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USPW - What? This Again?

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Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America


Don't see the belt changing hands here, just seems too soon, too random for Jack America to win it here plus he has his issues with Devine. Wouldn't be surprised to see Devine cause a distraction in this match.


T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt


I don't see someone like Alex DeColt being too happy at being brought in to put someone else over, then again T-Rex is a part of the new and improved Sneer Corp. I see this being a case of trying to keep everyone happy/looking strong by the match ending in a schmozz draw.


Danny Rushmore vs. The Force


Rushmore's just been cast aside by Sneer with little fanfare that has 'jobbing his way out of the door' written all over it.


CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield


Caulfields's set to challenge for the World Title, so Deeley's literally just been brought in here to make Caulfield look good.


Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly


Squash....Keith will probably toy with/embarass the Hillbillly before securing the inevitable victory.


Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez


J-Ro needs to come in looking strong ahead of her match with Belle Bryden.


Anger vs. Nicky Champion


See above for Danny Rushmore, the same applies here for Anger.


Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Engyma


Seeing as the World Champion is not on the show my guess is that the mystery partner is Enygma. Going on that I'd say that Justice partner and wins, if it's anyone else but Enygma then there's a good chance the Sneer Corp win here but I honestly can't think of anyone else it could be.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Baine needs to be kept looking stronger than Datsun.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Peter Valentine

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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Supreme Wrestling Federation has gone on a hiring spree, signing several wrestlers from the independent scene to bolster their roster. They have signed such wrestlers as:


Steven Parker

Puerto Rican Power

Hell's Bouncer

Eugene Williams

Grandmaster Phunk

The Stomper


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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

Jones and letting the belt go just yet.


T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

T-Rex is nowhere near Alex's level but this ain't Canada so i call a draw as well.


Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

Job train for Danny although I kinda like him.


CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

SSD could end up looking good facing the hardcore american whilst T-Rex--I hate him. Caulfield for the win.


Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Easiest pick of the card.


Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez



Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Bigger upside in Champ.


Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Jared Johnson (still got love for the guy, lol but please don't count it as an actual guess!!)

Whoever Justice chooses will be more than enough for the Jackson/Muscles team.


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

Datsun is a tag wrestler while Baine could tag with himself and win the titles lol. That's how much of a monster he is.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner:

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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Tuesday, Week 3, February 2010

Bart Biggz defeated Roger Cage...D

Shady K defeated Brett Biggz...D+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jessie and Rich Money...B+

Paul Huntingdon defeated Puerto Rican Power, Kid Toma and Enforcer Roberts...C

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated The Pain Alliance to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...C

Eric Eisen defeated Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title...B





Tuesday, Week 3, February 2010

Robert Oxford defeated Harry Allen...D+

Chance Fortune defeated Edd Stone to retain the TCW All Action title...C-

Aaron Andrews defeated Scout...C+

Joshua Taylor defeated Charlie Thatcher to retain the TCW International title...D+

Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey and Joey Minnesota defeated Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Rick Law...B

Wolf Hawkins defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...B


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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

I have to go with a draw here too...

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner:

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Fan Sign: The Hillbillies ate my car!!!

Jack America: The real American

I miss Enygma :(

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This is a bit of a 24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. I am not entirely positive I will have the show up tomorrow but it should be up within the next day or so. So if anyone wants to predict, you've got somewhere around 24 hours or more to do so. So far, I have received predictions from:

















Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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Rushing to get it in on time :D


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 February 2010

Location: Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.48


[The mood within the Centerpiece Bridge Arena is filled with excitement and anticipation at a brand new episode of USPW American Wrestling. Fans file in to the sold out arena looking to find their seats as red, white and blue spotlights shine in various areas within the crowd. Fans look up when the spotlight hits their area and look for the cameras that have turned on. They wave, sometimes in the wrong direction of the camera that is on, but they wave nonetheless. Everyone gets settled into their chairs for the night's action and then pop to their feet when the opening entrance music of the night begins to play. All eyes are at the top of the entrance ramp as everyone waits for the first man to come out for the show this evening...]




[...It's James Justice! 'The Dude' steps out from the back and looks toward the crowd, sliding his shades off. He raises them up in the air and the crowd cheers, trying to draw his attention into their direction. Everyone wants the Dude Shades, right? Justice begins walking down the ramp, using his free hand to slap high fives with various fans. A few female fans blush and smile brightly when they get to touch hands with James Justice. Justice makes it down to the bottom of the ramp and then turns to his right. He selects a small boy sitting within a wheelchair, sliding the shades over his eyes. Justice ruffles the kid's hair and then moves around the ring, giving a few more high fives. Then he takes a microphone from ringside and slides into the ring. He leans back in the corner, flashing a goofy smile to the crowd...]


James Justice



[...The crowd echos back the single word to him and the word turns to cheers as Justice lifts himself up and slides his legs along the ropes, sitting comfortable on top of the turnbuckle. He raises the microphone to his lips and then pauses as the crowd cheers. He shakes his head, almost looking embarassed by all the cheers from the crowd. Then he releases an obvious deep breath and draws the microphone back to his lips...]


James Justice

"Two weeks ago, Commissioner Dude made the announcement that I will be taking on Jumbo Dude at Red, White And Blue. Then last week that same Jumbo Dude that I will be facing at Red, White And Blue attacked me backstage. Did it stop me from stepping in the ring against the Devine Dude and winning? Nope. I think that proves that the Jumbo Dude cannot keep Justice down and out on the mat. With all of these people standing behind me, everyone within the audience behind me, then I can take on the world."


[...James pauses within his words as music begins to pump through the arena. It's a thumping beat that draws the crowd's sounds from cheers to boos. But everyone turns their attention to the top of the entrance ramp where two men step out...]




[...Shane Sneer is dressed in a suit as usual. Jumbo Jackson is dressed in his wrestling gear. Sneer stands with Jumbo by his side holding a microphone...]


Shane Sneer

"First of all, you humanoids need to shut your mouths and listen to what I have to say." [...BOO!...] "Tonight, James, you better be focusing on the tag team match later on in the evening. We're not even planning on you making it to Red, White And Blue. Jumbo and I think that we should take care of you tonight."


[...Shane motions to Jumbo Jackson and the two begin walking down toward the ring. James crouches slightly, motioning for Jumbo and Shane to bring it on. A stirring occurs behind Justice with the crowd slightly parting. A figure jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring behind Justice...]




[...Mick Muscles swings Justice around and throws a right hand -- Justice ducks! Justice ducks a second punch! Justice throws punches as Sneer and Jumbo move quicker down the ramp! Justice knocks Muscles back against the ropes -- clothesline over the top rope! Mick falls off the apron and down to the mat. Justice turns and motions toward Jumbo to bring it on inside the ring! A 'DUDE' chant begins to grow through the crowd until it becomes almost deafening! Justice picks up the microphone he dropped when attacked by Mick Muscles as Muscles moves around the ring and joins Sneer and Jumbo Jackson...]


James Justice

"Tonight, you're going to be in for a big surprise! In fact, I'd call my surprise Platinum."


[...Justice drops the microphone and stares down Jumbo, Sneer and Muscles. What could Justice have meant by that???]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America


[Our opening contest right here on USPW American Wrestling is a solid one that has the crowd on their feet. Andre Jones has been USPW World Television Champion since December. Though he has definitely been helped by Henry, he has also shown some skill of his own. He stood within his corner and the crowd cheered when one of the newest USPW wrestlers came out: 'The All American Boy' Jack America! Jack stepped down toward the ring, pausing at a sign reading: 'Jack America: The real American!' He took a Sharpie from the fan and autographed the corner of the sign. He slid the sign back to the fan and headed into the ring where he was immediately assaulted by Andre Jones! The match started with Jones in control for the first few minutes but America soon took things over and had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. Jones escaped outside the ring to try and get a breath but he was caught with a suicide dive by America! America tossed Jones back in the ring and continued his control when the crowd looked toward the entrance...]




[...Matthew Keith came out from the back and began moving down toward ringside. The camera focused in on Perfection for a moment as he hit ringside. Jack America took down Andre Jones with a body slam and then moved outside the ring, heading up the turnbuckle. Matthew Keith leaped up on the apron and shoved America down into the ring. Thus causing the DQ, right? Wrong! Andre Jones had the attention of the referee! Jones pulled himself up using the ropes as referee Baby Jamie turned to Matthew Keith, telling him to get off the apron. With the second distraction, Andre Jones moved over and grabbed Henry! Jack America pulled himself up and turned -- WHAM! Jones hit him with Henry! Jones rolled Henry out of the ring and pulled up America, hooking him -- Blast From The Past! Jones laid America out with the Piledriver and then makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 8:28)

Match Rating: B-


[...Matthew Keith smiled as he watched from ringside, having jumped down after Henry was used. Jones left the ring, grabbing Henry and Henrietta. He walked past Matthew Keith as America worked to pull himself up using the second rope. Jack America and Matthew Keith stared each other down. Keith gave America a mocking standing ovation. Keith paused at a fan holding up a sign: 'Jack AMERICAN: Future Champion!' He shook his head and yanked the sign away, piefacing the fan! He ripped up the sign and used it as confetti as America looked on in anger. These will be two of the three men in a triple threat match at USPW Red, White And Blue. The third man being Darryl Devine.]




[The scene changes upon everyone's tv sets at home and also begins to play upon the USPW-Tron. This scene change is now set within the backstage area where an interview area has been set up. Within the background is a video with a waving American flag...]




[...Standing in front of that background are the two members of the team known as The Forces of America! Captain USA is dressed in his usual USA mask with his partner The Force having the facepaint...]


The Force

"Come to me, Forcemaniacs!" [...Snarlgrowl...] "My partner and I have been traveling along that deep and winding road toward Parts Unknown. In these travels we have found the road blocked by many men who would dare to walk into the path of the good. Tyson Baine and T-Rex are two of these such men." [...Snarlgrowl...] "You two men may call yourself the Titans but you are nothing except for men as compared to the mighty power that is the mighty might of the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE!"


Captain USA



[...The crowd joins in with the chant. Captain USA gives a thumbs up to the camera and it's time to head back to the ring for the next bout here on USPW American Wrestling!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlexDeColt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt


[Despite the role of Shane Sneer down here at ringside, this one was a good clean scrap between two wrestlers who seem to have at least a modicum of respect for one another. That respect didn't stop The Jurassic Power from being mostly dominant within this bout. His entire focus was on the back and shoulders and neck of Alex DeColt. At ringside, a fan held up a sign in support of the USPW Wrestler: 'Take That Blondie Out T-Rex!' T-Rex raised DeColt up and hit him with a Power Bomb that made him land hard on the back of his neck. Then he lifted him up and hooked in the Jurassic Crush! The Swinging Full Nelson got an almost instant submission from DeColt.]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 1:47)

Match Rating: D




[With the crowd in full booing mode after the T-Rex win, the scene changed for the fans at home. The scene, as with earlier, was also played upon the USPW-Tron. The scene opened within the locker room area backstage here at the Centerpiece Bridge...]




[...Showing within that locker room is James Justice! Justice has a cell phone up against his ear. He is also pacing throughout the locker room, which gives a reason as to why we didn't see him when the scene opened...]


James Justice

"You're here? Great! Come back to my locker room and we'll get ready for the match tonight."


[...James hung up the cell phone and leaned against a locker, smiling to himself. He is obviously pleased over his choice for a partner. Just who is this mystery Platinum Dude?]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg

Anger vs. Nicky Champion


[The crowd rose on their feet shouting boos to the entrance of Anger and the mystical bottle of Coca Cola. Anger set the bottle down carefully in his corner and Nicky Champion came out. Nicky gave some fans high fives and got them excited as he stepped into the ring. Anger took an early advantage but it only lasted about thirty seconds before Nicky was able to reverse a sleeper attempt into a jawbreaker. Nicky took momentum from that reversal and never looked back. Nicky caught Anger with a backbreaker and then rose to his feet. He waited for Anger to get up and then charged him -- Hawkeye Hammer! Nicky made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Nicky Champion (Via Pinfall @ 3:50)

Match Rating: D+




[Aaaaaaaaand it's time to head backstage once again. This time the focus is upon an interview area with a black wall in the background. In the middle of that black wall is the Sneer Corporation logo. Two men walk onto the scene with the camera having to adjust for the second man...]




[...Tyson Baine stands slightly within the background. He looks toward the camera as Shane Sneer sneers there beside The Demon From The Deep within his suit...]


Shane Sneer

"Tonight is the night that the Sneer Corporation gets back on track. The Jurassic Power already proved to the Canadian nitwit that the Sneer Corporation is an international juggernaut. Later tonight, Jumbo and Mick will take out the Dude and his partner. Then tonight within the main event this man standing beside me will be taking out the man known as The American Everyman. That's a good name for him because he is a loser just like every man and every woman in that audience tonight and everyone watching on television. Tonight the Demon From The Deep is going to draw Freddie Datsun right down into the abyss!"


[...Shane pats Tyson on his shoulder and it's time to head right back to the ring for our next match.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield


[2:17. That's the amount of time that was given to the in-ring portion of this match. Yet these two great technical wrestlers put on a clinic for the short amount of time that they were within the ring. There was hold for counterhold within the bout. Deeley took control and threatened a fan who was holding a sign reading: 'Go Back to Canada!' He lifted Caulfield for a body slam -- Caulfield fell behind him -- Danger Drop! Caulfield with that body slam reversal into the Danger Drop! He made the cover, looking up toward the rafters: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 2:17)

Match Rating: C


[...'The Hardcore American' rose to his feet, getting his arm raised by referee Baby Jamie...]




[...However, his eyes were all for the rafters as Enygma was shown walking down from the rafters. Caulfield is the number one contender for Enygma's title. Enygma continued down through the crowd, pausing at the bottom and standing beside a sign reading: 'I miss Enygma!' He stepped over the railing and a black baseball bat could be seen within his right hand. He slipped inside the ring and went nose-to-nose with Chris Caulfield. Chris looked to Enygma as Enygma raised the baseball bat putting it against Caulfield's chest. Enygma SHOVED Caulfield backward with the baseball bat! Caulfield's eyes went wide and Enygma raised the bat as Caulfield stepped toward him. Caulfield paused in his step. Enygma dropped the bat and it rolled outside the ring. Enygma reached out to Caulfield -- and raised his arm! The two men remain friends heading toward Red, White And Blue?...]


[...Chris turns to leave and Enygma watches him. Chris leans through the ropes and Enygma grabs him by the leg, yanking him down to the mat -- Enygma Variation! The crowd is in shocked silence for about ten seconds before the boos start! Enygma works that ankle as Chris Caulfield screams out in pain. Caulfield reaches the ropes but there's no threat of a DQ or anything since there is no match. The arena is filled with boos as the lights suddenly turn off completely. The arena is drenched in darkness, drenched in black. Did someone forget to pay the bill? The lights stay off for about thirty seconds and then when they come back on the crowd is back into that shocked silence, seeing another masked figure on the top turnbuckle...]




[...It's Acid! What is Acid doing here in USPW?!?! Acid leaps -- Acid Rain Bomb on Enygma! The crowd erupts in cheers as the move broke the Enygma Variation! Acid moves over and grabs the baseball bat. He swings at Enygma but Enygma ducks! Enygma escapes out of the ring and Acid stares him down! Acid turns and checks on the ankle and leg of Chris Caulfield as the crowd begins an 'Acid' chant! Wow. What a debut!]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlTheHillbilly.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly


[One minute and thirty five seconds of dominance by Perfection. The fans within the arena, of course, had already seen Perfection earlier tonight when he came out and interfered in Jack America's match. This definitely helped them to boo him a little more. Though Al The Hillbilly was barely showing any confidence within his attempts at offense. During the match, a fan held up a sign: 'The Hillbillies ate my car!!!' Keith locked Al within the Proton Lock and picked up a quick submission victory, gathering momentum toward the pay-per-view triple threat match!]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 1:35)

Match Rating: D




[The scene changes upon the tv for the viewers at home. For those within the arena, the USPW-Tron lights up. This time, it is backstage within an interview area. The area has a background with a logo for 'The American Everyman!'...]




[...Speaking of The American Everyman, he shows up in front of the logo looking toward the camera with the usual smile upon his face. As he opens his mouth to talk, he is knocked back against the wall and against his logo...]




[...Savage Fury is there! Java picks up Datsun and headbutts him! A double headbutt from both Java and Tribal Warrior. They pick up Datsun and slam him back into the wall, causing a loud grunt to escape Datsun's lips...]


Des Davids

"Red! 32! Red! 27! Set! Hut! Hut! HUT!"




[...Des Davids comes running onto the scene! He takes down Tribal Warrior with a Quarterback Sack! He gets up and ducks a punch thrown by Java -- atomic drop! Davids lowers down and picks up Datsun, showing strength as he throws his partner over his shoulder and moves off to get away from the challengers at the next pay-per-view.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NinaTheBallerina.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[J-Ro made her USPW debut last week when she came out and accepted an open challenge by Belle Bryden. This is her first actual match here in USPW taking on Nina, a failed ballerina. The crowd booed Nina when she tried to show off her dancing skills and that seemed to upset her further. The crowd cheered for Joanne Rodriguez in this rather short match. Joanne dominated Nina. She took the female ballerina down with a sharp kick reminiscent of Belle Bryden's Dish of the Day and then hit the J-Rocker, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (Via Pinfall @ 2:15)

Match Rating: D


[...Joanne got to her feet, raising her arms in victory. The crowd cheered for her as she moved up on the turnbuckle. She pumped her fists to even more cheers. She dropped back down and turned -- DISH OF THE DAY!...]




[...The originator of the Dish of the Day nails Joanne with that finishing kick! Joanne hits the mat and Belle Bryden stands over the woman who has been her main rival for years. These two women will be doing battle once again at USPW Red, White And Blue!]




[The scene changes for those watching tv and the USPW-Tron lights up to show the backstage area. The crowd is in a hush as someone is shown with his hair sliding down over his face and blood dripping down from the chin...]




[...It's Nicky Champion! The crowd begins a 'Champion' chant within the background as Nicky isn't moving. The camera pans back to show the two men responsible for this attack...]




[...It's Peter Valentine and Bruce The Giant! The crowd boos! Has Peter Valentine gotten to Bruce The Giant??? Peter and Bruce shake hands! That makes me sick! Let's just go back to the ring.]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force


[Danny 'The Mount' Rushmore came out to the ring for his first match on his own without the Sneer Corporation. The crowd still doesn't like him. But they do like the man he is facing. The Force came running from the back toward the ring, sliding inside and bouncing off the ropes. The crowd was super-excited to see the high adrenaline rush that is The Force. This match was all Force once the bell sounded. It was clotheslines and press slams and then a big splash on Rushmore! Then he picked up Rushmore and hooked him in a front face lock. He lifted Rushmore in the air -- Full Force! The Force made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 1:44)

Match Rating: D




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JumboJackson.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???


[shane Sneer escorted two of the remaining members of the Sneer Corporation down to the ring. Jumbo and Mick slipped inside the ring taking in the boos from the crowd. Jumbo leaned against the ropes, yelling at a fan at ringside. Then the crowd rose and cheered when familiar music began to play. James Justice walked out and took in the ovation from the crowd. Justice walked about halfway down the ramp as the Sneer Corporation pointed and laughed, seemingly thinking that Justice doesn't have a partner tonight. Justice turned and pointed toward the back as a new wrestler stepped out and down to join Justice at that halfway mark...]




[...It's James Prudence! This man is a former Coastal Zone Champion, Coastal Zone Tag Team Champion and TCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion! He's a 1997 graduate of the Preston Holt Dojo which turned out wrestlers such as Angry Gilmore, Sammy Bach and The Biggz Brothers! Prudence gave Justice a high five and the two charged down to the ring! Jumbo and Mick exited the ring quickly, leaving the ring to Platinum and The Dude! Prudence charged toward the ropes and used them to leap over and hit Muscles with a cross body block! Justice hit Jumbo with a baseball slide kick underneath the bottom rope at the same time! What a combination these two are making here tonight! Prudence and Jumbo are the first two in the ring. Prudence has a definite advantage in technical wrestling and it shows in the early going as he seems to almost be wrestling circles around Jumbo Jackson! Prudence took down Jumbo with an amazing tiger bomb into the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Prudence tried to send Jumbo into the turnbuckle but Jumbo reversed it and Prudence hit hard. Jumbo made the tag and so did Prudence. Justice and Muscles came in and Muscles took the advantage. Two former USPW World Heavyweight Champions going at it in the ring...]


[...Muscles had the advantage in brawling and it showed within this match as he took control on Justice, hitting him with several kneelifts. He brought Justice over into his own corner and Justice was kept within the corner of the Sneer Corporation for the next several minutes. Jumbo and Muscles tagged in and out and even Shane Sneer got in on things, choking Justice in the corner behind the referee's back. Jumbo sent Justice into a corner and charged in but Justice moved out of the way! Jumbo hit the corner hard -- Enzuigiri! Both men hit the mat and begin crawling toward their corners. Within a few seconds, both men made the tags. Prudence came in fresh from standing in the corner and took down Muscles with a double leg. He threw some punches to the head and then pulled Muscles up and whipped him into the corner. Prudence followed him in and climbed up. He motioned to the crowd -- Monkey Flip! Jumbo comes in the ring and so does Justice! It's a pier 4 brawl here! Justice brings down Jumbo with a spinebuster and bounces off the ropes -- SSSTTTAAALLLLLLSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! Prudence grabs Mick Muscles -- Prudential Pain Plan! Also known as an STF! Mick Muscles tries to fight! He tries. He tries. Mick Muscles -- taps out! What a big debut win here tonight!]


Winners: James Justice and James Prudence (Via Submission @ 7:58)

Match Rating: C+




Match #9

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids-1-1.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


[it's main event time and Shane Sneer is walking back out to the ring. This time he is accompanied by 'The Demon From The Deep' Tyson Baine! Baine yelled at the crowd as he walked down to the ring, grabbing a fan by the shirt collar and raising him up. He knocked down the sign that the fan is carrying: 'Tyson = Worst Wrestler Ever' and raised a hand to punch the fan but he got attacked from behind by Freddie Datsun! Datsun took an attack earlier by Savage Fury but Des Davids interfered and stopped the attack from being worse than it was. Speaking of Davids, he stepped in and made sure that Shane Sneer did not interfere as The American Everyman knocked the fan from the grasp of Tyson Baine. Datsun began throwing punches that Baine absorbed. Baine threw punches back to him and the two brawled toward the ring. Des Davids checked on the fan for a moment and then moved to ringside in his partner's corner. Baine knocked Datsun into the ring itself and Datsun cried out in pain. Baine tossed Datsun back within the ring and joined him inside. Baine grabbed Datsun by the throat and threw him into the corner. Baine began peppering Datsun with punches -- a right uppercut brings Datsun staggering forward and down to his knees. Baine picks up Datsun and slings him over his shoulder -- Snake Eyes! Baine bounced off the ropes -- Big Boot! Datsun hits the mat hard. Baine pulls Datsun to the center of the ring and bounces off the ropes -- Legdrop! Baine makes the cover:]








...Shoulder Up!...]



[...Baine rose to his feet and pulled Datsun up as well. He lifted Datsun into his arms -- Bear Hug! The crowd boos as Baine squeezes the life out of the American Everyman. The fan that Baine attacked leads the cheers of 'Datsun, Datsun, Datsun!' Baine shakes the almost lifeless body of Freddie Datsun within his arms. The referee decides to check the arm of Datsun. He lifts it up -- it drops! He lifts it up a second time -- it drops! He lifts it up a third time -- it dro -- NO! Datsun keeps his arm up! Des Davids raises his arms up and down at ringside, trying to keep Datsun's spirits up! Datsun begins throwing punches! One! Two! Three! Four! Baine finally releases the hold and Datsun nearly falls to his knees. He ducks a clothesline attempt and turns, throwing some more punches! Datsun with a kick to the gut! DDT! The crowd goes wild! Datsun throws an arm over top of Baine:]














[...Out at ringside, T-Rex attacks Des Davids from behind! The Jurassic Power sends Davids into the ring post! Datsun pulls himself to his feet, seeing what is going on outside the ring. Datsun yells at T-Rex from inside the ring as Baine begins pulling himself up behind Datsun. Baine rises up and charges at Datsun -- clothesline -- ducked! Baine hits the ropes as Datsun ducked the clothesline and Datsun lifts Baine on his shoulders -- NO! Baine drops back down! Baine grabs Datsun with both hands on the throat -- Hades Bomb! Datsun was folded in half! Baine makes the cover, hooking the leg:]











Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 7:35)

Match Rating: C-


[...What a huge win to get Tyson Baine back on the winning side of things! Baine gets to his feet as Shane Sneer enters the ring. Sneer points to Datsun, telling Baine to give him another Hades Bomb! T-Rex rolls Des Davids into the ring and joins him inside. Baine reaches down for Datsun and for some reason the crowd cheers?!?! Oh, wait, they're cheering the two men running down the aisle...]




[...The Forces of America! The Force and Captain USA each have chairs as they charge the ring! The Force hits Tyson Baine with the chair across the top of the head! Captain USA hits T-Rex with his chair! The Titans fall and roll out of the ring. The Forces of America stand tall inside the ring to cheers from the crowd! They drop the chairs and stare down at the Titans to end the show. We'll see you next week!]

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Several people got 9/9 this time around! Congratulations mcorey, Jaded, Rayelek, 20LEgend, dse81, xopher316, Bigpapa42, jhd1 and ChrisKid!




1. Bigpapa42=47 Wins

2. jhd1=46 Wins

3. bgbuff=45 Wins

xopher316=45 Wins

20LEgend=45 Wins

Rayelek=45 Wins

mcorey=45 Wins

8. critical-23=44 Wins

9. Dragonmack=43 Wins

blewrider1980=43 Wins

11. Huntman=42 Wins

dse81=42 Wins

13. Tigerkinney=34 Wins

14. TakerNGN74=31 Wins

15. Lexa90=24 Wins

16. SeanMcFly=23 Wins

17. Timber=22 Wins

18. Boltinho=21 Wins

19. Jaded=19 Wins

20. tristram=18 Wins

21. SWF Fan=15 Wins

22. BHK1978=14 Wins

23. borman_48=9 Wins

ChrisKid=9 Wins

25. Arogue=8 Wins

26. smurphy1014=6 Wins

27. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

29. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


Welcome to ChrisKid for making his first predictions here!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 February 2010


Anger vs. Acid

Peter Valentine and Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion and Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Danny Rushmore vs. James Prudence

Non Title: Enygma vs. James Justice


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Anger vs. Acid

Peter Valentine and Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion and Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Danny Rushmore vs. James Prudence

Non Title: Enygma vs. James Justice

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I went to USPW and all I got was a signed sign, threatened by a Canadian, and almost punched.


Anger vs. Acid

Peter Valentine and Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion and Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Danny Rushmore vs. James Prudence

Non Title: Enygma vs. James Justice


Signs: "Nicky Who?"

"Peter Valentine: Future Champ"

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Anger vs. Acid


After a big surprise debut at the last show, Acid isn't going to job to someone who is jobbing their way into retirement.


Peter Valentine and Bruce The Giant vs. Nicky Champion and Jack America


More talent on the face side but this is USPW after all and Bruce he Giant is someone who should always be booked as a dominant force unless he basically turns into a joke.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun


Datsun won't make it easy but this will be a fairly routine defence for Andre Jones.


Danny Rushmore vs. James Prudence


Without the backing of Sneer Corp Rushmore is just going to be a big jobber, it wasn't like he was kicked out and beat him down giving him a whole big revenge angle, they just cut ties with him . James Prudence on the other hand came in with a relative amount of fanfare as James Justice pal. Hey maybe Angeldelayette will swerve us big time here, but I can't believe people have actually picked Rushmore to win this.


Non Title: Enygma vs. James Justice


It's not totally unfeasible for Justice to win here as it is non title but I think you'll keep your champion looking strong but in a manner that will further seal his shocking heel turn from last week.

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Tuesday, Week 4, February 2010

Brandon James defeated Grandmaster Phunk to retain the SWF North American title...C+

The Pain Alliance defeated Death Row...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jack Bruce and Marat Khoklov...A

Randy Bumfhole defeated Kid Toma...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Christian Faith, Angry Gilmore and Runaway Train...B

Eric Eisen defeated Steve Frehley...B-

Christian Faith defeated Remo...B





Tuesday, Week 4, February 2010

Aaron Andrews defeated Edd Stone...C

Charlie Thatcher defeated Clark Alexander...D+

Texas Pete, Joel Bryant and Scout defeated Brent Hill, Sammy Bach and Guide...C+

Genghis Rahn defeated Joshua Taylor...C

Wolf Hawkins defeated Joey Minnesota...B+

Rocky Golden defeated Troy Tornado...C+


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