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ELITE: The Bad Boys of Pro Wrestling

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Internet issues; Show up soon!


Just for those who care to know, the reason why I haven't been on much lately is due to the fact that my apartment is having issues with my wireless connection. That said, I'm at a nearby coffeehouse (where I work) in which to relay this message. Overall, the first show is growing closer to being done; however, it may be delayed by a few days based upon whether or not I have any sort of connection going forward.


Just wanted to let you know so it didn't seem like I was AWOL for whatever reason. I'm really excited to get this first show out there!!






Glad to hear it, the first show always seems to be the hardest to finish. Can't wait to see it up!

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I am completely floored by the fact that we've seen 17 predictors thus far for 'The Circus comes to town...". Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything better than that. Overall, I just want to thank everyone for being so interactive with this diary thus far! It's been a lot of fun to relay this story to you; while also talking over the details as they come together. All in all, the results will be up soon!


That is part of what I enjoy about your diaries. You actually interact with your readers. I always enjoy when writes take their time to reply to what their readers have to say. You and BigPapa are always on top of that and I think that is why both of you have such a big audience (well the great writing doesn't hurt either).

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That is part of what I enjoy about your diaries. You actually interact with your readers. I always enjoy when writes take their time to reply to what their readers have to say. You and BigPapa are always on top of that and I think that is why both of you have such a big audience (well the great writing doesn't hurt either).


Thank you, BHK!


It's an amazing thing to be able to relate, and interact, with your readers in real-time. What other mediums offer you that? If you write a book, you only get such an opportunity at book signings and such. In this case, I can relay a story & instantly hear feedback/review. As a writer, It's the coolest thing; to be honest. I think that's why there is this level of addiction as it pertains to this process; simply because it becomes a back-and-forth of sharing ideas, thoughts, and perceptions. Especially with a company like ELITE, I'm hoping that the conversation will continue to go forth as there's a lot to talk about (both in the ring & behind the scenes).


Also, it's cool to be in the same breathe as BigPapa42; as I see him as my 'mentor' in a way on these boards. He was gracious enough to 'show me the ropes' as I was first coming onto the GDS thing. So, I will forever have nothing but gratitude for the man. Plus, he's obtained a legendary status on these boards as well (for good reason) so to simply be put in the same breathe as a writer is very cool.

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I am completely floored by the fact that we've seen 17 predictors thus far for 'The Circus comes to town...". Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything better than that. Overall, I just want to thank everyone for being so interactive with this diary thus far! It's been a lot of fun to relay this story to you; while also talking over the details as they come together. All in all, the results will be up soon!


Actually make that 18, I commented and forgot to post mine... :rolleyes:


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Double G with the Double-manboob G's will be distracted by Twinkies...


Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Sam Keith will be turning in his grave should his son lose to a guy in a fire-ant costume... not that Sam Keith's dead of course, but the aforementioned outcome could push him over the edge.


Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

KAAAAAAAAHHHHHNNNNNN! I suspect Disco Hugh isn't going to be a franchise player... and I seriously want to steal that alt for Hell Hound, it's inspired me.


Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego


Big Cletus vs. The Butcher


Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

Torn on Remmy or Kill Switch.

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Actually make that 18, I commented and forgot to post mine... :rolleyes:


Awesome, sebsplex! :D Thank you for that!


The results for 'The Circus comes to town' will be up either tomorrow night (monday) or sometime on tuesday. My internet still isn't up quite yet; however, I may be able to bum rush someplace with wireless tomorrow night in which to post everything. All in all, I have one segment to write tonight and then everything will be 100% done. Then it's just down to formatting stuff.


Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Normally I wouldn't telegraph when results would be up; however, given the situation (my internet being down and being so close to being done) I'm forced to give more of a timetable.


It's shaping up to be a good first show; though! Again, as I've said before (but still is true if not more so) I can't wait to get this one out there. I feel like, without internet, I've been forced to make this take a 'back seat' in the past few days; which is something really hard for me to do when I really am looking forward to working with this project.


Thanks for waiting it out!





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Actually make that 18, I commented and forgot to post mine... :rolleyes:


Actually...it's 19 now :D


Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Ant-Man vs. Matthew Keith

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye


Good luck with the new project, my friend!

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Saturday, 1st week of February 2010

Location: Déjà vu Nightclub

Cost: $5 cover

LIVE! via ELITE-ProWrestling.com






Pre-Show Segment


* Miss Diagnosis (Krissy Angelle of PSW-fame) entertained the crowd with a playful striptease. In the end, the beautiful blonde bombshell was left in a black matching pair of bra and panties. While she didn’t entirely strip, her ‘knock-out’ body left many in the crowd swooning.

Grade: C+







Gluttonous Gary vs. Nomad

Singles Match


The volcanic ELITE fan base watches on in a confused sense of horror as the insanely obese, Gluttonous Gary, slowly waddles his way out of the backstage area; a full pizza box in hand. A heavy layer of grease glistens upon his java-the-hut like build; meanwhile, his ‘steel trap of a mouth’ makes quick work of the large pizza slices at his disposal. All in all, Gluttonous Gary carry’s this, once-thought-dead, perception that he could truly be part of a 1930’s traveling circus act; generating a crowd solely based upon his unthinkable size. After what feels like forever, watching Gary hobble his fat-a$$ into the ring while finishing an entire pizza in the process, we are given the sight of the much smaller, much more scrappier, fighter in Nomad. His 90’s Seattle-grunge attire, equip with the ratty hair brought on by weeks of not showering, perpetuates this ‘misfit’ persona; giving his persona the perception that he’s truly edgy from head-to-toe. With that said, the intensely vocal ELITE fan base appears to be firmly in Nomad’s corner from the very onset; a fact that is easily driven by their general dislike, disgusting fear, for Gluttonous Gary.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) The fans HATE Gluttonous Gary:
Realistically, the best way to sum it up is that the ELITE fan base showered Gary with a show of ‘utter contempt’. In the end, it’s expected that the extremely vocal ELITIST’S find his inability to do, well, really anything made for quite a polarizing perception of the blob himself.


2) Gary can take a shot like no one’s business:
Strike by strike, blow by blow, Gary stayed on his feet. It’s unknown whether or not he’s a true ‘bad ass’ with the ability to overcome all attacks; or, if his fat is literally so encompassing that each striking attempt simply bounces off; much like a protective force field if you will. Either way, Gary shows to be an unmovable mountain. (Probably weighting as much as one at least)


In the end, despite his ability to take a punch (or a steel chair shot for that matter) and keep on standing, Nomad is finally able to topple the big man with a round of steel chair strikes; the final one coming with a running shot square between Gary’s eyes. Slowly, and in a comical manner, Gary topples over upon the canvas; laying motionless as his fall seems to take everything out of him. With this in mind, Nomad is able to quickly leap atop his fallen victim; picking up a three count in the process (much to the crowd’s excitement).


Nomad defeats Gluttonous Gary 3:31 via repeated steel chair shot to the head.

Grade: F+


[The sound of heavy breathing from Rock is heard; struggling to catch his breath despite not really doing anything physical what so ever.]

Rock Downpour:
That Nomad guy, He’s a…. he’s a… One great wrestler, huh, Dukey?

Duke Hazzard:
Listen here, son, I thought I told you; It’s Duke. Not ‘Dukey’. I ‘aint some heaping pile of cow-dung!

Rock Downpour:
My mistake, I’m just getting a little queezy. All that Pizza… It’s getting me hungry. Do you mind if I… I… stop by the concession stand quick? I’ll only be gone for a few minutes. Just really want one of those personal pizzas they sell here.

Duke Hazzard:
They don’t sell Pizzas here, son. This be one of those ‘fancy’ Los Angeleees night establishments. All they serve is girlie drinks and stupid fads.

Rock Downpour:
Maybe… Gary doesn’t seem to be moving all that much. Maybe he has some pizza left in that box? I’m just going to go check it out; maybe bring it back to the desk. You want any?

[Duke talks under his breathe; low and raspy in nature]

Duke Hazzard:
You’re a gahhd-damn wreck, you know that? Eatin’ yourself to death…

Rock Downpour:
I’ll just be… right back…

[The sound of heavy breathing follows as audio commotion is brought forward too; the sound of Rock leaving the commentary desk. Meanwhile, Duke pulls out a bottle of whiskey underneath the desk… Laying a glass out before him.]

Duke Hazzard:
This is gahhd-damn ridiculous. I ‘aint got time for this bull-sh*t…




Kill Switch

… The consummate Anarchist speaks …


[We transition backstage in which to view Kill Switch in a menacing manner as he stands within a darkened room; his dampened jet-black hair dangles mysteriously before his face in an attempt to ‘mask’ his identity. As raw intensity rages from his every pour, the consummate Anarchist stares feverishly into the camera; relaying a message directed solely upon anyone who dare ‘stand in his way’.]


Kill Switch:
Safety. It’s what most pine for; the ability to comfortably ‘walk within the lines’ while showing no fear for the consequences of man. What most don’t realize is that ‘to be safe’ is to allow oneself to die a slow, miserable, death. To abide by the lines, to accept your constructed fate, is to lie upon a railroad track; practically begging for the evil forces of the world to ravage your body like a 2-dollar wh*re. You trust in these forces; you praise their rule; however, fear their overreaching hand from afar. Yet, you still aimlessly stagger ‘within the lines’; professing yourself to be a ‘model citizen’. But, what TRULY does it mean to be a ‘model citizen”? To give up one’s free-will? To become a mindless sheep within the fray of oppression?
[Chuckles shortly; in a shocked manner]
If so, you can have your ‘citizenship’, I won’t follow in your path…


[Just as it seems like Kill Switch is going to continue onward with his promo, he’s violently interrupted by the heavy-hand of an interfering nemesis. At first, given the tight camera angle, it’s unknown who has attacked him; however, as the seconds continue to pass, the camera man quickly pans out in a shaky manner showing the attacker to be Dangerous Doug Peak]



Dangerous Doug Peak

… Sneak Attack …


[As the camera man struggles to generate a sense of focus, Dangerous Doug Peak continues to slam his massive boot square into the stomach of an unsuspecting Kill Switch. Each blow is followed by a sickening thud, over and over again, as it literally floors Switch in the process. The assault would continue for the next 20 seconds, with Doug Peak viciously laying into his victim with an array of brawling strikes, until a speedy Remmy Skye is seen evening the score with a Japanese-inspired leaping punch to the side of Peak’s head.]



Remmy Skye

… Calvary …


[The third competitor in tonight’s main event, Remmy Skye, appears to be calvarias figure; laying into the ‘International Man of Danger’ (Doug Peak) with a, rather weak, collection of uninspired rights. While coming into the scene rather late, and catching the original attacker off guard, Skye isn’t really able to keep the ‘violence at bay’ as Peak is seen, once again, regaining control of the situation. In the end, security guards are seen piling into the war-entrenched hallway in an act of an attempted break-up. While their show of force works quite well, it isn’t entirely effective.]


[As Remmy Skye turns to Kill Switch, trying to see if he is ‘okay’ in a show of friendship stemming back to their CZCW days, Switch levels an unexpected stiff right kick square to Remmy’s jaw. The impact, truly forceful in nature, drops the unsuspecting Skye square to the cement floor below; his body going limp almost instantly. Those security guards in the area quickly rush to Skye’s side, pushing Kill Switch out of the way as it’s pretty obvious that Remmy Skye is 100% out-cold after such a deadly impact. In most cases, the one who leveled the strike may show a small sense of remorse for such a cheap-handed blow; however, no such thought seems to run pass Kill Switch’s mind. Instead, he stands over his victim in a ‘crow’ kind of manner as the nightclub-based security guards aggressively attempt to force him in another direction. Meanwhile, Doug Peak is doing his best to ‘mow-over’ any guards who attempt to get in his path; wildly swinging like a rage-infused drunkard looking to ’prove his manhood’. All in all, as the segment comes to a close, we are introduced to the truest form of ELITE Pro Wrestling: Absolute, never-ending, Chaos!]


Grade: D-


Rock Downpour:
Remmy tried to save Kill Switch and this is what he gets? A cheap-shot from the very man he came to protect?

Duke Hazzard:
That’s what you get, Son. Never trust an Anarchist; He’ll burn your house down before you can get a word out edge-wise! That sum-b*tch is a crazy critter if you ask me!

Rock Downpour:
I have a feeling tonight’s Main Event is going to tear this place apart…

Duke Hazzard:
Wouldn’t have it any other way… This is god-damned ELITE Pro Wrestling! We specialize in violent chaos! YEEEEEE-HAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!

[Commotion is heard]

Rock Downpour:
Is that a gun???? You’re not going to shoot that off are you?

[The sound of a few warning shots are heard; square up in the air much like you would hear any crazed Texan deliver upon while excited.]

Rock Downpour:

Duke Hazzard:
Only the pansies… I reckon they have it comin! YEEEE-HAAAWWWWW

[A few more warning shots are fired; Rock ducks in absolute fear]

Rock Downpour:
Someone… SAVE ME!!!




Ant-Man vs. “The ELITE Standard” Matthew Keith

Singles Match


There is an aggressive confidence to Matthew Keith. From the very second he appears through the thick, black , entrance curtain, there’s this unmatched air of arrogance practically exuding from his every pore. With that said, he’s not like most ‘arrogant heels’. He’s not ‘ravishing’ in nature, like most who carry this persona, as his c*ckyness comes from a totally different place: Justified (even misguided) Ability. In a sense, he has the pedigree, he has the look, and he has the ability; the holy ‘trinity’ as it pertains to this industry. So, with that said, there is this stern confidence that literally radiates from his entire being. As you can guess; however, the extremely passionate ELITE fan base doesn’t seem to really care for him all that much. Why? No one hates a c*cky b*tch more than a crowd of the very same kind of person.


Meanwhile, on the other end of the ring, stands the meek, yet non-verbally confident, masked Ant-Man! The pure nostalgic nature of his persona, touching on an over-the-top kayfabe approach that we last saw in the 80’s, makes him an instant favorite with the rabid, overtly intoxicated, Los Angeles Wrestling fans. In a way, he’s the perfect example of something that’s truly ‘quirky’; the mask, the suit, and the overall persona just screams such. With that said, such a character will most certainly be loved within the underground district of the ‘City of Angels’. Here, Quirky is King. Therefore, people like Ant-Man will find nothing but absolute acceptance within the LA-based framework of mind.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) Matthew Keith is THAT good:
The arrogant, justified, persona of one, “Elite Standard”, is begrudgingly acceptable due to the fact that he’s actually THAT good in the ring. Even with this in mind; however, the ELITE fan base still showers the second-generation youngster with a collective show of disdain. With that said; however, there is a small smattering of fans within the fray who defy the general ‘babyface/heel’ trend by cheering for him consistently. To them, while he’s crazily full-of-himself, it’s justifiable in the sense that he can actually back it up. This shows to be true as he squares off against Ant-Man.


2) It’s all ‘Open’ but leaning toward Keith:
The actual in-ring action is quite ‘open’ in nature; however, everything always seems to lean in Mathew’s direction through out. Ant-man does an amazing job of keeping up with Sam Keith’s spawn, utilizing his shocking strength to wrangle the technition up at various points; but in reality, Matthew looks to be ‘far-and-away’ the better talent between the two.


3) Keith is a ‘closer’:
Ant-Man appears to be on his second-wind, pushing for a potential victory, when Matthew Keith shockingly pulls the momentum firmly back in his direction. Some men fall in their moment of need and others simply get the job done. Matthew Keith, at least early at this point, shows that he is one to ‘get the job done’. In a sense, he’s a ‘closer’.


Ant-Man is barely able to keep his focus as his head is driven square into the canvas; following a stiff DDT from “The Elite Standard”. Now, laying somewhat motionless on his stomach, the little-ant-that-could is quickly latched into a physically demanding submission hold; The famous Keith-family ‘Proton Lock’ (Crossface submission) to be exact. It only takes a matter of a few seconds for Ant-Man to submit; giving up on his chance to make a comeback. In reality, though, there was no ‘coming back’ form this one. Once such a submission is locked in, You pretty much have 5-10 seconds in which to struggle before something eventually snaps!


Matthew Keith defeats Ant-Man in 6:40 via the ‘Proton Lock’ (Crossface Submission).

Grade: D-


Rock Downpour:
Do you think an Ant can live without a head? Like, if Keith would have snapped his head off… Do you think he could still live on past that?

[Awkward Silence]

Duke Hazzard:
I don’t recall anything that can live without it’s head, Son. You have anything in that friggin’ noggin’ of yours?

[sniffles coming from Rock; sounds of light crying.]

Duke Hazzard:
Are you… are you crying?
[sounds disgusted]
Damn, boy. There’s no crying in Wrestling!!!

Rock Downpour:
I can’t help it!!! My emotions are like a river… I can’t stop them once they’ve started to flow!

Duke Hazzard:
You see, This is why I don’t come to the city. If it’s not this, You city-boys will cry about something else. It’s ridiculous; panzy-boy!

[Rocky is heard speaking to himself for a second; under his breathe]

Rock Downpour:
It’s okay Rocky, Do as your momma told you….
[Looks up and speaks awkwardly in Duke’s direction.]
You make me sad when you speak negatively about my weight, smell, intelligence, emotional strength…

[Duke cuts him off]

Duke Hazzard:
Hay-soos-Krimhitti! Stop your blabbin’, Son! Toughen up you panzy!




Matthew Keith

… The ‘Standard’ feels slighted …


[As the ring announcer steps into the ring, on the verge of relaying the news that Matthew Keith is the victor, ‘The ELITE Standard’ is seen forcibly tearing the microphone from said announcer’s hand. With his signature theme blaring in the background, Keith is heard interjecting in an aggressive manner; creating a vibe as if he’s ‘taken-over’ this segment versus having it penciled in from the start.]


Matthew Keith:
Cut my F*ckin’ music!!!


[The music techs backstage quickly scramble to adhere to his request; ‘killing’ his music in the process. Meanwhile, Keith instantly begins his rant soon there after. Meanwhile, the ELITISTS at ringside appear to be entrenched in a state of confusion as it pertains to their thoughts on Keith. While he seems like an ‘arrogant punk’, that’s exactly the kind of thing these fans tend to love (as it’s perfectly indicative of the rebellious, anti-authority, ‘bad-boy’, nature that ELITE has come to cultivate).]


Matthew Keith:
I didn’t come to ELITE in which to beat-up no-name, gimmicky, a**holes!
[spins around; points to Ant-Man as he struggles to exit the squared circle]
This fool, this joke of a wrestler, shouldn’t be anywhere near someone of my caliber!


[The crowd boo’s like crazy at this point; seeing how Ant-Man has become a nostalgic favorite with pockets of the ELITE fan base]


Matthew Keith:
I should be in tonight’s main event; I should be the one competing for the ELITE Championship! Yet, talentless hacks like Remmy Skye are placed ahead of me; deemed as ‘more important’ despite being within the same ‘joke’ that plagues nobodies like this pile of cr*p.
[Points back at Ant-Man again]
If ELITE management are going to push me aside, turning a blind-eye toward the REAL talent on their roster, then I’m going to see to it that I force you all to take notice; gaining what is RIGHTFULLY mine… The ELITE Championship!
[A smattering of boos are heard]
You can boo me all you want; I don’t really give a cr*p!
[Keith looks out upon a booing crowd; stern in his demeanor]
I’m not here to make friends, or to entertain you blubbering fools, I’m here to win Championships & pad my legacy.
[smirks; basking in their boos]
Let this be known, from the 400 pound slob in the back row all the way back to the ‘suits’ in the locker room area, ELITE Pro Wrestling will regret the day they decided to push me aside. Tonight, as ‘the circus comes to town…’, I will see to it that my legacy starts with a ‘Bang’; I will prove to every last one of you exactly why I am the ‘ELITE Standard’!


[The crowd continues to generate a smattering of boos directed at Matthew Keith; meanwhile, the self-proclaimed ‘ELITE Standard’ stands before the crowd with an arrogant smirk running from ear to ear. All in all, while he’s been ‘pushed aside’ (as he says) tonight, something feels as if this 2nd generation youngster won’t be too far removed from the Main Event for long.]


Grade: E+


Duke Hazzard:
I reckon I like this kid; brash, focused, and an all-around talent. I’m sure he makes his pops proud.

Rock Downpour:
Yea, if his dad likes arrogant douche-bags for children….




Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. El Muerte Blanco vs. Disco Hugh vs. Hell Hound vs. Victor Kahn

5-way singles match


The black matted squared circle feels a little crowded as six ‘Suicidal Regime’ competitors pile within the tightly wound ring ropes; prepared to do battle in which to step away as the first representation of said ‘Regime’/Division. Each man designates a corner as their own, instinctually staking claim, as Victor Kahn stands as the only one without a given area to reside within. Instead, the ‘Instigator of Violence’ calmly roams around the entire squared circle; staring down each and every competitor as he still carries his signature black briefcase in his hands. In a way, it’s almost as if Kahn is systematically challenging each and every competitor with a simple gaze; staring upon them with intense confidence within it all. Meanwhile, Disco Hugh looks to be coming off of a week-long bender; barely conscious as his eyes appear to be forcing themselves shut. Even with that, though, the constant partier continues to gyrate his hips around like a coked out fiend. Well, I guess it’s not too far from the truth.


With the sight of Hell Hound snarling like an uncontrollable monster, El Muerte Blanco shifting his weight around back and forth as if he were on the verge of an intense death-match, and Arthur Dexter Bradley confidently standing on high, much like a statue, as he carries a hefty arrogance smirk upon his face; the match comes to a triumphant open. One indicative of the ‘suicidal regime’.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) 5 men; 5 distinct personalities:
As Hell Hound snarls like a raging pitbull, Disco Hugh ‘keeps the party going’ despite seeming physically burnt out from a possible bender, Arthur Dexter Bradley stands much like a self-proclaimed ’God amongst men’ (confidently standing with his face twisted in an arrogant manner), El Muerto Blanco appearing as if he may ‘explode’ straight out of his skin with intensity, and the dreaded Victor Kahn staring upon his opponents with a calm, yet menacing, manner; there is this overall feeling that these men are not, at all, like one another. The sheer amount of men in the ring feels rather overcrowded; however, when you add in the varying personality types as well, the space between them becomes even smaller. More or less, the obvious differences project their altercation as some what of a ‘volcanic’ scenario.


2) The action is continuous:
The ‘Suicide Regime’ is, simply, made up of a continuous, overtly accelerated, in-ring product that speaks to the ‘modern’ fan. With that said, it does differ slightly from a typical ‘modern division’ as there is MUCH more emphasis on the death-defying nature of dare-devil antics. In a sense, these brave souls are often seen flying around the ring at dangerously accelerated paces; diving every which way and using their bodies as physical torpedoes. As expected, this approach often drags their health into fearful levels; however, often gives us the vision as if their matches are truly out of control. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, the ‘Suicide Regime’ is all about death-defying, body destroying, jaw-dropping, suicidal intent from on high.


In the end, after 6 straight minutes of non-stop, fluid-based, action; the first-ever ‘Suicidal Regime’ match-up came to a climactic end as various competitors look to score a quick pinfall (only ending in a standard 2 count in the process). Sunset-flips, rolling pinfalls, and pinning-based Suplexes, are all broken seconds before the final slam of Mr. Carlisle’s hand upon the canvas below.


Seconds after El Muerte Blanco executes his signature “Judgment Call” (a top rope shooting star press/leg drop combo), Victor Kahn is seen sliding back into the corner of the ring; waiting upon his prey. While crouched in the corner, Kahn watches on as Disco Hugh (the recipient of Blanco’s finisher) maneuvers himself out of the ring; violently in pain as he holds his throat in the process. Meanwhile, notably agitated with losing out on a potential pinfall, the intense Blanco spins around as if to hit a nearby rope; hoping to land a jaw-dropping plancha upon the unsuspecting Disco Hugh on the outside. However, as he spins around… BAM!!!!!


“The Wrath of Kahn” (Superkick)


Muerte had NO idea that it was coming. It practically took his head off in the process. Now, with the uncomfortable sight of 5 men laying around the ringside area (victims of a wide-range of aerial manuevers that paid off and some that did not), Kahn is seen sternly pressing himself upon his victim; gaining a three count soon there after. Funny enough, You never would have thought he would have won as Kahn continues to carry the same ‘flat-line’ demeanor (not ‘riled up’ as he is in firm control of the situation at hand).


Victor Kahn defeats Disco Hugh, El Muerte Blanco, Hell Hound, Arthur Dexter Bradley in 7:38 via a “Wrath of Kahn” (Superkick) upon El Muerte Blanco.

Grade: E


Duke Hazzard:
Now there’s one hell of a man, Victor Kahn!
[Turns to Rock]
I use to go fishing with a shotgun, you know to make sure I get more ‘bang for my buck’, and it was Kahn who changed all of that!

Rock Downpour:
What? You use to fish with a shotgun? Are you mad?
[shakes his head; laughing]
What did he do? I can’t imagine Victor Kahn would be the kind of person to take the time to go fishing. I could be wrong though…

Duke Hazzard:
He sold me a round of explosives, so, now I just throw a couple of those into the lake and KA-BOOWIEE… I got me some fish!

[Rock Downpour looks to be distraught; his mouth wide open]

Rock Downpour:
You’ve got to be kidding me, right?

Duke Hazzard:
Heavens to betsy, no!
I’ve aint ever eat that good.

Rock Downpour:
You’re a bad…. Bad… man.




Shifty Kazimir

… A ‘Thank you’ to the fans; via Live Sex …


[The ruckus ELITISTS are raving over the sight of ELITE Pro Wrestling’s emperor, the infamous Shifty Kazimir, slowly shuffling toward the ringside area; sporting a healthy smirk as he projects an arrogant sense of swagger almost instantly. With his top 3 buttons sensually undone, displaying a mound of chest hair attempting to escape the confines of his shirt, Shifty is seen storming the squared circle much like ‘kid in a candy store’ would. In the end, as he’s quickly handed a microphone by an unnamed ring technition, Shifty stands before HIS masses; projecting a smug-smirk upon his face as the ELITISTS in attendance shower him with a continuous chant of ‘Thank you, Shifty’. As expected, with someone withholding such a healthy sense of arrogance, this is met with much pride by Mr. Kazimir; soaking in the moment as he charismatically opens the segment with a resounding statement.]


Shifty Kazimir:
They told me this could be ‘career suicide’; that no one would show. For years, I was told that this was nothing more than a ‘pipe-dream’; a desperate plea to ‘maximize ELITE Entertainment’.
[He pauses for a second; looks out upon the crowd with a devilish smirk upon his face]
Well, to the naysayer’s, I give you ‘exhibit A’…
[Points out to the crowd charismatically; smirking]


[The crowd erupts into a hizzy as Shifty’s body language ignites with pure, raw, energy; playing off of the crowd’s reaction all together. Following his recent statement, the ELITISTS embark upon a chant of “F*ck you” over and over again; relaying this very message to said ‘naysayer’s’ that Shifty had just addressed. Meanwhile, the Emperor himself motions for them to ‘keep it going’ while actually directing them much like a symphony composer would. After a good 10 seconds of such a theatrical display, Shifty comes back on the mic with a thunderous tone to his voice.]


Shifty Kazimir:
We may be a little crazy, a little unruly, and a-lot bit stoned…
[The crowd erupts in response to Shfity’s drug reference]
but that’s exactly who we are, and what we will be, until the day we die!!!


[shifty charismatically flings his body up against the nearest ring rope; smirking in the process. Then, rolling himself around so that his back is up against the ring ropes, Mr. Kazimir looks high up to the sky; almost in a praying kind of manner. Soon there after, he slowly raises the microphone back up to his mouth while still looking on high.]


Shifty Kazimir:
Now, as a ‘Thank you’ to everyone in attendance; I’ve decided to bring a little…
[Pauses; devilish grin upon his face]
‘skin’ to tonight’s proceedings.
[The crowd erupts]



Allota FaGyna, Boom Boom Betsy, Demi Demonic, Missy DoRight, Xarra

… The ELITE Beauties arrive; sensually …


[With that, 5 of ELITE Entertainment’s best ‘adult entertainers’ file out of through the blackened entrance curtain to the sounds of a hard-hitting rock anthem. The scantily clad beauties, all projecting their own unique ‘niche’, sensually prance toward the ringside area; toying with nearby fans as they drunkenly chant in their direction. All in all, as the 5 bombshells enter the squared circle, there is this overall feeling that something ‘great’ is about to happen.]


[Now, as the 5 bombshells sensually play with one another, teasing the crowd by slowly undressing each other while full-on making out, Shifty is seen slowly exiting the squared circle; placing all of the focus on his the ELITE Beauties. The action continues to get ‘hot-and-heavy’ as the ELITISTS gleefully cheer them on; witnessing ‘action’ NEVER-SEEN at a Pro Wrestling event before. Shirts come off, pants and shorts are dropped, and at one point, to everyone’s excitement, Allota FaGyna’s top actually comes straight off. Her bare chest gleaming in the lights from above as the ELITISTS rave with pure excitement. However, before anyone else can get so far, the menacing sounds of a gritty heavy-metal rendition of ‘dueling banjos’ is heard blaring over the Nightclub sound system.]



Big Cletus

… The barer of Violence …


[Everyone knows this is a bad scenario; well, everyone but the girls who continue to make-out within the squared circle despite ‘danger looming in the distance’. Within a matter of a few seconds, the creepily stoeck, crazed, mountain man is seen staggering his way through the blackened entrance curtain; focused on the girls before him. Now, entering the ring much to the crowd’s dismay, the girls are actually seen trying to entice the big man to join in on ‘their fun’. To any normal man, 5 beautiful women offering their ‘services to you’ would be nothing short of Heaven on earth; however, with Cletus, he is not a normal man by any means. At first, it seems like he may be mulling over their offer, staring upon them in the same creepy stoeck fashion as always as said girls playfully motion for him to ‘join’; however, only a few seconds later that whole idea comes crashing to a sadistic halt.]


[As the girls playfully extend their offer, Cletus is seen violently grabbing at the closest girl; slamming Missy DoRight down to the canvas with a forceful Chokeslam. The shock of such an attack forces the rest of the girls to stand much like deer in line of a speeding car; unaware of what to really do. Not too unexpected, the ultra-aggressive Boom Boom Betsy quickly approaches Cletus in a confronting manner. While she may THINK she’s ‘hardcore’, the blonde aggressor finds a Chokeslam of her own in the process. Now, with two of the 5 ELITE beauties unconscious upon the canvas below, Cletus absolutely snaps; adding to his ‘sickening count’ with a barrage of deadly strikes directed at the women before him. It only takes a few more seconds, following a knife hand chop and a heavy-handed closeline, to leave a topless Allotta FaGyna all by her lonesome; the last girl standing while fearful for her life.]


[With a sadistic smirk upon his face, Cletus quickly grabs Allota by the throat as well; lifting her high off the canvas and violently chokeslamming her down upon the canvas below. The impact forces her into a concuss state as her, obvious altered, breasts don’t really move in the slightest; showing the truth behind her recently debated ‘boob job’. All in all, with the crowd boo’ing like crazy in the background (unhappy that such a display of ‘live sex’ was halted by a monstrous violator in Big Cletus), Cletus is seen standing over his wasteland of violence; creepily calm despite such carnage.]


Grade: D-


Duke Hazzard:
What in tarnations was that all about?

Rock Downpour:
Those poor girls…

Duke Hazzard:
Meh, They’re use to getting pounded…

[Duke is seen taking a swig of his whiskey strait from the bottle; meanwhile, Rock finally gets what he meant as he buries his head in his hands]




Cell Block X vs. The Rabid Samoans vs. Los Reyes Latinos vs. Volar el Fuego

4-way Blood Brothers Match

ELITE Blood Brothers Championships Match



Four teams, all projecting their own, unique, collective persona, pile out of the backstage area one-by-one; all with the knowledge that one of them would walk away as the FIRST-ever Blood Brothers Champions within ELITE Pro Wrestling. With this in mind, each tandem appears to be centered, and focused, for the task at hand; ironing out details as it pertains to their combative approach shortly before the bell is rung. Well, everyone appears to be doing so outside of ‘The Rabid Samoans’. Unlike the other scheming tandems, the Samoans barely even make eye contact with one another; individually warming up as their aggression levels appear to be locked at an all time high. In a way, they don’t seem to really prescribe to the typical ‘tandem’ scenario; in reality, working more as two singles wrestlers thrown into a joint mix. With that said, one would probably bet against them for this matter; however, their sheer violent intent tells another story: One built around the fact that their ‘primal focus’ makes them a dangerous threat at all times.


All in all, the action starts off with a tentative tone coming from most of the tandems; doing their best to ‘feel out’ each other in the process. Again, this is true for EVERYONE minus the Samoans; as they appear to be more focused on crushing-skulls than really utilizing any ‘thought-out’ approach.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) The Rabid Samoans don’t want to ‘feel anything out’:
As the other tandems do their best to skillfully examine their opponents, The Rabid Samoans do nothing of the sort. Instead, resorting to a skull-crushing, amped up, combative style that carries the narrative of simply ‘not taking prisoners’. While this fighting approach does work pretty well, for the most part, it does have it’s downfalls; as Machine & Umaga occasionally drift ‘out of control’. In the end, it all stands as a ‘double-edged sword’ as the Rabid Samoans both live, and die, by their aggressive creed.


2) Los Reyes Latinos, and Volar el Fuego, are beloved in Los Angeles:
It could possibly be due to the strong Hispanic population within the greater Los Angeles area; however, it’s blatantly obvious that both of these teams are truly beloved by the ELITISTS within the crowd. While they couldn’t be farther from the same, they do share the common bond as two stand-out tandems embracing their heritage in different ways. All in all, as expected, both tandems find a lot of praise from the rowdy masses through out.


3) Cell Block X is a menacing tandem:
It’s in the way they walk, talk, and generally interact on every level. Everything about Cell Block X screams nothing but polarizing fear. Their ultra stiff, extremely aggressive in nature, and often appear limitless; as it pertains to any sort of ‘societal rules’. With that said, you can NEVER know what to expect from these two former convicts as the only thing that’s a given is their trust in one another.


4) Violent outbursts trumps Aerial Prowess:
At least in this match-up it does. While Volar el Fuego is celebrated for their ability to speedily fly around the ringside area, most believe that their skill-set is better suited for the ‘Suicidal Regime’. With that said, when trying to match-up with the ultra-violent mentality of those before them, these two patriotic Mexicans are left being flung around like rag-dolls. At one point, while Angel attempts a suicidal-like dive off the top rope, he’s instantly met with the unforgiving steel of a steel chair slamming into the bridge of his nose. Such a strike, truly sickening in nature, literally knocks the young flier out-cold. Overall, while they do have moments of ‘greatness’, they are often limited by the overwhelming power of pure, unadulterated, hardcore violence.


At the end, pure chaos ensues:
As the match grows to it’s close, every tandem is seen ignoring any sense of a ‘rule-set’; brawling with one another all around the ringside area. In a way, it feels very ‘angry mob-esque’ as every man fights for himself. Overall, it creates this uncontrollable narrative within the entire division; showing that none of these teams are really willing to listen to authority as their more focused about winning gold over anything else. It is this approach that ultimately paints these 4 tandems as truly chaotic in nature; striving toward a never-ending form of all inclusive defiance.


In the end, as Volar el Fuego struggles to ‘stay afloat’, Angel De Mexico finds himself, again, floored by an inanimate object; this time being a black baseball bat within the hands of Sayeed Ali. The unforgiving steel baseball bat makes a sickening thud as it slams across the stomach of the descending luchador; forcing Angel to collapse to the canvas in an immense amount of pain. Following such a strike, Cell Block X is seen taking advantage of the pure-chaos circulating around the ringside area; finally executing their signature joint maneuver “Life Sentence” (Double powerbomb) upon the semi-conscious Angel De Mexico. Soon there after, as a number of other tandems brawl around the ringside area, Sayeed Ali is able to obtain a standard three count from Wilson Carlisle; making them the FIRST EVER Blood Brothers Champions!


Cell Block X wins the ELITE Blood Brothers Championships by defeating Los Reyes Latinos, The Rabid Samoans, and Volar el Fuego in 9:37 via the usage of a double-team finisher, “Life Sentence” (double powerbomb), by the winning tandem.

Grade: E+


[Heavy breathing is heard, again, from Rocky]

Duke Hazzard:
Shut your yap, Rocky.
It sounds like you’ve just run a marathon for no god-damn reason.

Rock Downpour:
I’m afraid…

Duke Hazzard:
‘Ohhh boo hoo, little girl’… Why are you afraid? Pick yourself back up by your bootstraps and act like a god-damn man!

Rock Downpour:
What do you think got these guys in prison? I mean, should we be this close to them after their release?

Duke Hazzard:
They robbed, and beat up, some fat dude for no blatant reason…

Rock Downpour:
Oh… well… uh… I’m going to go… uh… find some new contacts. My eyes are really getting dry. What with all of this… this… alcohol in the air.

[Duke scurries from the commentary desk; meanwhile, Duke starts to laugh rather heartily]

Duke Hazzard:
Such an idget.




Cell Block X, Volar el Fuego, The Rabid Samoans, and Los Reyes Latinos

… Mass brawl; all chaos breaking loose …


[Much like the end of their match-up, the post situation feels eerily the same. Shortly after triumphantly being passed their newly cemented Blood Brothers Championships, Cell Block X is already entrenched in a ‘not-so-respected’ situation as they began to violently assault the man who passed them said titles, ELITE referee, Wilson Carlisle. The passionate, and overall intoxicated, ELITE fan base quickly showers the new champions with hefty show of disdain; making it quite obvious that they don’t really care for the former convicts what so ever. None the less, Ali & Brown continue their violent rampage; aggressively laying into the man who just facilitated their historic victory.]


[Whether it’s to save Wilson, or not, the other tandems from the previous match continue their dreaded battle; spilling into the squared circle now as they defiantly test the newly crowned Blood Brothers Champions in the process. Before you know it, the entire squared circle is full of 8 men all together; all of them continuing forth with their chaotic, rage-filled, battle with one another. All in all, the segment projects a ’mob-like’ sense of violence; a slew of overly aggressive fighters all brawling in a show of mass warfare (Much like a gang-fight would feel like). In the end, there is this overall narrative forming that this spirited brawl is nowhere near it’s end; pushing along the fact that we may see these same four tandems continue their fight past tonight.]


Grade: E-


Duke Hazzard:
We got ourselves here a good ole fashion hootenanny!!

[Duke is heard yelling in the background; most likely from far away]

Rock Downpour:
Is it done yet? Are they gone?

Duke Hazzard:
I swear on baby jesus that it’s all done…
[The next phrase is said under his breathe]
At least the match is anyhow…

[Duke walks back toward the commentary table, sees the violence within the ring, and instantly turns back around]

Duke Hazzard:
Oh, Son. If this scares you then you’ve got a long year ahead of ya…




Big Cletus vs. The Butcher

Singles Match


It’s an uncomfortable sight to see Big Cletus stumble his way out of the back; obviously leery of the large crowd before him as he snarls like a ‘mad-man’. With each and every step, this ‘back-home bumpkin’ appears to practically storm upon the ringside area; aggressively stomping the entire way. All in all, there’s this overall vibe that Cletus is unlike anyone this industry has ever seen before; scarily removed from ‘mainstream culture’ as many believe he came straight from a shed deep within the Appalachian mountains. There’s this general detachment to his stare, almost as if he’s looking upon this many people for the first time in his life; meanwhile, intensely peering out upon said people as his natty, untamed, hair covers his face for the most part.


The Butcher, in his own way, carries a truly menacing perception; staggering toward the ringside area in a blood-soaked (or at least that’s what we are led to believe) butcher’s apron and a large cleaver within his grasp. There’s this joyous nature to his step; however, not in the way that would comfort anyone in the slightest. His smile, while genuine in nature, carries a truly creepy thought; almost as if he had just murdered someone and was excited about the fact. With that said, the ELITE fan base really seems enamored with ‘Butch. Maybe it’s their love of B-Horror-flick characters, or the ‘over-the-top’ nature of his gimmick, but, overall, it’s easy to see that they are firmly in his corner from the onset. In the end, with such a twisted persona of his own, tonight’s classic one-on-one scenario with Big Cletus COULD go down as a truly (in)famous affair.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) Everything is used as a weapon…. Everything:
Ring Ropes, the Ring Post, the Steel Steps, the steel guardrail, a steel chair, tables, ladders, STOP signs, microwaves, bowling balls; these items, and much much more, are used through out the match. To say the least, it feels like, literally, everything that could be used was used. With that said, there was very little ‘wrestling’ in their match-up. Realistically, arm-bars and wrist-locks are replaced by chair shots and barbed wire bat strikes. This brings us to the next point…


2) Butcher’s Cleaver is used… on Butch himself:
That’s right. The deadly prop that typically resides within the Butcher’s grasp was actually used in their match-up. With a sadistic, hell-inspired, smile upon his face, Big Cletus gained control of Butch’s prized weapon; digging the blade across his opponent’s forehead in the process. As expected, due to the violent nature of the ELITISTS, this fact was met with a great deal of support. While such a scenario wouldn’t land really well in USPW, here in ELITE… It’s beloved. All in all, as Cletus finally slides the blade for the last time, a major waterfall of blood is seen trickling down Butch’s face. In the end, it’s almost impossible to make out his face’s true sight as there’s too much red encompassing the area. With that, the canvas, already littered with small pockets of blood from both Cletus and the Butcher, is truly stained red; due to the immense amount of blood flowing from Butch’s face at this point.


3) Big Cletus ‘bumps’:
While attempting to strike The butcher with his finishing “back home boot” (Running Big Boot), Butch is able to stagger out of the way; forcing Cletus’s leg to go over the top rope & straddle the ring rope itself. Seconds later, with a thunderous STOP sign shot as his disposal, the Butcher sends Cletus forcibly over the top rope; violently crashing upon the cement floor below. The sickening thud of his overweight frame slamming into the unforgiving cement sends the Vu nightclub into a frenzied state; cheering aggressively as the ‘back home bumpkin’ wrenches at his shoulder in a show of immense pain. All in all, the fall looks to create the narrative that the Butcher may be seconds from victory as Cletus appears to be reeling from such a sickening fall.


4) Cletus appears ‘Super-Human’:
Not that he really overwhelms the Butcher but in the fact that such a previous fall doesn’t seem to phase him entirely. A few minutes after falling, Cletus is seen simply spitting upon his shoulder, rubbing his hands over it as a sign of ‘getting over it’, and climbing back into the ring with an evil grin upon his face. Overall, this really creates the narrative that Cletus appears to be TRULY unreal; in a sense. This Appalachian mad-man looks to be so far removed from reality, so fixated in his own ‘world’, that even a deadly fall as what we just witnessed was NOT enough to keep him down (let alone slowed down for more than a minute or so).


In the end, as blood continues to soak in the canvas below, the match comes to a close with the sight of Big Cletus ramming his giant-sized boot square into the jaw of the Butcher. The heavy-footed strike practically rips Butch’s head off as he quickly topples to the canvas; dropping a kendo stick to the ground in the process. From there, it only takes a matter of a few seconds for Cletus to forcibly gain a pinfall over the bloodied, and unconscious, Butcher.


Big Cletus defeats The Butcher in 9:36 via a “Back Home Boot” (Running Big Boot).

Grade: D-


Duke Hazzard:
Well tarnations, gotta love that boy, Cletus! A good ole’ boy making it big in the city!

Rock Downpour:
A good ole’ boy? Really? Are you crazy? What’s ‘Good’ about this monster?

Duke Hazzard:
You’re just jealous of his boyish good looks. That boy has nothin’ but upside!

Rock Downpour:
You and I… We are nothing alike.

Duke Hazzard:
I garner you’re right. Thank the good god almighty for that one.




Big Cletus

… Assault on an intoxicated, heckling, fan …


[big Cletus heavily rolls out of the squared circle, landing his giant sized work boots square upon the cement floor outside of the ring, as a small collection of nearby fans appear to be heckling the ‘back home bumpkin’. One member of said group appears to be far more intoxicated than the rest; aggressively throwing his hands around in a threatening gesture while slinging explicit-laced tirades at the un-kept big-man. As he continues to motion in Cletus’s direction, spilling his drink in the process, the ‘good ole boy’ ends up grabbing the extremely vocal fan straight by the throat; violently pulling him over the guardrail in the process. As expected, the attacked fans posse now leaps over the guardrail as well; throwing fists of fury much like a gang would. Despite all of this, Cletus is seen physically flooring everyone of them; throwing heavy-handed rights of his own in a truly uncivilized manner. With time, the built in security for tonight’s event is able to pile in between the two factions; however, the damage has already been done. The heckling fans, now a few of them bloodied from a round of rights from Cletus, are whining that they will ‘sue’; adding in a number of swear words in the process. Meanwhile, Cletus simply walks off the scene almost as if nothing ever happened; eerily calm in his demeanor.]


Grade: D+


Duke Hazzard:
Are these kids damn idgits? You wanna fight with ole’ Cletus? This is what you get.
[Laughs heartily]

Rock Downpour:
I can’t argue with you there.

Duke Hazzard:
Now, They’ll know better for next time… Stay away from the action if you want to walk away without a bloody nose.




Dangerous Doug Peak vs. Kill Switch vs. Remmy Skye

3-way singles match

Barbed Wire wrapped Ladder Match

ELITE Championship Match



There is a ‘big-fight’ mentality coming into the main event; this overall feeling of grandeur that often encompasses Championship title matches. With that said, this three-way altercation seems to generate an even more climactic scenario as the winner will be declared as the FIRST EVER Elite Champion! While some industry purists would simply bat their eye at such a notion, targeting ELITE as a ‘joke of a wrestling promotion’, those within the Déjà vu nightclub couldn’t care less what the ‘status quo’ has to say about the situation at hand. To most, ELITE is just another ‘rebel company’ looking to bask in the glory of societal defiance; however, to simply write them off in this simplistic manner would strip the organization of the real story within the fray. Is Elite Rebellious? Yes. Do they claim to be igniting a revolution? Yes. This has been done before, yes; however, no company before this has EVER projected the collective ‘bad boy’ mentality that ELITE professes. Much like an outcast, pushed aside for realistic reasons, ELITE stands as a wasteland for those who have been overlooked, pushed aside, and generally met with an unfavorable perception. To some, we are a purgatory-like scenario; a place for the most evil to come and waste away their days until a final judgment is passed upon them (ie: finding another opportunity in the ‘big leagues’). While this may be true for some, it’s legitimacy is not entirely true. ELITE is a place for those tired of the continuous grind of boring wrestling. A place where anything is possible; nothing is frowned upon.


With that in mind, how could one expect anything less than an all-out warfare as these three men (Kill Switch, Doug Peak, and Remmy Skye) via for the very ‘crown jewel’ that sums up ELITE best. The winner will not only simply be the first ever ELITE Champion but will go down as the initial ‘poster-boy’ for the company as a whole. In this way, the first ELITE Champion is perceived as a heavily guarded opportunity; a transcendtory position that allows this person, this championship-wearing competitor, to ultimately stand as the physical personification of ELITE Pro Wrestling as a whole. Sound lofty? That’s because it is.


The three men in question appear to understand the immense pressure that comes with tonight’s main event; staring out upon the rowdy crowd with a sense of ‘This is it’ within their graze. Overall, as each competitor slowly shuffles through the flowing black entrance curtain, the narrative begins to take hold: Tonight, we will witness history as ELITE Pro Wrestling will crown it’s first (Infamous) Champion.


Here are the narratives that formed within the match:


1) Kill Switch is a ‘stiff’ Motha:
From the very opening seconds, Kill Switch impresses with his ability to land an array of realistic, stiff, strikes upon his opponents. Every side kick, every furious elbow, each heavy-handed punch, are all met with the sickening thud of bone on skin. In this way, Switch is instantly perceived as a legit-force; someone who most fans BELIEVE could really ‘beat-the-cr*p’ out of anyone before him. With this as an instant backdrop, while also fusing in his intensely silent but deadly persona, Kill Switch is quickly perceived as one of the TOP favorites within the ELITE fray.


2) Peak & Skye show a gradual, yet unstoppable, sense of hatred for one another:
Their spirited exchanges quickly develop into a continual sense of ‘heat’ between the two. While it’s not totally noticeable at first, as the match goes forward, it becomes rather obvious that these two have formed a combative bond with one another.


3) The barbed wire wrapped ladder is a ‘killer’:
As expected, the barbed wire wrapped ladder positioned in the middle of the ring becomes a truly deadly weapon pretty early on. Whether it’s being used as a platform to leap off of (in the case of Remmy Skye) or as a weapon in which to punish the opposition, one thing is certainly obvious: it adds a whole new level of chaos into the match. At one point, pretty early on, Remmy Skye is severely opened up after receiving a gash upon his forehead; administered at the hands of Dangerous Doug Peak as he slams the unforgiving ladder squarely into Skye’s head. The impact is so disgusting that some actually turn away in horror; meanwhile, blood starts to rush from atop Skye’s brow as it drips consistently upon the canvas below. This kind of scenario continues to take hold as the match continues on; the ladder always put ‘in play’ by whoever is considered to be in-control of the match at that time.


4) Remmy Skye is ‘Crazy’:
In every sense of the word, this is true. Through out the match, the enigmatic Skye is often seen flinging his body too-and-fro in a reckless manner; utilizing such an approach as a dare-devil, torpedo-like, form of combat. When it pays off, it really pays off; however, it doesn’t always do so, sadly. Overall, Skye is probably THE best representation of the ‘high risk/high reward’ mentality that goes with ‘suicidal wrestling’. Again, sadly for Skye, when matched-up against the likes of Peak, and Switch, such an approach will always stand as a game changer (good or bad).


5) ‘Dangerous’ is Doug’s best description:
Doug Peak is truly dangerous; on all levels. How is this true? While he’ll NEVER win over pure wrestling fans, that’s not Peak’s approach. He’s more of a weapon-wielding, violence-obsessed, psychopath with nothing but evil intent on the brain. His gaze may be rather ‘blank’ in nature; however, don’t let it fool you. Deep within, in the crevices of his psyche, Peak is a mentally deranged individual with a thirst for blood (by any means necessary). Through out the match, Peak is hardly ever seen without a weapon-based object in his hands. It’s almost as if he realizes that, if it were based on wrestling solely, he would be unable to come away with a legit victory. So, with that in mind, he almost always gravitates toward the usage of anything that can ‘even the playing field’. Overall, making him seem more like a dangerous individual than a ‘dubious pro wrestler’.


6) Matthew Keith is a distraction:
Around half-way through the match, “The ELITE Standard” is seen slowly shuffling out of the back; arrogant in his demeanor. While he never really interacts with the competitors on a physical level, Keith’s presence at ringside is definitely seen as a distraction to all parties. It’s almost as if he’s surveying the competitors, getting a closer-look, as he ultimately feels ’slighted’ for not being involved in the first ever ELITE Main Event. None the less, the 2nd generation wrestler does nothing but disrupt the overall environment around the ringside area; leaving all with the slight fear that he could interfere at any moment.


7) ’The Bump that changed Los Angeles’:
Dangerous Doug Peak meets Remmy Skye atop the barbed wire wrapped ladder, both men appear as if they are on their last leg as blood freely pours from their foreheads; trickling down the rungs of the ladder on its way to the canvas below. As they officially embrace atop the ladder, fists of fury are thrown between the two of them; desperate in nature, however, much slower than normal as their bodies are physically drained at this point. With that said, it looks as if Doug Peak is on the verge of knocking a wavering Skye from on high; violently laying into his bloodied forehead as the ‘King of Ladder Matches’ starts to show signs of slipping consciousness. All in all, as it looks like Peak is on the verge of a potential victory, Kill Switch is shown sliding back into the ring (after spending a good while recouping outside the ring following a deadly DDT from Peak upon the cement) and shoving the ladder over in his own move of desperation. It feels like the atmosphere slows down for a second, everyone watching on in horror as the ladder topples over… Sending Skye and Peak downward with it. Due to it’s closeness to the ring ropes, both competitors awkwardly flail over the top rope like car accident victims; crashing through a round of tables positioned earlier outside of the ring. As expected, such a MAJOR bump brings the nightclub into a thunderous roar; a little beside themselves as the ‘unthinkable’ has just happened. Now, laying motionless from their fall, it looks as if everything is in line for Kill Switch to potentially walk away with the ELITE Championship. More or less, as the crowd roars aggressively in the background, the sight of Remmy Skye and Doug Peak motionless, in a pool of their own blood while laying between the wasteland of wood, is shown much to everyone’s shock.


In the end, as Skye and Peak lay motionless outside of the ring, Kill Switch is seen slowly erecting the blood-covered ladder before him; climbing in a dramatic fashion as he grows closer, and closer, to the ELITE Championship in the process. With his scrapped, bloodied, and bruised, arm stretching upward, Switch is able to secure the championship within his grasp; pulling it down with the strength that he has left in his depleted frame.


With the crowd roaring in the background, sounding much like an angry mob more so than anything else, Kill Switch stands atop the barbed-wire-laced ladder; standing on high as the FIRST EVER ELITE Champion! As blood trickles down his body, his tattooed presence appears to be moments from collapsing upon itself; however, even with this in mind, somehow… someway… he’s found a way to overcome the odds. In the most purest form of absolute grit, and inexhaustible dedication, Kill Switch has defied an agonizing ‘hell’ unknown to any competitor before. However, now for surviving, he is perceived as THE greatest figure in ELITE Pro Wrestling history; a legendary competitor who will forever stand as the top Championship’s first holder.


Kill Switch defeats Remmy Skye and Dangerous Doug Peak in 12:25 via climbing the barbed-wire wrapped ladder. Kill Switch has become the FIRST EVER ELITE Champion!

Grade: D+


Rock Downpour:

Duke Hazzard:
I reckon you just said… O-M-G?

Rock Downpour:
You reckon right, Dukey! The man, the myth, the ‘Anarchist’…Kill Switch… is the FIRST EVER ELITE Champion!! What a moment!! I have to call my mom…

[Duke stares upon Rock with disbelief]

Duke Hazzard:
Son… You need some help.




Kill Switch and Matthew Keith

… A climactic brawl …


[Matthew Keith doesn’t give Kill Switch much of a breather, quickly raining on his parade with a stiff steel chair strike to the back of the newly crowned ELITE Champion. The heavy thud resonates through out the nightclub as Switch collapses his chest upon the top of the ladder; still holding his position atop said ladder despite the unsuspecting weapon strike. Keith, sensing that another chair shot is in order, swings once again; however, misses his target as Kill Switch is now seen leaping backward with a modified Moonsault plancha off the ladder!! His tattooed frame slams into his attacker; forcing Switch to drop his newfound championship in the process. Now, with Kill Switch atop his attacker, the two wage in a climactic brawl stretching the length of the squared circle. While Matthew Keith may have had the first shot, landing a steel chair strike upon the ELITE Champion, Kill Switch ultimately proves to be the ‘better man’, at least within this fight, as he systematically floors “The ELITE Standard” with an array of stiff martial-arts-based kicks. In the end, despite the expectations of taking out the Champ soon after his win, Matthew Keith appears to be reeling; unable to really slow down the bloodied, and bruised, ELITE Champion in the process.]



Dangerous Doug Peak and Remmy Skye

… Brawling; yet barely able to stand …


[showing the effects of their deadly fall, Remmy Skye and Dangerous Doug Peak attempt to wage in a brawl of their own; however, appear to be barely able to stand in the process. Both men, now tentatively on their feet, throw weak punches back and forth; winding up within the crowd in the end as they continue their newfound, yet heated, rivalry. All in all, as nearby ELITISTS cheer the two on, Skye and Peak tear through the audience; staggering around as if they were drunken solders while attempting to beat whatever is left in each other out. ]



Big Cletus

… All hell breaks loose …


[Just when it seemed like everything was coming to a close, Big Cletus decided to interject his ugly mug into the action at hand; storming down to the ringside area and violently flooring the new ELITE Champion in the process. In an uncomfortable assault, the much more rested Cletus is seen throwing Switch around the ring like a rag doll; instilling a whole new level of pain atop his already ‘broken frame’. At first, the ELITE Champion does a pretty decent job of fending off his ‘back home attacker’; however, in time, Cletus’s pure strength, and better health, proves to be the deciding factor. In the end, Cletus practically destroys what’s left of Kill Switch with an array of ring-shaking power moves.]


[As the crowd boos like crazy, unhappy to see Cletus interfere upon ANOTHER major moment in tonight’s event, “The Elite Standard” Matthew Keith is seen slowly rolling out of the ring; removing himself from the carnage at hand. With an arrogant smirk running from ear to ear, Keith checks his forehead for blood; finding nothing in the process. Overall, he appears to be quite happy with the carnage he was able to deliver upon; even if Kill Switch had, eventually, got the best of him. All in all, with Cletus doing his ‘dirty work’, Keith is seen slowly back peddling up the isle way. Exiting into the backstage area in the end.]


[The final moments of the show are much like the rest of tonight’s inaugural ELITE event: centered in absolute chaos! Remmy Skye and Doug Peak continue to wildly brawl within the crowd, barely able to stand in the process; meanwhile, Big Cletus stands over his ‘prey’ much like a snarling bear would stand guard of his ‘kill’. All in all, while Kill Switch is truly the ‘man of the hour’, you never would have thought that if you JUST came into tonight’s event. Here he is, the new, and first ever, ELITE Champion… Laying motionless in a bloody heap upon the canvas. Meanwhile, his attacker, an unruly mountain man psychopath stands over his body; scarily calm after literally dominating another human-being in a violent fashion.]


Grade: E+


Rock Downpour:
What the HELL is going on?

Duke Hazzard:
ELITE is going on…
[Laughs heartily; pulling out his bottle of whiskey under the desk again]
Good god almighty, I love this company! Naked women, bloody violence, and all the alcohol I can drink. MMMmm, hmmmm… This be the life, Son!

Rock Downpour:
I can’t do this… I just… There’s so much blood… So much violence…

[Rock is heard getting up from the commentary table; dropping his headphones in disbelief and walking away. Meanwhile, Duke continues to pour himself a couple glasses of whiskey]

Duke Hazzard:
I ‘aint goin’ nowhere, ya hear? I love this F*ckin’ place! YEEEEEE-HAAAWWWWWW!!! Tune in next month you idgets!









Overall Show Grade



Show Attendance

147 drunken nightclub fiends



Word backstage: “Show is considered a success; it should have raised our popularity.”

Internet Smark Feedback: “The feedback has been pretty positive; it was a good show apparently.”





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'The Circus comes to town...' Quick Results


Nomad defeated Gluttonous Gary via pinfall.

Matthew Keith defeated Ant-man via pinfall.

Victor Kahn wins the 'Suicidal Regime' 5-way match-up.

Cell Block X wins the ELITE Tag Team Championships.

Big Cletus defeated The Butcher via pinfall.

Kill Switch wins the ELITE Championship.

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The commentary is GOLDEN! Good show E-V. I actually found myself hating the fat sack of **** that is Gluttonous Gary.


I agree with this, the commentary was funny! I loved the back and forth between the two. However, how anyone can hate on Gluttonous Gary is beyond me, shame on you MH!

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My internet is back!!! :D



Great show. My only issue is Ant-Man wasn't in the title match. He's a gold mine of marketability!


I can't argue with you there. If he had better overness then I would actually have him pretty close to the main event; however, at an F- he's pretty much a bottom-dweller for the most part. He'll get his shots, he'll get his moments, but I don't know if he'll be sniffing out the title for quite some time. That said, He's Ant-Man! He's pretty B-A. Well, in a human-insect-hybrid kind of way.


The commentary is GOLDEN! Good show E-V. I actually found myself hating the fat sack of **** that is Gluttonous Gary.

I agree with this, the commentary was funny! I loved the back and forth between the two. However, how anyone can hate on Gluttonous Gary is beyond me, shame on you MH!


I was working through the write-up, looking at the pictures of my two commentators, and it just struck me that these two probably wouldn't get along much. ha. Rock looks like a tub of goo (granted, smaller than Gluttonous Gary) with guy-liner on. How would a guy like that see anything like the rugged, whiskey drinking, duke hazzard? As it went on, it just took on a life of it's own!


As for Gluttonous Gary, how could one hate on him? haha jk. ;) He's pretty much a fatty with a food addiction (and much others behind the scenes). I'm not sure how much he'll show up on the shows, but, he'll make his presence known.


Great start, 'Mr. Hall of Fame', showing why you deserve there place, I have such a clear image of shifty in my head now right down to the way I imagine he holds the microphone.


That's awesome, LEgend! I created this image of what Shifty is within my mind; so, it's great to hear that it's making it's way onto the screen as well. He's a central point of this diary and someone I really want to utilize (more so in the 'behind the scenes' sense though as he won't be a regular performer).


Also, 'Mr. Hall of Famer' has quite the ring to it. haha. I'm still floored/shocked that it came to pass as it did. To think, I'm in the GDS Hall of Fame is something I truly Cherish as a writer (and TEW Fan).


Awesome show man, truly worth the wait. The little narratives were a great read.


Great to hear, Jingo! I was hoping the narrative write-up would be easier to frame each match versus just throwing some moves at you and giving a winner. This way, the overall message can be sent in a much easier, reader friendly, kind of manner! Overall, it's great to know that it made for a interesting read!

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Shattered beams of light continuously penetrate the tinted windows circulating the speeding limo we reside within; sensually dancing across the perfectly tanned skin of those unnamed females who I share company with. Their laughter, piercing in nature, encompasses our glorious modern-day chariot as their interest, Shifty Kazimir himself, sits joyfully in the middle of their sexualize heap.


The consummate ‘life of the party’, ‘Shifty’ probably met these beautiful women within the shadows of the nightclub; his mere presence inspiring these unknown promiscuous bombshells to act much like a cheetah in sight of it’s prey. In Hollywood, everyone wants to be an actress, a film writer, or some sort of performer. This is the truth behind Los Angeles’s ‘bohemian nature’; however, the reality is this: A good 99% of these people will end up as washouts, burners, and inevitable ‘hanger-ons’. While these lovely ladies are all gifted with extreme beauty, this is the truth they’ll come to find 5-10 years down the road. Sadly, by that point, they will be ‘too far in’ in which to really come back to reality.


With my head lazily resting upon the leather bar behind me, my hair leaving behind a small sweat stain as I haven’t showered following the event due to being swiftly whisked away by Kazimir himself , I find myself sinking heavier, and heavier, into the artificially cooled leather seat below; feeling the weight of my ‘buzz’ as every second passes. Meanwhile, the chaotic tone of laughter bounces around my ears, pushing me ever so closer toward a semi-sleep state manifested by the dosage raging through my veins; oblivious of what’s going around the entire time.


As the limo comes to a slowing halt, Kazimir quickly clapped his hands together in a dramatic fashion; proclaiming our arrival.


“Let the after-party begin!”


With that, playful laughter follows as the sight of Kazimir tickling his unnamed beauties surfaces in my peripheral. We are only 30 minutes removed from ‘The Circus comes to town…’, the first event in ELITE history, and were already on the theoretical ‘welcome matt’ of a momentous bender. In reality, it’s possible that Shifty may enjoy the notion of ELITE Pro Wrestling events simply for the fact that an after-party is bound to follow. There, within the darkened shadows, in the early moments of the day, is where Shfity Kazimir thrives…


A place where I now find myself as well…
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Great opening show, E-V! I already have my favorites, including Big Cletus and Matthew Keith. Though Cletus didn't endear himself by interrupting the ladies.


Thank you Angel!


It took quite some time to frame, and then write-up; however, I'm happy with how it all came together. First shows, as you know, are always the hardest to create as you run the risk of 'missing' on your overall message. That's why, going into it, I made sure that there were plenty of 'violence, sex, and off-beat cult'isms'.


As for Cletus and Keith, to be honest, I'm a huge fan of both straight away too. No matter what diary it is, I can always find a love for Larry Wood as he's one of my favorites naturally in the Cornellverse. Then, when you add him into a product like this (or PSW) then you're bound to have a good set-up for him. I just hope he comes away with better grades than he did during my PSW project as 'Killer Colossus'. With this character, and hopefully better grades, you could see Cletus as front and center in ELITE for quite some time. With Keith, I envision him as a cross between Shane Douglas and a typical arrogant youngster looking to 'make a mark'. I won't lie, I was a HUGE Douglas fan back in ECW, so, I found myself instantly starting to pattern him after the "Franchise". That said, I won't carbon copy by any means; however, will certianly look to him for continued inspiration.


Even though he is down and out, congratulations to Kill Switch for winning the Elite Championship!


It was a complete toss-up at one point; whether to put the belt on Skye or Switch. In the end, though, it felt more fitting to have Kill Switch as the champion. He's pretty much the ideal ELITE superstar:


Great character

Brash, tweener, mentality

A stiff fighter

Good Hardcore Basics

Can also work in the 'Suicide Regime' if need be; due to his base aerial skills

And decent on the mic


When you take that, and factor in the knowledge that Remmy Skye wouldn't be the kind of guy to just thrust himself into the top belt (his own personality within the game says so), It all just came together. Overall, I'm really happy with the decision to put him as the First ELITE Champion and I'm hoping it pays off from a grade-perspective.


Cletus rules~! The Butcher rules~! Infamous blog post is making a return~! This whole DIARY rules~!


Yay! :D


Also, thanks for the 'nod', Critical-23! It's certainly a lot of fun to write, so, it's great to hear that it's also fun to read!

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He was offered a premiere opportunity within ELITE: the chance to headline as a self-serving hypocrite; an obvious sense of irony as he portrayed a censorship kind of demeanor as the ‘voice of the Mainstream’. We spent 30 minutes, defining the ‘Suicidal Regime’, while also cementing his image as the potential ‘foundation’ of said division, only to have him manipulate such honesty.


“CZCW has offered me more to work for them. Can you counter their offer?”


Realistically, I could have ‘broke the bank’ for Mr. Mainstream; but, such a move may have hindered future negotiations with those within the fray. If I drop everything for him, What will come next? Who will look to do the same thing? I’ve never been one to really focus, or look at this industry from a business perspective in the slightest, but now I was forced to do so. My love of this industry, this art-form, is something that drives me; regardless of the amount of money or the titles thrown in my corner. Sadly, this isn’t the case for everyone.


“You know I can’t do that, man.”


I did my best to reassure him that, what he didn’t receive in income, he would receive in opportunity. Sadly, our niche of a wrestling promotion wasn’t enough to drive the point home. In the end, he made it very clear that he was going to sign with my CZCW instead of ELITE. Just like that, everything we had conjured up between the two of us was thrown to the wind; swirling like a kite in a ferocious thunderstorm.


Regardless of how hard we may attempt to remove ourselves from the situation, there was no running from the truth: CZCW was, and still is, King in California. This loss, and CZCW’s gain in Hernandez, was just another sign of what was certainly to come.


There are many internet bloggists who say that we actually ended the month in 3rd place among 4 South-West based promotions; with CZCW finishing a not-so-shocking 1st.


I guess we just have to crank it up a little more…


Give Los Angeles something to ‘talk about’…




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In-Game Scenario:


I attempted to sign Mainstream Hernandez recently and found myself entangled in a 'bidding war' with CZCW (or at least that's what it seemed to be). In the end, I wasn't willing to give someone of his popularity level more than $1,000 a month. So, I backed out of the contractual negotation and was given a note saying that he had signed with CZCW instead.


When you fuse this with the fact that ELITE just finished 3rd in a four-way regional battle (CZCW took 1st), and the fact that we (ELITE and CZCW) share a lot of the same wrestlers on our rosters, there's an obvious sense of friction forming between the two companies. Realistically, ELITE is nowhere near being able to compete with an institution like CZCW; however, there is potential to see these two companies coming to a war sometime down the road (especially if ELITE begins to grow and the two wage in a 'race for Los Angeles').


EDIT: CZCW just came away with a "B-" overall grade for their Uprising 2010 event. As much as I would like to be optimistic, I don't see ELITE pulling anything close to that from a grade-perspective. Realistically, I tend to always book "D" to "D+" shows if I'm lucky with companies at this kind of level. So, I guess I have to do my best to try to beat AAA this month, or else, run the risk of coming in 3rd again.

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Will YOU join ELITE?

... Become an ELITE Pro Wrestler ...



I’ve decided upon my 1st prediction challenge for ELITE Pro Wrestling. After a lengthy process of mulling over what would be best for such a company, I’ve come to the conclusion of giving YOU, the reader, the ability to truly make an impact as an in-ring competitor!


For the next 5 events (six overall if you count the first show that just passed), your predictions will be tallied up with the winner having a unique opportunity of creating a wrestler of their own to debut with ELITE. Yes, that’s right… YOU, or a character that you’ve created, will have the ability to join the ELITE ranks!


This is how it will work:


The winner will be given 20 points overall in which to develop their wrestler. These points will go toward these 4 pre-set skill sets (as you’ll find in the ‘quick add’ section for wrestlers):


Core Skills

Athletic Ability

Ability Level



You can use your allotted 20 points in which to manipulate these 5 scenarios. If you want your wrestler to be very entertaining then you may give him 10 points in that section (the very best possible); however, that will leave you with only 10 points to pump into the next 3 categories. So, in a way, you can either make your wrestler into a great all-around competitor or zero in on one-given area in which to make them unique in their own way.


You’ll be in charge of his/her name, persona (which we can talk at length about), Finisher(s), Size, Wrestling Style, etc.


Once the winner has declared, I will PM them with a more fleshed-out guideline. From there, we will talk details about their new character and find a good way in which to bring them into the fold. With that said; however, I’m not planning on having said wrestler be a ‘Main Eventer’ in popularity right away. To be honest, I’m thinking, no matter how great the character is, that they will reside pretty low on the overness chain in which to make it more realistic.


All in all, I will relay the first official rankings in the next day or so. This way, you know where you stand right now.


I hope this is an interesting proposal!





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The only reason you got into a bidding war situation with Hernandez is that you and CZCW must have attempted to sign him at the sam time (which is the trigger. If you wait another week you can attempt to sign him again, but this time without the bidding war situation (I think).
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The only reason you got into a bidding war situation with Hernandez is that you and CZCW must have attempted to sign him at the sam time (which is the trigger. If you wait another week you can attempt to sign him again, but this time without the bidding war situation (I think).

Exactly. If you go and try to sign him right now, you'll probably get him for around $700-$800. Always works in my game.


And, also, where is Jacob Jett?!?!? He'd kill in this kind of company.

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