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SWF: No Fancy Titles

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I finally caught up with this one and I'm glad I did, it's a very interesting read. I really like the way you went with Rich Money, it feels really different and unique from other recent SWF diaries.


Glad you've come onboard MrOnu. Happy you like Rich Money he's really an interesting character. You'll learn more about him in the up coming weeks. I'm also glad he's different would be a real shame if there weren't any.

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Peter Michaels: "Welcome to... for the love of Mike still with this... Supremacists TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight have we got a show for you. And what a line up have we got for you all here tonight.”


Jerry Eisen: “You bet Peter, the victorious team at Nothing to Lose last night Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov will be taking on Jungle Machine. The Amazing Bumfholes look to move up the tag team ranks facing off against The Samoan Wildboyz. Lobster Warrior goes giant hunting in a match against Runaway Train and…”


Duane Fry: “…and our main event Christian Faith takes on the second largest member of The New Supremacists, Brandon James. James is on a roll and probably one of the best all time North American champions in SWF history, but Christian Faith has gone toe to toe with Marat Khoklov so he’s nothing to be trifled with. You can expect some serious combat here folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”


Jerry Eisen: “First we have some words from my dear Brother.”


Rub A Dub Dub Three Men In A Tub




The Music for The New Supremacists hits heralding the arrival of Eric Eisen and the Russian Giant Marat Khoklov. Eric’s stride to the ring is determined and the look on his face is disgust, Khoklov just looks like he wants to break someone in half. Eisen has his own mic and doesn’t bother with pleasantries, he begins his rant without delay.


Eric Eisen: “Rich Money get your ass out here now! You heard me Rich you sorry excuse for a man get down here.”


Eric pauses and wait a few moments. Rich Money’s music doesn’t go on and the anger on Eric’s face begins to turn it an even more deep red.


Eric Eisen: “If you don’t drag your ass out here now you’ll never wrestle in the company again.”


That seems to be the encouragement that Money need as his music hits and Rich comes out onto the stage dressed in a finely tailored suit.




Rich Money: “Sorry Eric I don’t dance to your tune anymore.”


The crowd gives a huge pop for money.


Eric Eisen: “I said get down here and I meant face me in the ring.”


Rich Money: “Sorry daddy’s boy but I don’t think so. I’ve got a long term contract so your threat of firing me isn’t going to happen. I thought I’d come out here and see what you had to say, but I’m certainly not feeding myself to the lions.”


Eric Eisen: “Fine be that way, I know you had no spine anyway.”


Rich Money: “I’ve got more spine than you hiding behind that monster. This is a tactical move, one that would be taken by anyone with half a brain.”


Eric Eisen: “Did you think you could get away with putting your hands on me at Nothing to Lose. Did you think attacking me was going to make you a big man.”


Rich Money: “No Eric I thought it was going to get me noticed. I thought it would shed some light on the fact that you can’t ignore me any longer. And look here you are doing exactly what I thought you would be doing calling me out.”


Eric Eisen: “Fine you got what you wanted then and no its over. You aren’t worth my time and you certainly aren’t worthy of a title shot.”


Rich Money: “Oh I’m more than worthy Eric, and the more you ignore me the more you’re going to get hurt. Again and again and again. You may be wrong about me not being worthy but I certainly don’t think I’m jumping right into a title shot. There are ways to go about this and if I’m gonna get to go after you then I’m going to have to beat Jack Bruce to do it.”


With those words the music for Jack Bruce comes over the pa system and everyone’s favorite rock n’ roll hero comes out and on to the ramp staring down Rich Money.




Jack Bruce: “Jack Bruce doesn’t have any love lost for you dude and Jack Bruce is certainty not gonna jump up and let you slide right into a title shot after what you did to me. Plus Jack Bruce isn't done with Eric yet the next title shot is mine.”


Rich Money: “You’re right Jack I did some bad things to you. The thing is I wanted to apologize, I wanted to at least start to talk and bury the hatchet but you wouldn’t even talk to me. You wouldn’t say more than one word. You treated me much like Eric did when he sent me after you. A pawn, a second class citizen a nobody, but I’m not nobody I’m Rich Money. Nothing to Lose was just to show you that I exist, and that you can’t ignore me. They’ll be no more attacks Jack, no more run ins but I fought hard for that title and got screwed just as bad or worse than you did so I’m going for it too.”


Eric Eisen: “Aren’t we just two little love birds. You two are pathetic. But I have just what we need to make this interesting. Next week Supremacists TV main event, Jack Bruce and Rich Money versus The New Supremacists, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov. Now get your asses out of here but watch the screen, because what happens to Jungle Machine tonight is what will happen to you next week.”


Rating: A


Peter Michaels: “You heard it here folks next week’s main event a star studded tag team match up.”


Duane Fry: “I can’t wait Peter, Rich Money’s first in ring performance since he was injured by Jack Bruce.”


Eric Eisen and Marat Kohoklov over Jungle Machine




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov defeated Jungle Machine in 22:20 when Marat Khoklov defeated American Machine by pinfall with a Moscow Lariat.


The match was ok for what it was; Marat Khoklov squashing Jungle Lord and American Machine, while Eric Eisen called the shots. The match was long mainly because Eric wouldn’t let Khoklov pin either worker, he wanted to show Bruce and Money the kinda of torture they were in for. BJ O’Neil helped out as the helpless valet watching her team get beaten, which made up for the lack of selling.


Rating: B-


We Are Elite




After winning the match Eric gets the mic back and looks out into the crowd.


Eric Eisen: “Although The New Supremacists have far from reached their height here on Supremacists TV we are always looking for new pastures to make our mark. As such I am happy to announce that SWF will be debuting a new show in March, a show that The New Supremacists can mold from the ground up. Another word for Supreme is Elite and that will be the name of the new show SWF Elite.


Prepare to see The New Supremacists enlighten your pathetic lives twice a week. Twice a week you can bask in our glory and know that you have to live vicariously through us because you can never reach these heights. You are not Supreme, you are not Elite, much like half of this roster you are below notice.”




Eric basks in the boos from the crowd while Khoklov paces the ring like an angry dog trying to break its leash. The two make their way to the back with the crowd practically ready to jump over the wall and attack them.


Rating: A*


The Amazing Bumfholes over The Samoan Wildboyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 12:09 when Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Kid Toma by pinfall with a Bumfhole In One.


The throw away match of the night, still decent for the level at which these workers are. There was a distinct lack of psychology with the match drifting but it didn’t take away too much from things.


Rating: C


Lobster Warrior over Runaway Train




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Lobster Warrior defeated Runaway Train in 21:41 by pinfall with a Lobster Trap.


There second meeting in 2010 and Lobster Warrior once again brings Runaway Train to a Main Event level match. Warrior gets the win proving he can take out a big man.


Rating: B


The Lobster Man Cometh




Lobster Warrior is in the ring celebrating the win with the crowd, the kids especially cheering for their hero. Lobby wanted to make the point that he could face big men and his point was apparently taken to heart by Remo. Remo rushes the ring and attacks Lobster Warrior from behind.


The beating is swift and brutal starting with Warrior being thrown into the corner and then squashed under the full speed weight of Remo. Remo does this for each ring post before just putting the boots to Lobby. The ref tries to get involved and finds himself forcibly removed from the ring.


Remo takes the action out of the ring and brings it to ringside where he walks Lobster Warrior around slamming him into the barricade and yelling at the crowd to see what he’s doing to their hero. Warrior is lifted high in the sky and then dropped stomach first onto the barricade and then left lifeless for a few moments so Remo can play it up to the crowd.


Finally Remo makes his way over the announce both where he begins clearing off the table top in preparations for using it as a weapon against the Superhero. At this point security comes bounding out of the back and surrounds Remo stopping him from getting to Lobster Warrior, although it takes about ten guys to hold him back. Lobster Warrior is beaten but not destroyed and he rises unsteadily. The Security help him to the back before escorting Remo also to the back.


Rating: A


Supreme TV comes back from commercial.


Jerry Eisen: “Well that was exiting.”


Duane Fry: “Glad Remo couldn’t finish what he started. I hate when we have to use the folding table.”


Jerry Eisen: “You said it Duane. Looks unprofessional.”


Death becomes Him




The lights dim and the eerie music of Vengeance starts to play. The fog fills the room, the clap of thunder and then a blinding Flash of lightning that seems to hit the ring. The lights go out for a second and then Vengeance is standing in the ring.


Vengeance: “Steve Frehley your attempts to stay the hand of death have failed. The wicked and the weak shall be cleansed from the SWF and then the world. You cannot stop that which does not live, for Vengeance is eternal.


Nothing to Lose was a lie, you all had something to lose but you did not even notice it. You all thought Vengeance had been averted, that I the manifestation of this universal constant could be stopped. Instead you were all defeated and I was strengthened by a little piece of each of your souls. I devoured Remo’s rage, I fed off of your strength and a practically feasted on the self righteousness of Lobster Warrior.


But still you persist; you seek to stop me from my given task. All you do is prolong the inevitable. You have given those who deserve my wrath a stay of execution but at the cost of your own mortality. Now my goal is clear, my sights are set and Vengeance will be mine.”


Vengeance does not leave as he arrived. The same eerie music and the smoke but he walks over the top rope and slowly and deliberately strides to the back.


Peter Michaels: “Steve Frehley is a marked man. Vengeance doesn’t know the meaning of the word stop.”


Jerry Eisen: “That guy scares the bejesus out of me.”


Duane Fry: “You and me both Jerry, you and me both.”


Rating: A*


The Finale





The standard side by side video and then stills of Giedroyc & Valiant and The Moral Majority announce that both teams will be meeting up for a third time at Awesome Impact.


Peter Michaels: “The first match to be scheduled for Awesome Impact is the final battle between Giedroyc & Valiant and The Moral Majority.”


Jerry Eisen: “This will be the last chance for The Moral Majority to try and wrest the titles away from Giedroyc & Valiant but the SWF Tag Team champions won’t give it up so easily.”


Duane Fry: “This has become bitter and heated and will only end when one of these teams can’t fight back anymore.”


Rating: B-


Christian Faith over Brandon James




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Christian Faith defeated Brandon James in 22:28 by pinfall with a Leap Of Faith.


Welcome to a true main event match up. Smith did all he could to try and get the win here but even with Emma Chase as a distraction the Leap Of Faith landed and Christian Faith got the win. The crowd was on their feet and pretty much nothing bad can be said about this match.


Rating: A


Unlikely Ally




Brandon James is seriously pissed off after losing the match. Emma Chase starts yelling at Christian Faith who makes the mistake of taking his eyes off of James and gets blindside for it. James starts laying the boots into Faith and the rest of The New Supremacists run out and pile into the ring. It’s a five on one slaughter as Emma Chase spends her time keeping the ref from getting into the ring to try and help.




The abuse lasts for a few minutes with each member of The New Supremacists getting a chance to get in their licks. The titontron shows the back of some ones head in a grey hoodie running down a hall and Marc DuBois and Frederique Antonio Garcia head up the ramp to meet this person head on. The grey hooded figure pops out of the back onto the ramp. Kick to DuBois’ gut and some swift blows to Garcia. He unzips the sweater and pulls it off and its not the expected Jack Bruce, recent ally to Christian Faith, its Rich Money.




Bank Roll to Garcia leaves him out on the ramp, DuBois starts to come around from the kick but Dollars From Heaven puts him out for the count. Eric points at Rich and yells at Brandon who slides out of the ring and runs toward Money only to be met by a stiff forearm and Money In The Bank. With three of the five members of The New Supremacists out Money makes his way into the ring. Eric Eisen is yelling and Marat Khoklov to stop him, while continuing to give the occasional boot to Christian Faith.


Rich Money and Marat Khoklov are face to face but Money is not without a trick up his sleeve. He may have turned his back on his heelish ways but he knows not to bring a knife to a gunfight. Money takes out two pairs of brass knuckles and slides one on each hand. If he’s going to go down he’s gonna leave the Russian giant with some painful memories of the encounter. Eric sees the odds changing and bails from the ring, Marat stares down Money for a few tense moments but eventually leaves never taking his eyes off of Money.


Emma has roused Brandon and The Next Big Thing is coming around Eric and Marat make it to their stable mates and The New Supremacists high tail it from ring side. Rich Money looks over and Christian Faith shakes his head and walks off leaving him in the ring. This was never about help Faith, this was about destroying Eisen.


Rating: A*


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: A


Awesome Impact

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SWF_SupTV.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/PeterMichaels.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/DuaneFry.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JerryEisen.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> "Welcome to Supremacists TV, someone has to put a stop to this.. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight have we got a show for you.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> Last week Eric Eisen proclaimed that this week the main event would be Rich Money and Jack Bruce versus The New Supremacists, Marat Khoklov and himself. Eric and Marat have proven to be quite a cohesive unit but Jack and Rich are at the very best an uneasy alliance. All I can say is this is main event is gonna show us the true colors of all involved, folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> “We also have some singles action between the SWF Tag Team champions and The Moral Majority. Angry Gilmore takes on Valiant and Squeeky McClean faces off against Jack Giedroyc.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> “Tonight we also prepare for some new blood on SWF. There will be a tag team match with two new duos joining the tag ranks. Also Lobster Warrior will be facing off against a former DaVE star in a one on one match up.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Foxes In The Hen House</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/BrandonJames.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> While the announce team outlines the show The New Supremacists gather in the ring; Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Brandon James, Emma Chase, Marc DuBois and Frederique Antonio Garcia. Eric has a mic in hand and kicks things off with an impassioned speech.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eric Eisen: </strong><span style="color:Red">"Things have been going quite well for The New Supremacists we’ve pretty much secured a hold on what Is now Supremacists TV and we will soon be in total control of SWF Elite. We have two of the SWF titles in our possession and we will soon add the SWF Tag team titles to the championships held by our group. But as the supreme group here in SWF we are far from satisfied.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Apparently Eric is no longer the only voice in The New Supremacists as Emma Chase takes a turn to give the live crowd a piece of her beautiful mind.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Emma Chase:</strong> <span style="color:Orange">“One of the things that need to be made clear is that I am not just another pretty face. Some of these women parade around here look like two time floozies but Emma Chase is a powerful, successful woman. The other thing that The New Supremacists want to talk about is the things that stand in the way of progress. Tonight’s topic of conversation will be Jack Bruce and Rich Money.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eric Eisen:</strong> <span style="color:Red">“The truth is that you two are pathetic. Money I used you and threw you away because you are garbage. The only thing you’ve ever been good for is doing other people’s dirty work. And this change of heart I don’t believe it. You’re still out there for yourself and that will never change.</span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> </span></p><p><span style="color:Red"> Jack Bruce, the once high and mighty SWF World Heavyweight champion. The champion for the people, well you are nothing like the people. Jet setting rock star, you know all the right people and all the right parties. Frankly you’re more like me then you’d probably care to believe, except of course for the fact your just a hooligan.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Emma Chase:</strong> <span style="color:Orange">“Tonight you face off against a duo that has never been beaten here in SWF. Eric Eisen is not only a shrewd business man and a great leader; he is an expert ring tactician. And then there is Marat Khoklov, the Russian Giant. He has crushed every person who has crossed his path and has defeated even the once mighty Christian Faith.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Apparently Marat grasp of the English language has reached the point where he can speak. It isn’t eloquent and it isn’t pretty but even hearing the sound of the monster’s voice is quite intimidating.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Marat Khoklov:</strong> <span style="color:White">“Crush Jack Bruce and Rich Money. Destroy.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Eric Eisen pats Khoklov on the side of the shoulder and takes the mic back from the giant.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eric Eisen:</strong> <span style="color:Red">“As you can see we are more than prepared for you two insignificant motes. There is no chance for you to stand against the rising tide of The New Supremacists. You will be swept under the rug like the common dust bunny and left their forgotten by time. Tonight Bruce, Money, The New Supremacists end both your hopes for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight title.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A*</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> “My brother may be a bastard and a cheat but he never backs down and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know the meaning of the word surrender.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> “He uses such big words you’d think he’d know the meaning o surrender.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> “I think he was being figurative there Duane.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> “Yeah I know. I was just trying to cut the tension left in the air every time The New Supremacists make a proclamation. Sorry Jerry.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> “It’s OK Duane, I can take a joke as good as the next guy.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> “Up next Angry Gilmore and Valiant one on one. After these commercial messages.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Angry Gilmore over Valiant</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Valiant.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Angry Gilmore defeated Valiant in 9:57 by pinfall with a handful of tights.</p><p> </p><p> Great match showing that Angry Gilmore can take the much less experienced Valiant and help him reach a near main event level performance.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Heroes and Villains</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The standard by now side by side moving to still images of the two combatants; Remo and Lobster Warrior, set onto a background of the Awesome Impact logo.</p><p> </p><p> Jerry Eisen: “After last week’s attack Lobster Warrior has been given a rematch against for his When Hell Freezes over meet with Remo.”</p><p> </p><p> Duane Fry: “Warrior has taken out other monstrous opponents in the past but has yet to beat Remo.”</p><p> </p><p> Peter Michaels: “Awesome Impact is shaping up to be a great show with the addition of this match on the card.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>You Got Your Chocolate in My Peanut Butter</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RichMoney.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Rich Money and Jack Bruce are backstage in the hallway having what can only be politely called as a heated argument. The two men are nose to nose staring into each other’s eyes.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Blue"> “Jack Bruce doesn’t trust you Rich Money and he never will.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rich Money:</strong> <span style="color:Green">“I don’t care if you trust me or not Jack I just want you to work with me. You know this is just Eric trying to pit us against each other."</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“Jack Bruce knows how Eric Eisen operates but that doesn’t change the way he feels about you Rich Money.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rich Money:</strong> <span style="color:Green">“You know what Jack I don’t really care, I really don’t. You’re a pathetic, paranoid freak and I feel sorry for you. What you need to understand is I’m in this to win. This isn’t about you, you don’t matter to me one bit but a win here is good for me. So if you won’t pull your weight I’m just gonna have to do it myself.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“Jack Bruce can pull his own weight Rich Money. Jack Bruce is gonna get in a win in this match even with you as a tag team partner.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rich Money:</strong> <span style="color:Green">“That better be how it goes down. I may have promised no more sneak attacks or side swipes but if you screw this up for me let me tell you right now you’re going down.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“You can try Rich Money, Jack Bruce is ready for you ever and always.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Bruce and Money spend another few moments in a lingering stare before parting way in opposite directions.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Samoan Destruction Inc. over Aces High</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RhinoUmaga.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SamoanMachine.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SammyTheShark.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/NathanielCaino.jpg</span>]</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Samoan Destruction Inc defeated Aces High in 5:44 when Samoan Machine defeated Sammy The Shark by submission with an Unbreakable Sleeper.</p><p> </p><p> This match was bad, Sammy the Shark and Nathaniel Ca$ino have absolutely zero chemistry, although BJ O’Neil helped as their manager. Both of these teams are just total unknowns but it gave them a chance to get on TV and saw Samoan Destruction Inc set themselves up as the better unit.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: E</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Monster Brawl</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The camera picks up where Steve Frehley leaps head first over an equipment box to tackle Vengeance who is on the other side. Vengeance and Frehley go down in a heap and continue brawling on the floor, although with shorter, smaller punch due to the close spaces. Lobster Warrior shows up and starts to pull the men apart but they push him off.</p><p> </p><p> Frehley and Vengeance get to their feet and the punches become wide and violent. Gregory Black comes on the screen and check on Lobster Warrior. Black helps Warrior up and then the two attempt to wedge themselves between the fighter, only to both be swept aside. The Brawl continues down the hall where they slam into Jungle Lord who goes down. American Machine comes out of the locker room and helps up his partner. Lobster Warrior and Gregory Black make it over two them and now its all four men trying to forcibly pull apart the flailing Monsters.</p><p> </p><p> It appears that between the four men that the rage is contained but only for a few moments. Both men break free at the same time and the brawl continues. Enforcer Roberts and Angry Gilmore show up and the two vets take charge. With Roberts yelling orders the other five men finally pry the two combatants apart with Machine, Jungle Lord and Lobster Warrior physically dragging Steve Frehley down the hall away from the scene.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> “Those two wear dead set on killing each other.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> “It seems that last week’s words from Vengeance struck a chord. The battle between these two is far from over.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> “I’ll bet.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Jack Giedroyc over Squeeky McClean</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackGiedroyc.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/SqueekyMcClean.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jack Giedroyc defeated Squeeky McClean in 10:30 by pinfall with a Crashing On.</p><p> </p><p> Not quite as good as the Valiant versus Gilmore match but still a great showing that lifted the crowd’s mood.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Back In Black</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/GregoryBlack.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/AnaGarcia.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Gregory Black is backstage with Ana Garcia giving an interview.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ana Garcia:</strong> <span style="color:White">“Runaway Train took a win at No Where To Lose and I was wondering what you’re thoughts on this were?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gregory Black:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“My opinion is that I don’t really like losing Ana. I’ve been an athlete all my life and for me it’s all about competition and Runaway Train is definitely competition.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ana Garcia:</strong> <span style="color:White">“With an even record do you think you want to face Runaway Train again?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gregory Black:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“No only do I want to face Runaway Train again I want this to be the end. I want to show him and everyone once and for all that I can stand toe to toe with the biggest and the baddest.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ana Garcia:</strong> <span style="color:White">“So you think that if you get a chance to face Train one more time that this will be the final battle as it were?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gregory Black:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“One way or another yes. I’m so sure that I think that this match only one of us will be left on our feet. If I get the match I want it will be Runaway Train and myself, Last Man Standing.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ana Garcia:</strong> <span style="color:White">“You heard it here first folks. Gregory Black wants Runaway Train and only one of them may walk out on their own power. Thank you Greg its been a pleasure talking to you as always.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gregory Black:</strong> <span style="color:Blue">“Thank you Ana the feeling is most definitely Mutual.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Lobster Warrior over Acid</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Acid.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Lobster Warrior defeated Acid in 21:55 when Acid was disqualified for not stopping a corner attack on Lobster Warrior</p><p> </p><p> Acid made his in ring debut against Lobster Warrior and the match was definitely worthy of the Main Event spot the Warrior has worked toward. With the elevated status of Warrior and the length of the match a bit more psychology would have been useful to keep the flow going. Acid takes a loss but he comes off as a mysterious psycho with the DQ win.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Warrior’s Last Stand</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/Remo.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Acid is still pounding on Warrior when Remo comes bounding out of the back. Remo slides into the ring and literally throws Acid over the top rope and proceeds to beat the holy hell out of Lobster Warrior. The beating starts in the corner with Remo stopping on Warrior’s chest. It soon moves up as Remo stands Warrior up in the corner and shoulder tackles him over and over again.</p><p> </p><p> Remo gets the battle on the move whipping him into the opposite corner and then hitting a devastating splash. Remo does it again whipping him back to the corner they started in and then another bone crunching splash. Next its out to the center of the ring and a whip into the ropes followed by a Lariat that makes Warrior to a one-hundred and either degree flip.</p><p> </p><p> The ref finally gets back in the ring from checking on Acid and he starts pleading with Remo to stop. Ref Ric Young knows there’s not much he can do to stop Remo but he tried anyway. The ref gets a push sending him flying backwards into the ropes. Remo looks around the arena and sets Lobster Warrior into position. With a devious grin and an enraged look in his eyes Remo hits The Destroyer on Lobster Warrior.</p><p> </p><p> With Warrior down and bleeding from the mouth, Remo’s rage subsides for the moment. Remo walks slowly and with purpose out of the ring to a chorus of disbelieving gasps and angry boos. Ric Young checks on Lobster Warrior making sure he’s comfortable until the medical crew comes out to get him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Slow Train To Nowhere</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/GregoryBlack.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The second match for Awesome Impact is announced as Gregory Black versus Runaway Train. The standard PPV background with the worker graphics and names is added to with the hype tag line of ‘last man standing’.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen:</strong> “Impassioned words from Gregory Black earlier apparently caused this match to be added to the Awesome Impact card.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels:</strong> “In the past two months both men have taken a win over the other and now its time to see who truly is the greatest.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> “I can’t wait to see this match up a third time, it’s a David a Goliath tale and those are always my favorite.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov over Rich Money and Jack Bruce</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RichMoney.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov defeated Jack Bruce and Rich Money in 22:28 when Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.</p><p> </p><p> Rich Money gets laid out on the outside by Marat Khoklov which distracts everyone just long enough for Eric Eisen to roll up Jack Bruce at just the right angle. Ref Darren Smith turns around and gets down for the three count never seeing Eric Eisen has not only a handful of tights but also his feet on the ropes. The match was damn good although a bit better selling, especially on the part of Marat Khoklov would have made it great.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Unstoppable Forces</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EricEisen.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MaratKhoklov.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/BrandonJames.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RichMoney.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> With the match over the rest of The New Supremacists run out from the back. Rich Money and Jack Bruce are overwhelmed by the onslaught. Most the attacking is done by Marat Khoklov, Brandon James and The Next Big thing while Emma Chase and Eric Eisen organize the effort. The beating goes on for a few minutes and the show actually goes off the air with Bruce and Money still taking a severe beatin.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Rating: A*</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Overall Rating: B+</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-size:10px">Awesome Impact</span></span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:8px">For the SWF Tag Team Titles</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Lobster Warrior vs Remo</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:10px">Gregory Black vs Runaway Train</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><span style="font-size:8px">Last Man Standing</span></strong></p>
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<p>Awesome Impact</p><p>

<strong>Giedroyc & Valiant ©</strong> vs The Moral Majority</p><p>

For the SWF Tag Team Titles</p><p>

Lobster Warrior vs<strong> Remo</strong></p><p>

<strong>Gregory Black</strong> vs Runaway Train</p><p>

Last Man Standing</p><p>

Steve Frehley vs<strong> Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs <strong>Supreme Monsters</strong></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Awesome Impact<p> <strong>Giedroyc & Valiant © </strong>vs The Moral Majority</p><p> For the SWF Tag Team Titles</p><p> Lobster Warrior vs <strong>Remo</strong></p><p> <strong>Gregory Black</strong> vs Runaway Train</p><p> Last Man Standing</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> An early picker I like that. There are four more shows until Awesome Impact and a few more matches to be announced.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Apupunchau@optonline" data-cite="Apupunchau@optonline" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>An early picker I like that. There are four more shows until Awesome Impact and a few more matches to be announced.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll edit in my choices when the other matches are announced.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28719" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'll edit in my choices when the other matches are announced.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like your enthusiasm <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png">. Make sure to get you a New Supremacists T-Shirt.</p>
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Elite Excitement




The Supremacists are all backstage in their well appointed locker room/office. Eric Eisen behind his desk, while everyone else in lounging around in one place or another. Eric looking over some papers before he apparently finds what he was looking for.


Eric Eisen: “He we are Thursday Night ten to twelve PM. SWF Elite will be just one more way for The New Supremacists to expand our hold on the world of professional entertainment. We are well on our way to controlling all of the SWF titles and we control Supremacists TV with an iron fist. SWF Elite will fall before our will like everything else in our path.”


Emma Chase: “Your father has agreed to let you have total control of the show?”


Eric Eisen: “My father owns SWF and much like us he can do anything he pleases.”


Brandon James: “Will there be more titles? Will we have to take them for our own as well?”


Eric Eisen: “No Mr. James. As far as I’m concerned all the titles already existence are all we need. Father has stated that he has no intention of creating and new titles.


There we be nothing to worry about, nothing at all. It will be business as usual for The New Supremacists. All I need for you to do is sit back relax and bask in the glory that is… well is us.”


Rating: A*


Peter Michaels: “The New Supremacists are excited about SWF Elite and so is everyone here on… I refuse, seriously no more…”


Jerry Eisen: “You know what he’ll do to you if you don’t?”


Peter Michaels: “Fine excitement is in the air here tonight on SWF Supremacists TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight have we got a show for you.””


Duane Fry: “Tonight starts a tournament to see who the next number one contender will be for the SWF Tag Team titles. Awesome Impact will be the last meeting of Giedroyc & Valiant and The Moral Majority means an empty space for one of these tag teams to fill.”


Jerry Eisen: “The Biggz Boyz versus The Samoan Wildboyz and Heroes Unlimited versus The Next Big Thing will be the opening bouts to the tournament tonight.”


Peter Michaels: “We’ll also see Vengeance in action against a new addition to the SWF roster, and a four way dance with Faith, Bruce, Warrior and Frehley taking on The Moral Majority, Acid and Runaway Train.”


Duane Fry: “And we also have and singles match up from last week’s main event as Rich Money takes on The New Supremacists giant, Marat Khoklov. A hell of a main event as Rich Money still tries to prove he deserves a SWF World Heavyweight title. All I can say is folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”


The Biggz Boyz over The Samoan Wildboyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Biggz Boyz defeated The Samoan Wildboyz in 11:48 when Bart Biggz defeated Kid Toma by pinfall with a Biggz Up.


This was a nice match even if the fans didn’t care too incredibly much. The Biggz Boyz take a clean win to move on to the next round of the number one contender tournament for the SWF Tag Team titles.


Rating: C


Monster Mash




The Awesome Impact background is show first and then added to it are the moving into still shot pictures of Vengeance and Steve Frehley.


Jerry Eisen: “The battle rages on between Steve Frehley and Vengeance. After last week’s brawl it was clear that these two needed you work out a few more things in the ring.”


Duane Fry: “Two monsters collide as these former SWF World Heavyweight title holders bring an uncontrollable intensity to the ring.”


Peter Michaels: “We add a third great match to Awesome Impact and our March Pay Per View is heating up.”


Rating; B+


My Secret Identity Shuffle




A light swooshing noise can be heard off camera as we stare you into the SWF parking lot. Lobster Warrior comes quickly through the frame and the camera follows him to one side but not quite fast enough. Warrior’s tail disappears behind pillar and the super hero is gone. A few moments later, Lobster Warrior’s not so secret identity Chris Morrisette walks out in a very mild manner ensemble.




A cheer rings out through the crowd which is cut off quickly when from out of nowhere Remo attacks Chris Morrisette from behind. Morrisette goes down and he is quickly beaten into the ground with the huge stomping boot of Remo. Apparently unlike Lobster Warrior, Chris Morrisette combat skills consist of rolling up in a ball and taking a beating instead of fighting back.


Remo lifts Chris over his head and drops him down belly first on top of an equipment box. Then he gets him up and gives him a power bomb on to the nearest car. Barely able to stand but still kinda managing Remo whips Lobster Warrior’s alter ego into one of the parking lot pillars face first. Morrisette is down and Remo takes a couple of long moments to stalk his foe, pacing around him with a burning desire in his eyes. Chris somehow manages to get to his feet but is in no position to stop Remo from hitting The Destroyer.


Morrisette is down for the count and Remo smiles his evil sadistic grin. Remo gets on the floor and gets right in Chris’s face, “not so super now are you hero.” He says to the prone figure. Remo rises and gives one good kick to the gut before leaving the parking area, with Morrisette still on the ground. A crew member stumbles across Lobster Warrior a few moments latter and calls in for a medical staff.


Rating: B+


Vengeance over Fox Mask




In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Vengeance defeated Fox Mask in 5:34 by pinfall with a Six Feet Under.


Vengeance totally dominated Fox Mask who was thrown around like a rag doll.


Rating: C+


Storm Is Coming




Vengeance is still in the ring when the titantron flickers and then the lights in the arena fail. Flashing lightning appears over head and in the blackness of the titantron a face slowly emerges. The face painted visage of Vengeance peers out of the screen through seemingly soulless blank eyes. There is no smile, no evil grin, just grim determination. The lights in the arena slowly come on although dimly and Vengeance is gone from the ring just the prone unconscious body of Fox Mask.


Vengeance: “Steven Frehley, see what fate awaits you. At Awesome Impact you will meet your final fate, the ultimate doom. I foresaw our coming battle and in your naiveté you believe that you will prevail. Like all who have come before you, you fail to see that I am not just a man. Your mind cannot comprehend that a force of nature is personified in me. It is undying it always exists as I will always exist.


Once you are stopped then I can continue the mission which has been assigned me by the very core of being itself. I will cleanse the SWF of all that is weak and wrong with it and then I will cleanse the world. Steven Frehley, your time has come. Your role in this world is over and you will be swept away like so much dust. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Vengeance will be mine.”


Rating: A


Wrench In The Works





Richard Eisen is in the office area of The New Supremacists, although his son Eric continues to occupy the place of power behind the desk. Marat Khoklov is standing behind Eric and Brandon James is sitting in a comfortable chair and being given a glass of water by Emma Chase.


Richard Eisen: “… and what I was saying was that any advance in power… “


Richard cell phone rings and removes it from his pocket. The elder Eisen looks at the number and then turns back to Eric.


Richard Eisen: “One minute Eric I have to take this.”


Eric nods his head in understanding and then Richard picks up the phone.


Richard Eisen: “Yes this better be important…. What do you mean there’s a problem… The show is Thursday this all should have been resolved by now… What do you mean the matches I asked for have been changed… Well you’d better figure it out…. I see well then I guess we’re just going to have to wait for Thursday to see.”


Richard Eisen hangs up the phone, obviously a bit shaken.


Eric Eisen: “What’s going on? Is there a problem with our control of the program?”


Emma Chase: “Can I get you a glass of water sir?”


Richard Eisen: “Yes water would be fine. It looks like there has been some kind of mix up with the matches but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. No one seems to know what happened but there is nothing that can be done about it now.”


Eric Eisen: “Well good we don’t want any last minute monkey wrenches thrown in my plans.”


Emma Chase: “Here is your water sir.”


Richard Eisen takes the water, mumbling something under his breath and sipping it. Eric seems to be content with the answers given by his father but the concerned look on Richard Eisen’s face says there is something more going on.


Rating: B+


The Next Big Thing over Heroes Unlimited




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Next Big Thing defeated Heroes Unlimited in 12:23 when Marc DuBois defeated Cheetah Boy by submission with a Model Solution after blatantly cheating.


Marc DuBois locked Cheetah Boy in the Model solution and while the ref was down in Cheetah Boys face to see if he was gonna tap out Frederique Antonio Garcia pulls back on DuBois shoulders to add extra pressure.


Rating: C+


Welcome The Supreme Monsters




Joe Sexy is seen walking down the hall backstage when he runs across Emma Chase at one of the food service tables. Joe stops and moves closer to the object of his affection, giving her a wink and a smile.


Joe Sexy: “Hey there darlin’ I know maybe we haven’t gotten off on the right foot in the past but maybe you’d like to talk about it over dinner.”


Emma Chase: “I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last man on earth. I have better things to do than date someone so clearly beneath me. But maybe there is something you can do for me.”




Emma Chase’s eyes look past Joe Sexy and with a nod Joe turns around only to be blindsided by Brandon James and Marat Khoklov. Emma is yelling at Joe about what a loser he is as The Supreme Monsters deliver blow after blow to the head and neck area of Joe Sexy. After a few moments of savage beating Joe sinks to the floor and is covered in pastry knocked off the dining table.


Khoklov and James slow up on their beating but Chase urges them to continue saying that she never wants him to be able to walk again. Khoklov and James begin to stomp on Sexy, putting their giant boots nearly through his chest and painfully crushing his head. Joe seems to be taking one hell of a beatdown and blood begins to trickle from his nose.




Emma Chase is at the edge of the camera’s view when a hand comes on the screen and taps her on the shoulder. The camera pans away from the beating and to the side when Emma turns around and it’s Christian Faith. Faith puts his hands over Emma’s mouth and grabs a cup of coffee off the table. He walks over toward the beatdown with Emma still in hand and tap Brandon on the shoulder. When James turns around Faith throws the coffee in his face and James starts screaming in pain. Faith lets go of Chase starts to lay into Khoklov as he turns around.


Faith does a lot of damage very quickly and runs off The Supreme Monsters and Emma Chase. Christian takes the time to look at Joe Sexy and make sure he’s ok. When Faith notices the blood he starts screaming for someone to get a medic. The camera cuts to commercial as the medics finally arrive on scene.


Rating: A


Jerry Eisen: “Ladies and gentleman that was a horrific scene we witnessed before going to commercial and I’m told Joe Sexy is being treated at an area hospital. We don’t know the extent of his injuries but everyone here in the SWF wish him well.”


Peter Michaels: “Christian Faith ever the locker room leader tried to go with him but he was reminded that he has a match that’s up next.”


Jerry Eisen: “One can only imagine that Faith’s mind will be elsewhere during the match I know I would be.”


Duane Fry: “Man, just man that was horrible. I’m glad Ana wasn’t here in the announce both to see that.”


Faith, Bruce, Warrior and Frehley over The Moral Majority, Acid and Runaway Train





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley defeated The Moral Majority, Acid and Runaway Train in 19:40 when Jack Bruce defeated Runaway Train by pinfall with a New York Minute.


The four main event faces had to work for the victory here but still managed to come out on top. The aging Runaway Train ate the pinfall to Jack Bruce.


Rating: B


Fight In The Dogs




Supremacists TV returns from its commercial break after the end of the four on four match and we’re backstage where The Moral Majority and Giedroyc & Valiant are engaged in a pitched battle. Damn the Cheerleader and Hannah are both yelling for the four men to stop but none of them are listening. Dawn runs off leaving Hannah to attempt to stop the fight on her own.




Angry Gilmore and Jack Giedoryc are paired off as are Squeeky McClean and Valiant. All four men are throwing wild punches at each other as the anger that the two teams have for each other boils over into unthinking rage. Hannah returns a few minutes later with The Biggz Boyz and The Amazing Bumfholes in tow. The two pairs of brothers see the brawling teams and jump in quickly to break them up.




The four combatants are pulled apart but they keep yelling at each other about fighting at Awesome Impact. When the Biggz Boyz realize no one is going to be making a jump for anyone else they let go of The Moral Majority and the three babyface teams and the two managers walk off with both the Biggz and the Bumfholes trying to calm Giedroyc and Valiant down.


Rating: C+


Marat Khoklov draw Rich Money




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Marat Khoklov drew with Rich Money in 21:41 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.


Although Khoklov still needs to learn more selling this match was still decent. Money and Khoklov started brawling. The ref tried to regain control of the match and separate them. When neither man would listen he called for the bell, throwing the whole match out. Much to the dismay of both men.


Rating: B


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B



Awesome Impact

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Lobster Warrior vs Remo

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing

Steve Frehley vs Vengeance

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

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Opening Fireworks




The show opens backstage with Vengeance and Frehley staring each other right in the eyes and circling like wild animals. Off to the side Giedroyc & Valiant, The Moral Majority, Lobster Warrior and Gregory Black all watch on. Having had to separate these two men once before the six other SWF stars are more than ready to take action if something erupts.




After a minute or so of circling the first blow is finally thrown by Frehley. Steve blinked first which gives Vengeance every right he needs to return blows and he doesn’t hesitate to do so. The punches are fast and wild and quite a few get off before the onlookers jump into break it up. Three men each on the two monsters is what it takes to forcibly push these two men apart. The distance does not stop the swinging and the two men try desperately get back within range of each other.


The attempts last for a minute or two before the two monsters realize that they are held fast and will not be able to get to each other at this juncture. The three men who had been holding Steve Frehley, Lobster Warrior, Jack Giedroyc and Valiant, slack up on their grip and let the Dark Destroy walk away of his own accord, following him and trying to keep him calm. Once out of sight the other three men, Gregory Blac, Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean let go of Vengeance. Vengeance heads off in the opposite direction but no one bothers to follow him.


Rating: A


Peter Michaels: “Will you look at that explosion backstage. There’s always something exciting going on here on in the SWF and tonight is the first ever SWF Elite. I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and for Elite TV we give you Ana Garcia our usual Pay Per View announce at the booth. Tonight have we got a show for you.”


Ana Garcia: “It’s good to be here for the inaugural SWF Elite as we continue our SWF Tag Team #1 contender tournament. I’m so excited as we debut two new teams tonight who will be facing off against The Amazing Bumfholes and Roberts & Huntington. I always love seeing the Bumfholes in action those guys definitely have it going on.”


Peter Michaels: “Speaking of going on we’ve got some more great matches with Brandon James and Eric Eisen teaming with Remo to take on Jungle Lord and The Biggz Boyz and a great main event with Christian Faith, Jack Bruce and Rich Money taking on Acid and The Next Big Thing.”


Duane Fry: “Tonight’s main event will be as explosive as our opening with Money and Bruce in the ring we never know what’s gonna happen. All I can say is folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!””


Peter Michaels: “We open with the debuting Hell Monkey taking on the Russian giant, Marat Khoklov. Talk about a size different folks.”


Marat Khoklov over Hell Monkey




In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Marat Khoklov defeated Hell Monkey in 5:41 by pinfall with a Moscow Lariat.


Khoklov totally dominates Hell Monkey throwing the much smaller man all over the ring. Money flips more than 180 degrees from the Moscow Lariat ending up face down on the floor before being turned over and pinned.


Rating: B-


Monsters Under The Bed




After Marat Khoklov’s win a graphic comes on screen showing the Russian giant Marat Khoklov and Brandon James, labeling them as The Supreme Monsters and Christian Faith and Joe Sexy. The Awesome Impact graphic behind the pictures of the four men says this is a match to be added to the pay per view card.


Peter Michaels: “Joe Sexy is still in the hospital under observation although his injuries are not critical he hasn’t been cleared to fight and will not be here tonight.”


Ana Garcia: “I heard about Joe’s injuries after Supremacists TV. I went to visit him in the hospital, because he’s always so nice to me. He was very popular with the nurses I tell you.”


Duane Fry: “Faith has had his problems with Khoklov the past few months and Sexy and James have not been seeing eye to eye as well. This match up won’t resolve all the problems going on here but after Tuesday night’s beatdown I can see why this match might be booked.”


Peter Michaels: “Very true Duane but I don’t see how this match is in the best interest of The New Supremacists and I’m surprised that they would book something like this.”


Rating: B+


And Now A Word From Our Hero




Lobster Warrior appears in full regalia in front of an SWF Elite backdrop for the first ever interview on SWF Elite. He has a microphone in hand and is staring right into the camera.


Lobster Warrior: “Good evening citizens it is I Lobster Warrior, Superhero at large. I was asked very politely to give this interview and although I’m usually not the forward type there were some things I felt needed to be addressed. Actually only one thing really and that is the actions at the last Supreme TV by one Remo.


You see Remo you attacked a very close and personal friend of mine. You attacked a man with no defenses of his own. Someone who does not come to lay it out in the field of battle as you and I do but who comes to report the wrestling news. You attacked a mere citizen when you laid the boots to Chris Morrisette.


I was prepared to face you in the ring come Awesome Impact. Prepared to stop your wild rampages though the backstage. Now you’ve made it personal. Your downfall will be swift and permanent, never again will you lay a hand on an innocent bystander. Remo you will take the final curtain at Awesome Impact and be locked away once and for all like all villains must."


Rating: A


The Amazing Bumfholes over Total Perfection




In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Total Perfection in 11:18 when Randy Bumfhole defeated Steven Parker by pinfall with a Bumfhole Buster.


Total Perfection made their debut in a losing effort against the long standing team of Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole. The match started with very little fan reaction but the performance was so good it was hard to ignore. Total Perfection made a good first impression even with Mainstream Hernandez’s slightly off performance.


Rating: B-


Stock Options





Richard Eisen is in the back office on the phone, again with that concerned look on his face. Eric Eisen and the rest of The New Supremacists enter chit chatting but their demeanor's all change as they see the SWF owner in this state.


Richard Eisen: “…what do you mean there is an equal stock holder. I thought I had controlling stake this is my company after all… You don’t know who it is, what the hell… How am I supposed to get anything done if I don’t know who I’m dealing with… OK well see what you can do about those stocks, get me back in control.”


Eric Eisen: “What’s wrong dad, what the hell is going on?”


Richard Eisen: “Nothing I can’t handle Eric, just keep prepared for tonight’s match up.”


Eric Eisen: “You’d better not be losing control here old man, I won’t stand for it.”


Richard Eisen: “Settle down Eric I’ll get everything fixed I promise. Everything will come off just as planned.”


Eric Eisen: “I don’t want any screws up so this had better be fixed. And get out of my chair.”


Richard Eisen gets up sufficiently kowtowed by his youngest son. Eric settles into his comfortable chair and the rest of The New Supremacists take eats leaving Richard Eisen standing and out of control.


Rating: B


Black Is Beautiful




Gregory Blacks entrance music hits the PA system and one of the fastest rising stars makes his way out of the back and down to the ring. The fans give him a warm reception, especially the children who seem to have a special place in their heart for the former tag team champion. Black goes around the ring a few times making sure to give his attention a little to every side. He then takes a mic and addresses the SWF fans.


Gregory Black: “I’m usually not one for words. I’ve proven time and again that my true strength lies in my athleticism and in ring skills. I’ve been every one of the top tag teams in SWF today and I’ve taken on my fair share of singles opponents since branching out on my own.


These days one man vexes me. One man has been standing between me and my shot at the top. And that man is none other than Runaway Train. If it were just in ring competition that would be one thing but it’s not. Runaway Train has taken to attacking me backstage, attempting to put me out of commission before we ever even meet in the ring. Without a handler the monster has been unleashed and he’s been unleashed on me.


So this is it the end. I’ve gotten what I asked for, one man will be walking out of Awesome Impact of his own accord and the other, well the other won’t be walking out at all. After that Train we will never meet again, I promise you. Last man standing at Awesome Impact is the dividing line between winners and losers and despite any brutality for you I will make it to Awesome Impact and I will beat you hands down."


Black politely hands the microphone back to the sound tech and then exits the ring, making his way to the back.


Rating: C+


Roberts & Huntington over Pimptastic




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Roberts & Huntington defeated Pimptastic in 10:22 when Enforcer Roberts defeated King Cage by submission with a R.C.T..


Not as good as the last match even with better in ring action then the first tag team match of the night and with the great chemistry between Grandmaster Phunk and King (Roger) Cage. Roberts takes a clean win by locking in the R.C.T. submission.


Rating: C-


Word To The Wise




The return from commercial gives us the entirety of The New Supremacists in the ring. Chase, Garcia and Dubois are dressed in a nice suit, while the Russian giant, Eric Eisen and Brandon james all have on their wrestling attire and a ‘New Supremacists’ T-Shirt. Eric Eisen and Emma Chase both have microphones and are waiting for the crowd to lower the booing so they can speak.


Eric Eisen: “The New Supremacists has been one of the most dominate organization in the SWF over the past two months. And rest assured The New Supremacists are going to be one of the all time most dominant groups in the SWF. However, even with all the titles we control and the wins we’ve racked up there are still certain thorns in our side that just won’t go away.


Time and time again we have taken out Christian Faith. In singles and tag team competition he has failed to rally against us. But still he persists in the misguided hope that he will be the first to stop the monster, Marat Khoklov. Christian Faith is the product of a bygone age, who is no longer right for the world we live in today, Marat Khoklov is the future of this business, nay the future of this world. Christian Faith should just learn to lay down an die like all obsolete things do.”


Emma Chase: “If you think Christian Faith is a problem you don’t understand the dilemma that is Joe Sexy. Faith had his day where as Joe never has. He isn’t just looking for a title or revenge what he wants he most certainly cannot attain. Its not just beating Brandon James, its not just gaining the North American title. What he wants is me, a trophy he will never have.


I don’t know who told you, you were god’s gift to women Joe. The floozies that are attracted to you can’t hold a candle to me. I am elite, the supreme woman. I’m not the bottle blonde, big boobed, little brained hanger on that you are used to. Your antics don’t impress me and they certainly don’t impress a group a superior as The New Supremacists.”


Eric Eisen: “Earlier it was announced that Brandon and Marat would be facing off against Christian and Joe. With this The New Supremacists have no problem. As a matter of fact we cherish the chance for the strength of The New Supremacists to assert itself in the ring for the world to see. What you see here are two specimens of extreme size and intense strength. These are the Supreme Monsters and they will run roughshod over all who oppose them.”


Marta Khoklov steps forward and grabs the mic from Eric Eisen and looks right into the camera.


Marat Khoklov: “Christian Faith, Marat Khoklov crush you like bug.”


Eric doesn’t seem annoyed but he does take the mic away from the Russian giant.


Eric Eisen: “You see Faith there isn’t a chance for you. We all know that my monster doesn’t say much, but every word out of his mouth can be quoted for truth.”


Emma Chase: “And Joe, take your time, rest up in the hospital. You are going to need all of your strength to come out of this match alive. Brandon James has better things to do then say anything to you, so on his behalf I tell you this is the end of the line.”


Everyone but Brandon James and Eric Eisen exit the ring. They both take of their shirts and wait for their match to start next.


Rating: B+


Brandon James, Eric Eisen and Remo over Jungle Lord and The Biggz Boyz




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Brandon James, Eric Eisen and Remo defeated Jungle Lord and The Biggz Boyz in 21:50 when Eric Eisen defeated Jungle Lord by pinfall with The Supremacy.


This was a decent if not great match considering number of top guys in the ring. There was definitely a lack of psychology that made the flow a little off but it wasn’t enough to throw the match into total disarray. Eric got a clean win just to show that the heels in SWF don’t always have to cheat to win.


Rating: B-


The Moral Low Ground





The battle from which these four men had to be forcibly separated last week is apparently not over as The Moral Majority blindsides the SWF Tag Team champions from behind. Giedroyc & Valiant have little time to react and thus are overwhelmed as McClean and Gilmore lay the boots to the Awesome Impact opponents. Both Dawn and Hannah do a great job as damsels in distress yelling for help, which invariably never comes.


The Moral Majority really give Giedroyc & Valiant quite a beating turning from boot and blows to painful submission maneuvers toward the end. The camera can just barely pick up the two SWF Tag Team title contenders asking the champs how it feels in the hold. This lasts until Angry and Squeeky are satisfied that they’ve done enough damage and they leave the two beat star on the ground to be tended to by their respective managers.


Rating: B


Faith, Bruce and Money over Acid and The Next Big Thing




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce and Rich Money defeated Acid and The Next Big Thing in 21:41 when Jack Bruce defeated Acid by pinfall with a New York Minute.


An amazing match up showing even in a loss that The Next Big Thing have main event talent. There was some simmering tension between Bruce and Money but it wasn’t enough to cause them to lose the match. A clean pin on Acid by Jack Bruce so The New Supremacists’ tag team offering deosn’t look weak.


Rating: A


There was a feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+


Awesome Impact

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Lobster Warrior vs Remo

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing

Steve Frehley vs Vengeance

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters

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Peter Michaels: “Good evening folks and welcome to SWF Supremacists TV. As always I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen and tonight have we got a show for you.”


Duane Fry: “Look at that you said it this time Peter.”


Peter Michaels: “I just want to keep my job, trust me I die a little inside every time those words pass my lips.”


Jerry Eisen: “Well I’m just glad you’re still around,:


Peter Michaels: “Anyway folks tonight see round two of the SWF Tag Team Number One Contender Tournament with The Next Big Thing taking on The Biggz Boyz.”


Jerry Eisen: “Both participants in the SWF Tag Team title match at Awesome Impact are in action as. The Moral Majority take on Pimptastic and Giedroyc & Valiant face Remo and Vengeance.”


Duane Fry: “Our main event will see The New Supremacists, Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklv, take oon the team of Lobster Warrior and Rich Money. Money’s been unable to work with Jack Bruce very well but Lobster Warrior may be another story. All I can say is folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”


Peter Michaels: “Our opening match will be Steve Frehley taking on Enforcer Roberts but first a few words from you guessed it The New Supremacists.


Blood In The Water




With those words from Peter Michaels the entrance music for The New Supremacists hits and all members of SWF’s top stable make their way down to the ring. The fans love to hate Eric Eisen and his crew and they not only book but throw things at the group. Brandon James holds the ropes for both Emma Chase and Eric Eisen and then he and Marat Khoklov go over the top rope. Frederique Antonio Garcia and Marc DuBois make it into the ring by themselves.


Brandon James: “Now I’m not the best talker on this thing and I can admit that but I have some things to say. Joe Sexy you’re in the hospital because I put you there. I put you there because you won’t leave my manager Emma Chase alone. Every time you talk to her I’m gonna put you back in the hospital. When we meet at Awesome Impact you’re never gonna know what hit you.”


Emma Chase: “Thank you Brandon. You see Joe I only manage the best, and though I don’t really have time for it now when I do date I only date the best. You Joe Sexy aren’t the best, you aren’t even the second best. Emma Chase does not settle she never has and she never will and there will certainly be no settling for you.


I know you got out of the hospital over the weekend and I know the doctors are saying you are clear to wrestle on Thursday. What I also know is that your chances of winning are nil. The Supreme Monsters will beat you and your new best friend within an inch of your life, and maybe even behind. At Awesome Impact your time is over.”


Eric Eisen: “And that brings us to you Christian Faith. I know you aren’t here, I know you’re tending to your buddy Joe Sexy. But I also know you’re watching on TV and I want you to know your time is done. You’ve been trying to beat Marat in singles competition. You’ve been trying to beat Marat in tag team competition. The fact is you just can’t do, you have failed.


The New Supremacists don’t lose, we don’t surrender to lesser beings and we don’t fall to the past. After Awesome Impact you won’t even be able to compete again. After Awesome Impact the past will be over and the time for the future is now. Christian Faith, Joe Sexy prepare to fall to the Supreme Monsters.”


Rating: B+


Peter Michaels: “Welcome back folks you heard The New Supremacists talk about Christian Faith and Joe Sexy who were not here to return the favor. But we look forward to the match up at Awesome Impact.”


Duane Fry: “We certainly to Pete but what I’m looking forward to now is Steve Frehley vesus Enforcer Roberts.”


Steve Frehley over Enforcer Roberts




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Steve Frehley defeated Enforcer Roberts in 6:24 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.


Even with someone to hide his obvious flaws and in a squash match Frehley just doesn’t pull it off.


Rating: C+


Money Problems




The camera comes in backstage where Jack Bruce and Rich Money are in the middle of yet another heated argument.


Rich Money: “What do you mean it’s my fault we lost two weeks ago. You are seriously out of your mind Jack. It wasn’t my fault, hell I’m not even blaming you. We lost because we don’t trust each other and I understand that. We lost because The New Supremacists have something we don’t, cohesion. I admit I’m in this for myself but I’m not in it to specifically screw you. You can keep hating me but all that’s gonna is make either of our chance of getting the SWF World Heavyweight title off of Eric Eisen next to none.”


Jack Bruce: “You it right, Jack Bruce doesn’t trust you Rich Money. Jack Bruce is never going to trust you.”


Rich Money: “Well then Jack that means you are now a problem for me and like I said I’m still in this for me. So if I have to remove you I will. Like I said no more sneak attacks, no more backstabbing, if I have to take you out I’m gonna do it in the ring.”


Jack Bruce: “You couldn’t beat Jack Bruce when you were on Eric Eisen’s pay rool and you certainly won’t beat me now. Jack Bruce is gonna be the SWF World Heavyweight champion again and there’s nothing you can do about it Rich Money.”


Rich Money: “You’re getting awful full of yourself Jack and more than a little paranoid. You can come for me if you want to Jack but it’s not going to be easy.”


With that Rich Money just walks off leaving Jack Bruce to stew in his own juices before the camera fades out.


Rating: A


Jerry Eisen: “More trouble brewing between Rich Money and Jack Bruce.”


Peter Michaels: “I can see why Jack wouldn’t trust Rich but something is going to have to give.”


The Next Big Thing over The Biggz Boyz




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Next Big Thing defeated The Biggz Boyz in 11:53 when Marc DuBois defeated Brett Biggz by submission with a Model Solution after blatantly cheating.


The Next Big Thing takes a second win but this time it takes a little more creative thinking. Garcia takes out Bart Biggz on the outside with the ring bell while DuBois distracts the ref. A concerned Brett Biggz is easily maneuvered into the Model Solution when he takes his eyes of of Marc to check on his brother. Brett almost reaches the ropes but Antonio pulls them away and Brett taps out.


Rating: B-


The Next Big Tag Team Champions




After the victory over The Biggz Boyz the rest of The New Supremacists come down to ring side. Eric Eisen forces the ref to raise the hands of DuBois and Garcia one more time. The ref complies, obviously intimidated. Marc and Frederique hit the corners raising their arms in triumph to the booing crowd. Meanwhile Eric heads over toward the announce booth side of the ring to grab a mic.


Eric Eisen: “What he have here is the greatest collection of wrestlers in the world. We have an unstoppable monster, the SWF World Heavyweight champion, the SWF North American champion, the smartest and most attractive manager in the world and the soon to be SWF Tag Team champions.


Only a mind like mine could possibly bring a group like this together. Only a mind like mine could lead these people to such great heights. Only a mind like mine could help gather all of the most important belts into one unit. My mind has made this possible, but, and I don’t admit this often, the hard work comes from these people right here. So for once let me turn this over to someone else and let the soon to be SWF Tag Team champions say a thing or two.”


Marc DuBois: “Thank you Eric, first let me say on behalf of Frederique and myself, thank you for taking us into your group. Thank you for taking us under your wing and helping us get where we are right now. Thank you for seeing our potential and letting us grow to these lofty heights.”


Frederique Antonio Garcia: “Marc and I have always been birds of a feather, we just never realized that as a team we would to do so well. But here we are one of the most dominant teams in the SWF. We’ve made it to the final leg of this tournament and whether it’s the not so Amazing Bumfholes or that geezer Enforcer Roberts and his protégé Paul Huntington, The Next Big Thing will go on to become SWF Tag Team Champions.”


Eric Eisen: “Well boys you are quite welcome. I have an eye for such things as we all know. I knew you to would go this far and probably even further and I’m certain you will bring the tag team gold home to where it belongs.


And that’s it folks all the time I am willing to give you out of my busy schedule. Bask in the glory that is The New Supremacists for none of you will ever be as great as we are.”


The fans as always hated The New Supremacists as they are supposed to. Garcia and DuBois with were over shadowed by their other more popular stable mates but they seemed to be getting more comfortable in their roles. Eric and the gang were booed out of the ring but they played up the fact that they could care less because the fans are quite beneath the.


Rating: A


The Moral Majority over Pimptastic




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Moral Majority defeated Pimptastic in 12:30 when Squeeky McClean defeated King Cage by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


Pimptastic did a nice job and held their own against The Moral Majority. It took a little bit of fancy double teaming and ref distraction for Gilmore and McClean to steal the win.


Rating: B-


Failure To Communicate





We cut to the office of Eric Eisen and The New Supremacists. Eric is sitting at his desk with Marat Khoklov behind him and Brandon James and Emma Chase are sitting on the couch.


Eric Eisen: “I’ve had about enough of this. Where the hell is my father?”


As if on cue the door swings open and Garcia and DuBois push Richard Eisen into the room. Richard seems none too happy about the treatment but doesn’t say anything about it.


Eric Eisen: “Jesus dad when I call for you I expect you to come. I had to send these two to go and find you.”


Richard Eisen: “I was in the middle of a business call.”


Eric Eisen: “That’s no excuse; you apparently haven’t been able to get the business at hand squared away. What I’m hearing now is that you’ve lost control of SWF Elite.”


Richard Eisen: “I’m sorry Eric as of right now that is true, but that is what the call is about. I haven’t been able to get a handle on who this new player is but I think I’ve settled for a meeting at Elite on Thursday. We’ll have this all sorted out before the pay per view later that night.”


Eric Eisen: “Not that I don’t trust you but you’ve failed to bring results thus far so The New Supremacists will be on hand to make sure all these loose ends are tied up in a sufficient manner and that everything is final.”


Richard Eisen: “Of course Eric, whatever you say.”


Eric Eisen: “Damn right whatever I say, now get out of here and make sure this meeting happens.”


Marc DuBois opens the door and Richard Eisen flees the room while removing his phone from his pocket. After he’s gone The New Supremacists settle in and the camera fades out.


Rating: B+


Remo and Vengeance over Giedroyc & Valiant




In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Remo and Vengeance defeated Giedroyc & Valiant in 21:58 when Vengeance defeated Valiant by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


The tag team champions held their own but they were just no match for the sheer size and strength of their opponents. There was a lack of psychology involved in this main event style match up but the results were still decent.


Rating: B-


And Jack Said…. Let There Be Tables




We return from commercial with the current SWF Tag Team champions backstage in front of the Supreme TV backdrop. They are battered and bruised but still in good spirits. The title belts are over the shoulder and mics are in their hands. Jack looks directly into the camera and smiles.


Jack Giedroyc: “Its going on three month since The Moral Majority started their crusade to indoctrinate us into their twisted sense of ‘goodness’. Sure the things they talk about are good things, but to the exclusion of all other things isn’t good, its downright evil.”


Valiant: “Now Jack here and I, we like to consider ourselves good guys. We’re pretty popular in the locker room because we treat people with respect and we don’t push our values on everyone else. Ts good to have a sense of right and wrong but its not good to destroy everything you don’t see as right.”


Jack Giedroyc: “So this is it, Gilmore and McClean get one more shot at the SWF Tag Team titles. One more shot to try and put us away. But we’ve got a problem, last time you two decided to get a chair involved in our match and somehow got us disqualified.”


Valiant: “So we were talking about it and we wanted to do something a little bit different. It took awhile to brainstorm because there are so many great types of matches out there, but I think we got. It was really Jack’s idea I’ll admit. Credit where credit is do I always say. Anyway Jack turned to me and he said…”


Jack Giedroyc: “…Let there be tables.”


Valiant: “That’s right, ‘let there be tables’. And the truth is I liked the idea. So we brought it to the top and we said since this is our final match up one way or another with The Moral Majority we think we should give the fans something to write home about. “


Jack Giedroyc: “The brass agreed so now we have a tables match at Awesome Impact. So get ready boys this may be the end but someone is going through a table. And it ain’t one of us.”


Rating: B


Peter Michaels: “Welcome back to Supremacists TV folks and before the break we heard a great announcement.”


Duane Fry; “Yes sir Peter a new twist to the final chapter of the Giedroyc & Valiant versus The Moral Majority saga. We got us a ladder match.”


Peter Michaels: “And like you always say Daune, this match is gonna be a barnstormer!!!”


Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov over Rich Money and Lobster Warrior




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, The New Supremacists defeated Lobster Warrior and Rich Money in 22:11 when Eric Eisen defeated Lobster Warrior by pinfall with The Supremacy following interference from Marc DuBois. During the match we also had Frederique Antonio Garcia run in and attack Money.


This was a great main event seeing a lot of good in-ring action, barring some poor selling by Khoklov. Money proved he could work with someone who put a little trust in him and it required an outside attack by The Next Big Thing for The New Supremacists to even pick up the win.


Rating: B+


Like A Pack Of Wild Dogs





The New Supremacists press their four on two advantage and begin an merciless beat down of Rich Money and Lobster Warrior. Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov focus their attention on Rich Money while The Next Big Thing bring their patented two prong assault against Lobster Warrior. Rich and Lobster try to fight back, at one point getting back to back so they can’t be blindsided but it just doesn’t help. Money and Warrior end up on the floor and receive a four man curb stomp.


The camera is focused on the ring and stays there even as the fans begin to erupt with cheers. It doesn’t take long for the object of their affection to make itself known as Christian Faith slides into the ring with a chair in hand. Wham to the head of Marc DuBois who rolls out of the ring, then wham to the head of Frederique Antonio Garcia who does the same. Eric Eisen and Marat Khoklov turn around and the three men circle, Christian Faith has a chair but it’s still two on one.




With the camera focused on the three men you can see an intense stare down and the Eric powders from the ring. Khoklov looks past Faith and the camera pans out again showing that Money and Warrior have gotten to their feet. Realizing he’s out numbered Marat leaves the ring, but at his own pace unlike the other members of The New Supremacists.


The fans are cheering as the heroes are safe. Faith and Lobster Warrior shake hands and then they both look at Rich Money. Money smiles, puts out his hand and then shakes with the other two men. Christian Faith raises the arms of both men. The crowd is going wild as Supreme TV comes to a close.


Rating: A


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating B+


Awesome Impact

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Lobster Warrior vs Remo

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing

Steve Frehley vs Vengeance

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters

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The Supremacists are such a dominant faction it will be interesting to see how you find a way to challenge them


One more elite and the Awesome Impact so we'll see. Still more matches to be announced so its all good. As for the Supremacists I'm glad they seem dominant they should. As to who can challenge them we'll see. Apparently Money and Bruce can't get along enough to try but it could come from somewhere else.


Plus thanks for reading Pete I appreciate the patronage. Along with all you other readers.

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Peter Michaels: “Good evening folks and welcome to SWF Elite. I'm Peter Michaels, along with Duane Fry and Ana Garcia and tonight have we got a show for you. Tonight we have the final match of the tag team number one contender tournament with The Amazing Bumfholes going up against Roberts & Huntington”


Ana Garcia: “I always love seeing the Bumfholes in action randy looks great in those tights.”


Peter Michaels: “I can’t say as I’ve ever noticed Ana but we have some more tag team action with Giedroyc & Valiant going up against Total Perfection and The Moral Majority facing Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley.”


Duane Fry: “Looks like the roles are reversed from last week with Gilmore and McClean getting the short end of the stick this time.”


Ana Garcia: “I don’t really mind that as Gilmore and McClean are too stuck up for my taste.”


Peter Michaels: “We’ll be opening with Remo taking on Jungle Lord and then I’ve been informed we have a main event to determine who will face Eric Eisen at Awesome Impact.”


Duane Fry: “Jack Bruce taking on Rich Money. I don’t even need to give you the facts on this bout folks this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”


Pick An Opponent Any Opponent




As the announce team summarizes the show they are interrupted by the music for The New Supremacists. The whole crew makes its way to the ring paying no attention to the jeering crowd as the walk down the ramp. All six members enter the ring and Eric Eisen is furnished with a microphone by one of the sound techs.


Eric Eisen: “Since Elite is not Supremacists TV a match has been made tonight to determine who I face at Awesome Impact. Usually I don’t like being told what to do but quite frankly I can’t wait to see this match up. Jack Bruce and Rich Money in this ring as opponents one more time. I couldn’t have planned it better myself, no wait I did months ago.


The truth is it doesn’t matter who wins the match. The New Supremacists are the most dominant faction in the SWF. No we are the most dominant faction in all of professional wrestling. The New Supremacists are made up of winners and title holders. When Awesome Impact comes to a close this title belt will be at home where it belongs with the greatest pro wrestler ever to grace the squared circle, me.


Jack Bruce is a washed out rock star who talks about himself in the third person and doesn’t think anyone notices. He was a failure as a champion, and quite frankly a failure as a human being. I can’t even remember the last truly entertaining thing he’s done. Bruce brings nothing to the table and he’s actually just an afterthought for someone as supreme as myself.


And that leaves me with Rich Money. Rich I played you and I’ll continue to play you. I’m pretty sure you won’t come out of your match against Bruce victorious but if by luck you do that makes my job at Awesome Impact all that much easier. You’re really quite pathetic Rich. All of this ‘gotta do it myself’ and ‘I’m my own man’ bull is trite. You were a pawn, you have always been a pawn and you will always be a pawn. In the end you’ll fall to the side of the board like all pawns are, sacrificed to protect a bigger and better piece.


You two go ahead and have your little fight tonight. At Awesome Impact one of you is losing to me and the fans and I don’t really care which one of you it is. Once tonight’s match is over you have a few hours before your ultimate loss, but I don’t have to fight at all. I’ll be one hundred percent when one of you faces me in the ring. Tonight on Elite and at Awesome Impact, The New Supremacists rain….. SUPREME.”


Eric throws the mic at the sound tech and The New Supremacists all leave the ring. The fans boo them but Eric and his people haughtily ignore it as they maneuver their way up the ramp.


Rating: A


Remo over Jungle Lord




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Remo defeated Jungle Lord in 17:55 by pinfall with The Destroyer.


Remo spends all the time just destroying Jungle Lord. He probably could have pinned him numerous times but Remo just want to inflict as much damage as possible.


Rating: B-


The Amazing Bumfholes over Roberts & Huntington




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Roberts & Huntington in 12:30 when Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Paul Huntingdon by pinfall with a Bumfhole In One.


This was another good midcard match from The Bumfholes making them the second finalists for the tag team #1 contender tournaments.


Rating: B-


Next #1 Contender




As soon as the match is over the match graphic shows The Amazing Bumfholes and The Next Big Thing with the caption #1 Contender Match.


Peter Michaels: “Well folks now we have a final match, one of these two teams will be the next challenger for the SWF Tag Team titles against whoever wins the tables match at Awesome Impact.”


Duane Fry: “I don’t see this going well for the Bumfholes and not because The Next Big Thing is the ‘better’ team but because they have The New Supremacists behind them.”


Peter Michaels: “Eric really wants his team to be the champs so you could very well be right.”


Duane Fry: “Anyway you see it this match is gonna be a barn-stormer!!!”


Rating: C+


Visions Of Things To Come




Christian Faith and Joe Sexy are backstage exchanging pleasantries. Joe appears to be well although a welt on his forehead shows that he had taken a beating in the recent past. The two men smile and shake hands before being blindsided by Brandon James and Marat Khoklov.


The beating is swift and vicious. Khoklov and James throw punch after punch until Faith and Sexy hit the floor. Even downed the beating continues as The Supreme Monsters lay the boots into their opponents for later that evening. Joe and Christian are beat for a good few minutes before Brandon and Marat finally deem it enough. As the two New Supremacists walk off the camera pans down to the battered and beaten forms of Christian Faith and Joe Sexy laying on the floor.


Rating: B+


Peter Michaels: “Welcome back to SWF Elite. Before the break there was a horrific beatdown of Joe Sexy and Christian Faith by The Supreme Monsters.”


Ana Garcia: “I couldn’t watch. I didn’t want to see Joe’s pretty face get hit.”


Duane Fry: “Word from the back is that both men are ok and the doctor has cleared them to fight in the match at Awesome Impact later tonight.”


Ana Garcia: “That’s good news I’ll go back and see if Joe needs anything later.”


Peter Micheals: “I think what Joe needs is a chance to get back at Khoklov and James and he’ll get that on tonight’s PPV”


Giedroyc & Valiant over Total Perfection




In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated Total Perfection in 12:28 when Valiant defeated Mainstream Hernandez by pinfall with a V-Split.


The tag team champs redeem themselves after their loss last week by totally dominating Total Perfection.


Rating: C


The Evil You Know





Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Marat Khoklov, Emma Chase and Richard Eisen are all in The New Supremacists office. Eric is sitting behind the desk with Marat in his usual place looming behind him. Emma and Brandon are seated on the couch waiting, obviously impatiently. Richard Eisen is pacing back and forth nervously while the others look in. A few moments pass before Eric finally address the room.


Eric Eisen: “Good lord father sit the hell down, you’re driving me nuts.”


Richard Eisen immediately takes a seat in one of the big leather chairs in the room.


Eric Eisen: “He’ll be here any second and when he does we’ll make sure he does the right thing.”


Richard Eisen: “Alright Eric I’m sure things will work in.”


Without so much as a knock a man walks through the door and over to the other empty leather chair and plops down in it.




????: “Well folks I’m here let’s get this started. Feel free to threaten me now if you like, it won’t do you any good.”


Eric Eisen: “Who the hell do you think you are walking in here like that without so much as knocking?”


????: “Technically I’m your boss so I’d adopt a more civil tone with me. The name is Says, Simon Says. And you’ll need to learn quickly whatever Simon says goes.”


Richard Eisen: “Now wait just a minute young man. I’ve worked to long and too hard to let you just walk in here and take over like this.”


Simon Says: “I’m not just walking in, it took me weeks to gather the power I needed to rival yours. You were just too busy or stupid to realize I was doing it.


Richard Eisen: “Stupid? I’m not….”


Eric Eisen: “Look all that matters is getting everything back to the way things are supposed to be. Namely with The New Supremacists running things.”


Simon Says: “Eric. Can I call you Eric? Actually it doesn’t matter I’m gonna call you what I damn well please. Eric, The New Supremacists control nothing at least nothing real. Your father is the one with the real power in this situation so if you don’t mind why don’t you sit back down behind your desk and play business man while me and your father have a chat.”


Eric Eisen: “You can’t talk to me….”


Simon Says: “I can and I will. I out smarted your dad. I out smarted you. And right now adults have things to talk about. Why don’t you tell your crotch fruit to shut it Richard.”


Richard Eisen: “Look let’s get this over and done with. What is it that you want?”


Simon Says: “At some point I want you to admit I beat you. But what I really want is my own wrestling show. So I’m actually gonna make this easy. We have about equal controlling interest in this company so we should split things up equally. Now we could keep bumping heads and in the long run I’ll take it all, or you can just let me have control of Elite and we’ll split the roster and you can have Supreme TV. And no Eric before you open that yap of yours I am not calling it Supremacists TV, that’s just more of your self-aggrandizing crap.”


Eric Eisen: “And what makes you think we won’t just beat the crap out of you right here and take what we want by force.”


Simon Says: “Oh because like I said I’m smarter than you like I said before. Do you really think I’m to stupid not to have gotten some of my own protection before coming in here.”


Simon makes a whistle and the door gets kicked open and in walk Remo and Vengeance.




Simon Says: “I told you when I walked in. I’m not afraid of you and your intimidation wouldn’t work on me. If you think you’re dad has a reputation for being ruthless, he’s got nothing on me.”


Richard Eisen: “So how will we divvy up the roster?”


Simon Says: “Personally I don’t care we could just pick who we like as in a draft. We could just see who wants to be on which shows and then maybe we’ll have to force some folks to do what we want to even it out. Hell we could even do a random draw. How’s that sound Eric want to be on Elite with me. I’m sure I can find some menial labor for you to do.”


Richard Eisen: “Alright Elite is yours I don’t feel like dragging this out.”


Simon Says: “Perfect, we’ll hammer out the other details over the weekend and come Tuesday Supreme TV and Elite will have their rosters. Oh and one more thing… I don’t want my guys to have to wrestle on pay per views after wrestling on my shows so the pay per views are moving off of Thursdays after tonight and will be happening the fourth Sunday of every month. We’re all SWF family here and I think you can agree we can hammer it to TCW by holding PPV the same night.”


With that Simon Says pops up out of the chair and walks out the door with his guards, leaving a stunned Eric Eisen gaping at his exit.


Eric Eisen: “Dad you’re an idiot. You lost us Elite and now there may be a chance that myself or any of the other members of The New Supremacists might end up working for that loser. Get out, just get out of my office.”


Richard Eisen dejected gets up out of his chair and leaves. As the door closes behind Richard, Eric screams and slams his fists down on the desk.”


Rating: B+


Peter Michaels: “Wow Elite and Supreme TV two separate entities.”


Duane Fry: You know what this means Pete we may not be working together any more. There might be new announcers coming in.”


Peter Michaels: “I hadn’t through about that Duane. I sure hope that doesn’t happen.”


Ana Garcia: “I can’t decide which one I dislike less, I’ll have to think about it if they ask me what show I want to be on.”


Warrior & Frehley over The Moral Majority




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley defeated The Moral Majority in 21:34 when Lobster Warrior defeated Angry Gilmore by pinfall with a Lobster Trap.


The Moral Majority take a loss to the main event team of Lobster Warrior and Steve Frehley. Gilmore and McClean hold their own but still take the loss. It was a good match even with the poor chemistry between Warrior and Frehley.


Rating: B


Tag Team Turmoil





Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole are walking down the hall backstage talking about their win and about going up against The Next Big Thing. They turn the corner and they run right into the wall that is Marat Khoklov and the Russian giant is not alone. The Bumfholes are quickly blinded sided by Frederique Antonio Garcia and Marc DuBois and then finally Brandon James joins the attack.


While the rest of The New Supremacists beat the holy hell out of The Amazing Bumfholes Eric Eisen and Emma Chase egg them on from the sidelines.


Eric Eisen: “Make sure they don’t make it to the match tonight.”


Emma Chase: “Show them how a real team operates.”


In their second beatdown of the night The New Supremacists show no mercy. The Bumfholes are beat until they can’t stand and then the Supremacists walk away. For good measure DuBois and Garcia spit on the brothers as they leave.


Rating: B+


Rich Money draws Jack Bruce




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Rich Money drew with Jack Bruce in 22:24 following a double disqualification.


We get a PPV style main event to lead into Awesome Impact. Jack Bruce just plain hated Rich Money and the match deteriorated into a brawl. The ref couldn’t get the Bruce and Money to stop using close fists and called for the double DQ.


Rating: A


And Then There Were Three




The Awesome Impact background shows the pictures of Rich Money, Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen.


Peter Michaels: “There you have it folks, with a draw we’re going to have a three way dance between Eric Eisen, Jack Bruce and Rich Money for the SWF World Heavyweight title.”


Jerry Eisen: “This will be our main event for Awesome Impact and it has to be said this match will be Awesome.”


Duane Fry: “Awesome Impact starts in a few minutes and I can’t wait to see this match.”


Peter Michaels: “We’ll see you back here in a few folks for Awesome Impact…”


Rating: B+


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+


Awesome Impact

Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Lobster Warrior vs Remo

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing

Steve Frehley vs Vengeance

Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters

The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Next Big Thing

Tag Team #1 Contender Tournament FInal

Jack Bruce vs Rich Money vs Eric Eisen

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

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Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team Titles





Lobster Warrior vs Remo




Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing




Steve Frehley vs Vengeance




Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters




The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Next Big Thing

Tag Team #1 Contender Tournament Final




Jack Bruce vs Rich Money vs Eric Eisen

For the SWF World Heavyweight title





Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team Titles

Lobster Warrior vs Remo

Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing

Steve Frehley vs Vengeance

Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters

The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Next Big Thing

Tag Team #1 Contender Tournament FInal

Jack Bruce vs Rich Money vs Eric Eisen

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

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Giedroyc & Valiant © vs The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team Titles


Lobster Warrior vs Remo


Gregory Black vs Runaway Train

Last Man Standing


If this was real life and Greg got the win here, that would put him over big time.


Steve Frehley vs Vengeance


Christian Faith and Joe Sexy vs Supreme Monsters


The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Next Big Thing

Tag Team #1 Contender Tournament FInal


Well seeing how I think the champions will retain, I think TNBT are your best bet to win this match.


Jack Bruce vs Rich Money vs Eric Eisen

For the SWF World Heavyweight title

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Peter Michaels: “Welcome to Awesome impact folks and tonight we have a new edition to the PPV announce booth, the new owner of SWF Elite, Simon Says.”


Simon Says: “Thank you Peter it’s great to be here and even better to have bested Richard Eisen at gis own game.”


Duane Fry: “So…um Mr. Says, I suppose you have big plans for Elite.”


Simon Says: “I sure do Duane and maybe you’ll be a part of them but we’ll just have to wait and see how we divide the roster. But that’s not why we’re here tonight we’re going to see the SWF stars make an Awesome Impact.”


Peter Michaels: “I couldn’t have said it my better myself. Steve Frehley versus Vengeance, The Amazing Bumfholes versus The Next Big Thing, Lobster Warrior versus Remo, Giedroyc & Valiant versus The Moral Majority, Gregory Black versus Runaway Train, Christian Faith and Joe Sexy versus The Supreme Monsters and our main event Jack Bruce versus Rich Money versus Eric Eisen.”


Duane Fry: “I can’t pick a single match that I don’t think will be a Barn-Stormer!!!”


Simon Says: “But first some words from lone wolf Rich Money.”


The Rich Get Richer




Awesome Impact opens with Rich Money in the ring although his match was the last one on Elite it appears he’s taken the time to hit the locker room and come back changed into a nice suit.


Rich Money: “Elite ended about an hour ago and at the end of that show we heard that tonight’s main event will actually be a three way match up. I’m sure daddy’s boy Eric Eisen isn’t too pleased about that. Hell I’m pretty sure Jack Bruce isn’t happy about that either. The fact is the matter is I don’t really give a rat’s ass if either one of them is happy; neither of them has shown any interest in my well being either.


Both of these men didn’t believe I would make it to a title match. Both of these men didn’t want me in a title match. But now they’ve got me and they both have to watch their backs when I’m in the ring. My days of sneak attacks and underhanded tactics may be over but I’m still gonna do what it takes to a get a win, especially when the SWF World Heavyweight championship is on the line.


Jack you’ve already proven to me tonight that we’re never gonna get along. You can’t even stand to be in the same ring with me, which is why our fight deteriorated into a wild brawl. Personally I don’t care if you like me but I think your paranoia about me is making you fail to see the big picture. The big picture is unlike you and me, Eric isn’t in this alone. The stuck up little weasel has The New Supremacy behind him and if you don’t think that those five sycophants are going to get involved during this match you’re even more deluded then I though.


So Jack seriously if we can’t gang up and take out the bigger threat first then I’m just going to have to remove you from the equation so I only have one group of crazies to worry about. If we can get rid of Eric and watch each other’s backs when, not if, the other New Supremacists come out then one of us will be walking out the new champ. Obviously I’d prefer that be me, but even if it’s you I have a better chance of a fair fight facing you at some later date then I do Eric.


So later tonight, Jack, Eric, it’s a three way dance and only one of us will be dancing all the way home as the SWF World Heavyweight champion. I’m confident that dancer is gonna be me.”


Rating: B+


To Err Is Human




This short video package starts off showing scenes from all the brawls and backstage beat downs that have transpired between Frehley and Vengeance over the past three months. It shows them having to be separated constantly, playing on the fact that the two can’t even be in the same building together let alone the same ring without things exploding.


We continue with the eerie speeches from Vengeance talking about the end of Frehley. About his supposed (un)holy mission and Frehley standing in the way of a force of nature. Pictures of just Vengeance’s face on a black background making him look like a disembodied head as he laughs maniacally. Never before scenes of Frehley training for the match are shown to contrast how human Frehley is compared to the demonic Vengeance.


Rating: B+


Vengeance over Steve Frehley




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Vengeance defeated Steve Frehley in 16:47 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.


Frehley and Vengeance just shouldn’t be paired together. Most of the match was convoluted timing as neither man has the ring psychology to keep together even this shortened main event match. On top of that a lack of selling caused a lot of the match to be totally unbelievable. The crowd was suitably relieved when Steve Frehley fell to the Skull Krusher and the match was over.


Rating: C+


Buried Alive?




With the match over and Frehley still laid out in the middle of the ring Vengeance stands over the body and drags his finger across his throat. The lights go out and Vengeance’s eerie music begins to play. It wakes a moment longer than usual for the lights to come on and when they do its not all of them. With the arena still partial darkened Vengeance is seen standing in the ring with Frehley over his shoulder. A spot light goes on and lights up ringside where a casket, which was not there before, now rests.


Vengeance walks to the side of the ring slowly and with determination. He drops the lifeless form of Frehley over the top rope and into the casket. Getting out of the ring over the top rope the angel of death closes the lid on the casket slowly securing the locks on the sides. A creep fog rolls out from the back and six cloaked pallbearers come out. They head to sides of the casket and lift it up on their shoulders. They follow Vengeance, who leads the funeral march through the fog and into the back.


Rating: B


The Next Big Thing over The Amazing Bumfholes




In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Next Big Thing defeated The Amazing Bumfholes in 9:39 when Marc DuBois defeated Randy Bumfhole by submission with a Model Solution after interference from Emma Chase.


Just under ten minutes and still the lack of psychology from these two teams saw them lose the flow of the match once or twice. Apparently Eric sent an insurance policy out with DuBois and Garcia as they came to the ring with Emma Chase who would be instrumental in their win. As always Emma did her best to keep the ref distracted when The Next Big Thing needed to do something underhanded. While the ref was trying to get Garcia out of the ring after a tag Randy Bumfhole got a low blow from Chase and was quickly tied up into the Model Solution, although it’s whether he was tapping because the move hurt or because his man bits hurt.


Rating: C+


Warriors Of The Squared Circle




The promo for Remo and Lobster Warrior is a bit shorter than the other promos and mostly focuses on the three consecutive shows where Remo destroys Lobster Warrior. The only other thing to happen between Nothing to Lose and Awesome Impact is the promo Lobster Warrior cut on Remo on the first ever SWF Elite. Ending with the last quote from that promo “Remo you will take the final curtain at Awesome Impact and be locked away once and for all like all villains must."


Rating: B+


Remo over Lobster Warrior




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Remo defeated Lobster Warrior in 16:37 by pinfall with The Destroyer.


This was decent main event level match that only suffered because of the lack of selling. Remo has been able to take out Lobster Warrior with attacks from behind but in the ring Lobby was able to get about an even offense against the one man wrecking machine. The crowd was behind Lobster Warrior the whole way especially the kids with their Lobster Warrior masks. The match ended with a clean pin by Remo after hitting the Destory, much to the dismay of the fans who booed Remo out of the ring.


Rating: B


Giedroyc & Valiant over The Moral Majority

Tables Match

For the SWF Tag Team titles





In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Giedroyc & Valiant defeated The Moral Majority in 10:08; Squeeky McClean was eliminated first, then Valiant, and finally Angry Gilmore. Giedroyc & Valiant make defence number 2 of their SWF World Tag Team titles.


Another main event level matchup between the SWF Tag Team champions and their current #1 contenders. The in ring action was incredible with all four men getting a good offense in here and there. Although technically a tables match the wooden surfaces didn’t come out until the last two minuts of the match, as the teams didn’t need them to hide any weaknesses in ring work.


About the eight minute mark was the first elimination as Valiant came off the top rope with the Patriot Missile, dropkicking Squeeky McClean through the first table. Less than a minute later with Valiant laying across a table and Jack Giedroyc down on the outside Angry Gilmore came off with the Sky High Elbow eliminating Valiant. Jack was dragged into the ring and put on a table and Angry went up for another Sky High Elbow but Giedroyc rolled out of the way. While Gilmore was stunned Giedroyc set up a table on top of a table outside the ring and then dragged Angry up onto the top one while he was still woozy. Jack hit the Crashing sending both men through the tables and getting his team the win, retaining the SWF Tag Team titles.


Rating: B


Gregory Black over Runaway Train

Last Man Standing Match




In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Gregory Black defeated Runaway Train in 9:32 when Runaway Train could not beat a ten count after a Fade To Black.


Not the best of the three matches these two men have ever had but not their worst by either. After winning by DQ and then losing Gregory Black finally proved that he can cleanly put away a monster like Runaway Train. The battle was pitch and Black barely came back from the ten count twice. It took all black had and not one, not two but three times hitting Fade to Black before Train finally couldn’t get to his feet.


Rating: B-


The Monster Mash




We get short hype video for the impending match between Christian Faith, Joe Sexy and The Supreme Monsters. With Faith having a more prolific recent history battling The New Supremacists the opening part of the video concentrates on his dealings with Jack Bruce leading up to the tag team match at Nothing to Lose. We get footage of the battle to the back between Faith and Khoklov leaving Bruce to getting pinned.


Next we get Joe Sexy’s appearance on the scene. We see Sexy being blinded sided by Khoklov and James and then the rescue by Christian Faith. We get some previously unseen footage of Joe Sexy’s time in the hospital. A description of Joe’s wounds is given by his doctor, who says he’s clear to wrestle but he wouldn’t recommend it.


The final segment of the video is from early that evening on Elite. We see the vicious attack on Money and Faith backstage by The Supreme Monsters. It starts out at regular speed and then it goes into slow motion so you can see the attacks blow by blow and stomp by stomp. The video finally ends with the visage of the battered and beaten Joe and Christian lying on the floor unable to move.


Rating: B+


The Supreme Monsters over Christian Faith and Joe Sexy




In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Supreme Monsters defeated Christian Faith and Joe Sexy in 19:12 when Marat Khoklov defeated Joe Sexy by pinfall when Emma Chase got involved.


This match was excellent with both Christian Faith and Brandon James having enough ring psychology to keep the match from falling apart. The size difference was obvious when the match began and all four men stood face to face, or more like face to chest. Sexy and James opened the match up with Joe getting a good bit of offense before tagging in Faith. Faith was cut off quickly and began to get the sympathy heat from the crowd as quick tags kept him isolated from his partner for awhile.


Sexy got back in and then Faith again who took some more pounding before finally getting the hot tag back to Sexy who ran in and cleaned house. A tag back to Marat made him the legal man and the battle began with Sexy having the upper hand. Quite quickly Joe managed to hit the One Night Stand which wasn’t enough to put the monster down but it stunned him long enough for Joe to get a roll up. Sadly for Joe they were too close to the ropes and Emma Chase reached in pulling on Joe’s trunks causing the momentum of the roll up to continue and Marat ended up being the one on top. The ref counted the three as the confusion and Khoklov’s massive bulk made it impossible for him to kick out.


Rating: B+


Three Not So Wise Men




This video package started with the double attack by Rich Money on Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen at Nothing to lose. This is followed by a little bit of Rich Money talking with both men opening the next Supreme TV when he says he’s not going to be ignored. We see a few clips of the many arguments Bruce and Money have had over the past few weeks and then the loss to Eisen and Khoklov to illustrate the inability of Jack and Rich to coexist.


Then we see some proof that Money can stand toe to toe with The New Supremacists as he draws Khoklov. Next we see the one moment of cohesion between Bruce and Money with their win with Christian Faith over Acid and The Next Big Thing. The final clips start with the battle between Money and Bruce earlier in the evening and then shows the beat down given by Khoklov and James with Eric Eisen yelling how they’ll never beat him.


Rating: B+


Eric Eisen over Jack Bruce and Rich Money





In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Eric Eisen defeated Jack Bruce and Rich Money in 22:19 when Eric Eisen defeated Rich Money by pinfall with The Supremacy following interference from Brandon James. During the match we also had Marat Khoklov run in and attack Bruce. Eric Eisen makes defence number 2 of his SWF World Heavyweight title.


The crowd didn’t just want Eric lose they wanted him die. With action as of late including his growing paranoia, Jack Bruce did not get as much face cheers as Rich Money did at the start of the match. The match opened slowly with each gauging the threat level of the other two and a slow dance. Eric was deemed the biggest threat and for once Money and Bruce were on the same page.


The cohesion of the unit wouldn’t last long as Rich Money went for the first pin and Jack Bruce gave him a swift kick to the back to break the pin. Once the tension was in high gear it was all Jack and Rich. Eric would bide his time, either outside the ring or in a far corner until he say an opportunity to strike. If he was successful he made a pin if not he snuck off so Money and Bruce would go back at it.


In the last quarter of the match The Supreme Monsters made their way to ringside they were admonished by the ref to stay out of things. Khoklov and James shrugged and split up giving the ref too much to concentrate on. They wouldn’t outright interfere but whenever the ref would take his eyes off of Eric to check on one of them he would use that time to either get or keep the momentum with a dirty move.


In the end Eric backed Rich up into a corner where Brandon James happened to be and this gave Marat the chance to drag Jack out of the ring and proceed to beat on him. When the ref was sure James wasn’t doing anything he turned his back and noticed Bruce was gone. Khkolv who had backed away from Bruce upon seeing the ref turning throws up his arms to say I don’t know and then pointed at the prone body of Bruce a few feet. The ref leans out through the bottom ropes to check on Bruce while Eric whips Money into the ropes. Money ducks the clothesline but runs right into the Big Money Move from James who slipped into the ring while the ref checked Bruce. James slides out of the ring, the ref turns around and Eric pins Rich Money to retain the SWF World Heavyweight title.


Rating: B+


For Good Measure





The match is over and Khoklov rolls Jack Bruce into the ring and James reenters helping Esien lift Rich Money up. Khoklov launches Bruce from the corner and James launches Money from the opposite side and the two men collide into each other ending up back on the mat. Marat and Brandon get down on the mat so they can lay in punch after punch to the faces of Jack and Rich. All this time Eric is kicking at both men and yelling at them about how pathetic they are.


The beating continues for a good few minutes before the officials come out from the back to stop it. But all the officials combine are no match for Marat Khoklov who exits the ring to intercept them. The official unsure what to do send one of their number to the back and a minute late he comes back with security. Marat is big but between security and the officials there are just too many to stop as they swarm past him.


Some of the security and officials get into the ring and they pull Eisen and James off of the two fall men. At this point Money and Bruce are both pretty bloodied up. The rest of The New Supremacists are driven from the ring and the officials begin to tend to Jack and Rich calling for the medics. Eric and the crew stand on the ramp with satisfied smiles as the paramedics arrive. Awesome Impact ends showing the smirk on Eric Eisen’s face.


Rating: B+


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+

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Alright so Awesome Impact is me catching up to where I was in game. I found that I was forgetting what I did and why I did things as when I was so far behind. But I've run into a conundrum and I thought I'd ask the readers what they would like to see.


So obviously I'm doing a brand split and I set it up in the angle that they may do the split one of many ways. “Personally I don’t care we could just pick who we like as in a draft. We could just see who wants to be on which shows and then maybe we’ll have to force some folks to do what we want to even it out. Hell we could even do a random draw." So originally I did the draft trying to keep together many of the stories and what not but in the weeks its taken me to catch up I did a random draft (let the comp do all the drafting for me) and that came out kinda interesting too but it'll literally cut most of the storylines I got and may make some of the booking up and and including Awesome Impact seem silly.


So what would people like to see the cohesive continuation of SWF as I originally for saw it? Or a jumbled up SWF from a random draft?


I like both a lot I can't actually decide myself.

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Alright so Awesome Impact is me catching up to where I was in game. I found that I was forgetting what I did and why I did things as when I was so far behind. But I've run into a conundrum and I thought I'd ask the readers what they would like to see.


So obviously I'm doing a brand split and I set it up in the angle that they may do the split one of many ways. “Personally I don’t care we could just pick who we like as in a draft. We could just see who wants to be on which shows and then maybe we’ll have to force some folks to do what we want to even it out. Hell we could even do a random draw." So originally I did the draft trying to keep together many of the stories and what not but in the weeks its taken me to catch up I did a random draft (let the comp do all the drafting for me) and that came out kinda interesting too but it'll literally cut most of the storylines I got and may make some of the booking up and and including Awesome Impact seem silly.


So what would people like to see the cohesive continuation of SWF as I originally for saw it? Or a jumbled up SWF from a random draft?


I like both a lot I can't actually decide myself.


Combine and take the most intriguing possibilities from the two.


Then..down the road..hold a predictions contest that let's the winner make two picks (one from each show) and get REALLY random

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I would say don't go random. If that messes up your stories, that could make things jumbled and confusing. Plus one brand could end up really heavy to face or heel... The random aspect would be fun from a game standpoint, but I think picked rosters makes more sense from a storyline point.
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Combine and take the most intriguing possibilities from the two.


Then..down the road..hold a predictions contest that let's the winner make two picks (one from each show) and get REALLY random


Contest sounds like a good idea at some point I think I'll take that idea for later.


I would say don't go random. If that messes up your stories, that could make things jumbled and confusing. Plus one brand could end up really heavy to face or heel... The random aspect would be fun from a game standpoint, but I think picked rosters makes more sense from a storyline point.


It doesn't really jumble or confuse things and actually it evens out the roster better then I did to fit storyline and themes. The face heel divisions are good on both but Elite ends up with fewer really over workers.

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It doesn't really jumble or confuse things and actually it evens out the roster better then I did to fit storyline and themes. The face heel divisions are good on both but Elite ends up with fewer really over workers.


Sorry, I though you were saying the random draft messed up a lot of your storylines. If it doesn't - or it only does so in a workable manner - and it doesn't make a mess of the face-heel ratios, then random isn't a problem.


As for Elite having fewer true stars, I love that kind of irony.

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Sorry, I though you were saying the random draft messed up a lot of your storylines. If it doesn't - or it only does so in a workable manner - and it doesn't make a mess of the face-heel ratios, then random isn't a problem.


As for Elite having fewer true stars, I love that kind of irony.


It ends a few prematurely the most of the major storylines can be evolved to adapt to the new situation. There's one story in particular that makes no sense to have been started with the way the randomness came out but if its written off that the randomness messed it up it can be dealt with. A lot of people moved up on the card (from overness gains and because I can't hire anyone from a cult or higher fed) so people who were in midcard tag stories may now be main eventers and such.

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Supreme Tantrum




Supreme TV opens in the office of The New Supremacists but now only Eric Eisen and Marc DuBois are there. DuBois is sitting on the leather couch while Eisen paces back and forth obviously infuriated.


Eric Eisen: “THAT IDIOT! This is all his fault. To think that man birthed me and at one point was the most dominant force in professional wrestling. If he had just seen the signs none of this would have happened. And now I’m left with nothing. All of my Supremacists are gone, taken by that hack Simon Says. How am I supposed to keep control of my show, how am I supposed to keep my title.”


Marc DuBois:You still have me Eric.”


Eric Eisen: “I still have you, I still have you. Last week you won a tournament I set up to help get you to be a tag team champion and now you think you can help me reign in the miscreants that work here on Supreme TV. You think you can be an enforcer to help me keep control of my title.”


Marc DuBois: “Look Eric you helped make me and I want to repay that. I’m here for whatever you need.”


Eric Eisen: “You know what fine, at the very least you’re loyal. Those other bastards could of easily gotten themselves traded back to this show but they didn’t. Tonight you prove yourself, you go up against Rich Money. I don’t expect you to win, but I need you to do enough damage that I don’t need to worry about him anymore.”


Marc DuBois: “Sure thing Eric I can do that… I am after all still a New Supremacists”


Eric Eisen: “Right now you are the only New Supremacists other than me you idiot. I surround myself with fools I swear. Look just make sure you do your job tonight, Rich Money doesn’t walk out of this arena on his own two feet.”


Marc DuBois: “You got it Eric no problem.”


Eric Eisen: “Now get the hell out of here I need some time.”


With that Marc DuBois scurries out of the room to avoid the wrath of Eisen the younger. The camera follows him out and then turns toward the doorway watching Eric pace until the door closes and the camera focuses on The New Supremacists logo on the outside of the door.


Rating: A


Peter Michaels: “Good evening folks and welcome to SWF Supremacists TV. Really one would think with the way things were going we’d have change that by now. As always I'm Peter Michaels, but tonight I am joined by two new broadcast partners. Our Pay Per View broadcast colleague Ana Garcia, and a new edition to the SWF family Sara Silver. This is the first Supremacists TV after the split and as you can tell Eric Eisen is not having a good week.”


Sara Silver: “He’s the boss you dinosaur show some respect.”


Ana Garcia: “Thanks for having me here Peter I know with the split you’ve lost long time broadcasting partner’s Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen. I just hope I can fill their shows adequately enough.”


Sara Silver: “An air head and a suck up.”


Peter Michaels: “Is this what I’m gonna have to put up with from now on? Anyway have we got a show for you tonight. The newly announce Rich Money versus Marc DuBois as our main event, Remo versus one half of Pimptastic, grandmaster Phunk, Runaway Train versus one half of Heroes Unlimited, Captain Atomic and the debut of two new teams here in the SWF, The Biggz Boyz take on The Thrill Seekers and right now Roberts & Huntington take on The Shooters.”


Roberts & Huntington over The Shooters




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Roberts & Huntington defeated The Shooters in 12:29 when Enforcer Roberts defeated Nelson Callum by submission with a R.C.T.


The debut of the team of Nelson Callum and Kirk Jameson and even in their loss the two put on a decent showing. Both men had a serious mission to beat Roberts & Huntington but even with their great in ring chemistry the just could put away the wily veteran and his protégé. Roberts didn’t need to turn to his heelish tactics to take the win causing Callum to tap out cleanly, showing the in experience of The Shooters and Roberts acute ring awareness.


Rating: D+


Nothing But Trouble




Joe Sexy is standing with a number of the female staffers backstage. He’s got a broad smile on his face and the women seem to be eating up his every word.


Joe Sexy: “So look after the show I know this wonderful place we can all go out too and it’ll be perfect. We’ll do a little drinking and a little dancing and then after that maybe we’ll head back to….”


The women’s faces turn white and they back away from a very confused Joe Sexy.. A large dhadow falls over Joe who looks up over his head. The Camera follows Joe’s gaze until we see Vengeance standing behind him.




Vengeance: “Joe Sexy you have fallen to the ways of vice and sin and for that you have been judged unworthy. Beware the wrath of Vengeance for you like all those before you will fall.”


Joe Sexy: “You don’t scare me big man. Ok maybe you scare me a little but I don’t back down so easy.”


Vengeance: “Your fear is not my concern Joe Sexy only that you pay for the actions you have wrought. Nothing stands in the way of Vengeance, nothing stops the unerring strike of universe correcting itself. Your punishment is inevitable, this is your first and only warning Joe Sexy.”


Joe Sexy: “Warning. Warning for what I’ve changed my ways I’ve seen the light I’m just having some fun and only with women who want to have fun too.”


Vengeance: “You bring a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah Joe Sexy, you have been warned. Lest you forget the last man who tried to dodge my justice. He was sent from Supreme TV in a pine box.”


Vengeance turns on his heels and practically floats away, leaving a stunned Joe Sexy standing there with his mouth agape.


Rating: B+


In Memoriam




Ana Garcia: “I certainly hope Joe is gonna be ok. He may need some comfort after such a shock”


Sara Silver: “You’re a twit Garcia, Joe is just getting what he deserves for being a pig.”


Peter Michaels: “Joe’s got a lot to worry about at that. Let’s take a look back at Awesome Impact. I believe Vengeance was referring to sending Steve Frehley off in that casket, and it wasn’t even a casket match.”


A video plays showing the end of the Steve Frehley and Vengeance match starting from the some of the lights going on and Frehley being hoisted over Vengeance’s shoulders. The video shows the Casket and Frehley being dumped into it and then shut in. It skips to the cloaked pallbearers lifting the casket and slowly following Vengeance backstage.


Sara Silver: “If that’s what’s in store for Joe good riddance I say.”


Ana Garcia: “You’re a horrible, horrible woman you know that.”


Sara Silver: “And you’re an idiot you know that.”


Peter Michaels: “Will you two keep it together this is a broadcast booth not a cat fight.


Rating: B+


Runaway Train over Captain Atomic


http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/RunawayTrain.jpghttp://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/CaptainAtomic.jpg w/http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/SWF/CheetahBoy.jpg


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Runaway Train defeated Captain Atomic in 11:57 by pinfall with a Train Wreck.


Runaway Train puts away Captain Atomic but it was a clear cut dominant win for the aging monster. The match itself had quite a few no sells but all in all it was decent midcard fare.


Rating: C+


It’s a Jungle Out There




Frustrated by his inability to put Captain Atomic away quickly Runaway Train proceeds to push the ref clear out of the ring through the ropes and lay into the prone super hero. Cheetah Boy who had been at ringside to watch his mentor gets in only to find himself laid out as well. The enraged train alternated between both giving them a savage beating.




Over the sound system the howling call goes out and from on top of the titantron its Jungle Lord. Jungle Lord swings down on a rope from the titantron to the edge of the ramp before ringside and then runs the rest of the way and slides into the ring. A wild brawl breaks out between Train and Jungle Lord as the monster and the man beast pummel each other. Jungle Lord gains the upper hand and the veteran Train vacates the ring before things truly turn against him.


Having save the super heroes, the untamed savage leans down and pokes and prods the two fallen bodies until they come around and which point he to leaves the ring. Captain Atomic helps Cheetah Boy up and they both look very confused as too what just happened.


Rating: B


Mo' Money, Mo' Problems




Rich Money is in his dressing room working out for his match in the main event. In the middle of a push up Jack Bruce comes barging into the room, obviously angry about something. Money quickly pops up to his feet in case Bruce tries something but Jack is more in the mood to yell rather than punch.


Jack Bruce: “This is all your fault Rich, Jack Bruce doesn’t lose matches like that and he certainly doesn’t take a beating after losing. If it weren’t for you Jack Bruce would be world champion now dude and you know it. Rich Money won’t be interfering in Jack Bruce’s matches anymore you hear me dude, this is over you’re done and Jack Bruce wants you gone.”


Rich Money takes it all in stride as he brushes himself off and starts to get dressed. By the time Jack has finished ranting Rich has his dress shirt on and is tucking it into his pants.


Rich Money: “First off you don’t get to tell me what to do. You didn’t want my help so I’m doing what I need to, to take out Eric and with any luck get the SWF World Heavyweight title. You’re the one who’s paranoid, who thinks I’m out to get you at every turn. You’re the one who hasn’t been able to put away Eric yet and you’re the one who stopped me from getting the pin at Awesome Impact.


The truth is Jack I had that match sewn up in the first 15 minutes. I had Eric pinned and he wasn’t going to kick out. The title could have been around my waist and along with the apparent dissolution of The New Supremacists that would have been the final straw for Eric. But this isn’t about Eric anymore, this isn’t about revenge and this isn’t about honor, you’re doing this for plain old greed, and trust me I know greed.


You could have let me win the belt and then I would have met you in the ring as men do and given you your shot at the title. Not Jack Bruce, not the savior, not the lone man to stand against injustice. I’m doing this myself to prove that I can to show you and everyone else I’ve changed, you’re doing this by yourself because you can’t work with anyone else. You could have inspired an army to fight The New Supremacists but you didn’t. You can come in here and blame me for your failures Jack but that just isn’t how it is.”


Jack is stunned by the words of Rich Money, his mouth is agape and his eyes wide. Whether he’s seen the light or is just to pissed off to say anything is anyone’s guess. Money doesn’t give him time to reply he has finished dressing and he slides on his suit jacket walking out the door leaving the taken aback Jack Bruce in his private dressing room the door closes on the scene.


Rating: B+


The Biggz Boyz over The Thrill Seekers




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Biggz Boyz defeated The Thrill Seekers in 6:18 when Bart Biggz defeated Jeremiah by pinfall with a Biggz Up.


The Thrill Seekers just aren’t over enough to get the crowd to care and with the tag division having fallen short in recent years The Biggz Boyz although over as a midcard act have all but become irrelevant, even in a six minute squash match. However, the work rate of the match is solid and if more matches like this come out of the Tag Team division then you never know what could happen.


Rating: D-


The (UN)Welcome Wagon


A totally revamped purple Dodge Challenger rolls into the parking lot, stopping in one of the empty spots. The Camera man is looking at the vehicle from the passenger side so the person who steps out of the driver side is obscured by the car, except for a shock of multicolored hair. The figure walks around the car and the camera hesitates, until the sound of the truck popping open cause him to move. The camera is still blocked by the trunk but the driver is obviously pulling some stuff you; a crutch, a kendo stick, a cheese grate, a garbage can, the lid for the garbage can and finally a ladder.


As the ladder comes out of the trunk the figure has to move back with it to get it out. Once he’s passed the truck hiding him, west coast darling Remmy Skye can be seen to be the mystery driver. We only have a moment to soak in the revelation as out of nowhere Remo comes flying toward him with the garbage can lid wacking the much smaller Skye over the head with it and sending him sprawling.




With Skye down Remo takes the chance to use everything he took out of the car. First he chokes him with the top end of the crutch, as Remmy sits up Remo sends him back down again with a shot to the head with the kendo stick. Remmy’s face is introduced to the cheese grater, quite painfully. Remo isn’t done inflicting pain as he puts the garbage can over Skye’s head and upper body and gets a running start for a big boot crushing the can around Remmy’s head. Finally Remo sets the ladder up on balance between two cargo boxes and then Powerbombs Remmy ton to the ladder with a sickening thud.


Satisfied that he’s shown the newcomer a listen Remo walks off leaving the lifeless body of Remmy Skye among some debris between the cargo boxes.


Rating: C+


Peter Michaels: “Welcome back ladies and gentlemen what a sight that was before the commercial. EMTs have had a look at Remmy Skye and have opted to keep him under observation.”


Sara Silver: “You’re in the big leagues now Skye. You can’t leave yourself unguarded. It’s a dog eat do world and Remo is one of the big dogs in the yard.”


Ana Garcia: “I just hope he’s going to be alright”


Peter Michaels: “Me too Ana, but the show must go on and next up we have a few words from Rich Money.”


Money Matters




Dressed in his immaculate suit Rich Money comes down to the ring. The crowd are cheer loudly for Money who is at this point one of the top ten most popular wrestlers in the US. Money doesn’t play to the crowd to eat it up, but he doesn’t give them the look of disdain he may have a few months ago. As the crowd simmers down he start up with the mic he brought to the ring with him.


Rich Money: “The truth is I’ve had it about up to here both Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce. I tried to reason with Jack but he’s just become a paranoid schizophrenic. I wanted to do this with him but not it seems I am besieged on all sides. And Eric there was never any reasoning with Eric, a man who’s so drunk with power that he let that power slip right through his grasp.


The thing is this is all about greed, and not just for Eric but for Jack now too. Eric wants more power, Eric wants more prestige and Eric most certainly wants more money. Jack just wants the SWF World Heavyweight title, for now. But it always starts with just that little want. I should know, for years I stood as the epitome of wealth and excess. Much like Eric I had power, fame and money and I wanted more. I thought I could buy all of these things, but I learned a hard lesson when Eric used me.


Now I stand before you a changed man. I still have money, fame and some power but I’ve learned to temper those things with honor and honesty. You folks the fans, the people who pay to come see me and all the other superstars have accept this change. The likes of Christian Faith, Lobster Warrior and Gregory Black have seen this change and accepted it as well. Even Eric has seen this change, although he doesn’t accept it or me for that matter. But Jack Bruce., stuck in his own little delusion doesn’t see this change.


So where does that leave me. For the moment it leaves me in a match against Eric’s stooge Marc DuBois tonight. It leaves me fighting a battle against both sides. And for the moment it leaves me very much alone. This is ok I intend to prove myself night after night not just to you fans, or to the other star but to me. I need to know that I’ve changed and that is a path I must walk solo.


Tonight Marc DuBois you are just another step on the path. Eric wants you to take me out because he fears me. The cracks in his armor are showing. Tonight DuBois when I beat you I’ll strip Eric of his last weapon and then like me and like Jack, Eric you will be all alone.”


Rating: A


Remo over Grandmaster Phunk




In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Remo defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 9:47 by pinfall with The Destroyer.


Remo destroyed Remmy Skye earlier and looks good now coming off as a true monster by dominating Grandmaster Phunk.


Rating: C+


Four On The Floor




The Biggz Boyz are backstage with Enforcer Roberts and Paul Huntington having a heated argument over who should be getting the now vacant SWF World Tag Team titles.


Bart Bigzz: “Well you have no clue what you. We’ve held the titles three times and what you’ve each held them once and not even with each other. We’re far more qualified to be SWF World Tag Team champions.”


Enfrocer Roberts: “What you two are is just a pair of snot nose brats.”


Paul Huntington: “Yes if you are talking pedigree yours his highly lacking. Mr. Roberts and I will handily take the titles next. Gold is for those of higher breeding not you two mongrels.”


The four men are soon joined by two more as King Cage and Grandmaster Phunk of Pimptastic come walking by, over hearing the conversation and putting in their two cents on why they should be the champs.




King Cage: “Bling that that don’t belong on some jive turkeys. Only a true playa can hold the gold.”


Brett Biggz: “Didn’t your partner just lose to Remo, why would you even deserve a title shot.”


Grandmaster Phunk: “There’s no shame in losing to a big dog like Remo son, the shame is in not tryin’. Playas and Pimps were born for bling like my man here says so we’re thrown our big purple hats into the fracas.”


Paul Huntington: “I most certainly think not. At least these two are just lower class, you two are common criminals. The prestigious SWF World Tag Team title belts don’t deserve to be in the hands of such rabble.”


Finally two more workers come along and add themselves to the mix.




Matthew Keith: “Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen this isn’t about who deserves the belts, this is about who can take the belts. The Biggz Boyz, a name you can’t forget but we’ve got one of those two Keith, as in Sam Keith.”


Greg Keith: “History you’ve got that Roberts but so do we, since we were just little boys we’ve had a history with this business. Status and money, like you Huntington we know what it means to be upper class.”


Matthew Keith: “A desire being a pimp is about desire and we’ve got just as much of that as you do Phunk and Cage. But what we’ve got more than any of you is talent. Trained by Sam Keith one of the premiere technical wrestlers on the planet gives us an edge over all of you.”


Greg Keith: “Soon those belts will be around one teams waist and that one team will be us.”


The whole thing deteriorates into an argument with all eight men trying to talk over each other. The camera backs away slowly and then fades out leaving the four teams to argue.


Rating: C-


Rich Money over Marc DuBois




In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Rich Money defeated Marc DuBois in 21:44 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven.


The crowd positively hated DuBois to the point of booing him out of the arena. The two men put on an excellent match with a surprising amount of offense from Marc DuBois, who wowed the crowd with some pretty big moves and some damn fine technical wrestling.


Rich Money started off strong but DuBois turned in around with a cheap rake to the eyes. DuBois kept control of most of the middle of the match using dirty tactics to cut Money off every time he was about to turn it around. A miss timed super kick left DuBois hung up on the ropes and allowed Money to make a big comeback. Money was hot for the last few minutes but got turned around and just barely missed falling to the Marc of Excellence, only to hit Dollars From Heaven on DuBois who was shocked by his failure to connect. The pin was a foregone conclusion on the stunned Supremacists.


Rating: B+


It Ain’t Over Til Its Over




Rich Money had his hand raised by the ref and the crowd went wild but he didn’t see Marc DuBois coming up behind him. A chop block to the knee and Money fell over backwards and DuBois jumped on him laying in some stiff close fist right hands. The ref tried to pull DuBois off of Money only to be rewarded with a hard shove into the ring post.


DuBois didn’t stop pounding and pummeling on Money who couldn’t seem to break away from the beating. After a minute or so Eric Eisen came out dressed in his business, suit. Eric was yelling in Rich’s face as Marc continued the beating, telling Money that he wasn’t afraid of him, that he had no fear.




Eric had Marc get Rich up off the mat. DuBois had to hold Money up as he couldn’t keep on his own two feet from the beating received. With Marc keeping him standing Rich was hit not once, not twice but three times in the head with Eisen’s title belt. Marc let go of Rich who dropped to the floor, where Eisen and Dubois continue to stomp on Money as the cameras faded from view.


Rating: A


This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Overall Rating: B+

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