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[HYPE] The Winnerverse

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The Winnerverse takes different large promotions from different universes and produces the "Ultimate" versions of each promotion. All of the wrestlers are in their prime, with the exception of the New World Order promotion, which will feature entirely different characters. Most of the stuff in this mod is from other mods, and rightful credit is given. Like, for instance, the "Ultimate Anime Wrestling Company A-Go-Go!" and "Ultimate Heroes Unleashed" use characters from the 6th beta of the new Over 9000-verse mod from crayon. "World Wide Wrestling Federation Entertainment Ultimate" and "World Championship Wrestling Ultimate" use characters from War of the Immortals 2. "New World Order Ultimate" features every member from the nWo, using various mods made by people such as Genadi (bios fixed, natch) and other real life modders. Pictures in this mod are from basically every person to do pictures. Of course, the Cornellverse will be represented in this mod. And, get this. YOU, the fans, get to choose which 3 promotions from the Cornellverse get put into the mod! Also, a metric ton of gimmicks are in this, too. I might have even used some of Mr. Canada's mods in here, too. I will u

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Alright, I am going to confirm superstars by 6 each week. That'll be your "Weekly Update".


This week's Weekly Update:


WWWFE U's The Miz

WWWFE U's Stone Cold Steve Austin

WCW U's Vince Russo (head booker)

WWWFE U's Vince McMahon (owner)

WWWFE U's Stephanie McMahon (head booker)

The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, The Man Who Brought All The Universes Together Isaiah Mustafa (the Old Spice guy)


If anyone would like to do some graphics for this mod, I'd love it and I'd give you full credit.

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