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SWF: Wrestling Nerds Beware!!!

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Remo Richardson – the self-proclaimed “H.N.I.C” – sent seismic waves throughout the SWF Universe last night when he walked out of SUPREME CHALLENGE XXX at Rolling Fields Arena as the new SWF World Heavyweight Champion …even though he wasn’t in the main event!!!


As most fans know, Remo won a 4-Way ‘Highway 2 Heaven’ Ladder Match at SWF uprising a few months back. The victory guaranteed Remo a title match against anyone….anywhere….at any time. Because of this, most industry insiders felt that Remo would be headlining an SWF PPV in the near future.


But Remo had other plans. His future …was NOW.


When Rich Money heard Remo’s music hit just seconds after the scheduled main event had concluded, he had to have been shocked. He was already exhausted from defending his world title against both Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen in a steel cage match. Money was most definitely not in any shape to compete again.


But Remo charged out and attacked the champion, hitting Money with his brutal finisher The Destroyer, not once, but twice! With Money laid out, Remo called for a referee and demanded his title match immediately!


The champion fought back valiantly, kicking out when Remo went for the initial three-count. And for a brief second, it looked like Money might mount a comeback. But Remo countered a clothesline attempt into an Illmatic, and then delivered a THIRD Destroyer to get the win.


Fans were stunned. Long-time announcer Peter Michaels was stunned. Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen – watching from backstage – looked both stunned and angry that Remo had just snatched a title they had exhausted themselves trying to win.


But there was nothing anyone could do.


Anyone…Anywhere..At Any Time…those were the rules. Remo took advantage and a new era in the SWF had begun.






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The Supreme Challenge is the most watched event in the wrestling world, and every year's the results are bound to create a buzz among fans...




I<3Dharma: OMG! Im SOOO Sick of teh way they alwys bury Rich Money..its sooo stupd. At least Eisin dint use his pull backstage to get the blt again. I hate Daddy's Boy sooo much!!!





manchesterU: Remo? Is he even over? Maybe they pushed him too fast..first he goes over Faith and then he's the world champ? On the same night? This is bound to fail

HaveFaith: His merchandise sells..THAT'S why he won the title. Money isn't a draw. Remo is. Plus, he's black and that's a key demographic they're chasing..




puro_or_die: PGHW was too sweet last night! Kwakami FTW!! Supreme Challenge who?




ShooterSeanMark: You are ALL wrong... all the titles are just props now. SWF has made them meaningless. I'm surprised one of them isn't an overblown piece of bling that spins..."




KiisMaiBumfhole: LMAo..yea I like Zimmy as much as I like Rob from Twilight..he's the goods..

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ShooterSeanMark: You are ALL wrong... all the titles are just props now. SWF has made them meaningless. I'm surprised one of them isn't an overblown piece of bling that spins..."



This one post, reference from the dog pound much Petey? ;)


Really interested in this one.

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Nice. Definitely gonna be reading. So many SWF diaries out there now its kinda cool to see how other people are doing it.


Awesome. Yeah...i hesitated to do a diary with SWF because there's so many, but my approach is similar to yours (focusing on the shows ) and I've been playing the game a while so I'd be starting just after Supreme Challenge, which would at least make for a different beginning.

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First things first, good luck with the diary mate.


I am thrilled you've got the belt on Remo. He's one of my favourite CVerse workers, so much unbelievable talent and the look of his alt says champion. I think Remo v Money would be pure gold on the basis of Money's excellent performance skills against Remo's star quality, menace and power.


Can't wait for the follow up.

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Tuesday, Week 3, July 2010

Doyle Lane Arena


The show opens with a brief video package, focusing on the shocking conclusion to Supreme Challenge XXX.


We see Rich Money score the victory by pinning Jack Bruce…we see his face and the look of relief as pyro explodes to celebrate his victory…and then the look of stunned disbelief as Remo charges to the ring.


Still-framed photos are used to show Remo deliver The Destroyer again..and again..and AGAIN..before scoring the win.


Money is beaten. Jack Bruce is holding his head in his hands, a look of utter despair on his face. Eric Eisen is livid. And Remo is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion..






Remo plays to the crowd, relishing in the fans’(as Remo puts it) “hater-ade.” He is in rare form as he celebrates:


“…y’all can boo and his all you want, but Remo don’t care. Remo is the new millennium Nino Brown. Remo is the Suge Knight of the SWF. I’m still the H N I C…but now I’m also the H C O T W. And that stand for Heavyweight Champion of the…”


Suddenly the Wyoming fans go wild as Rich Money’s music hits.




The crowd pops huge as Money heads to the ring. He tells Remo that the only reason he lost the belt was because Remo ambushed him. But Money still has his trademark ****iness and he makes no excuses:


“..because hey..let’s face it ..I would’ve done the same damn thing. As much a I hate to admit it..that move…was MONEY!”


After some back and forth, Money announces he will be ‘cashing in’ his rematch clause tonight…IN THIS VERY RING!!!





As we get back from break, Angry Gilmore is headed to the ring and the announcers are putting over his recent success.


Peter Michaels: For years now, we’ve been waiting for Tom Gilmore to take his place at the top of the rankings here in the SWF. After beating Marat Khoklov at Supreme Challenge XXX for the North American Title, it’s my opinion that his time has finally come…


Duane Fry: Maybe, Peter. Maybe not. He’s defending that belt tonight against a former champion. And I’m sure he hasn’t heard the last of the Khoklov..


http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/AngryGilmore.jpghttp://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/thVS_alt04.pnghttp://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg W/http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/PeterHilton_2007/swf%20diary/EmmaChase_alt3.jpg





Gilmore and James put on a fairly entertaining match, with Brandon James using his size and power to try to squash Gilmore, while Gilmore was able to float out of James high-impact moves and counter with submission moves of his own. Nearly 8 minutes in, Gilmore locked in a sleeper, but James shrugged him off. ‘Big Money’ tried to fire back with an overhand right, but Gilmore ducked behind and delivered a nasty looking leaping neck-breaker. Gilmore went for the ANGER MANAGEMENT to polish off the match, but Emma Chase leaped onto the ring apron and distracted the ref. Angry released the move and went to exchange words with Emma. Brandon set up to deliver the BIG CAT POUNCE..but Angry moved out of the way and James went crashing into the steel ring-post. James staggered back and Gilmore was able to drop with with a reverse STO…twists his body … RAGEAHOL-LOCK(Koji Clutch)!! Big Money taps!!


Angry Gilmore beats Brandon James by submission







Backstage, Nemesis, Vengeance, and Eric Eisen are involved in deep conversation. Eisen is livid that Remo was able to win the world title through underhanded means and wonders aloud where his back-up was:


Eric Eisen: “Campbell, the entire reason I used my influence and brought you in was because you promised me you would help me run roughshod over this company. How do you explain this???”


Nemesis: “I told you that this new version of The Supremacists – with me managing you and Vengeance – would be unstoppable. And it has been. You had the title for months. Remo just caught us off-guard. But I swear to you….it won’t happen again.


The Supremacists will rule the SWF. And I know EXACTLY how to make that happen.”






Since coming over from TCW, ‘the Great White Shark’ Eddie Peak has seemingly specialized in taking out the Monsters of the SWF: coming out on top in a feud with Brandon James, beating Everest and costing him his job, and –most impressively – beating Vengeance last night at the biggest event of the year. The fans are white-hot as he makes his way to the ring.





This is your standard issue power match, with Train playing up how shocked he is that his normally potent offense has little to no effect on Peak. However, Train gets the upperhand when he drives a knee into Peaks’ crotch. The move has a lasting effect.


The crowd nearly loses it when peak goes for the PEAK OF PERFECTION on the massive Train, but Eddie can’t hit the move (strained crotch, apparently) and Train sends him hurtling into the corner. But Peak counters with a vicious looking pumpkick and follows up with a HUGE spear to get the pin.


Eddie Peak beats Runaway Train by pin-fall



After the match, Eddie Peak poses for the fans before heading back up the ramp.


His exit comes to a quick halt, however, when Vengeance appears.


Peter Michaels: Uh oh…there’s no love lost between these two behemoths..Vengeance is headed down the ramp..






Peak and Vengeance come face to face and begin shoving each other. Eddie has the audacity to actually take a swipe at Vengeance’s skull mask. But before things can escalate, Nemesis grabs his client from behind and security storms out from behind and separate the two. The fans re dying to see the two men go at it, - ‘LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!’ – as we head to break






Before the match, the announce team is joined by ‘The Deacon’ Carl Batch, who puts over the feud between the tag champs and his clients – Wrath of God (Giedroyc & Valiant)






The match is a true contrast of styles, with Randy and Zimmy and Greg Black all flying all over the ring, while The Double R and Laramee use power to try to keep everyone grounded. Fans adore Team Bumfhole, but no one else in the match is getting much of a reaction, so the fans pretty much sit on their hands until Zimmy hits the BUMFHOLE IN ONE on Kurt Laramee for the win.


Team Bumfhole beats Black N Funky and Street Life by pin-fall





Angry Gilmore is walking backstage, hand-in-hand with wife Jessie. The happy couple are dressed in street clothes, and seemingly headed for the parking lot. Gilmore accepts congratulations on his title win from a few staff members.




When – seemingly out of nowhere – Marat Khoklov storms into the picture and absolutely OBLITERATES Angry with a MOSCOW LARIAT from behind. Jessie scream for help, but nearby staff simply bounce off Khoklov as he picks Angry up and then sends him flying headfirst through a nearby office door.


Marat Khoklov stands tall over the bloody body of Angry Gilmore






But Khoklov isn’t done. With no one to stop him, he grabs Jessie and flings her over his shoulder. He barrels through the backstage area, shoving security aside, and arrives in the parking garage. With one motion, he flings open the trunk and tosses Jessie inside.


Khoklov jumps in the sedan and drives off into the night.





Back from break and Marc ‘the Model’ Dubois and ‘Mr. TMZ’ Troy Tornado are headed to the ring.


Peter Michaels: You may not like these two men..but at Supreme Challenge XXX they might have stole the show when they beat Jeremy and Dan Stone in an all-time classic tag match.


Duane Fry: The Stones – on loan from NOTBPW – put on a valiant effort. But they came up just short against these two ‘media sensations’ as they like to be called.







Tornado and Dubois gloat about their win over the Stones and then Tornado speaks about how – ever since he arrived in the SWF – he has tried to become the ‘biggest Rock Star in wrestling’ but that one man has stood in his way. So he wants o challenge Jack Bruce to face him….TONIGHT!


Tornado: I’ve been doing P90-X for almost a month…I’m basically a demigod now, you has-been!


Much to the delight of the fans, Jack Bruce responds in the affirmative to the surprise challenge. After some banter with Tornado and Dubois, he’s ready to put on a show, and delivers one of his trademark catchphrases to get the fans hyped.


Bruce: Maybe I’m not The Boss, but all my people still call me …(the fans respond) BRRUUUUUUUUUUCCCEEE!!!!






These two men have delivered a series of very good matches since Tornado came to the SWF, but Bruce is a little off his game tonight and it shows. He hits a clunky back drop early in the match and nearly whiffs on the last part of a ‘Welcome to NYC’ a few minutes later. Thankfully, things begin to click once Tornado takes control. He slows the pace and Bruce takes a ton of punishment. Tornado goes up top to deliver his version of an ace crusher (Make U Famous) but Bruce launches him onto the mat. Bruce comes charging across the ring, and Tornado pushes the ref into the way (REF BUMP!).


This gives Dubois a chance to come into the ring. ‘The Model’ goes for a superkick, but Bruce ducks out of the way and Tornado catches the boot flush in the face! Bruce tosses Dubois over the top rope and delivers NEW YORK MINUTE just as the ref comes to for the win.


Jack Bruce beats Troy Tornado by pin-fall



But Dubois and Tornado aren’t done. The two men jump Bruce from behind and lay the boots into his head and abdomen. When Tornado goes out to grab a chair, it looks like things might get ugly when suddenly…






The young star hits the ring with a chair in hand, swinging wildly. Dubois and Tornado head for the hills. The crowd is cheering the rescue, but as Jack Bruce gets to his feet, he can only stare at Marquez. Bruce is grateful but the question remains: Why did Marquez make the save??









We get ‘extra special big match in-the-ring’ introductions for this one.



The crowd is white hot for this match, giving both men loud ovations throughout. Money never seems to sustain any offense. Partly because of the beating he took at Supreme Challenge. But more because every time he goes on the attack, Remo uses his brute strength to counter, and tosses Money around the ring like a rag-doll.


Rich Money is no slouch however. He pulls Remo in close and drops to his knees to deliver a jawbreaker that sends the bigger man reeling. Money follows up with a running dropkick, and then a snap suplex for two. Money tries to lock in another suplex but Remo reverses and takes control again.


Finally – ten minutes in – Money has used a series of shoulder chops to the knees to slow Remo. He goes up top ..perhaps for DOLLAR FROM HEAVEN… when the match is interrupted by…THE SUPREMACISTS!!!


Eisen brawls with Remo as Vengeance and Nemesis attack Money. The referee calls for a no-contest


Remo and Rich Money draw





Nemesis and Vengeance continue their assault on Money. After a few minutes of jostling with Remo, Eisen joins in. All three men lift Money off the ground and then Eisen and Nemesis help Vengeance deliver a nasty looking spiked SIX FEET UNDER!1!1


Now Remo stands alone against all three men.


Eisen starts forward, but Nemesis holds him back. Eisen looks confused, but Nemesis charges forward, puts out an arm…AND OFFERS REMO A HANDSHAKE.


Remo and Nemesis shakes hands and Vengeance steps forward as well to greet the World Champion. Eisen leaps out of the ring and storms up the ramp.


Peter Michael: Has Remo joined The Supremacists? Has Nemesis betrayed Eric Eisen?


Duane Fry: We’ll have to find out next week Peter…!!!





Quick Results

Angry Gilmore beat Brandon James, submission

Eddie Peak beat Runaway Train, pinfall

Team Bumfholes beat Black n Funky and Street Life, pinfall

Jack Bruce beat Troy Tornado, pinfall

Remo draw Rich Money

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Great first show I really enjoyed it. Not sure how I feel about all the big name talent you have on the roster though. Did you use the editor for them or did they come up on contract


The only person I edited was Champagne Lover..just a personal favorite.


Everyone else I brought in was contract related. Tornado came over from TCW in Feb (and that was a very expensive signing, that paid off pretty quickly thanks to a series of hot matches with Bruce and Faith out the gate ) and Eddie Peak came in May.


I actually wanted Eddie more than anyone else on that TCW roster..his skills match up with what I do with power wrestlers in SWF..he has the menace, star power, and entertainment skills I wanted, and he only had 4 matches total for TCW between Jan and April.


He was a steal and by the last couple weeks before Supreme Challenge he'd shot up to A* across the US


Oh..and I play as the owner, so I had no issues signing Nemesis.


EDIT: I've lost out on several bidding wars, including Bryan Vessey and Wolf Hawkins. And I didn't try to sign Dan Stone Jr when he came up because I have a working relationship with NOTBW. And to keep expenses down with all the new signings, I had to let Enforcer Roberts, Nuke, BSS, and Everest walk. So I think it evens out...I'm SWF ..it's not THAT big of a shock that I'm signing big name free agents. ;)

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Thanks to jtlant, Eric Eisen has an updated look, which fits in better with some of the other awesome re-renders he's done for the rest of the SWF main event scene



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I like it. What I really liked for a SWF TV show is that it seemed to be building towards something rather than flat out giving away the pay-day matches on non-PPV viewings.


Your roster additions, particularly Eddie Peak and Nemesis are outstanding. I would mark out fairly heavily if you could build into your storylines the backstory as to how they came to be in SWF. Just to give them that extra layer, that extra credence in SWF. Double thumbs up for the additions anyhow, and I love the revitalised Robbie Retro look, it gives him a bit more commercial value in my eyes as to logical booking - I must admit I find the current comic disco Robbie Retro with his current alt a bit difficult to really master.


Great start, very easy and logical to read, I am on board.

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I like it. What I really liked for a SWF TV show is that it seemed to be building towards something rather than flat out giving away the pay-day matches on non-PPV viewings.


Your roster additions, particularly Eddie Peak and Nemesis are outstanding. I would mark out fairly heavily if you could build into your storylines the backstory as to how they came to be in SWF. Just to give them that extra layer, that extra credence in SWF. Double thumbs up for the additions anyhow, and I love the revitalised Robbie Retro look, it gives him a bit more commercial value in my eyes as to logical booking - I must admit I find the current comic disco Robbie Retro with his current alt a bit difficult to really master.


Great start, very easy and logical to read, I am on board.


Thanks..means a lot coming from you tristram because of your level of skill writing diaries.


I'll be re-setting some of the background using the web pages, so eventually we'll here about some of the roster movement that's occurred. But the backstage stuff will always be more..um..backstage.


I'll be reading Peter, I had no idea this thing was already four days old glad I got in early.




With real life being plenty busy, I'm hoping to get the next show up sometime in the next day or so.

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Fan reaction for Supreme TV has been mostly positive, but you know internet fans...




iHEARTmoney: I liked the stuff with Remo and the Supremacists..but the rest of the show felt like filler...




DerKrampus: I'm psyched that Angry Gilmore is FINALLY getting a push. The guy deserves it..and putting him up against a monster like Khoklov will guarantee that he stays near the main event for months.



ROFFan: Oh great...Gilmore is the ONLY legitimate worker te SWF has, and they stick him in a program with a no-talent hoss like Moran Khok-Up..:rolleyes:




BiggerDanMe: The show wasn't bad..but MArquez is getting a push kind of out of nowhere.


DieDodgersDie: Aren't you the same person complaining that they aren't creating any new stars? That you're bored of Faith and Vengeance and the same ol' same ol? Well, do you want new stars? How long should they wait before they push someone?




SinCityCitizen: More BJ O'Neil please. :cool:

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Despite the extenuating circumstance revolving around the match, the fact remained that Remo retained his title against Rich Money on Supreme TV. That match was Money's mandatory rematch for the title. So the next question became: Who is the #1 Contender to the World Title?


That person, whoever it may be, will face Remo in the main event at 'Welcome to the Jungle.'


And while no official names have been put forth, there are many candidates, including Eric Eisen, Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Eddie Peak, Vengeance, and Angry Gilmore.


The official statement is that there WILL be a top contender named at Supreme TV..so tune in..AND FIND OUT!!


The Card:


#1 Contender's Match: ? vs ?

Wrath of God vs Chris Morissette & American Machine

Troy Tornado vs Alejandro Marquez

Marat Khoklov vs Steve Frehley

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Tuesday, Week 4, July 2010

Nevada State Armoury


The show opens with a steady camera in an office backstage, pointed at the desk of SWF’s Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer: Ana Garcia.




Garcia announces that the main event for tonight’s show will be Jack Bruce facing off against Eric Eisen, and that the winner will be the #1 Contender for the SWF heavyweight title.


A split screen comes up and we get a view of Eisen and Bruce - already backstage- to talk about the announcement.




Jack Bruce: Whooooooo---DADDY! Can you feel that? Can you feel the electricity?? The energy in the building?? That – my friends – is 100% pure, unadulterated, BRUCE… (fans chant BRUUUUUUUUUUCCCEEE!! In response) …


Ever since I was robbed by daddy’s boy Eric Eisen at Christmas Clash, I’ve been fightin’ and scratchin’ to get my title back.


I came close..and then Rich beat Eisen for the belt.


I came close again..and dammit if Remo didn’t snatch the belt away from Rich.


Well now the target is in front of me again. I’m gonna slap that silver spoon out of your mouth, Eric tonight. I’m goin’ straight to the top of the charts, daddy! I’m gonna beat you to claim my shot at the strap and then I’m beating that big ape Remo at ‘Welcome to the Jungle.’


And when I’m done –


Eric Eisen: I…I…I.. I…is that all you talk about Brucie? Yourself? Listen…let’s cut the crap:


I completely dominated this company for nearly five months. I was the undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. The fact that Rich Money beat me for that title was a complete fluke.


The fact that I don’t have that title now is..hmmm how do I put this ..an unfortunate result of circumstance.


But don’t kid yourself Bruce. I will beat you tonight. I WILL reclaim MY title.


I am Eric Eisen..and I am…THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!!




Back down to ringside, where Christian Faith is making his first appearance since losing to Remo at Supreme Challenge XXX.






Faith and McClean are both solid, veteran ring-technicians and –even with no real build-up – the match gets the crowd worked up. Faith has to deal with some outside interference by McClean’s tag partner, Huntingdon. But it makes no difference in the end as he hits the LEAP OF FAITH for the win.


Christian Faith beats Squeeky McClean by pin-fall








Backstage, in the dressing room suite of The Supremacists, there appears to be a loud argument taking place:


Nemesis: Now wait a damn second, Eric…you listen to me…


Eric Eisen: No, John, you listen to me: my father wanted nothing to do with you. Nothing. I had to practically beg him for weeks to bring you in as my ‘business manager,’ and when I did..


Nemesis: When you did, Eric, you said you needed my help because you were outnumbered by the Bruce/Money combo. So what did you want me to do? You wanted me to put together a group that would be the dominant center of power in the Fed. So that’s what I did.


I brought you Vengeance. I convinced your father to walk away from day to day operations so we’d have more freedom.


And when I saw an opportunity to make an offer to Remo…a guy who is young, hungry, and a proven winner.. I took that opportunity.


Eric Eisen: He has MY belt.


Nemesis: ..and now that belt belongs to us, The Supremacists, and as long as we have that, we run this company.


WE run this company…am I being clear?


Eric Eisen: What are you saying , John?


Nemesis: I’m saying that you need to decide: if this is really all about you and you only, then maybe Vengeance and I need to move on. So is it all about you, Eric, or can you see the big picture? It’s about The Supremacists. Are you with us? Or against us?




The question hangs in the air as we switch over to a backstage promo, where ‘The Deacon’ Carl Batch is hyping up his tag-team, Wrath of God, and their ongoing feud with Team Bumfhole.




“…can y’all say..AMEN! Hallelujah! Give PRAISE to the Rasslin Gaw-uhds! The B-Holes might have those belts now…but Wrath of Gaw-uhd will overcome…with the help of OUR LORD… He helped Joshua fight the battle of Jericho…he helped Daniel get out the lion's den… he helped GILLIGAAAAAAN get off the island…heeaaahh!...”







Machine and Morrisette take control early on, countering the double team moves of Giedroyc and Valiant with some sharp double team moves of their own. Morrisette even delivers a LOBSTER TRAP for a near-fall. But Giedroyc catches Machine with a Lung Blower and for the next few minutes, Wrath of God is in charge


Peter Michaels: The former tag champs still look crisp and efficient. Their change of attitude hasn’t changed that..


Duane Fry: True..but now they have The Deacon around at all times. And ..I mean..i can barely hear what’s going on with all his relentless prosthletizing..


Machine eventually fights back with a HUGE powerslam and Morrisette gets the hot tag! Machine and Morrisette clean house and it looks like they might pull the upset, when The Deacon reaches in and grabs Machine around the leg, stopping the sudden shift in momentum. As the referee clears Morrisette out of the ring, Giedroyc catches Machine with the CRASHING ON. Valiant makes the cover for the win.


Wrath of God beats Chris Morrisette & American Machine by pin-fall





Ana Garcia – SWF Executive Assistant to the Managing Officer – is once again in her office backstage, when there’s a knock at her door.


“..come in..”






Christian Faith walks in and sits at the chair directly across from Garcia. Ana gives a perfunctory smile, before picking up a folder, opening it, and addressing ‘The Iron Man.’

Ana: It’s good to see you Mr. Faith. Congratulations on your win tonight. Your performance was…wel…acceptable.


Faith: Excuse me?


Garcia goes on to say that, although Christian is still considered a top star in the company, that her recent market research shows that he is no longer considered ‘cool’ or ‘cutting edge.’


Garcia: The fact is, our market research shows that you appeal to a much older demographic, and frankly, that’s not the audience we are targeting. You’re just not generating the revenue you used to, Mr. Faith.


Faith: So what are you saying?


Garcia: The Board of Directors wants you to retire Mr. Faith.


We’ll do it right…I swear. Plenty of fanfare. A series of tributes on TV and PPV. Induction into the Hall of Fame. A new DVD. A farewell tour at all the house shows, including some matches with your best known opponents. If they’re alive, of course…


Faith: Of course..(dripping with sarcasm)


Garcia: But by the end of 2010, we want Christian Faith to retire. There will be more marketing opportunities immediately after the retirement, but once that’s done, we want you…gone.


The rage is visible in the face of Christian Faith. His hands are shaking.


Faith: So that’s it? That’s what you want??? After decades of leaving my blood, my sweat, and my tears in that ring for this company you want me to just walk away? Because your market research says I can’t sell foam hats to teenagers.


Well here’s my response Miss Garcia: you, and the Board of Directors, can all…KISS MY ASS!!


If you were a man, I’d punch you in the neck! As it is, I’m going to leave. I’m probably going to find a bat and break out the windows in that limousine you ride around in. And then I’m going to get on a flight, and go to the next arena, and get ready for my next fight..and my next one…and my next one…and if you really want me to stop then you’re going to have to kill me.


Because I’m STILL Christian Faith, and I’m not retiring til I’m six feet under.


Faith leaves the office in a rage, slamming the door and knocking over a water pitcher.


Ana Garcia sits quietly, contemplating her next move.






Backstage, Alejandro Marquez crosses paths with Jack Bruce.


Bruce thank Marquez for his assist last week, but wonders why Marquez jumped into something that didn’t really involve him.


Marquez replies that when he considered coming to the SWF from Mexico, his goal was to become the biggest ‘Rock Star’ in the company. In short, he wanted to be just like Jack Bruce.


“..yer like my idol, esse. That Tornado guy can talk all he wants. He wants to take chu out so he can be a Rock Star. Well I want to learn everything I can from you..for the exact same reason..So as far as I’m concerned..if something happens to chu ..then somethin’ happens to me!..”







Despite being around for a few months now, not all fans are completely sold on Marquez. That should change quickly with more performances like this. Both men create a fast-paced, exciting match. They exchange aerial moves that pop the crowd, and still maintain a physical realism that keeps fans invested in between high spots. Marquez seems on the verge of victory when Tornado jabs him in the eye, and follows up with a STAR MAKER for the win.


Troy Tornado defeats Alejandro Marquez by pin-fall





Peter Michaels: Don’t expect any fancy holds here: The Russian Giant will go toe-to-toe with the Dark Destroyer.





Frehley opens the match by trying to take the fight to Khoklov, hitting a series of running elbows, knees, and clotheslines. Khoklov is staggered. Frehley delivers a Dark Destroyer Spear that sends Khoklov reeling. But when he goes for FREHLEY’S COMET, Khoklov is able to deliver a set of brutal elbow strikes and turn the tide of the match. For the next few minutes, Khoklov flings Frehley around the ring before charging in with a MOSCOW LARIAT for the win.


Marat Khoklov beats Steve Frehley by pin-fall



After the match is over, the Suprem-A-Scope screen changes and the audience pops as the face of Angry Gilmore comes into focus.




Angry: Marat, I am unable to attend tonight’s show due to the injuries I sustained last week thanks to your attack.


I feel fine. But these <BLEEP>in’ doctors seem to think that it’s “unsafe” for me to be checked out yet.


Fine. That’s fine. But I wanted to let you know something, you <BLEEP>!




I have no problem with you attacking me. That’s part of the business. But when you touched Jessie, you crossed the <BLEEP!>ing line.


She better be safe. If you even dream abut touching her, you better wake up and apologize. And she better be back with me by this time next week.


If not….there’s no force on this planet that will keep me from getting to you. I WILL FIND YOU…and then I’m going to take a <BLEEP>in’ <BLEEP>, and I’m going to wrap it right the <BLEEP> around your <BLEEP>, then I’m going to rip off your head take a <BLEEP> down your <BLEEP>in’ <BLEEP> !


Give me my wife back, you reject from a Godzilla movie. If not, get ready…because I’m coming…FORYOU!!!









Bruce and Eisen have met several times for the last few months, and each time the match is a brutal affair. Bruce uses his offensive firepower to try to quicken the pace, but Eisen uses his strength (and anything he can get his hands on, really) to slow things down.


Duane Fry: Both men on the outside…Bruce trying to set for a NEW YOUR MINUTE..but Eisen catches him and drives him through the table with a vicious back suplex!!!


Eisen’s brutality keeps Bruce grounded. But he can’t seem to get the final pin-fall.


Peter Michaels: Eisen ..Silver Spoon Shock…the cover…1….2…Nooooo!


Bruce is staggered. But when Eisen goes for his fisherman buster finisher THESUPREMACY, Bruce floats over and drills Eisen with a jumping DDT!!! Nemesis jumps on the ring apron, but Bruce sends him flying with a dropkick!!

Peter Michaels: Referee Shane Stones over to send Nemesis to the back, wait a second..who is that..?




Troy Tornado leaps out of the crowd, slides into the ring, and waffles Jack Bruce with a steel chair!!


Eric Eisen with the cover..1..2…3!


Eric Eisen defeats Jack Bruce by pin-fall



Outside the ring, Eisen and Nemesis are arguing with each other. Eisen can be overheard screaming "I'm taking my title back..." as Nemesis tries to reason with him. Vengeance comes out from behind the curtain and seems headed down to the ring, when..






‘The Great White Shark’ simply overpowers Vengeance. The crowd is stunned; no one has ever manhandled Vengeance this way. Big right hand. Another HUGE right hand. Eddie Peak lifts vengeance off the ground…


Peter Michaels: BAH GAWD!




With a maniacal look in his eye, Eddie Peak stands on the top of the ramp, staring in the crowd as we fade to black.





Quick Results

Christian Faith pinned Squeeky McClean

Wrath of God pinned American Machine/Chris Morrisette

Troy Tornado pinned Alejandro Marquez

Marat Khoklov pinned Steve Frehley

Eric Eisen pinned Jack Bruce

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As all members of the SWF Universe know, Eric Eisen beat Jack Bruce on Supreme TV this past week to earn the right to face Remo at 'Welcome to the Jungle' for the SWF World Heavyweight title. But - in a shocking move - it was announced that Eisen had turned down the opportunity. In a statement released EXCLUSIVELY to this website:


"Under the advisement of my manager, Nemesis, I have decided to postpone my title match until a more appropriate date. I am excited about the opportunity, and - of course- confident about my chances against Remo in a one-on-one setting.


But I am patient enough to wait until the time is absolutely perfect in order to use my #1 Contender status to face the champion - whoever that may be at the time."


So now the question becomes...if Eric Eisen is not facing Remo at the next SWF PPv Event, then who is? Or will Remo simply not defend his belt until a new #1 Contender is named?


Stay tuned for the answers...

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