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ELITE: The Bad Boys of Pro Wrestling

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Opening cards for a diary are always interesting because they set the pace for the rest of the diary. Looking forward to this first show.


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

I sooooo want to vote for Gary. I really do. But I can't.


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Another matchup where I want to vote for the other guy but I just can't do it. Ant-Man makes a good showing but in the end Matthew Keith is the better talent.


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Disco Hugh! Need I say more?


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Oh, yes, there will be blood.


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

It's the dueling banjos!


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

A tough match to select here but I went with the more obvious choice.

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This is crap shoot for me being the first card and all. Quick question, are you going to be doing the pick competition like you did near the end of the SWF diary?


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad


Logical sense says pick Nomad. However, I do not want to be logical...


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn


If Victor Kahn's finisher is not called the Wrath of Kahn...well I will not say a word but it would be awsome if it was the case!:D


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego


Got to go with the S.S.T.!


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher


Out of respect for your PSW diary I have to give the nod to an old friend, even if he is a horrible wrestler.


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye


It will probably be Remmy but Perez is just to awsome.

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Very impressed with the work put into this so far. This'll be the first diary I've read from the start, I think.


Awesome to hear, Arrows!


It's been a lot of work thus far; however, at the same time, it hasn't really felt like such. This whole image of ELITE Pro Wrestling, and the characters out front and behind the curtain, has been a lot of fun to craft. I'm crazy excited to get everything 'rolling' now that we've come to the first show to say the least.


Remmy's surrounded by a bunch of a-holes, but I think he's just your pot head wanting to succeed, and sees that he'll be better chasing the championship at first.


He certainly is sorrounded by a plethora of A-holes. ha. So much so that the backstage environment is currently at a whopping 46.5%. Isn't that crazy? The lowest I've seen is in the SWF and that was around 69%, so, you could imagine my shock in seeing in the mid 40's. That said, I sought out A-holes to fill out the ELITE roster. Why? I think of ELITE much like the Oakland Raiders of the NFL.... A place for underachievers, arrogant punks, and overall 'bad boys' to 'play out their days'. Honestly, the more I look over my roster the more I feel like the Raiders. ha.


Opening cards for a diary are always interesting because they set the pace for the rest of the diary. Looking forward to this first show.]


Very true. It's the place where you try to get your favorites out-ahead; while also starting the groundwork for your initial storylines. With Elite, more so than any other company before, I plan on really spending my time with the first show from a booking perspective. I really want to make sure that the first show hits with a bang; instantly defining ELITE for what it's all about. Plus, the initial storylines are what 'make or break' a diary from the onset; so, I want to make sure everything is in-line. All in all, Glad that you're looking forward to the show (as am I)!!


This is crap shoot for me being the first card and all. Quick question, are you going to be doing the pick competition like you did near the end of the SWF diary?


I do think I will be doing so. I haven't given it a lot of thought quite yet though to be honest. With that said, I'll probably drum something up and let you all know as the days continue to climb toward the results.


If Victor Kahn's finisher is not called the Wrath of Kahn...well I will not say a word but it would be awsome if it was the case!:D


Ha! Perfection!


Now, how can I have his finisher be named anything else? Funny enough, It goes well with his character as an 'Arms Dealer' pretty well.

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Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Manvs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad


The Fat man may have no wrestling talent what so ever but I actually see him getting the win here, perhaps accidently by simply falling on Nomad and unable to shift his disgustingly fat body off the canvas/Nomad.


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith


Ant-Man's a cool character and I want to vote for him but I see Keith winning this, probably in some d*ckish manner.


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn


This one's a lottery, but I'll tip Victor Kahn to get the win here.


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego


Samoans will dominate


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher


Larry...er Big Cletus is just better.


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye


Remmy is after all the King of the Ladder Match

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad (REally wan to vote for Gary but it just won't make sense)

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

How can I not pick Gary???


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Got to go with the talent.


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Its between Kahn, Hound and Blanco for me, just a guess out of those 3.


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Between Cell Block X & The Rabid Samoans, I feel CBX represents your companies style better, and having the Samoans chasing them works better than the other way round. Just hoping the Latino's dont pull a suprise win.


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Just a guess since I dont recognise the re-render...is Larry Wood, Cletus?


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

Another guess, I see either Peak or Skye winning.

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Diary Notes

Subject: Match Write-ups; what to expect.


For those of you who have followed by dynasties before, there has always been a way that I've written out my 'larger' matches (as in numbers of people) that differs from my typical approach. In those cases, I would simply relay the overall narratives that formed within the match. This way, it was easier to give you a slice of what happened without being boggled down by details that really did nothing to help the overall feeling of the match in question.


I've decided to go full-force with this approach in this diary. Now, all of my maches will follow this general setup:


* Opening paragraph (sets the tone for the match)

* Narratives that form (presented in a numbered fashion)

* How the match ends.


I feel that this will help to give the reader a better feel for what to take away from the match vs., again, getting boggled down by details that don't really matter. For an example, look to my SWF (or DOA) diary when it's a 4 way dance or anything that has a large amount of workers within the fray. Overall, it's going to be a change from my typical write-up style; however, I think it will only help everyone follow the message that's looking to be sent.


While move-by-move descriptions are loved by some, I also feel that it turns some away from reading the show through out. Now, you can get a good idea of what happens in a more 'reader friendly' layout (however, still relaying A LOT, if not more, detail than before).


Angles will be written out just as they have always though. Mostly because it's more fun to actually flesh those out instead of giving you a bullet-point feeling.


I'm currently booking the show & am really looking forward to getting it all out there for you. To be honest, I've been back and forth about some matches (trying to decide who should win); however, at this point, I feel pretty confident with my decisions. It's the first show, as you know, so a lot of pressure comes down in which to get it 'right' straight out of the gate.









<hr color="black">Onto responding to McFly....


I just wanted to pop in once more before the show and mention once more that your writing is what inspires me to write. Your story telling is just so fantastic and I truly believe that everybody should have the chance to read it! :)


That's awesome to hear, Sean. Honestly, very cool. It's cool to know that my work has inspired you on some level; even on a small level as you conquer your own diaries as well!


I, honestly, love what I do here. I wish I could get paid to do it. haha.


Writing is both cathartic, and inspiring, in its own way. I love Pro Wrestling (At least the form that I typically book) and feel that we've gone down an uninspired road in the 'real world'. That said, I find myself trying to convey my own style of wrestling in this manner; using GDS and TEW as my vices. All in all, with this project, I just hope that others find respect in the work. I know it won't be everyones 'bag' (as Hardcore, especially quirky hardcore, is not always loved by all); however, in the end, if nothing else, you know that I'll give you 110% when the day is done.

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Random ELITE Wrestler review...



Victor Kahn







2010 ELITE Win/Loss Record:

ELITE Nickname(s):
“The Instigator of Violence”

US Popularity:

Current Momentum:

‘Arms Dealer’

Gimmick Rating:

Finisher/Signature Move(s):
“The Transfer of Violence” (Tornado DDT), “The Wrath of Kahn” (Superkick)

Currently Feuding with:

Character Synopsis:
Victor Kahn is a
dangerous man. While his small stature, and sophisticated taste, often project the young flier as a soft aristocrat, the truth couldn’t be farther away from this perception. Aristocrat, in a sense? Yes. Soft and meek minded? Not in the slightest.


He’s a philosophical thinker; which, in a sense, is needed in which to justify his business. In a way, he perceives his ‘trade’ as no more dangerous than a simple kindergarten teacher. As polarizing of a claim as that is, his reasoning is that both are there in which to educate the illiterate how to ‘seize opportunity’. In his case, this ‘opportunity’ is the ability to purchase high-grade, extremely deadly, weapons of War. While this may seem incriminating to most, to Kahn, he, again, justifies such a ‘trade’ by emphasizing that he only sells them the weapons; it is their choice, from there, to do what they will with said weapons. In his eyes, he is merely a business man; kept afloat by the ills of the human spirit (something that appears to still be in high demand).


His in-ring approach follows the same ‘risky’ nature that his trade follows; utilizing dare-devil-like maneuvers in which to flatten the competition much like a wayward bomb would overtake its surroundings. Such an approach typically carries an ‘out-of-control’ kind of mentality; however, with Kahn, he eerily always seems in control despite using such a destructive sense of combat. Overall, his veins appear to be ‘cold-as-nice’ as nothing seems to phase the career salesman. He is often in control, or at least seems like he is, even when absolute chaos threatens such shocking tranquility.


Like most, though, Kahn is not perfect. We all have weaknesses; even those who are perceived as unfathomable. In Kahn’s case, the sophisticated façade brought forth by the weaponry salesman starts to violently unravel as his most prized acquisition slowly fades from his grasp; this coveted acquisition is ‘control’. A control freak by nature, the lack of such slowly starts to eat away at his psyche; forcing him, involuntarily, to lash out aggressively in a blatant act of desperation. If he’s able to regain control, then his demeanor will slowly shift back toward the confident, well-put-together, demeanor that he often projects. However, if he continues to find himself overmatched, then Kahn will viciously spin into a destructive downward spiral; his internal fire getting the best of his calculated persona.





<hr color="black">

"The Circus comes to town..." Quick Picks:


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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I initially opened this just to see what you had planned for El Muerto Blanco, however now that I've read everything up to now, I'm hooked! I'll be keeping an eye on this one.


Very cool, ewanite! I'm a huge fan of your alt renders (thus why I'm using the amazing 'El Muerte Blanco' render); so, it's cool to know that I'll have you stopping in every once in awhile to give it a read. :D While it's not in the thread where you're work is showing up, I just wanted to say thank you for your hard work. I've used a lot of your renders along the way (currently, Muerte Blanco, The rabid Samoans, etc.) and truly am thankful to have them in my arsenal. Great stuff!


All in all, good to have you 'on board' as ELITE goes forward.

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After your SWF diary, I said I'd be onboard for your next project and I'm certainly not disappointed with what I've read thus far. This already feels grittier and less-polished (in a good/atmospheric way - not as in sloppy). Interesting blend of talent for your roster (including those created specifically), I'm looking forward to the first show and going by the alts and one bio alone, I feel I'm already invested in Victor Kahn and Disco Hugh. :p
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I love diaries about promos in the default database that havent debuted yet.


Seems to me the best opportunity forum-members have for really influencing the c-verse. Id never seen ELITE open before, but now I have a great feel for who they are.


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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After your SWF diary, I said I'd be onboard for your next project and I'm certainly not disappointed with what I've read thus far. This already feels grittier and less-polished (in a good/atmospheric way - not as in sloppy). Interesting blend of talent for your roster (including those created specifically), I'm looking forward to the first show and going by the alts and one bio alone, I feel I'm already invested in Victor Kahn and Disco Hugh. :p


Very cool, sebsplex! I think my SWF diary was a good way to get others out there to become familiar with my writing style overall (as it's a very popular company). Sadly, with everything that happened, I had to bring that one to a close; however, this new ELITE project is unlike anything I've ever taken-on before. It has a fusion of every company I've booked thus far (XWA, PSW, DOA, 4C, and to a small small extent... SWF). I think that's why I love this company as much as I do, also fusing in the general 'brashness' that comes with their mantra, as it feels like the 'best compliation' of what i've known while also giving a WHOLE NEW feel (due to Shifty and the ramped up sexual nature).


As for the first show, I'm really excited to get it out there; however, am taking my time to make sure that it looks, feels, and reads well. These first shows can make or break you, in a way, so I want to make sure that it does a good job of summing up ELITE (at least initially).


Looking forward to you stopping in & checking out the shows though! I've been a fan of your renders for awhile now (knowing that you use to create renders back in the day. You actually made one for me a long long time ago I do believe.)


I love diaries about promos in the default database that havent debuted yet.


Seems to me the best opportunity forum-members have for really influencing the c-verse. Id never seen ELITE open before, but now I have a great feel for who they are.


I totally agree. You get the comfort of having a specific framework to work with, and a company that others can come to know on their own, while also having the freedom to book it however you want. In a way, you get to leave your own footprint on the Cornellverse as a whole. When you fuse that with the fact that no one (to my knowledge) has used ELITE before in a diary, and the overall feeling that the company has, I couldn't help but jump at it. 'Cult' (and in some cases 'hardcore') is my strongest product to book/write for.


Cool to have you 'on board'. I love your user avatar! I wish he was an in-game character as I would have him signed up in a second. haha.

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I love diaries about promos in the default database that havent debuted yet.


Seems to me the best opportunity forum-members have for really influencing the c-verse. Id never seen ELITE open before, but now I have a great feel for who they are.


Have to say, I agree with this entirely, as I have had a look at ELITE and thought I should start a game with them but I really had no clue where to start, especially with regards to the porn industry links, I really couldn't get my head around the whole concept of booking them but know I would feel confident in beginning a game with them (after stealing EV made up characters of course and most of your roster ) and giving them a go.

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Have to say, I agree with this entirely, as I have had a look at ELITE and thought I should start a game with them but I really had no clue where to start, especially with regards to the porn industry links, I really couldn't get my head around the whole concept of booking them but know I would feel confident in beginning a game with them (after stealing EV made up characters of course and most of your roster ) and giving them a go.


That's awesome, 20LEgend (if I'm reading what you wrote right; that you started an ELITE personal game). To be honest, this is one of the greatest compliments one can ever gain from these boards: The fact that someone wants to run a personal game based off what you've done. I had a few people say that they did so during my PSW diary, giving them the spark to try out Naess's promotion after reading, and I couldn't be more happier to hear that.


I agree though. At first, I was afraid to tackle ELITE as I didn't know how to really do the whole 'porn industry' thing. That said, creating Shifty made everything fall in-line. Once I had an idea of who he was, fleshing him out as far as I did, it all became REALLY easy to set-up from there. Then, adding Remmy Skye as my user character just made everything fall into place. In the end, I hope that this diary is able to entertain you all as much as it has for me thus far. Honestly, while writing out the first show, I'm having more fun than I've ever had before. It's a whole new take for me, new characters, and a new approach that makes it all much more enjoyable. Plus, I tend to like companies with no history more than those already established (4C and SWF). This way, I can 100% tell a story that feels unique and lays heavy upon being creative; in an 'out-of-the-box' kind of manner (given ELITE's overall feel).

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Cool to have you 'on board'. I love your user avatar! I wish he was an in-game character as I would have him signed up in a second. haha.


Please feel free to add away. The Fearsome Bunsen came out of the unfortunately stalled Dog Pound dynasty, but it would be awesome for people to use him.


The full-sized pic can be gound in my obscure little HIW diary

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Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

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Internet issues; Show up soon!


Just for those who care to know, the reason why I haven't been on much lately is due to the fact that my apartment is having issues with my wireless connection. That said, I'm at a nearby coffeehouse (where I work) in which to relay this message. Overall, the first show is growing closer to being done; however, it may be delayed by a few days based upon whether or not I have any sort of connection going forward.


Just wanted to let you know so it didn't seem like I was AWOL for whatever reason. I'm really excited to get this first show out there!!









<hr color="black">

I am completely floored by the fact that we've seen 17 predictors thus far for 'The Circus comes to town...". Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything better than that. Overall, I just want to thank everyone for being so interactive with this diary thus far! It's been a lot of fun to relay this story to you; while also talking over the details as they come together. All in all, the results will be up soon!

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