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The Johhny Heizenger Story

Guest codey

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Guest codey
Really nice show with some interesting devolpments popping up.


Thanks, Emark!




And now... Prediction time! Because I can't think of any backstory...





Jared Johnson © vs El Rudo for the Traditional title

Eddie Cornell vs Citizen X

Lee Rivera vs Trent Schaffer

Sara Marie York © vs Emma Bitch vs Eve Grunge for the Women's title

Sterling Whitlock & Oscar Golden vs Ford Gumble & Frost

Culture Shock vs The Succession © for the Tag titles

Cameron Vessey © vs El Mitico vs "Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Great Ota vs "Black Flag" American Patriot vs Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship


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Jared Johnson © vs El Rudo for the Traditional title

Been to Carolina once. Had an awesome time. Got sunburnt. Lovely


Eddie Cornell vs Citizen X

I like your Eddie. Even though he sounds like Dick van Dyke


Lee Rivera vs Trent Schaffer

kneepad attack


Sara Marie York © vs Emma Bitch vs Eve Grunge for the Women's title

Collusion from Grunge Bitches?


Sterling Whitlock & Oscar Golden vs Ford Gumble & Frost

Stable win. Frost as a monster?


Culture Shock vs The Succession © for the Tag titles

I prefer CS but it doesnt make sense as a story


Cameron Vessey © vs El Mitico vs "Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Great Ota vs "Black Flag" American Patriot vs Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

We need more Jay

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Jared Johnson © vs El Rudo for the Traditional title

Eddie Cornell vs Citizen X

Lee Rivera vs Trent Schaffer

Sara Marie York © vs Emma Bitch vs Eve Grunge for the Women's title

Sterling Whitlock & Oscar Golden vs Ford Gumble & Frost

Culture Shock vs The Succession © for the Tag titles

Cameron Vessey © vs El Mitico vs "Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Great Ota vs "Black Flag" American Patriot vs Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Jared Johnson © vs El Rudo for the Traditional title


Eddie Cornell vs Citizen X


Lee Rivera vs Trent Schaffer


Sara Marie York © vs Emma Bitch vs Eve Grunge for the Women's title


Sterling Whitlock & Oscar Golden vs Ford Gumble & Frost


Culture Shock vs The Succession © for the Tag titles


Cameron Vessey © vs El Mitico vs "Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Great Ota vs "Black Flag" American Patriot vs Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Championship


As someone who is currently playing an MAW game, I know what a royal pain in the ass Jay is. Therefore, I have no doubt that he will win here.

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Guest codey

Friday Week 4, June 2012

In front of a crowd of 2,000 in the Biker Museum



© vs. El Rudo for the Traditional title





The opening match of the show featured two former friends split over gold. Jared Johnson had it, and El Rudo wanted it. Despite the underlying emotions the match had, neither man let them take over. With precision and skill, they put on a technical match that saw El Rudo prove his worth as a singles star as he went hold for hold with the champion. He aimed to hurt the champ’s back, and at one point nearly ended the match when he locked on a tight Texas Cloverlead. Johnson, unable to escape, struggled for several minutes before he was able to drag himself over and latch onto the bottom rope. When Rudo released the hold, he descended once more on the champ, but Johnson fought back with right hands, getting to his feet. He hit a swinging neck breaker on the champ after a boot to the gut, and covered him for a two count. Calling for the end, Johnson quickly rolled Rudo onto his stomach and clasped his hands across his face, locking in the Carolina Crossface. Rudo struggled momentarily, but was fairly quick to tap out following the move.

Johnson retains, 62.






vs. Citizen X






Citizen X is an expert at getting under people’s skin, but he may have made a mistake when he chose Eddie Cornell to antagonize. The fiery Brit beat X from ring bell to ring bell, and X only got a limited amount of offense in. What little he did get, though, he made count. As he flew off the top rope, he did a great amount of damage to Cornell, but it was never enough. After Citizen X threw a wild and wide punch, Cornell easily ducked under, grabbing X around the waist and throwing him overhead with a release German suplex in the process. Afterward, X was left still on the mat and Cornell easily pinned him.


Cornell wins, 52.







El Mitico stood backstage in a tight circle with Amazing Fire Fly and Apollo, the three speaking excited words to one another.


El Mitico: Amigos, tonight is ours. We finally get the chance to prove to everyone what we’re worth!


Apollo shook his head up and down.


“Island Boy” Apollo: I can already feel the gold weighing me down!


Amazing Fire Fly: I’ve had butterflies in my stomach for the past three weeks just thinking about our match…


IBA: You’d better clear them out before our match, then.


EM: I wouldn’t worry about that. I get butterflies every night I wrestle. It’s not about getting rid of them, it’s about performing in spite of them.


AF: Well said, my friend. Well said…






Trent Schaffer stood in the ring with Rob Wright before his match.


Trent Schaffer: Lee Rivera. How big of a joke is this guy? You come out here, acting like an idiot, the fans cheer, and you just do it some more. Does that make you popular? Does that make you good? No, that makes you a court jester. That’s all you are, Rivera, a court jester. And no jester could ever hope to beat me. I’m too damn good, and you’re about to find that out.


Wright shook his head the entire time Shaffer spoke, agreeing with every bit of it. After the monologue had finished, Rivera’s music played, and the Thrill Seeker stumbled out of the back, a huge grin on his face. His trademark goggles were placed unevenly over his messy hair. On his face were multiple lip stick stains, comical in size. Whoever had left them had been a very, very big woman indeed. Schaffer and Wright watched on with contempt as he made his way to the ring.


vs. Trent Schaffer w/ Rob Wright




The match hit a break neck pace as soon as Rivera slid into the ring, and he and Schaffer engaged in a quick exchange that saw both men display their incredible athletic prowess. The reigns of the match switched hands multiple times, with neither man really gaining an edge on the other. In what just may be the highlight of the night, though (and end up on MAW highlights for years to come), Rivera downed Schaffer and scampered up to the top rope. He took aim at the prima donna, but hearing Wright cheering on his friend on the outside turned his attention. With a shrug of his shoulders, Rivera leapt off to the outside, crashing down on Wright with the Daredevil Drop (Shooting Star Press)! Rivera, grinning, bounced to his feet, bringing the crowd to their feet. Effortlessly, he slid back into the ring and took a running start before stepping off of the still prone Schaffer and hitting a standing Daredevil Drop for the win!


Rivera wins, 65







Adrian Garcia: Elijah, send Ant-Man to me.


Garcia stood on his balcony, looking down as his fighters trained in the dingy pit of a gym. Elijah Harris looked up at his boss and nodded his head before slamming his cane on the floor and calling out.


Elijah Harris: Ant-Man! Mr. Garcia commands your presence.


Ant-Man, now training with the rest of the men, delivered one final heavy blow to Sayeed before turning away with contempt. Sayeed rubbed his jaw, glaring as Ant-Man walked away.


Ant-Man: He commands?


EH: You heard what I said. Now mind your manners and be brief.


Harris clicked his cane once more.


EH: The rest of you, continue!


Ant-Man was led by one of the Garcia’s assistants to a back staircase that led up to the balcony. He stood in front of Garcia, his hands flat at his sides.


AM: You called for me?


AG: I did. Come, have a seat.


Garcia gestured to a chair. Ant-Man looked at it cautiously before taking a seat.


AG: Now, to business. Ant-Man, do you have any problems here? Is there an issue with your pay check? Anything?


Ant-Man stared back blankly.


AG: Nothing? That’s strange. I have ears. I hear things. Mutterings, mostly. I like to keep my ear to the ground. And mostly, I hear that you have problems with me. But I have eyes, too, and I see it. I see the way you train, the way disregard orders. And I don’t understand. Are you not given respect here?


AM: Respect has nothing to do with it. You keep me from fighting. I’m a fighter, and you don’t let me. You let Sayeed and that Neanderthal Frost fight, but not me? You’ve done nothing to help me!


AG: I’ve done nothing? I’ve provided you with the training you need to be perfect, to turn you into a titan of this industry. Sayeed and Frost have both completed this training, and they are that much better for it. You have not, and could not hope to touch them.


Garcia smiled.


AG: Yet. Ant-Man, I chose you for a reason. I see in you great potential. It’s unrealized, but it’s there. You could be the greatest wrestler of all time, but you are not yet. That is why you train, and that is why I don’t let you fight. The fact also remains that I’m a businessman, and you’re perhaps my most valuable asset. You have the crowd on your side, Ant-Man. You stood taller than a giant, and they fell in love with you. And then there’s the mask, which just might be your key to the Hall of Immortals. You’re a mystery to them Ant-Man, and one that they will hopefully one day solve.


When Garcia finished speaking, Ant-Man felt thoughtfully at the mask that covered his face. Few people had ever known his true name, and fewer still had ever seen his face. He truly was a mystery.


AG: Now, think over what I’ve said to you, and continue to train. You will fight again, Ant-Man, and you will see this training pay dividends.






© vs. Emma Bitch vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship






York was bubbly as ever when she made her entrance, but the same couldn’t be said for her opponents. The ever-nasty Emma Bitch and Eve Grunge seemed to take offense to her attitude, and descended upon the champ, acting as a tag team despite this being a free for all. Soon though, the match broke down, as Emma and Eve began to argue over who was to cover the champ. Push came to shove, and the two turned on one another, with the veteran Grunge taking the upper hand over her partner. Meanwhile, York had recovered, and after Grunge tossed Emma unceremoniously to the outside, blasted her opponent with a York Shuffle (Two slaps followed by a spinning backfist) followed up with an Energy Burst (Go2Sleep) for the quick win.


York retains, 54







Backstage, Jay Chord lounged lazily on a couch, Brett Starr sprayed copious amounts of hair spray in his hair, and Casey Valentine checked every inch of his body in a full length mirror.


Casey Valentine: I swear, if they gave me an uneven tan…


Jay Chord: Didn’t I tell you to shut up about all that crap?


He snorted a little, reaching for a bowl of grapes. Popping one into his mouth, he continued.


JC: So, has anyone heard from the big retard?


Starr, finally done with his hair, answered.


Brett Starr: Atlas? Nah, I haven’t heard from him in about a month.


CV: Who cares, anyway? We don’t need him around.


BS: Yeah, dude’s a chick repellant. He destroys any and all game we have.


Irritated, Jay stood up.


JC: Is that all you two idiots care about?


CV: In case you didn’t notice, we’re the tag champs, Jay.


JC: And I’m fighting for a world championship tonight, *******. But hey, that’s beside the point. The real point is, we need Atlas around. We’re already the best group of wrestlers in this company, but no one even thinks of messing with us when that freak’s around.


BS: Good point, man. I’ll get word out on the street and try to find out where he’s gone.


JC: Good. Now if you two would get the hell out of here, I can start preparing for my title win later tonight.






Sterling Whitlock & Oscar Golden vs.

Ford Gumble and Frost w/ Elijah Harris




Golden may be MAW’s resident tag team expert, but that status was not attained with Whitlock, and the two struggled to find any common ground against the deadly Gumble and Frost. Following Elijah Harris’ orders, the two picked apart their opponents, leading to Frost drilling Whitlock with a Snow Plow (Scoop slam driver) and Gumble firing off a lethal QUICK DRAW KICK, knocking Golden loopy. Covering them easily, the two celebrated as the crowd roared for the ruthlessly efficient duo. Adrian Garcia, sitting in the arena’s balcony, led the applause, smiling, for he knew that the crowd was quickly falling in love with the brutal violence his men brought to the ring.


Gumble and Frost win, 46.






© for the Tag Team titles





The Succession seemingly underestimated their opponents, and when Culture Shock brought their trademark high energy into the match, the champs were taken completely unawares. The early going saw Culture Shock get in the most offense, with Fire Fly bringing the crowd to their feet with his high flying antics. But after Starr hit a chop block on Fly he was grounded, and the champs took control, delivering a beating to his leg. Throughout, they ****ily taunted Apollo, allowing Fire Fly to crawl to his corner, only to yank him away just before he could make the tag. Fly fought back valiantly, though, and hit Starr with an enzigiri that dropped him on the spot. Both men crawled to their corners and were able to tag out, but it was Apollo who came in on fire. He dropped both Valentine and Starr, and was heating up when the two men were finally able to stifle him, hitting him with a big double suplex. Just then, Fire Fly crawled up on the apron and spring boarded up, aiming at both men…but his leg gave out! Fire Fly collapsed in a heap on the ground, clutching his leg as Brett Starr came sliding him, kicking him to the arena floor. Valentine, meanwhile, was able to hit Apollo with the Valentine’s Kiss for the win.


The Succession retain, 63







Before the main event, the Vessey Family Fight Song played, and Cameron Vessey stormed down to the ring, title belt in hand.


Cameron Vessey: Tonight, I’ve gotta beat five other men to keep this belt. What’s more, I don’t even have to lose to lose it. I could whip everyone man’s ass and Jay Chord could tap out to Jean Cattley and BAM! I just lost. But let’s be honest, that ain’t gonna happen. There ain’t no way in hell I walk out of here without the belt. I’m a Vessey, which means I’m a tough son of a bitch, and I don’t lose. This match is just a big inconvenience to me. The only reason this thing is even going down is because my boss is a bitter old bastard that can’t stand to see his family upstaged again.


Rip glared at Vessey from the announce table.


CV: Rip, I love ya, man. You took a chance on me and gave me my first break. But you’ve gotta let it go. Jay’s not the kid to carry on your legacy. He isn’t worthy of your name, and he isn’t worthy of holding this belt. And he won’t.


© vs. El Mitico vs.
vs. The Great Ota vs.






The match was everywhere at once. If you wanted chaos, this was the match for you. Midway through the match, bodies lay strewn everywhere. Men had leapt to the outside, crashed and burned, and beat one another bloody. Count outs were nonexistent; there were far to many people for the referee to keep track. Out of everyone, though, the champion and Jay Chord shone through the most. The waded through their opposition until finally they met alone in the center of the ring. After a brief staredown, Jay was was the first to throw a punch, but it was quickly blocked and countered. The champ pushed Jay back, forcing him to the corner, and he continued to throw shot after shot. Neither had seen Ota slither into the ring, but Vessey was cognizant enough to side step when Ota came in, wildly leaping forward with a knee that caught Jay flush on the jaw. Chord crumpled to the floor, and Ota turned his attention to Vessey. He rubbed his throat and spewed forth that horrible black mist, but Vessey quickly dropped to the floor, and the mist instead caught El Mitico, who had just reentered the ring. As Mitico fell to the floor, clawing at his eyes, Vessey returned to his feet, delivered a swift kick to Ota, and drilled him with a Vessey Driver to retain the belt.


Vessey retains, 71.


As Vessey celebrated after the match, his battered opposition surrounding him, his eyes met those of Rip Chord. Chord wore a look of disdain for the champion, and Vessey returned it in kind.



Total: 62

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Guest codey

For some reason, I never really wanted to sit down and write this weeks show, but here it is! With music!


EDIT: Err, on the last page, that is...

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Guest codey

Emma Bitch announced her retirement after the show. We were all floored. She was still young, and doing extremely well for herself. Not only did she work for MAW, but CWWF and AAA as well. She had a great career on her hands.


She made the announcement at dinner. Alison, Roderick, Sara Marie York, Findlay and her had all gone to an Applebee’s in Charlotte, and that’s where she dropped the bomb. Apparently she had just earned her business degree and already had a job offer, which she accepted.


Alison and Sara were offering kind words to her, and she smiled and nodded her head, laughing along with them as they talked about the times they had all had traveling around. Me, though? I just sat there, quiet. I couldn’t wrap my head around why she was doing this. Why would she just give up on her dream like that? So while everyone else tried to make the evening one to remember, I sulked. I was actually mad at her for quitting when I and so many others were working impossibly hard.


Only now, in my old age, can I look back and say that I was an idiot. I was truly mad at this girl, and for what? I was so selfish that I assumed that everyone shared the same dreams and desires that I did, and I took it as a personal affront when someone branched out to pursue something else. Emma’s an extremely successful person now. Alison and I still maintain a friendship with her. Wrestling wasn’t her dream, business was. Both of us did exactly what we wanted, and forged amazing lives for ourselves. We just followed different paths, and that’s fine. I guess I’m ranting a little bit right now, but my point is, if you have a dream, no matter what it is, pursue it. Do what you want, how you want, and do it well. Hell, it worked out for a short little kid from Brooklyn that wanted to be pro wrestler of all things, so anything’s possible, right?






The Awesomeness vs. El Rudo & Jade Dragon

Kinuye vs. Gorgon

Sara Marie York © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s championship

The Atlantic Connection vs. Sayeed & Powell

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Citizen X

El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

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Guest codey
The show's about halfway done, so I fully expect it to be out a whole lot quicker than the last one. I'm going to start doing the write ups for Showcase a little more briefly starting with this week's, so all my shows should come at least a little quicker. The angles are going to stay the same length, however, so no need to worry there. I feel like I've gotten leagues better at writing them than when I first started, and I don't plan on shortening and cease my progression. Also, I'm going to implement some small changes to my ever-evolving formatting, so you can look forward to that!
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The Awesomeness vs. El Rudo & Jade Dragon


Kinuye vs. Gorgon


Sara Marie York © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s championship


The Atlantic Connection vs. Sayeed & Powell


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Citizen X


MJC is much more talented.


El Mitico vs. The Great Ota


I think Ota has this but because I refuse to vote for Ota in any diary I will go with Mitico.

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The Awesomeness vs. El Rudo & Jade Dragon


Kinuye vs. Gorgon

ALWAYS go Gorgon


Sara Marie York © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s championship


The Atlantic Connection vs. Sayeed & Powell

I like Sayeed


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Citizen X

X is weird


El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

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The Awesomeness vs. El Rudo & Jade Dragon

Kinuye vs. Gorgon

Sara Marie York © vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s championship

The Atlantic Connection vs. Sayeed & Powell

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Citizen X

El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

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Guest codey


Friday Week 1, July 2012

In front of a sold out crowd in the Biker Museum





vs. Cruel Intentions


After his championship loss to his former partner, El Rudo’s returned to the tag team ranks, this time joined with Jade Dragon. The pair, known as Cruel Intentions, showed promise early on, dominating the former champions, but soon found themselves at the mercy of the speed and cohesiveness of The Awesomeness. The eventually fell to an Awesome Bomb (Diving leg drop/splash combo) from The Awesomeness to Jade Dragon after having previously tossed El Rudo unceremoniously from the ring.


The Awesomeness win, 46.






Footage recorded earlier in the day…




As usual, The Succession (still minus their heavy, Atlas) are seen lounging about their locker room, enjoying the afternoon. This time, however, the scene is interrupted by none other than Rip Chord, who bursts into the locker room, slamming the door open hard. Jay jerks up, surprised, and Brett Starr and Casey Valentine look confused.


Casey Valentine: Mr. Chord, what are you do-

Rip Chord: [Cutting him off] You, shut up. I’ve got something to say.


Valentine grew quiet, and his head sagged.


Jay Chord: Dad, I…


RC: No, you shut the hell up to. This is meant for all of you, but mainly, it’s for you Jay. You little bastards have all the talent in the damn world, and what do you have to show for it? A tag team championship? That’s bull ****, and you know it! Any one of you could be world champ right now, but no, you let that damn Vessey kid take all the glory. You’re pure bloods, all of you, and he’s just some mutt. It was bad enough when ya’ll let him lead you around like a pack of dogs, but this? This is some shameful crap.


JC: But Dad…


RC: [shouting] I said shut up! Now I can’t book any of you for a shot at Vessey, not now. You all look too weak to fight him now. Especially you, Jay [he pointed at his son]. You get three shots, and lose every time. It’s an embarrassment. No, I need you to show me something. Show me that you’re worth the time. Show me that me and your dads didn’t father any damn losers.







Kinuye vs.


The last time these two faced was in round one of the women’s tournament, and Gorgon came out victorious after a dominating performance. Unfortunately for Kinuye, the match produced much the same results, with the young Japanese woman getting in little more offense. What she did get in, though, showed potential. She pulled off a couple of crisp, high flying moves that staggered the monster Gorgon, but eventually fell to a Hydra Bomb (power bomb).


Gorgon wins, 43.








Stardust: Who’s awesome?


Cannonball: We’re awesome!


The two high fived backstage, celebrating their victory. As they did so, Culture Shock approached.


“Island Boy” Apollo: That was an impressive showing you guys had out there.


SD: Well, I don’t like to toot my horn, but we aren’t called The Awesomeness for no reason!


CB: Yeah!


The Awesomeness fist pumped as Culture Shock looked on, confused.


IBA: …Anyway, we’ve got a proposition for you. How about a number one contender match. It’s clear to me that we’re the top contenders around, and we’d like to test our skill against a team such as yourselves.


CB: That sounds cool and all, dude, but I don’t know.


SD: Yeah, I mean, you guys did just--


Stardust was interrupted by a slow clap, and Casey Valentine and Brett Starr walked into view, smirking.




Brett Starr: Well, well, well, if it isn’t two teams of two losers.


Amazing Fire Fly: Watch it, Starr!


Casey Valentine: Hey, settle down before I swat your ass, mosquito. We heard your little conversation, and we’ve got a solution for you. We’ll fight both of you at once.


CB: Seriously?


BS: Seriously. Rip told us to step up, prove ourselves, and we’re going to do it by destroying both of our “top competition” at once.


CV: Good luck, boys. You’re going to need to bring you’re A game and then some if you want to beat a couple of pure bloods like ourselves.








Cameron Vessey was shown walking backstage, his title belt hanging from one hand, when he was suddenly jumped from behind! The perpetrator? None other than “Black Flag” American Patriot!


The brutish Patriot forced Vessey into the wall, where he hit him with several hard shots from his meaty paws. After dazing Vessey, he snatched the title belt off the ground and blasted the champion, opening up a wound right over Vessey’s eye. Smiling, Patriot lorded over the fallen champion.


American Patriot: I heard you had a problem finding an opponent this month. Thought I’d help you out a little bit with your troubles.









© vs. Eve Grunge for the Women’s Championship


York took on Eve Grunge and Emma Bitch last both last week, and came out victorious. But some would say that Eve stood a much better chance without her partner distracting her, thus this match was born. And, to Eve’s credit, she did perform much better. Using some slick technical wrestling, she was able to go hold for hold with the champ throughout a number of exchanges. And as York took to the air, she was able to hold her own, maintaining a calm air about her as she attempted to weather the champ’s offense. When York went for the York Shuffle, she ducked underneath the spinning backfist, and almost trapped the champ with a rollup, but York wisely reversed the hold and came out with the win after pinning Eve down.


York retains, 44








Trent Schaffer stood backstage, a smug look on his face. By his side stood a much more timid looking Rob Wright, who looked down at the floor as his partner in crime addressed the crowd.


Trent Schaffer: Last week was a travesty. I was fooled into losing a match by nefarious means, and that’s the damn truth. Monkey’s, roll the footage of my match.


What’s shown next is a quick recap of Trent Schaffer and Lee Rivera’s match from last week. All of Rivera’s offense has been cut, however, and Schaffer is shown to dominate. While it goes on, Schaffer commentates.


TS: And here you see the turning point. [Rivera is shown climbing to the top rope] Watch in awe as Lee Rivera leaps off the top rope, gracefully twisting in the air…and comes into illegal contact with my friend, Rob Wright. Yes, illegal contact with an outside party. The match should have ended right there. Yes Rivera would have still won, but it was a DQ win. And let me ask you a question: Where is the honor in that? Where is the honor in attacking a man who thought the match was already over? I’ll answer for you: there is none! Lee Rivera, at Summer Heatwave, me and you are having a rematch, and don’t think you can come out of this one with a cheap win like last week. No, I’ll be ready for that.








Duke Hazard: This is Duke Hazard, an’ I’m standin’ by here with Traditional champ, Jared Johnson. Jared-


Hazard was cut off when a bedazzled glove covered his mouth.


Mr. Amazing: Shhhh, Mr. Hazard. The show’s here now, and you can relax, because I’ve got the scoop of the year for you!


Jared Johnson watched Mr. Amazing, not amused.


MA: I’m Mr. Amazing, baby, and that name ain’t no hyperbole. Nah, my name’s all truth, and I’m here to prove it against the Traditional champ, Double J himself!


Jared Johnson: So what, you want a match?


MA: You know it, baby!


JJ: Well, I’m not in the habit of running from a fight, so…


Johnson suddenly lashed out with a right hand, rocking Mr. Amazing and dropping him to the floor. The dreadlocked dazzler rubbed his jaw and Johnson smiled.


JJ: See ya at Summer Heatwave, pal.






Prior to the next match, Adrian Garcia was joined on his balcony by Ford Gumble, Frost, and Ant-Man. With his stable of fighters at his side, he watched the next match with a smile wide on his face.



The Atlantic Connection vs. Sayeed & Powell


Despite the experience edge Jenkins and McManus have as a team, they stood little chance against their foes. The duo have often done battle with Garcia’s fighters since they debuted, and the results of this match were much the same as those others, ending with McManus on his back after Powell nailed him with a Motion Sensor (Roundhouse kick).


Powell and Sayeed win, 46.








Eddie Cornell was walking backstage, when the lights around him dimmed. The fiery Brit twisted and turned, trying to find a source to the change of scenery, but he came up with nothing. Then, as if from no where, a voice began to echo through the halls.


??: Edward Cornell, your time has come, and your time has gone. Your proverbial fifteen minutes of fame has ticked itself away, and you are left with nothing. I have chosen you as my prey, and, like a hawk, I shall swoop in deliver the final, killing blow. Goodbye, Edward Cornell.


Then, as if nothing had ever happened, the voice was silenced and the lights brightened. Cornell warily locked his eyes on a concession table nearby. Easing toward it, he quickly flipped the table cloth up and over the food, jumping back in the process. Then, he smiled. Below the table was a speaker, most likely used to try and spook the Brit.


Edward Cornell: [shouting] Nice one, mate! I thought I put our issues to rest last week, but it’s looking like I’m gonna wind up giving you one more shot, you loopy bastard!








vs. Citizen X


Fresh off of (allegedly) playing mind games on Eddie Cornell, Citizen X was tasked with taking on a very game Jean Cattley. The two former Mid Atlantic Champions haven’t battled in years, but they remain familiar with one another. Cattley wisely sat back, feeling out X as his opponent took control in the early going, using a wild, high flying attack that got the crowd on their feet. X’s domination didn’t last long, though, as Cattley, having seen enough of the onslaught to formulate a game plan, soon went on the offensive. The two then traded attacks, which culminated in Cattley tripping a spring boarding Citizen X and locking in a tight heel hook that forced the anarchist to tap out.

Cattley wins, 63.


When Cattley disappeared into the back after the match, he was quickly sent flying back out onto the stage. Immediately following him was Jay Chord. When Cattley staggered to his feet, Jay threw a right hook that caught Cattley on the jaw and dropped him immediately. Opening his hand, Jay let his trademark roll of quarters fall to the ground, clinking loudly on the metal stage. With Cattley helpless, Jay hefted him up, placing his head between his legs as he looked out to the crowd. Smirking, Jay lifted him up vertically before drilling him with a Cradle Piledriver on the stage! Standing over Cattley, Jay grabbed a mic.


Jay Chord: How’s that for something?








El Mitico vs. The Great Ota


Mitico requested this match almost immediately after the title match last week, noting Ota’s use of the black mist on him as reason for wanting the Darkness Warrior. When the match began, Ota almost immediately began his mind games, exiting the ring any time Mitico seemed to get the upper hand. But when Mitico was able to keep Ota in the ring, the two put on a great technical affair, trading submissions and going back to forth in lighting quick exchanges that truly impressed the crowd. But as the match progressed, Ota’s mind games clearly began to wear on the honorable Mitico, who grew increasingly frustrated. After Ota escaped a front facelock, he quickly dived to ringside, and Mitico followed suit. From here, the two abandoned any technical pretenses and began to brawl. So consumed were they in the fight, in fact, that neither noticed when the ref finished his ten count and declared the match a draw. At that point, neither seemed to care, and only stopped fighting when a number of wrestlers spilled out of the back to separate them.


Ota and Mitico brawl to a draw, 66.




Total: 58

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Guest codey

When the door to Rip’s office finally opened, it wasn’t the legend that walked out. Instead, it was bearded man with a cane. He smiled at me as he passed bye. “Good luck,” he said in a British accent. “He’s in one of his moods. Nervously, I nodded to him as he walked past me and down the hall.


“You can come in now,” Rip’s gruff voice echoed out of his office. Obediently, I walked in, and immediately started talking.


“Rip, I swear to God I’ve stopped taking the steroids. I mean, I want to still, but, I’m being strong, and I-”


“Cut it out, kid, that’s not what you’re here for,” Rip said. He sighed. Leaning back in his desk, he looked sad, almost, and for once, all sixty three of his years showed on his face. “Kid, did you hear the promo I cut tonight? On Jay and Casey and Brett?” I nodded my head yes. “I wasn’t just blowing smoke, and talking for the story. What I said is the truth. Not the crap about Cameron being a mutt or anything, but those three not living up to potential. That’s the truth, as far as I’m concerned. Anyone of them could be champ, but they ain’t.”


He paused, took a drink of coke. “I’m getting old. One of these days, I’m gonna retire. That’s the truth of it. I can’t last forever like this. And when I do, I’m giving the business to Jay. It’s no secret, and I’m not trying to hide it. But Jay’s not ready. He’s too young, too hot headed. You agree, right?”


I shook my head. “…Yes. Sir. Yes sir.”


“Good. Look, Jay’s no angel. He doesn’t have friends. More like lackeys. He’s not one of those boys. He doesn’t have their respect. You do. You have what he needs, kid. Jay can change, I know he can. And I want your help. You’re a good kid. You came out of that steroid crap for the better. Help me do that for Jay. Talk to him. Be his friend. I know it’s gonna be hard, for both of ya. But kid, I need this from ya.”


I gulped, and my tongue seemed to fall back in my throat. Was he really asking me, of all people, to try and get on Jay’s good side?





El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship

Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship

Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord

Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


Soooo...I didn't realize I booked that many matches. I think I might need to cut my roster down. That, or get a job with SWF.

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El Mitico vs. The Great Ota


I did not see the draw coming in their last encounter but I am still going to go with my anyone but Ota pick.


Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship


Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss


Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X


Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship


Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord


Tough call with this one, normally I would go with Mean Jean because he is not a pain in the ass to deal with. However, do you really want to run the risk of pissing off the man that is about to take over the company?:D


Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

ummed and ahhed but Ota is great and Mitico is just a great worker


Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship

I love Culture Shock but the Succession are the future until they implode


Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss

Retiree gets pinned


Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

Bloody hell guvnor shine me shoes! COYEnglishman


Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship

I like JJ but he needs more done with him


Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord

Jay push here we come


Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

no change until Jay comes for the belt

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El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship

Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X-Cornell seems to be a favorite of yours at the moment

Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship

Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord-I look forward to the story of trying to change Mr. Personality

Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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El Mitico vs. The Great Ota

Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship

Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship

Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord

Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Culture Shock vs. The Awesomeness vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship

Sara Marie York, Kinuye & Tracy Brendon vs. Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge & Candy Floss

Eddie Cornell vs. Citizen X

Jared Johnson © vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship

Lee Rivera vs. Trent Schaffer

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord

Cameron Vessey © vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Guest codey

Friday Week 4, July 2012

In front of a sold out Biker Museum!




El Mitico vs. The Great Ota


The action in this one began before the ring bell even rang. As Mitico made his way to the ring, the lights shut off, and when they returned to normal, Ota and Mitico were brawling down the ramp. Mitico wisely created space between himself and his rival, but when he did so, Ota prepared to spew forth the black mist. Seeing this, Mitico grabbed his still-worn cloak and threw it around his face, and the mist harmlessly landed on the fabric.


When the two finally made it into the ring, the crowd was treated to an intensely personal technical battle that saw both men jockeying for position through the use of leverage and holds. Both had chosen to attack the back the other’s back, and when Ota locked in the tarantula hold on Mitico, the match looked to be over. But Mitico was able fight through the pain and survive the 5 count, and Ota released the hold. Seeing Mitico struggling to stand, Ota stalked over to his opponent, intent on causing harm. But as he lifted Mitico to his feet, the luchadore broke free of his hold and pulled him into a La Magistral Cradle, forcing his shoulders down on the mat for the three count!


El Mitico wins, 70.







The Prodigal Son


Jay Chord stood backstage to address the fans.


Jay Chord: None of you understand. You don’t know what it’s like. You have no clue what it’s like to be the son of Rip Chord. The pressure of living up to that man is enough to destroy a lesser man. But I do. I have to. I love that man more than anyone in the world, and I will do anything to make him proud. He’s not afraid to do anything to win, and neither am I. And just like you may have hated him, you hate me. But fo men like us, that doesn’t matter. We don’t need your hate, or your pity, or your love. Chord’s are winners, and all we need is gold.









vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Championship


With three men in the ring at all times and a fresh man on the sides, the pace of this one could only be described as frenetic. Amazing Fire Fly and The Awesomeness all served to keep the match chugging along, whereas the others tried their best to keep up with their quicker counterparts. Once they were able to ground their opponents effectively (mostly through the use of underhanded techniques), the reigning champs took control of the match, and did their best to lock a stranglehold on it. They found themselves pressed, though, struggling to keep their attention on two opponents at once. Before long, The Awesomeness and Culture Shock formed a loose alliance. In a dazzling display, they launched the champs from the ring, and Apollo and Cannonball dropped to all fours. Taking a running start, Fire Fly and Stardust leapt off of their partners back and flipped over onto The Succession, crashing in a heap to the floor.


Just like that, it came down to Apollo and Cannonball, and the two rising stars clashed in the ring, shattering the alliance they formed. After an exchange that saw both men get some offense in, Apollo shot forth with a running knee, doubling over Cannonball. From here, Apollo pulled him in tight, and hit him with an Island Driver (Pumphandle Driver) that he transitioned straight into a 3-count pin. With this, Culture Shock earn their first ever tag team championship, and make it a clean sleep for La Alianze del Honor!


Culture Shock claim the belts, 64!








vs. Eve Grunge, Emma Bitch & Candy Floss


With the majority of the women’s division in the ring at once, the fans got a nice taste of MAW’s newest division. All six women came out with winning on their minds, and through out some very impressive techniques along the way. Despite all the skill in the ring, though, the match came to one simple factor: chemistry. After their falling out one month ago, Eve Grunge and Emma Bitch could never get on the same page, and Grunge eventually resigned herself to look on as Brendon hit Emma with the Idaho Crunch (Fisherman suplex) to score the win.


The champ & pals win, 48.


As the winners celebrated, the lights suddenly dimmed and a message appeared on the big screen. Among flashes of green, red, and blue lightning, pictures of York through various stages of her life passed by. The pictures of her childhood, her early wrestling days, her championship belts slowly faded away as the sound of a woman cackling could be heard in the background. The winners of the match looked on confused in the ring. While they viewed the strange photos, two shadowy figures suddenly slid into the ring from behind them. Both very tall and obviously women, one was very large, and would give even a male star such as Ant-Man a run for his money. The large one smashed into Brendon and Kinuye, leveling both with a dual lariat to the back of the head. The other made a beeline for the champion, spinning her around and catching her with a spine-shattering backbreaker! With them all down, the two women began to put the boots to their victims, wildly beating on them. Gathering their wits, the three women who had been assaulted rolled from the ring, escaping their assailants as they came in to view.



A legion of doom?


First came the face paint, and then…one of them was the monster Gorgon! The other was unknown, but she slithered down on all fours, locking eyes with York (who stared back as she clutched at her back in obvious pain) and cackling. The mask she wore bore a massive grin, her pearly whites bared maniacally.








vs. Citizen X


To start the match off, the scheming Citizen X taunted the temperamental Cornell into charging recklessly toward him, and wisely ducked out of the way, leaving Cornell to ram himself into the turnbuckle. Despite this, he was unable to capitalize and take control of the match when Cornell came back around, instead eating a big left hand. Cornell continued to grind on him for the next several minutes, hitting him with a couple of big suplexes, and eventually looking to hit his signature German suplex. X had it scouted, though, and slipped out of the move, but Cornell continued his assault. Sending X out onto the apron, Cornell approached him, looking to suplex him backing the ring, but X dropped down, bringing the Brit’s throat down on the top rope and staggering him.


Quickly, X jumped into the ring and tried rolling him up several times, only for Cornell to kick out time and time again. Frustrated, X hit some big stomps and climbed up to the top rope. But he hadn’t done enough to keep Eddie down, and Cornell went right after him. As the two battled precariously on the top rope, Cornell got the better of the exchange, and, wrapping his arms tightly around X, heaved him off with a belly to belly suplex that saw X fly nearly all the way across the ring. Following such a move, it was easy enough for Cornell to climb down, walk to X, and lay across him to score the three count and the win.


Cornell win, 61










© vs. Mr. Amazing for the Traditional Championship


Johnson had a strong showing early on, working the flamboyant challenger over with some slick technical wrestling. With a variety of twists and pulls and zingers, he wrenched at Amazing’s neck, forcing the challenger to retreat from the ring. Johnson followed him to the floor, and continued his assault. After a couple of nice chops, he hit a snap suplex on the arena floor. But as he lifted Amazing to bring him back into the ring, the dreadlocked fighter broke free, and, with a big shove, sent Johnson flying back into the ring steps. Johnson reeled in pain, and Amazing grabbed him by the air and brought him back into the ring. With a bruising, powerful style, Amazing proceeded to steal control of the match. At one point, the match looked like it was over when Amazing planted Johnson with a power slam, and the champ barely got his shoulder up before the three count. Following this, Amazing called for his signature Jackhammer Suplex. Holding Johnson in a front facelock, he mouthed off to the fans and taunted his opponent. Finally, he lifted Johnson up…but the champ countered into a Carolina Crossface at the last moment! Johnson’s forced to tap out, and the champ retains!


Johnson wins, 73.


Johnson grabbed a mic after the match, and watched Amazing walk up the ramp, head down.


Jared Johnson: [breathing heavily] You see that? That’s why I am the best Traditional champ this company’s ever seen! And ya know what? It’s all because of you, the people of the great state of North Carolina! I owe this all to you.


Johnson was then cut off by the familiar music of one Lisa Bowen, who strutted out to the stage with her monster Behemoth at her side.





Lisa Bowen: Aww, isn’t that just the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. But Jared, I’ve gotta be honest with you, these people have absolutely nothing to do with you winning. No, Jared, that’s just plain, blind, luck. Nothing more.


JJ: You wanna put that theory to the test? Why don’t you send that big simpleton down here and see what I got.


LB: You see, Jared, I’m already ahead of you. Next month, I’ve got a match set up between you and my client for that Traditional title of yours.


JJ: [smiling] I can’t wait to see you again, in that case.








vs. Trent Schaffer w/ Rob Wright


Much like their last outing, this one was a fast paced, action packed crowd pleaser. The two began with a quick exchange that saw neither man gain the upper hand, but Schaffer soon established control with a flying head scissors. Using distracting taunts from Wright on the outside and his own natural ability, Schaffer was able to keep control while still keeping the match pace chugging along at a high speed. Growing increasingly confident, as egomaniacs are like to do, Wright fell prey to a series of counter attacks at the hands of Rivera, who fought back, rallying the crowd to his side. The Thrill Seeker and Schaffer then set on one another, quickly hitting one another over and over again with some truly astounding moves that saw them zipping and zapping all over the ring. But when all was said and done, it was Rivera who came out on top of the match, as he flew off of the top rope with a Daredevil Drop (Shooting Star Press).


Rivera wins, 61.








New age warriors


Adrian Garcia: Men!


The business leader stood atop of his balcony, looking down at his stock, which stood in a straight line before him.


AG: We’ve yet to be tested here in MAW, and I believe that such a test will never come to pass. However, the owner of this backwoods promotion, one Rip Chord, has deemed it necessary. He wishes to see two of you do battle…against one another.


There was a shuffling of feet among the men, but none said a thing.


AG: The two I’ve selected are Frost and…Gumble. Be warned, if you do not perform to the maximum extent possible, there will be…repercussions. I know you fight your brothers, and wish it to not happen, but what you do to one will help the others. Show the crowd what you can do, and our tempest of violence will be welcome wherever we go.










Watch out! If two words needed to be said to Cattley prior to the match, those would be them, as Jay Chord started the match with an ambush as Cattley made his way to the ring. He quickly got him to the ring, where he worked the Mid Atlantic vet over with nothing more than punches and kicks. Despite the simplicity of the assault, it was effective. Cattley received little room to breathe, and the offense he was able to get in was minimal, aside from a flash ankle lock that he nearly ended the match with. With the hold locked in, Chord frantically searched for the ring ropes. When he was finally able to wrap his arms around it, it was clear that Cattley had gassed trying to finish Chord. Chord, though hobbled, smirked deviously as he came back against his exhausted opponent. After a vicious beating and prematch attack, Cattley stood little chance after having gassed, and Chord saw that as he locked him in a front facelock before dropping to his back and drilling Cattley with a DDT for the win.


Chord wins, 72.







The blue collar champ...


Standing in the ring, Cameron Vessey looked out at the crowd before raising a microphone to his lips.


Cameron Vessey: I’m not normally in the habit of giving matches to losers, but tonight, I hade to make an exception. Ya see, I got jumped by someone at Showcase, and for three weeks now, all I’ve been able to think about was how I’m gonna whoop that sum bitches ass when I get him alone in the ring. A lot of people say that it might not happen like that, that ol’ boy’s a former champ, tough as they come. I say screw that. I’m going to show everyone tonight why my title is World Heavyweight Champion and his is “former.”






© vs.


Vessey surprised Patriot early on, overwhelming the bruising star with some basic techniques that did damage nonetheless. The crowd was solidly behind Vessey, and cheered loudly every time he struck Patriot with a punch or chop or countered one of the bruiser‘s moves. With Patriot in the corner recovering, Vessey charged in, aiming to hit a clothesline, but the former champ dropped down, and Vessey came away with nothing but a big right hand from Patriot. Using his power game, Patriot then took control, hitting some nice slams and smothering him with wearing submissions. Eventually, Patriot used a big shoulder block to knock Vessey backwards through the ropes and down to the floor, where he landed with a thud. Vessey began to recover outside, but not before Patriot fell upon him.


Using his size, the challenger pressed the champ. After beating him for several minutes, he took aim. Vessey was leaning against the barrier, and Patriot came charging in, looking to smack his knee upside his head. The champ, ever wily, was able to roll quickly out of the way, however, and Patriot smacked his knee sickly against the barrier. Aggravating his old football injury, Patriot hopped around on one for a moment until Vessey came a’ swingin’ with a lariat to dop him to his feet. Seeing the stout man lying still on the ground, Vessey shrugged his arms and rolled back into the ring. He very nearly won the match by countout, but Patriot had just made it back in the ring on time. Sighing, Vessey resigned himself to simply lift him onto his shoulders and drill him with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD) to score the win.


Vessey retains, 74.



Total: 67

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Guest codey

Post show notes:

- We hit a big milestone with this show, in that we notched up a total of 4(!) 70+ rated matches. The main event tied American Patriot vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Jean Cattley from Night of Champions ‘10 as our second best match ever, so I’m super excited about that.

- Speaking of great matches, Mr. Amazing vs. Jarred Johnson completely blew me away. I’ve never really given Amazing a chance despite him being better than a lot of guys I do *cough*Trent Schaffer*cough* and now I’m afraid I might have to use him more. In this role, I see him as more of a jobber, but he’ll fit in perfect as the heel opposite of Josh Jones.

- I was expecting a lot more out of Rivera and Schaffer this time around, but they weren’t able to meet their past results. Rivera, though extremely talented, had an off night, and that dented the quality a bit. I like him quite a bit, though, and I’m going to be putting him in a pairing with another of my upper midcard workers to see how they do. Bonus points if you can guess who!

- Some of you may be wondering what happened to Steve Flash and Remmy Skye. The answer is simple: both wanted too much money for the roles I had them for, and my roster’s getting bloated. Remmy’s now working solely with TCW (He’s actually been there for quite a while, and is a former All Action champ. I have a working agreement with them in case I want to bring in a midcarder or something), and Flash is currently passing his time working for…no one. I hope that changes soon, but I won’t be contributing to his pay check any time soon.

- Considering very few women outside of York, Brendon, Gorgon and Candy Floss have any sort of overness in the US, I feel like I’m getting good grades from them. They’re a good undercard distraction, and I’m going to try and build up Kinuye and my new masked gal through their association with my big acts (York and Gorgon).

- I’ve been experimenting with layouts lately, but I think I’ve finally found one that works for me, and is worth sticking to. I’ve ripped off elements of Dragonmack’s, James Casey’s, and Eisen-Verse’s formats, but, in my defense, they’re all really good. And you know what they say, imitation is the cheapest form of entertainment, or something like that.

Also, as far as the format goes, how do people feel about the entrance music selections? If anyone’s got any input as far as fitting someone’s character and personality, let me know!



Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The debuting Ring Generals

Tracy Brendon and Kinuye vs. Gorgon and her mystery companion

Apollo vs. Casey Valentine

The New York Doll vs. Mid Atlantic Dojo graduate John Sanders

Lee Rivera vs. Mr. Amazing

Cameron Vessey & “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. The Great Ota & “Black” Flag American Patriot.

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Guest codey

He probably also disliked that I continually called him "That Crazy Old Bastard" :p


Ah well, at least I was able to bleed some of his overness off on Jared Johnson.

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Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The debuting Ring Generals


I cannot see them losing right out of the gate.


Tracy Brendon and Kinuye vs. Gorgon and her mystery companion


Apollo vs. Casey Valentine


The New York Doll vs. Mid Atlantic Dojo graduate John Sanders


I have to admit I am not sure who Sanders is.:o Is he a renamed guy or maybe is someone who has yet to debut in any of my games yet. Either way NYD sucks and I can never do anything with him in my NYCW game so he can lose right here.


Lee Rivera vs. Mr. Amazing


Cameron Vessey & “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. The Great Ota & “Black” Flag American Patriot.

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Honestly - I think some of the guys youve built up are arresting and engaging enough that Flash isnt really missed. More CUlture Shock please!


Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The debuting Ring Generals

Obvious isnt it?


Tracy Brendon and Kinuye vs. Gorgon and her mystery companion

Geena please


Apollo vs. Casey Valentine

Boo. I really hope Im wrong here


The New York Doll vs. Mid Atlantic Dojo graduate John Sanders



Lee Rivera vs. Mr. Amazing

Hmmm. Id normally go for Rivera but last show Amazing was... Amazing


Cameron Vessey & “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. The Great Ota & “Black” Flag American Patriot

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