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TNA Wrestling 2006

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OOC: There is no backstory to this, just my booking of TNA from January 2006. It will be wrote in a format similar to Nobby's diary.


TNA iMPACT Week One Card


TNA Word Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The James Gang


Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt vs Elix Skipper


Monty Brown vs Lex Lovett


Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs A.J Styles and Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels and Roderick Strong


Jeff Hardy vs Abyss


Main Event

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron 'The Truth' Killings

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TNA Word Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The James Gang


Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt vs Elix Skipper


Monty Brown vs Lex Lovett


Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs A.J Styles and Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels and Roderick Strong


Jeff Hardy vs Abyss


Main Event

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron 'The Truth' Killings

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Americas Most Wanted © vs The James Gang


A nice win over two veterans to help cement AMW as your tag team of choice.


Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt vs Elix Skipper


In my eyes he is the most exciting of the three


Monty Brown vs Lex Lovett


I hope Lovett feels....the.....POOOOUUUNNNCCCEE!


Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs A.J Styles and Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels and Roderick Strong


As much as I like all these guys, this seems like the best pairing to me.


Jeff Hardy vs Abyss


Main Event

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron 'The Truth' Killings

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TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The James Gang


Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt vs Elix Skipper


Monty Brown vs Lex Lovett


Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs A.J Styles and Austin Aries vs Christopher Daniels and Roderick Strong


Jeff Hardy vs Abyss


Main Event

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett © vs Ron 'The Truth' Killings

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Live from the University Centre (5000 sell out)


Pre Show

Team Canada (Robert Roode and Eric Young) vs The Naturals

Decent back and forth match between the two teams that ended when Roode pinned Douglas whilst holding onto his tights.


Winners: Team Canada


A music video is then showed hyping up 'The Icon' Sting




Main Show

The show opens up to backstage area where Sting is standing in the darkness, he gives an promo on the reigning NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett, he also drops out Christian Cages name as his main threat to the number one contendership for the title.



NWA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted © vs The James Gang

Good match between the two teams, James Gang started off strong but soon the quickness of AMW got the better of them, Kip James made a hot tag to BG but due to Harris distracting the referee the tag never counted, Storm then grabbed his bottle and smashed it over the head of Kip leading to the 3 count.


Winners and Still NWA World Tag Team Champions - Americas Most Wanted



After the match AMW are stood in the ring arrogantly holding their titles over their fallen opponents when Team 3D's music hits. The crowd goes crazy as Brother Ray and Brother Devon hit the ring, a four way brawl occurs, Team 3D easily get the upper hand and AMW slide out of the ring to retreat. Team 3D are standing in the ring telling AMW to bring it as the crowd cheer in approval.



Sonjay Dutt vs Petey Williams vs Elix Skipper

A fantastic triple threat match really showcasing the X-Division, Williams hit Dutt with the Canadian Destroyer but before he could get the pin Skipper leaped off the top turnbuckle dropkicking him to the outside, Skipper then picked Dutt up and sat on the top turnbuckle with Dutt sitting on his shoulders, Williams got back in the ring and climbed up to the top rope with them before leaping off and hitting a huge hurricanrana on Dutt as the crowd went crazy and begun chanting TNA. Williams gets to his feet and turns around to find Skipper leaping at him, Williams reverses it into a sit down powerbomb and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Petey Williams



Raven comes down to the ring and grabs a microphone, he says he is fed up with being overlooked in TNA and he won’t let it happen any longer, he is going to begin working his way back up the ladder, and it is going to begin with Jeff Hardy!



Lex Lovett vs Monty Brown

Not really much of a match, Brown completely destroyed Lovett with clotheslines and powerslams before nailing him with The Pooounce!! This one Is over.

Winner: Monty Brown



Triple Threat Tag Team Match

A.J Styles and Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels and Roderick Strong

Another brilliant match showcasing the X-Division. All teams were equal throughout the match, towards the end of the match everything went out of control and all members were brawling, Lethal and Aries were on the outside when A.J dove over the top rope hitting a seating senton plancha on both men, Daniels and Strong were on the top turnbuckle but Strong shoved Daniels off causing him to fall to the outside, before he had chance to move though Joe grabbed Strong off the top rope and nailed him with the muscle buster leading to the three count.

Winners: Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal



Jeff Hardy vs Abyss

Jeff tried to use his speed to get the better of Abyss but after being caught during a cross body Abyss gorilla pressed him to the outside, Abyss followed and continued to beat Jeff down by slamming his head in the steel stairs, Jeff tried to fight back but one chokeslam through the announce table put an end to the comeback, during this Abyss didn’t recognise the count which led to a double count out on both men.

Winner: Draw



The camera cuts to the announce table where Mike Tenay and Don West announce that in 2 weeks at Final Resolution the NWA World Heavyweight Champion whoever that may be will defend his title against Christian Cage and Sting in a triple threat match.



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Ron The Truth Killings vs Jeff Jarrett©

Nice back and forth match up, but nobody really thought that Killings was going to become champion until Jarrett stalled too long on the figure four leg lock leading to a roll up for a two count, Jarrett quickly got to his feet and went to clothesline Killings but Killings did the splits and ducked, leading to Jarrett accidently taking the referee out, Jarrett turned around and got nailed with boot to the mid section and a scissors kick, the crowd were going crazy as Killings got the pin but there was no referee to see it, Killings got up and went to wake the referee up, he then turned back towards Jarrett and ate a guitar shot to the head. Jarrett then got the 3 count.

Winner and Still NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett



The show fades out with Jarrett standing in the ring holding his title for all to see.

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TNA iMPACT Week Two Card


Five Way Dance

Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Shark Boy vs Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley


James Storm vs Brother Devon


Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond


Christopher Daniels vs A.J Styles


Fatal Four Way

Jeff Hardy vs Abyss vs Rhino vs Raven


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Jeff Jarrett and ? vs Christian Cage and Sting


(Bonus point for guessing who Jarretts partner is, i had to sign him in the game)

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Five Way Dance

Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Shark Boy vs Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley


James Storm vs Brother Devon


Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond


Christopher Daniels vs A.J Styles


Fatal Four Way

Jeff Hardy vs Abyss vs Rhino vs Raven


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Jeff Jarrett and ? vs Christian Cage and Sting


Damn! Missed the first set of picks. Will be following mate and I liked the first show.

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TNA iMPACT Week Two Card


Five Way Dance

Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Shark Boy vs Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley


James Storm vs Brother Devon


Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond


Christopher Daniels vs A.J Styles


Fatal Four Way

Jeff Hardy vs Abyss vs Rhino vs Raven


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Jeff Jarrett and ? vs Christian Cage and Sting


Jeff's Mystery Partner:

Shane Douglas.

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Five Way Dance

Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Shark Boy vs Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley


James Storm vs Brother Devon


Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond


Christopher Daniels vs A.J Styles


Fatal Four Way

Jeff Hardy vs Abyss vs Rhino vs Raven


Main Event

Tag Team Match

Jeff Jarrett and ? vs Christian Cage and Sting


(Bonus point for guessing who Jarretts partner is, i had to sign him in the game)

Dallas Page or Test? Final Answer = Johnny Stamboli

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Tna iMPACT Week Two


Pre Show

The Naturals defeat The James Gang


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong defeat Petey Williams and Eric Young


A music video plays hyping up Ron Killings and showing how close he was to becoming the NWA World Heavyweight Champion last week.


Main Show

The show opens up to the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett Is standing with his world title proudly hung over his shoulder, he announces to the cameras that he has taken it upon himself to hire a bodyguard and that bodyguard will be his partner for the tag team match tonight, before leaving Jarrett pauses and then says “It’s time”.



Five Way Dance

Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin vs Shark Boy vs Jay Lethal

Another fantastic week for the X-Division in TNA as these five men throw everything they have into this match, Shelley was taken out early on when attempting a top rope hurrucanrana on Sabin, Sabin reversed it into a jumping powerbomb. Dutt picked Shark Boy up and sat him on the top rope, Sabin and Dutt then climbed up the top rope either side of Shark Boy and hooked him up for a double superplex which they nailed to perfection causing a huge TNA chant to break out, Lethal then leaped off the top rope nailing Shark Boy with an elbow drop and he hooked the leg but on the two count Shelley nails a double stomp to the back of the head of Lethal and quickly pins Shark Boy for the 3 count.


Winner: Alex Shelley



Brother Devon vs James Storm

This was more of a slug fest than a wrestling match, Storm was looking for revenge after AMW were embarrassed by Team 3D last week. Things didn’t start out to good for him as Devon was all over Storm, one sneaky low blow later though and it was a different story, Storm controlled the match completely until towards the end, Storm got a steel chair and brought it into the ring which the referee promptly removed, whilst he was outside Storm grabbed his beer bottle and swung at Devon but Devon ducked and nailed a piledriver on Storm enabling him to get the 3 count.


Winner: Brother Devon



After the match is over Devon and Storm start brawling again which leads to Chris Harris running down to make it 2 on 1 this isn’t for long however as Brother Ray hits the ring, both teams begin brawling in the ring but it soon spills to the outside which eventually leads into the crowd and into the backstage area.



Monty Brown vs Simon Diamond

Simon put up more of a fight than Lex Lovett last week but nowhere near enough of a fight to win the match, Simon attempted a headlock but was thrown into the ropes and hit with THHHEEE POOOUUNNCEEE and this one was over.


Winner: Monty Brown



A.J Styles vs Christopher Daniels

Fantastic match which the crowd really ate up, intense back and forth action. A.J threw Daniels to the outside and then climbed up to the top rope and hit a moonsault taking Daniels out. Daniels got back into the match by ducking a clothesline and quickly leaping off the second rope and hitting a tornado DDT. Daniels tried to capitalise on his momentum by throwing A.J into the corner and following it up with a clothesline but A.J moved out of the way and hit a pele kick which stunned Daniels, A.J then hit the Styles Clash and got the 3 count.


Winner: A.J Styles



Both men were completely exhausted after this match but the reigning X-Division champion Samoa Joe hit the ring and completely destroyed both men, he nailed Daniels with a Muscle Buster and then A.J with a spinning back kick to the face seemingly knocking A.J out. He hen just heads backstage.



Fatal Four Way

Raven vs Jeff Hardy vs Rhino vs Abyss

Jeff was third out to the ring but got ambushed from behind on the entrance ramp by Raven, this left Abyss and Rhino brawling in the ring. Raven continues his beatdown throwing Jeff into the guard rail before dragging him up the steel steps, Raven then hits DDT onto the steel stairs busting Jeff open. Abyss and Rhino are trading punches in the ring, Abyss throws Rhino into the ropes, Rhino ducks a clothesline and nails Abyss with a Gore sending Abyss through the ropes to the outside, Raven spins Rhino around and hits him with a Raven Effect DDT, 1…..2….from nowhere Jeff Hardy leaps off the top rope and nails a Swanton Bomb onto Raven’s back, Jeff gets the cover for the 3 count.


Winner: Jeff Hardy



The camera cuts to the backstage area, Jeff Jarrett is standing in his wrestling gear holding his title over his shoulder, he looks into the camera and says “Christian, Sting. I told you it was time”. Another voice is then heard. “Vader Time” Vader then walks into the camera view flexing his muscles and snarling into the camera as Jarrett laughs.



Main Event

Jeff Jarrett and Vader vs Christian Cage and Sting

The crowd loved this matchup and were fully behind Cage and Sting, Vader started out with Cage and overpowered him continuously showing that he still has it, Cage manages to make a tag to the stinger and the crowd cheer at the history between these two, Sting gets the upper hand and goes for a Stinger Splash but Vader catches him in mid-air and throws him to the outside. Cage tries to capitalise from behind and goes for the Unprettier but can’t keep a hold, Vader shoves Cage into the ropes where Jarrett is waiting with his guitar in hand and smashes it over Cage’s head causing the disqualification.


Winners by disqualification: Christian Cage and Sting



The match is over But Vader and Jarrett aren’t through, Vader picks Cage’s limp body up and sets him up for the Vaderbomb but Sting gets in the ring in time and nails Vader to the back of the head with the baseball bat causing him to drop Cage, Sting then lays out Jarrett with a shot to the head, Vader slowly turns around and gets clotheslined over the top rope to the floor below as the show goes off the air.

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I know i have posted two shows in one day but i am going away for a few days tomorrow so i won't have time to post it then. Plus i am a lot further than this in the game and i would like to catch up a bit.


Thanks again for your predictions.


totti 3/7

20LEgend 5/7

TheEffect 2/7

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TNA Final Resolution 2006


Chain Match

Rhino vs Abyss


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

The Naturals vs Roderick Strong and Austin Aries vs Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt vs Team Canada (Robert Roode and Eric Young)


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Team 3D vs Americas Most Wanted©


Jeff Hardy vs Raven


Ron 'The Truth' Killings vs Monty Brown


Three Way Dance Ladder Match

TNA X-Division Title

A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe© vs Christopher Daniels


Main Event

Triple Threat Match

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Sting vs Christian Cage vs Jeff Jarrett©

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TNA Final Resolution 2006


Chain Match

Rhino vs Abyss


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

The Naturals vs Roderick Strong and Austin Aries vs Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt vs Team Canada (Robert Roode and Eric Young)


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Team 3D vs Americas Most Wanted©


Jeff Hardy vs Raven


Ron 'The Truth' Killings vs Monty Brown


Three Way Dance Ladder Match

TNA X-Division Title

A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe© vs Christopher Daniels


Main Event

Triple Threat Match

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Sting vs Christian Cage vs Jeff Jarrett©[/center]

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Chain Match

Rhino vs Abyss


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

The Naturals vs Roderick Strong and Austin Aries vs Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt vs Team Canada (Robert Roode and Eric Young)


NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Team 3D vs Americas Most Wanted©


Jeff Hardy vs Raven


Ron 'The Truth' Killings vs Monty Brown


Three Way Dance Ladder Match

TNA X-Division Title

A.J Styles vs Samoa Joe© vs Christopher Daniels


Main Event

Triple Threat Match

NWA World Heavyweight Title

Sting vs Christian Cage vs Jeff Jarrett©

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TNA Final Resolution 2006


Pre Show

Homicide defeats Apollo


Chris Sabin defeated Shannon Moore, Elix Skipper and Shark Boy in a fatal four way match



Main Show

Chain Match

Abyss vs Rhino

Brutal match which got the crowd right into the show, Rhino was busted open early on in the match after taking a steel chair shot to the skull, he managed to get back into the game however by delivering a overhead belly to belly suplex off the top rope. Rhino went for a Gore but Abyss managed to nail a boot to the face, next out came the thumbtacks, one Black Hole slam into the tacks and Abyss hooked the leg.

Winner: Abyss



NWA TNA World Tag Team Titles

Americas Most Wanted© vs Team 3D

It took 5 minutes for the referee to get everyone in their correct places as it started out a huge brawl, Devon started out strong against Harris but as he attempted to run to the ropes Storm grabbed the rope and dropped to the floor causing Devon to fall to the floor, AMW then took advantage and began double teaming Devon. Team 3D got back into the game when Devon ducked a double clothesline and hit one of his own, he made a hot tag to Ray and the fight was back on, Ray nailed Harris and Storm with left and rights, he clotheslined Storm over the top rope, Harris was just getting back to his feet and he turned around…………….3D!!!! 1………..2………Storm breaks up the count, Devon now enters the ring but the ref holds him back, Storm grabs his title belt and nails Ray across the back of the head, Ray drops to the floor and Harris drapes his arm over, Storm keeps Devon at bay as the referee counts to 3.

Winners and still NWA TNA Tag Team Champions: Americas Most Wanted


After the match is over AMW attack Devon as he is attending to Ray, they nail a spike piledriver on Devon, they then pick Ray up and Harris DDT’s him on the title belt.


Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match

Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal vs The Naturals vs Team Canada (Petey Williams and Robert Roode)

Another faced past match up, all four teams went for it. Lethal and Dutt thought they were going to get the victory and hitting a Double Stomp and Elbow Drop at the same time on Stevens but Williams tagged himself in threw Dutt over the top rope and nailed Lethal with a Canadian Destroyer. From nowhere leapt Aries from the top turnbuckle hitting a diving DDT on Williams, he got back to his feet only to be clotheslined over the top rope by Douglas, Douglas then grabbed Stevens and placed him over Williams for the 3 count.

Winners: The Naturals



The camera cuts to the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett is standing in his wrestling gear with his title over his shoulder, he talks smack about Cage and Sting before telling them to make sure they have eyes in the back of their heads tonight.



A video plays hyping up the current feud between Daniels/Joe and Styles.



Jeff Hardy vs Raven

Raven attacked Jeff on his way down to the ramp again, throwing him into the guard rail numerous times, Raven then walked to the ring and grabbed a steel chair before smacking it across the skull of Jeff. Raven then picked up Jeff and rolled him into the ring starting the match. Raven continued to work on Jeff with stiff punches and clotheslines, Jeff ducked under Ravens clothesline and caught him with a hurricanrana sending Raven to the outside allowing himself to catch some breath. Raven rolls in the ring and gets hit with a kick to the mid-section, Jeff attempts a Twist Of Fate but Raven reverses it and hits an Evenflow DDT, instead of doing for the cover Raven picks Jeff up and takes him to the top turnbuckle, Raven signals for a Evenflow DDT off the top rope but Jeff pushes Raven to the floor and nails a very quick Swanton Bomb, Jeff hooks the leg for the cover.

Winner: Jeff Hardy



Sting is shown up in the rafters when Vader appears from behind clotheslining him to the floor causing him to drop his bat, Sting gets back to his feet but turns around into a shot to the head from the baseball bat knocking him back down, Vader screams at him before leaving.



Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings vs Monty Brown

Brown tried to manhandle Killings the way he had his previous opponents and it was the wrong way to go, Brown attempted a Pounce early on but Killings did the splits to duck it and Brown flew over him. Killings got back to his feet and nailed Brown with a spinning heel kick sending Brown back down to the floor. Brown tried to get back to his feet but was hit with an Scissors Kick, knocking him down, Killings covered but Brown powered out at 2. Killings went for another one but Brown moved out of the way hit the ropes and nailed The Pooouuunnnccee!!! This one was over.

Winner: Monty Brown



The cameras cut to the backstage area where Christian Cage is arriving in his limo he steps out with his bags but is attacked from nowhere by Vader, Vader knocks him to the floor and then picks him up and nails him with a Vader Bomb onto the hood of the limo, security then get there and drag Vader away.



TNA X-Division Title

Triple Threat Ladder Match

Samoa Joe © vs A.J Styles vs Christopher Daniels

Very hard fought battle in which the crowd were fully into. One early spot saw Joe attempt a double Muscle Buster but it got reversed into a double DDT. Daniels and Styles began laying into each other with left and rights until Styles hit a Pele Kick from nowhere. Styles grabbed a ladder and began to climb, Joe joined him and the two men began trading right hands on the top. Daniels then flew off the top turnbuckle dropkicking the ladder sending A.J and Joe flying over the top rope crashing to the floor below. Daniels pulled himself to his feet but instead of climbing the ladder he ran forward and dived over the top rope hitting a spinning plancha on Joe and A.J. Daniels was the first one back in the ring and up the ladder, followed by Styles, after trading right hands Styles slammed Daniels head off the ladder, he then climbed to the top of the ladder but instead of grabbing the belt he hooked Daniels up and nailed a Styles Clash off the ladder sending both men crashing to the ring. Styles got back up and climbed the top turnbuckle and went for a moonsault on Daniels but Joe was now in the ring and he caught him in mid-air, Joe then flipped him around and nailed him with a Muscle Buster. Joe then climbed the ring and retrieved the Belt.

Winner and Still TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe



A video plays hyping up the main event for the evening.



NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Triple Threat Match

Jeff Jarrett© vs Christian Cage vs Sting

Fantastic bout which the crowd were into from the start to finish. Vader accompanied Jarrett down to the ring. Sting and Cage came down looking hurt from their attacks earlier on, Cage had his ribs bandaged up. Cage and Sting charged at Jarrett when the bell rang and nailed him with right and left hands, Jarrett backed up in the corner as Cage continued the assault, Sting then charged forward and hit a Stinger Splash crushing Cage into Jarrett, Cage fell down holding his ribs. Sting beat his chest and WOOO’d to the crowd. Sting then walked over to Jarrett but Vader pulled Stings legs and pulled him to the outside, the referee rolled to the outside and began separating the two, back in the ring Cage was now on his feet but turned into a guitar shot from Jarrett. Jarrett made the pin but Sting was back in the ring and broke it up on the 2 count. Sting and Jarrett then began slugging it out, Sting got the upper hand clotheslining Jarrett over the top rope, Sting then followed him out and pulled a table from under the ring, he set it up and turned to get Jarrett but got hit with a baseball slide from Cage, Cage then threw Sting onto the table and picked up Jarrett and placed him on top of Sting, Cage climbed to the top of the turnbuckle and hit a frog splash but before he leaped off Vader pulled Jarrett off the table meaning Cage just splashed Sting through the table, Vader picked Sting up and rolled him into the ring Jarrett then followed and got the cover.

Winner and Still NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett


The show closes as Vader is holding Jarrett on his feet with the title belt being held in the air.

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