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USPW - What? This Again?

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson


Just as 20Legend said Morgan is the designated jobber for the Hardcore Brotherhood. I'd expect though there to be an attempt at a post match beatdown.


Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot


Lover is gradually heading upwards as part of Global Warning, American Patriot is still a jobber...even if he did actually win a match a few shows back... I can't remember who he beat, but I know he beat somebody...or was it a nobody.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental


Leader of relevant Upper Midcard faction against Best Jobber In The World Ever.


Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma


Toma has big league credentials, Ant-Man doesn't.


Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson


When matches are this even on paper, my general rule is to side with the sneaky heels...especially if it's on a regular TV show.


USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine


Baine isn't winning singles gold until he drops the Tag straps...I can see this ending in a DQ win rather than a clean one though, with Global Warning sticking their oar in.

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

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[it was time for another weekly booking meeting with Sam Strong and Jack is really not feeling like going there. He's heard from Alicia that Sam is not in a happy mood today so why would anyone want to go somewhere where he's probably going to get yelled at? But Jack sucked it up because this is his job and he arrived at the home of Sam Strong where he was taken to the usual meeting room. Jack sat down and raised his eyes to look at his boss and his friend. Sam looked back at him with furrowed brows. "Have you seen the finances here lately, Jack? Honestly? We have far too many people on both pay-per-appearance contracts and written contracts. Something has got to give."

Jack looked down and then back up at his boss. "What have you got in mind, Sam?"

"It's simple? We are going to look to eliminate costs where they are not necessary. That means wrestlers with pay-per-appearance contracts are the first to go."

That was understandable to Jack. After all, those who they are paying per appearance can be cancelled without penalty. Those who have written contracts will cost to get rid of them. Though sometimes that can be a mistake as there are several good wrestlers who are on pay-per-appearance contracts. Of course at the end of the day this is about making the company as popular and with as much money as possible. That's what a business like this is about.

"I can do that. We just have to be smart about --"

"No, you will do as I ask. I am your boss, Jack. Never forget that."

How could Jack forget? Sam reminds him of that every time they get together. He looks up as Sam coughs several times and then grabs a pilsner glass full of some type of alcohol Jack would imagine. Sam drinks the alcohol down and Jack just nods along with him. What else can he do, right?


"Will you be watching the new SWF Uprising show this week?"

Jack watched as Sam nodded his head to show that he would be. "But they have a pay-per-view on Thursday."

As if Jack didn't know that? SWF Under Control with a main event of Eric Eisen defending the SWF World Heavyweight title against Brandon James.

"Remind me to send Pat a retirement card."

Pat Deacon. The road agent for SWF retiring this month. He was successful in his day but injuries forced him to retire. He has been pretty bitter ever since or so Jack has heard.

"Now, let's go over our next card."

Here we go.

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

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JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine


really enjoyed the show, liking the DAVE vs USPW storyline hopefully it pays off at the PPV as well as its been hyped

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Sweetness. I was in the main event (sort of)! But I hate Enygma now. Had to drop some more hard-earned money for a new one! And he didn't even sign the thing for me...any more assaults like this, and I'll miss the strenuous travel and ticket prices, following around USPW like an insane fan.


Whatever, predictions, and some fresh marker scrawled on a brand new board.


JD Morgan vs. Jumbo Jackson

Jumbo wins, JD jobs, and the Hardcore Brotherhood comes in to beat Jumbo down...in that order!

Champagne Lover vs. American Patriot

Who cares if a name like Champagne might be detrimental to your family-friendly image? Patriot, away!


Johnny Bloodstone vs. American Elemental

Still jobbing out AmEl, I see. (grumble, grumble)


Ant-Man vs. Kid Toma

Shoot. Last week's two debuting losers in a match together? Dang.


Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez and Raven Robinson

Heels, heels, heels. Even with Alicia being a bad girl now, I still am enamored with her. In a clean way, of course.


USPW National Title Match: Bruce the Giant defends vs. Tyson Baine

Even though Baine is pain, Bruce is defending and this is free TV.


On My BRAND NEW (thanks, Enygma) Dry-Erase Board:

- JD Morgan Is A Grumpy Old LOSER

- The World's Only Straight-Edge Champagne Lover Fan

- AmEl Gets No Respect!

- Alicia and Belle: Will Either of You Marry Me?

- Baine, Meet Pain!

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[Think calm and rational thoughts.

That is what went through Jack's mind as he stood in front of Sam Strong's mansion on a Thursday night. Sam does not need to know anything about the addiction or anything about Jack being upset with certain things within the company. He just has to think calm thoughts and get through the night, right? Though every step that he takes makes him sound like he's got a bunch of change in his pocket. In reality, it's the bottle of pills in his pocket that is making the noise. The door opened and Jack looked to Sam who was dressed in a suit. They exchanged handshakes and Sam motioned him inside.

"Where are we going to watch it?" he asked Sam. "The pay-per-view, I mean."

As Sam looked up at him for a moment, Jack avoided looking into the eyes of the owner of the company that he works for. He just couldn't stand looking in the man's eyes knowing what he is doing behind Sam's back.

"Where?" he repeated.

"In my office." Sam told him and Jack nodded. Jack turned on his heels and headed in that direction, knowing where it is from previous visits to the home. He paused about halfway there as his eyes took in another visitor to the home.




Alicia Strong. She was dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top that clung to her form nicely showing off all the curves she worked so hard to create. She also had a towel running through her hair. It's obvious she had been working out here but she looked positively...radiant. Jack shook his head for a moment to push out any bad thoughts.

"Hey Jack." she said to him, wrapping the towel around her neck. "Hope you don't mind if I join you and Dad tonight."

Jack just shook his head. How could he mind? How could he argue with the daughter of the company's owner?

"Good to see you again." He said and he couldn't look into her eyes either. She knows his secret. She knows why he cannot look at her father right now as she caught him once in a pill-induced haze. Yeah, eventually he is going to have some explaining to do, right?

"I am going to have a shower and I'll meet you two in the office." Alicia said and then turned and walked in another direction.

Jack didn't realize that Sam was standing right behind him. He just continued to step toward the office door and opened it, stepping inside and the room seemed much smaller to him this evening. It seemed so small right now like the walls are closing in on him. He blinked a few times and shook his head to right himself. Then as he started to sit down in his usual chair, he slid down to the floor instead and lost everything to blackness.

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[beep. Beep. Beep.

The sounds of the heart monitor are the first thing that Jack heard when he woke up. He was stretched out on the white bed with the thin sheet up covering his chest and up to his neck. The little handrails on either side of the bed were jacked up on either side of him. Definitely a hospital room, right? Of course, the IV in his arm is the real giveaway, right?

Jack raised his hands and rubbed at his eyes for a moment as the light was blinding to him. He shook his head a moment and then looked to the side to see Alicia Strong sitting on a chair within a corner of the room.

"Hi." she said to him as her face was filled with concern. "We thought we lost you there for awhile."

Jack started to stretch and then groaned because the movement hurt. Of course he is wearing one of those thin hospital gowns underneath the sheet. "Yeah, I think you might have lost me for awhile." How could he know any different, right?

Alicia rose to her feet and walked over to the hospital bed. She slipped her warm hand gently inside the sheet to take his hand. She was looking at him with those sad eyes. "You collapsed in my father's office. An apparent overdose." She shook her head and then squeezed his hand.

He just looked at her with slightly glassy eyes for a moment and then looked away. "So your father knows." Those were the only words that he could think of to say right now. She had put herself out there for him and he continued to screw up.

"Yeah, he knows. Unfortunately, you know what this means, Jack." She said as she shrugged her shoulders slightly. "When you get out of this hospital room, you are going to be unemployed."

Jack nodded slightly. It was all he could do. And doesn't she mean 'if' he gets out of this hospital room? He closed his eyes again for a moment and let the darkness slide over his body once again. His fingers lightly clenched the sheets on his free hand and he barely heard a voice out somewhere in the distance.

"Doctor! We need a doctor in here now!"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.]


[As I am sure that many of you can see when you read this last post, that I am bringing this diary to a close. I have many personal reasons for doing this that I can bring up in pm with certain others if they would like. You know who you are.]


[but I can say that it is time for me to move forward with my life. I have kept myself chained to diary writing for a very long time. It has given me an outlet in so many different directions and I am not ruling out an eventual return to diary writing. However, it will not be as hardcore updated as I have been within the past. I am not burned out or anything of that sort. But I am moving in a different direction with my life. Thank you to everyone who has given their support here. Thank you to everyone who has read and commented or read and not commented. Thank you to everyone who voted for this diary in both the last Cornellverse DOTM and the Diary of the Year awards. This has been my longest lasting diary so far (running nearly 7 real-life months) and one that I am very proud of.]

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Sad, but tbh with the articles I could see it coming in the back of my mind and I was geared up for it, will there be any more wrap up posts or is this it sad to see this go but like you said you have your reasons, really honestly I can say knowing I am being genuine that this is one of if now the favourite Diary I have read and definantly the one I have checked most and really got into. Just everything about this was great and I aspire to be as good a writer as you some day, and I don't really know how to put how much I liked this in a internet post so basically, THANK YOU...
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If you were going to end this diary, then boy did you go out on a high. A great way to end it, using Jack America as a final storyline closer, and what timing, after your first ever (which is shocking) DOTM award.


Thanks for the ride, the stories and the inspiration, my friend. Long live USPW.

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I can only echo the thoughts of the "stars" that just commented. It's sad to see a great diary end but we all need balance in our lives. Take care and hope to see another diary on these here boards at some point. Thanks for the entertainment you've provided.
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As I have mentioned to you before angeldelayette, I was a long time lurker and admirer of your diaries as well as a few others. It was this diary that drew me completely in and finally making the effort to share my thoughts. Would have liked to been able to participate more but at least I did get to interact some, even if just a little.


Hate to see you go again bud, but I completely understand where you're coming from. I have wanted to write my own diary as well but it does require a lot of effort and does take up major time in one's own life. I might still do so, but I refuse to do so without my full effort.


Good luck with everything & yes, hopefully 1 day we can see you writing up again. I share the same sentiments as a few others, if you had to go out, the style you chose to do so was a complete Bang! Great job.

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Sad, but tbh with the articles I could see it coming in the back of my mind and I was geared up for it, will there be any more wrap up posts or is this it sad to see this go but like you said you have your reasons, really honestly I can say knowing I am being genuine that this is one of if now the favourite Diary I have read and definantly the one I have checked most and really got into. Just everything about this was great and I aspire to be as good a writer as you some day, and I don't really know how to put how much I liked this in a internet post so basically, THANK YOU...


If you were going to end this diary, then boy did you go out on a high. A great way to end it, using Jack America as a final storyline closer, and what timing, after your first ever (which is shocking) DOTM award.


Thanks for the ride, the stories and the inspiration, my friend. Long live USPW.


Sad to see such a great writer go down. All the best with whatever you do and I look forward to seeing you return to diary writing some day. :)


I can only echo the thoughts of the "stars" that just commented. It's sad to see a great diary end but we all need balance in our lives. Take care and hope to see another diary on these here boards at some point. Thanks for the entertainment you've provided.


As I have mentioned to you before angeldelayette, I was a long time lurker and admirer of your diaries as well as a few others. It was this diary that drew me completely in and finally making the effort to share my thoughts. Would have liked to been able to participate more but at least I did get to interact some, even if just a little.


Hate to see you go again bud, but I completely understand where you're coming from. I have wanted to write my own diary as well but it does require a lot of effort and does take up major time in one's own life. I might still do so, but I refuse to do so without my full effort.


Good luck with everything & yes, hopefully 1 day we can see you writing up again. I share the same sentiments as a few others, if you had to go out, the style you chose to do so was a complete Bang! Great job.


I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of these words from the bottom of my heart. It makes me feel good to know that I've been a part of your days for as long as I've been writing here. I don't know whether anyone would consider me Hall of Fame material here because of my constant moves and the like. However, the comments here definitely make me feel like a Hall of Famer. Speaking of Hall of Famers, make sure you check out Eisen-verse's USPW diary located here.


And I also wanted to add that you just may see me return sometime sooner rather than later. ;)

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First, and foremost, It's sad to see you bring this project to a close. I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it for as long as I'm on these boards, that you are "Mr. USPW" here on the GDS boards. With this in mind, I will forever look to you for any sort of feedback, insight, or analysis, going forward.


You're one of the better creators we have on these boards and I hope to see a project somewhere in the future. If not, you know that you've created quite the legacy for yourself.


Secondly, thank you for the nod. It really means a lot coming from the man himself.





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i grew up watching Bill Watts old Mid-South and you really gave the feel of that era with your diary...I am going to miss your stories and injections...and of course your weaving the signs into the show...really put your fans in the actions....thanks alot and best of luck to you.....
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