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The Johhny Heizenger Story

Guest codey

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OOC: I don't plan on it, I've always loved the Canadian Blondes!




The show had ended, and my segment had come and gone. I feel like it went over really well, too. Not to brag, but I reminded myself of De Niro in Raging Bull. Just saying. X had been helping me out with my promos since I got here, and I was glad to finally work with him, at least. He may not ever be a star in this business, but he sure as hell has what it takes. The man knows how to work a crowd, that’s for sure.


I packed up my mask, said my goodbyes and high-fived Roddy on our way out to the bars. Tonight should be a fun one, I remember thinking. And that’s when I saw her.


Blue Moon…


She was beautiful, like an angel descended straight from the heavens.


You know just what I was there for…


Roddy was saying something to men, but I just couldn’t take my attention off of this vision of beauty standing right in front of me. Truly, she was sent here just for me, to help me get over my problems.


You heard me saying a prayer for…


Her form was perfect. Her muscular structure…oh God, it was amazing. I had to meet her. I had to know her. I had to be with her. In my heart, I knew it was perfect.


Someone I really could care for…


As she hefted her luggage up into her arms, she turned away with a scowl on her face, and my heart fluttered. At this moment I became distinctly aware of someone snapping their fingers in my face, and I jerked back as I waved Roddy off. When I turned back to where she was standing, I found no one. She was gone, and the moment was over quicker than a cheesy love song. I knew one thing, though. I had to meet her. I had to know who she was. That was my mission from now on. It was like a sign to me that there was life after love, and I had to find that sign and read it in its entirety.


I had to find her.




I had to.







Apollo or Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Jana Marie vs. Candy Floss in Round 1 of the women’s tournament

The Awesomeness vs. Roderick Remus & George Wolfe

“Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden vs. The Mountains of Madness

Lee Rivera vs. Ford Gumble

Sara York vs. Emma Bitch in Round 1 of the women’s tournament

Eddie Cornell vs. Atlas

Cameron Vessey © vs. Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Apollo or Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


Jana Marie vs. Candy Floss in Round 1 of the women’s tournament


The Awesomeness vs. Roderick Remus & George Wolfe


“Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden vs. The Mountains of Madness


Lee Rivera vs. Ford Gumble


Sara York vs. Emma Bitch in Round 1 of the women’s tournament


Eddie Cornell vs. Atlas


Cameron Vessey © vs. Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Apollo or Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

Jana Marie vs. Candy Floss in Round 1 of the women’s tournament

The Awesomeness vs. Roderick Remus & George Wolfe

“Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden vs. The Mountains of Madness-Draw

Lee Rivera vs. Ford Gumble

Sara York vs. Emma Bitch in Round 1 of the women’s tournament

Eddie Cornell vs. Atlas

Cameron Vessey © vs. Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Apollo or Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


Jana Marie vs. Candy Floss in Round 1 of the women’s tournament


The Awesomeness vs. Roderick Remus & George Wolfe


“Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden vs. The Mountains of Madness


Lee Rivera vs. Ford Gumble


Sara York vs. Emma Bitch in Round 1 of the women’s tournament


Eddie Cornell vs. Atlas


Cameron Vessey © vs. Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Attention all: I've decided to do something new. Reading the Think Tank thread has made me realize that I'm not doing something that can really up the quality of my diary: writing second, even third drafts. Due to working shift work and having additional duties added on top of that, I don't always have a lot of free time to sit down and write. As a result, all I do is just kind of quickly scan a segment after I write it up. When I go back and read some of my past shows, I see a lot of stuff that makes me think that I can do a lot better, and I'm going to try and up the quality from here on out. This might mean that my (guesstimated) average of two shows a weeks is gonna drop, but I think that the quality of the writing is really gonna jump up, and I'll be providing all of you with some good stuff from here on out.
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Friday Week 4, March 2012

In front of 1,929 wild fans!



Amazing Fire Fly w/ El Mitico & Apollo vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot





The barrel chested Patriot stood in stark contrast to the much smaller Fire Fly, and perhaps that was what led to Patriot’s overconfidence in the match. Whatever it was, Patriot seemed taken by surprise at the sheer speed and flexibility of Fire Fly as the youngster sped and flew all over the ring. Fly took to the skies early, throwing his body at Patriot’s with a couple of springboard maneuvers before going for a quick pinfall attempt. It wasn’t long before Patriot had had enough of this, though, and decided it was time to test the masked man’s ability to bend. Using a number of backbreaking moves, Patriot did his best to destroy the torso of Fly, finally placing him in a bow and arrow lock that saw his back contorting in a sickening manner, until he was unfortunately forced to tap out.

Patriot wins, 54.


Stepping out of the ring, Patriot’s eyes met those of El Mitico’s and Apollo’s, both of whom were ready for a fight. Laughing heartily, Patriot shook his head and walked away, allowing them to go to their friend’s aid unabated.






“Have you been thinking about what I said?” Citizen X asked.


Ant-Man looked up at the anarchist, who was now looming over him in the dimly lit locker room.


“…A little.”


“Good, that’s good. That’s all I ask of you, after all. To just think on these things a little bit.”


“…What do you want with me, anyway?”


“My friend, I want nothing of you but for you to flourish. I see in you untapped potential, abilities limited by your sense of self control. I merely want you to let go. Let go, and realize everything that I know you are.”


Ant shook his head. “Ok, ok.”





Jana Marie vs. Candy Floss





These two hold the dubious honor of being the first women competitors to wrestle a match in MAW, and they didn’t fail to live up to the hype Miss Emily had placed upon them, despite the crowd being relatively dead due to their status as “unknowns.” Jana Marie came out high-fiving fans, ecstatic about her opportunity, and Candy Floss did the same. Until she turned her nose up at the fans outstretched arms, that is. The two began the match with a short exchange that saw Marie come out on top, and she took control from there. Using a variety of head scissors and ranas, she got the fans on their feet and somewhat interested in the match. That didn’t last long, though, as Candy tripped up Marie and grounded her, putting the brakes on the initially fast paced nature of the match. As she slowly beat down on Marie, she openly taunted her opponent, which came to bite her in the behind. Using some nice kicks, Marie took back the reigns and began to up the pace of the match once more, running the ropes and keeping her opponent on edge. Eventually, she downed Candy long enough to climb to the top rope, where she leapt off with a flying leg drop, only to find nothing but mat as Candy rolled out of the way. Lifting Marie to her feet, Candy proceeded to get a running start and deliver her patented Candy Cane Kick (Stiff running dropkick) to pick up the win, making her the first woman to advance in the tournament.

Candy Floss wins, 35.








“This is Duke Hazard, and I’m standing by with The Awesomeness. Boys, ya’ll just made yer return to MAW after a few months absence, what’re yer plans?”


“Duke, it’s real easy,” Stardust said. “Our plans are to be the absolute coolest, baddest, most awesomest tag team in MAW, just like we always have been.”


“Yeah, dude,” Cannonball added.


“Does that mean that mean yer gonna be goin after the tag titles eventually?”


“Dude, I think we’ve already proved that we’re above titles and stuff like that. We’ve got the only title that matters: The Awesomeness.”


“…but yeah, we’re going after the titles eventually. Who‘s awesome?” Cannonball asked.


“You’re awesome?” Duke answered.


“Right you are bro!” Cannonball said


“There you have it, folks. The Awesomeness are on track for yet another title run.”


The Awesomeness turned and walked away, chatting amongst one another (using lots of hand movement) when suddenly Cannonball shrieked.


“Is he dead!?” Stardust exclaimed.


The person in question was Lee Rivera, who was laying slumped in the janitors closet, one leg stretched out into the hall.

“I don’t know,” Cannonball answered, his voice returned to normal. “Kick him.”


Stardust did as instructed, kicking Rivera. When he did, the Thrill Seeker jolted awake, eyes wide, causing Cannonball to shriek once more.


“Dude, are you okay?” Stardust asked.


“Wha…?” Rivera replied. “Oh, yeah. Just a sugar crash, dude.”

“Sugar crash? You looked dead!” Cannonball said.


“Yeah, I pound like 3 Biker Brews (Biker Brew, the energy drink for bikers and you!) before my matches. I usually get real hyphy and crap, but sometimes I straight crash. Maybe I should try five hour energy (Five Hour Energy. No Crash!) instead from now on…”


Rivera leapt to his feet, already pinging about. “Anyways, thanks for waking me up bros! We should party later!”


And with that, Rivera was sprinting down the hall, leaving the Awesomeness alone, exchanging perplexed looks.





The Awesomeness vs. Roderick Remus and George Wolfe





The debuting Wolfe looked strong in this outing, overpowering both former tag champs. At one point, he actually countered a double suplex attempt by suplexing by Cannon and Star at the same time. But the experience of Cannonball and Stardust was enough to overcome all the strength and trickiness that Wolfe and Remus could muster. Utilizing a series of double team maneuvers, The Awesomeness wore down their opponents on route to finishing Remus off with a Dose of Awesomeness (Flying Splash/Legdrop combo).

The Awesomeness win, 39.







“Mean” Jean Cattley and Oscar Golden vs. The Mountains of Madness w/ Lisa Bowen





Tension filled the air as these men entered the ring, all of them ready for a fight. Even the normally cold, clinical Cattley was in the trenches, trying his best to simply beat down the Mountains. And while this tactic worked for a while, the sheer strength of the Mountains soon proved to be too much, and they took control of the match. Tossing The Mean Machine and Golden all about the ring, Behemoth and Gargantuan looked absolutely dominant. But when Mean Jean countered a choke slam into an arm bar and Golden sent Gargantuan over the top rope, all hell broke loose. Seeing the trouble, Lisa Bowen made a motion on the outside, and Jade Dragon suddenly appeared out of no where, jumping the crowd barrier and sliding into the ring. He immediately went to putting the boots to Cattley, forcing him to break the submission on Behemoth, and tossed Golden over his shoulder when he came charging in. Seeing the blatant attack, the referee called for the immediate disqualification.


Draw(!), 52


The referee’s call didn’t seem to both Bowen’s Boys whatsoever, and they continued their assault with gusto. First came a Cut Throat Driver from Dragon on Golden, and then the Mountains locked Cattley in a torso twisting dual torture rack that had the veteran technician screaming out in pain. Satisfied with the attack, Lisa snapped her fingers, and the beating ceased. She surveyed the destruction in the ring before smiling and calling her boys to her side.







Lee Rivera vs. Ford Gumble





The two felt each other out in the early going, but Rivera was able to outmaneuver Gumble and take control early on. Using a variety of dazzling (but ultimately ineffective) moves, Rivera wowed the crowd. Taking time to perform a little jig, Rivera didn’t see Gumble make a recovery and advance upon him. Gumble took the Thrill Seeker down and held him there, leveling him with stomps before picking him up and hitting a big suplex. From here the match was all Gumble until Rivera managed to duck under a QUICK DRAW KICK and nail Gumble with a spinning side kick. The two took a while to recover, and when they did, they began to exchange signature moves at a breakneck pace, ending with Gumble attempting a low kick which Rivera wisely jumped over. When Gumble came back around though, it was with a QUICK DRAW KICK that Rivera was unable to avoid, as he was too busy patting himself on the back. Gumble covered Rivera for the win following the move.


Gumble wins, 51.








Sara York vs. Emma Bitch





If Candy Floss and Jana Marie had the honor of being the first women to compete in MAW, then Sara York held the honor of being the one to leave a lasting impression on the fans. The young woman left the absolutely vile-acting Emma Bitch almost no room for offense, and engaged her with a number attacks that left the fans on their feet. Following a very impressive display, York hit her trademark Energy Burst (Two slaps followed by a spinning backfist) immediately followed by a York Hold (Christo) to force Emma to tap out!


York wins, 46.


While York celebrated her win standing in all four corners of the ring, Emma Bitch sulked to the back, a scowl prominent on her face.








“Ota! Ota! Where the hell are you!?” New York Doll screamed as he marched down the halls. “We’ve got business, Ota!”


He was banging on every door, pushing them open, eliciting screams from the women and angry shouts from the men. He didn’t seem to notice any of them. Finally, he came down to the final door in the hall.


“This is it, Ota. I know you’re in there!” he shouted as he banged on the door. He waited a moment, and then finally booted the door twice, forcing it open. Inside there was only darkness.


“You can only hide so long, you stupid bastard. There ain’t no such thing as ninjas,” he said as he disappeared into the room. A moment later, he screamed as he staggered out of the room, clawing at his eyes, now covered in black liquid. Ota followed soon after, but instead of staggering, he rushed out of the room, driving his knee into the skull of Doll. While Doll lay motionless on the ground, Ota turned swiftly around and disappeared once more into the darkness.







Eddie Cornell vs. Atlas





Cornell was looking for a measure of revenge following the beat down two weeks ago, and this was certainly the place to get it. The man he chose to gain it against, however, could have been picked slightly better. The mighty Atlas loomed over Cornell, casting a foreboding shadow as they faced off. Cornell, unintimidated, threw the first punch, forcing the giant back. When he charged at him, though, he was met with a big boot. Atlas shook out his jaw before continuing to attack, battering Cornell with power moves. Throughout the assault, Cornell continued to fight, throwing punches and kicks in an attempt to break the monster’s rhythm. It never worked, however, as Atlas just kept on rolling. When Atlas charged Cornell in the corner to hit another big boot, Cornell was able to dodge the move, though. With Atlas hung up, Cornell went on the offensive, and took the reigns from the big man. Gaining confidence, the Brit climbed the ropes, waiting for Atlas to stand. When he did, Cornell leapt off, joining his hands in an attempted double axe handle smash. Atlas blocked the blow, however, and quickly latched his hands around Cornell’s throat before driving him down with a World Bomb for the win.


Atlas wins, 59.


Atlas stuck around for a bit after the match, watching, even stalking Cornell. Recovering, Cornell was pulling himself up in the corner. For a moment, it looked as though Atlas would charge in and nail him with another big boot much like he did two weeks ago, but the stoic monster soon departed without doing any additional harm to Cornell.








Jay Chord came out next, flanked by the tag champs. Upon walking out on the stage, he turned to them and instructed them to wait there. He then proceeded to the ring, where he grabbed a mic.


“This is your last chance, Cam. You don’t even have to come out here. Simply don’t show up, and you can avoid any punishment altogether. You’ll be the former champ, I’ll be the new champ, and everything’ll be great. So just stay in the back, and we can put this whole business behind us.”


For a while, there was no sound, though a steady murmur began to arise in the crowd.


Jay laughed. “Hah! I knew you were a smart guy. Ladies and gentleman, your new --”


The Vessey Family Fight Song interrupted Jay, who’s jaw dropped. On the stage, Valentine and Starr dropped into defensive positions, apparently ready to attack the champ as soon as he made his entrance. But no one came out of the back. This realization suddenly dawned on Jay, and he began grinning a bit prematurely. The crowd’s murmur suddenly grew into a veritable roar, and it soon became apparent why.




Vessey was in the crowd! The champion was high-fiving fans as he walked through them to the ring, title belt held with one hand high in the air. Jay became livid as Vessey hopped the guard rail, grinning, and slid into the ring unharmed.



Cameron Vessey © vs. Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship






Starr and Valentine were immediately ejected from ringside as they hopped up on the apron, shouting at Vessey. Vessey smiled before turning his attention to Chord, who looked a little nervous. The two had a short feeling out period, before the champ switched gears and took charge. With hard shots, Vessey forced Chord into the corner, where he charged in, where a clothesline attempt narrowly missed. The miss didn’t bother him, though, as he quickly came back and hit a bulldog on Chord that netted him a quick one count. Chord rolled out of the ring here, with Cam hitting some stomps on him as he did so. Following him out, the champ was met with a rake to the eyes, followed quickly by Jay tossing him hard into the steel steps.


Jay pointed to his head and smiled as he rolled Cam back into the ring, where he scored a one count. Standing up, he delivered a series of slow, measured stomps to each of Cam’s limbs, before lifting up and hitting a suplex. Chord controlled the pace for several more minutes, until Vessey fought back with some punches, followed by a back body drop after whipping Jay into the ropes. The crowd was solidly on his side as he began to work over the challenger with some stiff moves that were reminiscent of his father and uncle. After slamming Jay down, he grabbed a leg and placed his own on Jay’s head, locking the younger Chord in a sick single leg crab. For a while, it looked as if Chord would tap out, but he slowly, slowly made his way to the ropes, grabbing the bottom rung as he squealed in pain.


Vessey lifted him up once more and sent him flying towards the ropes, but both men had the same idea on the rebound: clothesline. The pair knocked each down and remained there for nearly the entire ten count, but were able to slowly get up. They brawled for a bit, exchanging shots, which Chord got the better of due to a wiley foot stomp. From here, Chord began yet another measured assault on Vessey before getting ****y and ascending the turnbuckles. As he struggled to gain his balance, Vessey rushed him, crotching him on the top. Climbing up with him, he nailed Chord with a HUGE superplex that saw both men laying still. As Vessey stirred, he slowly crawled over and covered Jay, only to see him kick out at two. With great pain, Vessey brought Chord to his feet, but was met with a kick to the gut, followed by an absolutely brutal DDT! Once again, both men lay on the ground, and after a short spell Jay managed to drape one arm over Vessey. One…Two…No! Vessey kicked out!


Frustration on his face, Chord dragged Vessey to his feet, but Vessey fought back with a hard punch, and whipped Chord clear across the ring. As Chord came running back, Vessey powered him onto his shoulders. Jay reached out desperately, gripping onto the top rope rung, but Vessey willed him away to the center. Then, the remarkable happened.


As Vessey spun around, prepping the Vessey Driver, the ring bell rung. Vessey still drilled Chord with the Driver, but the ref refused to count the pin. Confused, Vessey got in the ref’s face.






“I hate to say this, but this match is a draw. You just passed the thirty minute time limit. You still got the belt, but it ain’t a win. Sorry.”


Cam was livid. He kicked the ring ropes before he turned his attention back to Jay. Lifting him onto his shoulders, he turned back to Rip, mouthing something the audio couldn’t catch before hitting Jay with yet another Vessey Driver. Rip just looked on reluctantly as Vessey mouthed off.


Time Limit Draw, 67





Total: 60

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For Super Showdown I got a 53, 45, 58, 59, 51, 53 and 54. These ratings are way better than what I was getting when I first started (they were regularly in the 30s) but I've since learned how to get a decent enough structure. I try to make sure Duke Hazard is always in a backstage promo based on entertainment (his overness from being on the desk really helps) if I have no oen else to carry it. Now that I've got plenty of guys with high entertainment and menace, I don't really have to go that route very often, though. The angles still hurt my shows, but I think I'll be getting to a point where they don't someday soon. I'm still growing, so it doesn't really bother me much!
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She wasn’t at the show this week. That said, using my crack detective skills I learned from the Hardy Boys, I had found out her name. She was Alison Rush, more commonly known at the time as Gorgon, one of the best women wrestler’s in the world. The reason I hadn’t recognized her at first was because she was performed in face paint, much like I did with my mask. She had been a champion all over the world, everywhere she went. The more I learned about her, the more I fell in love. Or something like that. I don’t know, I’m clearly not good with this kind of thing.


Anyway, despite not seeing her, there was a bit of news that reached my ear that made my spirits soar. Troy (or The Pilgrim, the worst jobber of all time. Ever) had unfortunately been let go. Looks like there’s only room for one of us here, and that one’s me! As an added bonus, Jay, who for some reason had actually made a friend out of Troy, was moping about more than usual. As he slammed locker doors shut and started arguments with everyone in sight, I couldn’t help but smile inwardly.


And on top of it all, I had met with Jean today, and he told me just where all this business with Citizen X was headed. I’m not going to ruin anything, but I think that overall, this was the program that really got me to the next level.




Findlay vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Championship

Kinuye vs. Gorgon in the first round of the women’s tournament

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

The Awesomeness vs. The Heartbreakers

Tracy Brendon vs. Eve Grunge in the first round of the women’s tournament

El Mitico vs. Citizen X

Cameron Vessey & Eddie Cornell vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine

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Findlay vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Championship

Kinuye vs. Gorgon in the first round of the women’s tournament

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

The Awesomeness vs. The Heartbreakers

Tracy Brendon vs. Eve Grunge in the first round of the women’s tournament

El Mitico vs. Citizen X

Cameron Vessey & Eddie Cornell vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine

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Findlay vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Championship


Not a huge fan of Findlay in my MAW personal game.


Kinuye vs. Gorgon in the first round of the women’s tournament


Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness


The Awesomeness vs. The Heartbreakers


Tracy Brendon vs. Eve Grunge in the first round of the women’s tournament


Tracy is the better out of the two in my opinion.


El Mitico vs. Citizen X


Cameron Vessey & Eddie Cornell vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine

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Findlay vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Championship

Kinuye vs. Gorgon in the first round of the women’s tournament

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness

The Awesomeness vs. The Heartbreakers

Tracy Brendon vs. Eve Grunge in the first round of the women’s tournament

El Mitico vs. Citizen X

Cameron Vessey & Eddie Cornell vs. Brett Starr and Casey Valentine

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Guest codey


Friday Week 2, April 2012

The Biker Museum is sold out!



Cameron Vessey: The World Heavyweight Champion


Cameron Vessey made his way to the ring, a scowl on his face. He carried the World Heavyweight Championship in one hand, but he did not raise it in the air. He did not play to the crowd, and he did not acknowledge his fans. He never even parted his lips until he raised a microphone to them.

“I come out here tonight as a champion, but I sure as hell don’t feel like one. Right now, I got this belt on a ‘technicality.’ My match last was a draw. That’s what it shows on my record. A God damn draw. I’m a champion…I’m a winner, dammit. And if I don’t win, then there ain’t a point in the world to having this belt. Jay you only earned one shot at this belt. You didn’t get it. I should be happy, but I ain’t. Despite not winning, Jay, I’m giving you another shot. You get one more chance to try and beat me.”


The crowd roared their approval at the announcement but that quickly turned to boos as the Succession made their way out.



Jay Chord, Atlas, Casey Valentine and Brett Starr: The Succession


“Thanks, Cam, really,” Jay said. “It’s appreciated, truly. I gotta tell you, though, as far as I’m concerned, I am the champion right now. I just have the unfortunate position of sharing it with you. That’ll change soon, though. There’s no way in hell you could ever beat me, after all.”


“As I recall, I was bout 5 seconds away from having my hand raised two weeks ago,” Cam retorted.


“If that’s what you think. The truth is that I knew the time limit was up. I’m a savvy fighter, Cam, and I understand these things, unlike you. I simply relaxed a little bit at the end, thinking you would set me down like the respectable competitor that I know I am, but instead you capitalized by committing a heinous, vial, and completely unnecessary attack on me after the match was already over. Cam, you should be ashamed.”

“I am ashamed, Jay. I‘m ashamed that I never took you out back of the arena and beat your ass senseless years ago! Yeah, I‘m ashamed. But in two weeks, Jay, you‘re gonna be the one that‘s ashamed, because you‘re gonna be staring up at the lights in quicker than anyone ever has before.”


“Two weeks? That’s way too soon, Cam. I’ve got injuries. You aggravated some very serious neck problems when you maliciously attacked me. And I know for a fact that if I’m not 100% yet, then you sure as hell aren’t. No, I’ve got a better idea. How about you find yourself 3 partners, and you can see if you can find anyone to match up against The Succession at Americana. Just think of it as another chance for us to assert our dominance against MAW’s so called top competition.”


Cam smiled. “I’ll tell ya what, that sounds like a damn fine idea.”






Findlay vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





The big man had Schaffer on the run from the get go. The wily young competitor was dipping and dodging in the early going, and for good reason. Findlay was swinging for the fences, going after Schaffer hard. But when he missed with a big right hand, Schaffer capitalized, nailing him with a Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) for the quick pin.

Schaffer retains, 64


As Schaffer celebrated, shining his belt, Crazy Steve Flash appeared on the balcony in the crowd.



Steve Flash: That Crazy Bastard


“Schaffer, it’s not over! I’m going to teach you a lesson about blood!”


“You again? This is getting old, Flash. You‘re act’s tired, and just like the crowd is of seeing you,” Schaffer said.


As Flash was about to retort, Jared Johnson’s music hit and the Carolinian made his way out.



Jared Johnson: The Carolina Kid


“For once Schaffer’s right,” he said. “No one wants to see you fight him again, Flash. What they want is to see me, the Celebrated Son of Carolina finally wearing gold in MAW. And at Americana, that’s exactly how I plan to walk out of the arena!”


“You? You’ve done nothing to deserve a shot at me,” Schaffer exclaimed. “Neither of you have, and neither of you’ll get one!”


“Now let’s not jump to conclusions.”



Rip Chord: The Man, the Myth, the Legend

“To be honest with ya, I’d love to see what Johnson can do on his own, and a chance to see Flash beating you senseless is always gonna be worth it. At Americana, you three are gonna tangle in a good old triple threat match!”


Schaffer looked appalled at the idea, but Flash and Johnson had considerably more jovial reactions as the mulled over the possibility of beating down Schaffer.






Kinuye vs. Gorgon in the first round of the women’s tournament




Gorgon the Destroyer, as she’s come to be known in Japan and Canada, did just that as she ran through the young Kinuye. It may have just been ring rust Kinuye experienced, having been out of action for several months, but Gorgon left her little breathing room on her way to steamrolling the young woman with a Hydra Bomb (Pumphandle Powerbomb). Following her victory, the menacing woman screamed bloody murder to the heavens before stomping to the back.


Gorgon wins, 39.






Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Mountains of Madness w/ Lisa Bowen




Jones and Fforde stood little chance in this match up, as the masses of muscle known as Gargantuan and Behemoth blew through them on their way to an easy win. After delivering a brutal running big boot to Jones, the mountainous pair locked Fforde in a double torture rack, twisting his torso in an unimaginable fashion on their way to a victory.


The Mountains win, 44



"Mean" Jean Cattley & Oscar Golden: The Wily Veterans of MAW


Lisa Bowen hardly had a chance to get in the ring and spit insults down at Jones and Fforde before Mean Jean and Oscar Golden appeared at the top of the stage wielding steel chairs. The Mountains readied themselves for a fight as they calmly walked to the ring. As they did so, Jade Dragon came sprinting out of the back behind them, but he was waffled with Golden’s chair before he had a chance to do anything. When the duo finally reached the ring, they locked eyes with the Mountains, both teams ready for a fight. But when they slid into the ring, Lisa called a hasty retreat, much to the disappointment to the fans in attendance. The Mountains bailed out of the ring, but they snarled and flexed all the way to the back. Only Lisa stopped to help Dragon up, but it was with a sharp heel to the behind.






Citizen X & Ant-Man: A Classic Manipulator and His Prey


“…I’ve decided.”


“Decided what?”


“You know what. To go through with it.”


“I see. You‘ve thought it through?”


“For weeks.”


Citizen X clapped his hands together. “Very good! We shall prepare you at once! Your new life begins very soon, Ant-Man. Very soon indeed.”






The Awesomeness vs. The Heartbreakers




The Awesomeness’ comeback tour took them straight to The Heartbreakers. Much like The Awesomeness, the personalities of The Heartbreakers masks a very dangerous tag team that could beat you at a moments notice. Fortunately for Cannonball and Stardust, after a long back and forth battle, that didn’t happen. With a Dose of Awesomeness (Flying Legdrop/Splash combo) they put Justin Sensitive away and continued to roll through the tag division.


The Awesomeness win, 49.


“Isn’t that nice?”



Casey Valentine & Brett Starr: The Tag Team Champions


“It sure is, Brett. The ‘world famous rockers’ win again!” Casey Valentine said.


“That they do, Casey. That they do. Unfortunately for them, that’s gonna stop real soon.”


“What do you dudes want?” Stardust asked. “We haven’t done anything to you.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, actually,” Casey said. “Two weeks ago, you said you were coming after the tag titles.”

“Well guess what, we take that as a personal threat! The tag titles are ours, and they will remain ours. That is, until we decide that there’s no worthy competition left and vacate em’. And, let’s be honest, we’re already scraping the bottom of the barrel with you jokers.”


“So what we decided was this: we give you a shot. We want to see exactly how much of a challenge you can really be. How’s that sound?” Casey asked.


“It sounds great to me, Casey. I personally can’t wait to demolish these couple of court jesters.”


“Wait, what? Court jesters…?” Cannonball asked.

“Now, we may not get that joke, but we do get one thing: you’re on! We’re gonna get those belts back!”


“Who’s awesome?” Cannonball asked.


“We’re awesome!” Stardust exclaimed.






Tracy Brendon vs. Eve Grunge in the first round of the women’s tournament




This match was considerably more competitive than the one from earlier tonight, though the crowd was still relatively dead due to the unknown stature of the women. After the match, though, that should change soon. At the beginning, Brendon pulled out her guitar and invited Grunge to a jam session, which the Canadian rocker took offense to. Grunge took Brendon down and began to tie her up in knots. Brendon’s flexibility allowed her to escape a number of these situations, and she fought back the best she could. After a mostly back and forth match, it looked like Grunge was going to pull off the win, but Brendon was able to pull off an Idaho Crunch (Fisherman’s suplex) to score the win, advancing her to the semifinals of the tournament.


Tracy Brendon wins, 39.






The Southern Drawl and New York Doll


“Howdy everyone, I’m Duke Hazard, and I’m standing by here with New York Doll. Doll, at Super Showd-”



The Great Ota: The Darkness Warrior


Duke was cut off as The Great Ota leapt into the scene, peppering New York Doll with short, quick shots to the chest and ribs. Despite the shots lacking any real power, Ota was managing to stagger Doll, placing the punches perfectly all over his body before the mohawked warrior fell to one knee. In such a position, he was easy pickings for Ota, who leveled him with a Ninja Strike. Ota stood over his unconscious prey for a moment before disappearing as quickly as he arrived. When he did, Duke rushed back in the scene.


“Hey! We need help over here! Someone get some help!”






El Mitico and Citizen X: The Polar Opposites


Citizen X stood in the ring looking smug when El Mitico made his entrance.


“Citizen X!” Mitico shouted. “Usted no es bueno! Wrestling is an honorable thing, and you have none to offer. You corrupt my old friend even further to darkness, and for that, you shall pay. And when I am done with you, I will move on, turning my attention back to American Patriot. At Americana, La Alianza del Honor shall defeat him. In doing so, we will bring MAW that much closer to the vision Senor Rip Chord had for it all along, just like beating you tonight will.”


El Mitico vs. Citizen X




The match started out with a quick exchange, with Mitico using his technical background to gain the early advantage. Using a variety of throws, Mitico built up a solid lead against his foe. X is known for being quite the dastardly individual, however, and used an unseen low blow to take the reigns for himself. With Mitico down and rolling, X took to the air and wore down the luchadore with some rather impressive high flying moves. The anarchist soon became ****y, though, and found himself disadvantaged when Mitico pulled him into a surprise rollup. He managed to kick out, but Mitico was quickly upon him, battering him until X had to resort to raking him in the eyes to gain a moment to breathe. Grasping at his eyes, Mitico backed up in the corner, where X came charging in at him. But at the last moment, Mitico quickly moved out of the way, leaving no one there for X. X didn’t crash and burn, though. Instead, he leapt up onto the second turnbuckle at the last moment, expecting to fly off at Mitico. But Mitico wasn’t there. Instead, he had leapt up directly behind X and tossed him off with a German suplex from the second rope. Mitico nonchalantly covered the anarchist for the win following the move.


Mitico wins, 59.






Cameron Vessey and Eddie Cornell vs. The Succession (Tag champ edition)




Both Vessey and Cornell were heated in this, neither having come out of their last appearances with a win. Despite their attempts to up their game, however, they ran into considerable trouble with the tag champs. Whereas a singles match might easily go in the faces favor, a tag match was considerably different and Valentine and Starr’s ability to work as a team proved to be incredibly dangerous. Cornell found himself in trouble at multiple times throughout the match as Starr and Valentine used quick tags (some legal, some not) to keep the pace moving quickly and both of them fresh. On the apron, Vessey desperately reached out to get the tag, but was denied by The Succession over and over again. After a desperation Tower of London (brain buster) from Cornell onto Starr, though, their fortunes appeared to turn. Both Starr and Cornell crawled to their corners, with both tagging in their partner’s at almost the exact same moment. Vessey came in on fire, dropping both Valentine and Starr with heavy handed shots. After some back body drops and suplexes, Vessey stalked Valentine, searching for the Vessey Driver. As soon he lifted him up, though, Starr reared his ugly head. It was soon taken off, however, via a Cornell lariat. With Starr down, Vessey spun about before drilling Valentine with the Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD) and scoring the win for his team heading into Americana.


Vessey and Cornell win, 60.




Total: 55

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Guest codey

Something absolutely amazing and mystifying happened before American. It was so off the wall that I couldn’t help but stop and stare at the train wreck. Brett Starr, with a freshly grown ego due to his run as tag champion and SWF jobber, picked a fight with Gargantuan before the show started.


I hadn’t heard the conversation, but I could sense a certain tone in Brett’s voice, that I’m sure Gargantuan heard as well. Whatever he said, Gargantuan wasn’t satisfied with it, and latched both hands onto Starr’s shirt collar, lifted him up and over the bench that stood between them, and slammed him into the lockers. Brett’s feet dangled comically, as he begged Gargantuan off. Gargantuan answered with unintelligible shouts (what, was he speaking Canadian? Ahh, I’m funny…). It was quickly broken up by Jean and Larry Wood, who diffused the situation then and there.


Still, it was always nice to see an associate of Jay’s get his ego bruised a little bit, and I couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly I looked down at my watch. ****! I had missed her in the excitement. I had it on good authority (an online fansite…) that Gorgon showed up to all of her shows exactly fifteen minutes early. That was 3 minutes ago. By now, she had to already have been in the women’s locker, where I’m forbidden. Unless…


No, I couldn’t pull off a Porky’s here. Too many people. I’d just have to wait until after the show.








Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe

Findlay vs. Ant-Man

Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble

“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers

Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss

Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession

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Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe

Findlay vs. Ant-Man

Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble

“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers

Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss

Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession

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Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe


Findlay vs. Ant-Man


Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble


“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon


Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers


Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss


Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title


Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession

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Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe


Findlay vs. Ant-Man


Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble


“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon


Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers


Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss


Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title


Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession


I approve

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I suppose I'm going to have to take part in this now award winning diary, I have looked through but never properly got in on it so here are my predictions :)



Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe

Findlay vs. Ant-Man

Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble

“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon

Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers

Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss

Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession

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Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot & George Wolfe


Findlay vs. Ant-Man

Findlay is dull


Josh Jones vs. Ford Gumble

please use that new alt?


“Mean” Jean Cattley, Oscar Golden & the debuting Sterling Whitlock vs. The Mountains of Madness and Jade Dragon

I like the Mountains but debut seals it


Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Heartbreakers

cool team


Sara Marie York vs. Candy Floss

why not?


Steve Flash vs. Jared Johnson vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional Title

tempted to go Flash here


Cameron Vessey and three partners of his choosing vs. The Succession

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