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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Longtime reader, I don't predict a ton, it's kinda hard to keep track of all of the diaries I read and which ones I predict in. But this time, I've got some opinions, so I'll throw 'em out.


"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

-Cattley's getting old and playing gatekeeper. Architect is so cool, he gets the win.

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

-I haven't seen much of Jones and Fforde in a while, nor The Heartbreakers. That leaves Culture Shock and The Primadonnas, and I'll go with the faces over the heels.

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

-Eddie's going into a weird dark gimmick and I kinda like it. "Hard Justice" keeps the strap.

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

-One, I don't like Nadia Snow. Two, I like Sara Marie York. Let's hope she wins.

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

-Mitico is so good, but can be so hard to figure out how to book. I like what you're doing with him though.

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

-Face Cam Vessey is pretty interesting. I'm like it.

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

-Jay as an alcoholic in the ring is ridiculous. Hopefully he doesn't take his gimmick to heart and ruin a career. Until then, he's too good to lose.

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"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

win for the new


Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

CS or the Heartbreakers could just be given a shot. These guys need a reason


Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Eddies keeping this for a while


Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

Shes had a great build. Now its time to follow up


El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

new push continues


Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden



Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

If this was 3 months later Id go Patriot

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In my game, it's SMY no contest. 73 psych versus 65. Far better entertainment. Better top row, and decent enough stamina (of which Snow has oodles). SMY is also both hotter and looks better with a belt.


Then again, Snow's the closest thing I'll get to Winter, and if Gregg can have sideboob, then dammit, so can Nadia.


Obviously I'd pick against Architect.


I missed when Culture Shock lost the titles...wait, Bowen. Riiiiiight. Heartbreakers for the flirting lulz.


Cornell, obviously, because it's Tommy Frickin' Cornell!





I wanna go with CamVes for fun. But he'll lose.



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"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

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"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

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"Mean" Jean Cattley vs The Architect

Culture Shock vs Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs The Primadonnas (Trent & Rob) vs The Heartbreakers; Winner gets a tag title shot

Eddie Cornell © vs The Great Ota for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow for the Women's Championship

El Mitico vs Ford Gumble

Cameron Vessey vs Oscar Golden

Jay Chord © vs American Patriot

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Well, It's been one year, and we're still going strong. I wanted to get the show up yesterday to coincide with the anniversary, but, well, laziness and all. Anyways, I'd like to thank you all for sticking with me this long and making this something special. I really do hope you have as much fun reading it as I do writing and booking.




Friday Week 4, May2013

In front of 2,409 fans in Centerpiece Bridge








Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome, everyone, to Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s Old School Rules!


We’ve got a stacked card for you this week, and we’re kicking it off with a big rematch from last month.


That’s right, doll, and that bad, bad man The Architect’s already in the ring ready to kick it off.










A technical match if there’s ever been one in MAW, these two more than lived up to the hype generated from last month’s match up. One would think that after being called out by such a youngster and then locked in the ankle lock last month, Mean Jean would be looking to punish him for his perceived insolence. Instead, Mean Jean actually sort of, well, smiled at him after a few close exchanges. Well, as close to a smile as Mean Jean can get.


The pairing put on great match to open up the show, and went hold for hold throughout the match. That is, however, until Mean Jean found a boot to the gut caught securely by Architect, who quickly reversed it into an ankle lock. For a moment, Mean Jean nearly looked like he was going to tap out as he writhed on the ground in pain, but somehow, he found the strength to flip himself over, sending Architect careening into the turnbuckle and freeing himself. Hobbling up to his f(oo)t, Jean found himself quickly latching onto Architect as soon as he spun around, planting him with a Mood Swing (Swinging reverse STO) to score the victory over the up and comer!


Mean Jean wins, 57.






There’s no shame in losing to a veteran like Cattley.


I’d say he’s accomplished something just by getting in the ring with one of his heroes. If only I could step in there with Sensational Ogiwara…


Hush, darling. We all know there’s a reason you’re in the booth nowadays. I AM surprised you could even pronounce her name, though, so I’ll give you some kudos.












vs. Jones & Fforde vs.
vs. The Heartbreakers for the #1 Contender spot


Prior to the match, it was announced that the match would be a free for all contested under elimination rules, and these teams went right at each other. Trent Schaffer in particular seemed intent on winning the match, attacking with clear focus. The same couldn’t be said for his partner, though, who found his shoulders pinned to the mat following a rollup from Apollo in the opening minutes, effectively eliminating them!


First Elimination: The Primadonnas


The remaining three teams lasted a bit longer before the next took place. Fire Fly, in what was perhaps a lapse of judgment, saw a chance to leap over the ropes and take out Jones & Fforde on the outside, and succeeded with a beautiful corkscrew plancha that saw him clear the ropes. In doing so, he left his partner alone in the ring with Raphael, who found himself joined quickly by Justin Sensitive. After a brief moment where it looked like Apollo would survive the coming attack, the Puerto Rican succumbed to their combined attacks and fell to a elevated dropkick.


Second Elimination: Culture Shock


Fire Fly, despite his initial shock at being eliminated, still managed to help his partner to the back. This left Jones & Fforde alone with the hungry Heartbreakers, looking to get back in the title hunt. The predatory sleaze balls attacked the still-recovering youngsters immediately and viciously. Somehow, though, the pair kept kicking out no matter what was thrown at them, causing a growing amount of frustration to bubble up in Raphael and Sensitive, who vented to one another in the form of partner-on-partner bickering. This led to a somehow reinvigorated Jones bum rushing the duo and delivering a brutal forearm shot to the back of Raphael’s head, crumpling him. Sensitive also took a little bit of the impact, and as he stumbled forward, Fforde popped up, tossed Sensitive up and caught him with a beautiful face crusher that scored his team the victory!

Final Elimination: The Heartbreakers


And the New #1 Contenders: Cam Jones & Miller Fforde, with a match score of 51






Fforde Flip Face Crusher! He does it with the Fforde Flip Face Crusher!


Wait, that’s what he calls his finisher?


Nevermind what he calls it, I’m amazed he even has one. Have these two ever won a match?


They just did, and it got them a shot at the tag team champions, Adrian.







Wait, wait, wait.


As Cam and Miller celebrated their win in the ring, they were interrupted by none other than Lisa Bowen and The Ring Generals.


Are these guys serious?


She looked from Marv to Dean.


I mean, are they serious?


She chuckled as the Generals shrugged.


You two expect to get a shot at the tag champions? You were put in the match as a joke. We wanted to make sure a real team got the shot, so we had Rip give you a “shot” that you could never win. But, hey, I guess you did. Doesn’t mean you get it. You see, these two men standing next to me are the BEST IN THE WORLD. You don’t win one match and expect to get them. It takes a little more than…


That’s where you’re wrong, Lisa.




At that moment, Rip Chord stepped out onto the stage. With the look he was giving Lisa, it was clear he was there to rain on her parade.


You signed a contract, young lady. A contract that says whoever wins this match gets a shot at your boys. It’s legally binding, and you’ve got no one to blame but yourself. Isn’t it your job to know these things? You are a manager, after all.


Lisa stared daggers at Rip, who just laughed it off.


Look at me all you want, the match is still on.


Cam and Miller high fived to that, and Rip turned and walked away, leaving Lisa steaming on the stage.







Rip laying down the law!


That’s Mr. Chord to you.










for the Traditional Championship


The growing mean strike in Cornell met the well-documented one of Ota, and the two nearly beat one another senseless in this match over the belt. Ota’s always been more of an unpredictable technician, but tonight, he seemed right at home kicking and punching with the vicious brawler known as Eddie Cornell. The match got so heated that at one point the referee literally had to drag Cornell off of Ota after he hun him upside down in the corner and proceeded to beat him mercilessly. Afterwards, Cornell smiled, almost madly, but that soon went away as Ota battled his way back into the match. The two exchanged moves, with both countering the heavy hitters of the other - Cornell powering out a Tarantula Hold, Ota flipping out of the London Bridge (Bridging German Suplex), Cornell countering the Ninja Strike into a slam- until both men dropped one another with a double clothesline.


As they recovered, both men could be seen fidgeting about with their throats, and when they stood, it became obvious what they were doing. As they stared at one another, black mist erupted suddenly from the mouths of both men, coating one another’s face in a vicious black liquid. Ota came away from the exchange clawing at his eyes, but Cornell forced himself through the mist and latched onto his opponent before hoisting him up and drilling him with a Tombstone Piledriver that earned him the win!


Cornell retains, 67


After the ref handed Cornell his title belt, the champion scared the smaller man off by feigning to hit him, cackling afterward. Cornell then lay the belt flat out on the ground and turned back toward Ota. Smiling, he dragged the limp man back to his feet, lifted him up once more, and hit another Tombstone on the title belt! Kneeling over his lifeless opponent, Cornell took his hand and wiped away the remaining paint on Ota’s face before spreading the remnants on his face. The mixture of the white paint and the black mist created an altogether eerie image as Cornell knelt smiling over Ota.







That was just…that was just unnecessary.


I know I don’t normally agree with you, but…damn…


In the past month, we’ve seen a disturbing change overcome Eddie Cornell. I’m not even sure I can call him that right now, the man in the ring doesn’t even resemble the man we’ve known for the past two years.


Something tells me this is a long time coming, though. He mentioned this grudge going all the way back to Lee Rivera, who we haven’t seen since, geez, December?


If it is a long time coming, I think Cornell just hit his breaking point.










for the Women’s Championship


A lot of aggression has been built up between these two in recent months, and that all came to a head tonight. Meeting one on one for the first time, there were questions as to how these two would match up, if Nadia Snow would really be able to match up against the champ. Well, consider that question answered. More than once during the match, it looked like Snow would put SMY away, and she did so surprisingly enough without Brooke Tyler interfering. Despite Snow’s best attempts, though, York remained resilient. The champ refused to give up, and Snow grew increasingly frustrated as the match wore on.


Finally, to regroup and refocus, Snow bailed to the outside, where she huddled up with Tyler. York, annoyed that Snow was avoiding the fight, reached out over the ropes and grabbed a handful of her opponent’s hair. But just as she began to pull, Tyler stepped back and Snow revealed to everyone whay her partner was doing: handing her the Women’s Championship. Snow threw the belt back into the face of York, and SMY crumpled from the impact of the heavy gold belt smacking her in the face, and the referee immediately called for the DQ.

SMY retains via DQ win, 56.


Snow stood fuming on the outside for a few more moments before finally calming down, realizing what was in her hand. Slowly, a grin began to spread its way across her face. She snapped her head toward Brooke, barked an order, and the two of them beat a hasty retreat to the back, stolen Women’s Championship in hand.






She can’t do that! That’s stealing!


Do you wanna be the one to tell her no?


Maybe I do.


Good luck with that…







Before the next scheduled bout between El Mitico and Ford Gumble, Trent Schaffer stomped down to the ring, a worried-looking Rob Wright in tow.


You all know who I am. I’m a star. A former champion. I’m the best looking, most skilled, most charismatic man in this company, so I think you’ll understand if I’m a little bit embarrassed of what happened earlier tonight.


Schaffer shot a disgusted look at Wright, who sheepishly grinned back.


Now, I know you were all looking forward to seeing Ford Gumble kick in El Mitico’s skull, but I’ve got some news for you. Gumble’s gone. About an hour before the show, that pissed off ******* packed his bags and split. He ain’t coming back. So after I found myself as a recipient of an early exit earlier tonight, I went to Mr. Chord and I got myself another match. So tonight, instead of Ford Gumble vs. El Mitico, you’ve all been blessed to see The Primadonnas in action two times in one night! Our opponents? Not that it really matters, but we’ll be taking on El Mitico and whoever he can scrape up in the back.


Satisfied, Schaffer dropped the mic to his side and grinned as the crowd booed him. A second later, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” erupted through the speakers and El Mitico stepped out with Josh Jones at his side.




You’re a very self absorbed man, amigo.


Am I now?


Yes, you are. And despite what you may tell these people, it wasn’t very difficult for me to find someone to team up with tonight. It seems that a lot of people backstage want your head on a platter.


Mitico lowered his head a little bit and little smile crept onto his face.


It hurts to say this, and it goes against all of my beliefs, but I look forward to shutting you up, and I’m going to that with Josh Jones at my side.








Schaffer did all he could do to erase his earlier loss from people’s memories. With a lightning fast speed game, Mitico and Jones had a tough time trying to keep the Canadian superstar contained. Wright, not so much. Every time Wright tagged in, the match seemed to make a sudden shift in momentum, and that proved to be the downfall of The Primadonnas. With Wright the legal man and Schaffer on the outside, Jones and Mitico struck. Jones hit a beautiful plancha that took Schaffer out of the equation, and in the middle of the ring, Mitico slapped the cross armbar that saw Wright frantically tapping out within seconds of its application.


Mitico and Jones win, 60






Ouch. For the second time tonight, Rob Wright loses the match for Trent Schaffer.


Schaffer needs to check who he associates with. This guy seems like dead weight to me.







This is Duke Hazard here, an’ once again, I’m standin’ by with World Champ Jay Chord. Jay, back at Showcase, it looked like ya were about to beat the tar outta de Aske when American Patriot showed up. Whatcha thinkin’ right about now, headin’ into yer match?


Jay smirked.

I’m not thinking a thing except for where my celebratory after party’s going to be at, Duke. I’m a Chord. Winning’s in my blood, and there’s no way I’m going to let a freak in a mask beat me. Those days are waaaaay behind me…


Jay spaced out for a moment, then shook his head, snapping himself out of it.


Like I said, I’m not even thinking about the match. I don’t need to. I just have to go out there and do what I do best. Win.


Shut your mouth, boy.




The camera panned over, and the bear-like American Patriot stepped into view, his head crowned with a mask of red, white, and blue. He looked Jay up and down, then snorted.


You got a lot of balls, kid, I’ll give you that. But that ain’t gonna do you any good when the stars and stripes run wild on you. Ya see, I don’t like. I don’t like your attitude, I don’t like your hair, I don’t like your face, I don’t like the way you talk, hell, I don’t even like your wrestling boots. It isn’t like that with everyone I fight. But you? I ain’t gonna hold back against you. I’m gonna show you what it means to be American. To have some values that are worth a damn.


Jay listened to this whole tirade with a straight face, and he tried to keep it for a moment afterward, but he was soon cracking up laughing.


Duke, do you believe this guy?


He could barely talk between his laughter.


He spends, what, two years beating people up backstage? And he wants to talk to me about morals? What the hell is this world coming to?


Patriot growled before shooting forward, pressing Jay against the wall and lifting him up simultaneously.


Yeah, I had a rough patch there for a while. I’d like to think I’ve reformed a little since then. But guess what, boy. I’m still just as a mean as I was then. That ain’t changed. Not only that, but tonight, I’m gonna walk out there with a clear mind, and all I’ve gotta do is whip on a scrawny, drunk ******* for a little bit. Tonight’s not a wrestling match to me, it’s a damn good time.


Patriot roughly dropped Jay to the ground and stormed up. Hazard bent down to help Jay up, but the champ pushed him away, hard.


Get out of my face!







Patriot’s bad side isn’t on that I want to be on.


Does he even have a good one? The past few years he’s been one of the meanest men on the entire roster.










Vessey had to go through Behemoth on Showcase to get this match, and he passed that test with flying colors. The crafty Oscar Golden stood across from him tonight, though, and the Canadian’s proved himself to be a huge threat in recent months. That said, Vessey’s a former World Champion, and wasn’t about to back down to anyone. The match started hot, with neither gaining any sort of big advantage over the other until Vessey hit a big spine buster that absolutely rocked Golden late in the match. From here, the southern brawler went on a tear that saw Golden left with little room to breath. Waiting for Vessey to just make one mistake, he finally got a chance to get back in when Vessey attempted to drag him back in the ring after knocking him to the ground. Golden raked Vessey across the eyes, then slid into the ring, hit a beautiful double leg takedown, and began to work towards locking in his Golden Rule submission (High angle Boston crab). Vessey proved to be too fresh to fall to the move, however, and was able to kick Golden off of him, sending his opponent into the ropes. Vessey then scrambled to his feet, and when Golden rebounded, he found himself the victim of a quick Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD) that put him away!


Vessey wins, 72.






Vessey with a decisive win over Oscar Golden!


First Behemoth, now Oscar Golden…What’s next for Cam Vessey?


He’s in such good form lately, I wouldn’t put a World Title shot past him.









for the World Championship


Patriot’s no stranger to title matches, and he put up an impressive showing against World Champion Jay Chord tonight. For the first twenty minutes of the match, the two essentially went shot for shot and move for move, with both men getting extensive periods of control. Patriot accomplished this by absolutely lighting up Jay’s chest with stiff chops and breaking his body down with some bone crunching suplexes. Jay used somewhat more nefarious techniques, such as the eye raking we saw earlier from Oscar Golden, and even a low blow behind the referee’s back at one point. When he wasn’t cheating, however, he put on a clinic against the very tough Patriot, a former Mid Atlantic Champion himself. After a good twenty-eight minutes of hard hitting back and forth action, the ending came lightning quick.


Jay Chord secured Patriot for a DDT, but the big man showed surprising quickness and technique to spin out and come back around with a lariat. Jay, thinking on his feet, ducked under the lariat, spun aroud himself, and kicked Patriot in the gut. Looking for his Cradle Piledriver, he tucked Patriot’s head between his legs, but the more powerful man easily flipped him over with a back body drop before he could lift him. Patriot sprung into action quickly, grabbing Jay around the waist and lifting him up, he was certainly looking for an American Suplex. Jay, showing some agility that’s not usually seen from a brawler such as himself, flipped right out of the back of the move, and when Patriot spun around, surprised, Jay dropped him with a DDT that would make Rip himself proud, and quickly dropped on top of Patriot to earn the three count!


Jay Chord retains, 68.





What a match!


What an ending series!


I tell you what, I was sweating bullets for a minute there. I thought that lumbering idiot Patriot would actually pull it off!

That ‘lumbering idiot’ is a former Mid Atlantic Champion.


‘Former’ and ‘Mid Atlantic’ being key words, Remmington. Jay Chord is the ‘Current World Champion.’ That’s a significant step up, I’d say.







Total: 62

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Word to the wise: Never let Jay Chord touch something that belongs to you. EVER.


Sterling Whitlock learned that the hard way before tonight’s show. Not many people know this, but Sterling just recently hit it big off some scratch offs. And when I say big, I mean big, like two grand. That’s like ten times what he makes per show(or so I‘ve heard. I don‘t actually know how much anyone else on the roster makes)!


To celebrate, as any real man would, he went out and rented this awesome Ferrari to cruise around in for two days. I’m not really a car guy, but I can safely say that this thing was fast. It actually scared the crap out of me once it got out on the road.


Anyway, Sterling drove it to the show and was showing it off to everyone, being generally pretty flashy. He was flashing his cash around and showing off the car, making a pretty big show of it. I think he was actually trying to show Jean that he could work a billionaire gimmick, but we all know that something like that would never work in real life. I think Jay thought the same thing, because out of no where he stomped up toward the car, pushed Sterling away, and jerked open the door. I think his intent was to get in the driver’s seat and see how it fit his ass, but that never happened.


You see, Jay swung the door open so hard that it literally snapped off the car’s frame. Like, lying on the ground next to the car snapped off. Everyone but Sterling was pretty much frozen. Instead of freezing up, he chose to tackle Jay to the ground and began to pummel him. The whole time, he was just screaming at Jay “You’re gonna pay for this!” over and over again. Jay, quite impressively, I might add, managed to yell a few “No I’m not!”s right back at him.


The fight itself was over fairly quickly. Ota and Jean were on them pretty fast, pulling Sterling kicking and screaming off of Jay. The altercation ended poorly for both. Jay still refused to pay for the door he broke, so Sterling wound up with a debt to a Ferrari rental agency, and Jay came out with a black eye and busted lip. So however he tries to explain the cuts and bruises on tonight’s show, that’s how it REALLY happened.








Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler

The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & the latest Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate, Nate DeMarcus

El Mitico vs. Rob Wright

Eddie Howard vs. Frost

Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden

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Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler

The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & the latest Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate, Nate DeMarcus

El Mitico vs. Rob Wright

Eddie Howard vs. Frost

Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden

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Im going to start a facebook petition to get Jay to pay for the door.


Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler

The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & the latest Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate, Nate DeMarcus

El Mitico vs. Rob Wright

Eddie Howard vs. Frost

Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden

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Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler

Don't see the graduates being over enough to win a match 1v1 vs the champs without mixing their popularity around too much

The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & the latest Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate, Nate DeMarcus

You've built The Architect ridiculously strong since his debut, so I don't see there being any way he loses here

El Mitico vs. Rob Wright

Emphasizes Wright as the weaker Primadonna

Eddie Howard vs. Frost

I really hate Derek Frost, + builds Eddie up to fight the other Eddie

Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

One thing that bothers me about your MAW is Casey Valentine's seemingly slipped away from all major storylines... not sure if it's because he's failed to develop well like he did for James Casey (in my private games, I always have luck with him turning out awesome) or otherwise because he has a lot of history with Golden/Vessey/Chord, and a couple of solid wins could throw him right into the title mix. However, it seems like he is being built into a program with Lenny Brown which should do just as much for Casey to make him relevant as it will for Lenny

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden

Patriot's been disappointing against de Aske, but his recent face turn has apparently rejuvenated him... can't say the same for Lisa Bowen's upper card talents, who seem to be used more just to produce good grades rather than ever have a shot at actually winning titles


I've been reading as I got back into TEW, though I haven't been predicting or commenting (which I regret)... this is a solid diary and it has tied me down to a long-term game in MAW when I felt like I couldn't find a promotion for me after my Australia 0/0/0/0.

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Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler

The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & the latest Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate, Nate DeMarcus

El Mitico vs. Rob Wright

Eddie Howard vs. Frost

Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden


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Miller Fforde vs. Marv Statler


It was a shock win for the Graduates, yeah... but they aren't credible just yet. Competitive loss?


The Architect & ??? vs. Josh Jones & Nate DeMarcus


Nate's not good enough to go over Architect.


El Mitico vs. Rob Wright


Mitico's the bigger name


Eddie Howard vs. Frost


Eddie's got more traction right now.


Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown


Higher up the card.

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs. Behemoth & Oscar Golden


Contenders for Jay?

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Friday Week 1, June 2012

In front of 2,975 fans in Centerpiece Bridge





Remmington Remus - Dharma Gregg - Adrian Garcia


Welcome once again to Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s Showcase, everyone! I’m Remmington Remus alongside Dharma Gregg and the always pleasant Adrian Garcia --




--and we’re proud to be bringing you tonight’s action.


That’s right, Remmy. We’re still a few weeks away from the official start of summer, but things are already heating up as the World Champ makes his way to the ring.







Fresh off of a victory over American Patriot at Old School Rules, the always confident (****y?) Jay Chord opened up this evening’s show by sauntering down toward the ring. The champ wore an immaculate pin-striped suit, a pair of expensive looking shades (which seemed to be hiding a growing black eye), and, to top off the ensemble, he wore the World Championship slung lazily over his shoulder.


Ladies and gentleman, your World Champion is here!


The crowd booed loudly, and Jay soaked it all in, loving it.


Last week I walked into Old School Rules as what many of you saw as the clear underdog. Of course, any betting man would tell you otherwise, but you can’t exactly explain that to you morons. But regardless of how misguided your thoughts were, you all believed that that overblown idiot would beat me last week and make some sort of miraculous return to the form he had 2 years ago. But let’s be honest, the last guy he beat was some moron that thinks he’s a pirate. When’s the last time he beat a real opponent? Nevermind one of my immense stature.


I’m Jay Chord. I’m the complete package. I’ve got everything it takes to succeed in this business, and I’ve put all of those pieces together. I’ve got the natural talent. I’ve put in the hard work. I’ve developed the skills. I’ve got the charisma. I can walk the walk and I can talk the talk. But most of all --


Jay took his time, smirking condescendingly at the crowd.


-- I’m a Chord.


No sooner had he finished his spiel that the Vessey Family Fight Song began to play and Cameron Vessey stepped out on the stage to thunderous applause.




Whoah, whoah, whoah, Jay. You better keep that ego in check. If it gets any bigger, the damn thing might pop.


It’s not ego if I can back it all up, Cam.


Sure, sure. But tell me, how many matches did it take you to finally take that belt off me?


That doesn’t matter to--


Four. Four matches, Jay, and you only won one. Those odds just don’t speak very highly of you to me. Might be, they’re telling me you beating me in the first place was a fluke.


A fluke?


Jay was suddenly red with anger.


You couldn’t even stand up to try and stop me from taking this belt!


That may be so, but I know three other times you didn’t even come close to “taking it from me.” But I’m not here to argue. You beat me fair and square. I respect that, I guess. I don’t respect you, but hey, who does? You drink more than my daddy at a family reunion. Hell, you drink more than YOUR daddy.


Jay was fuming now.


I’m here to finally cash in on my rematch clause, Jay. Every champion gets one. Why the last few haven’t cashed in, I don’t know. I gave you your time in the sun. I’ve seen how you handle it. As far as I’m concerned, I’m doing you a favor by taking that belt off you.


Me and everyone else have watched you turn into an alcoholic. You can’t handle the stress. That’s alright. All you’ve gotta do is let one of the big boys come along, and I’ll sweep up the pieces of that belt’s legacy, the one you tore to shreds, and I’ll make it all.


You were better off just asking for a rematch, you know. You might have stood a chance then. But now? Now you’ve pissed me off you redneck bastard. At the Fan Festival, I’m going to tear you apart, Cam.


That’s cute, boy. But I know something that you don’t, and it’s going to make all the difference when we square off.


Oh yeah? What’s that?


Cam smirked.


I’m better than you, Jay.


CV: Don’t believe me? Let me give you a little exhibition. I hear that idiot pirate and his overblown moron friend are in a tag match against the piano player and the hillbilly, what do you say we make it a six way?


JC: You’re on, Vessey.







The last time these two faced off, they tore down the house in one of the greatest matches we’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to see Cameron Vessey get revenge and take his belt back.


HIS belt? Darling, Mr. Jay Chord won that belt fair and square. Besides, do you want a World Champion with class, or a redneck like Vessey?


I’m sorry, where does Jay Chord fit into the equation? Because he certainly has NO class.







Miller Fforde w/ Cam Jones vs. Marv Statler w/ Dean Waldorf & Lisa Bowen


Miller Fforde and Cam Jones surprised the MAW fan base when they shockingly defeated Culture Shock, The Primadonnas, AND the Heartbreakers to earn a tag title shot, shooting themselves straight out of obscurity and into the title mix.


Despite both men’s partner’s being at ringside, this was a fairly straightforward matchup that saw the quick Fforde trying to use his speed advantage to beat out Statler. Unfortunately for the young graduate, that tactic didn’t work ot for him most of the time, and he found himself crashing and burning more oft than not. Statler attacked with the cold precision the Generals have become known for, and Lisa Bowen sat on the outside, looking smug as ever wrapped in the tag title belts. Just as Statler looked to end it with his Backdrop Backbreaker, though, Miller surprised everyone by flipping backwards out the back of the maneuver, landing on his feet, and skillfully rolling up Statler to score a three count out of no where!


Miller Fforde wins, 47


Fforde beat a hasty retreat from the ring, joining Cam Jones on the outside as the two celebrated a shocker of a win just three weeks before they challenge for the tag team championship. Statler, meanwhile, looked shocked in the ring as Lisa Bowen verbally berated, going to far as to pop him one on the back of the head.







Fforde pulls through in the clutch again, stealing a win seemingly from no where!


Stealing is right. Statler had that match won. Tell me again who these losers are that they’ve climbed so high on the pecking order around here?


They’re the number one contenders, Adrian.


Gee, thanks, darling.







Backstage, we see Ted Powell and Ant-Man relaxing over a game of cards. Powell seems to be cleaning his young friend out.


All in.


Ant-Man looks at his cards.


I’ll call. What do you have?


Powell laid down his hand.


Damn it! You’re taking advantage of me, man. You know I get fidgety when I don’t have a match.


Powell only smiled.


Speaking of which, I couldn’t help but notice that neither of us got a match at the Fan Festival either. That’s gonna be almost 2 months with no matches. I thought we did good when we ran Citizen X out of town, but now there’s no one left for us to fight with.


Powell nodded.


So…I was thinking. What about you and me?


Powell piqued his head.


I’m serious. Neither of us have a match, let’s wrestle! Are you in?


Powell smiled.


…Why don’t you just deal the cards?







Great, now I have to call a match that ONLY has those two in it. Shoot me now.


I don’t know why you’re complaining. Powell’s a great veteran wrestler on the roster and Ant-Man’s one of the better up-and-comers we have.


…Do you forget things if they happened over three months ago or something?







With a grimace on his face, “Mean” Jean Cattley walked down to the ring with his young protégé, Sterling Whitlock.


For the past few years, I’d say that I’ve fallen off the map a little bit. I’m not afraid to say it. That’s bound to happen when you’ve done everything you can in a company like I have. I was completely fine with it. But you can’t imagine how insulted I was when The Architect called me out. I was taught to respect the pecking order, and here was this kid calling me out, knowing he was a few steps below me. But then I stepped back and I looked at myself. I looked at what I had come to, and I was disgusted. I’ve become a stepping stone, and The Architect was right to call me out. But I still beat him, and that’s why I want him to come out here, right now.


A moment later, and Degausser his the speakers and Architect made his way to the ring.




Kid, I showed you last week that I’m not going to be your stepping stone. I’m not going to be anyone’s stepping stone. I’m going to back to the top. Now I beat you, but I had to eat everything you had to that, and you know what? I liked it. I see in you the same thing I see in Sterling. You’ve got a mean streak, kid, just like me. I may have knocked you down a few rungs, but let me tell you, I want to take you up a few more with me. I want you to be there when I get my belt back. So, what do you say? Do you want to be a part of The Machine?


Jean extended his hand to Architect, and it hung in the air for a moment as the youngster considered. Pretty quickly, though, Architect stuck out his own and the two shook, cementing their new alliance.







That’s a hell of an alliance.


Mean Jean, Whitlock, AND The Architect? I feel bad for anyone that gets stuck in the ring with them.


It looks like Josh Jones and Nate DeMarcus are going to be the first to find out what that’s like, because The Architect and Whitlock are both dressed to compete.







Josh Jones & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Architect & Sterling Whitlock


Josh Jones is coming off a big tag team win over The Primadonnas last week, and looked absolutely great out there. Both The Architect and Whitlock had some great exchanges with him all through the match, and a couple of times it even looked like Jones would win the match. Unfortunately, tag teams are only as strong as their weakest link, and Nate DeMarcus isn’t exactly a powerful one yet. The recent Mid Atlantic Boot Camp graduate is very athletic and a capable enough brawler, but Architect and Whitlock have both built reputations as mean wrestlers that enjoy to pick on the weaknesses of other. This led to a massive momentum switch every single time Nate got in there, and he quickly lost the match once Architect locked him in the ankle lock, with Sterling Whitlock sprinting across the ring and blocking Jones from breaking the hold with a bone-crunching Exploder Suplex.


The Architect and Whitlock win via submission, 53






I think any questions as to how they’d work together have just been answered.


The two of them just seemed to bully Nate DeMarcus the entire time.


They saw their spot and took it. Smart.









We go now to dimly lit locker room, one that’s clearly not seen much use in recent times. No benches sit lined neatly in front of the lockers, and some of those are even overturned. What light there is in the room is coming from a flickering light bulb hanging from the center of the room, and between flashes we can see Eddie Cornell waiting in the darkness. His hair seems even longer than last week, and on his face he has a bit of white face paint with splashes of black, looking not too dissimilar than he did after his match last week.


Why. Why, why, why. I’m so tired of hearing people ask why. They asked me why I cheated, and I told them it was because I liked it, but they weren’t happy with that. Not…happy…


Cornell smiled wide.


Then they asked me why I put the final nail in Ota’s coffin, and I thought I already told them. I’ll say it again: I had to bury Ota once and for all. I was…unhappy. Angry. Lee was helping me move away from that person, but you took him away from me…


Cornell stopped smiling here.


So I had to make due with you. I had to use you, Ota. Use you to get to my happy place, my nirvana. But after feeding on your blood and pain, I realized something. I was already there. I was already at nirvana! But you, you helped me go even further than that. You did more for me than Lee could have ever hoped to.


Ota, you helped me BECOME Nirvana.







Any time I see him now, it’s just…unsettling.


Don’t worry, darling, I’m here for you.


That really makes me feel better.







Duke Hazard here, standin’ by with Casey Valentine. Casey, tonight ya got Lenny Brown one on one, how’re ya feelin’ about the match?


Even with Hazard questioning him, Valentine was still liberally applying baby lotion to his chest and abs, and continued to do so as he answered the question.


It’s no secret that I’m a…****y individual, Duke. So what do I do when I heard people going crazy about Lenny Brown because he got his first win last month? That’s right, I asked for this match. Brown stole that win from me. It was mine, and I’m going to show him what a real win looks like.


That’s real nice, Valentine.




The camera panned over to reveal Lenny Brown, a towel draped over his shoulders as he slow clapped.


You are right, I give you that. You WILL show me what a real win looks like, once I hit you with the Star Treatment, and pin you uno, dos, tres! BLAM!


Brown didn’t wait for Valentine to respond, as he quickly turned and walked away, chuckling the entire time.







I’m sorry, but Valentine looks like he jumped in a pool of that stuff.


THAT’S what you keyed into that entire interview? I question you, man.







El Mitico vs. Rob Wright


Trent Schaffer was conspicuously absent at ringside for this one, and that meant that even the chance Wright would get offense in after a distraction was taken away. All the charismatic youngster could manage to get in was a few punch, punch, punch, kick, punch combos that seemed ineffectual at best. Mitico took it in stride, and seemed like an absolute machine, systematically taking Wright down and tearing his arm apart at an insane pace before slapping on his patented arm bar, forcing Wright to tap out within seconds.


Mitico wins, 68 (0_o)


Getting down on his knees to give praise as has become his custom, Mitico was quickly ambushed from behind by none other than Trent Schaffer. Schaffer spent some time stomping down on Mitico, but the tables quickly turned when Mitico latched onto Schaffer’s leg, pulled himself up, and took him down with a dragon screw! The luchadore was quick to descend on his rival, grabbing an arm and looking for the arm bar. Schaffer wisely slipped from the ring, however, and backed up the ramp slowly, rubbing his elbow.


EM: From the beginning, I’ve said that I will do whatever I can to try and clean up the locker room. I’ve tried to help you, amigo, I really have. But you are not receptive to rehabilitation. You revel in playing the part of the villain. You’re vain, you lie, you cheat, you’re disrespectful, and you do not hesitate to attack someone from behind. You do not want to change, amigo, so I will not help you.


EM: I’m not on a crusade. I do not wish to solve my problems with violence. I’d do anything to just be able to talk these things out. But you don’t want to talk. You’ve gotten yourself a high place here in MAW, and you got it through underhanded means. At the Fan Festival, I will take that spot from you. I’m done trying to help you, amigo. Now, I will break you.







Trent doesn’t seem to like that at all.


He may not, but I do. Mitico’s been boring me with this pseudo-pacifist crap lately. I like seeing him be the cold machine that he really is.


Pseudo pacifist crap? Adrian, Mitico’s been trying to help people!


Yeah, yeah. Look, this is wrestling, and we solve all of our problems with violence. Or, if you’re the SWF, a flex-off between Big Smack Scott and Primus Allen.







Next out, we see Nadia Snow and Brooke Tyler backstage. Snow’s still wearing the stolen Women’s Championship clasped tightly around her waist. Brooke Tyler stands scowling behind her.


Some of you may say, “Nadia, you are a thief. That’s not your championship.” And to that, I pose my own question, “Isn’t it?”


I broke Sara Marie’s nose last week. She is unable to compete, and unable to even be here tonight. It’s sad, no?


I am here, and she is not. I can compete, and she cannot. So, I am the champion. Is she would like to dispute that, then I welcome her to. Sara Marie: I’ll be at Fan Festival, will you?







Calling her a champion is ridiculous.


I don’t think anyone seriously is, though.


SHE is.







“Mr. Amazing” Eddie Howard vs. Frost


Frost is a big, heavy handed brawler, but so is Mr. Amazing, who came out with a mission to punish. Even with serious intent, Howard still found it in him to play to the crowd. This came back to bite him in the ass at one point, as the monstrous Canadian came at him with evil intent, battering him for a while. Howard, using some hard punches and some heavy knees, still found it in himself to fight back and come through with the Jackhammer Suplex to score the win.


Howard wins, 57


Ya’ll like that?


Howard had grabbed a mic and was addressing the fans.


Yeah, me too.


You know what I like even more? Gold, baby. Mr. Amazing can’t get enough of it. But Mr. Amazing ain’t got it. Some crazy Brit ******* does. Now, I feel like I just made a good case for a title shot. So what do you say, Rip? Let’s make it happen.







He made a strong case in my book.


I agree. I just don’t know if he knows what he’s getting into challenging Cornell. The state of mind that man’s in right now…


He’s Mr. Amazing, Remus. He knows exactly what he’s getting into.







Casey Valentine vs. Lenny Brown


Both of these men have big personalities, and both spent a LOT of time preening around and showing off for the fans. Every big move elicited a celebration as the two did all they could to try and one up the other. And one up they did. This one may have been short, but it was jam packed with big moments. If Valentine hit a big back suplex, Brown came back with a spinning one. When Brown hit a huge avalanche in the corner, Valentine hit a flying elbow in the corner. Brown thought he had succeeded in the flash department when he hit a very nice pop up rana, knowing that Valentine couldn’t do a move like that. Valentine, however, knew that as well, and came back in kind with a Valentine’s Kiss (Standing leg drop to the back of the head) that surprised the prematurely celebrating Brown to score the win.


Valentine wins, 62






Does Mark Smart still work here? Can we get him to try and clean up the puddle of baby oil these two left in the ring?


Mark Smart? Who’s that?











Cameron Vessey, American Patriot & Dread de Aske w/ Joanna Silver vs. Jay Chord, Oscar Golden & Behemoth w/ Lisa Bowen


Mark Smart may not have been here to wipe the ring down, but a ring boy did towel it off a bit. Jay Chord, meanwhile, had sauntered down to the ring, swigging a bottle of beer.


And this is our champion.


It’s sickening is what it is.


The referee had taken it before the match began, despite Jay’s protests, and everyone else made their way to the ring to kick off this match.


Aside from Oscar Golden (a technician) and Dread de Aske (An adept all rounder), everyone in this one is a brawler, and that’s exactly what we got. Jay did his best to stay out of the action, letting Bowen’s boys handle the lion’s share of it. One might say he was being wise so close to a big title defense. If you subscribe to that school of thought, you might think Cameron Vessey was being an enormous moron. Jay’s opponent for the Fan Festival was mixing it up with everyone, and was clear the star of the match.


Eventually, the match began to break down. Patriot had occupied his time brawling around ringside with Behemoth, leaving Dread and Jay on the apron with Vessey and Golden the legal men. Vessey was dominating Oscar, but The Golden One managed to slip away for him and sprinted over to his corner, tagging in a surprised Jay, who had been watching Patriot and Behemoth mercilessly smack one another upside the head. Jay wanted no business getting in the ring, but Vessey had other plans, and brought him in the hard way. The two brawled a bit, but Cam had the clear edge here, and was absolutely dominating the champ. At one point, Jay had scrambled on his hands and knees, trying to escape the ring under the ropes, but Cam caught him and dragged him back in just before he managed to get completely out.


The only problem was that Jay hadn’t been dragged back in empty handed. As soon as he was brought back in, Jay flipped over and lashed forward, bashing the beer bottle he had brought with him to ring right over Vessey’s head!


Seeing the glass and beer fly everywhere, the referee immediately called for the bell, disqualifying Jay and his team on the spot. Jay didn’t seem to care, as he quickly rolled out of the ring, snatched up his belt, and beat a hasty retreat, watching the chaos unfold in the ring.


Behemoth, Patriot, Golden, and de Aske were all brawling around the ring, while EMT’s sprinted down to the ring to assist Vessey, who was rolling around in pain, blood pouring from his forehead.


Vessey, de Aske and Patriot win via DQ, 67






What was that!?


Like I said, this man is our champion. What an embarrassment.


Hey, watch your mouth. Jay Chord’s intelligent. He’s protecting himself and weakening his opponent before a major title defense.


Oh, is that what you call it?


Yeah, that’s what I call it.





Total: 59

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Fan Festival 2013: For the fans, by...well, by me, but I guess the booker can be a fan, too, right?







Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship - Still too soon for Cornell to lose the belt

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship - SMY seems like a good draw, so we'll go with her to retain

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship - Just a case of me pulling for the challengers

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth - I hated when I gave up Patriot in my diary and can never get the pirate's full potential, so heres to living my dreams for them through you

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell - Just never liked Ted Powell

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer - Haven't seen Trent yet since I've been following. He gets the nod as the possible debutee

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship - Just can't see Cam beating Chord yet.

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell - Go Johnny, go-go-go...

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

Its weird having a guy in my diary who crosses over with MAW. He's great. And will reveal fully his new persona


Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

To make it all the worse when Nadia wins it fairly soon


Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

you seem to be giving them love. Ill be honest - Im not convinced yet


American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

AP needs to be back on top


Ant-Man vs Ted Powell

In a 'friendly' match JH needs to go over. This is his diary!


El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

Whens he getting the new alt pic?


Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

I'm waiting for a Jay/AntMan feud next please

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

I can see a prolonged feud occurring but I don't see Cornell being forced to a DQ/time limit cheesy retain when Howard hasn't done anything to prove himself yet

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

You have no other female faces to challenge Snow unless you give it to Snow for a couple months only to have SMY take it back

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

Though I think Ring Generals retain either way, but the way your tag division has been built they are the only team who has ever really beaten one of the champs and a clean loss would leave you with no real challengers imo

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

Golden isn't a believable main eventer to me

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell

Ant-Man was at his best on his own/with fellow masked heroes... Powell's only been keeping him from being pushed too quick. Maybe a return to the Traditional title is in order?

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

To force Mitico to question the straight and narrow and add some balance to this feud

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship

Not without more build, draw is possible though

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Eddie Howard vs Eddie Cornell © for the Traditional Championship

Why must two Eddies fight :o

Sara Marie York © vs Nadia Snow (stolen ©) for the Women's Championship

Fforde & Jones vs The Ring Generals © for the Tag Team Championship

This Ffeud needs to be extended

American Patriot & Dread de Aske vs Oscar Golden & Behemoth

Ant-Man vs Ted Powell

El Mitico vs Trent Schaffer

Cameron Vessey vs Jay Chord © for the World Championship - draw

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