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USPW - What? This Again?

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We had two people get a perfect score on the pay-per-view. Congratulations to blewrider1980 and Rayelek!




1. Rayelek=27 Wins

2. blewrider1980=26 Wins

3. xopher316=25 Wins

4. Jingo=24 Wins

5. jhd1=23 Wins

Tigerkinney=23 Wins

7. Wrestling Century=22 Wins

8. 20LEgend=21 Wins

Dragonmack=21 Wins

10. TheLeviticalLawKid3=19 Wins

11. ChrisKid=18 Wins

Emark=18 Wins

13. Boltinho=10 Wins

14. Bigpapa42=9 Wins

15. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

17. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 1 June 2010


Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Wow! sums up this ppv.


A rating ME is a plus as well. Devine winning is great but my favourite part was the amazing Acid vs Enygma and the mask>silence was awesome


Really glad to hear you enjoyed the pay-per-view. I feel that this may actually be my best pay-per-view ever written. The 'A' rating in the ME really made me proud because it may be my first 'A' rated match in USPW. Though I may be wrong on that.


Glad to hear you enjoyed the little twist on the Acid/Enygma match as well. It was something that came into my head awhile back and I knew it would fit in perfectly with my plans.


Overall, I am always glad to hear thoughts on the cards I write, especially the pay-per-views as this is the culmination of a lot of work to get here.

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Titans vs Champion Force feud, this could kick it off!

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Patriots lose in USPW

Andre Jones vs. Jack America


Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

If she loses 2 in a row she'll tell daddy

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

Flash is the best loser in the game IMO rarely winges and is just awesome. For these reason he will lose

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Surely he'll retain

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Seduction...noooooooooo!!!!!! :D


Well my friend, what can I say? Awesome, awesome PPV as usual. Some enormous shocks in there too!


Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Baine's a tag champion which suggests to me he'll win tonight.

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA


Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Give Jones some momentum back. Unless America is gaining some to lose next week...

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

See above.

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

If you were going to give the TV belt away without a build then this would be that match. But, I think 'Perfection' will edge it. Just.

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

Can't see Devine dropping it right away. Could just about see CC winning by DQ but I don't think he will.

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield



Matthew Keith will lose in a Flash!

The Devine nightmare continues!

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<em>[Declaration of Independence had been a major hit for USPW from a financial standpoint and a buyrate standpoint and a show standpoint. This had definitely been the best show that has been put on since Shane Sneer stepped down from being Head Booker at the end of December of last year. The wrestler known as Jack America, the man who stepped in as Head Booker at the beginning of the year, sat down within the locker room and watched as the final credits rolled on the card through the monitor that is installed within each and every locker room. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Generally speaking when the show is over the locker room is like a ghost town. Many of the early match guys decide to go ahead and leave to beat the traffic. However this evening had that special feel to it and there were many that were still here. There were many that showed up even though they were not scheduled to be on the card. A lot of wrestlers wanted to witness first-hand the match between Tommy Cornell and Steve Flash. Neither man had wrestled in USPW before so that definitely made things a little more special. Tommy is, of course, on just a working agreement loan with one more show to go on it, while Steve is on a written contract. He wrestled last evening in a match with Mick Muscles down in the development league: IWL. The locker room where Jack was sitting was completely empty except for him. Then came a knock on the door. Jack looked up and called out for the person to come in.]</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><span>http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SamStrong.jpg</span></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

[it's USPW Owner and Jack's boss Sam Strong. Jack and Sam have had a great relationship since Jack became a part of USPW. Jack rose to his feet and extended a hand. The two men shook hands and then Jack sat back down while Sam sat down across from him.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Jack America</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

"Well, Mr. Strong? What did you think of the show?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Sam Strong</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

"Please, call me Sam, brother. I think that tonight USPW took a big step toward both TCW and SWF. Of course Tommy wouldn't be too thrilled to hear about that first one, right?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[Ah yes, Tommy Cornell. The man who is going to end up ruining his own company. Yeah, Jack thinks that he can be a real stinker but how else was he supposed to get talent that can compete on the level of TCW and SWF without joining forces with one of them? USPW does have its own fair share of household names. Darryl Devine became one tonight through the United States when he won the World title. Bruce is another household name for this company. Chris is one. But getting the likes of Tommy Cornell? Yeah that will definitely place the edge in the favor of USPW. Jack looked up from his own thoughts to meet the piercing eyes of Sam, nodding.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Jack America</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

"Yeah, Sam. That's just between you and me. Not even Alicia knows about our plan to go National, does she?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[sam shook his head.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Sam Strong</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

"It is better to be kept between you and me, brother. It wasn't easy getting Tommy to agree to a working agreement between our two companies. It was even harder getting him to agree to come on our show. But you know all about that, right?"</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[Jack nodded. Yes, he knows all about that because he had been the one to really handle the negotiations with Tommy Cornell. He pleaded with Tommy to join forces so that they could take down Richard Eisen and the SWF. He also offered Tommy money and women. Yes, Tommy has a hot wife but it's a little known fact that he has a taste for the flesh. That is one reason why TCW does NOT have a women's division. His wife wouldn't let him bring temptation so near to the doorstep. Jack looked up again and then gave Sam a pat on the shoulder.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Jack America</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

"Alright, Sam, tonight we need to grab Alicia and go celebrate. I'm going to buy you both a big steak dinner with all the fixings."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[sam nodded and then rose to his feet.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Sam Strong</span></strong></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

"I'll see you outside, brother."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>[sam took off, leaving Jack sitting alone in the locker room again. It is definitely going to be a busy night.]</em></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Written by jhd1



When Enygma signed with United States Pro Wrestling many said that this would be the event that would send his new company and his former employers SWF to war. Those people were right. But no one could have predicted that a new war would be fought on-screen, on USPW soil.


When Total Championship Wrestling owner Tommy Cornell appeared on USPW American Wrestling the wrestling world was shocked. One of the few moments in the modern wrestling world where nobody outside of the two companies knew what was coming beforehand, fans were left amazed and angered in equal measure. Those feelings were amplified after last Saturday's big PPV where Tommy Cornell was scheduled to face Freddie Datsun for the right to battle Sam Strong at Last Man Standing. During the course of the evening Datsun was 'attacked' - let's face it, by Cornell - and replaced by another shock appearance, Steve Flash. We all know the outcome, and at Last Man Standing one of the great feuds of all time will see another send-off. That's right Sam Strong vs. Tommy Cornell - mark it down in your diaries, book the day off work. Do. Not. Miss. It.


But even thought Tommy Cornell's appearance threatened to overshadow the rest of the event there were still two momentous happenings yet to come...


Enygma and Acid, two mysterious men who look more at home in Mexico than in Huntsville, have been feuding for months. But without either man speaking in all that time we are not really sure what it is they are fighting for. Could we have finally seen that reason at Declaration of Independence? In an fantastic 'Breaking the Silence' match Enygma muttered his first words since the beginning of the year when he yelled 'I quit' three times. Facing the submission specialist Acid perhaps we shouldn't be surprised, but then Acid wasn't applying a wrestling hold, was he? No, Acid was merely attempting to rip the mask from Enygma's face. Are we to believe that somehow, someway, these two men share some dark secret hidden behind their respective masks? Enygma was certainly quick to accept to defeat rather than risk being unmasked. With at least one of these men having refound his tongue perhaps we'll be able to see just what is driving these two men forward.


If you Tommy Cornell hadn't knocked you out with shock and Enygma's shreiking hadn't sent you behind the couch then you were in for a real treat come main event time. Was Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield the greatest USPW match of the year? I'd go as far as to say it was the best USPW match of all time. In fact, it beats a lot of the 'big two' matches we've had to suffer through. But Seduction - why, oh why did you do it? She's certainly a sucker for punishment, sticking around with 'Mighty Fine', but when the opportunity came to end her association with Darryl and join World Champion Chris Caulfield she chose the devil she knew and slammed a chair across the now former World Champion's head. There were many doubters at the beginning of Caulfield's reign but he more than proved his worth during this feud with Devine. He'll get a chance to win the title back on Wednesday but surely Devine will be smart enough to ensure victory, one way or another. Devine, it must be said, has come a long way since January. In five months Devine has risen from opener to World Champion and he never looked shaky on his climb up.


If you want to see the future of USPW, perhaps all of American professional wrestling, then you could do a lot worse than watch the main event of next week's USPW American Wrestling.



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I'm genuinely intrigued to see now where this TCW Working Agreement is going, maybe we are in for more than just a Cornell-Strong vanity feud?


You know what this diary is starting to remind me a bit of J-Silvers excellent USPW diary for TEW07 (I think his was 07?), there's still a place for the wrestlecrap you would come to expect from USPW on the undercard but the Uppercard has naturally evolved to push genuine talent instead of dinosaurs and like just J-Silver's classic we find Darryl Devine as World Champion :D


Tyson Baine vs. The Champion


I'm going to go a little against the grain here and tip The Champion to pick up the upset win, which could spark a feud for the Tag Titles between The Titans and Champion Force.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA


Looks like you're building up Bloodstone with a few squashes first before having him set his sights on the world title.


Andre Jones vs. Jack America


Diary User characters as wrestler's who happen to the head booker:


David Mack (NYCW): Main Event Mainstay, 'ace' of NYCW.


Takayuki Onodera (BHOTWG): Established midcarder


Jack America (USPW): Jobber :p


Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


Bomb's in danger of being a forgotten cog in the USPW women's division but whilst a fellow heel has the belt, things are going to be that way for her.


USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash


Steve Flash put's Keith over, not just by doing the job but by putting on a really good match with Sam's boy.


USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


Surely you didn't have all that build and the Seduction double cross on Caulfield to have Devine drop the belt back immediately.

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Just read the first show again, unsure if it was intentional but Darryl Devine was 'fighting' a kid for Chris Caulfield's bandanna, 5 months later he takes the belt away from Caulfield talk about rags to riches.


Was this inentional or just a cool random link?

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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I'm genuinely intrigued to see now where this TCW Working Agreement is going, maybe we are in for more than just a Cornell-Strong vanity feud?


You know what this diary is starting to remind me a bit of J-Silvers excellent USPW diary for TEW07 (I think his was 07?), there's still a place for the wrestlecrap you would come to expect from USPW on the undercard but the Uppercard has naturally evolved to push genuine talent instead of dinosaurs and like just J-Silver's classic we find Darryl Devine as World Champion :D


Wow! That is truly high praise being compared to J Silver's classic diary. He was definitely a major source of inspiration for me in the beginning.


As far as the USPW/TCW Working Agreement goes? All I can say is to stay tuned. ;)


Just read the first show again, unsure if it was intentional but Darryl Devine was 'fighting' a kid for Chris Caulfield's bandanna, 5 months later he takes the belt away from Caulfield talk about rags to riches.


Was this inentional or just a cool random link?


It was a little bit of both. I knew that eventually I wanted to do a feud between Devine and Caulfield because of their in-ring capabilities. But the timing just became right with Caulfield winning the World title and now Devine with the World title.

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[The dinner with Sam and Alicia had been an excellent time for Jack. He got to celebrate the victory of an amazing pay-per-view and talk to Sam about their future plans. Though he did keep many of the things that Sam and he spoke about in silence. Why? Because Sam's daughter Alicia was sitting there at the table and he does not know who he can trust. Many of the things which occur on the shows are complete newsflashes to her and to many of the road agents, including Crippler Ray Kingman, who has informed Sam and Jack that he is leaving in less than a month to step away from the wrestling business. With Ray stepping away, Jack will have even more power within the company, right?


This Sunday evening is the evening of the big TCW pay-per-view that will feature a USPW wrestler. Getting exposure on TCW's program can do nothing but help the wrestlers from USPW in their hunt for growth and expansion. Jack was only recently informed that Bruce The Giant will be getting a shot at Rocky Golden and the TCW World Heavyweight title in the main event. How does that look to the TCW wrestlers? A USPW wrestler main eventing the pay-per-view over them? Men like Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins cannot be happy about that. Of course that is where Jack plans to strike at them. He will grow that ambition within their heart to bigger and better things. USPW is a growing company that can make use of such wrestlers and we can use them correctly in their right spots rather than allowing someone else to come in and take over their main events. Look at Declaration of Independence. Neither Tommy Cornell nor Steve Flash main evented. Will Tommy main event with Sam Strong? That has yet to be decided. But either way things can be twisted and moved into the favor of USPW. This is a back-biting business. Can anyone be trusted?]

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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

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Sunday, Week 4, May 2010

Clark Alexander defeated Mikey James...C

The Sensational Singh defeated Mighty Mo...D+

Genghis Rahn went to a time limit draw with Brent Hill...C+

Edd Stone defeated Harry Allen to retain the TCW All Action title...C

Joshua Taylor defeated Giant Tana...C+

Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews...C

Sammy Bach defeated American Buffalo...B-

Wolf Hawkins defeated Danny Fonzarelli...B

Troy Tornado defeated Joey Minnesota...B

Bryan Vessey defeated Rick Law...B

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Tommy Cornell...A

Rocky Golden defeated Bruce The Giant to retain the TCW World Heavyweight title...B-





Tuesday, Week 1, June 2010

Randy Bumfhole defeated Akima Brave...C-

Brandon James defeated John Greed to retain the SWF North American title...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Jack Bruce and Vengeance...B+

Joe Sexy defeated Puerto Rican Power...C

Rich Money defeated Remo...B-

Vengeance against Jack Bruce ended in a no contest...B





Tuesday, Week 1, June 2010

Charlie Thatcher, Clark Alexander and Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Mighty Mo, Giant Tana and Freddy Huggins...C-

Robert Oxford defeated Mikey James...C-

John Anderson defeated Frankie Perez...B-

Edd Stone defeated Harry Allen to retain the TCW All Action title...C-

Rick Law defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW International title...C+

Wolf Hawkins defeated Joey Minnesota...B


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Tyson Baine vs. The Champion

Baine still is pain.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA

I like to call matches like these "Waffle House Squash": Captain USA will get absolutely scattered, smothered, and covered--for the one, two, three.


Andre Jones vs. Jack America

Such the servant. Jobbing to anyone and everyone...you are the C-Verse version of what Delirious is for ROH.


Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Popular face wins as a heel is the champion.


USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash

Now I've figured out why you've had Keith so long...the TCW working agreement must help. Usually he gets a written deal with them fast.


USPW World Title Rematch: Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield

That would be an epic swerve if he lost the belt THAT quick.


Fan Sign: The Devine Era BEGINS! and Alicia Strong Wishes She Was J-Ro

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