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USPW - What? This Again?

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Fan signs: Enygma: Titan Extinction!!

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Another great show.


Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Signs: "Savage Fury hates Coke"

"America Can Beat Any Giant"

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America[/b[

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Sign: Ricky Doug-loss!

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Getting back into the prediction swing for this.....


Mick Muscles vs. Jack America


Thought Jack would have won on his debut, but I think he'll win here otherwise all the pre promotion was for nothing. Muscles is a tag wrestler right now and America needs to regain some momentum in his feud with Devine.


Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


Out of everyone here Jim Force has the most upside, yes I said it Jim Force has the most upside...so The Forces get the win here. Anger and Redwood are just picking up their last set of paychecks before their contracts run out.


Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys


Savage Fury just made their return by laying out the Tag Champs, a loss here to a comedy jobber team will do them no favours in being taken seriously.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas


Outsiders from a smaller company aren't going to be winning titles.


Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama


Again the Indy talent is just there to be 'enhancement' talent.


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun


Difficult one to call, normally I would say a Datsun win for sure, as he is good/over enough to go over Valentine and pick up the non title win to get a shot at Valentine's U.S belt, but right now his focus is in the tag ranks so I'll tip Valentine to get the win here.


Darryl Devine vs. James Justice


Devine's been doing pretty well lately, I expected him to get jobbed out to the debuting Jack America but it seems like you'll be running a proper programme between those two, but that's a midcard programme and Justice is a main-event talent that Devine isn't ready to go over yet.


The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Keep the World Champion and his up-coming challenger looking strong.

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Muscles is the tag wrestler.


Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America



Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

One of my fav teams (yeah I said it!!) gets the duke and a much deserved run.


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

At least it ain't an old guy this time.


Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Makes Cherry look strong.


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Datsun's tagging up yo.


Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

Ace of USPW beats the Devine one.


The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

TK's reason works for me.

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

needs momentum


Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas


Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama


Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

The fans are loving Pete


Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

Shenanigans here though...


The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


Sign: Freddie Datsun BROKE Valentines BACK"

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24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:


















Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Mick Muscles vs. Jack America

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama

Non Title: Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield

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Tuesday, Week 2, February 2010

Big Smack Scott defeated John Greed...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Christian Faith and Vengeance...B+

Captain Atomic defeated Bart Biggz...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Steve Frehley and Marat Khoklov...B+

Kid Toma defeated Everest...D

Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce...B-

Vengeance defeated Steve Frehley...B-





Tuesday, Week 2, February 2010

Brent Hill defeated Robert Oxford...C

Guide defeated Edd Stone...C

Charlie Thatcher defeated Aaron Andrews...C-

Eddie Peak defeated Chance Fortune...C-

Tommy Cornell defeated Rocky Golden...B

Wolf Hawkins defeated Joey Minnesota...B+


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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 February 2010

Location: Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.49


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg

Mick Muscles vs. Jack America


[The show begins around the ringside area with the entrance of a member of the Sneer Corporation: Mick Muscles along with Shane Sneer, the manager of the Corporation. The crowd booed the former body builder as he slid inside the ring. Jack America came out to a larger set of cheers. He slapped high fives with the fans and posed for a picture with a female fan. He slipped inside the ring and looked across toward Muscles. The bell sounded and the match is on. This was definitely a power versus athletic ability match that started out pretty even. Though he is mostly known as being a tag team wrestler and member of the 4 time USPW World Tag Team Champion Towers of Power, Mick Muscles is also an accomplished singles wrestler. Muscles used some of those singles skills throughout the middle portion of the bout, bringing America down with a sharp backbreaker and then setting him up on the top turnbuckle, hooking him for a Superplex! America fought back with punches and knocked Muscles off the turnbuckles. America leaped -- top rope legdrop! America built momentum hitting Muscles with a Fisherman's Buster and then looking to the top turnbuckle. He set Muscles in position and headed up top -- 460 Splash! What a move! The crowd goes wild as America goes for the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack America (Via Pinfall @ 5:37)

Match Rating: C


[...Shane Sneer entered the ring as America celebrated. America exited the ring and Sneer helped Muscles up and then turned to address the crowd...]


Shane Sneer

"First of all, you humanoids need to keep your mouths shut so I can hear myself think."


[...Boos rise higher as Sneer looks to the crowd. Muscles tries to get them to be quiet by motioning with his hands but that just makes the crowd get louder with boos...]


Shane Sneer

"This is one of the biggest problems that the Sneer Corporation has been having. You idiot humanoids need to know when to keep your mouths shut. You know what the difference is between a toilet and one of you inbred South Carolina hicks? A toilet has a job! Speaking of jobs, the Sneer Corporation is coming upon a Corporate makeover. This happens sometimes within corporations. Sometimes changes within personnel are necessary. These changes will begin tonight as two new members are inducted within the Sneer Corporation. These two new members will turn the tide of things within the Corporation. But with two new employees, we are also saying goodbye to two employees. The Sneer Corporation contracts of Anger and Danny Rushmore have been bought out. They will no longer represent the agenda of Shane Sneer. This man standing beside me, despite the setback tonight, will be moving into singles competition and he will regain the USPW World title and the Sneer Corporation will find its rightful place at the top once again."


[...Shane drops the microphone and shakes hands with Mick Muscles. What a turnaround! The Sneer Corporation is down two members but they will get two new members tonight?]


[The scene within this area of the backstage is very dreary. The room is dark enough so that there is only the smallest hint of light being shown. That hint of light is enough to illuminate three figures though...]




[...Peter Valentine, Sam Strong and Alicia Strong. Just as with last week, Sam and Alicia are tied to chairs. Their clothes look a lot dirtier than last week though as they are both wearing the same clothes that they were abducted in. Sam and Alicia are gagged with a cloth tied around the back of their heads. Peter is hovering over them with a fiendish smile upon his face...]


Peter Valentine

"You know I think that Nicky Champion will do just about anything that I tell him to do for both of you."


[...Both Sam and Alicia shook their heads. It is obvious that they do not want Peter manipulating Nicky Champion on both their behalfs...]


Peter Valentine

"Nicky might even join me as my tag team partner. How would you like that? Nicky Champion and Peter Valentine: USPW World Tag Team Champions!"


[...Sam struggles against the bonds but he cannot break free from them. A growl comes from behind his gag and Peter smiles...]


Peter Valentine

"Now, now, Sam. You wouldn't want me to hurt your precious daughter for your mistake, right?"


[...Sam shakes his head but he is definitely not happy about the entire situation. Peter gives Sam a pat on the side of the head...]


Peter Valentine

"I have a match tonight that I need to start getting ready for. You two play nice."


[...Peter turns and walks away, leaving the room in complete and utter darkness as the closing of a door is heard within the background.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/giantredwood-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg

Anger and Giant Redwood vs. The Forces of America


[This was not a particular match that too many within the crowd were looking forward to. A ton of brawlers within this match with not much technical or high flying ability to speak of. However, Giant Redwood, The Force and Captain USA are all former USPW World Champions. Anger is a former DaVE Extreme Champion. All four men showed what they are capable of within the ring and outside the ring. A couple of signs were zoomed in on during this match: 'America Can Beat Any Giant' and 'How many Coca-Colas would you need to fill Giant Redwood!?' Anger got distracted by the Coca Cola bottle, leading to Captain USA hitting him with the Full Nelson Slam known as the Hail To The Chief. USA made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Forces of America (Via Pinfall @ 3:47)

Match Rating: D-




[...As Captain USA got up to celebrate, he looked over to see The Force lying on the ground outside the ring! Standing over The Force is Tyson Baine! USA turned to exit the ring -- Spear! He was nearly cut in half with a spear by T-Rex! The Titans stand over the top of their two fallen choices of prey and attention and a shower of boos turn toward the entrance...]




[...Shane Sneer walks out clapping his hands together. Sneer moves halfway up the ramp and signals The Titans. Baine and T-Rex look to him and then exit the ring. Looks like we've got two new members of the Sneer Corporation leaving with Shane Sneer!]


[Within a few moments, more boos rain down from the crowd as another figure comes walking down toward the ring from the back...]




[...It's Belle Bryden! Belle looks to the crowd and then flips her hair as she walks down and then enters the ring. Belle has a microphone in hand...]


Belle Bryden

"It has been far too long since I have been given any screen time here in USPW. So I have decided to come out here and take my time. I am issuing a challenge for USPW Red, White And Blue. If there are any female wrestlers within the back that think that they can handle going one on one against me, then..."


[...Belle gets interrupted by a woman sprinting down toward the ring and sliding inside...]




[...It's J-Ro! Joanne Rodriguez and Belle Bryden have been feuding since 2006! What is Joanne doing here in USPW? Joanne slides in the ring and begins exchanging blows with Belle Bryden! Punches are thrown by both sides and the crowd goes wild! Joanne sends Belle over the top rope with a clothesline! Joanne stands in the ring and raises her arms up to cheers from the crowd. She turns and picks up the microphone...]


Joanne Rodriguez

"Consider the challenge accepted!"


[...Joanne tosses down the microphone and stares daggers at Belle Bryden! These two women will be going at it one on one at USPW Red, White And Blue!]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/javab.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/tribalwarrior-1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlTheHillbilly.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeteTheHillbilly.jpg

Savage Fury vs. The Hillbillys


[sQUASH! To no one's surprise, Java and Tribal Warrior came out here for this match and dominated against Al and Pete, The Hillbillys. The former four time USPW World Tag Team Champions took out first Pete and then tossed him outside the ring after he tagged out to Al. As Pete was shown outside the ring, a couple of signs were shown as well: 'Where's Your Moonshine HILLBILLY!?' and 'Savage Fury hates Coke!' Java hit Al with the Greetings From The Island and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Savage Fury (Via Pinfall @ 2:03)

Match Rating: E+


[The USPW-Tron lights up drawing the eyes of the fans up to the large screen. A cheer erupts through the crowd at the figure walking backstage...]




[...It's 'The Dude!' James Justice! Justice gives the camera a thumbs up and enters his locker room. He looks around when he gets hit from the side, someone ramming his head into a locker!...]




[...It's Jumbo Jackson! Jumbo catches Justice with a knee to the ribs and then slams him head-first into the ground! The crowd boos as Jumbo stands over Justice.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RickyTurner.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. MAW Wrestler Ricky Douglas


['Straight A' Ricky Douglas came in here from MAW looking to make a name for himself in this match against the USPW World Television Champion. That name would definitely not be made this evening as Jones dominated the match just like the sign says: 'Ricky Doug-loss!' Jones took down Douglas with a bulldog off the ropes, pointing toward Henry in the corner and getting his inspiration from the volleyball and from Henrietta who is hoping to remain at home with Henry and Andre Jones. Jones pulled Douglas to his feet, kicking him in the gut. He tucked him in -- Blast From The Past! Jones made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 2:01)

Match Rating: D-


[The USPW-Tron lights up to show the backstage area...]




[...where Nicky Champion is...walking! Nicky looks through a door and then slams his hand on the wall. He continues down and opens another door and then walks on by the empty room. Nicky turns a corner and...keeps walking! He opens another door -- WHAM!...]




[...He gets nailed right in the face with a belt shot by Peter Valentine! Peter picks him up and runs him face-first into the wall! Nicky is bleeding from the nose as he falls to the ground. Peter Valentine looks down at him with an arrogant smirk, shakes his head and then turns the corner away from Nicky.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SuzueKatayama.jpg

Cherry Bomb vs. AAA Wrestler Suzue Katayama


[suzue Katayama is a veteran Japanese wrestler coming to us from AAA. Cherry Bomb is definitely a feared women's wrestler here in USPW for her tendency to, well, explode. Cherry Bomb was dominant throughout this bout, bringing Katayama down and using her superior brawling skills within the ring. A rather interesting sign was shown during the match: 'Cherry, You Can Explode On Me Any Time You Like!' Cherry Bomb dropped Katayama with a double underhook facebuster and then pulled her back up -- Cherry Bomb! Cherry made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 2:18)

Match Rating: D-


[The USPW-Tron lights up, drawing the fans' attention that way. A bloody face is shown upon the screen...]




[...It's Chris Caulfield! 'The Hardcore American' is shown slumped on the ground against a locker. His eyes are closed and blood is flowing down his forehead. The cameras pull back to reveal...]




[...Shane Sneer and The Titans! Shane looks down at Chris for a moment and then squats down to get eye to eye with The Hardcore American'...]


Shane Sneer

"I am only going to say this once: do NOT show up later tonight for the tag team encounter. If you do, you are going to get worse than what you got here."


[...Shane gives Chris a little smack on the cheek and then draws his hand back, showing the blood on his hand. He shakes his head and raises up, walking off with The Titans]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg

Non Title

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun


[A non title match here between Valentine and Datsun. Datsun is the superior wrestler in every manner. However, that's generally no surprise when someone is going up against the National Champion. Valentine has several tricks up his sleeve though and uses one of them: a rake to the eyes to maintain an advantage over one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions. During this time, Valentine tossed Datsun outside the ring and then ran him into the ring post. As Valentine played to the crowd, a sign was held up: 'Freddie Datsun BROKE Valentines BACK!' The match itself is a good back and forth battle between these two, showing some definite strengths by Datsun. But Peter Valentine managed to lift Datsun and nail him with the Heart Breaker. Valentine made the cover, sliding his feet on the ropes: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 4:26)

Match Rating: D


[...As Datsun struggled to move toward his feet following the match, the USPW-Tron lit up to show backstage...]




[...Java and Tribal Warrior are putting the boots to Des Davids backstage! Savage Fury hooked Des Davids -- Double Vertical Suplex onto the ground! The crowd boos as Savage Fury raise to their feet and put more boots to Davids before security steps in while Datsun runs toward the back!]


[Elsewhere within the backstage area...]




[...'Perfection' Matthew Keith is standing within the interview area...]


Matthew Keith

"USPW has decided that they are going to test my perfection at USPW Red, White And Blue. They're calling it a Future Star match as I face both Jack America and Darryl Devine in a triple threat match. But as good as those two young men are? They are not perfection. They are not the finest second generation wrestler in the business today. They are just young wrestlers without pedigrees. I am perfection. At Red, White And Blue and each and every week I will prove that."


[...Matthew turned and walked off without another word.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice


[With both men having major matches coming up at Red, White And Blue! neither man can afford a loss here to stall their momentum. Devine came out with Seduction in his corner and James Justice came out alone. Though Justice did give a fan his sunglasses. Devine controlled things within the early going, much to some surprise by the fans. He took Justice down to the mat and used better mat wrestling skills than Justice has. Devine took Justice down with a double underhook suplex and then drove both of his knees into the ribs of Justice. He got to his feet and bounced off the ropes -- running legdrop! Devine plays to Seduction and he receives boos from the crowd. Devine picks up Justice and sends him into the turnbuckle. Devine follows him in -- dropkick to the chest! Justice falls in the corner and Devine smirks to himself. Devine steps back and then runs toward Justice -- dropkick in the corner -- dodged! Justice moved out of the way and Devine hit the corner and then the mat hard. As Justice worked to recover, the cameras showed the crowd, zooming in on a sign: 'The guy who held up the STALLS sign last week was a genius!'...]


[...Justice got to his feet and got the crowd behind him for the next several minutes as he went to town on Devine. Justice sent Devine to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Justice got to his feet and got the crowd going crazy. He bounced off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- Dude Knee Drop! Justice gets to his feet and crouches slightly as he waits for Devine to get up. Devine grabs the ropes trying to pull himself to his feet. Devine turns -- Liberation Slam! Justice hit his finisher on Devine and he makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 10:03)

Match Rating: C


Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield


[it's main event time right now and what a main event we have lined up for you this evening! The match was originally scheduled to be The Titans vs. Enygma and Chris Caulfield but after the earlier attack on Chris Caulfield who knows what kind of condition he is going to be in for this match. As we saw earlier on, The Titans are now taking direction from Shane Sneer and the Sneer Corporation. Shane Sneer accompanies The Titans down to the ring for this match. The Titans enter the ring looking menacing as they stand within their corner. Then the attention turns upward to the rafters as Enygma is standing there with the USPW World title around his waist. He stepped through the crowd and paused by a sign reading: 'Enygma: Titan Extinction!!' Then he stepped over the guardrail and entered the ring looking across to both Titans. Chris Caulfield has not stepped from the back and it looks like Enygma is going to have to do battle 2 on 1 right now!...]


[...Enygma starts out strong against both Baine and T-Rex. The USPW World Champion shows why he IS the USPW World Champion by beating both Titans to the punch. Enygma caught Baine with a power slam and made a quick cover: 1 -- Kickout! Enygma got up to his feet and hooked Baine -- vertical suplex! Somehow Enygma lifted the big Tyson Baine in a suplex! The crowd cheers for the USPW World Champion here! Enygma pulls up Baine and moves him over into a corner. Enygma climbs up and begins raining punches down on Tyson Baine! Guess you can't guess how many? Yep. He gets all ten in! He drops down and turns, slugging T-Rex with a punch as The Jurassic Power tried to come in and interfere! Enygma throws a clothesline to Baine! He knocks Baine into the corner and then whips T-Rex into the opposite corner! He hits T-Rex with a corner clothesline! He runs toward Baine -- Big Boot! Enygma is taken down by Tyson Baine and that big boot. Baine makes a cover:]








...Shoulder Up!...]



[...Baine pulls Enygma to his feet and lifts Enygma -- Slams him into his corner! He tags in T-Rex. T-Rex and Baine both throw punches to Enygma! The next several minutes are spent with both Titans dominating Enygma to boos from the crowd. The crowd chants 'Caulfield, Caulfield, Caulfield!' They want Enygma's partner tonight to show up but he was attacked earlier by The Titans. In the ring, Tyson Baine lifts Enygma in a military press and press slams the USPW World Champion to the mat! The crowd suddenly begins to cheer and look toward the entrance. The Titans and Shane Sneer all look to see Chris Caulfield moving out from the back! He has a bandage on his head from the earlier attack but he is heading right down to the ring! 'The Hardcore American' climbs up on the apron and reaches inside the ring. He wants the tag! He really wants to get in there! Tyson Baine tucks Enygma in between his legs. He raises Enygma -- DDT! Enygma reversed the Power Bomb attempt into a DDT! The crowd goes wild. An 'Enygma' chant breaks through the crowd as Enygma begins crawling toward the corner! Baine moves toward his own corner with those longer arms. He reaches up -- tags in T-Rex! T-Rex enters the ring -- Enygma tags in Caulfield!...]


[...Chris Caulfield steps in the ring to a pumped up crowd as Enygma staggers over into his corner. Caulfield bounces off the ropes -- clothesline! T-Rex goes down! Caulfield catches Baine with a clothesline! The Hardcore American grabs T-Rex -- Russian Leg Sweep! Enygma comes in the ring -- clothesline to Baine! Both Enygma and Baine go over the top rope to the outside! Shane Sneer is incensed as he watches Caulfield set up T-Rex inside the ring -- Danger Drop! Caulfield makes the cover, hooking the leg:]











Winners: Enygma and Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 7:55)

Match Rating: C+


[...Caulfield got the pinfall on T-Rex tonight, building momentum toward USPW Red, White And Blue! Enygma enters the ring with the USPW World title belt behind Chris Caulfield. He raises the belt as Chris raises his own arms in victory. Chris slowly turns -- then stumbles back, seeing Enygma with the belt. The two men go face to face and then Enygma grabs Chris Caulfield's arm -- and raises it up! The two men stand within the ring victorious here tonight!]

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Several people got 8/8 this time around! Congratulations dse81, mcorey, Huntman, Rayelek, 20LEgend, Tigerkinney, critical-23 and Bigpapa42!




1. Bigpapa42=38 Wins

2. jhd1=37 Wins

bgbuff=37 Wins

4. xopher316=36 Wins

20LEgend=36 Wins

Rayelek=36 Wins

critical-23=36 Wins

mcorey=36 Wins

9. Dragonmack=35 Wins

blewrider1980=35 Wins

Huntman=35 Wins

12. dse81=33 Wins

13. TakerNGN74=31 Wins

14. Tigerkinney=27 Wins

15. Lexa90=24 Wins

16. Timber=22 Wins

17. tristram=18 Wins

18. SWF Fan=15 Wins

SeanMcFly=15 Wins

20. BHK1978=14 Wins

Boltinho=14 Wins

22. Jaded=10 Wins

23. borman_48=9 Wins

24. Arogue=8 Wins

25. smurphy1014=6 Wins

26. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

28. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 February 2010


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner:

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner:

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

Too soon for the belt here


T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

good luck convincing him to job for Rexy


Danny Rushmore vs. The Force



CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Easy win


Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly



Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Jo-Ro is class


Anger vs. Nicky Champion

classic matchup. Valentine gets involved to clown it for Nicky


Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Rick Law


Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Another DeColt... maybe Ricky.

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Captain USA

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Sign -Take That Blondie Out T-Rex!

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: No idea

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America


T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: Enygma

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun

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USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Jack America

T-Rex vs. CGC Wrestler Alex DeColt

Danny Rushmore vs. The Force

CGC Wrestler Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Chris Caulfield

Matthew Keith vs. Al The Hillbilly

Nina vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Jumbo Jackson and Mick Muscles vs. James Justice and ???

Guesses On Mystery Partner: PETER VALENTINE

Tyson Baine vs. Freddie Datsun


Signs: "Go Back to Canada"

"Jack AMERICAN: Future Champion"

"Tyson = Worst Wrestler Ever"

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