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USPW - What? This Again?

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 2.09




Last Week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • Johnny Bloodstone opened the show calling out former Global Warning member Bruce the Giant.
  • Bruce came out and was attacked from behind by Nikolai Taktarov and new Global Warning member Champagne Lover.
  • Joanne Rodriguez pinned Eve Grunge.
  • The Champion seemed to have suffered some amnesia the last few months where he has been The Champion and not Nicky Champion.
  • Sam Strong promised new tag teams for The Titans to face.
  • Enygma called out Acid and again got no response.
  • Alicia Strong asked for a USPW Women's title shot but she was denied.
  • Chris Caulfield and The Fly Boys defeated The Hardcore Brotherhood. Chris seemed to hang back for most of the match and didn't hit Travis Century.
  • Steve Flash and Art Reed defeated Darryl Devine and Matthew Keith when Reed scored the upset victory over the USPW World Champion.
  • Matthew Keith, though, stood tall at the end of the night.






[The crowd within the arena has begun a 'USPW' chant as the show comes on the air. We are welcomed by all three announcers before..


"miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your"


Boos fill the arena as the USPW World Champion walks out from the back alongside Seduction. Neither of them look very happy as Devine is practically stomping down to the ring. He yells at Seduction to hold the ropes open and he steps through before he is tossed a microphone. A 'You Got Pinned' chant breaks out through the crowd. Seduction tries to cover Devine's ears.]


Darryl Devine

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!!"


[The chant grows even louder and is sprinkled in with some boos.]


Darryl Devine

"He did NOT pin me! My foot was on the ropes! My hand was on the ropes! Something was not right about that! There is no way that he should have been able to pin me to the mat. There is no way that a loser like that pins Darryl Devine! I am NOT MIGHTY FINE TONIGHT!"


[seduction tries to calm him down but he is burning up tonight!]


Darryl Devine

"Art Reed! You get out here and do the right thing! You get out here and explain what happened to all of these idiots in the audience tonight who think you pinned me."


[Devine is interrupted by some music that has fans cheering and on their feet.]




[The Pure Athlete Art Reed walks out. He high fives some fans in the first row and then slides inside the ring with his own microphone.]


Art Reed

"You want me to explain to all these fans what happened last week? Instead of me explaining it to them, why don't we show it to them?"


[The USPW-Tron lights up with footage from last week's main event. Devine is shown lying on the mat and he gets nailed with the Hang Time Moonsault by Art Reed! The cover is made and the three count is made.]


Art Reed

"How about in slow-motion?"


[A slow-motion replay is shown of the exact same thing. Darryl Devine is getting angrier and angrier inside the ring.]


Art Reed

"How about in fast-motion?"


[A fast-forwarded replay is shown of the exact same thing.]


Darryl Devine

"Enough! That's enough! You stop showing that! And you, you did not pin me! You did not beat me fairly!"


Art Reed

"Fine, Darryl, I'll tell you what. You want an opportunity to make up for that loss? Next week right here on USPW American Wrestling: Darryl Devine vs. Art Reed for the USPW World Title!"


[The crowd cheers that idea! They would absolutely love to have a title match here next week!]


Darryl Devine

"You may not think that I would agree to that, Art, but you know what? You're on! Just a few days before I step into a Ladder Match with Steve Flash, I will warm up with you. But you can trust me that at the end of the night you will be the one who's not mighty fine."


[Darryl grabs Seduction and exits the ring with her, leaving Art Reed to soak in the cheers of the crowd.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Jack America


[This was indeed a very good opening match here on USPW American Wrestling to spark the crowd's interest. Gonzalez took the match outside early on and took Jack America right up against the ring post, rubbing his face back and forth on the ring post! Gonzalez tossed America back inside the ring and focused his attention on the back of America. The crowd began a 'USA' chant to try and rally America back into the match. Something that might have helped is the appearance of another wrestler.]




['The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield stepped out and walked down to the ringside area. His presence provided a distraction to Shawn Gonzalez, who stopped fighting with America to yell at Caulfield! This gave America some breathing time and he managed to fight his way back into the match. America hit Gonzalez with a Fisherman's Buster suplex and then headed to the top turnbuckle -- 460 Splash! America made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack America (Via Pinfall @ 8:27)

Match Rating: B




[Chris Caulfield smiled and walked to the back, exiting through the curtain. As Caulfield disappeared, Enygma stepped through the curtain and walked right down to the ring. Jack America exited the ring but he was clotheslined down by Enygma! Enygma turned America on his stomach -- Enygma Variation! The crowd booed as Enygma held onto the hold until officials came out and broke things up. Enygma entered the ring and looked around with a microphone in his hand.]



"For the last few weeks, I have been calling out that coward Acid to face me in the center of the ring. I even laid down last week and he wouldn't show up. He wouldn't face me like a man. I am calling you out once again, Acid. Bring your masked butt down here to the ring."


[Enygma waited for a few moments and...nothing once again. The crowd booed as Acid still did not show himself.]



"You are such a coward, Acid."


[Enygma dropped the microphone and exited the ring headed for the back.]






[We are taken to a hallway backstage courtesy of the USPW-Tron! In that hallway, J-Ro can be seen lying on the ground while Belle Bryden stands over her putting some boots to her stomach and legs! The crowd boos in the background as the USPW Women's Champion stands over her challenger. In the very background, Alicia Strong can be seen smiling as she watches what just happened.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. The Force


[This match was mostly dominated by the presence of The Force. The Force took Beauchamp down early and often with clotheslines and a press slam and then a splash! The Force continued his dominance over Beauchamp by lifting him up and dropping him with the Full Force! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 6:13)

Match Rating: C-






[We head backstage once again through the courtesy of the USPW-Tron. This time, we see Steve Flash and Art Reed talking together by the infamous USPW Coca Cola Machine! The camera zooms in to try to hear what they're saying but Art notices the camera. He motions toward it and then Art and Steve walk off and move the conversation behind closed doors. What might they be talking about? Probably something Devine.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Titans defend vs. A Mystery Team


[The USPW World Tag Team Champions The Titans along with their manager Shane Sneer enter the ring first and wait to see just who it is they are going to be facing in this match. We have been told that they are both former tag team champions. It's]




[Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust? Well, those two are former MAW Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions. Guess Sam Strong used his connections with MAW to hire these guys. The Titans do not look too worried at facing the two Lightweights. As soon as The Awesomeness enters the ring, they are assaulted by The Titans! Huey Cannonball is thrown outside the ring like a cannonball. Tyson Baine goes after him and tosses him into the guardrail. Inside the ring, T-Rex sends Jefferson Stardust to the ropes -- side slam! T-Rex pulls Stardust up -- Jurassic Crush! He hooks on that swinging full nelson and Stardust has no choice but to give up or have his arms ripped off!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Submission @ 5:33; The Titans retain the USPW World Tag Team Titles)

Match Rating: D






[*The following announcement has been paid for by Global Warning*


We cut in to the three men standing in front of a black and white background looking around and then focusing in on the camera.]


Johnny Bloodstone

"We warned you. Didn't we warn you? We warned you. We warned Bruce that there would be consequences if he didn't do what was best for the group. Those consequences are going to truly come at Apple Pie And Wrestling when this man Nikolai Taktarov completely destroys him inside the center of the ring. Bruce, don't blame Global Warning. Blame yourself."


[*The preceding announcement was paid for by Global Warning*]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg

Non Title

Matthew Keith vs. Steve Flash


[This man, Matthew Keith, has never been pinned and never been forced to submit in any match that he has been in so far here in USPW. So far he has lived up to his moniker of being 'Perfection.' But what happens when Perfection meets Remarkable? Keith is actually the better technical wrestler of the two and he takes the advantage early on, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Keith grounds Steve Flash, keeping him down and keeping the pressure on with backbreakers and a DDT that sent Flash collapsing down to the mat. Keith tossed Steve Flash outside the ring and then got the attention of the official as two people came down to ringside.]




[seduction led the charge and caught Steve Flash with a kick to the ribs! Devine picked up Flash and sent him ramming face-first into the guardrail! He tossed Flash back in the ring and the referee turned back around, surprised to see Devine and Seduction at ringside. Keith rolled Flash up: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd got behind Steve Flash and Matthew Keith whipped him into a corner. Keith charged but was caught with a boot by Flash! Flash climbed up the turnbuckles and was immediately shoved down by Darryl Devine! The referee signalled for the bell and a disqualification as Devine entered the ring.]


Winner: Steve Flash (Via Disqualification @ 9:48)

Match Rating: B+


[Devine caught Flash with a couple of kicks and then rammed him down head-first into the mat. All while this was going on, Seduction pulled a ladder out from underneath the ring. She slid it inside and joined Darryl Devine inside the ring. The ladder was set up and Darryl climbed to the top, raising his USPW World title! Will we see the same thing happen at Apple Pie And Wrestling?]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Enygma vs. Chris Caulfield


[it is our main event time right here on USPW American Wrestling! What a main event we have for you tonight as two hard-hitting wrestlers go one on one. Chris Caulfield dropped his bandana once he hit the ring and the punching got started between he and Enygma! The two men traded blows in the center of the ring and Chris Caulfield started gaining the advantage! He knocked Enygma back in the corner and whipped him across in an irish whip! Enygma hit the corner hard and bounced out -- clothesline by Caulfield! The Hardcore American is starting out as the aggressor tonight! Caulfield pulls Enygma to his feet and wraps his arms around his waist -- overhead belly to belly suplex! Enygma holds his back and rolls outside the ring.]


[Chris doesn't wait for him to get back inside the ring. He goes outside and takes Enygma ramming him face-first into the guardrail! Caulfield picks up Enygma and drops him ribs-first on top of the guardrail! Caulfield grabs Enygma and tosses him back inside the ring. Caulfield follows him in and puts a couple of boots to the chest. He sends Enygma to the ropes and lowers his head -- kick to the head by Enygma! Enygma clotheslines down Caulfield and then plays to the booing crowd for a moment. During this time, several men decide to make their presence known at ringside.]




[it's the Hardcore Brotherhood! The crowd boos even louder as the Brotherhood take positions around the ring except for one since there are only three of them and four sides of the ring. Enygma spends the next few minutes in control of Caulfield, bringing him down with moves like a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He brings the ankle of Caulfield to the ropes and then leaps down on it, working on that leg which everyone knows is a set-up for the Enygma Variation. Enygma picks up Caulfield and sends him to the ropes -- scoop powerslam! He makes the cover:]












[There's still some life left in Caulfield yet! Enygma goes for a rear chin lock. He holds onto it as the crowd tries to bring more life into Chris Caulfield and he gets a little pep in his step. He gets to his feet and twists the chinlock into a headlock. He pushes Enygma toward the ropes and Enygma bangs heads with the referee! Both men go down and Chris Caulfield realizes what he's done. Chris looks around as the Hardcore Brotherhood climb on the apron. He runs over and knocks JD Morgan off the apron with a punch! He clotheslines down Shawn Gonzalez! Then he raises a fist to Travis Century and hesitates. What in the world is going on here? Century kicks Caulfield in the gut -- Salvation DDT! He rolls Caulfield on his back and slides Enygma over while reviving the referee:]











Winner: Enygma (Via Pinfall @ 13:40)

Match Rating: B


[it's a pinfall victory for Enygma but what is going on between Travis Century and Chris Caulfield? The Hardcore Brotherhood enter the ring and look down at the fallen Chris Caulfield. Travis Century makes the sign of the cross over his body and then the three men raise their arms victorious here tonight. We're out of time! We'll hopefully have some answers next week!]

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Only two perfect scores this week! Congratulations to Jingo and FGN77!




1. Rayelek=90 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=88 Wins

3. jhd1=85 Wins

4. xopher316=84 Wins

blewrider1980=84 Wins

6. 20LEgend=80 Wins

7. Jingo=79 Wins

8. Emark=73 Wins

9. ChrisKid=69 Wins

10. Bigpapa42=53 Wins

11. Dragonmack=51 Wins

bgbuff=51 Wins

13. Wrestling Century=42 Wins

14. Boltinho=24 Wins

15. TheLeviticalLawKid3=23 Wins

16. FGN77=10 Wins

17. smurphy1014=8 Wins

18. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

20. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are in the last in-game month of the prediction contest! At the end of this month, all prediction scores will be reset to 0.


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 August 2010


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team

Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team

If they're as bad as The Awesomeness then there is nothing to worry about!

Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

Bob is really bad, Umaga is really good

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun

Insiders edge

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

Bruce gets Blood back

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed

Devine vs. Flash has been billed it would make no sense to change

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team

If they're as bad as The Awesomeness then there is nothing to worry about!

Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

Bob is really bad, Umaga is really good

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun

Insiders edge

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

Bruce gets Blood back

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed

Devine vs. Flash has been billed it would make no sense to change


Everything said here is logical and I agree with.

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[Jack was convinced that his career in USPW had been over. Alicia Strong had caught him in the midst of one of his pill-induced stupors and he just knew she was going to go to her father and let him know what was going on. Instead, he hadn't heard a thing about it either from Alicia or from Sam himself. They had plenty of chances to pull him aside at the last show and neither of them did that. It makes him wonder just a little bit what type of game she might be playing. But he cannot think too hard on that as he has another meeting with the owner of the company: Sam Strong. This time he has an interesting proposal to make. He walks into the office of his boss and shakes hands with Sam Strong. After the two of them exchange pleasantries, Jack lays a folder down on the table.."Sam, there is an idea I have that we need to discuss."..Jack turns the folder over and scrawled on the front of the folder are four letters that Jack thinks may put USPW over the edge.]



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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery


The Titans will not drop the belts here. Not yet.


Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

Bob Casey's only offense will come in the form of yelling right before being bulldozed.


UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

Flash will take the big win heading to title match due to Bruce getting some payback on Bloodstone.


USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed

A mighty fine convincing win for Darryl to prove Reed's pin last week was a fluke.

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[Jack was convinced that his career in USPW had been over. Alicia Strong had caught him in the midst of one of his pill-induced stupors and he just knew she was going to go to her father and let him know what was going on. Instead, he hadn't heard a thing about it either from Alicia or from Sam himself. They had plenty of chances to pull him aside at the last show and neither of them did that. It makes him wonder just a little bit what type of game she might be playing. But he cannot think too hard on that as he has another meeting with the owner of the company: Sam Strong. This time he has an interesting proposal to make. He walks into the office of his boss and shakes hands with Sam Strong. After the two of them exchange pleasantries, Jack lays a folder down on the table.."Sam, there is an idea I have that we need to discuss."..Jack turns the folder over and scrawled on the front of the folder are four letters that Jack thinks may put USPW over the edge.]




Oh My God! This is amazing! These bits are amazing and are really adding to Jack America as a character rather than a stereotypical jobber, DAVE? I'm so intrigued.

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team


Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

Squash #2

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun

It's unusual for "UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp" to get two goes at USPW wrestlers but he'll still lose.

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

Flash is headed for the PPV...

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed

...and so is Mighty Fine!

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USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team


The next mystery team will be a shade stronger than The Awesomeness but won't be the one's to end The Titans reign with the belts.


Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey




UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun


A win to keep Braun reletively strong as a midcarder over an outsider brought in to job.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash


Flash is the one challenging for the world title at this stage, wouldn't be surprised if Bruce makes the difference though and cost's Bloodstsone the win.


USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed


Devine retains, but will have to resort to his bag of tricks to pull out the win.

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Thursday, Week 3, August 2010

Rex Reeves defeated Paranoia...F+

Bonnie Clyde and Power Girl defeated Olivia Diamond and Officer Goodhead...F+

Super Sonic defeated Mad Dog Mortimer...E-

Regular Joe defeated Roger Monteiro...E-

The Darkness Warrior and Rayne Man defeated Apollo and Hugh de Aske...D-

New York Red defeated Mark Smart...E-

Ben Williams and Extreme Deluxe defeated Buck Graham and Paradox...F+

Paul Steadyfast and Grunt defeated Jebediah and Crash Lewis...D-

Leo Davis defeated Running Wolf...F+





Saturday, Week 3, August 2010

Happy Elwood defeated Oscar Ozymandias...E+

Nina, Thomas Morgan and Sky King defeated Kinuye Mushashibo, Emma Bitch and Amber Allen...D-

Tribal Warrior defeated Mick Muscles...D+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Des Davids and Billy Jack Shearer...C-

Java defeated The Big Problem...D+

Des Davids defeated Man Mountain Cahill...C-

Jumbo Jackson defeated Billy Jack Shearer to retain the IWL Universal title...C-





Tuesday, Week 4, August 2010

The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Pain Alliance...C

Bart Biggz defeated Marshall Dillon...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Christian Faith and Jessie...A

Shady K defeated Puerto Rican Power...D-

Brandon James defeated Eric Eisen...B

Marat Khoklov defeated Christian Faith...B





Tuesday, Week 4, August 2010

Texas Pete defeated Frankie Perez...C-

Edd Stone defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW All Action title...C-

The Machines defeated The L.A. Connection...B-

Clark Alexander defeated Sammy Bach...C

Troy Tornado defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...B

Bryan Vessey defeated Art Reed...A


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Thought i'd already picked for some reason ...


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team

Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

USPW World Title Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed

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[before Jack left the office of Sam Strong, his mind was already whirling with different thoughts. This is definitely going to work. This is going to raise the profile of USPW. This is going to have us competing with Tommy. All of those thoughts were moving through his mind when he left the office. He paused before he got into his car and pulled out his cell phone. He hit a number that he had on autodial and waited for an answer. "Yeah, it's me. Listen, it's all set up. I got Sam's approval. I even got his permission to fly you out for the pay-per-view." A pause as Jack listened to the other end of the conversation. "Alright. You can fly yourself out. We need to keep this as a big secret. Yeah, I'll see you at Apple Pie And Wrestling."

Jack paused for a moment and then hit the end button on the cell phone. He thought for a moment and then hit another autodial button. "Mitch? Yeah, I got him. I know but he signed on a written contract here. I'm sorry but that's the way it's got to be. We are going places and, honestly, I want you with us all the way." Another pause as Jack listened in. "Yeah? You think about it and we'll see how things go. I'll see you Wednesday."

Jack hung up the phone again and a smile curved his lips. Things are definitely turning upward. He got into his car and put on his seat belt. Though there will be no seat belt on the wild ride that's coming up. If this goes as Jack believes it will go, then they just may become national sooner rather than later. Time to head home.]

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Oh My God! This is amazing! These bits are amazing and are really adding to Jack America as a character rather than a stereotypical jobber, DAVE? I'm so intrigued.


I'm glad that these extra bits are being enjoyed so much. I am enjoying them as well. I hope they definitely add to the story as a whole and get people intrigued as to what could happen next.

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[before Jack left the office of Sam Strong, his mind was already whirling with different thoughts. This is definitely going to work. This is going to raise the profile of USPW. This is going to have us competing with Tommy. All of those thoughts were moving through his mind when he left the office. He paused before he got into his car and pulled out his cell phone. He hit a number that he had on autodial and waited for an answer. "Yeah, it's me. Listen, it's all set up. I got Sam's approval. I even got his permission to fly you out for the pay-per-view." A pause as Jack listened to the other end of the conversation. "Alright. You can fly yourself out. We need to keep this as a big secret. Yeah, I'll see you at Apple Pie And Wrestling."

Jack paused for a moment and then hit the end button on the cell phone. He thought for a moment and then hit another autodial button. "Mitch? Yeah, I got him. I know but he signed on a written contract here. I'm sorry but that's the way it's got to be. We are going places and, honestly, I want you with us all the way." Another pause as Jack listened in. "Yeah? You think about it and we'll see how things go. I'll see you Wednesday."

Jack hung up the phone again and a smile curved his lips. Things are definitely turning upward. He got into his car and put on his seat belt. Though there will be no seat belt on the wild ride that's coming up. If this goes as Jack believes it will go, then they just may become national sooner rather than later. Time to head home.]


I'm a rat glued to a trap, this is getting more and more delicious. Salivating another taste, keep it coming chef! (Probably shouldn't have rat, delicious & chef in the same topic but whatever....)

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 August 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 2.05




Last Week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • Darryl Devine came out first and challenged Art Reed to a title match.
  • Jack America pinned Shawn Gonzalez after a distraction by Chris Caulfield.
  • Enygma attacked Jack America following the match and called out Acid to no response.
  • Belle Bryden attacked Joanne Rodriguez in the back.
  • The Awesomeness were the mystery team to face The Titans.
  • The Titans destroyed them.
  • Steve Flash beat Matthew Keith by DQ when Darryl Devine interfered.
  • Enygma beat Chris Caulfield when the Hardcore Brotherhood interfered.






[The show opens within the Huntsville Fairgrounds as we are just a few days away from USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling! What a show we have there and what a show we have tonight! The crowd boos as 'War Machine' by KISS begins to play and out from the back steps Enygma. Enygma looks around and then enters the ring with a microphone in hand. Now that he's talking, he can't shut up!]



"ACID! Each and every week I have come out here and called you out and each and every week you have disappointed me and disappointed every single one of your fans. You stay hidden deep within the shadows somewhere where you cannot be seen, cannot be found. I am not one that hides in the shadows anymore. I cannot hide. I am here front and center because of the things that you have done to me. You have taken from me my silence. You have taken from me my mask. Now, it is my turn for vengeance. Now it is my turn."


[Enygma stops in his words as the lights go out within the building. A cheer erupts through the crowd as it looks like Enygma is finally going to get what is coming to him! There is someone else within the ring with Enygma. The lights turn up to reveal]




[Jack America! Last week, Enygma attacked Jack America following America's win! Enygma looks shocked and America throws punches! He clotheslines Enygma over the top rope to the floor. He jaws down at Enygma, leaning against the ropes. Enygma climbs to his feet and America leaps over the top rope, bringing Enygma down with a cross body! America punches away at the head of Enygma and Enygma tries to cover up. Officials come running in to break things up. They pull America off and Enygma gets in a couple of cheap shots before the two men are seperated and brought to the back.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Titans defend vs. Mystery Team


[shane Sneer brings his USPW World Tag Team Champions down to the ring for their second Mystery Team match in a row. The Sneer Corporation members look toward the ramp to see who they will be facing. The unmistakable sounds of motorcycles begins to blare through the Huntsville Fairgrounds. George Thurogood's 'Bad To The Bone' begins to play and the crowd raises up as they look to see the headlights of two motorcycles fill the top of the entrance. Those two motorcycles begin heading down toward the ring.]




[it's The Dirty White Boys! Grease Hogg and Lead Belly drive around the ring as The Titans definitely look more concerned this week than they did last week. These two men have the toughness to face off with The Titans! They stop their motorcycles and climb into the ring and the brawl is on! This was definitely a power-based match between four men who are all looking to hold onto or grab the gold. T-Rex was taken down by a double clothesline from The Dirty White Boys. A double kick to the gut on Tyson Baine. Baine is dropped with a double flapjack and Grease Hogg made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Almost new USPW World Tag Team Champions there! The match continued and Baine took control after some well-timed interference by Shane Sneer. Baine grabbed Grease Hogg by the throat and raised him up -- HADES BOMB! Baine made the cover as T-Rex took out Lead Belly with a clothesline: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 7:47; The Titans retain the USPW World Tag Team Titles)

Match Rating: B-




[The Titans once again prove themselves as two of the toughest wrestlers in the world today! But all of the attention turns to the top of the ramp as 'Real American' begins to play. Sam Strong comes out to the top of the ramp and he is applauding.]


Sam Strong

"Way to go, brothers! You are definitely proving yourselves in the tag team division here in USPW. You are the Champs, dudes! But at Apple Pie And Wrestling, I thought I would let you have a look at the two men you are going to be facing."


[sam motions to the back and two men come out, standing on either side of the USPW Owner.]




[brent Hill and John Anderson?!?! The Machines have arrived here in USPW! They make the 'belt' motion at their waist while The Titans jaw out at them from the ring. Sam holds them back and tells them not tonight. What a match we should see at USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling!]






[We head backstage through the power of the USPW-Tron where Global Warning has started another attack on Bruce the Giant! Bruce is doing his best to fend off those three men but the numbers game is too much even for Bruce the Giant! Nikolai Taktarov brings down Bruce with a Russian Sickle! Champagne Lover drops an elbow and Johnny Bloodstone gives a heavy stomp to the head! Bruce lies down on the ground seemingly unconcious. Johnny Bloodstone calls off Global Warning but he is smiling.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RhinoUmaga.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BobCasey.jpg

Rhino Umaga vs. Bob Casey


[An absolute squash that had Rhino dominating inside the ring from beginning to end. He took down Mr. Casey with a stiff clothesline. He picked up Bob Casey and rammed him back-first into the turnbuckle. A few shoulderblocks were added for good measure. Rhino nailed Bob Casey with the Rhino Charge! He picked up Casey -- Samoan Crab! Bob Casey wasted no time in submitting to the undefeated Rhino Umaga.]


Winner: Rhino Umaga (Via Submission @ 5:57)

Match Rating: D






[We head backstage once again to see Darryl Devine sitting on a locker room bench with the USPW World title belt in his lap. He looks down at the belt and then Seduction enters the room. She gives Darryl a brush on the shoulder and then begins massaging him.]


Darryl Devine

"I could possibly lose this belt in just a few days, Seduction."



"You're not going to lose it, Darryl."


Darryl Devine

"Steve Flash is a veteran."



"He's a broken down old man."


Darryl Devine

"Steve Flash is remarkable."



"He's dull."


Darryl Devine

"Steve Flash is a great wrestler."



"He's not Mighty Fine."


Darryl Devine

"That's right. In a few days I am going to put him in my rear-view mirror and prove to everyone once and for all that I am the best. But tonight, I need to focus on my match with Art Reed. Let's go over some strategy."


[We head back to the ring as Seduction and Darryl start to go in-depth]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoeyBeauchamp.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlexBraun.jpg

UEW Wrestler Joey Beauchamp vs. Alex Braun


[Another match that didn't have the support of the crowd. Many people headed off to the concession stands to buy Force merchandise as 'The Iceman' dominated this encounter. Braun caught Beauchamp coming off the top turnbuckle and turned him into a Braun Damage! Braun made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Alex Braun (Via Pinfall @ 5:44)

Match Rating: D






[We head backstage to where Chris Caulfield is standing by within the interview area. Chris has a stoic look on his face as he looks right into the camera. He draws in a breath and takes off his bandana, tossing it to the ground.]


Chris Caulfield

"A lot of people have been asking me about what happened last week. They want to know exactly what went on between Travis Century and me. Well."


[Chris falls silent and then turns and walks off without answering the question. Travis Century can be seen standing within the background watching him silently.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyBloodstone_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash


[Two men who the crowd can really get into: booing Johnny Bloodstone and cheering for Steve Flash. These two men matched each other hold for counterhold early on and wrestled into several stalemates. The crowd got a little anxious as Bloodstone took down Flash and began working on his left leg. It's a good way to keep him from flying around inside the ring and to focus on a body part. Bloodstone took down Flash with a shinbreaker and then made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! The crowd cheered when Flash got that shoulder up and then looked as someone came walking down to the ring.]




[it's Bruce the Giant! Bruce roared from outside the ring and that caused a distraction to Johnny Bloodstone, who's eyes went wide! Flash rolled Bloodstone in a small package: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The distraction of having Bruce the Giant at ringside definitely played a role in this match as Steve Flash began taking control. He favored that left leg but he took down Bloodstone with a knee lift and then headed to the top turnbuckle. He leaped off -- flying leg drop! Flash grabbed his knee in pain! He hit the move but he paid for it! The referee went to check on Flash to ask him if he wanted the match stopped. As the referee was distracted, Bruce hit Johnny Bloodstone with his National title belt! The crowd wasn't sure how to take that. Flash didn't want the match stopped. He pulled himself up and grabbed Bloodstone -- Flash Bang! He connected! He made the cover:]











Winner: Steve Flash (Via Pinfall @ 9:38)

Match Rating: B




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ArtReed.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Darryl Devine defends vs. Art Reed


['The Pure Athlete' Art Reed comes out to the ring to a pretty good fanfare. Reed high fives the crowd all around the ring and then slides inside. This is perhaps the biggest match of his career so far!


"miracle man...your miracle man...your miracle man...your"


The crowd boos as Darryl Devine comes walking out from the back with Seduction. They make it down to the ring and Seduction holds the ropes open for her man and he steps inside. He looks across at Art Reed and Reed motions toward the belt. This would be a big feather in the cap of Art Reed if he is to become the new USPW World Champion. The belt is put aside and the bell is rung and both men meet in the center of the ring. They meet eye-to-eye for a moment and Devine slaps the taste out of the mouth of Art Reed! He shoves Reed back and Reed shoves Devine! The punches explode early in this match as neither man wants to back down! Reed starts to gain an advantage -- Spit Punch! Down goes Darryl Devine! Devine slides backward and then rolls out of the ring. Art Reed paces inside the ring like a tiger waiting to be unleashed on his prey.]


[Devine enters the ring looking across at Art Reed. Reed moves forward and Devine slips behind with a rear waistlock. He takes Reed down to the mat with the waistlock and rides him as Reed looks for a way out of the hold. Reed manages to push his way up to his feet and reverses the waistlock -- GERMAN SUP -- NO! Devine landed on his feet! Devine uses the ropes as a springboard -- crescent kick from Devine! Reed lands on the mat. Devine runs and uses the ropes as a springboard once again but Reed rolls out of the way and Devine lands on his feet. Reed pulls up to his feet and backs into a corner. Devine moves toward him -- somersault -- monkey flip! Reed is tossed halfway across the ring! Both men get to their feet -- clothesline by Devine! Devine with a few stomps to the prone body of Art Reed. He heads up top and waits for Reed to get to his feet -- MISSLE DROPKICK! Devine makes the cover:]









...Shoulder UP!]



[Devine goes to pull Reed to his feet -- punch to the kisser! Seduction looks concerned as Devine takes a few punches from Art Reed in the mouth. Reed grabs Devine and brings him down on the mat -- bow and arrow! This is a submission hold! Devine shakes his head! He's not giving up. Reed pulls back harder and Devine yells out in pain but he's not one to give up, especially with his USPW World title on the line. Reed releases the hold and stands up. He pulls Devine to his feet -- pumphandle sit-out powerbomb! What a move! Reed makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Reed pulls Devine up again -- rear waistlock -- German Suplex! Reed holds the bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! So close to crowning a brand new USPW World Champion!]


[Reed bounces off the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked by Devine! Devine comes off -- flying headscissors! What a good move by Devine! Both men are starting to move slower though as fatigue becomes a factor. Devine sends Reed to the ropes -- double clothesline! Both men go down! Referee Wilson Carlisle begins to count both men out as Seduction yells for Darryl to get to his feet. Seduction climbs on the apron, getting the referee's attention. This breaks the ten count on both Devine and Reed. Devine looks up and sees the USPW World title belt laying inside the ring! Seduction must have slid it in there before she got the attention of the referee! Devine picks up the belt and takes aim at Art Reed. Reed turns -- WHAM! It's lights out! Devine tosses the belt out of the ring and Seduction drops down. Devine makes a cover:]












[How in the world did Art Reed do it?!?!? This is what the USPW World title is all about, folks! Darryl Devine looks incredulous and so does Seduction! Could this be Art Reed's special night? Devine pulls Reed to his feet and kicks him in the gut. Reed is on rubber legs right now -- Devine Dream Drop! Devine turns Reed over and makes the cover, hooking the leg:]











Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 13:51; Darryl Devine retains the USPW World Title)

Match Rating: C+




[What a match we just witnessed between Darryl Devine and Art Reed! The crowd goes absolutely wild as the #1 contender to the USPW World title, Steve Flash, comes walking out from the back. Is he going to attack Darryl Devine to get the upper hand going into their match? Steve looks around for a moment and he grabs a nearby ladder! Flash sets the ladder up and then ascends to the top. He stares toward the ring at Devine and Seduction as we head to a close! We'll see you this Saturday for USPW Apple Pie And Wrestling!]

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Several perfect scores this week! Congratulations to 20LEgend, Rayelek, FGN77, jhd1, Tigerkinney, bgbuff, xopher316 and Bigpapa42!




1. Rayelek=95 Wins

2. Tigerkinney=93 Wins

3. jhd1=90 Wins

4. xopher316=89 Wins

5. 20LEgend=85 Wins

6. blewrider1980=84 Wins

7. Jingo=83 Wins

8. Emark=73 Wins

ChrisKid=73 Wins

10. Bigpapa42=58 Wins

11. bgbuff=56 Wins

12. Dragonmack=55 Wins

13. Wrestling Century=42 Wins

14. Boltinho=24 Wins

15. TheLeviticalLawKid3=23 Wins

16. FGN77=15 Wins

17. smurphy1014=8 Wins

18. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

20. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are headed to the last show of the prediction contest! At the end of this month, all prediction scores will be reset to 0.


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 August 2010


USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Nikolai Taktarov

JD Morgan vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. The Machines

Enygma vs. Jack America

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

USPW World Title Match, Ladder Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Are Wrestling Machines on Loan or have they actually joined (I lean towards loaned) great show (again) its really gathering speed now and all the stories are being put together so well, Global Warning is put together so well and it seems half the roster are Main Event standard for you and you can rely on any group of them to pull a good rating. The sky is the limit for JACK AMERICA! (I can actually get behind his (sort of) push now!)



USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Joanne Rodriguez

It is time for a change and Jo-Ro is the best candidate

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Nikolai Taktarov

Nikolai is nowhere near Bruce standard, I vote for Champagne Lover winning it in a few months

JD Morgan vs. Chris Caulfield

No question Morgan equals jobber

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Titans defend vs. The Machines

Dunno if they're on exchange from TCW or what but the safe bet says Titans to retain unless you shed light on the deal with The Machines:)

Enygma vs. Jack America

Cue Acid???? Enygma has to be built he is on a massively long contract he should be a top, top draw

USPW World Television Title Match: Matthew Keith defends vs. Art Reed

Keith is perfection and has been pinned/subbed and it seems Art is being pushed above the belt so I say DQ win for Art

USPW World Title Match, Ladder Match: Darryl Devine defends vs. Steve Flash

Steve's last chance time for Art Reed or ... not many top challengers that are faces, I smell a big debut soonish!

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