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'The Minor Annoyance' Rebel Yell presents Real American Wrestling

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It was meant to be my big night.


My MAW tryout.


My first wrestling match since moving to America, in a federation which was well known as a grooming place for rising stars.


And, just like always, I screwed it up.


I didn’t even realise it at the time. I thought my match against Jay Chord, the owner’s son, had gone okay. We’d been out there for 6 minutes or so, he’d thrown me around a lot, I’d managed a brief comeback, then he’d trapped me in a Boston crab and I’d tried to break out of it before I tapped. I didn’t think anyone could see anything wrong with that…


But he could. I was backstage, recovering from the match, drinking a bottle of water, when he stormed up to me and punched it out of my hand.

“You idiot!”


“Ummm…W… w…” I stammered, unable to get my words out.


“Do you not listen to ANYTHING? My dad said to you, he’ll put you in the Boston crab, you tap out straight away. Not 30 seconds later, not 20 seconds later, not even 10 seconds later! Straight away, you moron!”


“I’m s… s… s…”

His eyes grew narrow. “You’re a Brit, aren’t you? This is Cornell’s doing, isn’t it? He’s got to you! He told you to make me look bad… I know he’s jealous of me!”


I was nearly crying at this point, when a young lady came across and intervened.


“Leave him alone, Jay. He tapped out nearly straight away, don’t be a jerk. And as for the Cornell stuff… hello? I’m not sure Tommy C even remembers that Rip HAS a son. You’re, like, majorly paranoid.”


His eyes bulged.


“Paranoid? Me! I’m not paranoid – they’re just out to get me!”


He turned to me and snarled. “And as for you… you’re gone! You’ll never wrestle in this federation again!”


Glaring at her, he started yelling at her as well. “And, Miss Chloe Dean, you can forget ever picking up another…”


I saw him shout at her and something inside of me snapped. I started yelling back, and for once, I didn’t even stammer.

“I don’t wanna wrestle for you again, Mr Chord! You’re mean, you’re nasty, and this isn’t a good place to work! I’m gonna get my OWN company, and one day, YOU’RE going to be the one wanting to wrestle for me!”

He looked at me, incredulously.


“Yeah! And you know something…


I won’t let you! Because my company will have rules… my company will have standards… my company will NOT have poopyheads!”


I took a deep breath…


“And you, Mr Chord…


Are a poopyhead!”


That was several months ago. No-one believed me. No-one except Chloe, that is.


That was then. This is now. And it’s time for me, 'The Minor Annoyance' Rebel Yell, to declare that Rebel Yell’s Real American Wrestling is open for business!


OOC: 0/0/0/0 game. Have cloned the Minor Annoyance for my user character. Using Remi's product. The idea is for a low maintenance diary, few/no graphics, short write-ups. Will hopefully be fun but not too labour intensive to keep up. Roster and first card up shortly.

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Roster (cost per show)

Main Eventers

Regular Joe ($400) – Protégé of Shawn Gonzalez, former FCW tag partner of Matt Hocking, decent high-flyer, and all around nice guy.


Nomad ($400) – One of our most experienced guys despite being aged just 26. Incredibly charismatic and able to work pretty much any style. Unfortunately, as everyone who’s ever heard of the former Shane D Pain knows, you’re gambling just by advertising him to be on a card, as there’s always the chance something else will come up – he’s possibly the flakiest guy in wrestling.


Connie Morris ($400) – We’re happy to have women go up against men here, and Connie actually is probably legitimately tougher than most of the male wrestlers. A former 5SSW star, she’s not the most exciting of wrestlers to watch, but is a great talent to have on board to help some of the youngsters find their feet. She’ll also be doubling up as a road agent due to our lack of money meaning we can’t afford a real one.


Ashley Grover ($400) – Unlike Connie, Ashley IS exciting, although her lack of anything approaching psychology is her drawback. Still, she’s great to have around backstage, most of the guys have already fallen for her, and she can put on some fantastic spotfests.



Upper Midcarders

Amber Allen ($150) – I have no idea why someone trained by Stephanie Hazel is working for less than half the cost of our main eventers, especially since she’s drop dead gorgeous and could no doubt earn a small fortune modelling, but hey, it’s all good. At the age of 22, she has a legitimate claim to being the finest female mat wrestler this side of the ocean, and she’s an absolute dream to have backstage.


Ant-Man ($150) – The little man with the big slam, Ant-Man is out of his natural element here because his gimmick is that he looks impressive picking up monsters – and we’re lacking monsters. Still, he’s reasonably talented at both brawling and technical wrestling, so we’ll give him a shot at impressing our fans.


Rex Reeves ($150) – Rex Reeves is an exciting young cruiserweight with the world at his feet… sorry, thought we were still in 2000 then. The SCCW alumni was a constant presence during their 5 year run, even if he was usually getting beaten up by big guys, but he’s stalled since they closed back in 2004. Hopefully he can resurrect his career here.


El Medico ($150) – An old school flyer who’s incredibly mysterious, I barely know anything about him. I can’t even tell you his real name because I’d be scared of what he’d do to me – it’s not a name you’ll ever have heard of, he’s just really secretive. Like me, Chloe Dean will be managing him.


Mad Dog Mortimer ($100) – A legend in his own lunchtime, MDM has spent 14 years in the business and has taken on some of the very greats – whenever they needed a guy they could squash quickly. His main asset is his decent selling, but he’ll probably be getting a lot more of a push than he’s used to as he’s dirt cheap and unlikely to ever get onto the radar of a bigger promotion. Nice enough guy, if you’re willing to pretend you’re interested in hearing about the time Sam Strong let him carry his bag to his hotel room at least five times a night.





Paradigm ($100) – Trained by CZCW and brought in as one third of the Paratroopers but released after just one match, Adrian Nelson is trying to make sure his career doesn’t end as soon as it’s begun. A good high-flyer and another nice guy.


Paranoia ($100) – If you think the ring name is dumb, he’s REALLY called Andy de Bottom. Another third of CZCW’s Paratroopers, we brought him in as a favour to Paradigm. Below par but cheap.



Lower Midcarder


‘The Minor Annoyance’ Rebel Yell – Me. This time, I’m gonna make it! I just want to pay my dues first, can’t have the boys thinking I’m pushing myself before I deserve it.



Other staff


Davis Ditterich (announcer), Chloe Dean (colour commentator), Chad Brent (referee.)


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, February 2010


Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe

Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer

Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves

Ant Man vs Paranoia

Amber Allen vs Paradigm

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance


Predictions welcomed…

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Cant remember the last diary that used the word Poopyhead. Nice start.


Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe

I like Nomad's render


Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer

Always bet on the butch chick


Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves


Ant Man vs Paranoia

Never bet on the paratrooper


Amber Allen vs Paradigm

...especially if theyre wrestling a star in the making


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance

These two would like like Rod Stewart and his latest wife.


How about Minor Annoyance works for the 'troopers and takes the name para-pet?

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Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe


I'm actually a big Nomad fan, despite having never done anything with him myself.


Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer


Not my original prediciton


Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves


Give the girls a chance to earn their money


Ant Man vs Paranoia


He's the man that everyone tries to make huge without success - will RAW be the first step he needs?


Amber Allen vs Paradigm


All the women winning - at this point I changed Morris's win over to MDM


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance


TMA to loko at that stars.

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Glad to see you doing a diary Jaded!


Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe


I shall go against the majority and go with Joe


Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer


Okay I was going to pick MDM but Boltinho's reasoning for his pick made me laugh and then change my mind.


Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves

Ant Man vs Paranoia


Paranoia sucks plain and simple and Ant Man has future star written all over him.


Amber Allen vs Paradigm


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance

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Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, February 2010


Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe

Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer

Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves

Ant Man vs Paranoia

Amber Allen vs Paradigm

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance

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Thanks, guys! Great to see some predictions. Feedback on the format would be very welcome.


RY-RAW presents...

Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, February 2010


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and The Minor Annoyance


El Medico is in the ring for most of the time here, with AA and AM double teaming him. I get the hot tag and come in and briefly clean house, but the other pairing get back on top fairly quickly, and when I tag out, El Med falls victim to Amber’s Northern Lights Suplex fairly quickly.


Amber Allen defeated El Médico by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (30)



Amber Allen vs Paradigm


Amber gets another win here with her Northern Lights Suplex, squashing Paradigm fairly easily. Worryingly, despite her having already wrestled, it’s the former CZCW guy who’s looking out of breath by the end of an 8 minute match.


Amber Allen defeated Paradigm by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (40)



Ant Man vs Paranoia


I wasn’t expecting this to be good, but I was hoping for better than we got. Paranoia and Ant Man were told to give it all they had, and both seemed to collapse under the pressure. Mercifully, it was only 7 minutes long as Ant-Man picked up the squash win.


Ant-Man defeated Paranoia in 7:06 by pinfall with an Antidote. (18)



Ashley Grover vs Rex Reeves


We were struggling to fill time so I booked these two in a 20 minute time limit draw – big mistake. Neither have got the psychology for it, and they’re boring the crowd by the halfway mark.


Rex Reeves drew with Ashley Grover in 20:00 when the time limit expired. (26)



Connie Morris vs Mad Dog Mortimer


We were hoping Connie could carry MDM through a 16 minute match, but she can’t. By the end, he’s totally gassed, and she’s not looking much better. Missouri Plough wins it for her.


Connie Morris defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 16:51 by pinfall with a Missouri Plough. (22)



Ladder match: Nomad vs Regular Joe


There’s $400 bucks over the ring (which is just the regular pay packet for the winner here) and the winner is the first man to get high enough on the ladder to collect it. Sadly, Nomad’s already gotten pretty high before he turned up tonight, and the result is a poor match, despite Nomad working in a few nice spots.


Nomad defeated Regular Joe in a Ladder match in 14:57 when Nomad retrieved the cash. (31)


Final rating 29.


Attendance 12.


Popularity in Mid-South 0.0 -> 0.3


Prediction results and next card up shortly...

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Prediction Standings:


Boltinho 5/6

Eayragt 4/6 – shouldn’t have lost faith in Connie!

BHK1978 4/6

Timber 4/6


Okay, for March’s show, I decided that 90 minutes was way too long with the amount of cash I could spend on people and the stamina issues most of our roster have. So, we’re streamlining the show, and presenting 60 minutes of the finest wrestling you’ll see in the Mid-South!


We've also picked up one new wrestler, Swedish Nigel Svensson, who's trying to break into the US and therefore happy to work for $100 a show.



Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, March 2010


Ladder match: Connie Morris vs Nomad

Ashley Grover vs Regular Joe

Amber and Ant-Man vs Paratroopers

Ant-Man vs The Minor Annoyance

Amber Allen vs Nigel Svensson



Predictions welcomed…

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Nice start. More butch chicks please.


Ladder match: Connie Morris vs Nomad

Nomad is just too unreliable


Ashley Grover vs Regular Joe


Amber and Ant-Man vs Paratroopers


Ant-Man vs The Minor Annoyance


Amber Allen vs Nigel Svensson

Could be good. Nigel is a star

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(OOC: Boltinho - Sorry, there's not TOO many butch chicks with good personalities, and TMA is going for 'No poopyheads' as his major hiring philosophy. If you're sticking around for the long haul, we'll eventually get to the stage when a certain 6 foot Mistress of the Backbreaker makes it to RY-RAW, though...)


I love our roster. Other federations I’ve worked for demand that if the show starts at 8 o’clock, everyone needs to be there for 5. I tell them that they need to be there for 7:30 – and walk in at just gone 5 to find Regular Joe organising a Just Dance tournament on his Wii, and the locker room packed out. This is possibly because Amber Allen is wearing the shortest skirt known to mankind and jumping around more than seems strictly necessary for the game, but it sure gets the guys in a good mood before the show. Definitely a better backstage atmosphere than last time, as well. Even though I was disappointed in some of the matches, the dozen fans there had really enjoyed themselves and a few guys told me that it was good to be part of a brand-new fed. Plus, Nigel is an awesome guy to have around, laidback and a great sense of humour.


No room for Mad Dog Mortimer, Rex Reeves, or El Medico on the shorter show – I’m going to rotate guys in and out. Hope they don’t mind a month off, every little saving helps when you’re balancing the books!


RY-RAW presents...

Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, March 2010



Amber Allen vs Nigel Svensson


This is a fantastic debut for Nigel, as he sells like crazy for Amber, letting her tie him up – not in that way, we’re a family fed! – in holds before she gets the pinfall victory.


Amber Allen defeated Nigel Svensson in 7:50 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (47)



Ant Man vs The Minor Annoyance


I let Ant Man squash me here, and he does a reasonably good job of it. We’re nowhere near the level of the previous match, though.


Ant-Man defeated The Minor Annoyance in 5:51 by pinfall with an Antidote. (24)



Amber and Ant Man vs Paratroopers


This has a good start with Amber and Ant Man double teaming Paranoia, but falls apart when Paradigm gets in the ring, as he blows too many spots. Usual Amber finish.


Amber and Ant Man defeated Paratroopers in 8:08 when Amber Allen defeated Paranoia by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (38)



Ashley Grover vs Regular Joe


I was planning on giving Ashley the win here, but the video game tournament changed my mind. Plus, gotta keep Regular Joe happy as he’s road agenting for Connie’s matches, by virtue of being slightly less clueless than the rest of us when it comes to scripting a bout. This drags on a bit, perhaps I should’ve booked myself and Ant Man to go a little longer.


Regular Joe defeated Ashley Grover in 13:18 by pinfall with a Joe And Behold. (34)



Ladder match: Connie Morris vs Nomad


I was worried that Connie would struggle in a ladder match, not having wrestled in one before, but in actual fact it’s Nomad who brings this one down – I really wish he’d stop smoking pot just before wrestling. Still, it at least beats out Joe vs Grover to get the joint second best match of the night, along with the Paratroopers vs Amber/Ant Man tag.


Nomad defeated Connie Morris in a Ladder match in 15:23 when Nomad retrieved the cash. (38)


Final rating 37


Attendance 14


Popularity in Mid-South 0.3 -> 0.9


Prediction results and next card up shortly...

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Prediction Standings:


Boltinho 9/11 (82%)

BHK1978 8/11 (73%)

Eayragt 4/6 (67%)

Timber 4/6 (67%)



After their ladder match, Connie Morris has challenged Nomad to a rematch to see if he can beat her with no gimmicks involved – and the mysterious one has accepted! Also, Nigel Svensson aims to follow his impressive debut with his first victory as he takes on ‘The Minor Annoyance’ Rebel Yell – and Amber Allen, who’s stolen the show in the fed’s first two months, reprises her tag team with Ant Man to take on Regular Joe and El Medico, before getting her first ever main event as she goes up against Ashley Grover.


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, April 2010


Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Connie Morris vs Nomad

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia

Ant-Man vs Paradigm

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe

Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance


24 hours or so until I post the show, so plenty of time for predictions. :)

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This is good. Nice concept, simple, uncluttered. Where are the LWA though?


Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Connie Morris vs Nomad

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia

Ant-Man vs Paradigm

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe

Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance


Amber, Ant-man and Nigel should do well as the 2nd level guys and it appears youre sticking with Nomad to be top dog even with his flaws...

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Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover

Ashley's alright as a worker, but nothing really special. Amber, on the other hand, is exceptional for a company your size


Connie Morris vs Nomad

I like Nomad, but the dude is chronically unreliable and isn't much use as a top guy. Connie, meanwhile, isn't as good a wrestler but has considerably better fundamentals


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia

There aren't many people that Mad Dog could conceivably beat- Paranoia's one of them


Ant-Man vs Paradigm

Ant-Man has a lot of potential, even if he's not that good yet. Paradigm is about as good with less potential


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe

This is a close one, but in the end AA and Ant-Man are the better of the two teams


Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance

If you're not pushing Svensson then you're a prized numpty

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Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover


Connie Morris vs Nomad


Connie Morris is the man...ah...I mean the woman!

Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia


There is a reason why Paranoia and his buddies did not catch on in CZCW...they all suck!


Ant-Man vs Paradigm


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe


Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance

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Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover


Connie Morris vs Nomad


Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia


Ant-Man vs Paradigm


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe


Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance


Looking forward to reading the results man. I noticed you had a dynasty after you posted in mine so I thought one good post deserves another :D

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OOC: Wow, thanks for all the feedback/predictions, guys - great to see people are reading.


Boltinho - glad you like the style. I wanted something that was easy and quick, both for me to write and for you guys to read. LWA were looked at but one wanted too much money and Rebel felt the other one (Corrine, I think) was approaching poopyhead territory...


A quick note on signings - I basically look at personal, then at how much money they want. Actual wrestling skill is more or less optional. Incredibly, there's some REALLY talented nice guys and gals out there, though, so it's worked out okay.


RY-RAW presents...

Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, April 2010


Nigel Svensson vs The Minor Annoyance


I reward Nigel for the way he put Amber over last month by doing the same for him, as he takes me apart here before making me tap out.

Nigel Svensson defeated Rebel Yell in 6:28 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. (38)



Amber Allen and Ant Man vs El Medico and Regular Joe


Note that all of our best matches have one thing in common – Amber. Fun little tag bout here, as they go at it for 10 minutes before Amber picks up the victory over Joe. Having said that, I doubt I’ll be getting Medico and Joe to pair up again – they don’t seem to be able to communicate properly.


Amber and Ant Man defeated El Médico and Regular Joe in 10:13 when Amber Allen defeated Regular Joe by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (44)



Mad Dog Mortimer vs Paranoia


Oh god… I knew this might be bad, but I wasn’t expecting it to be THIS bad. Paranoia gets the upset win here, but 7 of our fans used this as a bathroom break – and the other guy fell asleep!


Paranoia defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 8:09 by pinfall with a Freak Out. (10)



Ant-Man vs Paradigm


Normally this match would be classed as ‘painful to watch’, but it’s practically a five-star classic after the horror show that preceded it. Ant-Man typical squash.


Ant-Man defeated Paradigm in 5:44 by pinfall with an Antidote. (29)



Connie Morris vs Nomad


Okay, I’ve given up expecting Nomad to turn up at a time other than 4:20… if you know what I’m saying. That explains the booking here, as Connie gets her win back from last time.


Connie Morris defeated Nomad in 10:35 by pinfall with a Missouri Plough. (38)



Amber Allen vs Ashley Grover


And once more, Amber gives us the match of the night, as she and Ashley go at it in a fantastic – by our standards – 12 minute bout. Sensationally, though, her five-match winning streak, counting tags, comes to a halt as Ashley gets a desperation Chicago Hope sunset flip powerbomb for the victory.

Ashley Grover defeated Amber Allen in 12:26 by pinfall with a Chicago Hope. (54)


Overall rating 48.


Attendance 8.


Popularity in Mid-South 0.9 -> 1.7


Prediction standings and May preview coming up...

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Predictions are being ordered by total number of right guesses to reward my most loyal readers :)<o>


</o>Putting in percentages as well though so you can see how you’re doing – Stennick NEARLY managed a debut clean sweep, only getting the opener wrong.<o></o>

Prediction Standings:



Boltinho 12/17 (71%)

BHK1978 12/17 (71%)<o></o>

Eayragt 7/12 (58%)<o></o>

Stennick 5/6 (83%)<o></o>

Timber 4/6 (67%)<o></o>

1PWFan 4/6 (67%)<o></o>

Jingo 2/6 (33%)<o></o>


Coming up in May…<o></o>


Amber Allen is 5-1 after a shock loss to Ashley Grover, but can she get back on track by beating Regular Joe? Connie Morris got her revenge victory over Nomad in a real wrestling match this time – but can she beat the undefeated Ant Man? And after Nigel Svensson picked up his first victory, can he make it two in a row against the much better known Nomad?


Keeping It Real, Sunday Week 2, May 2010<o></o>




Amber Allen vs Regular Joe<o></o>

Ant Man vs Connie Morris<o></o>

Ashley Grover vs Syd Collier<o></o>

Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers<o></o>

Nigel Svensson vs Nomad

El Medico vs Rex Reeves




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You got an overall rating of 48 with that roster?:eek::D


That is awsome that you drew just eight people. I have actually been at indy shows were there were about nine or ten people. It is really weird to be in a crowd of 8.:D


Amber Allen vs Regular Joe


Ant Man vs Connie Morris


Ashley Grover vs Syd Collier


I have Syd in my NYCW game and he got over very quick.


Amber Allen and Ant Man vs Paratroopers


Remember what I said about the Paratroopers...they all suck!


Nigel Svensson vs Nomad


El Medico vs Rex Reeves

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You got an overall rating of 48 with that roster?:eek::D



Remi's product is insanely great. Close to idiot-proof. (At least one card will show it's not COMPLETELY idiot-proof, admittedly...)


And I'm digging the attendances. Nearly gave all the fans names and had them making comments, but it would probably have cluttered things up a bit.

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