so I can repay the favor. What do you say?”



Vibert nods again and smiles.



PV: “No DQ? Sounds like things are personal? I like that.”



Justice wrings his hands together and thanks Vibert before turning to walk out. But before he gets to the door, Phil has one last thing to say.



PV: “Make sure you make the most of it tonight, James, because if you lose, it’ll be your last shot at the USPW World Title for a long, long time.”


















Andre Jones vs. The Force


Result: The Force is a longtime USPW favorite and is welcomed by the fans as such; however his cart may have finally gotten away from his horse. In the midst of his usual ring rope shaking power-up, Force jumps through the ropes to the floor and begins circling the ring at top speed. At first the fans cheer, thinking it is just another odd thing that The Force does to psych himself up. But when he aimlessly turns, pushes his way through a corner barricade, and sprints up the aisle an out a side door, no one knows what to think. Jones stands in the ring with his hands on his hips as the referee counts Force out.



Phil’s Story Notes: Coming off of his PPV win, I think getting Jones some more momentum is a good idea. The Force has a smallish amount of it to bleed before I decide whether to build him back up or give him his walking papers.



Andre Jones wins via countout @ 4:02



















Ford Memphis is backstage, walking around in the catering area with an acoustic guitar, strumming it loudly. Several staffers avert their eyes and try not to draw his attention as he begins crooning for anyone who will listen. After only a few lines, people begin grabbing their plates and trays and making for exits. Memphis is undeterred, belting out lyrics with his eyes closed and shaking his hips, really putting on a show. When he opens his eyes at the end of the song, the room is empty……







….except for The Hillbillies, who sit at their table, frozen and wide eyed. And when Memphis utters a quiet ‘thankyaverymuch’, the two overalled behemoths stand and applaud, apparently having loved every second of it.



As the show heads back to the ring, Doakes, Starr, and Jillefski put a big bow on the segment, wrapping it up.



SD: “Looks like Ford Memphis just made himself a couple of new fans in The Hillbillies. They looked like the loved every second of that performance.”



MS: “I’m glad somebody likes his singing because I sure don’t. Leave it to the biggest hayseeds in the locker room; that’s Memphis’ key demographic for sure.”


















Jumbo Jackson vs. Freddie Datsun


Result: Neither of these men want to budge an inch when they get in the ring, with both using power moves almost exclusively to wear down their opposition. In this case, it’s whoever manages to strike last that is going to win, and that happened to be Jumbo Jackson, who parlays a wicked short arm clothesline into the set-up for his running body press in the corner. After the pin, he keeps playing the badass, shoving the referee multiple times until the diminutive official nearly falls through the ropes.



Phil’s Story Notes: Both of these guys need to get back to winning to be of any value. And in the grand scheme of things, I think Jumbo has a bit more of the type of character that appeals to me. Over the next couple of months, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Datsun slip into a gatekeeper sort of role, once he totally heals up from his injury.



Jumbo Jackson wins via pinfall @ 6:22
















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Doakes, Jillefski, and Starr note Enygma sitting alone in a dark corner of the farthest back balcony seats watching tonight’s action. He hangs his head when the glowing spotlight hits, trying to hide his face.



SD: “Always by himself, a man of action but of few words; it’s Enygma.”



DJ: “He is a man of few words, Doakes, but a man of much mystery….”



Starr laughs.



MS: “Wow, you two should write poetry together in your underwear, you pansies.”
















Sam Strong is almost finished packing up his office when one of his lawyers jumps up out of his seat and grabs the other by the suitjacket.



Lawyer: “I did it! I found something! Or, I think I found something anyway!”



Sam rushes over as the two lawyers read one of the thousands of papers they have spread out in their work area. When the second lawyer pats the first on the back and nods at Sam, the legend exhales and smiles.



SS: “Great job, brothers. But let’s keep this to ourselves for now, OK?”












Video- Pre produced masterpiece weaving Baine’s victory at the PPV against the newest single for the band that’ll be playing live at our next big event, “United States of Pain”.





Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

USPW World Title No-DQ Match


Result: The no DQ stipulation really raises the level of this match, and the action goes all over the building including a really hot back and forth in the concession area. But in the end, after a fairly even brawl, Tyson Baine succeeds where he failed at “Apple Pie and Wrestling”, “Hades Bomb”-ing Justice off of the stage and through a bunch of USPW road cases. The referee, Robby Sanchez, calls for paramedics before he even thinks to call for the bell, leaving Baine standing alone in the entranceway victorious and grinning maniacally.



Phil’s Story Notes: I want to take Justice off screen for a bit in hopes that we can reinvigorate some interest in his character later on, when we really need to start putting on the big main events. This does that, does it not? They nearly made him look dead laying in that pile. It also erases any doubt that Baine is superior to Justice in every way, regardless of the fact that Justice hung around for awhile during their PPV match.



Tyson Baine wins via stoppage @ 14:08
















Phil Vibert and Charlie Thatcher watch Tyson Baine stalk around the stage area on the office monitors, Vibert nodding and seemingly lost in thought until he turns to Thatcher.



PV: “Mr. Thatcher, bring me Tyson Baine. I’d like to talk to him.”











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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 4 August

St. Petersburg, FL





Sam Strong Packs/Valentine Pops Champion (B)

Bryden/Bomb over Strong/Lee ©

Baine is Pain Promo (B-)

T Rex over Anger (E+)

Justice Requests Stipulation (B)

Andre Jones over The Force (D-)

Memphis’ Backstage Show (C+)

Jumbo over Datsun (D+)

Enygma Sits Alone (B)

Strong’s Lawyers Find Something (B)

Video for Main Event (B+)

Baine over Justice (C+)

Vibert and Thatcher Show Close (B)


Overall Show Grade: C+

(Raised USPW’s Popularity)


TV Rating: 1.41











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USPW American Wrestling Preview

Live on Sports America

Week 1 August

St. Petersburg, FL




Ford Memphis vs. Capt. USA

USPW TV Title Match



Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies



Andre Jones vs. The Force



Des Davids vs. To Be Announced











(OOC: Might cram a guest booker commentary in between this and the show....but I might not. It fits just as well after the show, storywise. We'll see.

:) )

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Ford Memphis vs. Capt. USA

USPW TV Title Match


Memphis retains over Captain Ancient


Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies


Savage Fury aren't great but they are still better than The Hillbillies


Andre Jones vs. The Force


Jones has a future in Viberts USPW, Force doesn't


Des Davids vs. To Be Announced


Mystery man wins on his debut

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Enjoyed the last show. Loving this approach, NN.




Thanks Bigpapa. I'm surprising myself with how much I can get done per sitting. Where it used to take three to five seperate sittings to finish a show, now I'm getting them done in one, which I think helps the continuity of the story.


I've fallen in love with a few characters already, too, Vibert himself nonwithstanding. Tyson Baine rules.


Although I'd be a little less than honest of I didn't say I came up with the "Baine is pain" thing trying to figure out an answer to Self's "Who Rules?" stuff. Something short, memorable, and repeatable.


Guest Booker segment coming up next after all. But don't let that deter you from getting in your predictions. ;)

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“Ford Memphis versus Captain USA, huh?”



“Yeah, so?”



“I’d have expected a little more of a main event from someone who promised to have the USPW competing with SWF and TCW in two years. I may not know much, but I know that they are both putting out better stuff than that.”



(August’s Show Ratings for SWF: B, B, B,B+)

(August’s Show Ratings for TCW: B+,B+,B,B+)



“See. There’s your proof.”



“That’s proof of nothing, you idiot. It’s more proof of where USPW was at the time than it is proof of my booking concepts being flawed. It’s only the second episode, for christssake. Give me some time. I think we’re in good shape. I’m starting to get a really good feel for the roster, both the strengths and the weaknesses that everyone has.”



(He pauses.)



“I figured a few things out the last time you went to the bathroom. About the game, I mean.”



“And what have you ‘figured out’?”



“Well for one thing, have you seen that there’s an editor?”



“Before you even try to talk me into it, the editor is off limits.”






“Because that would be cheating.”



“Cheating? Cheating who?”



“If I were being honest, I’d say that you’d be cheating yourself. But, instead I’ll say you’d be cheating the fans.”



“So, let me get this straight. I’m doing what you call ‘fantasy booking’ and inputting matches and angles into a magical computer program that tells us what imaginary wrestling fans would think of them….and you’re worried about what, now? A little cheating?”



“The computer program is not magical, no. I never said that.”



“Don’t you think, hypothetically, that Phil Vibert…..the one that exists in that fake world….would cut just about any corner he could to make USPW better?”






“I’ll finish that sentence for you, ok? ‘I have no doubt he would’. You know he would, because you know I would.”



“Now let’s get on with that show!”










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That was a fun Guest Booker segment, NN. Love Vibert's mentality...





Thanks. I'm glad that you're enjoying it.


Vibert figuring out the game interests me. It gives me a chance to weave in some of the same stuff that was going into those tutorial type diaries that were all the rage for a while.


And I'm slowly realizing as I write him that Vibert is less my Paul E/Raven type character and more of an extension of me. Vibert's stuff is written with my own opinions, albeit amped up a bit. :)

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I've been away for the last few days but the show was awesome and the guest booker segment was genious. The Memphis-Hillbillies skit was classic USPW - I hope that'll continue through PWC.


USPW TV Title Match: Ford Memphis vs. Capt. USA

As if I didn't already think Memphis was awesome you've made me love him even more!

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies

As good as the Hillbillies were in last weeks show they still aren't going to win...

Andre Jones vs. The Force

He beat him last week so...

Des Davids vs. To Be Announced

Why not? It could be anybody!

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Glad to have found this early enough to catch up quickly. Look forward to following along . . .


Ford Memphis vs. Capt. USA


Memphis' roll continues as he faces yet another geriatric jobber.


Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies


I'm probably wrong about this as Savage Fury are probably a bit more useful than the Hillbillies and are slightly higher on the card, but maybe Vibert's like me and prefers the hillbilly gimmick to the savage gimmick. Or maybe the rednecks will be energized by the music of their new idol Memphis.


Andre Jones vs. The Force


Even if Force remembers to stick around for the match this time, it won't do him any good with Vibert in charge.


Des Davids vs. To Be Announced


Tough call with no indication as to whether the mystery man is a new signing by Vibert or just a jobber TBD. I'll guess the former.

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Ford Memphis vs. Capt. USA


Captain USA is semi-retired already, no?


Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies


"What do you mean, the Hillbillies aren't going to get a push?"


Andre Jones vs. The Force


I always go for the other guy in the rematch.


Des Davids vs. To Be Announced


TBA might be nobody, but his opponent is definitely nobody.

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 September

Huntsville, AL












Phil Vibert walks through the parking lot, dressed to the hilt and, as always, shadowed by the massive Charlie Thatcher. The pair make their way toward the arena just as tonight’s show hits the air. A small group of photographers are snapping pictures of them and barking out questions, all of which get a grin from Vibert in return.



All of them….except one.



Photographer: “What do you make of the rumor that Sam Strong is going to be able to get a court order to hold up the purchase of USPW by you and your backers?”



Vibert stops his gait, turning to face the reporter. His face tells the tale; he is incensed, but too god a poker player to show it for long.



PV: “I respect Sam Strong for all that he’s given to this business as well as the great job he’s done putting USPW into the position it is in today.”



The photographers continue snapping away.



PV: “But if he thinks he can buy off some judge and stop what is the inevitable takeover of this company…..he’s got another thing coming.”



Vibert starts walking again, but the photographer can’t resist.



Photographer: “But our sources say……”



The former DaVE visionary now would-be USPW CEO quickly turns back.



PV: “Your sources aren’t worth a damn if they think Sam’s got any chance of slowing this down; of slowing me down. My group is and will continue to be in control here, OK, so get used to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some USPW business to take care of inside.”



With a snap of his fingers, Vibert orders Thatcher into position, blocking the way so the reporters cannot follow him into the building.




















Andre Jones vs. The Force


Result: Another victory for Andre Jones, another strange showing by The Force. With Force rallying, he begins his usual ‘power up’ by running around the ring and screaming while he pounds his chest. But just like last week, Force hits the aisle and keeps right on sprinting, high fiving fans on one side as he disappears from sight into the backstage area.



Phil’s Story Notes: More momentum for Andre Jones. I’m not entirely sure that this is the burial for Force that it looks like though. The more I think about him, the more of an idea I have for him. Being the fruit loop that he is might have saved his job.



Andre Jones wins via countout @ 4:01

















Ford Memphis is backstage with Danny Jillefski on the USPW’s interview set. As usual, Ford is decked out in a fully sequined red and white jumpsuit that is as gaudy as it sounds; he is ready for tonight’s main event, he has his game face on. Before Jillefski can even get started though…..







The camera pulls back to reveal Phil Vibert and Charlie Thatcher. As he moves closer and extends his hand to Jillefski, it becomes apparent that Thatcher is carrying a box filled with what appear to be Danny’s things.



PV: “Mr. Jillefski…..Danny, the USPW would like to thank you for your years of service and dedication to the world of wrestling and to this promotion in particular. However, after reviewing the roster, we’ve decided to relieve you of you duties as a broadcaster…….”



Jillefski is stunned, but quickly furrows his brow and becomes mad. He doesn’t have a lot of time though as Thatcher shoves the box, filled with the contents of his office, into his arms.



PV: “We’ve decided to go a different way and have hired……”










PV: “…….Sara Silver as your replacement.”



Silver walks past Thatcher and takes the microphone from Jillefski, squeaking a little bit in her skin tight vinyl bodysuit.



PV: “We feel she appeals more to the demographic we are trying to capture.”



Sara Silver takes over the interview; Jillefski gets an arm on the shoulder from Thatcher and is quickly led from the shot. There is business to take care of and Silver gets down to it, putting the microphone in Memphis’ face.



FM: “I’ll tell you what, baby, tonight when that hat and mask wearing idiot Captain USA gets into the ring with me, I’m going to give him a one way ticket to the heartbreak hotel, you know what I’m saying?”



Silver nods. How could she not?



FM: “This TV Title stays where it belongs; around the waist of the soon to be grammy winning crooner, the always electrifying……”



He starts swiveling his hips causing Silver to back up.



FM: “…..a’ Ford Memphis……….thankya.”



He curls his lip.



FM: “Thankyaverymuch.”
















The lights on the interview set get turned down as Memphis and Silver go their separate ways, but the camera continues to roll. Good thing, too, as a quick move to the left by the lens jockey gets a look down a side hallway where USPW World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Baine stands squared up with his fists clenched in front of a floor length mirror. He is muttering something under his breath as his chain hangs ominously over his shoulders when suddenly he lashes out, punching the mirror, first with his right hand, then his left, over and over again until the mirror is falling apart at his feet, piece by piece.



“Baine is pain!”



He is smiling now, his knuckles bleeding.





















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Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillies


Result: Despite the fact that The Hillbillies are one of the only teams that can match up with Savage Fury’s sheer power and size, Java and Tribal Warrior smear the overalled tandem into the mat, dominating and finishing things with a “Double HHS” (double running boot).



Phil’s Story Notes: Savage Fury needs the win to build their momentum and The Hillbillies have a story in progress that doesn’t necessitate them winning. That’s booking 101, marks.


Savage Fury wins via pinfall @ 4:36













A pre-produced package rolls. It is gritty, black and white, showing a good sized guy from behind wearing a two layer sweat-suit on a steamy city morning. As he begins stretching out, first his shoulders, then his legs, a voiceover begins.



“It’s not just my job. It’s a way of life.”



The shot moves side to side as he begins running in place and throwing a few warm up punches. He blows in his hands. You can see his breath in daybreak’s air.



“But I don’t do it like everyone else. I go about it my own way.”


He slaps himself in the face a few times, psyching up. The camera’s focus goes from him to over his shoulder. Straight ahead, leaning against the brick wall about thirty feet in front of him, is a table.



“I’m Hardcore.”



He gets a sprinting start and dives, head over heels, into the standing table. When he stands and shakes the splinters off of himself, he finally turns around, revealing his face.





<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=ChrisCaulfield_primetime-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/ChrisCaulfield_primetime-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>





“I’m Chris Caulfield.”



“And I’m Hardcore.”



















Des Davids vs. Ben Williams


Result: Des Davids’ opponent tonight was announced as having the nickname “The Bump Machine” and he lived up to it without fail. The former football powerhouse flattens the smallish Williams with a side scoop powerbomb before propping him up in the corner. When Williams staggers out, he is bent in two by Dez’s monster spear which was recently rechristened “The Showstopper” by color analyst Mickey Starr.



SD: “Des Davids is a great raw talent, Mickey.”



MS: “I know some things about this business Doakes, and I can tell you, just looking at Des Davids, I see a star in the making. Maybe even a future World Champion.”




Phil’s Story Notes: Brought in Ben Williams on a short term contract to do what he does best. Des Davids has been here, putting in his time, and no one really has ever given him anything significant to do. Let’s change that.



Des Davids wins via pinfall @ 3:18


















Peter Valentine recruits Jumbo Jackson to do his dirty work against Nicky Champion, promising him that he still has valuable stroke backstage. In exchange for an in-ring beating of the man he feels let down Sam Strong, Valentine promises to “Put a bug in the big man’s ear about you.”



PV: “I got myself a main event spot next week already. I can get you one for this week, no problem."


Jumbo nods.



PV: "Don’t know who I’ll be beating on, but I’m going to whip some ass next week regardless and enjoy every second of the spotlight….and every last penny of that main event purse.”



JJ: “Really?”



Valentine snorts.



PV: “Really.”



Jackson hesitates for a couple of seconds before extending his hand.



JJ: “Count me in then, Valentine. But you’d better be telling the truth. I had better see something out of this.”



PV: “As we speak, my boy Sam is at the courthouse talking to a judge about temporarily holding up the takeover. He’s going to stop it, you’ll see.”



Jackson nods again.



PV: “And then I’ll be back on the gravy train.”

















Ford Memphis vs. Captain USA

USPW TV Title Match


Result: Memphis draws some laughs from the crowd (who hate him regardless) with his usual old school antics en route to a convincing win over Alabama favorite Capt. USA, scoring the pinfall after dropping him on his head with the “Last Trip to Graceland (DDT).



Phil’s Story Notes: I want to send a clear message with this match. Even though Ford Memphis’ character is not exactly my cup of tea, there is something there, something that can draw money. Capt. USA and his red, white, and blue bullsh*t gimmick can go to hell. Memphis needed a win and the Captain needed a last match with USPW on his resume. Sayonara.



Ford Memphis wins via pinfall @ 5:01



















The Hillbillies, fresh from the locker room after their earlier loss, are front row center for Ford Memphis’ match and stand the whole time. They even have a black and white 8x10 and sharpie, reaching out to him and, as he walks around the ring singing along with his theme song, they try to get him to sign it. Memphis pauses and then leans out to grab the picture, pulling up just short and running his fingers through his greasy, greasy hair before engaging in a strut at The Hillbillies expense.



They look disappointed.



SD: “I just don’t get him. Almost no one likes Ford Memphis and this is why. Look at how he treats his fans.”



MS: “His ONLY fans, Doakes. He’d better be careful or he’ll alienate them, too. Then who’ll buy that god-awful album that he keeps telling us about?””















A short video rolls hyping tonight’s impromptu main event, basically focusing on Nicky Champion’s part in the loss that cost Sam Strong his USPW contract and the fact that Peter Valentine holds him responsible for the team’s defeat.

















Nicky Champion vs. Jumbo Jackson


Result: The Nicky Champion of three years ago has evolved into a force to be reckoned with. And on this night, he turns back a feisty Jumbo Jackson, laying him out with his patented “XXX” (superkick).


Phil’s Story Notes: I decided to keep Jumbo looking strong in this match by having him hang around until the very end. Nicky had to go over, as it is quite obvious he’s been groomed for a big time push by the previous booking regime. I, for one, am not about to squelch the only guy with both star quality and high momentum in a TV match. At least not yet, anyway.





Nicky Champion wins via pinfall @ 11:56













Champion barely has time to get his hand raised before Peter Valentine slides into the ring behind him, toting a steel chair. As soon as the crowd swells and Nicky turns around, Valentine pastes him with a vicious shot. Champion is laid out flat; the one and only swing hit its mark perfectly. As the show logo slowly creeps across the screen, Peter Valentine tosses the chair aside and stands over him.



SD: “There’s no turning back for Valentine now, Mickey. Laying someone out with a chair escalates a disagreement into bloodfeud territory.”



MS: “And I wonder what Sam Strong is going to have to say to his longtime friend when he gets wind of what’s just happened.”











Copyright 2010

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Another great show that keeps things evolving nicely. I'm extremely biased but I think The Hillbillies-Ford Memphis storyline is my favourite so far. Baine is Pain is a great catchphrase - definitely adds another dimension to his usual 'monster heel' character.


Well done for being brave enough to book Peter Valentine all over the place too - I had a HGC game going where I gave him the International Title exactly two days after Dusty Streets became the first champion. :D

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Wow... I knew people were making updated pictures, but I'm a little shocked that someone actually did that for the Hillbillies.


Damn good pictures, too.


I'm liking this approach -- Vibert aside, this production has been more "USPW" than any of the USPW diaries I've seen in the past. It's one thing to book USPW and then bring in a bunch of awesome indy workers. It's another to say, all right, who exactly does USPW really have, and what can we do if we actually use those guys and book the show as a promotion like this would be booked?


(Seriously, though. In a DAVE game I once ran, I drew an A* out of Danny Rushmore vs. Jungle Jack. They weren't even main eventers. Harrumph.)

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 1 September

Huntsville, AL








Vibert’s Arrival (B-)

Andre Jones over The Force (D+)

Memphis Interview/Jillefski Removed/Silver Hired (C+)

Baine is Pain (B)

Savage Fury over The Hillbillies (E+)

Chris Caulfield Return Video (B-)

Des Davids over Ben Williams (E+)

Valentine Convinces Jumbo to Help Him (C-)

Ford Memphis over Captain USA (D)

Hillbillies in Crowd/Interact w/Memphis (B-)

Valentine Blames Champion Video (B-)

Nicky Champion over Jumbo Jackson (C-)

Valentine Attacks Champion (C-)


Show Grade: C-

(Lowered USPW's Popularity)


TV Rating: 1.04 (-0.37)



(August’s Show Ratings for SWF: B, B, B,B+)

(August’s Show Ratings for TCW: B+,B+,B,B+)

(August’s Show Ratings for USPW Before Vibert: C+, C+)

(August’s Show Ratings for USPW Since Vibert: C+, C-)




-The TCW PPV “Hotter than Hell” drew 26,513 in NY but didn’t sell out the Manhattan Center with their B+ show headlined by a six man Syndicate vs. Freedom Fighters Match (B+) and a successful defense of the World Title by Rocky Golden who took on Bryan Vessey (B). It scored a 1.44 PPV buyrate.




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I've been away for the last few days but the show was awesome and the guest booker segment was genious. The Memphis-Hillbillies skit was classic USPW - I hope that'll continue through PWC.



Another great show that keeps things evolving nicely. I'm extremely biased but I think The Hillbillies-Ford Memphis storyline is my favourite so far. Baine is Pain is a great catchphrase - definitely adds another dimension to his usual 'monster heel' character.


Well done for being brave enough to book Peter Valentine all over the place too - I had a HGC game going where I gave him the International Title exactly two days after Dusty Streets became the first champion. :D


Definitely liking the overall approach, NN. The use of Ford Memphis is awesome, and I'm liking that you are finding a good role for the ever-useless Peter Valentine.


I'm really psyched about the way the Ford Memphis/Hillbillies stuff is going, too. It is old school schlock at its best, isn't it? They are the segments that are the easiest to write, along with the Tyson Baine promos and a few other things that are growing on me.


The Peter Valentine thing is something that I really worked through in my head for a long time before deciding how I wanted to go about putting his story together. He's got some overness so I want to use it. The problem comes in just how bad he is at everything.


But I rather like the way the story is playing out. I'm glad you do too.




Wow... I knew people were making updated pictures, but I'm a little shocked that someone actually did that for the Hillbillies.


Damn good pictures, too.


I'm liking this approach -- Vibert aside, this production has been more "USPW" than any of the USPW diaries I've seen in the past. It's one thing to book USPW and then bring in a bunch of awesome indy workers. It's another to say, all right, who exactly does USPW really have, and what can we do if we actually use those guys and book the show as a promotion like this would be booked?


(Seriously, though. In a DAVE game I once ran, I drew an A* out of Danny Rushmore vs. Jungle Jack. They weren't even main eventers. Harrumph.)


Thanks for the compliment, Oregano, although I hardly think my USPW has reached the heights of a few I've read. J-Silver anyone? Angeldelayete's got a good idea what to do, too.


There are what? Thirteen or fourteen USPW diaries on the board?


Thanks for choosing to read mine, too. :)


In any case, there will be hirings and firings as the months go on, but I chose to go from what I thought USPW was/is to what I'd like it to be in a gradual fashion. There's a story there, too, and the transition is a big part of it.


As far as the pictures go, some of the re-renders give totally new feels to the characters. I know Tyson Baine is one that I brought up before as someone I didn't even hire in private games, yet now, with his new render, I am hard pressed to find anyone I like writing more.


But the renders themselves are fabulous, aren't they? Some real artists doing their thing in that thread. I applaud them for what they add to this and all the diaries on the board. Kudos gentlemen.



Glad to have found this early enough to catch up quickly. Look forward to following along . . .


Glad to have you on board Lt. Lucrativo. You used to follow my SWF diary, did you not?




This is absolutely insanely great. The Valentine stuff is awesome - being a total mark for him - and the Ford/Hillbillies interaction is just the kind of stuff I can imagine going down really well in USPW.



'Absolutely insanely great' is high praise, Jaded. Coincidentally, it made my day. Thanks. :)

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USPW American Wrestling Preview

Live on Sports America

Week 2 September

St. Petersburg, FL





Enygma vs. Peter Valentine


Darryl Devine/Andre Jones vs. The Hillbillies


Jumbo Jackson vs. Captain USA


T-Rex vs. Giant Redwood vs. Anger vs. Freddie Datsun


Savage Fury in Action








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